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[ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learmore about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. a new film opened this memorial day weekend and captures the real story of american soldiers fighting in afghanistan. it was made by a father-son team who are part of the abc news family. >> mike and his son carlos lived alongside the troops for years taking us deep inside the hornet's nest. >> reporter: two years covering the frontlines of america's longest war. my son carlos and i had one mission, to tell their story in our new film documenting their determination. >> i looked at the eyes of the medics. they weren't going to let him die. >> reporter: and absolute heroism. like the medic jamison who on a march day in 2011 ran in to a wall of gunfire to save his wounded buddies and an afghan soldier. and before he died -- >> he was there bleeding out. you apologize. they're dying. >> reporter: five more soldiers from the 101st airborne battalion would die that day, one of the deadliest in the war. after, the cost of their sacrifice hit home. especially for sergeant-major chris fields, who waited until his men had left to let the tears of this entire war come out. chris fields is now home. for him, like so many, the road between war and peace difficult to travel. >> there's not a moment that goes by that -- that the remembrance of that. i knew them. >> reporter: so much sacrifice. mike boettcher, abc news. >> wow. >> incredible story. >> oh, my goodness. by the way, mike cashed in his 401(k) and his son was just finishing college when he invited him to this trip. incredible. >> what's incredible. they were in the middle of war-time fights at different times and mike told us there were times he was afraid that his son was in trouble during shooting. he said to himself, i remember saying, you selfish s.o.b., did you get your son killed getting your son in this. just to tell that story. >> what a great story. carlos one of the producers here. he's the best. >> a great story. coming up we have some hot wheels. high-tech biking gear that may tempt you to switch to the gas-free alternative. ahead in our next half hour, sin city's newest thrill ride. we're on board the voodoo zip line. there it is right there. you are watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. they don't help single moms. hi. hi. what happened to our house last year? it flooded. and the water flooded out. yeah. the red cross arranged the hotel for us. they gave me that break, that leverage, to be able to get it together and... take care of them, you know? i feel like we've come full circle. like that! this is how i'll do it. sarah: there you go. think it's weird to collect air? you wouldn't think so if you saw what your lungs collect every time you breathe. protect your health with life-saving air quality updates from the american lung association. get our free "state of the air" app at ♪ i want to ride my bicycle >> i can't help but sing that. >> i know. >> it is the best music here overnight. >> exactly. >> speaking of bicycles may is national bike month and the warm weather is a great excuse to get out and pedaling. >> that's right. >> there are a lot of gadgets to help you have a better ride and along with some high-tech bells and whistles. here's our tech contributor, tina trinh. >> we found some high-tech upgrades for your ten speed. nowadays, it's not just feet that are powering bikes there's electricity at work. we're here with eric barber from the copenhagen wheel. it's essentially a wheel that turns your bike into an electric bike. >> correct. all you do is remove your existing rear wheel, install the copenhagen wheel, download the app, join our community and you're able to use the wheels. >> it syncs with sensors in the wheels to give you different assistance. rechargeable battery powers the motor inside. it basically gives your normal bike a bit of a boost. >> makes you feel stronger, hills flatter. city smaller. >> how about giving your iphone a boost while you're at it. >> the atom is a charger that turns cycling in to power for your phone. >> convert the momentum of the ride almost seamlessly in to rider into usable power on the usb platform. the same way you charge iphone, go pro, you charge from 20 minutes of your bike. it gives you about a 20% charge. once the sun goes down it can be hard for motorists to spot cyclists. that's why this was created. the rings of l.e.d. light attached to the sides of your wheel creating arcs of light. ensure you to never become a blind spot. >> they last four hours and there is a small battery pack that mounts in to your hub. pop it off, plug it in to your computer and charge them up. >> reporter: one added bonus they look awesome in the dark. with all of this high-tech gear it is easy to see why this sum area ride on two wheels is the way to go. tina trinh, abc news, new york. >> nice. >> i want two of each. >> lights look like christmas on a bike. >> they do. are you a biker? >> i'm not. my wife wanted one. last time i had a ten speed it was years ago. it was 200 bucks. the price is a lot higher. >> no longer $200 bikes out there? >> no. >> you can charge your phone so there you go. >> worth something. the mix is next. "the mix is nex. . sometimes come out with spots? well, those spots are actually leftover food or detergent residue. can we help prevent this? yes, use finish jet dry. it goes in your dishwasher's dispenser to help eliminate spots and residues. wow, what a difference! she loves to shop online with her debit card. and so does bill, an identity thief who stole mary's identity, took over her bank accounts, and stole her hard-earned money. unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little misplaced information to wreak havoc on your life. this is identity theft. and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. lifelock offers the most comprehensive identity theft protection available. if mary had lifelock's bank account alerts, she may have been notified before it was too late. lifelock's credit notification service is on the job 24/7. as soon as they detect a threat to your identity within their network, they will alert you, protecting you before the damage is done. lifelock has the most comprehensive identity theft protection available, guarding your social security number, your money, your credit, even the equity in your home. my years as a prosecutor taught me that we all need to protect ourselves from crime. in today's world, that includes identity theft. it's a serious problem. we all have to protect ourselves. [ male announcer ] while identity theft can't be completely stopped, no one works harder to protect you than lifelock. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free. that's right. 60 days risk free. use promo code notme. order now and get this document shredder to keep sensitive documents out of the wrong hands. a $29 value free. don't wait until you become the next victim. ♪ ♪ time for the mix. let's get started with this. i don't have to say anything. all you have to do is watch the video. if you've ever had a pool and if you're thinking how can my backyard be even more awesome, check this out. you have a backyard with grass but why is it moving, wait a second, someone is trying to hide the fact they have a pool. look at that. >> you are kidding. >> i feel like it is straight out of the "price is right." >> this is interesting. why are they hiding the fact the fact that they have a pool? >> people will be wanting to be at your place all the time. you want to hide it when the bad people come. >> not for nosey neighbors but the friends who aren't really friends. i don't have a pool. don't you have to be going? don't you have somewhere to be? here's a story i'm having a hard time with this story. >> okay. >> south korean's capital of seoul has decided to make it a more woman-friendly city. they're sending $95 million on things for women to make it friendlier. they have created larger parking spaces for women who, as if that weren't patronizing enough are painted in pink as you see the logo women who are wearing mini skirts. i'm not done. they are closer to entrances, right? and this is part of a $95 million effort to make the city more friendly to women pink mini skirted logos. [ honking ] hold on. there's more. they have stiletto friendly pavement near the spaces. >> let me say this. i know you are outraged and i'm outraged for you. >> i am outraged. can i have the privileges? i want to park closer and have a squishy mat for my shoes. >> this is coming from the man who says i want a woman to open my door the and pay for my dinner. >> i wouldn't mind having a free meal? anything wrong with a free meal? >> that's not my point. my point is why bigger parking spaces. what are they trying to say? >> it is nice for some people is to have bigger parking spaces. >> okay. moving on. >> i'm officially upset. that's the bottom line. >> how about this. give you a sentimental story. i'll warm you up with this story. >> warm my heart. this is a story about a goat. his name is mr. g. he was in a hoarding environment with others including this animal with him right now. jelly bean the donkey. mr. g. wouldn't eat for six days. he was separated from the donkey jelly bean. one volunteer drove 14 hours to get jelly boon over to mr. g. ♪ [ male announcer ] now get more of what you deserve. visit your local benjamin moore dealer today and get $50 off every $250 purchase. ♪ when you recognize something isn't right, make the call to the veterans crisis line at 1-800-273-8255 and press 1. toxic chemicals and carcinogens are leaching into the environment. it's happening right where we live, work and play. everywhere. cigarette butts are toxic waste. let's stop the toxic litter. learn more at [female narrator] foods rich in folic acid like white bread and leafy greens can help prevent some birth defects before you even know you're pregnant. [ male announcer ] to celebrate, visit your local benjamin moore dealer today and get $50 off every $250 purchase. this morning on "world news now" day of mourning on the uc santa barbara campus after an unthinkable rampage. what the suspect's parents and police tried to do before he killed six people. difficult search. an enormous mudslide buries a three members of a road maintenance crew. the challenges to find the men and the community disbelief. and stashing cash. a mystery millionaire going city to city spreading his wealth. the modern day robin hood tucking away bills in unusual places. the sexy situation on last night's episode of "the bachelorette." our senior analyst is here with his exclusive insight. who was given roses and who may win andi's heart. that is coming up in "the skinny" on this tuesday, may 27th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> i don't know what i was just seeing on that stage in "the bachelorette." i don't want to see that again. >> i'll look at it again. >> oh, boy. all right. good morning on this day after memorial day. i'm ryan smith for john muller. >> i'm diana perez. always a pleasure to have you here, ryan. it's the second time you've been here. tell us about yourself. you mentioned earlier, you have 5-month-old twins. sleep is not happening. >> two boys, no sleep. they are wonderful. my wife is doing an incredible job taking care of them while i'm here. >> i'm sure. >> she does the overnights at home, which is kind of cool. >> just in general? >> that's right. so i can sleep in. isn't that nice. when i do "gma," she is taking care of them and when i come home from "gma" i am taking care of the kids. >> that's