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workers, teachers and others. next week, the president will explain how he intends to pay for this, early indications are that he'll ask congress to raise taxes on wealthy and businesses which will not be well received by lawmakers. >> dozens of new jobs coming here to the bay area z an electric car maker called coda plans to be up and running in the next few months. and that is where we're live this afternoon. >> this company was in a bit of disarray. a ceo and another executive quit as the launch of the new sedan was pushed back until in year, but now, they're planning to open a plant here and are planning to bring more job autos they led a tour of the plant, expected to be up and running by the end of the year. >> this is a exciting time on many different level autos they will partner with a company that makes car processors. there are 200 employees in los angeles and expects to bring 50 new jobs to the bay area. >> it's so consistent with california's environmental ethics and more with the bay area's environmental ethic and clearly more consistent with benicia's. >> the sedan is an all-electric car set for delivery in california. and leaders say coda fits into their goal of sustainable growth. >> we have felt for a long time as a city it's best to work in a collaborative way with businesses and in a community in order to achieve our goals for the climate action plan. >> according to the manufacturer, the car travels 150 miles per charge. and seats five people, and will cost about $35,000 after federal and state tax credits them opened a showroom in los angeles. the next one will be in the bay area. >> we've not selected a final location yet, we'll share detail was you later, stay tuned. >> and the eb is on track for releasing in california by the end of the year, that is just ahead of several other car makers planning to unveil their electric models in 2012. in benicia, abc 7 news. >> and the rap on electric cars has been batteries, they're expense, what to do with them, is there anything different about coda? >> well, they assure us the batteries are 100% recyclable. and they can be repurposed as they say, to be used in other ka passit yeez for instance, energy storage and the batteries i'm told are warranted for the live of the car, they're trying to solve some issues. >> all right. thank you. >> and there are more companies hiring in the bay area. many will be at the next job journal hire event next tuesday at the south san francisco conference center, jobs offering a technology annex for employers looking for engineers. just go to abc 7 and click on see it on tv oo. and workers in an oakland bakery found a way to get their jobs back. they bought the business. a taste of denmark bakery celebrated as a c.o. -- co-op. in 2009, it closed down, leaving employees without a job. and the property owners offered former workers a chance to reopen the business, mark davis working there 40 years jumped at the opportunity. >> didn't have a lot of money for capitol to start a business. and so they offered to us said if we're willing to come work at a reduced rate for a while that would be the buy in. >> and looks fantastic. several entrepreneurs invested in the bakery. >> and the protesters disrupting evening commute on bart are promising more protests tonight. internet traffic indicates they plan focus on three san francisco stations, civic center, powell street and embarcadero about an hour ago. we're live at the civic center station with the latest. >> you know according to the sweeps we've been reading this is where they plan to organize first this, is the site where the protests have gotten out of hand. take a look at this video from a protest in late august this, train platform was shut down by protesters through a a debt platform. that was the protest that started this whole thing because they were protesting at the time against the, what they call unnecessary violence by police. the shooting of oscar grant, later shooting of charles hill and but that protest also spurred further action by bart to shut down cell phones the next time a protest happened that. is where anonymous got involved. this organization is going to be spearheading tonight's protest, angry about cell phones turned off and about bart kicking out and detaining members of the media during the last protest that happened on thursday. and says they're interested in what bart is doing to prevent free speech. and that, they say will be the focus of tonight's protest. all of this is doing one thing, that is spurring debate amongst bart riders. we talked about what they think can be a disruption to the commutes. here is what some of them had to say. >> i think that part of being in a free society is that people have the right to speak out and lots of times that is inconvenient. >> i think it's a bunch of nonses, okay is in the guy who got shot was going after the cop autos it's going to inconvenience me. i feel like for me, it's important for these things to be heard. >> what they're doing is not being effective, maybe it's time reestablish their plans. >> things can be resolved with bart management or something separately. it's causing a lot of inconvenience to passengers. >> i feel that the cost that we pay for living in a society