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[ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you thousands a year in out-of-pocket costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. it's time to change the way we clean. it's time to free ourselves from the smell and harshness of bleach. and free ourselves from worrying about the ones we love. new lysol power & free has more cleaning power than bleach. how? the secret is the hydrogen peroxide formula. it attacks tough stains and kills 99.9% of germs. new lysol power & free. powerful cleaning that's family friendly. another step forward in our mission for health. septic disasters are disgusting and costly, but avoidable. the rid-x septic subscriber program helps prevent backups by sending you monthly doses right to your door so you will never forget to maintain your system. sign up at ♪ mona lisa ♪ mona lisa mona lisa men can't get tired of you ♪ >> you never get tired of listening to that. >> nat king cole. great christmas album, the album from my childhood. we digress. >> you don't have to be an art aficionado to know what the mona lisa is. millions pass by the world's most famous painting every year while visiting the louvre in paris. i've done it. >> i saw it on loan in new york. >> really? >> didn't have to take the trip. some in the art world are saying there is a second mona lisa, believe it or not. as abc's jeffrey koffman reports, there are others who are not so sure. >> reporter: could it be president? most famous painting in the world now has a twin? >> mona lisa, leonardo's earlier version. >> reporter: what the owners of the so-called mona lisa told the world hidden in a swiss bank vault half of a century it emerged accompanied by a stack of evidence meant to prove this was da vinci's first version of this, a younger mona lisa, note the perkier smile. the original has always been surrounded by intrigue, her eyes said to reveal a secret code or the artist's signature. but a second mona lisa? there are a lot of reasons to be suspect of this wannabe da vinci, it only surfaced in 1914, and no record of its existence before then. >> and what does that add up to? >> it adds up to being an interesting copy. >> reporter: an interesting copy. >> no more than that. >> reporter: there are many reasons to believe this is a copy by a lesser artist. first, the younger painting is on canvas. leonardo painted on wood. the background on the younger mona lisa is well, muddy, not like the masterpiece. but the real giveaway, translieu sense. in the original, layers of light. they're just not there in the other one. >> when you look at that you just go wow. you look at that mona lisa. you go, eh. >> reporter: a new leonardo would be worth at least $100 million. imagine how with only 20 of his works in existence how exciting it would be to discover one more. jeffy koffman, abc news oxford. >> i'm not buying it. i don't think it is real. >> we're skeptical. i have to think so too. how could there not be some kind of reference to it way back when. in 1517. a third one i hear. >> that's the one -- i heard that that was the real one. >> in a hotel somewhere. a hotel wall. bought at auction. you know what i am talking about hotel pictures. >> i love this show. >> good picture, sunny. well some good movies are opening up this weekend. and we'll check them out in our friday morning edition of insomniac"insomniac theatre"." but, first, it is a baffling choice, which cleaning product for the job? they all make big promises. which ones deliver? what consumer reports has to say on this matter. you are watching "world ne >> hey, paula, happy anniversary. >> i'm busy right now. >> talking 20th anniversary. >> i'm busy. we have a newscast. >> come on. 20 years live overnight news, fun, smart, a little attitude. >> now i know what you are talking about. 20th anniversary of "world news now." we should do a promo. >> you are seeing the whole picture. >> a great line to use in the promo. >> we need a promo. >> we need a promo. >> this has been the "world news now," 20th anniversary promo. sleep is overrated. ♪ ♪ ated. ♪ ♪ >> a good song. >> that's a good song. >> i don't know what that is. >> i don't know either. huh. 1936 we were told. >> that's why we don't know. well, if you're like us you have a cabinet full of cleaning products, most of which promise to clean anything and everything under the sun. >> which ones are the real deal? sounds like a question for the experts at "consumer reports" and abc's brandi hitt from los angeles with what they're saying. brandi. >> reporter: good morning. how many cleaning products do you have underneath your sink? there are so many out there that say all-purpose. consumer reports says most do not live up to that name. they claim to be heavy duty and remove tough dirt. but can all-purpose cleaners really do it all? consumer reports put these 19 brand name cleaners to the test on tough stains in the kitchen and bathroom. and found only one with enough cleaning power that warrants the name "all-purpose." >> the pine-sol original was our best of 19 tested products. it handled grease, grape juice, soap scum and a variety of other stains. >> reporter: consumer reports says a handful of losers including whippet, it costs 62 cents for each use and performed lousy on soap scum and scales. >> so you're paying through the nose for a cleaning product that really isn't going to do the job on most of the things you are hoping it is going to work on. >> reporter: while no spray cleaner made the recommended list, a couple green products made the top two. seventh generation and greenworks. surprisingly one of the best cleaning products is likely in your kitchen cabinet already. vinegar. >> equal parts water and vinegar, outperformed every commercial spray cleaner. so, brands like lysol, ajax, vinegar beat them all. >> you just have to wait for the smell to dissipate. now, if you're looking to go green, consumer reports recommends finding usda organic labels on them. that means the product is 95% plant-based. john and sunny, back to you. >> see, i like clorox, vinegar, my mother uses fabuloso. what about you? >> i department do much cleaning. >> are you sure? >> i use sum -- simply green products. >> looks like you do a lot of cleaning. >> for the right price i can be talked into doing just about anything. how's that? i can't do the vinegar. it smells too nasty to me. >> i feel like it is all-natural. put some in your salad. drink vinegar, do you know bugs stay away, no mosquito bites. >> got to try that. >> just have all this knowledge. important facts. >> what she said. finally this half-hour, our jooirngs pro-health clinical rinse. it's a clinical breakthrough that actually keeps your teeth 91% clean of plaque at 2 months after a dental visit. plus, it gives you these key benefits. new crest pro-health clinical rinse. crest. life opens up when you do. also try new crest pro-health clinical plaque control toothpaste. every time someone chooses finish over cascade, it sparks a movement. because people can't keep it to themselves. look ! no ugly spots ! awesome! incredible shine. i'm switching for good. love, love, love finish! over a million people have switched to finish. try finish free. visit us on facebook. the crisp northern air of acadia, the falling leaves. the perfect inspiration for air wick's fall collection. when i smell that, i know fall is in the air. the fall collection from air wick and the national park foundation. something in the air wick. 3q finally carpet cleaning got easier. try resolve easy clean to deep clean your carpets. just 3 easy steps for beautifully clean carpets. it removes 3 times more dirt than vacuuming alone. don't just vacuum clean. resolve clean. finally, this half hour, our look at what's new in theaters this weekend. it's our segment called "insomniac theatre." >> sunny will tell us about a college group in pitch perfect. i'll get us started with a time travel. it's called "looper." you're a sci-fi fan. time travel, any bad movie that involves time travel? >> never. >> this involves jason gordon-levitt and a thriller "the looper" time travel will be invented. it will be illegal. only people on the black market will use it. when the mob wants to get rid of some one. they send their target, 30 years into the past, a looper, a hired gun, is waiting to mop up. in this case, joe is getting rich and life is good until the day the mob decides to close the loop on him, sending joe back to his future self for assassination. check it out. >> do you know what will happen? you have done this as me? >> i don't want to start talking time travel because if we talk about it we'll be here all day making diagrams with straws. >> we know how this has to go down. i can't let you walk away from the diner alive. this is my life. i learned it. you had it. why don't you do what old men do, and die. >> all right. it's getting really good reviews. "new york daily news," they're on their a-game. fiery. together take us on a hell of a trip. rotten tomatoes, 92%, favorability rating. >> i will go see that. definitely. up next we'll have "pitch perfect." remember rebel wilson from "bridesmaids?" she's in the movie. really, really funny girl. anna kendrick, britney snow, like a "glee" movie. about becca, anna kendrick, a girl would rather listening to what is coming out of her headphones than a person talking to her. she loves to sing. and she basically gets in with another group of girls, all different types of girls, mean girls, nerd girls, but they all have something in common. they love to sing. take a listen to this. >> i don't know. >> the rubbing together of your vocal chord at above normal rates without proper lubrication. >> isn't that painful? why would you keep performing? >> because i love to sing. >> when my lady doctor told me i shouldn't have sex for six weeks. i did it any way. >> you should really listen to your doctor. >> i'm already laughing. rotten tomatoes gave it a 75% rating. not as good as "looper." and "new york daily news" says it has a pretty this morning on "world news now" -- deadly shooting developing overnight. we're learning about the victims who have been killed and wounded in a newing at of workplace violence. >> police in minneapolis say the shooter is among the dead. it's friday, september 28th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning. i'm john muller. >> i'm sunny hostin. paula and rob are off today. we'll get the latest on that deadly workplace shooting in just a moment. also this half hour, almost three weeks after the ambassador and three other americans were killed in libya, the white house now says it was a premeditated terrorist attack. what's behind this change from the administration? and then on alert, some of the biggest banks in america are being hit in a wave of cyber attacks. how millions of customers could be affected. and later, do demi moore and ashton kutcher have a secret reason they haven't gotten a divorce? we'll have the swirling speculation coming up in "the skinny." >> uh-huh. all right. we begin with the terrifying workplace shooting rampage in minneapolis. bullets flying within the walls of a small business. >> we know for sure this morning that the gunman is among at least five people dead. three people are in critical condition. we get more from our own todd