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10yearold. The American Woman, the tourist kidnapped. Theyre demanding a half million, and were there tonight. New reporting this evening, investigators on Robert Muellers Team Reportedly unhappy with the attorney generals summary, saying their findings involving the president were far more alarming. Prince harry taking a stand tonight. He now wants a ban on one of the most Popular Video games here in the u. S. And around the world. And made in america is back tonight. Were taking another swing. Our trip to the ballpark and one more thing we discovered made in america. Good evening. And its great to have you with us here on a thursday night. And we begin tonight with that heartbreaking new turn late today in the case of that missing 6yearold boy that riveted much of the nation. Timmothy pitzen is the illinois boy who was last seen when he was just 6. This surveillance of him with his mother among the last images of him. Overnight, we reported a young man coming forward, telling police he had just escaped, he ran across state lines, he said. The family of the boy suddenly filled with new hope after waiting for so many years. And then, just a short time ago, the fbi revealing it is not the boy. Heartbreak again. And what would lead someone to do this . Abcs whit johnson leading us off from cincinnati. Reporter tonight, heartbreak for the family of missing Timmothy Pitzen, after the fbi announced a dna test confirms the mysterious young man who showed up in kentucky is not who he claimed to be. Its devastating. Yeah. Its like reliving that day all over again. And timmothys father is devastated once again. Reporter instead, authorities say, this is not a boy at all, but a 23yearold man from ohio, Brian Michael rini. Prison records there show a man there with the same name served time for burglary and vandalism. And tonight, they want to know why he told this elaborate tale, giving a family false hope. Oh, its kind of back to ground zero for us. Kind of reliving everything that did happen and renewing the loss one more time. Reporter since 2011, pitzens family has searched for the little boy who vanished with his mother when he was just 6 years old. Its just more devastated than anything else. Wheres tim at . If i knew where he was, id go get him. Id do just about anything to get him back. Reporter his mother seen on surveillance, taking him out of school and on a trip to a zoo and water parks. Days later, committing suicide, leaving a chilling note, saying timmothy was safe, but would never be found. Hes with a 14yearold juvenile, male, white, says he was kidnapped from somewhere. Reporter eight years later, this young man in a hoodie showing up in a Northern Kentucky neighborhood. Sharon hall snapping this picture. I could see the side of his face was scarred up, almost like he had been on concrete or something, like scars. Reporter like he had some injuries or something . Yes, yes, and his face was real rough and he was just frantic. Reporter he told a harrowing story about how he had just escaped his kidnappers. He walked up to my car and he went, can you help me . I just want to get home. And he told me hes been kidnapped and hes been traded through all these people. Reporter but that lie is not discouraging Timmothy Pitzens family. We know that you are out there somewhere, tim. And we will never stop looking for you. Praying for you and loving you. And whit johnson joins us live now from outside the fbi in cincinnati. Whit, we cant imagine what this family is going through, this roller coaster of a 24 hours. They had new hope for some time, and where does this case go from here . Reporter well, david, a spokesperson with the aurora, illinois, police department, when asked if anything good can come from this case, he said it did create a renewed awareness in the Timmothy Pitzen disappearance, but tonight, its still unclear what charges could be in store for the man who made this whole thing up. David . Whit johnson leading us off tonight. Whit, thank you. We are also following a hostage standoff still unfolding at this hour. Two Police Officers shot and rushed to the hospital in a suburban Atlanta Neighborhood. They were responding to a call and then coming under fire. Heavilyarmed s. W. A. T. Teams moving in. The gunman holding at least one hostage, a 16yearold boy. Its unclear at this hour if the woman in the house has survived. The area on lockdown, part of i75 shut down tonight. Abcs Steve Osunsami is on the scene for us. Reporter police say the barricaded gunman in this suburban Atlanta Neighborhood was promising to shoot cops, and has already wounded two. Two henry county Police Officers were rushed to a hospital in downtown atlanta. One had to be airlifted. Hes got two small children. Reporter the family of one of them spoke outside the hospital. This is the familys worst nightmare. Reporter this began with a frantic call from a woman reporting that someone inside the home may have been hurt or possibly killed. The officers were shot trying to enter the home. Some type of domestic dispute. It was a trouble unknown and we just didnt get the information. The female caller was distraught. Reporter police say a 16yearold boy, related to the gunman, is being held hostage inside the home. A small army of local authorities set up next door and at one point, sent a robot into the house. Families trying to get home couldnt. Neighbors inside their homes couldnt leave. Four kids were reunited with their father were you scared, dad . Yes, i was scared. Reporter after police helped them climb over a back fence. So, lets get to Steve Osunsami, who has been on the scene for us all day long. And