are suspects. live in san jose, abc 7 news. >> thank you. and we apologize for lisa's audio difficulties. two oakland police officers were not face charges in the controversial shooting death of an unarmed suspect. the district attorney announced that decision today. abc 7 is live in oakland with more on this for us. >> as you said it's a controversial case here in this city. jones was a barber, a father and was unarmed. he also ran from police. the investigation has been done for weeks but just released the results of the report today. and this investigator says tw officers fired at jones and witnesses and said the same thing, police gave jones repeated warnings to put hands up. jones run almost as soon as officer as approached him. and they were responding to a domestic disturbance call. police tried to tase jones but it had no affect. and he tried to jump a fence, officers says he turned towards them, then reached his left hand into his pocket and they shot him six times, jones was not armed and did have a small amount of marijuana and a skaim on him. jones family says they still plan to follow through with a civil suit and say they don't believe the report's findings. >> officers taught you have to be able to justify it. say the person is going to be a waist band. >> he was not a defiant person. he was afraid of the police. knowing what he knew in terms of how young black men are often times killed because they thought they're reaching for a gun he would never do that. and this is what the report concluded today. the not talking but they said quote both officers fired their weapons in the believe that they or fellow officers were about to be shoot by mr. jones and it appear that's officers actually believed they were in danger of great bodily injury or death. this report said that one of those officers had previously been shot at in the exact same neighborhood and jones family says that does not give police an excuse to be on edge. the investigation into opd should be finished within next couple of weeks and officers remain on the force. >> and san francisco district attorney being forced to drop eight more criminal cases because of the possibility they may have been tainted by officers now under investigation. skb vic lee has more on this growing scandal. >> that brings the number of cases either dismissed in court or dropped to 13. now this growing number of cases causing concern among public officials including the mayor. >> i'm disturbed by the video autos the mayor says public defender made serious charge autos if this is confirmed then not only the police department but the district attorney and others will have to take action. >> the supervisor is also seen these videos this, case reminds him of last year's crime lab scandal in which hundreds of cases were dropped because of possible evidence. and this is reflective whof has been held accountable. >> so far the public defender released four security videos he says reveals illegal searches and arrests made in south of market hotels. eight officers have been reassigned and the fbi and d.a.investigate. a controversial video shows an officer putting his hand on a camera just before entering a room. this defense attorney says police dip tally do that. >> and if this person at the front desk sees what apartment they're at they make a call to the person in that apartment and all of a sudden the drawings are -- drugs are gone and evidence is gone. >> reigns has been asked by the police officers association to represent officers under investigation and met with them. he says they're condition seasoned and good cops. >> i don't think anyone is going come to the conclusion that any of those officers were try to deceive someone in writing reports and these officers knew there were video cameras into the hallways. >> this d.a.declined to comment saying only they'll have something to say tomorrow. and this is going on, the mayor is looking for a new police chief. he told me he suspects to have a short list early next week and will have certainly plenty to talk about. >> yes, they will. >> san francisco investigators trying to determine how a body ended up on the rocks near fort mason today. firefighters reached the victim about an hour ago. it appears he may have fallen from the road above. there is a trails you can see here, many ride bikes or walk or jog along the path. >> police arrested a suspect accused of molesting two minors. one works as a substitute custodian in vallejo. the victims were not students of the school but police say the molestations began when they were eight and 11 years old and continued for several years. johnson is being held at the so lano county jail on bail no. children from everest academy are believed to be victims at that time. a state wide amber alert remains in affect for a missing infant and his mother from the central valley. the 8-month-old taken from his