wilson of our minneapolis affiliate kstp. >> 911 calls came through dispatch about a shooting at access signage systems in chestnut. this neighborhood was on lockdown for hours. residents came out of their houses to see what was going on. >> our neighborhood is quiet. we never see anything going on around here really. >> reporter: cops dressed in military fatigues, carrying large rifles rushed to the scene of a shooting. >> officers arrived and entered, found several victims inside and were able to evacuate victims who were shot. >> reporter: deputy chief christine artisan says several people who died in the shooting were left inside the business. a source within the police department has confirmed two dead and four injured. three critically. >> i can confirm though that the suspect, the shooter, is dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. >> reporter: the investigation is now in full swing. the medical examiner's office is here along with homicide investigators and crime scene techs. our thanks to todd wilson. a story we will be watching all morning. it's been almost three weeks now since chris stevens, the u.s. ambassador to libya, and three other americans were killed in that assault on their compound in benghazi. while the investigation into the attack is far from over, the white house is now offering a new take on what really happened. here's abc's jake tapper. >> reporter: secretary of defense leon panetta acknowledged that the attack that killed four americans in benghazi, libya, on the anniversary of 9/11 was not only cared out by terrorists, it was premeditated. >> as we determined the details of what took place there and how that attack took place, that it became clear that there were terrorists who had planned that attack. >> reporter: the white house first suggested that the benghazi attack was spontaneous. the result of that anti-muslim video inciting mobs throughout the region. >> jake let's be clear. these protests were in eereaction to a video that had spread to the region. we don't know -- we don't though otherwise. you know, we have no information to suggest that it was a preplanned attack. >> reporter: but source tell abc news that intelligence officials on the ground tell us the attack was not tied to the movie at all. what aroused their suspicion, the fact that the attackers knew where to get ambassador stevens after he fled to a so-called safe househalf a mile away. the building was hit with insurgent mortars suggesting the terrorists knew what they were doing. some administration sources tell abc news they were concerned after the white house began pushing the line that the attack was spontaneous and not the work of terrorists. the white house says assessments have changed over time as intelligence has been confirmed. president obama has repeatedly said the investigation is on to find the killers and bring them to justice. and abc news has learned that officials from the fbi, which is leading the investigation in benghazi has not even gotten to benghazi more than 16 days after the attack because of security concerns. now officials worry by the time they do get to the site, it will have been picked clean. jake tapper, abc news, the white house. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu in new york for the opening session of the united nations general assembly. he also met with secretary of state hillary clinton one on one, during which he was expected to make his case for military action to stop iran from developing its nuclear program. he used a line drawing the bomb to make the same case at the u.n. >> a red line should be drawn right here. before iran completes the second stage of nuclear enrichment necessary to make a bomb. >> netanyahu said iran will back down if the world draws that clear red line. but he warned that it will have enough enriched uranium to make a nuclear bomb by next summer. that's what they're saying. netanyahu believes we're about six months away from them having enough enriched uranium to make a bomb. >> i think many people are hoping military action is not necessary. >> of course. >> of course. and we know now that israel's foreign ministry called for another round of sanctions against iran because the sanctions that have been put in place have been somewhat successful -- >> right. >> -- i think. you know, at least people are saying that. but i just wonder if the united states, this time of year, an election year, is ready to sort of draw that line and stand with israel. >> exactly. >> at this point. >> yeah. and i don't know that necessarily agreeing to bomb iran doesn't mean they're not necessarily standing with israel. but you're right -- at this point, i don't think anything dramatic like that happens before before. >> that's what i mean. to -- >> before november. >> stand with israel on drawing the red line right now. because, the election is, is a month away. >> we shall see. >> we shall see. the filcmaker behind the anti-muslim movie that sparked violent protests across the arab world has been arrested in california. a federal judge ordered nakoula basseley nakoula detained saying he is a flight risk. officials say he had eight probation violations stemming from a 2010 check fraud conviction. prosecutors say he'll likely be placed in protective custody. and it was back to business for the real nfl refs last night as they returned from their lockout to officiate the browns/ravens game in baltimore. cheers filled the stadium during the pregame coin toss when one ref said it's good to be back. the ravens won the game. unlike the monday night packers/seahawks debacle, it was controversy-free. thank goodness. >> thank goodness, gracious, get down and kiss the gridiron. yes. enough was enough. that was ridiculous. >> since when do refs get a standing ovation. they're usually sort of, thankless job. >> insults. expletives hurled at them. >> i know. >> you're exactly right. >> standing ovation? wow! >> refs must have been like what kind of parallel universe are we in. they're cheering us right now. they get a nice raise. $18,000 raise to start. eventually i think right now at $140,000, some odd dollars, they're going to go up to the $200,000 level. >> that's significant for a part-time job. >> by the end of the eighth year. >> it is significant. a lot of people. i heard some people talking about it, eavesdropping on them. one guy was saying, this is way too much money. and it is a ton of money. when you think how much the players are getting and you think how good these are and what's at stake and television ratings and everything else. i say, pay them. >> think you're right. >> and i think everybody -- the nfl agreed. america's banks on high alert this morning after being tar getted in a massive wave of cyber attacks. potentially millions of customers at bank of america, pnc, wells fargo and others have been locked out of their accounts online. hackers in the middle east warned they would attack over the anti-muslim move, but they couldn't be stopped. >> this is the first time that we know about where a middle eastern entity, perhaps, a middle eastern government, has attacked websites of critical infrastructure in the united states. >> now, the u.s. suspects iran is involved. fortunately officials say everyone's money is safe they fear next generation of cyber attacks could reach deep into financial systems and cause real trouble. that is very scary. kind of a sign of the times. >> it is scary. my goodness, i just thought the banks were all most, i thought they were just so protected. >> foolproof. >> yeah. >> you better worry. your friday forecast. heavy downpours, flooding, boston, new york, philly, d.c. thunderstorms from the ohio valley to memphis and little rock. some scattered showers along the gulf coast, dreb. ing rain in weks texas, and showers in the rockies. >> 70s from billings to albuquerque. in the middle of the country, from minneapolis to kansas city, 80s across the south. well another major tourist attraction is coming to the big apple. the world's tallest ferris wheel. that's right, the 625-foot-tall wheel capable of carrying more than 1,400 people will be built on staten island overlooking the statue of liberty and manhattan skyline. the privately funded project will cost $230 million. city officials hope it will draw millions of visitors. it should be finished in about three years. i'm not getting on that. >> it will be a heck of a view. are you scared of heights? >> you know, i don't see it. so you're up there, ah wow, i'm so high i could die. wow. i don't know. it doesn't make me fool good. i don't need that. >> sunny, think about you and your husband when you maybe courting and having a date and on the ferris wheel, wouldn't get on there? wouldn't be romantic? >> oh, it's so high, my goodness. look i am 1,400 feet up in the air and could fall and die. i don't need that feeling. >> you are not feeling it. >> don't know -- get on the ferry and go to staten island to do it. >> sure, why not. beautiful view. and it's been a week since the iphone 5 hit stores but we're just now getting a look at part of the phone frenzy from early last friday. >> right in front of dozens of people waiting in line for hours to be among first to buy the iphone. the apple employee drops the boxes full of devices, and it turns out the phones were actually fakes. it turns out the worker was a prankster. check it out. looking to get a rise out of some apple fans. i love it. [ laughter ] >> all these people think "that's my phone he just dropped." >> look! >> this is great. he did it at a number of places. [ laughter ] [ slow-motion sound effect ] >> sounds pretty good. allegedly. he says don't worry, there's lots of geniuses in there to fix them up. they'll be fine. >> i love that, but i'm a prankster. that will go viral. coming up deathbed confession leading to another search for jimmy hoffa's body. >> also ahead, a woman accused of torching her own car, but it was all in the name of self improvement. we'll explain that next. you are watching "world news now." ♪ hold it in ♪ ♪ now you're working building a mystery ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by colonial penn life insurance. mystery ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by colonial penn life insurance. welcome back. by colonial penn life insurance. ♪ hold it in ♪ it's time to change the way we clean. it's time to free ourselves from the smell and harshness of bleach. and free ourselves from worrying about the ones we love. new lysol power & free has more cleaning power than bleach. how? the secret is the hydrogen peroxide formula. it attacks tough stains and kills 99.9% of germs. new lysol power & free. powerful cleaning that's family friendly. another step forward in our mission for health. [ female announcer ] caroline penry began using olay total effects in 2001. since then there's been one wedding 2 kids, and 43 bottles of olay total effects. so in spite of 185 tantrums 378 pre-dawn starts and a lot of birthdays, caroline still looks amazing. you can challenge what's possible thanks to the trusted performance of olay. 60 years, millions of women, real results. you disgust me. prove it. enough is enough. d-con no view, no touch trap snaps to kill instantly. no looking, no touching. d-con. get out. welcome back. a mystery is exactly what surrounded the case of former teamster boss jimmy hoffa since his disappearance back in 1975. soil samples being taken today from an area around a concrete driveway in a detroit suburb. they will be tested for human decomposition. it is all in reaction to a man's statement to police that he thought he saw hoffa buried there decades ago. and a bizarre story from florida. a high school teacher being held this morning in connection with a plot to have a former colleague killed. james peppe, a social studies teacher, was arrested yesterday. he's accused of attempting to hire a hit man to murder another teacher who he used to work with, a man named robert meredith. meredith doesn't want to show his face and says he has no idea why peppe would want him killed. >> it's very strange, very disconcerting, you know, if that makes sense. i don't feel that in any way i am in any way culpable for this. i think this is, perhaps, if there's a problem, it's 100% on the other side. >> the fbi was tipped off about the alleged plot last month. then they taped several conversations in which peppe is accused of telling an undercover officer that he would pay $2,000 to have meredith rubbed out. all right. going to stay down south for one more. this one is from louisiana. 