wonderful. look at you. >> you are like a modern day dad involved and all about it. >> you make it happen, too. you have two kids. >> yes, i do. that's a challenge and a half for me. i ain't lying. >> not easy but it is worth it. >> absolutely. it's so wonderful to have you here. so excited. good morning to all of you. we start with new details in the santa barbara rampage. there are no classes today so students can attend a memorial service. >> as the campus community comes together, we are learning more about the minutes before the killing spree. abc's mary bruce has the latest. >> reporter: elliot rodger's gruesome plot was underway when his parents learned of his chilling manifesto detailing his hatred, loneliness and plan to kill. >> you force me to suffer all my life and now i'll make you all suffer. >> reporter: his parents frantically rushed to intervene but it was too late. they had seen red flags before. weeks ago they contacted the police concerned about their son's disturbing on-line rants. police investigated but found nothing suspicious. >> they determined that he did not meet the criteria for an involuntary mental health hold. >> reporter: rodger boasted about the close call. writing, if they had demanded to search my room, that would have ended everything. with three legally purchased handguns and more than 400 rounds of ammunition, rodger carried out what he called his day of retribution, killing six and injuring 13. the first victim his two roommates and one of their visiting friends. the police found their bodies in rodger's apartment. they had been stabbed repeatedly. >> shots fired, shots fired. >> he also killed two women near the alpha c sorority house. an attempt to exact revenge on the women who he said rejected him. next he opened fire at a deli killing a young, male student. >> nobody needs to own three semiautomatic handguns. it doesn't make sense. >> after careening down this street firing at random, the carnage ended when he crashed his car. he was found dead inside. he apparently shot himself in the head. mary bruce, isla vista, california. they will search for three men missing after the huge mudslide in colorado. the search has been slowed because only the lower third is stable. at the edges the mud is 20 to 30 feet deep. it is believed to be several hundred feet deep and half mile wide. bill clark is a cousin to one of the missing men. >> how can somebody expect or see this coming because they were just up there checking the water, afraid of losing the county road. >> reporter: the sheriff says the residents of this small close-knit town were just praying for a miracle that the three men would be found. much farther north a massive wildfire in a remote part of alaska continues to grow. the wind whipped fire 60 miles south of anchorage covers 250 square miles and is only 30% contained. authorities ordered the evacuation of 1,000 homes. no injuries or structural damage has been reported. fire officials hope rain predicted for today will help to get a handle on that blaze. it wasn't rain but a tornado that injured nine people, one critically, in a trailer park at north dakota's oil patch. the national weather service said the twister hit the oil field workers five miles south of waterford city. look at that visual. trailer parks like these are growing as the state's oil boom continues to outpace available housing. the video is riveting to see. >> my goodness. the worst of the severe storm system pummeling texas appears to have passed now but not without the appearance of at least one funnel cloud. much of the state is under tornado watches and flash flood warnings. in parts of houston, the storms dumped a half foot of rain. in austin, texas, severe rain triggered power outages. another three inches is expected overnight and into today with large hail, damaging winds, flash flooding and the possibility of more tornados. now here's a look at today's weather. a wide band of storms from the texas gulf coast to the great lakes continues to rake across the midwest. it will be clear from the back end of the system to the west coast. more rain on the southeastern coast in to florida and showers across the upper plains. >> it's going to be hard to find any place in the nation not in at looegs the least the 80s today. except new england and the pacific northwest. hot spot today, phoenix 108 degrees. there's a major battle underway for control of an airport in eastern ukraine. this comes as the country's new president promised to increase safety and security in the area. alexander marquardt has the report from kiev. >> reporter: the most intense firepower seen in this crisis yet. fighter jets and attack helicopters pounding pro-russian separatists that took control of one of eastern ukraine's main airports. the rebellion will be the first test for petro poroshenko. ukraine's next president. >> nobody has negotiations with the terrorists. >> before inheriting the country in turmoil, he was known as the chocolate king. getting his humble start selling cocoa beans before he built an empire that made him a billionaire. he's not just a businessman former secretary of state madeleine albright told he could be the political leader to stabilize ukraine. >> i had the sense he understood what had to be done and had the energy to do it. >> he knows president putin and is opening to meet with him next month. moscow says they are willing to work with him but warned stepping up the crackdown against the pro-russian separatists would be a quote, colossal mistake. alexander marquardt, abc news, kiev. >> topping the business headlines, pfizer says it is pulling the plug on what would have been the largest pharmaceutical merger in history. pfizer declined to make a takeover offer for british drug maker astrazeneca for now. last week, the board rejected pfizer's $119 billion buyout proposal. the nation's biggest drug maker promised it will not go hostile by taking its offer directly to astra-zeneca's shareholders. in health headlines this morning america's pediatricians are recommending expectant moms to take a supplement containing iodide. the iodide is needed to make the thyroid hormones required for children's healthy brain development before and after birth. experts recommend pregnant and breast-feeding women get 290 micrograms of iodide per day. one more thing that a pregnant woman needs to take. my goodness, the supplements. >> it's true. i talk to my wife about this because our doctors talk to her, take more iron and things like that. we never heard of iodide. when you think about it is iodized salt. the salt with the umbrella, the woman with the umbrella. but so many people are using kosher salt and others. even when you use take out food. >> it is because of the health scares associated with table salt. you don't want to have heart disease, you don't want to have cholesterol and everything according to the health experts is related to the salt intake. >> seems like there is one new thing every single day. >> today it is good for you and tomorrow it ain't. >> that's right. >> remember the umbrella, that's the one you want. >> moving on to admittedly adorable scene from a zoo in austria. check this out. aww. these little ones are believed to be the first litter of five white tiger cubs ever born in europe. you want to just take them home. >> my goodness. they were introduced to the world yesterday. i will thank our producers for letting me tell their names. okay. here we go. that means they are not easy. let's go. lila, lulu, lela, lal i and a new one, obama. >> and fred. come on. look at them. they are so cute. so cute at that age. you want to take them home and next thing you know they are tigers. >> then you don't want them. >> the zoo's owner credits their good health to them having plenty of room in their enclosure where they can roam around freely and frolic, just like that. >> adorable. coming up in "the skinny," expert in-depth insight in to "the bachelorette" including the bumping, grinding, kissing and predictions. >> oh, boy. and the millionaire dropping bundles of cash, spreading his wealth and creating so much fun. you are watching "world news now." ♪ money money changes everything ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by icy hot smart relief. weather brought to you by icy hot smart relief. she loves to shop online with her debit card. and so does bill, an identity thief who stole mary's identity, took over her bank accounts, and stole her hard-earned money. unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little misplaced information to wreak havoc on your life. this is identity theft. and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. lifelock offers the most comprehensive identity theft protection available. if mary had lifelock's bank account alerts, she could have been notified in time to help stop it. lifelock's credit notification service is on the job 24/7. as soon as they detect a threat to your identity within their network, they will alert you, protecting you before the damage can be done. lifelock has the most comprehensive identity theft protection available, guarding your social security number, your money, your credit, even the equity in your home. my years as a prosecutor taught me that we all need to protect ourselves from crime. in today's world, that includes identity theft. it's a serious problem. we all have to protect ourselves. [ male announcer ] no one protects you better than lifelock. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free. that's right. 60 days risk free. use promo code: take charge. order now and get this universal device charger, great for everything from smart phones and cameras to tablets, keeping your digital life powered at home, the office, or in the car... a $30 value, free! don't wait until you become the next victim. ♪ and get a universal device charger free. use promo code: take charge. ♪ save them. woolite detergents clean your jeans and won't torture your tanks. so clothes look like new even after 20 washes. ♪ money changes everything >> yeah, it does change everything, money does. >> uh-huh. >> people in san francisco know that because they have been finding cold, hard cash in random places all over town. >> that's right. the money stashed by a man who says he's been lucky and he wants to encourage others to give as well. so abc's nick watt tracked this mystery donor down. >> reporter: san francisco is going gaga for green backs. a mysterious millionaire is stashing cash around the city and tweeting clues like this -- find me at the highest point in the park under a place for dog owners. from that, samantha found 100 bucks in a dog dirt bag dispenser. >> my hands were shaking and i ran down the hill to find my fiance. >> reporter: thousands of treasure hunters await every new clue. the victorious post grateful selfies. who is this robin hood spreading the wealth in this most economically divided city in the country? we got him on the phone. how did you make your money? >> in real estate as a real estate developer. >> how rich are you? >> i'd rather not. it's in the millions. i don't know exactly. >> and he plans to remain anonymous? are you making a point here? >> my point would be to encourage people who have been successful to give back a little more, to pay it forward. >> reporter: like that anonymous restaurant tipper who was left 130 grand in gratuities across the country, hidden cash seems too good to be true. >> how much are you going to give away? >> i haven't put a figure on it. it's probably going to reach at least in the hundreds of thousands. >> reporter: he'll splash in the cash in l.a. this weekend but beyond that not even he knows where or when. this mysterious millionaire told me he is flying by the seat of his pants. nick watt, abc news, los angeles. >> wow. >> incredible, right? this guy said he will give away $1,000 a day for the foreseeable future. he is thinking nyc, new york city, look out for this guy. >> really? >> i'm quite interested. >> that's where i am this week. >> we solved the mystery. you are at hidden cash. >> that's right. >> you are the one behind all of this. you know what's funny. this is how i wake up every day, i have a suit on and piles of cash everywhere. >> you sleep on your piles of cash. that's what you told me before the story. that makes sense. when we come back be, the guys on the "the bachelorette" showing some skin. >> the rolling stones on stage for the first time in weeks. new video next in "the skinny." