i can confirm that he was a neighbor, that he was not a relative. he was not a friend. >> reporter: tonight, this tight-knit town's pain on full display. this growing memorial in faye's honor. >> and marcus moore with us tonight. marcus, i know you're learning more about the man whose body was recovered? >> reporter: david, police say taylor had no criminal history. he was unknown to law enforcement. investigators talked to him after faye disappeared and went into his home before making that tragic discovery. police say they could release more information about the cause of death in the next day or two. david. >> just an awful story all week long here, marcus, thank you. next, to new questions as the justice department opens a new probe into the handling of the michael flynn case. one of the president's earliest advisers. it comes amid criticism the president applied pressure on the justice department in the roger stone case. the attorney general denying that in our abc news interview. and terry moran tonight with