breaking news tonight, and it is bizarre. we are live on the scene of a standoff that just ended between fremont police and a suspect who's been dropgds his pants, spray painting messages and throwing things. i'm meteorologist drew tuma. tracking light rain out there tonight. we'll look at live doppler 7 ahead. building a better bay area takes all of us, of course. you asked questions, we listened. tonight some answers about the future of san francisco. >> now from abc 7, live breaking news. that breaking news is the peaceful end to a bizarre standoff with a suspect on top of a five-story building. good evening, thank you for joining us. >> the standoff lasted for hours and we are happy to report it has come to a safe conclusion. >> police blocked of streets near the scene on warm springs boulevard near brown road not far from the warm springs b.a.r.t. station. >> the standoff was with this man. sky 7 capturing him on top of a construction site with behavior