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. showing some skin. skinny so skinny ♪ >> all right. welcome back, everyone. the tuesday morning skinny can guarantee only one thing, an in depth, hopefully comedic look at last night's episode of the abc's "the bachelorette." >> joining us is our senior "the bachelorette" analyst. there he is. >> wow, a lot to deal with here. that's why i was late. >> the last minute. >> details are streaming in, as they often do at this desk. >> very excited to hear about this. >> anyway, look. we started the episode with 19 guys in the running. the first date was with eric hill, who as we mentioned last week has since unfortunately passed away. they went to the beach. they went on a helicopter trip. they flew to the mountains. they did some snow boarding, andi and eric seemed to do very well together. he got the rose. second date, the group date, on a much lighter note -- >> oh, hello. >> yeah. hey ladies, hey, ladies, 14 of the bachelors were involved in what they described as male exotic dancing. we'll call it bumping and grinding. it was all for charity. >> okay. whoa! >> hello. all sorts of stuff going on. >> we're going to keep with the video, right? we're not talking about anything. >> we have to move it along. i'm being told we have to move it along. >> come on. >> details are still streaming in. marcus gets the group date rose. the second one on one date, that's chris the farmer. he's from iowa. they went to the racetrack and had a nice date. he got the rose, as well. this guy is a solid guy. he will be around for a while. >> we like him. >> i'm not in to the bow tie. >> forget about the bow tie. >> how about kissing? >> oh. >> kissing, kissing. first with chris on the date at santa anita during their private concert. >> bow tie works. >> worked for somebody. >> what? >> second with josh m. who asked andi, quote, don't stereotype me. >> why? >> which is to say i'm not the dumb jock. anyway -- >> all right. >> how many kisses are we going to have, two dates two kisses. that's a lot of kisses. >> there were three dates, two kisses. she's not a kissing machine like juan pablo was. >> juan pablo. >> kissed everybody, right? >> last week, we did the prediction. >> that's right. >> prediction time -- andi is now engaged to marcus. >> marcus. >> andi is now engaged to marcus who got the rose on the group date. >> really? >> marcus. >> bold prediction. >> you are going with marcus. not that he's in the final four. he's the guy. >> that's the vote for my guy. >> that is chris. >> chris. >> man, i can't keep up. >> keep up with this. >> for bookkeeping sake, three guys booted last night. craig who got loaded on the group date. >> not good. >> karl, nick. 16 guys left. two episodes next week. sunday and monday. i have to go. >> jack has spoken. >> good job. what did you say, jack? mike, what did he say? mike? >> marcus. >> marcus. >> bold prediction. >> marcus it is. now we know. rolling stones real quick. they performed in norway. incredible night. first concert -- there they are on stage. making it happen like usual. nick's first time on stage since the death -- nick's first time on stage. sometimes come out with spots? well, those spots are actually leftover food or detergent residue. can we help prevent this? yes, use finish jet dry. it goes in your dishwasher's dispenser to help eliminate spots and residues. wow, what a difference! save them. woolite detergents clean your jeans and won't torture your tanks. so clothes look like new even after 20 washes. ♪ ♪ ♪ viva las vegas ♪ viva las vegas ♪ viva las vegas >> i always feel like i should be on a horse. ♪ viva las vegas there are a lot of ways to get your thrills in las vegas but the newest one lets you fly over the sunset strip on a zip line. >> get strapped in to an amusement ride sort of seat. you see the contraption. you take off from 50 stories up. >> oh, no. >> our reporter brian callahan from las vegas was there when the first intrepid rider got on. >> reporter: the high roller, slotzilla and now the voodoo zip line. the high-flying ride atop the rio is the latest attraction to open in las vegas this year giving adrenaline junkies the chance to launch from the 50th floor of the masquerade tower to the 20th floor of the tower. it's all done at 30 miles an hour. hour. many options of entertainment. this is another unique entertainment experience for folks. >> reporter: before they sent anyone down the zip line they made hundreds of tests to make sure it was safe to go 30 plus miles an hour from roof to roof. >> they have been out here last week or so, morning, noon and night doing tests and the county inspects that. >> reporter: while they didn't fear for their safety, the first riders said they were left breathless. >> i went on a brain freeze. i can't even think where i was at. >> reporter: van kim says he's up for any thrill in las vegas. he made a special trip from phoenix to be the first paying customer. >> reporter: you made a special trip to vegas because you knew this was open? >> yes. >> reporter: you did the same thing with the high rollers? >> yes, i did. >> reporter: managers say there could be more on the way. >> if they are successful it may be the motto for the future to have more rides. >> the guy with the glasses is fired up about being the first rider. i'm so excited. >> all the way from phoenix. >> first thing i thought is how much does it cost, $25 before 6:30 and 37 after. not bad. i thought it was a roller coaster at first. i wanted it to go 90 miles an hour. >> right. i'm less impressed now. i think i felt the same way. it is motorized so i thought it would fly back and forth. it is kind of cruising. >> that is what makes it unique, motorized and not gravity based. >> there you go. >> that's the way i like to travel. >> that's like you my heart will go on moment. >> i like to arrive by bungee. >> everywhere, including here. >> correct. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now" informing insomniacs for two decades. at 15, i was addicted. by 40, i'll have lung disease. at 50, i'll die of a heart attack. dr. regina benjamin: cigarette smoke causes immediate damage that leads to health problems, even death. those who quit or die are being replaced by a new generation of smokers. i'm dr. regina benjamin, united states surgeon general. go to learn how to make our next generation tobacco-free. good morning. i'm ryan smith in for john muller. >> and i'm diana perez. here's are some of the top headlines we're following this morning on "world news now." three men are still missing after being swept away by a mudslide in colorado. even at the edges, the mud is 20 to 30 feet deep. it is believed to be several hundred feet deep and half mile wide. more details in just a moment. classes are cancelled at uc santa barbara campus as the six victims of last week's shooting are remembered at a memorial service and we are learning more about the moments leading up to the killing spree. details ahead. pope francis says he will meet next month at the vatican with victims of sexual abuse. the pope also says there is zero tolerance for any member of the clergy who would violate a child. america's pediatricians are recommending expectant and breast-feeding moms and all women of child-bearing age to get more iodide in their diets to safeguard fetal brain development. those are some of the top stories on this tuesday, may 27th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." all right. you know, i'm so awake and fresh. i hope you are out there, too. >> just give it a couple of seconds. welcome to the overnight. it is an adrenaline-filled moment and then you walk off the set and it all kind of seeps out of you but we're so happy that you are here. >> i'm glad to be here. >> let's get a little bit about your background. before you came here you were in atlanta at hln >> at hln. >> and before that you were an attorney. >> i was a lawyer for many, many years. so i was a lawyer and started to work for court tv and then hln and now here. i'm a babe in the woods. >> yeah. you gave up a lucrative, stable job as an attorney to come to the craziness of television. >> can i tell you why? >> please. >> there's no more fun thing to do than this job especially compared to being a lawyer. >> you are right. >> not that being a lawyer is bad. there are a lot of lawyers out there. i'm still one. that's my lawyerly disclaimer. >> that's the fine print. >> yeah. >> we're so excited to have you here. we're having a lot of fun with you already. let's get started. good morning to you and good morning to all of you out there. we begin with the search for the missing men in the huge colorado mudslide. >> their families are hoping the men are trapped in an area where there's no cell phone coverage. searchers are facing challenging conditions. here's abc's gio benitez. >> reporter: the images out of this remote corner of colorado simply incredible. the earth giving way, a massive hole in its place. the wall of mud believed to have swept those three men away. >> everybody on this mountain is praying for a miracle. >> reporter: it happened near collbran, colorado, the crater an estimated 250 feet deep, two miles wide and debris sliding four miles it has people comparing it to another mudslide in washington state that took more than 40 lives. that happened in march. >> the snohomish county slide was measured in terms of feet, and this is measured in terms of miles. >> it flowed in to the next canyon. so it is how much dirt moved, how much mountain came down. >> like a lava flow. it ran over the ridges. i've never seen that much earth move in my life in one place like that. >> reporter: luckily no homes were in the path of destruction. look at this. an image from the road taken before the mudslide. and now look at the photo taken today. >> as far as cleanup goes, i think you are looking at the new terrain of that valley. >> reporter: terrain that will make the search for the missing that much harder. gio benitez, abc news, new york. a shocking claim from nigeria. the head of the nigerian military says the 300 missing girls have been located. defense chief says despite the discovery, it's too risky for any rescue operation to take place since the girls might be harmed or even killed. >> the good news for the girls we know where they are but we cannot tell you. we cannot come and tell you military secrets here. just leave us alone. we are working. we will get the girls back. >> a military spokesman in the u.s. says the pentagon cannot confirm that the girls have been found. some breaking news this morning in the search for the missing malaysia airplanes airlines's plane. analysts are reviewing new satellite data in hopes of finding new clues about what happened to the plane. it disappeared march 8th with 239 people on board. today's "wall street journal" says australian investigators believe the jet likely ran out of fuel before going down in the indian ocean. the victims of friday's attack near the university of california santa barbara campus are being remembered today. classes are cancelled at the school and a memorial service is planned for this afternoon. abc's cecilia vega has more on the attack and how it unfolded. >> i will punish all of you. >> reporter: elliot rodger's deadly plan was in motion at 9:17 p.m. on friday when his mom's phone rang. a family friend said it was the shooter's therapist asked if she had read his manifesto called my twisted world. 