The first to die in 30 years. His heartbroken wife watching in the stands. And, toxic flight. The delta jet diverted. Sickened passengers rushed off the plane. How did dangerous fumes get into the cabin . Good evening. Thanks for joining us on this sunday. Im tom llamas. We begin with the wave of anger and grief sweeping across america tonight. Growing outrage over the Deadly Police shootings of two black men. As the country mourns the death of five officers in dallas. Killed in the line of duty. Nearly two dozen officers hurt in st. Paul, minnesota. The huge crowd shutting down the interstate. And protesters clashing with police in baton rouge. At least 120 in custody. And Deray Mckesson posts live video of his own arrest. Heres eva pilgrim, starting us off in st. Paul. Reporter tonight, protesters tackled in the streets. Police tasing this man. A demonstration overnight in st. Paul, minnesota, turning violent. Protesters throwing fireworks at police. Clashes in the chaos. Authorities say some protesters threw rocks and even molotov cocktails. The crowd shutting down an interstate. Police using smoke bombs to clear out demonstrators. 21 officers were hurt. 102 protesters were arrested. This is not about grief, this is not about protest, this is about rioting, this is about violence. Reporter in baton rouge, angry confrontations. We are not trying to start any violence, but sooner or later if something doesnt happen, violence going to come behind this. Reporter more than 100 arrested. Deray mckesson, a member of the black lives matter movement, Live Streaming the Moment Police handcuffed him. Dont fight me. Dont fight me. Reporter he was released late today. The anger ignited by those fatal shootings of two black men by police. On tuesday night, that closeup killing caught on camera in louisiana. Alton sterling losing his life. On wednesday philando castile, a black man, shot and killed in the drivers seat of his car after two cops pulled him over in minnesota. The protests are now spreading. Cities from coast to coast, marching in solidarity. There have been peaceful protests today, and theyre expected to continue through the night. Which is when the tempers have flared the most. Tom . Eva, thank you. And the country also mourning the deaths of five Police Officers ambushed in dallas. New details about the gunmans final moments. Trying to scrawl a cryptic message in his own blood. Police discovering a journal detailing the plan of attack. And defending the use of a robot bomb to end the standoff. A memorial to the fallen five officers growing by the hour. Heres matt gutman with new details. Reporter tonight, new details of the shooters plan and his delusion coming into focus. Including plans for a far more devastating plot than thursdays ambush. The suspect had been practicing explosive detonations, and that the materials were such that it was large enough to have devastating effects throughout our city and our north texas area. Reporter Micah Johnson lived in this middle class home, where the fbi found an arsenal of bomb making materials, guns, and a journal. In this journal are the tactics he employed in killing people. Reporter johnson shot 14 people at a peaceful black lives matter protest thursday. Was it just a target of opportunity . Did that seem to hasten his plan . He knew police would be amassing at that scene. And he used it as an opportunity to shoot. Reporter leapfrogging intersections. Finally, about 9 00 p. M. , opening fire from a snipers perch in this parking garage. Officers below, hemmed in by protesters, were easy targets. Police saying johnson, an army vet, used his military training. Five officers losing their lives. We now know that police had trapped him on the second floor of this college. And tried to talk him down. We had negotiated with him for about two hours. And he just basically lied to us, playing games, laughing at us, singing, asking how many did he get and that he wanted to kill some more. Reporter johnson had been wounded. Wounded going going up the stairs, and wrote in his own blood on the wall. Reporter the police chief then gave the s. W. A. T. Team the goahead to send in a robot with a bomb, an unprecedented move, saying it likely saved lives. Do you think that decision was warranted . I believe it was, it saved lives. Matt joins us live from outside police headquarters. And were learning new details about the moment the bomb went off . Reporter yes, were told there were people inside the building when the s. W. A. T. Team detonated the bomb. Apparently they were trapped when the school went on lockdown. But all of them were safely evacuated a little bit later. Matt, thanks. Were now hearing from a heroic mother, wounded as she pushed her young son to the ground, shielding him from the gunfire. Phillip mena on her lifesaving decision. Reporter this mother hailed as a hero, shielding her son from a hail of bullets. I didnt do anything that any other mother or father wouldnt do for their own child. Reporter Shetamia Taylor bringing her four boys to the black lives matter protest thursday. I wanted to show them we can be unified. Reporter but then, gunfire. He said, he has a gun, run. Reporter three of taylors sons scattered. The fourth, 15yearold andrew, pinned under his mother as a bullet hit her leg. I just stood there, covered in my moms blood. I dropped to my knees and started crying. Reporter she took a bullet for you. Truly. She truly did. You couldnt ask for more in a mother. Reporter but through tears taylor says it was the fastacting police who protected both of them from a fatal bullet. So thankful. Ive never seen anything like that. The way they came around and guarded us like that. Reporter taylor says her 12yearold son, her youngest, wants to grow up to be a cop. Thank you. A candlelight vigil for the fallen five officers will be held in dallas tomorrow night. The president coming home early from a trip. Today meeting u. S. And spanish troops in spain. His attention focused on the protests back home. Saying demonstrators