bedroom this morning. the mother, an 18-year-old was abducted as well. the suspect identified as this man. the babe ease's father wanted on two domestic violence warrants. authorities say he climbed through the baby's bedroom window grabbing the mother when she ran after them. he was last seen driving a red 1991 honda civic with a california license plate. there it is on the screen. >> pg&e maintains a pipeline that exploded never went above safe pressure limits. there is new information about a replacement project on that same line in the early 1990s. pg&e testified the high pressure readings in line 132 are in the reliable. >> this is unreliable and we know they'd been tested and they're unreliable. >> redmond washington based pipeline safety consult yanlt says that is for the national transportation safety board to determine. >> they'll go through and analyze pressure readings and sources. and see if this is bad data. >> the gas originates at the milpitas control station. a botched upgrade project caused the station to lose power hours later. and there is system of valves designed to prevent pressure from going too high but documents released during the hearings show dronl room operator reacting to pressure rising above normal about a half hour before this rupture saying we're screwed, we're screwed. and this operate jorz there is a major problem and we've overpressurized the peninsula. maximum allowable pressure for line 132 is 375 pounds per square inch but a chart in the documents showed pressure leaving milpitas reached more than 600 five minutes before the explosion. and this engineer told ntsb pressure never rose to unsafe level autos we never felt pressure either reach or exceed mlb. >> he testified the 600 reading is not physically possible. and there is a engineer that is among engineers who aren't convinced. joe white told the concell high pressure reading was probably rock solid and questions have never been asked. >> all right. >> and stay with us. still ahead a warning to south bay pet owners. watch out for rat poison that is being deliberately planted in this sunnyvale dog park. >> a local debt relief company. we'll outline charge that's resulted in a million dollar penalty. >> a mystery on southern california coast. why thousands of fish wash add shore and died today. [ male announcer ] eakfast for breakfast. breakfast for lunch. breakfast for dinner. with three new breakfast lovers dishes, who needs a break from breakfast? denny's. america's diner is always open. >> closed captioning brought to you by mancini sleepworld. authorities trying to hunt down the person who planted rat poison in a dog park. twice, opened boxes of commercial rat poison were found. officials say a message scrawled on a box that you're looking at proves this was an intentional act. >> first box was found had a message scribbled on it saying kill all dogs. and so that certainly takes us out of the world of being something accidental. there have been no injuries to any of the dog autos signs are now posted and authorities say they don't have leads as to with who may be responsible. >> experts in southern california believe they've solved an environmental mystery. millions of fish died this morning after swimming into king harbor in redondo fish. experts believe they swam into the marina to escape the so called red tide. >> we took readings and the level was low. above zero. >> there are no signs of oil or chemicals in the water that shouldn't be. the department is very enthusiastic that it's a naturally-occurring event. >> officials say high winds kept the sardines from leaving the harbor. they became pinned against the wall. it's believe they had used up all of the ox again. >> and first ever great white shark count is underway. instead of thousands of sharks living off central coast, as many expected researchers found far fewer. >> for years a team has been busy with great white shark count working off central california one of the few known homes to great whites. this professor says years of study and photographs helped unlock the mystery. turns out the dorsal fin acts as a fingerprint. >> we can leave marks and identify individuals and seen a shark called tj over five times for 22 years, a rrd. >> the marine biologist took 300 pictures and made 130 unique matches. the findings just have been released in the journal biology letters. rechers say they relied on math models to determine how many great white sharks live off the northern california coastline. the number was 219. in addition to that figure the team came up with a population range from a low of 130 to a high of 275. and this doctor warns that this first ever count should not trigger ararm. >> it's only a number and we don't know if it's up or down. >> and it does indicate there is not a lot of room for error. we have to remember they're threatened they do interact with humans in all forms they need to be protected. >> since and in pacific grove abc 7 news. >> and school work about to get easier for dozens of community college students. 