141 pages pouring from his tortured mind. idyllic childhood memories, painful teenage years and finally, an elaborate plot to kill. alarmed, the mother checks her son's you tube channel. >> well, this is my last video. it all has to come to this. >> reporter: immediately, she calls her ex-husband, hollywood director peter rodger. they race to santa barbara, calling police but it's too late. 9:27 p.m., the first reports of a mass shooting underway. >> another gunshot. shots fired, shots fired! >> reporter: the first target a sorority, revenge against all of the girls whom elliot rodger says rejected him. >> they would have all rejected me and looked down upon me as an inferior man. >> reporter: he bangs on the dorm of alpha c and when no one answers he shoots across the street killing two. his rampage continues. 9:30 p.m. he opened fire at this deli filled with students. surveillance video shows people diving for cover. the minutes that follow, filled with carnage. rodger and his black bmw drives on, plowing down bikers, shooting indiscriminately at pedestrians. >> he looked at me and shot at me multiple times and somehow, even though i hadn't ran yet he didn't hit me. >> reporter: 9:33 p.m., rodger and police in a gunfight. the killer drives away but then crashes his bmw, apparently turning the gun on himself. at rodger's apartment, still had one more grisly discovery to make. his two roommates and one of their friends stabbed to death. >> we know that rodger had three guns in his possession, 400 rounds of ammunition and police tell us he obtained all of the guns legally. cecilia vega, abc news, isla vista, california. as he marked memorial day, president obama said the u.s. has reached a pivotal moment in afghanistan. mr. obama laid a wreath at the tomb of the unknowns at arlington national cemetery and told the audience there that the nation's long war in afghanistan will be over at the end of the year. he spoke to the children of those killed in combat. >> you will never walk alone. your country will be there to help you grow up in to the young men and women your parents always knew you would be. >> the president could lay out some details about how the war in afghanistan will come to an a close tomorrow in his graduation address at west point. memorial day brought severe weather to much of the country including north dakota where a tornado injured at least nine people. one of them critically at an oil field camp. the national weather service says the twister hit the camp of oil field workers five miles south of watford city. 15 trailers were severely damaged there. out of the eastern pacific, hurricane amanda is continuing to weaken. the category 3 storm far off the mexican coast is expected to weaken the next couple of days. amanda is packing 120 mile an hour winds, down from a peak of 155 miles an hour. the storm is expected to blow itself out to sea while sending rainstorms to mexico. here's a look at the rest of the nation's weather. a wide band of severe storms stretching from the texas gulf coast to the great lakes continues to march across the midwest. it will be clear from the back end of that system to the west coast. across the nation, temperatures will be in the 80s except for new england and the pacific northwest. coolest will be seattle, 67 degrees and today's hot spot, you guessed it, phoenix at 108. how about that? >> all right. now speaking of heat and some grilling, how about this? with the outdoor grilling season officially underway, experts say the perfect storm of factors is contributing to higher prices for cheeseburgers. they say the key ingredients for the burger cost 10% more than last year. beef prices are up 14%, cheese and bacon also up, but not as much and that perfect storm, the drought out west, disease and strong demand. i love a good cheeseburger. that one looks good there. >> this makes me upset. what are the alternatives hamburgers not as good as cheeseburgers. hot dogs filled with weird by-products. i'm officially upset. i don't know what to do. maybe ketchup. >> maybe a veggie burger. i don't think so. >> i don't think so. not when i'm grillin'. >> now i'm hungry. >> i thought on the show you bring food on the set. i'm looking for the cheeseburgers. >> that's true. well, there is a shortage. >> there you go. >> come on now. moving on to this, to key west where they know how to have a good time. particularly when plywood and duct tape somehow are involved. >> those are two key elements used to build the boats used in yesterday's sink or swim regatta and that guy sunk. the rules say participants can only use plywood and that's what happens when you use plywood, and couple of 2x4s, duct tape fasteners and paint. >> some boats were more seaworthy than others or their captains were better at paddling or since it was key west there maybe some liquid factors at play there. that we won't get in to. >> those guys are up. i don't know about the standing guy. i think that's going to fall over. nice hat. >> i think i know the key to this? >> what, the hat. >> you can't have akah know that holds water. you need a flat surface. it is going to float any way. >> here's the thing, don't tip to one side or the other because that happens. >> very good point you are bringing up. >> straight. >> or swim across on a tiny piece of plywood. coming up, one on one with bachelorette andi dorfman. find out how she's using her skills as an attorney to pick her future fiance. you know all about that. >> i know all about it. >> and also ahead from the homeless shelter to the top of the class. you are about to meet one hard-working student who's learned too many lessons outside of school. >> lessons learned from a 62,000 mile motorcycle journey. this guy hit the road and did not look back. you are watching "world news now." ♪ no more no more no more ♪ hit the road jack and don't you come back no more ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by airborne every day. o you by airborne every day. hd-3. sometimes come out with spots? well, those spots are actually leftover food or detergent residue. can we help prevent this? yes, use finish jet dry. it goes in your dishwasher's dispenser to help eliminate spots and residues. wow, what a difference! save them. woolite detergents clean your jeans and won't torture your tanks. so clothes look like new even after 20 washes. as a i'm still not going toall the pmake it to mars,o visit. but thanks to hotwire's incredibly low travel prices, i can afford to cross more things off my list. this year alone, we went to the top of the statue of liberty... and still saved enough to go to texas-- to a real dude ranch! hotwire checks the competition's rates every day... so they can guarantee their low prices. so we got our 4-star hotels for half price. next up, hollywood! ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ save big on car rentals too, from $11.95 a day. ♪ ♪ that's jazziest graduation song i've ever heard. >> i'm pumped. >> speaking of graduation, the valedictorian of a florida high school has made it to the top of his class despite a lifetime of hardship. that is why this is "our favorite story of the day." >> that's right. a couple of weeks left in the school year he faced one more challenge. reporter mike lyons of our jacksonville station has his story. >> reporter: griffin lost his mother to leukemia at the age of 6 and soon after that lived with his father and older brother in a homeless shelter for two years in louisville, kentucky. >> at some points i was just -- i wanted to quit. it was horrible. a kid shouldn't have to go through that. >> reporter: his family moved to jacksonville when he was in the sixth grade. they lived in a rental house but it was always a financial struggle, little to eat and constantly having depending on family members for help. a month ago with finals and ap tests ahead he found himself homeless again. his girlfriend's mother put him up three weeks and moved in with an aunt and uncle and through all of this he ended up with a 4.65 gpa and will graduate valedictorian. on june 4th. >> positive mind-set. i try to accomplish everything i need to do. i know i have everything to lose. i push myself. school is all i have. family is all i have. i'm doing everything for me and what i have been through. i'm doing it for my mom. >> reporter: he said he always wrote in his baseball cap every season never give up. he turned 18 may 5th and will soon get his driver's license. he loves calculus and plans to study civil engineering at florida state where his brother will graduate this summer. >> i wrote him a letter of recommendation and said he was the hardest-working, most motivated student i ever had. >> never missed a day of school. always at baseball practice and managed to get his homework done every night and always do well. >> reporter: he has received some money to help with expenses at florida state and a housing discount but nowhere near enough to meet his expenses. he has applied for academic scholarships but so far hasn't gotten any good news. >> it's pretty frustrating. i thought being valedictorian you should deserve a full scholarship, a full tuition. all i have been able to land were grants but that is need -based. so -- it's pretty tough. >> that is mike lyons by the way. he brings up a good point. it feels like every valedictorian across the country out of every high school should get a full ride. >> i think so too. but he talks about need based who is more in need than this young man? hopefully others will help him out or he will get some grants because we want to see him graduate with that civil engineering degree from florida state. what a great story. >> absolutely. >> coming up -- the 62,000 mile adventure. what one man learned spending three years riding his motorcycle around the world. >> his book recounts his adventures and when it comes with recipes, too. believe that, right? you are watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. so have you ever wanted to drop everything and take off on an adventure? the man you are about to meet did just that. >> allen karl spent three years on the road and is now out with a new book. it is called "fork" and that's a gorgeous blend of stories, photography and even recipes. here's abc's david muir. >> it was just after september 2001, allen karl came to a major fork in the road. unsatisfied with his job and his seven-year marriage ending he decided to plan the opportunity of a lifetime. >> i thought i needed to take time to breathe, learn and explore. for me this trip was the time that i took for myself to heal, to learn more again about myself and about others. >> reporter: karl a long-time motorcycle enthusiast decided to go on the biggest trip of his life. >> i decided the possessions i was holding on to so close really weren't that important anymore. what was more important are experiences. i emptied out my entire house, sell it all, hop on the motorcycle. >> reporter: packing only the bare minimum, karl traveled alone