0 let's see the money we got for you in round 1. it's all the money we have in round 1. i'm gonna scramble all that up, though. we gonna shake it up. these are gonna be all the categories to allquestions e of your questions right here. i'ma shake that up too. mix it. everything is all shuffled. brittney, are you ready? >> i'm ready. >> audience, are you ready? [cheers and applause] let's play millionaire! here we go. [dramatic musical flourish] ♪ sounding a little like dr. seuss, a style of novelty t-shirt often seen on st. patrick's day says, "i'm not as think as you" what? >> seen on st. pat-- so people drink on st. patrick's day, right? and i'm gonna go with "c," drunk i am, final answer. >> what i know about hemingway is that he loved florida, particularly the keys. >> that's right. >> i'm gonna go with "c," key west, final answer. [scattered applause] >> going with "c," key west, final answer. brittney, you're right right off the top. [cheers and applause] >> a man after my heart. >> you--you had somebody going to church back there too, 'cause they was like, "that's right. that is right." [laughter] [laughing] show brittney some money right here. what we got? $7,000, nice. $7,100. that's good money. here's your next question: "i'm with the band." tourists in stockholm, sweden, visiting what musical act's museum can sing with a hologram version of the band? >> so my two-year-old's favorite band is the ramones. >> what? >> yeah, but that's not the answer. [laughter] the answer is "d," abba the museum, final answer. >> that's the correct answer? >> it is. >> it is indeed the correct answer. it is, girl, and you know it. show brittney some money. we gonna put some stacks on stacks on stacks. $2,000. nice start. got $9,100. you still got all your lifelines, so, you know, everything's going well. let's play the game. here we go. stonewall, intimidator, dominator, and striker sound like tough nicknames, but they are also all varieties of what? >> we have a lot of mosquitos in houston, texas, but i don't think it's that. i've played some tennis. i don't know anything about fire hoses nor cucumbers. cedric, i think i'm gonna jump this question. >> gonna jump it? >> i'm gonna jump it. >> all right. you decided to jump this question. now, brittney, it's now out of play, so let's see what the answer is, what the correct one-- you kind of jumped around. it was cucumbers. >> ooh. >> that was crazy, right? >> no, i would not have guessed that. >> yeah, you would've not guessed that. well, you jumped over it, so that was a good move so far,p but hopefully you didn't jump over anything big. what kind of money she jump? $10,000. [audience groaning] >> yeah. >> it's all right. it's okay. you still have some big bucks up there, and you're still alive, 'cause you didn't know the answer, right? >> no, no. >> there you go. here's your next question. here we go. flash photography and, perhaps, throwing stones are off limits at architect philip johnson's house, a national historic landmark made of what? >> this is tough. [dramatic music] ♪ i'm gonna go with "c," glass. >> final? >> final answer. >> you can't throw stones at a glass house. correct! that is right! [cheers and applause] right on, brittney. the walls are all glass, and the house is in connecticut. here we go. how much money we gonna give brittney right now? $1,000. >> that's okay. >> that's all right. brittney's got $10,100 in her bank, on her way to $1 million. and we'll be right back, baby, yeah. [ female announcer ] arms were made for hugging. hands for holding. feet, kicking. how you doing, britt? >> i'm doing fine. >> good--i see you got your mom and your stepdad here today with you... >> they're here. >> supporting--what's up? how you all doing over there? >> doing great. >> good. >> good--you all excited for her? >> yeah, very. >> very excited. >> you gonna go on vacation too? brazil, whose idea was this? yeah, maybe. >> i think third gets to be the parents' vacation. >> then y'all get a separate vacation. >> there you go. >> see? >> that's not a bad idea. >> it's all right. you're like--as long as you get yours by yourself, you can send 'em all. >> they can do what they want. >> all right, i like it. well, you're doing great. let's win some more money. let's play. here we go. [dramatic musical flourish] ♪ [cheers and applause] a combination of "sheep" and "people," the term "sheeple" is often used to describe people when they are what? >> i'm gonna rule out eating grass. i mean, my children do that, but... >> [chuckles] >> saying "baa," they sometimes do that too, but... >> yes. >> acting like a herd... i mean, do we do that? herd mentality, they say-- or especially hairy. i'm actually really a little bit stumped by this one. do people act like a herd? yeah? in certain occasions. uh, gosh. cedric, i'm gonna skip this. i'm gonna jump this question. >> you're gonna jump it? >> i'm gonna jump this question. >> all right, you decided to jump the question. it's now out of play. you were kind of leaning towards "a" a little bit. let's see what the correct answer is. it was acting like a herd. you know, people kind of follow each other, you know. all right, you jumped over it. hopefully it's small money. what'd she jump? $5,000. [audience groaning] >> bummer. >> it's all right. brittney, you're still alive, and, you know, you still in the game. >> cedric... ♪ can we poll the audience on this one? >> we'll do it. audience, brittney needs your help right now. you'll go to your keypads and vote. help her out. [percussive music] ♪ let's see what the audience has to say. ah, okay, 42% of 'em went with "a," the dancing plague. next was, uh, "d," the waltzing virus with 23%. i don't know how-- how does that help you out much. do you? >> um... ♪ the waltzing virus-- i'm stuck between "b" and "d." i really am. [whispering] two--typhoid. >> so not "a" at all now in your mind. >> i'm really gonna have to disagree with the audience on this one. the dancing plague, two-step typhoid, the waltzing virus... >> there's a few people in here with the dancing plague. i see 'em just kind of... >> i'm gonna have the dancing plague here in just a minute, boy, oh, boy. >> they can't help it. they like... [laughter] >> typhoid. boy, oh, boy. [laughter and applause] oh, my. so only-- >> that's the dancing for money plague right there. that's-- >> there you go. >> it's different, totally different, though. it was a different-- different era. [laughter] >> uh... ♪ good grief, i'm gonna walk. i'm gonna walk. i'm gonna walk. [applause] >> brittney, is that your final answer? >> yeah. >> all right, you decided to walk. you know, the correct answer actually was "a," the dancing plague. >> was it really? >> audience knew what they were talking about, but that's all right. you played a great game, and you're walking out of here with $12,550. give brittney some love. we got more millionaire in just a second, yeah.