steve, the officers themselves, theyre expected to be okay . Reporter yes, david. One officer was shot in the hand, the other in the upper torso. And police say that his police vest may have saved his life. Both officers are in stable condition tonight. David . Steve osunsami. Steve, thank you. Were going to turn next tonight to the horrifying description from inside the cockpit of that boeing max jet that crashed, the second one to go down. The ethiopians now saying tonight, quote, the crew performed all of the procedures provided by the manufacturer. And yet, they couldnt save the plane. And tonight, boeing now with a stunning acknowledgement. What theyre now saying. And heres abcs david kerley. Reporter the first look tonight at the drama in the cockpit before the second deadly crash. A sensor malfunctions seconds after takeoff. Sources telling abc news they believe it was a bird strike triggering that antistall system, mcas, nosing down the plane twice before the pilots shut off the system. The boeing procedure. But they cant manually nose up the plane, possibly because of the jets high speed. Its putting too much pressure on the stabilizer as alarms sound. Pull up reporter then, counter to the boeing guidelines, the data shows the pilots turned the power back on. Mcas misfiring again, sending them into a steeper dive and crash. Shared blame according to a former ntsb investigator. Certainly, the design of the aircraft, the design of the system, the information provided to pilots, but also, the pilots themselves and how they reacted to the situation. Reporter and tonight, boeings ceo acknowledging the link between crashes. Its our responsibility to eliminate this risk. We own it and we know how to do it. All right, david kerley with us live. Hes been on this story from the start. And david, we just heard boeings ceo saying there, we own it. It must have really concerned them when they heard that these ethiopian pilots, at least at first, did what they were supposed to do and it still didnt keep the jet in the air. Reporter and puzzled, david, why they deviated from the guidelines and turned that system back on, as well as the speed. 94 thrust. The manual says if you want to handtrim the plane, you have to be going at a slower speed. David . All right, david kerley with us tonight. David, thank you. We also have new reporting here tonight on the American Woman, the tourist, kidnapped by gunmen. Theyre now demanding a half million in ransom. Authorities in uganda tonight with a new warning, given whats happened to this American Woman. Abcs senior Foreign Correspondent ian pannell has just arrived in uganda for us. Reporter tonight, ugandan officials expanding the search zone as they frantically look for an American Woman and her local driver, kidnapped while on a ugandan safari, similar to these promoted by the tour company. A joint operation by police, armed forces and wildlife authorities now looking beyond the Queen Elizabeth national park, where kimberly sue endicott, identified by neighbors as this woman, and Jeanpaul Mirenge remezo were taken at gunpoint over two days ago. They were with an elderly canadian couple who were allowed to escape and warn authorities. An official in washington telling abc news, it appears the abduction is motivated by money. But there are fears it couldve been poachers or even militia rebels from neighboring congo. The kidnappers demanding half a Million Dollars ransom. Did they have a guard on this occasion . On this occasion, they did reporter tonight, the state Department Warning americans to avoid the parts of the park where the pair were taken until this is resolved. And ian pannell reporting in tonight from uganda for us. As this search for this American Woman continues, i know, ian, that officials are now closing parts of the border and theyre telling tourists to travel with protection because of this incident . Thats a change. Reporter yeah, this is a change. And, you know, ugandans are genuinely shocked by whats happened here. Its a mark of how normally safe this country is. Theres not an actual requirement, normally, to take an armed guard. But obviously after this incident, that advice is now changing, theyre telling people to take protection while still insisting this country is safe for tourists. David . All right, ian pannell and our team in uganda for us. Thank you, ian. And back here at home tonight, there is a major new headline involving the Mueller Report, and in particular, members of Robert Muellers team who are reportedly unhappy with how the report was summarized by the attorney general, telling associates that what they discovered was more alarming. Abcs mary bruce on the hill for us. Reporter tonight, for the first time, members of Robert Muellers team are reportedly sharing frustration with how attorney general bill barr is handling their report. According to the washington post, an associate of the mueller team calls the report is much more acute than barr suggested. Sources telling the post the evidence on obstruction of justice was alarming and significant. Barr has released a fourpage letter outlining his main conclusions, which the Justice Department insists is not an attempt to summarize the report. But the post reports mueller team is frustrated, because they prepared their own summaries, to be shared in their own words and not in the attorney generals summary of their work. One official briefed on the issue tells the post those summaries were written in a way haveeeney, and e rk wld have ok itself. Theres an easy answer to lethmur po and let me just say the Mueller Report will be released. Reporter the Justice Department is pushing back, suggesting they couldnt release