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Virginia tech. Authorities said he had an Assault Rifle and was trying to get thousands of rounds of ammunition. What else he was looking for. The drowning danger. Tonight, americans on vacation, Nine Drownings in less than two weeks in the same area. And the deadly crash. The former nba player and a former American Idol contestant who did not survive. Good evening. And its great to have you with us here on a very busy wednesday night. And we begin with that deadly train collision. Onboard, more than 100 republican members of congress. That amtrak train was taking those lawmakers to a retreat, colliding with a Garbage Truck in virginia. It happened this morning, not long after the State Of The Union last night. The driver of the truck was killed. Several lawmakers jumping in to help many of the injured on the scene. And several people tonight, including congressman jason lewis, were taken to the hospital. House Speaker Paul Ryan among those onboard. And abcs linzie janis leads us off from the scene tonight. Reporter a train packed with dozens of lawmakers, their staffers and families on their way to a retreat today, slamming suffered a concussion, were sent to the hospital for evaluation. One in Critical Condition tonight. You can see Investigators Sifting through the wreckage of that Garbage Truck, and if you look in the distance, about a quarter mile in front of where the collision happened, you can see where the train finally came to a stop. Those investigators now looking into why that Garbage Truck was on the tracks. The ntsb sending a go team to the site. And linzie janis with us live tonight from the scene of that crash. And linzie, those lawmakers did eventually make it to the retreat, and we learned a short time ago, the congressman who suffered a concussion has now joined them . Reporter thats right, david. That retreat has now begun. Congressman lewis was discharged from the hospital and has now joined his fellow lawmakers at the retreat. Of course, most of the injured, including the person who died, the man who died, were in that truck. Just a devastating scene here behind me. Investigators still here now. David . All right, linzie janis leading us off tonight. Thank you, linzie. Now, to the other breaking headline from washington at this hour. The Brewing Showdown between the president and his new fbi director, his handpicked director, now urging the president not to release a secret memo reportedly critical of the fbi. Written by republicans in the house. The president was overheard leaving the State Of The Union last night, telling a lawmaker he 100 plans to release the memo. The fbi tonight saying it has grave concerns about the accuracy of the memo, and heres abcs chief White House Correspondent jonathan karl. Reporter its a showdown between the president and the man he chose to lead the fbi. At issue . The controversial classified memo accusing the Justice Department of political bias. As he left the state of the Union Address last night, the president was caught on camera telling a republican congressman that hed allow the memo to be made public. Lets release the memo. Oh yeah, dont worry, 100 . Reporter this morning, Chief Of Staff john kelly told fox news it will happen soon. Did you see it . I did. What do you think . It will be released here pretty quick, i think and the whole world can see it. Reporter hours later, the fbi issued an extraordinary statement directly challenging the president and his Chief Of Staff, saying the fbi had been given only a limited chance to review the memo, and, quote, we have grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memos accuracy. The memo was written by republicans on the house Intelligence Committee, chaired by California Republican devin nunes, a close ally of President Trump. Sources briefed on the memo tell abc news it accuses the Justice Department of acting inappropriately when it obtained a Surveillance Warrant for a former Trump Campaign adviser suspected of being a russian agent. There may have been malfeasance by people at the fbi. Reporter but democrats on the Intelligence Committee say the republican memo is misleading, because it cherrypicks the facts. Deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein and fbi director Christopher Wray met with Chief Of Staff kelly at the white counsel in front of the american people. Have you seen good cause to Fire Special Counsel Mueller . No. Reporter critics say President Trumps question to rosenstein, are you on my team . , is part of a pattern. Former fbi director james comey claims the president told him, i need loyalty. I expect loyalty. He asked specifically of loyalty in the context of asking me to stay. Reporter and just last week, the president allegedly asked former fbi acting director Andrew Mccabe who he voted for. Did you ask mccabe who he voted for . Did you ask him that . I dont think so. No, i dont think i did. You did not . I dont know whats the big deal with that. Pierre thomas with us tonight, and obviously, pierre, we know mccabe abruptly stepping aside as deputy fbi director just this week. Reporter david, Mccabes Departure was another sign of the mounting tension between the white house and the Justice Department. People inside the fbi and Justice Department are waiting to see how the president responds to these new bombshells. The question tonight how long can this tension continue . David . Pierre thomas with us, as well, tonight. Next, this evening, new concerns over the deadly flu epidemic. Doctors in the northeast say the rapid flu tests that Help Diagnose quickly are now in short supply, as well. And in New Hampshire tonight, a mother of four dying of flu complications. She had decided against taking antiviral medication that doctors say often help shorten the duration and severity of the symptoms. Heres abcs linsey davis, on this again tonight. Reporter hospitals and clinics across the country now trying to stave off what officials are calling one of the worst flu seasons in nearly a decade with the best defense possible free flu shots. In new york would you characterize it as a severe flu season . Yeah, its severe now. It certainly is severe now. Reporter nearly 8,000 confirmed cases of the flu last week in new york state. Close to 2,000 patients hospitalized. This doctor tells us those rapid tests used to quickly diagnose the flu are in short supply in the