23-year-old amanda williams charged with fraud and arson. here is why. she admitted to torching her car, so she could collect $1,000 in damages. she wanted to use the money to get breast implants apparently. williams told neighbors not to park near her before she set the fire. now she is facing 15 years in prison and $15,000 in fines. wow. >> my, my. >> mind-boggling. on so many levels. >> she wanted breast implants. >> she told the neighbors about the plan. probably not a good idea. >> good neighbor. >> like a good neighbor, state farm is there, or the police in this case. when we come back, we'll see what is in "the skinny". >> you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: abc's "world n ♪ skinny so skinny ♪ i . >> all right. time for "the skinny". this is an interesting one. demi moore and ashton kutcher splitting ways quite a while back, a year ago. everybody is wondering where is the divorce papers are, the big final divorce. now people are really speculating they were never married officially, maybe that's why we're not hearing about any official divorce. sources telling radar online, the couple's kabbalah's wedding was a symbolic ceremony and not a legal marriage. it's possible that if, in fact this was not a legal marriage -- which this is not necessarily confirmed, that's what some people are saying -- that they don't need an official divorce. >> that explains things. >> makes things a lot easier. >> interesting, i had no idea. talking about married folks, reese witherspoon had her baby boy. >> congratulations to her. >> congrats to her. welcomed, tennessee james. thursday, yesterday, september 27th. reese and her husband jim are happy. mom and baby are healthy. the family is thrilled. and we're thrilled for them. congratulations, reese witherspoon and hubby and tennessee. >> way to go. all right. sofia vergara embracing her curves. apparently her mom advised her not to undergo breast surgery years ago. >> a reduction though. >> yes, reduction. thank you for that. reduction. wanted to make them smaller. her mom said don't do it. she is agreeing with that. says she rejected the former and is yet to get a wedding dress. so she doesn't have to worry about wedding dress malfunctions. she says she looks better naked. that's a powerful statement. i think a lot of people when they look at themselves think i look better in clothes. she says she looks better out of clothes. >> smart mother. because i think her boobs have helped her career. i'm just saying. >> funny how that happens. >> you're just saying. you're just saying. >> helped her out. the girls have helped her. >> way to go, sunny. i'll let you say that. talking about boobs and thinks like that you know keisha? she says -- she told ryan seacrest on the radio show she had sex with a ghost. >> a ghost? >> yes, yes, she had sex with a ghost. she said she has had experiences with the super natural. but in a very sexy way. and she said that her new album is based on the theme of that spiritual quest that she embarked on to improve her music. >> do you think that was a sex tape? >> you know what? i think ke$sha may be a little nuts. >> that's an interesting one. >> how do you have a sex with a ghost, sex with casper. i am so confused by the whole thing. if you have sex with a guest do you tell people that you had sex with a ghost? or do you keep it secret? >> and, at a later date? >> you and casper keep it to yourselves. i don't think you share it with other people what do you think? >> yeah, i would go with that. a ghost. that's a new one. i just -- millimeterm. >> still to come, a look at the week that was. >> our "friday rewind" is next. you are watching "world news now." >> sex with a ghost. [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare? that's a good thing, but it doesn't cover everything. only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans they pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and save you up to thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket costs. call today to request a free decision guide to help you better understand what medicare is all about. and which aarp medicare supplement plan works best for you. with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients... plus, there are no networks, and you'll never need a referral to see a specialist. there's a range of plans to choose from, too. and they all travel with you. anywhere in the country. join the millions who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations... and provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. call today. remember medicare supplement insurance helps cover some of what medicare doesn't pay -- expenses that could really add up. these kinds of plans could save you up to thousands in out-of-pocket costs... you'll be able choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. and you never need referrals. so don't wait. with all the good years ahead, look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. call now to request your free decision guide. this easy-to-understand guide will answer some of your questions, and help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that's right for you. and finally this half-hour, the week that was. and, finale, this half hour, the week that was. with 39 days left to election day, there was of course, plenty of politics. >> but that botched call on monday night and the effect it had was really the story of the week. it's all what's called our "friday rewind." >> it's very clear, we can't afford four more years like the last four years. that's why we are going to get change, finally, in washington, the people of america deserve. >> i think he's a nonideological person, running in an extremely ideological age and he's faking it. >> their core problem was carefulness, inability to focus on their own essential meaning. >> michelle would be terrific, but temperamentally, i just don't think that -- she would -- that no. it's absolutely true. it takes a lot of patience to be the president of the united states, and i'm just not that patient. >> i just don't know. she's an extraordinarily able person. i never met anybody i thought was a better public servant, but i have no earthly idea what she'll decide to do. >> why do the leaves fall? >> because it's autumn. >> when do we go to the cape? to hyannisport? >> because it's summer. >> it's summer. >> after further review, the call on the field stands. touchdown. end of game. >> seahawks win in the most bizarre finish you'll ever see! >> this is comical to me, really. >> mike, i tell you, that's, two of the worst calls at the end of a football game i can remember. >> really one thing that we have learned from this, as frustrating as it is, ultimately it's game judged by people who are imperfect. >> we are serious about these ideals. today we must reaffirm that our future will be determined by people like chris stevens and not by his killers. like me, the majority of americans are christian, and yet we do not ban blasphemy against our most sacred beliefs. >> how will you decide if this book is a success? >> it won't sell as many books as harry bottler. i think, lightning doesn't strike twice. but i accepted that a long time ago. >> we have all been told laughter is the best medicine. russell told us that facebook is a bargain at $38 a share. >> yeah. there you go. >> quite a week. [ female announcer ] now get high speed internet at home on our newly expanded advanced digital network a connection you can count on. introducing at&t u-verse high speed internet with more speed options, reliability and wi-fi hot spots than ever. go to our website below to get u-verse high speed internet for just 14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. it's all the speed you need all at a great price. our newly expanded advanced digital network gives you more of what you enjoy online. and with at&t, our wireless gateway turns your home into a private wi-fi hot spot that connects your wi-fi devices and can even save on your smart phone data usage at home. go to our website below to get at&t u-verse high speed internet for just 14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. that includes access on-the-go to our entire national wi-fi hot spot network with over 30,000 hot spots. at&t u-verse high speed internet. now on our newly expanded advanced digital network a connection your whole house can count on. ♪ ♪ this morning on "world news now" -- game on. this morning on "world news now" -- game on. the real nfl refs are officially back in action. >> they got a rousing ovation as they took the field in baltimore for the first game since the lockout ended. it is friday, september 28th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." happy friday. good morning. i'm sunny hostin. >> i'm john muller. rob and paula are off. we'll have more on the triumphant return of the refs in a moment. also this half hour, 50 states, and both presidential candidates picked the same one to campaign in yesterday. we'll see how president obama and mitt romney are making their case with 39 days to go. >> i can't believe it's 39 days my goodness. >> i know. it's getting close. and then airport insecurity. abc's brian ross on the trail of tsa agents accused of pocketing the passenger belongings they're supposed to be protecting. >> that is a great story. you're going to want to see that. >> it infuriates me. >> it is unbelievable. yeah, going to push your buttons. when a six-pack just won't cut it. you haven't seen ripped until you've seen these bodies. paula drew this assignment, a tough one before her day off. >> a good assignment. >> then you have to sweat. i don't know about that one. she can have that one. first, thursday night football had a whole different look than monday night's game. >> these's because the regular referees are back in action in baltimore for the first game of nfl's week four. while the rowdy fans usually like to boo the refs, at this game it was nothing but cheers. we get more from abc's paul bevan. >> reporter: john, sunny so for the fs, orefs players, fomeri