the next three years, 62,000 miles, riding through 35 countries and five continents. leaving california he blazed to the arctic and back to central america. still wanting more he traveled through south america, africa and the middle east. >> whether it is the muddy floor in kenya or an executive's home in buenos aires, it is there i connected with people and shared stories and learned and grew. >> reporter: there were setbacks, mechanical issues with his bike and even a broken leg in bolivia but it never stopped him. >> i never thought of calling it quits. i set on the journey to see the world, photograph and document it and ride it and to learn more about myself and certainly the rest of the world. >> reporter: in his self published book "forks" he documents his journey celebrating his choice to create a path for himself and hopes the book will give others the drive to do the same. david muir, abc news, new york. >> little-known fact. he's the older brother of our white house correspondent jonathan karl that you see here on a daily basis. i see a hint of similarity. >> you do. >> john is a great guy, by the way. you talk about how can he do this all the time? he is a founder of wire stone, which is the country's top 50 digital marketing agency. would you ever do that? oh, maybe you would. >> i just got back. i was with allen karl. >> nice. >> i just got back. i was with allen karl. >> nice. sometimes come out with spots? well, those spots are actually leftover food or detergent residue. can we help prevent this? yes, use finish jet dry. it goes in your dishwasher's dispenser to help eliminate spots and residues. wow, what a difference! ♪ >> all right. well, it is week two of the new season of "the bachelorette" the lady looking for love is setting high bars for her prospective husband. >> that may be because andi dorfman was a contestant on "the bachelor" but she is also an attorney. she spoke with abc's george pennacchio. >> i started this saying i want a journey that is incredible, once in a lifetime. i want to find the love of my life. >> andi dorfman is on the way to trying to find true love on "the bachelorette." she is facing a house filled with 19 prospective fiancees. to help in her quest andi utilized the skills she used in law school and put these guys in the hot seat. >> i'm used to going there and asking questions that are sometimes off limits, but really get you the answers that you need. i'm not asking somebody about the weather, or about, you know, trivial things. it was important for me to inject as much reality in to this as possible. i took the approach of just asking a lot of questions and these guys responded. these guys really put it out there. they told me their emotions. they talk about real life stuff, struggles, trials, tribulations, everything. and i think this is one of the most real seasons you're ever going to see. >> reporter: one element of the season that is all too real involves the untimely death of one of the bachelors, eric hill. >> what happened is incredibly tragic and it is something we are all coping with. honestly still in grief about. we are dealing with it together. but it is important that people know the eric that we got to know and love. that's somebody who really lived life to the fullest. >> reporter: over the years, many past bachelors and bachelorettes have remained in the public eye after their seasons have ended. andi said not this girl. >> oh, my gosh. the tv world does not want any part of me. i guarantee that. i worked hard to be an attorney. i put myself through school and just got started and i'm excited to get back to that. that is something that is insanely important to me and something i'm not giving up. >> this is george pennacchio reporting for abc news. >> she's tough. i like her. >> i think i want to watch this season. >> i like her. >> i know. she looks pretty down to earth and not going to take anybody's you know what. >> no. she's not going to be like juan pablo, you say? this morning on "world news now," searching for clues around a college campus in grief. new details about the santa barbara rampage suspect and attempts to stop his madness. >> forced me to suffer all of my life. >> as the community tries to pull together today for a day of mourning. frustrating find. the nigerian military claims to have found the missing schoolgirls but there are no plans to launch a rescue. major developments overnight. tech bikes, new gadgets help you get a charge out of pedal power. >> makes you feel stronger, city smaller. hills flatter. >> innovations to put more fun and safety into your next bike ride. it is tuesday, may 27th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> good morning. i'm ryan smith in for john muller. >> i'm diana perez. i know you have already done the show once but i'm so excited to welcome you in a second time and the first time we are doing it together. >> i know. it's an honor. i have been waiting for this day. >> this day your whole life. >> exactly. >> abc keeps you busy. you live in new york but you have been in l.a. do thing the donald sterling story. >> covering that. >> how is the sleep schedule going. >> newborn twins 5-month-old so sleep is not an option. but maybe in a couple of years, 2030, who knows. >> it will come eventually. let's get started. we begin in california a memorial service is planned for this afternoon on the ucsb campus for the six students killed friday night. >> classes are cancelled but faculty and staff will be there to offer support to those who need it. meanwhile, a service for veronica weiss was held at westlake high school. she graduated last year. her brother is trying to make sense of it all. >> you can't analyze look in this guy's mind or you'll go crazy. he already took my sister's life. he's gone. it is good there is immediate closure. >> three of the 13 victims from friday's attack are still in the hospital. as police continue their investigation, there's still that burning question, could the killer have been stopped in the minutes leading up to friday's deadly killing spree? abc's clayton sandell continues our coverage. ♪ amazing grace >> students must now say final good-byes to katherine cooper, a painter about to graduate with a degree in art history. veronika weiss was just ending her first year of college. cheng hong studying computer engineering along with george chen worked as a ymca counselor and weihan wang who went by david. he loved playing basketball. christopher michael-martinez planned to go to law school. in sad hindsight, police, family and friends of elliot rodger are left with pieces of a puzzle that no one put together in time. >> you forced me to suffer my whole life. >> reporter: we've learned at least one therapist who received rodger's manifesto did call police as soon as it was read. by then the massacre was over. mental health professionals have a duty to warn police if someone threatens violence against themselves or others. just weeks before the shooting, rodger's parents themselves made that call, alarmed over videos like these. >> girls are not sexually attracted to me. that's a problem that i intend to rectify. >> reporter: deputies went to rodger's apartment but said they found him polite and had no reason to take action. in that manifesto rodger gloats that he fooled police, writing if they had demanded to search my room, that would have ended everything. those missed opportunities, now magnifying families' pain. >> what we are trying to do is understand why chris died. and try to make it mean something. because otherwise it just seems so hard. >> reporter: there's so much grief and sorrow in this campus community. today the university has cancelled all classes declaring tuesday a day of mourning and reflection. clayton sandell, isla vista, california. the other side of the country another scene of chaos, two people have been shot in three separate shootings in florida's clearwater beach. one of those a happened outside of the hyatt regency hotel. five people are in custody. police say last night's shootings arose from fights and do not appear to be random. police cut off access to the beach and advised people to stay indoors. in south africa, oscar pistorius will be back in a psychiatric hospital this morning to continue a month-long mental evaluation. he arrived at the hospital in that black car you see right there yesterday as photographers took pictures. the judge in pistorius' murder trial ordered the evaluation to determine if he had a mental disorder at the time he killed his girlfriend reeva steenkamp. a determination could determine whether he will be held criminally responsible. an incredible claim from nigeria and more frustration in the search for the kidnapped school girls. the head of the kun tr-- countrs military spoke to a large crowd of demonstrators in nigeria's capital. no one should come. does not know what it is doing. >> we know what we are doing. we can't put our girls -- get them back. >> the girls have been missing since april 15th. u.s. drones have been actively searching for them. the white house won't confirm the report they have been found. human rights activist close to negotiators said a deal to swap the girls for a detained boko haram members was agreed to last week, but the plan was scuttled at the last minute by the president of nigeria. it seems to me if you don't want the information out there you shouldn't talk about the girls being found at all. >> good point. part of this is they came under a lot of scrutiny for not accepting international help in the situation. >> right. >> now, maybe this is the attempt to say no, we're on top of it. there are always questions that they can't go in and rescue the girls. >> the biggest question is how do you go in and do anything with girls if you have this group that's been so -- what's the word i'm looking for? not so interested in dealing with anybody that wants to negotiate with them. >> that's right. it is not about negotiation for them and it is hard to reason with somebody like that. but then, maybe the international community, others can help. we'll have to see. >> it is interesting to see the u.s. at least has some drones out there looking for the girls. i like the way the white house is dealing with it. they're saying we're not saying anything and i think that's how the nigerian government -- until we know exactly. >> exactly. turn to this. pope francis announced he will meet with a group of sex abuse victims next month at the vatican and he declared zero tolerance for any member of the clergy who would violate a child. it would be the first time the pope has sat down with victims of sex abuse. the head of a group representing abuse survivors here in the u.s. says the pope's words are meaningless and just public relations. the pope returned to the vatican after his historic trip to the middle east. francis managed a balancing act in the call for peace. between israel and the palestinians. abc's terry moran reports from jerusalem. >> reporter: at the western wall, the most sacred site in the world for jews pope francis prayed and like so many millions before, he slipped a note between the stones, the our father prayer in his native spanish. this moment in stark contrast to the pope's stop at the grim wall in bethlehem that separates israelis and palestinians. a gesture of solidarity that infuriated many israelis. prime minister benjamin netanyahu pointedly took the pope to a memorial for victims of terrorism here and blamed the palestinians for the ceaseless conflict. >> israel wants peace. >> reporter: at the holocaust memorial, another striking image in a trip filled with powerful