new york area. Most Urgent Care Centers dont have them and the major suppliers cant provide them right now. Im just feeling exhausted. You know, i still got achy pains right now. Reporter Ronald Townsend was just diagnosed with the flu today. Yeah, i took the flu shot this year and i caught the flu. Reporter one of the latest victims, 38yearold amanda franks, a mother of four from New Hampshire. She was just getting rest and fluids and doing everything she thought was right. Reporter her family says she didnt take antiviral medication, because she was worried about side effects. Two days later, she got sicker. She died on the way to the hospital. This has been such a horrific flu season. Linsey with us again tonight. We know doctors recommend the antiviral drugs, tamiflu, to lessen the symptoms of the flu. And linsey, i wanted to get back to the patient you mentioned there today who had a flu shot, still got the flu. Doctors have told us that even if you have the shot and still get it, that the vaccine often helps knock down the severity of the flu once you do get it . Reporter correct, david. Doctors say even if you get the flu shot and it doesnt prevent you from getting the flu, it can reduce your symptoms and keep you out of the hospital. David . All right, linsey davis with us tonight. Next this evening, the developing story on the campus of Virginia Tech. Authorities arresting a freshman for alleged possessional of an Assault Rifle and trying to buy 5,000 rounds of ammunition. That school, of course, was the scene of a mass shooting in 2007 when 32 people were killed. Heres Abcs Steve Osunsami with what were now learning. Reporter this is the 19yearold freshman at Virginia Tech whos in jail tonight. Yunesong zow is from china, and because hes not a u. S. Citizen, its against the law in virginia for him to own the Assault Rifle police say he was training with at this shooting range last friday. It is really scary, but in the end, thats why we have the police. Reporter detectives say theyve been watching him for weeks, and were called when he removed an ar15 from his student gun locker. Police say that him using that rifle with a large clip is what breaks the law. Thank god that the police were able to find him and everything. But as a personal reaction, it was just kind of overwhelming just thinking back to what happened several years ago and just that actually could be another reality. Reporter Campus Police report that zhao not only had a rifle, but say he was also trying buy 5,000 rounds of ammo, was looking into Bulletproof Vests and had bought himself an old Police Vehicle that still has the markings and a police push bumper. His attorney tonight says, there was never any threat to the community. And in statements, both the university and Campus Police say the same. Students are much more concerned. Students deserve to know these kind of things on campus, because were the ones who live here. Reporter zhao has a bond hearing tomorrow. He has not yet entered a plea. David . Steve, thank you. The state of the Union Address now behind him, President Trump now faces a second looming deadline to avoid another Government Shutdown and along with it, the battle over immigration reform. Democrats with what has been described as a mostly silent protest during the State Of The Union last night. Minority leader nancy pelosi there. The white house today saying that pelosi should smile more often. But she wasnt when she heard the president say, quote, americans are dreamers, too, a direct reference to the battle over the socalled dreamers. Heres abcs senior White House Correspondent cecilia vega tonight. Reporter not known for bridging the divide, tonight, President Trumps push for bipartisan unity falling flat with democrats. I call upon all of us to set aside our differences, to seek out Common Ground and to summon the unity we need to deliver for the people. Reporter on one side of the aisle, applause. On the other, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi saying it all without actually uttering a single word. The White House Press secretary today had some advice. I think she should smile a lot more often. I think the country would be better for it. Reporter democrats were hardly smiling when President Trump turned to immigration. The deadline to save the dreamers fast approaching. President trumps offer . In exchange for his border wall and tough new restrictions on legal immigration, a path to citizenship for nearly 2 million of those undocumented immigrants brought to the country as children. But that olive branch to dreamers followed by this americans are dreamers, too. Reporter his misleading claim about legal Family Migration then met with boos. Under the current broken system, a single immigrant can bring in virtually unlimited numbers of distant relatives. Under our plan, we focus on the immediate family by limiting sponsorships to spouses and minor children. Reporter citizens and green card holders can petition to bring their relatives, but entry is not automatic or unlimited. Cecilia vega with that fact check for us tonight. And cecilia, the president is calling on republicans and democrats to come together, to set politics aside, were his words last night, to protect the dreamers. But today, democrats not sounding happy with what they heard last night. Reporter yeah, david. You saw nancy pelosi there, stonefaced. Well, listen to what she said today about what the president does. Quote, he brings tears to the eyes of the Statue Of Liberty and instills fear in the hearts of people that are concerned about the dreamers. The white house may have been hoping, david, that speech would unite congress, but those reviews from the democrats are in they are not onboard. All right, cecilia vega with us tonight. Thank you, cecilia. One more headline from d. C. Tonight. The Justice Department today filing to drop Corruption Charges against new jersey senator bob menendez, closing the case now. His trial ended in a hung jury in november. Theres still much more ahead on World News Tonight this wednesday. The deadly crash. The former nba player and a former American Idol contestant who did not survive. The drowning danger. And tonight, americans on vacation. Nine drownings in less than two weeks, all in the same area. And that moment, the President Elect and the new first lady arriving at the white house, and for the first time tonight, former First Lady Michelle Obama on the moment and the gift and the first lady wondering what to do with the gift. Well be right back. Of hes kept over his own. Es most proud of the one brand vo get the most out of your money, whether youre using quickbooks Smart Invoicing to get paid twice as fast or automatically tracking your mileage. Smarter Business Tools for the worlds hardest workers. Quickbooks. Backing you. And when youod sugar is a replace one meal. Choices. Or snack a day with glucerna. Made with carbsteady. To help minimize blood sugar spikes. You can really feel it. Now with 30 less carbs and sugars. Glucerna. You or joints. Something for your heart. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brainhealth supplement in drug stores nationwide. Prevagen. The name to remember. Next tonight here, an alarming headline from hawaii. Nine drowning deaths in less than two weeks now, all near the same area. And heres abcs kayna whitworth. Reporter tonight, a dramatic spike in drowning deaths off several maui beaches that officials are calling unprecedented. Male party pulled from the water. Cpr in progress. Reporter nine dead in less than two weeks. And according to authorities, five of those tourists snorkeling in the picturesque waters. Emergency cpr still in progress. Reporter 50yearold bryan beyer from the bay area was snorkeling by himself in water that was just knee deep, 15 feet from shore, when bystanders noticed him face down in the water. Hawaiian Officials Say 17 visitors who are Snorkeling Drown every year on average. Go out with a buddy. Stay close together. Watch each other. If somebody wants to dive down under water, somebody should stay on the surface. Reporter experts say swimmers should know their limits, take frequent breaks and get out of the water when you feel uncomfortable. Experts also recommend getting fitted for your snorkel and mask before your vacation. Oftentimes, Rented Equipment Doesnt Fit properly. David . All right, kayna, thanks. And when we come back here, that deadly crash involving a former nba player and a former American Idol contestant. Player and a former t. American idol contes. Were back in a moment. Year mar. My 3month old business. Plus. What if this happened again . 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And a former nba star and an American Idol contestant were killed in a car crash. Nba veteran Rasual Butler and his wife, leah labelle vladowski, and r b singer who competed on American Idol, both died when their land rover lost control in studio city, california. Police believe speed was likely a factor. And former First Lady Michelle Obama, for the first time, revealing what was in that tiffany box from the new first lady. And mrs. Obama wondering what to do with it in that moment. There was a gift exchanged. Oh, yeah. There was a box given the tiffany box. Yeah, so, what was in there . It was a lovely frame. A frame . It was a frame. Well, theres all this protocol. I mean, this is like a state visit, so, they tell you, youre going to do this, theyre going to stand here, never before do you get this gift. So im sort of like what what am i supposed to do with this gift, and what do you do with the gift . The former first lady telling ellen that former president obama stepped in to put the gift inside before the cameras captured the official image of one couple and then the new President Elect and his wife. When we come back tonight, so many of you responding when that Basketball Player not even looking at the basket did this. You are not going to believe what hes done now. Well be back. Stay with me, mr. Parker. When a critical patient is far from the hospital, the hospital must come to the patient. Stay with me, mr. Parker. The at t network is helping First Responders connect with medical teams in near real time. Stay with me, mr. Parker. Saving time when it matters most. Stay with me, mrs. Parker. Thats the power of and. Like you do sometimes, grandpa . And puffed. Well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. It can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. So i talked to my doctor. She said. 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We first introduced you to James Meiergerd from west point, nebraska, last week. He has down syndrome, and for as long as he and his family can remember, he has loved playing basketball. His High School Basketball team, the cadets, love him. Hi, david reporter james team sending us that message. He brings the team together. Hes awesome to watch. He really is the heart and soul of this basketball team. Reporter so, it came as no surprise on that gameday during halftime when james wanted to show his home crowd his new shot hed been practicing it for weeks his back to the basket and from half court the crowd roars, the community on its feet. And we werent the only ones blown away by it. The harlem globetrotters, too. Going to bring somebody here, became super famous, and hes always been famous. Come on, buddy. Reporter the team paying james and his school a visit this week. Hes the best example, you know, of no matter what, you can do whatever you want to do if you put your heart and you put your devotion into it. Reporter Teaching James One of their own signature tricks. And then, a challenge. So, maybe me and you are going to try to make this shot again. What do you think . Lets do it. Youre going to do it . Reporter james was game. Which way you want to do it . That way . Yeah. Yeah, thats your shot . Reporter the whole school watching again. Unbelievable james does it again. Can you believe it . Right there with the globetrotters. James, youre a rock star. Thanks for watching, im david muir. I hope to see you right back here tomorrow. Good night. New year, new rules and a new chance for thousands convicted of drug related crimes. San francisco is going above the new law. This fire was no joke for the people of richmond. Learning more information about the company that runs this metal scrap yard. If he said after this game that i am done, we would be all on board. The father of patriots Quarterback Tom Brady sits down with mike shumann to talk family, and the future. Best of from the bay area. Announcer live, where you live, this is abc7. I feel this is a giant step toward justice. Recreational marijuana has been legal in california for 30 days and today marked a major change for people convicted of

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