dea didn't come a msoon >> it's good to be home. >> reporter: as the ravens/browns game got under way, the mood was unmistakeableunmistakable. welcome back. >> as they came out of the tunnel to a standing ovation. >> reporter: with real refs on the field, monday night's game ending call is something that we will hopefully never have to see again. the packers/seahawks' debacle the low point in a three week old season riddled with questionable calls. commissioner roger goodell says the league would have come to terms weeks ago. >> i don't think the refs wanted to come off the field, but there were clear economic differences. >> reporter: those differences came down to $3 million a year iy ics an that's a drop in the multi-billion-dollar nfl bucket, leaving many wondering why there had been a lockout at all. it would be an understatement to say there had been pressure on the league and the union to make up placf1 - wn, h call evshirfg finally, late wednesday night after a 48-hour blitz of oute, or. that the referees union is back. >> sweet. >> reporter: now, in the end both sides got pretty much what they wanted. refs got a littleey. while the nfl got an option to hire a stable of officials to use to replace bad refs. the referees' union is expected to officially ratify the deal this weekend. john, sunny. i think paul made a good point. it really was a drop in the bucket.cpathe cf1 the >> why did they do it? i said before i believe the honeymoon and love with the refs will end very uckl them them, and then people will get back to abusing the refs. good old-fashioned. >> because of the bonehead call, the last one, that's why the lockout is >> when you thin we owe them. they got a loss, and we got the refs back. >> they sure did, they sure did. the fillmmaker behind the anti-muslim move that sparked a violent protest across the arab world has been arrested in california. a federal judge ordered nakoula basseley nakoula detained saying he is a flight risk. nakoula apparently had eight probation violations stemming from a 2010 check fraud conviction. prosecutors say he benjamin netanyahu joined other world leaders in new york in a one-on-one meeting with secretary of state hillary clinton. he made the case for military action against iran to stop the nuclear weapons program. he made that argument again at the united nations. where he also addressed israel's standoff with the palestinians. >> we have to sit togther mulcomnwhi recognizes the one and only >> palestinian leader mahmoud abbas accused israel of waging a campaign of ethnic cleang b building settlements in east jerusalem. netanyahu called that libus speech and that will not lead to a solution. there are five days to go until the first presidential debate with candidates set to square off on do along with debate prep, president obama and challenger mitt romney are both in full-out campaign mo c's traks t candidates g on trail. >> reporter: good moing,o cf ng, we're going to be seeing a lot of this over the next 5 1/2 weeks. on wednesday it was ohio. yesterday it was virginia where romney were cam president obama stumped for votes in virginia beach. an >> it's time for a new economic patriotism. an economic patriotism rooted in the belief that growing our economy begins with a strong and thriving middle class. >> reporter: while mitt romney reached out to veterans in the critical northern virginia suburbs. >> we're going to make sure and restore our economy and put people back to work, get rising take-home pay again. we're going to make sure we have a military that is second to none. i will do those things. >> reporter: right now the president has the edge in the k rgn is ahead by four points. romney told abc's david muir, he is not deterred by the numbers. >> well i am very pleased with some polls, less so with other polls. frankly, at this early stage, polls go up, polls go down. >> reporter: it is not really early. in fact, voting is already under way. voters in iowa started heading to the polls. next tuesday voters in ohio can do the same. that's why the president's latest ad where he's speaking directly to the camera for two minutes looks like a closing argument. >> there will be debates. speeches, and more ads. but if i could sit down with you in your living room or around the kitchen table, here's what i'd say. >> reporter: for many americans now is the time when they lock down their vote. with presidential debates beginning next week, the candidates are really running out of time to keep making their case. john, sunny, back to you. >> karen, thank you. to a developing story out of minneapolis. we're getting new information on a deadly workplace shooting. the gunman opened fire at a company that makes signs killing the owner and three others. four people were wounded. three critically. police say the shooter then turned the gun on himself. he is believed to be a former worker who just lost his job. american banks are being targeted in one of the biggest cyber attacks ever detected. hackers are jamming the websites of bank of america, pnc, wells fargo, and other banks one at a time, blocking millions of people from accessing their accounts online. a group in the middle east says it launched the crime wave over the anti-muslim film but u.s. officials suspect iran is involved. we now have the most convincing evidence yet that water once flowed on mars. nasa's rover curiosity beamed back pictures showing pebbles likely rounded by water. the bedrock suggests a fast-moving waist-deep stream once flowed on the red planet, finding past water is the first step in determining if the environment was favorable to sustaining life. they say that water probably flowed billions of years ago. that's pretty impressive. >> pretty impressive. how do you sort of make those rounded or those edges, either water or wind. and we know it is not wind. it's got to be water. i'm fascinated by all that geeky stuff. >> and where there's water, maybe there's life. >> maybe there's life. >> maybe there's life. >> exactly. >> right. fascinating stuff. >> yeah. yeah. >> rover moving like an inch, an inch a day. do you know how slow that thing is? >> i love the rover. >> you like the rover? >> i am obsessed with it. >> back off the rover. >> back off the rover. i am obsessed with the rover. >> the rover is zero to one step i n ho all right. here's a look at the weather. showers in the rockies. 3 inches oin ast the gulf coast. >> wet and 70s from new y balto cf plains, and ries. a dog's best friendt might be a prison inm the inmates work at lafayette parish correction at industries or lapcor. it's in indiana. and they sew dog beds out of old prison and deputy uniforms. the beds are given to local animal shelters. >> that's right. they hit on the dog bed idea as a way to recycle their uniforms before they just used to burn them to make sure they weren't stolen. inmates cut up the uniforms and use the leftover pieces as stuffing, making between, i don't know, 300 or 400 a year. i think that's great because they're giving them to the shelter. >> look at the guys. they're on wooden shelter. there's not much variety, orange or striped. >> i think soft. the dog is thinking soft, soft, soft, happy, happy, happy. coming up, it's late-night tv, what would that be without a little info on how to get six-pack abs. paula faris find out from a top trainer. but first, if you worry about your belongings, where they're going when you go through security at the airport, you may have good reason. brian ross investigates tsa officers who are on the wrong side of the law. you don't want to miss this. ♪ go on ♪ ♪ tak >> annou weatheoughou b ♪ go on take the moand run ♪ go on take the money and run ♪ ♪ go on take the money and run ♪ welcome back. we have a stunning report here about just how much is being stolen by tsa agents at the nation's airports. >> anyone who's ever lost anything in their luggage might have always one kerred where did that camera go, what happened to that electronic device? check out this story. abc's brian ross investigates. >> reporter: instead of protecting passengers, prosecutors say the tsa officer caught on this airport surveillance tape in memphis was stealing from one. first, at an empty ticket counter, he stashes laptop left behind at a checkpoint. then drapes a jacket over the laptop and walks away. in this case, the tsa officer was caught, convicted, and fired. >> this is the tip of the iceberg. >> reporter: new figures provided to abc news show 381 tsa officers have been fired for theft. 11 this year alone. amid what critics call a culture of indifference and lax oversight. >> and i was like, man, that was easy. >> reporter: just out of prison, convicted tsa officer pitheus brown says he stole $800,000 of items over a four-year period. brown manned the tsa baggage screening machine at newark airport. where he said he would be tipped off that overhead cameras weren't working and others did the same thing. >> it became massive. >> reporter: massive? >> yeah. >> reporter: you weren't the only one? >> no. >> reporter: in our own investigations involving ten major airports with a history of tsa theft problems, abc news checked bags with ipads and cash and purposely left behind ipad at tsa check points. all the luggage made it past tsa safely. and in nine out of ten cases, at carry-on checkpoints, tsa screening officers did exactly what they're trained to do. >> please come back to the podium to claim your items. >> reporter: it was a different story in orlando where our ipad was last seen in the hands of tsa officer andy ramirez. two hours later we were able to track the ipad as it left the airport and ended up at the tsa officer's home. brian ross from abc news. i was wondering if you could give me a hand here. we're looking for a missing ipad. >> missing ipad? >> reporter: when we went to reclaim the ipad two weeks later, ramirez at first denied having it. >> okay. >> reporter: is it here? >> no, sir. >> reporter: shortly after we activated an audio alarm on the missing ipad. you found it. there it is. ramirez produced it. with his tsa uniform now off, he blamed his wife for taking it. >> my wife says she got the ipad and brought it home. >> reporter: you know, that can't be true because the last time we saw it, it was in your hands. ramires has been fired by the tsa, which says it has a zero tolerance policy for stealing from passengers. the tsa director refused to be interviewed for our report, but in a statement the agency said the vast majority of its employees are honest, hard-working individuals. but, of course, it only takes a few, or in the case of the tsa, a few hundred to give everyone a black eye. brian ross, abc news, new york. >> how outrageous is that? >> i'm flabbergasted. >> a few 100. i mean, sure, the vast majority are doing a great job. but a few hundred? that's a culture of thievery. >> the man who stole $800,000 worth of items? >> he did his time. >> i rarely check my bags. i just came in from chicago today. >> i don't think i will get stolen from. i like to have electronics anything expensive in my carry-on. i guess that's why i haven't lost anything. >> i carry everything. it's terrible that you don't -- that you don't -- that i don't feel comfortable for checking my things. >> for good reason. >> for good reason. my goodness. well, still to come, forget the