ariana. >> she's my sweetheart. i was thinking about her when i went in the plane, yes. that, what would she do without me? >> reporter: investigators will want to look at the age and condition of the plane, as well as pilot performance. given how cold it was, they also need to check how thoroughly it had been de-iced. tom? >> ian pannell with that horrific accident tonight. thank you. back here at home, news involving ousted cardinal peter mccarrick. reports that he wrote checks for more than $600,000, to aides in roam. payments made at the same time the vatican was under fire for failing to investigate allegations of sexual harassment against him. here's david wright. >> reporter: tonight, tough new questions for the roman catholic church about why officials turned a blind eye for years to allegations of sexual misconduct by former cardinal theodore mccarrick. "the washington post" reports mccarrick gave hundreds of

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