with free speech. >> and according to what we've been reading, protest is set to begin at around 5:00 today. and once again, latest tweets indicate they will start here and possibly continue on to other bart stations including powell street stations. once again that is to be focus ond free speech and apparently to be taking place down on the platform of the stations and an area which bart said they don't want protests taking place. bart told us one thing, that is that we will be allowed to continue observing this and won't get kicked out or detained unless we get in the way of police. we'll follow this for you from don on the platform. >> we'll check back with you for sure throughout the afternoon. and two men pleaded not guilty to murder charges today in the death of a 3-year-old boy in a drive by shooting on the streets of east oakland. prosecutors believe these two men shot the 3-year-old when they fired at i'veal gang members august 8th. this wounded two people and witnesses say he was riding in a toy car which when shot. >> and in hay hard a plan showed up for a court hearing with the mother of his child, gisele esteban, a no show today. and esteban is charged in the murder of missing nursing student michelle le, esteban says was the cause of her break up with marasi ga. n. the court is expected to appoint a public defender for esteban this week. >> prosecutors declined to file charges for a incident that left another player in a coma. he continues to recover after getting injured in late june. san francisco police arrested patrick power after searching for evidence and prosecutors aren't charging him pending further investigation. witnesses say he collapsed on the field and powers sfood over him for a a check of the weather now. >> spencer christian is here with that for use there is a summer time pattern and there is heat that is sometimes experienced. temperatures early evening ranging from upper 50s to upper 70s and it's warm inland. and there is some low clouds will linger. and by afternoon, we'll see mostly sunny skies around the bay and inland with highs from low 60s at the coast to upper 80s inland. there is almost autumn like cooling coming up. and there is a glowing test that could change the way hiv is treated in humans and drool proofing your iphone. it promises to make your phone baby friendly. >> and future of internet access is in the palm of your hands. >> and there is a skyway in san francisco if you're headed south you're moving along nicely. if you need to make your way across the bay bridge, this will take time. stay with us. the news continues right after this. >> a new study suggests breast cancer may be showing up earlier in women with a family history of the illness, doctors in tex looked at women developing breast cancer linked to a mutation and found if a woman develops breast cancer her daughters and nieces may get the disease six to eight years earlier than she did. and scientists note there are a number of other factors including better screening that could be at play but notice important screens at a younger faith you have an older relative who developed this illness. >> and this may hold a clue in the fight against aids in feem yins and people. they added a monkey gene and also added jelly fish genes for tracking purposes making these kittens glow green. it the result koz help researchers understand more about gene therapy in human autos turns out foul economy may be bad for the baby bottom line, talking about diaper rash. the cdc says disposeable diaper sales slipped but there was an increase in diaper rash creams. and some say parents may be skimping on changes. others say numbers could be due to growing popularity of cloth diapers. perhaps earlier potty training and more aggressive marketing of diaper cream. >> and you're looking now at a special case that promises to make your iphone baby friendly. this is retails for $15. fisher price says it will protect your phone from things like drool. and whether that is looking at photos or playing with a special app for babies and toddlers or perhaps don't give your toddler a $400 phone. >> and there is a 3 d srs struggles to get a major shake up at technology blog. let's go to today's after the bell report. >> good afternoon, tech crunch is official man down. the blog has lost its founder and probably strongest player. he opened the tech crunch conference today in san francisco saying he no longer works for tech crunch or aol so. focusing on his new venture fund called crunch fund. you may remember it sparked controversial after raising concerns over journalism ethics z the former editor has been named editor in chief and will invest $10 million in the crunch fund. and speculation china may invest in italy paved way for a late turn around today. green arrows for the major indexes. gains led by shares of tech and financial companies. and bloomberg went higher with help for shares. sales of nintendo aren't doing as well as expected. analysts say the players will be probably 16% shy of the target price as cuts and new accessories failed to spark demand and say nintendo needs to restore confidence introducing more major game titles or developing games for social networks. the stock tumbled 80% since the high in 2007. >> and we know angry birds has been the rage. there is