sick six pack. the su ♪ ♪ are ♪ what doesn't kill you makes you stronger ♪ >> friday morning, we are feeling good. dare i say we are feeling buff. >> little bit. buff as in shape, ready to rock, sporting a super sexy physique. something like that. >> mm-hmm. yes, exactly what you said. >> well, our own paula faris hit the gym to see how some folks are getting themselves into super condition. >> reporter: from michael phelps too cameron diaz, jake gyllenhaal, even gwen stefani, a-listers are all about the v, v-cut abs are the latest trend in the celebrity circle. look out six-pack, the v-cut abs are the new situation. kelly bensimon has the v, remember her from real housewives, new york fame. well we tagged along as she showed us how she gets them here at barry's boot camp. >> make sure you're using your abs. i want you to lean it back. >> it is this ligament. then there is the transversus abdominus. that's the muscle that wraps around to your spine. >> how did the v happen? >> everybody's striving for that point of differentiation. what will separate you from the elite. it will be the v cut now. i call it the road to the promised land. >> reporter: bensimon, the author and mother of two, is well on her way. >> you're 44. do you think you have ever looked better than this? >> i think this is probably the best i have ever looked. >> reporter: to get the results the former model has put in some hard work. >> eight-second start getting the speed up. >> grueling workouts like this. five to six days a week. >> the look comes at a price though. one class at barry's boot camp runs roughly $30. >> the average person may not be able to afford a celebrity trainer what can they do on their own? >> rocky, you saw him in the barn, hanging from the rafters, doing reverse decline sit-ups. hanging leg raises, the dips, the v-twist where you bring your niece up and twist and kind of torque your obliques. >> reporter: for bensimon, pain is temporary, victory forever. i'm paula faris in new york. >> sunny, are you rocking a v? >> i mean do we really need the v? >> i kind of feel the same way. wow, sunny. you've been working out. >> i dope want to make people feel bad and filled with jealousy and resentment, you know? but, you know, this is what i do. >> how many days do you have to work out to pull off the physique? >> several. several. >> i have some catching up to do. impressive stuff. the v. >> the v. while we're talking about all this working out, how about some football, nfl week four under way. another round of the "world news now" nfl picks competition. >> go to our web page, see the teams, rob, paula, the commish, jack sheehan. pick this week. i think the commish is going to dominate this week. >> you have the snelg. >> you gievet that feeling? >> yes. >> all right. then it's your turn. click on the link. the teams you think will win the featured games. >> not just good enough to list your picks in the comments section, okay? to be counted, kblouft click on the link and then vote. >> click the link. >> click the link. >> click and then vote. >> click-link. >> "the mix" is next. >> stay with us. what does fall smell like? head north, to someplace pristine like acadia national park. there is nothing like the parks this time of year. the falling leaves the crisp air, the perfect inspiration for air wick's fall collection. yeah, when i smell all those things i know fall is in the air. the fall collection brought to you by air wick and the national park foundation. something in the air wick. >> with hotwire's low prices i can afford to visit chicago for my first big race and l.a. for my best friend's wedding. because when hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so i got my hotels for half-price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ ♪ ♪ 3q another one killed by lime scale. how can the dishwasher do its job ? adding finish power up to your detergent brings your dishwasher back to life. dishwasher buildup cloudiness, spots, even tough stains-- gone ! so don't give up. add finish power up. wow ! see the difference. and now it is time for "the mix." sol so get this. you've got a pilot. his name is ryan thompson. he's in the plane with his girlfriend, sort of taking her out for a ride. >> uh-huh. >> it's being videotaped. we have some of the videotape. now he starts pretending that there is -- the plane is about to crash. >> pretending. >> there is a little problem. and basically says, honey, i need you to stay calm, the flight controls aren't responding. i will need you to read through the emergency procedure. >> she is like, kind of, reading it. and then, apparently -- >> then apparently, hidden in the flight instructions is "will you marry me?" and she says yes. >> you can tell by the way they're smiling. >> i've got tell you. thank is a horrible proposal. >> i'd want to wring the guy's neck. you made me think i was going to die. so you could then propose? >> i don't like it, it's whack. >> silly. she liked it. somebody for everybody. let's talk french fries, sunny. dig in. >> yes. >> not every french fry is created equal. get right to the good stuff. researchers for eat this, not that. broken it down. mcsecond's fries, surprisingly healthy, 230 calories, 11 grams of fat. chili's texas cheese fries, 144 grams of fat, 6,000 grams of sodium. >> from the beer garden in new york's east village -- here are the ya-ya-yas! ♪ [ instrumental "world news now" polka plays ] ♪ ♪ ♪ whoa! ♪ this morning on "world news now" -- financial frustration. some of the top banks in the nation under attack by cyber hackers in the middle east. >> how your accounts could be affected. it is friday, september 28th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good friday morning. i'm sunny hostin. >> and i'm john muller. rob and paula have the morning off. we will have more on that frightening attack on u.s. banks. but first a look at what else we're following this half hour. something we haven't heard in a long time. applause for nfl referees. they were back on the job last night to the relief of players and fans. >> got that right. also this half hour, a controversial discovery is being called the mom gene. scientists say they have identified a gene that makes some women want to have kinds while others don't. i suspect you have that one, sunny. >> i think i do. but it's a fascinating story. >> yeah, absolutely. plus, she could be the most unappreciated little sister of all time, or she could be a total impostor. that's right. a younger mona lisa has surfaced burke no one seems to know if she's the real deal. can you believe that? >> that is fascinating. >> i know. and i actually saw the real mona lisa. the painting is like that big. i wonder how big that one is. but we begin with american banks under attack. hackers have targeted one bank after another in one of the biggest cyber attacks ever seen. >> millions of people have been locked out of their accounts online by a shadowy group somewhere in the middle east. abc's pierre thomas has details. >> reporter: the financial and banking industry is on high alert as a massive cyber attack remains under way. potentially millions of customers trying to bank online this week blocked. among the targets, bank of america, pnc, and wells fargo. >> there is an elevated level of threat. the threat is now high. >> reporter: sources tell abc news it's a denial of service attack where hackers from the middle east have secretly commandeered thousands of computers worldwide. those computers or zombies have overwhelmed bank websites with a barrage of electronic traffic. different banks have been targeted on different days. we tried for three hours to get on pnc's website, but we couldn't get through. on facebook, frustrated customers. cynthia schirm wrote, trying to pay bills. this is ridiculous. hopefully it can be up soon. i never realized how dependent i am on it. a group of hackers warned the financial industry it was going to attack in retaliation for that controversial film that sparked outrage in the muslim world. the scary thing is that even with the warning, the attack could not be stopped. >> the threats are getting >> reporter: the u.s. suspects hackers in iran may be involved. >> this is the first time that we know about where a middle eastern entity, perhaps, a middle eastern government, has attacked websites of critical infrastructure in the united ttes >> reporter: the hackers have not been able to steal any money in these attacks or disrupt financial markets, but authorities fear the next generation of wide-scale cyber assaults could be far more devastating. >> and if they get inside the banks, they can move money around and cause financial chaos. >> reporter: to be clear, no money has been stolen yet. many people trying to bank online could not for a time get access to their accounts. you can see how that could make it difficult for a small business. so that's why tonight the government is working so hard to locate and block these ongoing attacks. pierre thomas, abc news, washington. now to politics and 39 days until the election, but a lot of people don't have to wait up till november 6th. the first votes in the 2012 presidential election have been cast as early balloting got under way in iowa. president obama has three fund-raisers in washington tonight after spending yesterday in virginia where he hammered away at mitt romney's comments about the 47%. meanwhile the republican challenger also spent the day in virginia focusing on the economy and new numbers showing growth is slower than we thought. after campaigning in pennsylvania today, romney heads to a fund-raiser in massachusetts. and both candidates are preparing for their first debate wednesday night in colorado where they'll tackle domestic policy issues. we're following a developing story from minnesota where police in minneapolis are investigating a deadly workplace shooting yesterday afternoon at a sign company. we don't have an exact death toll this morning, but police are saying that several people were killed, including shooter who died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. three people were taken to the hospital in critical condition. in los angeles, investigators are awaiting toxicology tests on an actor who allegedly murdered his elderly landlady and plunged to his death. 