70 students received new lap tops today came courtesy of california connects a funded program to increase digital literacy. the students are part of the achievement program. >> if you don't have spring fever yet you're probably going get it soon. >> and there is tomorrow that will be a great day to call in warm. no. you should work. work, please. there is a live view. you can see high clouds around and low clouds moving in as well. there is a mild evening around the bay area z a pleasant day. and there is some little patches of fog. temperature readings, temperatures into mid to upper 50s at the moment. and on we go to highlights. there is some areas of fog tonight. sunny and warmer with showers likely thursday. and here is our satellite radar image. a large ridge of high pressure bringing us mild conditions. how mild it's going to be home. thin, high clouds into low 70s in some inland locations. and there is some showers in the north bay. we'll see some clouds beginning to thicken up north. then by morning about 11:00 we'll see first wave of rain arriving. then later in the day into afternoon hours will break up. rainfall starts to taper off. rainfall totals won't be very impressive. conditions dry out behind that front late afternoon and early thursday evening. into the north bay we'll look at maybe a tenth of an inch to quarter inch of rainfall. and north bay in general only 1/100ths of an inch. notice how much of the area remains dry as that system falls apart. and there is patches of fog and in parts of the north bay low 40s as lows. tomorrow's high climbing up to and just above 70 degree mark. there is 69 in palo alto. low 60s on the coast. in and around san francisco, look for highs of 65 downtown. north bay highs up to or just above 70 degrees in santa rosa. and near east bay highs into upper 60s. there is inland east bay around or just above 70 degrees. and low 70s in locations near the bay. and mid-70s inland at gilroy. beautiful day tomorrow, showers into the north bay thursday. a slight cool down. and there is mild dry weather friday and saturday. and there is a chance of rain late sunday into monday and dry weather again late monday and tuesday. beautiful week coming up. >> and there is this picture, the frempbl quarter in new orleans. >> it's fat tuesday. mardi gras celebrations underway here just packed in the french quarter. >> boy. they look like they're having fun. >> and stay with us. >> coming up next human remains taken from a local church. >> it's a crime horrified an east bay congregation. back in a moment. create my oasis. marcy: ok, romantic garden? bree: oh, is there a castle nearby? marcy: no, but there's a charming farmhouse. bree: right next to my posh castle! i'm sensing a theme here. well, i am the queen, dear sister. a pay area company agreed to settle an investigation in new york state. the company is head quartered in this san mateo building. according to new york attorney general they misled their customers about the services they would provide. and instead of negotiating as promised the company took fees upfront and left people saddled with more debt. and admitted no wrong doing but have agreed to pay to former customers. and give refunds to current customers and pay $100,000 in penalties to the state oo. alameda police are searching for a person who stole ak sfres a church this weekend. it happened on saturday just prior to a memorial service. ashes were inside of a backpack. his family was meeting and someone grab that had backpack off the altar. >> my first reaction is horror. >> the story just startled everyone in the congregs investigation to think someone would come in and take anything from the church. >> police say the church has a lot of activity during the week and many people are familiar with the layout. >> and new at 6:30 tonight gunfire in liba. muammar gaddafi strikes back at the rebels in the country making a surprise public appearance. >> and how you can save 75 cents per gallon on your next fill up. a company that is pushing an alternative fuel. >> and they serve their country, now serving time. a program for veteran who's good evening, san jose police released surveillance video of a nightclub shooting that left three people dead in january this, is the video taken include of the club. police are looking for two men, one seen here dragging the victim out. this suspect went to the club's owner forcing him out of the front door at gun point. police say the suspect was trying to kidnap sanchez over an outstanding debt. it may have invfled drugs. chan says managed to break free and run that. is when the gunman ran off camera and police say shot sanchez. he survived. police do know identify of the get away driver but they're looking