talk about the movie and a theme park? really? what is this about. >> and angry birds moved from internet and into a chinese theme park. the windows of the world theme park hosting a version of angry birds event this month. and the game allowed to it catapult with a sling shot but according to pc world the publisher did not give them permission to create this version but does hope to cash in on the deal, of course. and if you want to get the experience, i guess you're going to have to head on a plane and head to china. >> i'm on the way. thank you. >> and that looks fun. >> it does. i'm thinking of the human virgs. and who would not want to catapult spencer christian. >> we've got interesting weather over the weekend. and there is things calming down thousand. and taking a look down on to bay, clear skies and at the coast clear skies and we'll see some low clouds and fog returning later and now we're looking at warm conditions inland and there is 84 in napa. 87 in concord. mainly 70s around the bay and into the south bay. and highlights low clouds on the coast and locally across the bay moring clouds tomorrow and cooler pattern settles in later this week. and there are clouds pulling away from the coast. so there are sunny skies from coast to inland. and there is thunderstorm activity this afternoon rather common this time of the year z afternoon hours seeing thunderstorm activity and showing strikes around lake tahoe. some parts farther north in susanville. there is a flash flad watch much of the south lake tahoe thaer will expire tonight. there is low pressure beginning to pull away from us there. and atmosphere is going to be more stable. there is a cooler air mass that will change our weather pattern significantly wednesday through friday. temperatures feeling almost autumn like. there is a mild period once again, and then, tomorrow, we'll see highs into the south bay mainly into upper 70s to just above 80 degrees and there are highs in low to mid-70s and 80 degrees in loss alt yogs, coast, mild tomorrow. and there is a range mainly upper 70s to mid-80s. and there is near east bay highs into 70s. and there is 74 in newark, and there is highs into mid to upper 80s and there is the accu-weather forecast. taking a look at the cool down thursday and friday. highs only into upper 70s on friday. and there is a warm up sunday and monday. and there is a fall preview for the week. >> and there is sarah jessica parker a believer in the idea the shoes make the woman. >> and is wondering if an o oprah sighting was her lucky charm. >> we were there and found out how she heard the news. >> this great thing is that i did cleveland and ran into oprah winfrey. it was like, made my day. and then, maybe that is a good sign. >> possibly s she took home award for outstanding guest ak stress for grey's anatomy. and hollywood is mourning the loss of andy whitfield dying at the age of 39, the lead of the stars series "sparticus". sarah jessica parker exchanged her manolos for motherhood in her latest flick. >> i did knit those high shoes and the minute they put a sensible shoe on me to play kate ready because she works in finance, and there is a uniform expected in that world, the minute they put a sensible shoe on me and on kobl stones i -- i was a mess. >> step into theater was sarah this weekend. >> and next at 4:00 a shining moment in san francisco's golden gate park. >> and never before heard stories in the kennedy white house. >> the fast food joint being sued because a customer can't slide into the seat. pc is becoming pass yeah ai. survey shows using phones or tab blet computers will surpass desk stop by 2015. there is a boom in global use, predicting 40% of the population will have access to the internet by the year 2015. >> a san francisco landmark is basking in crowning glory today. the 106-year-old murphy windmill this morning with a restored 60 ton copper dome that lad to be rebuilt from scratch because the original blueprints were not complete. >> we measured and numbed every stick. and this is determining which could not be used. >> there is a copper capping has a 10 year wait for the dome. the dome is thought to be the largest of its kind in the world. >> and you'll like this. cow pasture in france filled with a sound of moo-sic recently. they paid me to read it. the video has become a you tube hit. and there is a jazz band decided to entertain a herd of cows last month. and when in france, what better to do? and this herd was transfixed during the performance. and there is some cow bell added to the mix. >> they look interested, don't sni. >> they're very tranquil. >> it works. >> still ahead in the 4:30 half hour, republican presidential candidates prepare to answer to the tea part yeechl swreel a live report from the debate about to begin in florida. >> and i just want to be with you. i want to die with you audio unsealed. jackie kennedy discussing her years in the white house. >> from our high definition sutro camera, clear skies and they're going remain clear for a while. i'll have the accu-weather forecast coming up. so, you actually reward people for staying with you? yep. the longer you stay with us, the more you save. and when you switch from another company to us, we even reward you for the time you spent there. genius. yeah, genius. you guys