28-year-old johnny lewis was killed off a show "sons of anarchy" and had a number of smaller roles. he was accused of taking two men with a bottle and trying to break into a woman's home. probation officers and his attorney expressed concern over his mental health and drug use. a day-long amber alert for a missing 3-week-old baby ended with the arrest of the baby's mother. the volunteer searchers found mia thompson alive in a creek in stark county, illinois. her mother said she had been abducted by a woman in a gold or tan car in front of a post office. >> she ran into the post office to drop something off or something and come bought out and didn't really -- you know i don't know what happened from there, but the next thing i know is mia was missing. >> but baby mia was taken to the hospital and is expected to be all right. the county sheriff says it is likely child services officials will now take custody of the baby and her 11-month-old sister. a 12-year-old north carolina girl who sparked a three-day search has been found in miami along with the registered sex offender accused of abducting her. police say abigail lefevers was shaken but otherwise okay. 38-year-old timothy newman, a family friend, was arrested. the two were apparently having a relationship since july. >> i think he promised her the world. hey, look, you won't have to go to school, going to make it to the bahamas, it's going to be great. >> court documents reportedly show that abigail was planning to marry her abductor. she could be reunited with her dad as early as tomorrow. football fans gave a standing ovation at thursday night's nfl matchup in baltimore, not for the players, but for the return of the real referees. the officials are back on the field for the browns/ravens game after a deal was struck to end their lockout. the replacement refs are gone. but the monday night mess is still fresh in a lot of minds, and commissioner roger goodell is apologizing for the long dispute. >> we're sorry to have to bring our fan through that. we're sorry to have to bring the general public through that. >> by the way, baltimore beat cleveland, 23-16. a lot of people say the real winners were the fans who got to see a game officiated by the pros. kind of funny that the refs are getting all this superstar, rock star treatment, right? >> exactly. >> they take a lot of punches. >> after that game that horrible cal i think it just shone the light on just how difficult the job is. >> exactly. how do you like me now? >> i didn't realize it was sort of a part-time job. the fact now that they're going to be paid -- let's see -- about $205,000 by 2019 -- >> yep. >> -- is significant. a very well-paying job. >> very well-paying job. these guys are the best of the best. the players are the best of the best, and they're making millions of dollars. clearly it's a lot of money. but, you know, you get what you pay nr in life. and these guys, are the best. >> obviously. >> we found that out. >> my goodness. good luck to them. and not every woman has a burning desire for motherhood, and we know why. researchers have identified what's being called a mom gene. they say it is responsible for motivating mothers to nurture. when the gene was suppressed in female mice, they spent less time caring for their young. the study says it doesn't mean women without the gene are not capable of being loving moms. it's just that it's not as innate. >> interesting one right? >> how about that? >> what happens if you don't have the mom gene you find this out. you are -- you're on the fence, you think should i take the plunge and be a family person? you find out you don't have the gene, it's likely to just make you say, i'm not going to bother. >> i hope not. i think the study says -- reveals bottom line is everyone can be a good mother. it's just that -- some are sort of, it's more innate in some. >> it's really hardwired. >> second nature to some. >> you think some dudes have the mom gene. some dads are really, really nurturing. >> really, really into it. >> maybe they have it. do that next. >> you look like you're really into it. >> i love my daughter like crazy. that i know you do. he's a good dad. >> i am thank you, sunny. what have you got planned for the week? maybe a pizza? a few drinks? >> yes. >> how about pizza with booze inside? >> yes. >> okay. she's on board. in boston, they're serving adult-only pies, toppings, alcohol, fresh mozzarella, vodka-soaked cherries, yes, they ask for i.d. before you order it. you probably are too stuffed before you could get -- a box. >> that's delicious. i wonder if the alcohol evaporates when it is being cooked. >> i guess those infused cherries, they say you can get a buzz off of it. i believe it. if they were put in a sauce, i think so. but pop the cherries. >> delicious. >> could be great. >> bring a big jar of cherries. >> should get some tonight. i'd be into that, right? it would make it a little more fun, happening. >> sunny, one down. i'm into it. coming up, the quest for clean. we'll put some popular products to the test to find out which ones do the job and we learn how one of the best is something you may use in your salad. but first, is she mona lisa's little sister or a da vinci wannabe, the second version of the world's most famous face next. ♪ is it only 'cause you're lonely they have blamed you ♪ >> announcer: 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[ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans it helps pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you thousands in out-of-pocket costs. to me, relationships matter. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ] with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. plus, there are no networks, and you never need a referral to see a specialist. so don't wait. call now and request this free decision guide to help you better understand medicare... and which aarp medicare supplement plan might be best for you. there's a wide range to choose from. we love to travel -- and there's so much more to see. so we found a plan that can travel with us. anywhere in the country. [ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you thousands a year in out-of-pocket costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. it's time to change the way we clean. it's time to free ourselves from the smell and harshness of bleach. and free ourselves from worrying about the ones we love. new lysol power & free has more cleaning power than bleach. how? the secret is the hydrogen peroxide formula. it attacks tough stains and kills 99.9% of germs. new lysol power & free. powerful cleaning that's family friendly. another step forward in our mission for health. septic disasters are disgusting and costly, but avoidable. the rid-x septic subscriber program helps prevent backups by sending you monthly doses right to your door so you will never forget to maintain your system. sign up at ♪ mona lisa mona lisa men have made you ♪ >> you never get tired of listening to that. >> nat king cole. great christmas album, the album from my childhood. we digress. >> you don't have to be an art aficionado to know what the mona lisa is. millions pass by the world's most famous painting every year while visiting the louvre in paris. i've done it. >> i saw it on loan in new york. >> really? >> i didn't have to take the trip. now some in the art world are saying there's a second mona lisa, believe it or not. as abc's jeffrey kofman reports, there are others who are not so sure. >> reporter: could it be that the most famous painting in the world now has a twin? >> mona lisa, leonardo's earlier version. >> reporter: that's what the owners of the so-called mona lisa told the world hidden in a swiss bank vault half a century, it's merged accompanied by a stack of evidence meant to prove this was da vinci's first version of this, a younger mona lisa, note the perkier smile. the original has always been surrounded by intrigue, her eyes said to reveal a secret code or the artist's signature. but a second mona lisa? there are a lot of reasons to be suspect of this wannabe da vinci. one of them it only surfaced in england in 1913. there's no record of its existence before then. >> and what does that add up to? >> it adds up to being an interesting copy. >> reporter: an interesting copy. >> no more than that. >> reporter: there are many reasons to believe this is a copy by a lesser artist. first, the younger painting is on canvas. leonardo painted on wood. the background on the younger mona lisa is, well, muddy, not like the masterpiece. but the real giveaway, translucence. in the original, layers of light. they're just not there in the other one. >> when you look at that, you just go wow. you look at that mona lisa and you go, ugh. >> reporter: a new leonardo would be worth at least $100 million. imagine how with only 20 of his works in existence how exciting it would be to discover one more. jeffrey kofman, abc news, oxford. >> i'm not buying it. >> yeah, i know. >> i don't think it's real. >> as journalists, we're always so skeptical. >> i have to shrink so too. >> how could there not be some kind of reference to it way back when in 1517. there's a third one, i hear. >> that's the one -- i heard that that was the real one. >> in a hotel somewhere. a hotel wall. bought at auction. you know what i am talking about hotel pictures. >> i love this show. >> good picture, sunny. well some good movies are opening up this weekend. and we'll check them out in our friday morning edition of "insomniac theatre." but, first, it is a baffling choice, which cleaning product for the job? they all make some big promises. which ones actually deliver? what consumer reports has to say on this matter. you are watching "world news now." >> announcer: abc's "world news now" will continue after this ç?x?x hey, paula, happy anniversary. >> i'm busy right now. >> talking 20th anniversary. >> i'm busy. we have a newscast. >> come on now. 20 years live, overnight news, fun, smart, a little attitude. >> now i know what you're talking about. 20th anniversary of "world news now." we should do a promo. >> now you're seeing the whole picture. >> and that griets line to use in the promo. >> we need a promo. >> we need a promo. >> this has been the "world news now," 20th anniversary promo. sleep is overrated. ♪ i now i go-go cleaning windows ♪ >> that's a good song. >> i don't know what that is. >> i don't know either. hmm. 1936 we were told. >> that's why we don't know. well, if you're like us, you have a cabinet full of cleaning products, most of which promise to clean anything and everything under the sun. >> but which ones are the real deal? sounds like a question for the experts at "consumer reports," and abc's brandi hitt from los angeles with what they're saying. brandi. >> reporter: good morning. how many cleaning products do you have underneath your sink? there are so many out there that say all-purpose. consumer reports says most do not live up to that name. they claim to be heavy duty and remove tough dirt. but can all-purpose cleaners really do it all? consumer reports put these 19 brand name cleaners to the test on tough stains in the kitchen and bathroom. and found only one with enough cleaning power that warrants the name "all-purpose." >> the pine-sol original was our best of 19 tested products. it handled grease, grape juice, soap scum, a variety of other stains. >> reporter: consumer reports also says there were a handful of losers including whippet. it costs 62 cents for each use and performed lousy on soap scum and scales. >> so you're paying through the nose for a cleaning product that really isn't going to do the job on most of the things you are hoping it is going to work on. >> reporter: while no spray cleaner made the recommended list, a couple of green products made the top two. seventh generation and green works. surprisingly one of the best cleaning products is likely in your kitchen cabinet already. vinegar. >> equal parts water and vinegar, outperformed every commercial spray cleaner. so, brands like lysol, ajax, fantastic the vinegar beat them all. >> you just have to wait for the smell to dissipate. now, if you're looking to go green, consumer reports recommends finding usda organic labels on them. that means the product is 95% plant-based. john and sunny, back to you. >> see, i like clorox, vinegar, my