attacking police sets them back. Any violence directed at Police Officers is a reprehensible crime, and needs to be prosecuted. The president will attend an Interfaith Service for the slain officers while in dallas. And the crisis in america having an impact on the race for president. Eight days until the Republican Convention. Donald trumps latest potential vp choice making comments. And Hillary Clinton expected to receive her longawaited endorsement from Bernie Sanders this week. Heres david wright. Reporter after a bloody week of gun violence, today donald trump accused the president of living in a fantasy world. Look what is happening to our country under the weak leadership of obama, he tweeted. President obama thinks the nation is not as divided as people think. He is living in a world of make believe. As early as this week, trump is expected to choose his running mate. Among the candidates being vetted, retired army general michael flynn. Flynn is a registered democrat. And when Abcs Martha Raddatz asked him about abortion i think women have to be able to choose. Reporter he gave an answer that the conservative wing of the party wont accept. Trump has struggled to articulate his own views on the issue. I am strongly for choice, and yet, i hate the concept of abortion. Reporter more recently, trump veered sharply to the other extreme. Do you believe in punishment for abortion, as a principle . There has to be some form of punishment. For the woman . Yeah. Reporter later, trump backtracked on that. This week, Hillary Clinton may finally get the endorsement of her only rival for the nomination. Abc news has learned clinton and Bernie Sanders are discussing a possible joint appearance this week in new hampshire. The events in dallas briefly brought the president ial process to a pause. The candidates, mindful of sensitivities, didnt want to inflame things. But now, the Republican Convention is just over a week away, and the debate will resume in earnest. Tom . Thank you. Now to the toxic flight forcing a passenger plane to divert. A dozen passengers on a delta jet overcome, and the plane forced to land. Karen travers has the story. Reporter tonight a midair mystery. Delta flight 1817 is halfway from atlanta to denver when the pilot radios for help. Service delta, as we said, we need assistance at the gate. Yes. You do need assistance . Okay, thank you. Reporter a dozen passengers complaining of nausea, dizziness and rapid heart rates. People started hitting their red buttons. I looked up ahead. And ten aisles ahead, the same thing was happening to three or four others, one man throwing up violently. Reporter the plane making an Emergency Landing in tulsa, oklahoma. Paramedics ready to assist. The Tulsa Fire Department telling abc news a few of the sick passengers showing slightly elevated Carbon Monoxide levels. This is isnt a Ground Service problem. It was something problematic with one or more of the engines. Reporter a hazmat team inspecting the plane, but with the doors open, the Carbon Monoxide levels drop back to normal. Those sick passengers also back to normal after some fresh air. Delta airlines tells abc news technicians are checking out that plane, but tom, theres still no answer as to what caused the Carbon Monoxide levels in those passengers to spike. Tom . Karen, thank you. Now to the dangerous storms breaking out in parts of the country tonight. Heavy downpours blinding drivers in alabama. And in california, firefighters battling to control a huge wildfire north of los angeles. One of more than a dozen burning in the west. Rob marciano on the families being forced from their homes. Reporter tonight, 18 large wildfires raging in the west across eight states. In santa clarita, california, this brush fire engulfing the entire hillside. Dry conditions and strong winds making for a fierce battle for firefighters. In boulder county, colorado, this blaze burning up 330 acres. Six hot shot teams and 12 aircraft battling the blaze. At the same time, storms soaking the midwest. Overnight, torrential downpours drenching parts of texas, knocking down trees and causing flash flooding north of dallas. And hail pounding minnesota. Some the size of tennis balls spotted in north dakota. And rob is here with the forecast. A lot of Severe Weather . 70mileanhour winds, and eastern montana, fargo, more wind and hail likely. Tomorrow, moving to more populated areas. And minneapolis to des moines and omaha, cant rule out an isolated tornado. As far as the heat in the west, red flag warnings. Southern california to south dakota. Strong winds not helping the firefighting situation. And the heat, denver hitting 100 for the first time in two years. That heat slides east tomorrow. Rob, thank you. Overseas, the gruesome sight on live tv, a famous matador, gored to death during a bull fight in spain. His wife there to see it happen. Gloria riviera with the stunned reactions. Reporter at first, top matador victor barrio, stares down his opponent. A bull weighing more than 1,000 pounds. The crowd, including his young wife sitting in the stands, watching every flick of his wrist. But in an instant, tragedy unfolds. Barrio gored and violently tossed in the air. While the horrific scene is broadcast live on television, barrio is still on the ground. The other bullfighters trying to distract the animal so they can rush barrio away. But the bulls horn sliced through his chest. Barrio, just 29 years old, died at the hospital soon after. The first matador killed in the ring in spain in more than 30 years. His wife raquel sanz said to be devastated. Later tweeting, i have no words. My life is gone. I have no strength. While bull fighting is seen by some as an historic part of spains cultural identity, critics view it as barbaric. Two regions have banned it. Condolences have been pouring in for barrio. His wife, thanking well wishers and saying she hopes her husband is in a better place. Tom . Gloria, thank you. Coming up, the case against fox news chief, roger ailes, widening. First, former anchor Gretchen Carlsons allegations. What theyre saying about ailes, and how hes fighting back. And later, the race against time after a girl falls into a deep well, trapped 100 feet below the ground. How the dramatic rescue played out. D sounds ] oooh out. Pain reliever stops working, your whole day stops. Excuse me, try this. 