must have your own loyalty program, right? well, we have something. show her, tom. huh? you should see november! oh, yeah? giving you more. now that's progressive. call or click today. republican presidential hopefuls gearing up now for a debate in the critical swing state of fla. the event co-sponsored by tea party express. front runner has been under fire since he called social security a ponzy scheme during last week's debate he explained his remarks to usa today saying his plan would not affect current retirees or those about to retire. and mitt romney is one of his sharpest critics and was endorsed today by tim pawlent yoo. governor rodney is the candidate best situated to lead this country out of the economic dolldrums. >> and louisiana governor is expected to endorse rick perry. >> members of congress took part in a tribute to the victims of september 11th today. and lawmakers stood on steps of the capitol building and sang "god bless america". congress made a tribute 10 years ago on the night of the september 11th attacks. >> new september 11th memorial at ground zero is open to the public. visitors now walking among hundreds of white oak trees on the site getting a look at water and sand in the spot where the twin towers once stood. the memorial includes plaque was the names of the people killed in the terrorist attacks in new york, pentagon and pennsylvania. as well as nakes of the six dying in the world trade center bombing in 1993. a day after the public memorial a private ceremony teld to inter remains of the victim as board flight 93. the ceremony took place near shanksville. flight 93 went down after passenger rushed the cockpit. >> and for the first time a nation is hearing from jack lynn kennedy, unscripted conver saigsz. the recordings compiled by her daughter caroline kennedy. >> he'd come in before he went out to the office. >> it's kennedy in her own words. her oral history in a series of recordings never heard until this exclusive. the year is 1964. a recently widowed first lady described her years in the white house. in one recording she recalled begging her husband to let her stay with him during cuban missile crisis. >> i said if there is not room in the bomb shelter i said please, can i just want to be on the lawn when it happens. i just want to be with you. i want to die with you and the children do, too. than without you. >> she revealed her husband did not support the lyndon b johnson presidency its funny. she was fond of johnson and found him amusing and warm hearted. >> daughter caroline compiled the recordings in a new book. >> i can hear her voice in my mind. i can't believe i said that. i wish i added something or changed my mind but i think it's important to realize the value as well as limitations of an oral history. and once starting to make changes what do you do? this is not my oral history. >> there are lighter moments as well, showing what life was like with young children in the white house. >> i thought it was funny for people who use his bathroom. men could use after dinner. in the tub were floating animals and ducks and pink pigs and things. >> diane sawyer's special airs here tomorrow night at 9:00 and the book goes on sale on wednesday. >> and still ahead this afternoon, an unusual ride along in the east bay. >> and union pacific exposes dangers on the tracks. >> and in the newsroom, parents now can monitor everything on their childrens facebook account without them knowing it. >> and taking a look at traffic now. you're looking alt cars making their way on to the bay bridge and things moving quite nice lie and same is true of air traffic now. take a look at this across the country. green lights in airports indicate no significant flight delays anywhere in major locations. okay. are you ready for a cool down? ready or not, it's coming our way. more in the accu-weather forecast later as abc 7 news at 4:00 cocococococococococococo union pacific railroad ran a special train to raise awareness about safety taking law enforcement for a ride to show dangers existing in rail crossings and urging them to increase patrols on tracks. in 2009, 61 people were killed on unionin pacific railways, tops in the nation. >> trying to let people know it's not safe to walk along tracks or on the tracks as well as people driving near or fog around crossing arms. >> keep in mind a typical freight train travel agent 55 miles per hour can take up to a mile to come to a stop. >> and a san brubo company wants to help parents keep their kids safe on facebook. it's called social shield and abc 7's leanne melendez is here to show how it work autos parents are frayed kids might post wrong pictures and say wrong things. it will follow them for life. and there are worried about predators and what social shield does is follow kids on facebook, my space, twitter and once a week, parents get a report anna ligz activity for risky or inappropriate behaviors. and if there are photos of the child drinking you will be alerted. if a friend posted something inappropriate, you'll be alerted. if the web site thinks a stranger is following your kid, it will alert you. and there is is a weekly report. >> we can tell parents if there are talks of drigs, violence or sued side. we can tell difference between word shoot, meaning i'm going to shoot and