mother uses fabuloso. what about you? i don't much cleaning, so i don't know. >> are you sure? it looks like you do. >> there you go. >> it looks like you do a lot of cleaning. >> for the right price, i can be talked into doing just about anything. how's that? i can't do the vinegar though. it smells too nasty to me. >> i feel like it's all natural, you know. then you can put some on your salad. did you know if you drink vinegar the mosquitos stay away from you. important facts. >> what she said. finally, this half hour, our ugs stay away, no mosquito bites. >> got to try that. >> just have all this knowledge. important facts. >> what she said. finally this half-hour, our jooirngs pro-health clinical rinse. it's a clinical breakthrough that actually keeps your teeth 91% clean of plaque at 2 months after a dental visit. plus, it gives you these key benefits. new crest pro-health clinical rinse. crest. life opens up when you do. also try new crest pro-health clinical plaque control toothpaste. every time someone chooses finish over cascade, it sparks a movement. because people can't keep it to themselves. look ! no ugly spots ! awesome! incredible shine. i'm switching for good. love, love, love finish! over a million people have switched to finish. try finish free. visit us on facebook. the crisp northern air of acadia, the falling leaves. the perfect inspiration for air wick's fall collection. when i smell that, i know fall is in the air. the fall collection from air wick and the national park foundation. something in the air wick. 3q finally carpet cleaning got easier. try resolve easy clean to deep clean your carpets. just 3 easy steps for beautifully clean carpets. it removes 3 times more dirt than vacuuming alone. don't just vacuum clean. resolve clean. finally, this half hour, our look at what's new in theaters this weekend. it's our segment called "insomniac theatre." >> sunny's going to tell us about a college acappella group in "pitch perfect." i'll get us started with a time travel. it's called "looper." you're a sci-fi fan. time travel, any bad movie that involves time travel? >> never. >> this involves jason gordon-levitt, bruce willis, and emily blunt. it's a thriller, "the looper" time travel will be invented. it will be illegal. only people on the black market will use it. when the mob wants to get rid of some one. they send their target, 30 years into the past, a looper, a hired gun, is waiting to mop up. in this case, joe is getting rich and life is good until the day the mob decides to close the loon on him, sending back joe's feature self for assassination. doesn't that sound cool? check it out. >> do you know what will happen? you have done this as me? >> i don't want to start talking time travel because if we talk about it, we'll be here all day making diagrams with straws. >> we know how this has to go down. i can't let you walk away from this diner alive. this is my life now. i earned it. you had yours already, so why don't you do what old men do and die. >> all right. it's getting really good reviews. "new york daily news," they're on their a-game. fiery. together take us on a hell of a trip. rotten tomatoes gives it a 92% favorability rating. >> i will go see that. definitely. up next we'll have "pitch perfect." remember rebel wilson from "bridesmaids?" she's in the movie. anna kendrick brittney snow. it's basically kind of like a "glee" movie. about becca, anna kendrick, a girl would rather listening to what is coming out of her headphones than a person talking to her. and she loves to sing and she basically gets in with another group of girls, all different types of girls, some mean girls, some nerd girls, but they all have something in common. they all love to sing. take a listen to this. >> i don't know. >> the rubbing together of your vocal chord at above normal rates without proper lubrication. >> isn't that painful? why would you keep performing? >> because i love to sing. >> when my lady doctor told me i shouldn't have sex for six weeks. i did it any way. >> you should really listen to your doctor. >> i'm already laughing. rotten tomatoes gave it a 75% rating chks is pretty good. not as good as "looper." and "new york daily news" says it has a pretty good cast. "chicago tribune" says, really clever. lot of energy. really i'm only in my 60's... i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans it could save you thousands in out-of-pocket costs. call now to request your free decision guide. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. plus, there are no networks, and you never need a referral. see why millions of people have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. don't wait. call now. this morning on "world news now" -- deadly shooting developing overnight. we're learning about the victims who have been killed and wounded in a new act of workplace violence. >> police in minneapolis say the shooter is among the dead. it's friday, september 28th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning. i'm john muller. >> i'm sunny hostin. paula and rob are off today. we'll get the latest on that deadly workplace shooting in just a moment. also this half hour, almost three weeks after the ambassador and three other americans were killed in libya, the white house now says it was a premeditated terrorist attack. what's behind this change from the administration? and then on alert, some of the biggest banks in america are being hit in a wave of cyber attacks. how millions of customers could be affected. and later, do demi moore and ashton kutcher have a secret reason they haven't gotten a divorce? we'll have the swirling speculation coming up in "the skinny." >> uh-huh. all right. well we're going to begin with the terrifying workplace shooting rampage in minneapolis. bullets flying within the walls of a small business. >> we know for sure this morning that the gunman is among at least five people dead. three people are in critical condition. we get more from our own todd wilson of our minneapolis affiliate kstp. >> reporter: 911 calls came through dispatch about a shooting at access signage systems in chestnut. this neighborhood was on lockdown for hours. residents came out of their houses to see what was going on. >> our neighborhood is quiet. we never see anything going on around here really. >> reporter: cops dressed in military fatigues, carrying large rifles, rushed to the scene of a shooting. >> officers arrived and entered, found several victims inside and were able to evacuate victims who were shot. >> reporter: deputy chief christine artisan says several people who died in the shooting were left inside the business. a source within the police department has confirmed two dead and four injured. three critically. >> i can con first, though that the suspect, the shooter, is dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. >> reporter: the investigation is now in full swing. the medical examiner's office is here along with homicide investigators and crime scene techs. our thanks to todd wilson. a story we will be watching all morning. it's been almost three weeks now since chris stevens, the u.s. ambassador to libya, and three other americans were killed in that assault on their compound in benghazi. while the investigation into the attack is far from over, the white house is now offering a new take on what really happened. here's abc's jake tapper. >> reporter: secretary of defense leon panetta acknowledged that the attack that killed four americans in benghazi, libya, on the anniversary of 9/11 was not only carried out by terrorists, it was premeditated. >> as we determined the details of what took place there and how that attack took place, that it became clear that there were terrorists who had planned that attack. >> reporter: the white house first suggested that the benghazi attack was spontaneous. the result of that anti-muslim video inciting mobs throughout the region. >> jake, let's be clear. these protests were in reaction to a video that had spread to the region. we don't know -- we don't though otherwise. you know, we have no information to suggest that it was a preplanned attack. >> reporter: but sources tell abc news that intelligence officials on the ground immediately tell us the attack was not tied to the movie at all. what aroused their suspicion, the fact that the attackers knew where to get ambassador stevens after he fled to a so-called safe house half a mile away. the building was hit with insurgent mortars suggesting the terrorists knew what they were doing. some administration sources tell abc news they were concerned after the white house began pushing the line that the attack was spontaneous and not the work of terrorists. the white house says assessments have changed over time as intelligence has been confirmed. president obama has repeatedly said the investigation is on to find the killers and bring them to justice. and abc news has learned that officials from the fbi, which is leading the investigation in benghazi has not even gotten to benghazi more than 16 days after the attack because of security concerns. now officials worry by the time they do get to the site, it will have been picked clean. jake tapper, abc news, the white house. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu in new york for the opening session of the united nations general assembly. he also met with secretary of state hillary clinton one on one, during which he was expected to make his case for military action to stop iran from developing its nuclear program. he used a line drawing the bomb to make the same case at the u.n. >> a red line should be drawn lighter ght here. right here -- before iran completes the second stage of nuclear enrichment necessary to make a bomb. >> netanyahu said iran will back down if the world draws that clear red line. but he warned that it will have enough enriched uranium to make a nuclear bomb by next summer. that's what they're saying. netanyahu believes that we're about six months away from them having enough enriched uranium to make a bomb. >> i think many people are hoping military action is not necessary. >> of course. >> of course. and we know now that israel's foreign ministry called for another round of sanctions against iran because the sanctions that have been put in place have been somewhat successful -- >> right. >> -- i think. you know, at least people are saying that. but i just wonder if the united states, this time of year, an election year, is ready to sort of draw that line and stand with israel. >> absolutely. >> at this point. >> yeah. and i don't know that necessarily agreeing to bomb iran doesn't mean they're not necessarily standing with israel. but you're right -- at this point, i don't think anything dramatic like that happens before november. >> that's what i mean. i don't think they'll stand with israel on drawing the red line right now because the election is a month way. >> we shall see. >> we shall see. the filmmaker behind the anti-muslim movie that sparked violent protests across the arab world has been arrested in california. a federal judge ordered nakoula basseley nakoula detained saying he is a flight risk. officials say he had eight probation violations stemming from a 2010 check fraud conviction. prosecutors say he'll likely be placed in protective custody. and