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He allegedly said, if you want to play with big boys, you have to lay with big boys. Former model Marsha Callahan says he asked her to pose for him. Allegedly telling her, you need to sit on the sofa and lift your skirt up. Four other women in the new York Magazine article wish to remain anonymous. The allegations coming after former fox anchor Gretchen Carlson filed a lawsuit alleging he ended her fox career after she refused his advances. Ailes attorneys deny all the allegations. Saying they have no legal case to argue. Tonight, several female fox anchors are coming to his defense. Including maria bartiromo. Who says, ive known him to be nothing but a professional. Ailes attorneys are asking the case be heard in confidential arbitration. Based on her employment agreement. Carlsons attorneys are asking for a public trial. Tom . Mary, thank you. Still ahead, the Major Airline slapped with a massive lawsuit. The disturbing allegation. What one young girl says happened to her on a flight. Now, her family is suing. And a u. S. Air force sergeant missing. Where he was last seen. The search intensifying. Missing. Where he was last seen. The search intensifying. That i can fight Psoriatic Arthritis with humira. Humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. Its proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. Humira is the number 1 prescribed biologic for Psoriatic Arthritis. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. 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Now to pennsylvania, and an intense rescue after a teenage girl fell down a deep well. Crews on the scene after she fell nearly 100 feet down. Then landing in ten feet of cold water, she grabbed onto a ladder until First Responders were able to hoist her out. She suffered a broken leg. Still ahead, coping with a loss in dallas. How one officer turned to facebook and prayer for support. His powerful and inspirational message. The capital one venture card. With venture, you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase. Not just. dismissively airline purchases. Every purchase. Everywhere. Every day. No really double miles on all of them whats in your wallet . Ugh. Heartburn. G ] sorry maam. No burning here. Try new alkaseltzer heartburn relief gummies. They work fast and dont taste chalky. Mmmm. Incredible. Looks tasty. You dont have heartburn. New alkaseltzer heartburn relief gummies. Enjoy the relief. And every day you promise toor protect them. Love. 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I accept i dont play quite like i used to. But im still bringing my best. And going for eliquis. Reduced risk of stroke plus less major bleeding. Ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you. Finally tonight, how the power of prayer and facebook are coming together to help some heal in dallas. Heres byron pitts. Reporter today, like many in dallas, Bryan Woodard went to church with plenty to pray for. In fact, he may have had more than most. This church drummer is Dallas County deputy bryan woodward. He lost five brothers in blue thursday. I was not expecting to have my badge covered this morning but its covered because we lost five and it hurts. Reporter we met Deputy Woodard like the rest of the world when he went to our nations newest chapel facebook. Go get my hug and be on the way. Reporter more than let us in his squad car, his world, he let us into his heart. I love you, too. Reporter a heart like so many in america thats broken. Let me go and hit the street and everything. Be careful. I will. I will. Reporter pained as he is, hes also proud of his profession. You saw officers over there in blue, putting their lives on the line for people they dont even know. Reporter it has been a horrific week in america. Deaths caught on camera. The Justice System may someday explain two of them. In dallas, the judge and jury was a bomb. Yes, we all saw darkness this week, but Deputy Woodward reminds us there is light. I refuse to see hate live while love dies. I refuse to see hate live while love dies. Reporter amen. Byron pitts, abc news, dallas. Amen is right. We thank byron for that report. Thank you for watching. Next at 6 00. Weeks after flames destroy their homes and fire evacuees could now be forced on to the streets. Millions of americans are playing a new mobile pokemon game and now robbers are using it to target them. Sunday was windy in the bay area, forcing the National Park service to shut down a top attraction. Abc7 news at 6 00 starts now. Forced out of their homes last mock bay raging fire, San Francisco residents say theyre now being forced out again. This time from temporary housing. Thank you for joining us. Im eric thomas. Evacuees have spent four weeks in temporary house. They cant go back to their homes and are afraid theyll now be forced to live on the streets. Sergio quintana is live where they want the mayor to step in. Reporter they say theyve been trying to find some places to live until their home is repaired and thats not easy in this city. Theyre staying now in mow tells and are being told they may have to out into shelteres. This two are brothers and have been to oasis inn last week. They are like a few other displaced residents of the fire who say theyre having trouble finding other rental homes to go to while their current buildings renovated following the fire. Theyre asking for help from the red cross and San Francisco mayor ed lee. The mayor assured us we wouldnt be homeless. That was a promise. He goes, i promise, nobody in this room will be homeless. Theyre telling us that we havent got an sro and monday is

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