any of the mueller teams summaries, because every page of muellers confidential report was marked with a notation that it may contain confidential material. Barr has promised to make public a redacted version soon. The president says he supports that. Let it come out, let people see it. Thats up to the attorney general. Reporter but today, he tweeted, there is nothing we can ever give to the democrats that will make them happy. Republicans like trumps ally, senator lindsey graham, wants to see more. Publicly, just for, you know, to le for their money. Reporhe attonall that barrs summary may not be an accurate reflection . Zero. Hes not stupid. Why would he do that . Mary bruce on the hill tonight. And mary, amid this new reporting that members of muellers team are not happy, tonight, House Democrats are and inning that the attorney general hand over those summaries, reportedly prepared by muellers team, that some maintain were ready for the public but werent turned over . Reporter yes, and not only those summaries, david. In light of these new reports, democrats here on the hill are demanding to see all communications between the mueller team and the Justice Department about this report and its disclosure to congress. David . Mary bruce. Well see you tomorrow night. In the meantime, in the race for 2020, ohio congressman tim ryan, economic centrist from the heartland, telling the cohosts on the view today that hes running. And will fight for the working class democrats who voted for President Trump but who havent, in his words, seen the results. And tonight, is facebook prepared for 2020 and reprotect . Facebook has already said onethird of the u. S. Population saw posts from russian trolls during the 2016 election. George stephanopoulos asking Facebook Ceo Mark Zuckerberg if theyre ready. We need to make sure that our systems stay ahead of the sophisticated bad actors who are just always going to try to game them. And thats just part of the dynamic that were in and we need to always keep on investing in more to stay ahead of that. Looking ahead to 2020, are you ahead right now . Im confident in where we are now. Weve learned a lot since 2016, where obviously we were behind where we needed to be on defenses for nation states trying to interfere. Zuckerberg with george on gma, saying facebook now has better collaboration with law enforcement, Election Officials and the intelligence community. There is still much more ahead on world news tonight this thursday. Road rage in america. The 10yearold daughter killed. The father with his family in the car. Authorities say they were followed home by another driver who then opened fire on the family. Theres also news coming in tonight about the search for a missing teacher and mother here in the new york city area. The discovery tonight inside a storage facility. And news on the vaping scare involving young people in this country. Several students sickened and taken to the hospital. Why one teenager is now facing charges tonight. A lot more news ahead. A lot more news ahead. Lot more muznews ahead. To inspire confidence through style. Im working to make connections of a different kind. Im working for beauty that begins with nature. To treat every car like i treat mine. At adp were designing a better way to work, so you can achieve what youre working for. Yeah, ive had some prettyeer. Prestigious jobs over the years. 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Ill take aleve. Aleve. Proven better on pain. Hed die of lung cancer. Susan N Leonard was afraid he never thought it would be copd. You always think you have more time than you do. And you really dont. announcer you can quit. For free help, call 1800quitnow. We turn next tonight to the urgent manhunt in a deadly road rage shooting in phoenix. Police say a husband and wife with their daughters in the car were followed home by another driver, who then opened fire on the family. Abcs Adrienne Bankert is in phoenix. Reporter tonight, a 10yearold girl is dead, shot while riding along in the family car. Phoenix police now on the lookout for this white truck. Surveillance video shows the driver of that truck tailgating a family of four back to their home. They pulled into the driveway of their residence. The truck stopped, driver rolled down the window and opened fire on that family as they sat in their car. Reporter 10yearold Summerbell Brown died at the hospital. Her father was wounded. Police suspect road rage is to blame. This is really hard for me, i lost my baby. Reporter officials are looking for a man between 30 and 40 years old and that white fourdoor ford f150 with damage to the left rear side. We are furious. Theres nothing thats going to bring our daughter back. And there is nothing that we want more than justice. Reporter david, Phoenix Police say this is the seventh road rage incident so far this year, the fifth in just the last two weeks. David . Adrienne bankert tonight, thank you. When we come back here, the most expensive divorce ever. What jeff bezos wife has settled for. Also, news coming in about the search for a missing teacher and mother here in new york city. The discovery tonight. And prince harry and the new controversy. He wants to ban one of the most Popular Video games in the u. S. And the world. And the world. The index is next. And the world. The index is next. Or could it turn out differently . Edhelp protect myself. 