symbolism. the pope bowing to kiss the hands of holocaust survivors with humility, reversing the catholic tradition of the kissing of the pope's ring and francis offered an emotional reflection. never again, lord, he prayed. a final image, a warm farewell at the airport from israel's president. with the pope back in the vatican, he's left behind him here in the holy land a legacy of unforgettable moments and controversy. terry moran, abc news, jerusalem. now to some sports starting with the l.a. clippers. disgraced owner donald sterling has until the end of today to respond to the nba's charges against him. all stemming from his racist comments. a week from today is the nba's hearing in to the sterling case. he agreed to surrender his share of the team to his wife shelly and she is working to resolve it with the league amicably. speaking of basketball, the nba playoffs roll on. last night the pacers at miami and you know you only need to think of lebron james when you talk about this game. the world's best player poured in a game high 32 points leading his team to a 102-93 victory. diana is shaking her head. the heat can wrap up another trip to the finals wednesday night. tonight it is san antonio versus oklahoma city. >> to be as good as he is in basketball or to do anything in life that good. >> what a dream, right. on the ice the kings dominated the blackhawks in the first period last night. scoring three goals, they went on to win 5-2, moving one win away from a trip to the stanley cup finals and the kings can wrap up that series tomorrow night. the new york rangers can move to the finals with a win over the canadiens tonight. the l.a. dodgers have their pitching game going for sure. a day after josh beckett's no hitter, there was a perfect game into the 8th inning against the reds. it all ended with a double down the left field line by cincinnati's todd frazier. the reds scored three runs in that inning but l.a. held on to win it 4-3. all right. hang on tight. make sure you have your parachute on for this one, folks. >> oh, boy. what? i need a parachute. >> yeah. >> we say that because of what daredevil stuntman andy lewis is about to do. check this out. when we tell you this you are not going to believe it. 4,000 feet in the air. here it is. his go pro camera captures the walk between two hot air balloons. >> don't flip. >> and because that wasn't enough of a rush, lewis jumps off. oh, there you go, parachuting safely to the ground. this is not something either of us would do in a million years. check that out. >> are you a daredevil? >> no. i'm a little scared of heights. >> are you really? >> i'm just not interested. i find it interesting that tall people are afraid of heights. you are pretty tall. so am i. we're both afraid of heights. >> that's how it works. >> we are always so high. that must be how it works. coming up in the mix -- accommodating women drivers in the parking lot. who thinks that us women need extra room? i'm upset about that one. >> not me. but first the true meaning of memorial day, calling attention to combat heros and their unforgettable stories from the battlefield. the heart-felt messages from a new documentary. you are watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by icy hot smart relief. save them. woolite detergents clean your jeans and won't torture your tanks. so clothes look like new even after 20 washes. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. 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[ male announcer ] with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. so don't wait. call now and request this free decision guide to help you better understand medicare... and which aarp medicare supplement plan might be best for you. there's a wide range to choose from. we love to travel -- and there's so much more to see. so we found a plan that can travel with us. anywhere in the country. [ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learmore about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. a new film opened this memorial day weekend and captures the real story of american soldiers fighting in afghanistan. it was made by a father-son team who are part of the abc news family. >> mike and his son carlos lived alongside the troops for years taking us deep inside the hornet's nest. >> reporter: two years covering the frontlines of america's longest war. my son carlos and i had one mission, to tell their story in our new film documenting their determination. >> i looked at the eyes of the medics. they weren't going to let him die. >> reporter: and absolute heroism. like the medic jameson lynn skog who on a march day in 2011 ran into a wall of gunfire to save his wounded buddies and an afghan soldier. and before he died -- >> he was there bleeding out. he apologized for dying. >> reporter: five more soldiers from the 101st airborne no slack battalion would die that day. one of the deadliest in the war. after, the cost of their sacrifice hit home. especially for sergeant-major chris fields, who waited until his men had left to let the tears of this entire war come out. chris fields is now home. for him, like so many, the road between war and peace difficult to travel. >> there's not a moment that goes by that -- the remembrance of that. i knew them. >> reporter: so much sacrifice. mike boettcher, abc news. >> wow. >> incredible story. >> oh, my goodness. by the way, mike cashed in his 401(k) and his son was just finishing college when he invited him to this trip. incredible. >> what's incredible. they were in the middle of war-time fights at different times and mike told us there were times he was afraid that his son was in trouble during shooting. he said to himself, i remember saying, you selfish s.o.b., did you get your son killed getting involved in this just to tell this story. >> what a great story. carlos one of the producers here. he's the best. >> a great story. coming up we have some hot wheels. high-tech biking gear that may tempt you to switch to the gas-free alternative. ahead in our next half hour, sin city's newest thrill ride. we're on board the voodoo zip line. there it is right there. you are watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stat ♪ i want to ride my bicycle >> i can't help but sing that. >> i know. >> it is the best music here overnight. >> exactly. >> speaking of bicycles may is national bike month and the warm weather is a great excuse to get out abdomen and start pedaling. >> that's right. >> there are a lot of gadgets to help you have a better ride and along with some high-tech bells and whistles. here's our tech contributor, tina trinh. >> it's time to break out the bikes. here in new york city, we found high-tech upgrades for your ten speed. nowadays, it's not just feet that are powering bikes there's electricity at work. we're here with eric barber from the copenhagen wheel. it's essentially a wheel that turns your bike into an electric bike. >> correct. all you do is remove your existing rear wheel, install the copenhagen wheel, download the app on your smartphone, join our community and you're able to start using the wheel. >> it syncs with sensors in the wheels to give you different levels of assistance. rechargeable battery powers the motor inside. it basically gives your normal bike a bit of a boost. >> exactly. makes you you feel stronger, hills flatter, city smaller. >> how about giving your iphone a boost while you're at it. >> the atom is a charger that turns cycling in to power for your phone. >> convert the momentum of the ride almost seamlessly in to rider into usable power on the usb platform. the same way you charge iphone, gps, go pro, any of those. you can now charge them direct little from your bike. >> about 20 minutes of riding gives you a 20% charge. once the sun goes down it can be hard for motorists to spot cyclists. that's why this was created. the rings of l.e.d. light attached to the sides of your wheel creating arcs of light. ensure you to never become a blind spot. >> they last four hours and there is a small battery pack that mounts in to your hub. pop it off, plug it in to your computer and charge them up. >> reporter: one added bonus they look awesome in the dark. with all of this high-tech gear it is easy to see why this sum summer, a ride on two wheels is the way to go. tina trinh, abc news, new york. >> nice. >> i want two of each. >> lights look like christmas on a bike. >> they do.ç are you a biker? >> i'm not. my wife wanted one. i went to look for one. last time i had a ten speed it was years ago. it was 200 bucks. apparently, the price is a lot higher now, folks. >> no longer $200 bikes out there? >> no. >> you can charge your phone so there you go. >> worth something. "the mix" is next. the mix is next. "the mix is nex. . sometimes come out with spots? well, those spots are actually leftover food or detergent residue. can we help prevent this? yes, use finish jet dry. it goes in your dishwasher's dispenser to help eliminate spots and residues. wow, what a difference! she loves to shop online with her debit card. and so does bill, an identity thief who stole mary's identity, took over her bank accounts, and stole her hard-earned money. unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little misplaced information to wreak havoc on your life. this is identity theft. and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. lifelock offers the most comprehensive identity theft protection available. if mary had lifelock's bank account alerts, she may have been notified before it was too late. lifelock's credit notification service is on the job 24/7. as soon as they detect a threat to your identity within their network, they will alert you, protecting you before the damage is done. lifelock has the most comprehensive identity theft protection available, guarding your social security number, your money, your credit, even the equity in your home. my years as a prosecutor taught me that we all need to protect ourselves from crime. in today's world, that includes identity theft. it's a serious problem. we all have to protect ourselves. [ male announcer ] while identity theft can't be completely stopped, no one works harder to protect you than lifelock. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free. that's right. 