for. he's a 32-year-old and there is his face two other suspects and one club patron were killed that evening. >> and oversees -- overseas now, officials say muammar gaddafi are bringing out heavy firepower. and war planes hit forces again today near the major oil port city. 20 people were wounded. report say the government is close to recapturing the closest rebel-held city to tripoli. and gaddafi showed up before midnight a hotel hosting foreign journalists to do interviews. he stayed about an hour, then left without speaking to other news organizations waiting outside. >> triple a is out with startling gas price numbers tonight. we're paying 50 cents more per gallon. the survey puts the average price in california at $3.91 a gallon. bay area prices in oakland highest in oakland and san mateo. and lowest prices in santa cruz, fremont and vallejo. there is a look at other bay area cities. they're all higher than this time last month. concord has gone up the most by the way. up in eureka, they're paying $4.06 per gallon. >> prices came at a perfect time for one local company and wayne freedman reports they sell both and hope to be expanding soon. >> if you want to find an angry person these days look no further than any gas station or pump. >> i got to pay insurance. >> and yet he paid $4 a balance ontoday, micah jones filled up with a higher grade but paid 70 cents per gallon less because he pumped ethanol. >> there is three kids that will find plenty to spend it on, fruft me. >> there is where the company brought in judith canelas to bolster the sales. >> the goal is to have 10,000 flexible fuel pumps as far as delivery over next five years. >> and now crucial question, what kind of ethanol? corn grown does work but they say it's not the be all, end all. and explanation is complicated. >> it's iowa. go to iowa and promise they'll support corn ethanol. >> this fizz shift points out it's low in sugars. and the u.s. government making corn a viable alternative. >> corn is part of the solution but not the solution. >> we're trying to focus on fuel that's contribute to american jobs and for this company, the fuel and distribution matters more than the source. from oakland abc 7 news. >> headlines now a banner day on wall street. dow jones gained 126 points today. and analysts noticed banks may raise dividends. >> toyota now sold more than three million hybrids around the world including lexus models. the company says it will dedicate itself nor in the future. and new competition for net flix tonight tonight. there is official was the va in washington are taking a look at a program here in the bay area that is to help former soldiers who are out of the service but in jail. and they're held in a separate unit just for them. >> he has been out of the navy for years, out of jail just months. >> how is life? >> great. >> he says going to jail saved his life because he was an inmate here at san francisco county jail number five. every inmate in this pod is a military vet. >> i first came in here i was walking through the door you can feel the atmosphere its a pilot program called cover. >> the sheer fact we're kind of a family it's a very powerful experience. >> those who once served the country are now serving time with a focus on their special needs. this is including post traumatic stress and substance abuse. >> no. no. it was a bad situation. and when there is nothing for me, where doi turn? >> this is those who believe those who ak fis for the nation are oeed a debt. >> we're used to seeing happy people of military people. and here beer we're going to have these men emerge from jail doorways. i think vet transcoming through are deserving of our support and respect. >> they estimate there are about 140,000 vets nationwide and in san francisco, 5% or 0% of the prisoners once served in the military. >> when there is not much of a safety net that is not time to fall through that. >> michael served in the vem war and helped create the program. >> i can't help but think about how vietnam veterans ended up homeless and having hiv issues and aging well past their own years and we want to prevent that from happening to this generation. >> there is no formal funding and all staff are volunteers and reaping for more men. >> we're going to see an uptick from veterans coming back from iraq and afghanistan. >> one of the key strategies is offering access and information. officials recently dropped by from washington to see if this program should be replicated. >> where do you think you'd westbound out cover? >> probably back in the in the tender loin. probably over there. drinking again. >> instead he is living in-housing run by salvation army, he's clean, and sober, has a job and is there for his young daughter. he's kept a symbol of his time at the jail. the place helped him get his life back on truck. -- track. >> and signs of life in the bay area job market. good news for 900 local autos and hundreds of women taking part in today marks the 100th anniversary of international womens day. hundreds gathered for events and google led this group across the golden gate bridge. and spoke about progress made in womens rights. both emphasize there is much to be done. >> we've waited 158 years. and there is a lot of glass ceilings for your oung young women. >> i need to remind us there is a long way to go. >> in south san francisco, local business leaders, athletes and authors gathered and spoke about how to increase awareness about women issue autos 900 job speakers turned out for a hire event co-sponsored by abc 7. 