it was back to business for the real nfl refs last night as they returned from their lockout to officiate the browns/ravens game in baltimore. cheers filled the stadium during the pregame coin toss when one ref said it's good to be back. the ravens won the game. unlike the monday night packers/seahawks debacle, it was controversy-free. thank goodness. >> thank goodness, gracious, get down and kiss the gridiron. yes. i mean enough was enough. that was ridiculous. >> and since when do refs get a standing ovation? they're usually sort of, thankless job. >> insults. expletives hurled at them. >> i know. >> you're exactly right. >> standing ovation? wow! >> refs must have been like what kind of parallel universe are we in. they're cheering us right now. they get a nice raise. $18,000 raise to start. eventually i think right now at $140,000, some odd dollars, they're going to go up to the $200,000 level. >> that's significant for a part-time job. >> by the end of the eighth year. >> it is significant. a lot of people. i heard some people talking about it, eavesdropping on them. one guy was saying, this is way too much money. and it's a ton of money. but when you think how much the players are getting and what's at stake and you think how good these are and what's at stake and television ratings and efrlgs. i say, pay them. >> think you're right. >> and i think everybody -- the nfl agreed. america's banks on high alert this morning after being targeted in a massive wave of cyber attacks. potentially millions of customers at bank of america, pnc, wells fargo and others have been locked out of their accounts online. hackers in the middle east warned they would attack over the anti-muslim move, but they couldn't be stopped. >> this is the first time that we know about where a middle eastern entity, perhaps, a middle eastern government, has attacked websites of critical infrastructure in the united states. >> now, the u.s. suspects iran is involved. fortunately officials say everyone's money is safe they fear the next generation of cyber attacks could reach deep into financial systems and could cause real financial trouble. that is very scary. kind of a sign of the times. >> it is scary. my goodness, i just thought the banks were all most, i thought they were just so protected. >> foolproof. >> yeah. >> you better worry. your friday forecast. heavy downpours, flooding, boston, new york, philly, d.c. thunderstorms from the ohio valley to memphis and little rock. some scattered showers along the gulf coast, drenching rain in west texas, and showers in the rockies. >> 70s from billings to albuquerque. in the middle of the country, from minneapolis to kansas city, 80s across the south. well, another major tourist attraction is coming to the big apple. the world's tallest ferris wheel. that's right, the 625-foot-tall wheel capable of carrying more than 1,400 people will be built on staten island overlooking the statue of liberty and manhattan skyline. the privately funded project will cost $230 million. city officials hope it will draw millions of visitors. it should be finished in about three years. i'm not getting on that. >> it will be a heck of a view. are you scared of heights? >> you know, i don't see it. so you're up there, ah, wow, i'm so high i could die. wow. i don't know. it doesn't make me fool good. i don't need that. >> sunny, think about you and your husband when you maybe courting and having a date and on the ferris wheel, wouldn't get on there? wouldn't be romantic? >> oh, it's so high, my goodness. look i am 1,400 feet up in the air and could fall and die. i don't need that feeling. >> okay. >> i don't like it. >> i don't know if i need to get on a ferry and go to statin i lamtd and do it. >> you'd get on? >> sure, why not. beautiful view. and it's been a week since the iphone 5 hit stores, but we're just now getting a look at part of the phone frenzy from early last friday. >> right in front of dozens of people waiting in line for hours to be among the first to buy the iphone. oh, no. the apple employee drops the boxes full of devices, and it turns out the phones were actually fakes. it turns out the worker was a prankster. check it out. looking to get a rise out of some apple fans. i love it. [ laughter ] >> all these people think "that's my phone he just dropped." >> look! >> this is great. he did it at a number of places. [ laughter ] [ slow-motion sound effect ] >> sounds pretty good. allegedly. he says, don't worry, there's lots of geniuses in there to fix them up. they'll be fine. >> i love that, but i'm a prankster. >> that will go viral. coming up, deathbed confession leading to another search for jimmy hoffa's body. and also ahead, a woman accused of torching her own car, but it was all in the name of self-improvement. we'll explain that next. you are watching "world news now." ♪ hold it in ♪ ♪ now you're working building a mystery ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by colonial penn life insurance. ance. mystery ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by colonial penn life insurance. welcome back. by colonial penn life insurance. ♪ hold it in ♪ it's time to change the way we clean. it's time to free ourselves from the smell and harshness of bleach. and free ourselves from worrying about the ones we love. new lysol power & free has more cleaning power than bleach. how? the secret is the hydrogen peroxide formula. it attacks tough stains and kills 99.9% of germs. new lysol power & free. powerful cleaning that's family friendly. another step forward in our mission for health. [ female announcer ] caroline penry began using olay total effects in 2001. since then there's been one wedding 2 kids, and 43 bottles of olay total effects. so in spite of 185 tantrums 378 pre-dawn starts and a lot of birthdays, caroline still looks amazing. you can challenge what's possible thanks to the trusted performance of olay. 60 years, millions of women, real results. you disgust me. prove it. enough is enough. d-con no view, no touch trap snaps to kill instantly. no looking, no touching. d-con. get out. welcome back. a mystery is exactly what surrounded the case of former teamster boss jimmy hoffa since his disappearance back in 1975. soil samples being taken today from the area around a concrete driveway in a detroit suburb. they will be tested for human decomposition. it is all in reaction to a man's statement to police that he thought he saw hoffa buried there decades ago. and a bizarre story from florida. al high school teacher is being held this morning in connection with a mott to have a former colleague killed. james pepe, a social studies teacher, was arrested yesterday. he's accused of attempting to hire a hit man to murder another teacher who he used to work with, a man named robert meredith. meredith doesn't want to show his face and says he has no idea why pepe would want him killed. >> it's very strange, very disconcerting, you know, if that makes sense. i don't feel that in any way i am in any way culpable for this. i think this is -- perhaps if there's a problem, it's 100% on the other side. >> the fbi was tipped off about the alleged plot last month. then they taped several conversations in which pepe is accused of telling an undercover officer that he would pay $2,000 to have meredith rubbed out. all right. going to stay down south for one more. this one's from louisiana. 23-year-old amanda williams charged with fraud and arson. here's why. she admitted to torching her car, so she could collect $1,000 in damages. she wanted to use the money to get breast implants apparently. williams told neighbors not to park near her before she set the fire. and now she's facing 15 years in prison and $15,000 in fines. wow. >> my, my. >> mind-boggling. on so many levels. >> she wanted breast implants. >> she told the neighbors about the plan. probably not a good idea. >> good neighbor. >> like a good neighbor, state farm is there, or the police in this case. all right. when we come back, we'll see what's in "the skinny."" >> you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: abc's "world news now" will continue after this from our a ♪ skinny so skinny ♪ ♪ skinny so skinny ♪ all right. time for "the skinny." and this is an interesting one. demi moore and ashton kutcher splitting ways quite a while back, like a year ago. everybody is wondering where is the divorce papers are, the big final divorce. now people are really speculating they were never married officially, maybe that's why we're not hearing about any official divorce. sources telling radaronline that the couple's kabbalah wedding was a symbolic ceremony and not a legal marriage. it's possible that if, in fact, this was not a legal marriage -- which this is not necessarily confirmed, that's what some people are saying -- that they don't need an official divorce. >> that explains things. >> makes things a lot easier. >> interesting, i had no idea. talking about married folks, reese witherspoon had her baby boy. >> congratulations to her. >> congrats to her. she welcomed son tennessee james on thursday, yesterday, september 27th. reese and her husband jim are happy. mom and baby are healthy. the entire family is thrilled, and we're thrilled for them. congratulations, reese witherspoon and hubby and tennessee. >> way to go. all right. sofia vergara embracing her curves. apparently her mom advised her not to undergo breast surgery years ago. >> a reduction though. >> yes, reduction. thank you for that. reduction. wanted to make them smaller. her mom said don't do it. and she apparently is agreeing with that. she said she rejected the former and is yet to get a wedding dress so she doesn't have to worry about a wedding dress malfunction. she says she looks better naked. that's a powerful statement. i think a lot of people when they look at themselves think i look better in clothes. she says she looks better out of clothes. >> smart mother, right? because i think her boobs have helped her career. i'm just saying. >> funny how that happens. >> you're just saying. you're just saying. >> helped her out. the girls have helped her. >> way to go, sunny. i'll let you say that. talking about boobs and thinks like that, you know ke$ha, the singer? she says -- she told ryan seacrest on the radio show that she had sex with a ghost. >> a ghost? >> yes, yes, she had sex with a ghost. she said she has had experiences with the supernatural, but in a very sexy way. and she said that her new album is based around the theme of that spiritual quest that she embarkeded on to improve her music. >> do you think that was a sex tape? >> you know what? i think ke$ha may be a little nuts. >> yeah, that's an interesting one. >> i mean how do you have sex with a ghost, sex with casper. i am so confused by the whole thing. if you have sex with a guest do you tell people that you had sex with a ghost? or do you keep it secret? >> and, at a later date? >> you and casper keep it to yourselves. i don't think you share it with other people. what do you think? >> yeah. i'd go with that. a ghost. >> a ghost. >> that's a new one. >> with that -- just -- hmm. still to come, a look at the week that was. >> our "friday rewind" is next. you're watching "world news now." >> sex with a ghost. now." >> sex with a ghost. 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