60 days risk free. use promo code notme. order now and get this document shredder to keep sensitive documents out of the wrong hands. a $29 value free. don't wait until you become the next victim. ♪ ♪ time for "the mix." let's get started with this. i don't have to say anything. all you have to do is watch the video. if you've ever had a pool and if you're thinking how can my backyard be even more awesome, check this out. >> what is happening here, ryan? you have a backyard with grass but why is it moving, wait a second, someone is trying to hide the fact they have a pool. look at that. >> you are kidding. >> i feel like it is straight out of the "price is right." >> this is interesting. why are they hiding the fact the they have a pool. >> people will be wanting to be at your place all the time. you want to hide it when the bad people come. >> this is not for the nosey neighbors because they will eventually see your pool. these are for the friends who aren't really friends. i don't have a pool. don't you have to be going? don't you have somewhere to be? here's a story i'm having a hard time with this story. >> okay. >> south korean's capital of seoul has decided to make it a more woman-friendly city. they're sending $95 million on a project to create different things for women to make it friendlier. this is one of them. they have created larger parking spaces for women who, as if that weren't patronizing enough are painted in pink as you see the logo women who are wearing mini skirts. i'm not done. they are closer to entrances, right? and this is part of a $95 million effort to make the city more friendly to women pink mini skirted logos. [ honking ] hold on. there's more. they have stiletto friendly pavement near the spaces. >> let me say this. i know you are outraged and i'm outraged for you. >> i am outraged. can i have the privileges? i want to park closer and have a squishy mat for my shoes. >> this is coming from the man who says i want a woman to open my door, i want someone to pay for my dinner. not the point. >> i wouldn't mind having a free meal? anything wrong with a free meal? >> that's not my point. my point is why bigger parking spaces. what are they trying to say? >> it is nice for some people is to have bigger parking spaces. >> okay. anyway, moving on. you know what, i'm officially upset. that's the bottom line. >> how about this. give you a sentimental story. i'll warm you up with this story. >> warm my heart. this is a story about a goat. his name is mr. g. he was in a hoarding environment with others including this animal with him right now. jelly bean the donkey. mr. g. wouldn't eat for six days. he was separated from the donkey jelly bean. one volunteer drove 14 hours to get jelly bean over to mr. g. they bonded, mr. g ate again. they reunited and he was alive and eating again. [ male announcer ] now get more of what you deserve. visit your local benjamin moore dealer today and get $50 off every $250 purchase. did you know that peoplel benjamin moore dealer today born from 1945 through 1965 have the highest rates of hepatitis c, but most don't know they're infected? people can live for decades without symptoms, but over time hepatitis c can cause serious health problems. if you were born during these years, the cdc now recommends that you get a blood test for hepatitis c. so talk to your doctor and find out if you have hepatitis c. it could save your life. know more. [ male announcer ] to celebrate, visit your local benjamin moore dealer today and get $50 off every $250 purchase. this morning on "world news now" day of mourning on the uc santa barbara campus after an unthinkable rampage. what the suspect's parents and police tried to do before he killed six people. difficult search. an enormous mudslide buries a three members of a road maintenance crew. the challenges to find the men and the community disbelief. and stashing cash. a mystery millionaire going city to city spreading his wealth. the modern day robin hood tucking away bills in unusual places. the sexy situation on last night's episode of "the bachelorette." our senior analyst is here with his exclusive insight. who was given roses and who may win andi's heart. that is coming up in "the skinny" on this tuesday, may 27th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> i don't know what i was just seeing on that stage in "the bachelorette." i don't want to see that again. >> i'll look at it again. >> oh, boy. all right. good morning on this day after memorial day. i'm ryan smith for john muller. >> i'm diana perez. always a pleasure to have you here, ryan. it's the second time you've been here. tell us about yourself. you mentioned earlier, you have 5-month-old twins. sleep is not happening. >> two boys, no sleep. they are wonderful. my wife is doing an incredible job taking care of them while i'm here. >> i'm sure. >> she does the overnights at home, which is kind of cool. >> just in general? >> that's right. so i can sleep in. isn't that nice. no, that's not -- when i do "gma," she is taking care of them and when i come home from "gma" i am taking care of the kids. >> that's wonderful. look at you. >> you are like a modern day dad involved and all about it. that's wonderful. >> you make it happen, too. you have two kids. >> yes, i do. that's a challenge and a half for me. i ain't lying. >> not easy but it is worth it. >> absolutely. it's so wonderful to have you here. so excited. good morning to all of you. we start with new details in the santa barbara rampage. there are no classes today so students can attend a memorial service. >> as the campus community comes together, we are learning more about the minutes before the killing spree. abc's mary bruce has the latest. >> reporter: elliot rodger's gruesome plot was underway when his parents learned of his chilling manifesto detailing his hatred, loneliness and plan to kill. >> you force me to suffer all my life and now i'll make you all suffer. >> reporter: his parents frantically rushed to intervene but it was too late. they had seen red flags before. weeks ago they contacted the police concerned about their son's disturbing on-line rants. police investigated but found nothing suspicious. >> they determined that he did not meet the criteria for an involuntary mental health hold. >> reporter: rodger boasted about the close call. writing, if they had demanded to search my room, that would have ended everything. with three legally purchased handguns and more than 400 rounds of ammunition, rodger carried out what he called his day of retribution, killing six and injuring 13. the first victim his two roommates and one of their visiting friends. the police found their bodies in rodger's apartment. they had been stabbed repeatedly. >> shots fired, shots fired. >> he also killed two women near the alpha c sorority house. an attempt to exact revenge on the women who he said rejected him. next he opened fire at a deli killing a young, male student. >> nobody needs to own three semiautomatic handguns. it doesn't make sense. >> after careening down this street firing at random, the carnage ended when he crashed his car. he was found dead inside. he apparently shot himself in the head. mary bruce, isla vista, california. they will search for three men missing after the huge mudslide in colorado. the search has been slowed because only the lower third is stable. at the edges the mud is 20 to 30 feet deep. it is believed to be several hundred feet deep and half mile wide. bill clark is a cousin to one of the missing men. >> how can somebody expect or see this coming because they were just up there checking the water, afraid of losing the county road. >> reporter: the sheriff says the residents of this small close-knit town were just praying for a miracle that the three men would be found. much farther north a massive wildfire in a remote part of alaska continues to grow. the wind whipped fire 60 miles south of anchorage covers 250 square miles and is only 30% contained. authorities ordered the evacuation of 1,000 homes. no injuries or structural damage has been reported. fire officials hope rain predicted for today will help to get a handle on that blaze. it wasn't rain but a tornado that injured nine people, one critically, in a trailer park at north dakota's oil patch. the national weather service said the twister hit the oil field workers five miles south of wattford city. look at that visual. 15 trailers were damaged. trailer parks like these are growing as the state's oil boom continues to outpace available housing. the video is riveting to see. >> my goodness. the worst of the severe storm system pummeling texas appears to have passed now but not without the appearance of at least one funnel cloud. much of the state is under tornado watches and flash flood warnings. in parts of houston, the storms dumped a half foot of rain. in austin, texas, severe rain triggered power outages. another three inches is expected overnight and into today with large hail, damaging winds, flash flooding and the possibility of more tornados. now here's a look at today's weather. a wide band of storms from the texas gulf coast to the great lakes continues to rake across the midwest. it will be clear from the back end of the system to the west coast. more rain on the southeastern coast in to florida and showers across the upper plains. >> it's going to be hard to find any place in the nation not in at least the will 80s today. except new england and the pacific northwest. hot spot today, phoenix 108 degrees. there's a major battle underway for control of an airport in eastern ukraine. this comes as the country's new president promised to increase safety and security in the area. alexander marquardt has the report from kiev. >> reporter: the most intense firepower seen in this crisis yet. fighter jets and attack helicopters pounding pro-russian separatists that took control of one of eastern ukraine's main airports. the rebellion will be the first test for petro poroshenko. ukraine's next president. >> no civilized country in the world, nobody has negotiations with terrorists. >> before inheriting the country in turmoil, he was known as the chocolate king. getting his humble start selling cocoa beans before he built an empire that made him a billionaire. he's not just a businessman former secretary of state madeleine albright told he could be the political leader to stabilize ukraine. >> i had the sense he understood what had to be done and had the energy to do it. >> he knows president putin and is hoping to meet with him already next month. moscow says they are willing to work with him but warned stepping up the crackdown against the pro-russian separatists would be a quote, colossal mistake. alexander marquardt, abc news, kiev. >> topping the business headlines, pfizer says it is pulling the plug on what would have been the largest pharmaceutical merger in history. pfizer declined to make a takeover offer for british drug maker astrazeneca for now. last week, the board rejected pfizer's $119 billion buyout proposal. the nation's biggest drug maker promised it will not go hostile by taking its offer directly to astra-zeneca's shareholders. in health headlines this morning america's pediatricians are recommending expectant moms to take a supplement containing iodide. the iodide is needed to make the thyroid hormones required for children's healthy brain development before and after birth. experts recommend pregnant and breast-feeding women get 290 micrograms of iodide per day. one more thing that a pregnant woman needs to take. my goodness, the supplements. >> it's true. i talk to my wife about this because our doctors talk to her, take more iron and things like that. we never heard of iodide. when you think about it is iodized salt. the salt with the umbrella, the woman with the umbrella. that's what you should be eating. but so many people are using kosher salt and others. even when you use take out food. >> it is because of the health scares associated with table salt. you don't want to have heart disease, you don't want to have cholesterol and everything according to the health experts is related to the salt intake. >> seems like there is one new thing every single day. >> today it is good for you and tomorrow it ain't. >> that's right. >> remember the umbrella, that's the one you want. >> moving on to admittedly adorable scene from a zoo in austria. check this out. aww. these little ones are believed to be the first litter of five white tiger cubs ever born in europe. you want to just take them home. >> my goodness. they were introduced to the world yesterday. i will thank our producers for letting me tell their names. okay. here we go. that means they are not easy. let's go. lila, lulu, lela, lal i and a new one, obama. >> and fred. come on. look at them. they are so cute. so cute at that age. you want to take them home and next thing you know they are tigers. >> then you don't want them. >> the zoo's owner credits their good health to them having plenty of room in their enclosure where they can roam around freely and frolic, just like that. >> adorable. coming up in "the skinny," expert in-depth insight in to "the bachelorette" including the bumping, grinding, kissing and predictions. >> oh, boy. and the millionaire dropping bundles of cash, spreading his wealth and creating so much fun. you are watching "world news now." ♪ i said, money, money changes everything ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by icy hot smart relief. weather brought to you by icy hot smart relief. she loves to shop online with her debit card. and so does bill, an identity thief who stole mary's identity, took over her bank accounts, and stole her hard-earned money. unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little misplaced information to wreak havoc on your life. this is identity theft. and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. lifelock offers the most comprehensive identity theft protection available. if mary had lifelock's bank account alerts, she could have been notified in time to help stop it. lifelock's credit notification service is on the job 24/7. as soon as they detect a threat to your identity within their network, they will alert you, protecting you before the damage can be done. lifelock has the most comprehensive identity theft protection available, guarding your social security number, your money, your credit, even the equity in your home. my years as a prosecutor taught me that we all need to protect ourselves from crime. in today's world, that includes identity theft. it's a serious problem. we all have to protect ourselves. [ male announcer ] no one protects you better than lifelock. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free. that's right. 60 days risk free. use promo code: take charge. order now and get this universal device charger, great for everything from smart phones and cameras to tablets, keeping your digital life powered at home, the office, or in the car... a $30 value, free! don't wait until you become the next victim. ♪ and get a universal device charger free. use promo code: take charge. ♪ save them. woolite detergents clean your jeans and won't torture your tanks. so clothes look like new even after 20 washes. ♪ money changes everything ♪ money changes everything >> yeah, it does change everything, money does. >> uh-huh. >> people in san francisco know that because they have been finding cold, hard cash in random places all over town. >> that's right. the money stashed by a man who says he's been lucky and he wants to encourage others to give as well. so abc's nick watt tracked this mystery donor down. >> reporter: san francisco is going gaga for green backs. a mysterious millionaire is stashing cash around the city and tweeting clues like this -- find me at the highest point in the park under a place for dog owners. from that, samantha found 100 bucks in a dog dirt bag dispenser. >> my hands were shaking and i ran down the hill to find my fiance. >> reporter: thousands of treasure hunters await every new clue. the victorious post grateful selfies. who is this robin hood spreading the wealth in this most economically divided city in the country? we got him on the phone. how did you make your money? >> in real estate as a real estate developer. >> how rich are you? >> i'd rather not. it's in the millions. i don't know exactly. >> and he plans to remain anonymous? are you making a point here? >> my point would be to encourage people who have been successful to give back a little more, to pay it forward. >> reporter: like that anonymous restaurant tipper who was left 130 grand in gratuities across the country, hidden cash seems too good to be true. >> how much are you going to give away? >> i haven't put a figure on it. it's probably going to reach at least in the hundreds of thousands. >> reporter: he'll splash in the cash in l.a. this weekend but beyond that not even he knows where or when. this mysterious millionaire told me he is flying by the seat of his pants. nick watt, abc news, los angeles. >> wow. >> incredible, right? this guy said he will give away $1,000 a day for the foreseeable future. he is thinking nyc, new york city, look out for this guy. >> really? >> i'm quite interested. >> that's where i am this week. >> we solved the mystery. you are at hidden cash. >> that's right. on twitter. >> you are the one behind all of this. you know what's funny. this is how i wake up every day, i have a suit on and piles of cash everywhere. >> you sleep on your piles of cash. that's what you told me before the story. that makes sense. when we come back be, the guys on the "the bachelorette" showing some skin. >> the rolling stones on stage for the first time in weeks. new video next in "the skinny." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. showing some skin. skinny so skinny ♪ >> all right skinny so skinny ♪ >> all right. welcome back, everyone. the tuesday morning skinny can guarantee only one thing, an in depth, hopefully comedic look at last night's episode of the abc's "the bachelorette." >> joining us is our senior "the bachelorette" analyst. jack sheehan. there he is. >> wow, a lot to deal with here. that's why i was late. >> the last minute. >> details are streaming in, as they often do at this desk. >> very excited to hear about this. >> anyway, look. we started the episode with 19 guys in the running. the first date was with eric hill, who as we mentioned last week has since unfortunately passed away. they went to the beach. they went on a helicopter trip. they flew to the mountains. they did some snow boarding, andi and eric seemed to do very well together. he got the rose. second date, the group date, on a much lighter note -- >> oh, hello. >> yeah. hey ladies, hey, ladies, 14 of the bachelors were involved in what they described as male exotic dancing. we'll call it bumping and grinding. it was all for charity. oh, okay. whoa! >> hello. all sorts of stuff going on. >> we're going to keep with the video, right? we're not talking about anything. >> we have to move it along. i'm being told we have to move it along. >> come on. >> details are still streaming in. marcus gets the group date rose. the second one on one date, that's chris the farmer. he's from iowa. they went to santa anita racetrack. had a really nice date. he got the rose, as well. this guy is a solid guy. he will be around for a while. >> we like him. >> i'm not in to the bow tie. i'm just going to say it. >> forget about the bow tie. >> how about kissing? >> oh. hello. >> kissing, kissing. first with chris on the date at santa anita during their private concert. >> bow tie works. >> worked for somebody. >> what? >> second with josh m. who asked andi, quote, don't stereotype me. >> why? >> which is to say i'm not the dumb jock. anyway -- >> all right. >> how many kisses are we going to have, two dates two kisses. that's a lot of kisses. >> there were three dates, two kisses. she's not a kissing machine like juan pablo w >> juan pablo. >> kissed everybody, right? >> last week, we did the prediction. >> that's right. >> prediction time -- andi is now engaged to marcus. >> marcus. >> andi is now engaged to marcus who got the rose on the group date. >> really? >> marcus. >> bold prediction. >> you are going with marcus. not that he's in the final four. he's the guy. >> that's the vote for my guy. >> that is chris. >> chris. >> man, i can't keep up. >> keep up with this. >> for bookkeeping sake, three guys booted last night. craig who got loaded on the group date. >> not good. >> karl, nick. 16 guys left. two episodes next week. sunday and monday. i have to go. >> jack has spoken. >> good job. what did you say, jack? mike, what did he say? mike? >> marcus. >> marcus. >> bold prediction. >> marcus it is. now we know. rolling stones real quick. they performed in norway. incredible night. first concert -- there they are on stage. making it happen like usual. mick's first time on stage since the death of his -- e on stage. sometimes come out with spots? well, those spots are actually leftover food or detergent residue. can we help prevent this? yes, use finish jet dry. it goes in your dishwasher's dispenser to help eliminate spots and residues. wow, what a difference! save them. woolite detergents clean your jeans and won't torture your tanks. so clothes look like new even after 20 washes. ♪ ♪ viva las vegas ♪ viva las vegas ♪ viva las vegas >> i always feel like i should be on a horse. ♪ viva las vegas there are a lot of ways to get your thrills in las vegas but the newest one lets you fly over the sunset strip on a zip line.( >> it's incredible. >> get strapped in to an amusement ride sort of seat. you see the contraption. you take off from 50 stories up. >> oh, no. >> our reporter brian callahan from las vegas was there when the first intrepid rider got on. >> reporter: the high roller, slotzilla and now the voodoo zip line. the high-flying ride atop the rio is the latest attraction to open in las vegas this year giving adrenaline junkies the chance to launch from the 50th floor of the masquerade tower to the 20th floor of the tower. it's all done at 30 miles an hour. vegas is about giving people many options of entertainment. this is another unique entertainment experience for folks. >> reporter: before they sent anyone down the zip line they made hundreds of tests to make sure it was safe to go 30 plus miles an hour from roof to roof. >> they have been out here last week or so, morning, noon and night doing tests and the county inspects that. >> reporter: while they didn't fear for their safety, the first riders said they were left breathless. >> i went on a brain freeze. i can't even think where i was at. >> reporter: van kim says he's up for any thrill in las vegas. he made a special trip from phoenix to be the first paying customer. >> reporter: you made a special trip to vegas because you knew this was open? >> yes. >> reporter: you did the same thing with the high rollers? >> yes, i did. >> reporter: with that excitement surrounding all these high-profile rides, managers say there could be more on the way. >> if they are successful it may be the motto for the future to have more rides. >> the guy with the glasses is fired up about being the first rider. i'm so excited. >> all the way from phoenix. >> first thing i thought is how much does it cost, $25 before 6:30 and 37 after. not bad. i have to admit, i thought it was a roller coaster at first. i wanted it to go 90 miles an hour. >> right. i'm less impressed now. i think i felt the same way. it is motorized so i thought it would fly back and forth. it is kind of cruising. >> that is what makes it unique, motorized and not gravity based. that's cool. >> there you go. >> that's the way i like to travel. >> that's like you my heart will go on moment. >> i like to arrive by bungee. >> everywhere, including here. >> correct. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now" informing insomniacs for two decades.xd making news in america this morning -- shooter's rage. the warning signs that were missed before the southern california killing spree. and how the suspected gunman's parents came within minutes of stopping the rampage. oh, jesus. >> breaking overnight, a massive tornado touches down in an oil field, injuring several workers and taking out trailers. the dramatic new video just in. speedway scare. a motorcycle driver loses control on a racetrack, putting the driver behind him in a dangerous position. and a real-life treasure hunt. the envelopes of cash hidden around an american city. and the clues on social media.

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