500 jobs were being offered by businesses and agencies. and volt, a firm has 350 jobs to fill. >> we're searching for a a.kting and finance professionals today as well as people on i.t.side and administrative side, as well. >> she and others believe the market is beginning to show real signs of life. and this next event will be at hilton garden in. >> coming up next, a lesson we can learn from. >> yes. a dream trip fall as part for a student. the government has given the green light to eight more chartered flights to cuba. the customs and border protection agency granted permission for flights out of dallas, pittsburgh, baltimore, atlanta and tampa. saun juan, puerto rico as well part of the cuba outreach effort announced this year. >> and speaking of travel, high school trip to costa rica fell part when not enough students signed up to go. >> the tour company told one family they cannot get their money back. >> and that is an interesting one. it's a educational tour company for their trips. their tours have been popular in the past and this time, only one family signed up and wound up getting socked with a cancellation fee. simon was pretty excited about a school trip to costa reeka. his older brother and mom had gone last year, now he was going with his dad. >> from what i hear, it's just awesome trip. i heard it's warm beaches, warm water, tropical rain forests. beautiful women. >> we went kayaking and saw volcanoes and went on a tour. >> the trip was booked for this april through a tour companied called explore co. his mom was making monthly payments towards the cost. everything seemed ready. one day simon checked the web site oo. and it said april 16th, 2012. >> 2012? no mistake. the date had been changed. not just by a few days but by a whole year. worse, no one had bothered telling simon or his family. >> you've got to tell someone if you're going change something. what if we'd been wait something. >> what happened is that nobody else signed up to go. only simon and his dad, and the teacher. so the trip was put off for a year. mary says she dmot commit to something that far ahead and besides there is no assurance the tour would go off next year, either. >> they need a certain amount of people to go f they don't get it this year, they may not next year. >> so mary cancelled the trip and asked the company to refund the money paid so far. about $1300 in all. >> they said okay. that is fine z by the way we'll be keeping about $500 plus. >> the company told mary she had to pay a cancellation fee of $530 but that wasn't fair, she said because the trip was no longer available. >> it's not the same trip. one is a year later. i want a full refund because i didn't cancel the trip. they said that is not going to hachl i called michael finney. >> they can't just say not now, come back a year from now. >> travel attorney says it's unreasonable for a tour company to penalize customers when the trip booked is effectively cancelled. >> no way. could they hold your money when they tried to offer you something a year from now. >> we contacted the company. they said it was the school's decision to postpone the trip due to low participation. however, after reviewing this case, they agree the date change was extreme. and the company's cost for advanced booking had been minimal. so they agreed to provide the family with a full refund. >> so relieved. i appreciate it. thank you very much. >> they said it normally changes a cancellation fee to cover its costs for booking flights, hotels and tours however, the company said it considers giving full refunds depending on circumstances as it did in this case. >> a year later, a lot of plans can change. >> absolutely. >> they delayed by a year, how long could they delay? >> great question. you know, weeks and months, courts ruled are fine. if you read on this, it's when we're ready to go. who are we adding into the trip? it's when it gets that extreme it's -- different. >> yes. correct. >> thank you very much. >> let's get another check on the forecast now. >> don't go anywhere tomorrow. at least. into 70s. >> there is. >> there is lots of blue skies and san jose going to be warming up tomorrow. high temperatures 62 in san jose. mid-60s around the bay area. watch