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The amazon ceo will keep 75 of their stock in the company. Shell keep the other quarter, about 36 billion worth of stock. Shes now the fourth Richest Woman in the world. Several High School Students were hospitalized in connecticut amid a vaping scare. Police say at least five teens were sickened after sharing a vape pen at school. Authorities believe a 15yearold girl filled it with thc liquid. Shes now facing drug charges. And prince harry issuing a warning tonight about children and social media, calling it more addictive and dangerous than drugs or alcohol. He also wants to ban the Popular Video game fortnite, saying its designed to addict young players. He wants children to spend more time outside. When we come back tonight, made in america is back, and heres a hint. Were taking another swing. One more thing we discovered made in america. Ed my life. But im a surv. After myrt attack, my doctor prescribed brilinta. Its for people who have been hospitalized for a heart attack. 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Dont use if youre allergic to taltz. Before starting, you should be checked for tuberculosis. Taltz may increase risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Tell your doctor if you have an infection, symptoms, or received a vaccine or plan to. Inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz, including worsening of symptoms. Serious allergic reactions can occur. For all the things that move you. Ask your doctor about taltz. We humans are strange creatures. Other species avoid pain and struggle. We actually. Seek it out. Other species do difficult things because they have to. We do difficult things. Because we like to. We think its. Fun. Introducing the allnew 2019 ford ranger built for the strangest of all creatures. Finally tonight here, baseball season is back and so is made in america. Were still recovering from that batting practice. And weve also discovered something new on the field. With the earliest opening day ever this year, were not only watching the players, were watching the bats. Dove tail bats from shirley mills, maine. Hey, paul. Youll remember paul lancisi. I need some tips, is what i need. We can do that. Reporter he showed us his bats made from birch, ash and rock maple trees. Beautiful bats. This is entirely made in america. Made in maine with maine wood, with maine labor. Reporter he tried out for the major leagues. I barely made Little League. Its been awhile. Probably since Little League. A few tips. Well, first thing youre going to do, with an ash bat, you have to hit the edge grain. You cant hit the face grain. Or youre going to break the bat. Reporter all right. And then as youre swinging, youre coming in to the ball. Concentrate on hitting the ball. Reporter thanks, paul, for clapping. But tonight, were clapping, because they told us today, eight new hires at that bat factory in shirley mills. And from maine to this tiny town in texas tonight. Nocona, off highway 82. 50 workers making 150 baseball gloves a day. Robert big bob storey there on the right, nocona leather goods. Their first glove in 1934. Rob storey is his greatgrandson. Dad woed yearsge leather. From texas, oklahoma, kansas, nebraska. Reporter cutting the pattern. Stamping the logo. American made, nocona, texas. And Carla Yeargin and her son, josh, inspecting before shipping. Whats it like working with mom . Its interesting. You see family here all the time. I mean, thats just what this company is about, is family. Reporter what makes them different . The quality, the attention to detail. Reporter those gloves now used by the pirates, the twins, the royals, the tigers. And that bat maker tonight . Come on, when youre watching, are you really looking for your bat . Every time. Every atbat. Reporter American Workers tonight watching baseball, with three words in mind. Made in america we love made in america, and well be looking for those bats and gloves, too. Im david muir. I hope to see you right back here tomorrow. Good night. Good night. Live where you live, this is abc7 news. Carjacked in his own driveway. This san jose man fought back, and now hes getting justice. Good evening. Im ama daetz. And im dan ashley. Now some of this video is hard to watch, but knowing whats happened since then makes it a little easier to see. Yeah, this is the crime in progress. Yesterday morning a 72yearold man struggled with an armed carjacker who punched him and then took off. The victim was carjacked outside his house on coldwater drive. The suspect only got about two miles away before he crashed at story road and mcginnis avenue. He took off rung. But now that suspect is under arrest. Abc7 News Reporter david louie is live from san jose. That car owner has a really compelling story about why he fought for his property. Dan and ama, that is very true. Hector estrada is 72 years old and is dealing with a pulmonary condition which he suspects may shorten his life. He says thats probably why he was so bold in disregarding a gun pointed at him and going after the youthful carjacker who police later identified as being only 14 years old. 72yearold hector estrada, a retired plumber and long time Little League coach was unloading sodas from the back of his car when a teenager confronted hip, demanding the keys. I said no way. Im not going to give you. He showed me his gun and stuff like that. I said i dont care if you have a gun. Im not going give you my keys. So he reach and grabbed them. Home security video shows what happened next. He jumped in the car and i reached in and tried to pull him back. But he punched me and broke my glasses. And thats how i got all these cuts right here. And then i couldnt i started bleeding, so i couldnt see anymore. I just went around the car. I said youre on camera, and i pointed up there at the camera, and he says i dont care. And then he says i got a gun. And i said i dont care

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