how this warms up tomorrow. we'll start with by 4:00 p.m. temperatures 67 and between noon and 4:00 probably about 70 degrees, here is the accu-weather forecast. there is upper 60s around the bay. there is a few showers into the north bay that will remain mild, dry, mild friday and saturday. sunday and rain arriving late continuing into monday morning. >> thank you. >> and coming up next, a's perfect game pitcher a man known for being a free spirit. >> tonight proving it with a choice of roommates. it's out of the ordinary. ♪ ♪ hello sunshine ♪ sweet as you can be ♪ iove waking up [ chuckles ] ♪ to your morning melody ♪ i can tell it's gonnae ♪ a sweet day [ female announc ] wake up to sweetss with honey nut cheerios cereal. kissed with real honey for a yummy sweet ste that's just right. and the 10 natural whole grain oats treat ur heart sweet. because they can help wer your cholesterol. you are so sweet to me. ♪ you're sweet to me bee happy. bee healthy. ♪ eat well, live long ♪ have a good daisy, work out, get strong ♪ ♪ when you need a lift, just sing a song ♪ ♪ and have a good daisy ♪ have a good daisy with a natural treat ♪ ♪ have a good daisy, healthy foods to eat ♪ ♪ when you want some joy, dance to the beat ♪ ♪ and have a good daisy [ female announcer ] enjoy the fresh, 100% natural choice in cottage cheese. ♪ have a good daisy ♪ have a good daisy join me tonight at 9:00 coming up at that time, warner brothers giving reasons to spend time for facebook. >> then at 11:00 the big debate at berkeley. why changes may be coming to the nation's first curbside recycling program. >> and there is anger that could be a good motivator. >> warriors should have no trouble then. fueled by the warriors coach that exploded on sunday, wants to see more energy and intensity on the road. and there is a baron davis whooping with jj hickson. and bareon from 19 points, warriors wake up into the second quarter, seth curry, a 20-6 burst. warriors go from down 12 to up 11. the script says monty went microwave. there is a pretty move and making it rain had a career high sixty-threes and 20 of the 24 coming into the second half. warriors up 76-61 to the 4th. and there is warriors winning their second win on this road trip 95-85, the final. and there is dallas braiden rooming with giants closer brian wilson during spring training. mike shum onwith more on the a's, mr. perfect. >> he's got it. he did it. and there is he's moved past that, looking forward to bringing leadership to the staff in 2011. >> there is if i'm comfortable enough for them to talk to me, they know that is high praise from them to be there. i welcome it. >> dallas is our leader so we look up to him. and follow behind them. >> dallas is 11-14 and claims health is his first priority and improving his game. >> this is to continue to evolve. the game catches up to you. it's up to you to evolve around the game. >> dallas is rooming with giants closer brian wilson during spring training. >> what is that like? >> i mean use your imagination. >> i want to say quirky. with a similar personality that way. >> right sf. >> he's a weirdo. nobody looks at each other and says that is awkward and doesn't happen. every moment is awkward. >> and that is funny. >> a's knock off padre padres -- padres 6-2. there is a flun three and two thirds. the sanford's team now today, jeanette poleland averaging almost 16 points and five assists per game z leading with a perfect record and there is both young ladies surprised when they got the news. >> thinking i was shocked. just because we have a lot of great players on the team that are more than deserving as well. >> i was surprised because there is great freshman and a competitive practice this year. ways humbled at the same time. >> countdown is friday. nine and a half hours of labor mediation today. >> is that all? >> yes. >> and that is this edition of abc 7 news. >> thanks for joining us. well this year our garden's simply amazing. everyone's complimenting it. yea. how did you do it? eh, takes a lot of love. the real difference is, this year we went to lowe's. well all our lowe's garden club select plants are grown for your local region and selected for peak performance. ooh! these look so healthy. we get new plants delivered throughout the week and we guarantee our plants and flowers for one whole year. and of course, nobody beats our prices. nobody. oh, so it wasn't me? well, you provided the love. [ male announcer ] experience. lowe's. let's build something together. captioned by closed captioning services, inc. this is "jeopardy!" introducing today's contestants-- a high school biology and religion teacher from silver spring, maryland... a mutual funds analyst from colt's neck, new jersey... and our returning champion-- a mechanical engineer from geneva, illinois... whose 1-day cash winnings total...

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