photo shoot. >> all parents need to have is your childrens e mail. they submit that and for $10 a month, $100 a year, they can follow their child's activity on the social networks. in case you're wondering this is only for parents or legal guardians not for bosses, not for your spouses. parents have the right to protect their minor children. and you can track cell phone calls kids make and will alert you if the child sk bullied on the internet this, company is based in san bruno and in march, co-founders invited to the white house to participate in an anti-bullying summit. something the vice president is passionate about it. >> and thank you, leanne. >> and i think of a couple teenagers in particular wondering if it's coming to a home near them. >> muammar gaddafi's home video shows a different side of the dictator. >> and fires engulfing southern california now. >> and napa, the expected harvest is expected to pro kus not grapes of wrath but hmmm. grapes of excellence. that story is coming up. vovovovl taking a look at east bay hills, you can see mount diablo. just a beautiful day. >> and there are fire deem teams helping to fight what seems to be a never-ending series of lightning sparked brush fires. and five fire there's have burned 7,000 acres and the flames are now about 90% contained. wildfires have burned 84 square miles so far. >> annual grape harvest soon beginning in the napa valley z abc 7 attended a media briefing. i know this is a tough assignment. what have you sampled? >> you know i don't drink on the job but this was great. and i say that only because i tasted grapes. but you're right. and. >> there has been a cool year. and the vines have adapted and interest tl is an easier time. >> he has late rains interrupt aid blooming process this year. and grapes didn't have a chance to go through a process meaning fewer berries. it means a smaller crop this year, and. >> when you have sort of a slow warming and gradual warming there are flavors at the same time. >> because maturity and ripening started late this, year's harvest will get a late start. and next told reporters that there have been bad years for napa valley grape growers who have been hard by the economic down turn. >> people have been purchasing wine. wine riz haven't been purchasing as many grapes. >> but he says that the industry appears to be on the upswing. >> we're now where we're starting to go up so prices goring up, wine sales going up and there are a lot of signs on the market. >> and they will start picking grapes in three weeks and start with charreds and the grapes are a bit sour but say by the time they pick them, they should be perfect. vic lee abc 7 news. >> you mentioned a lighter crop because of the weather. any idea how much it might be? >> yeah. they said growers said that they will have about a 30% lighter crop yield this year. 30% fewer grapes this year saying that the temperatures this year was about 10% off from the average. thank you and enjoy grapes. >> tough, but someone had to volunteer to go there. >> yes. >> and still to come this afternoon, help is on the way. how the world is responding to a story of zoo animal as band oned in tripoli. >> and new big names meaning big taste? michael finney shows which products from chefs are actually worth extra costs. >> and later on abc 7 news why a leading medical group says sponge bob square pants could have a negative affect on children. taking a look at 101 in san rafael, right now, traffic moving nicely this monday. >> and who are the most trusted celebrities? chefs like paula deen according to a poll. >> but can you trust them to deliver star studded results? >> celebrity branding is good marketing but consumer reports tasted foods by famous people. >> i'm going to make it ill it tally. >> more and more celebrity chefz are making a leap from tv shows to the supermarket. >> the catch with celebrity foods is that they can come with a high price tag. and they can be two or three times as much as a garden variety brand. >> consumer reports wanted to know if the brands are worth their a-list prices so a taste tested dozens of sauces and salad dressings and soups from famous chefs like wolfgang puck and restaurants like rayo as well as stars like late paul newman oom do include fresher ingredientses but not all. >> take these pasta sauces. both list first ingredient tomato puree. so does ragu, less expensive. >> about half were no better than cheaper, main stream brand autos among supz wolfgang's pucks tomato is a standout but it's pricey. for pasta sauces both rated excellent. and hers is a best buy for $3 at target. and no celebrity salad dressings rated excellent. you can probably make a better one yourself at home. and consumer reports rated a celebrity wine excellent. greg norman estate syrah. >> and you make everything from scratch, right? >> and there is trusting food brands to a man you can trust. >> i always buy organic. right? no response from the crowd z. >> there is a point to be made. there is mild, down south still warm. dallas a high of 105 tomorrow. 91 in new orleans. 91 in miami. humidity feeling like 100 degrees in phoenix there is a cool down, only 99 degrees tomorrow so that is here in california tomorrow, temperatures below average. there are highs only 91 in chico. 93 in n.fresno. only 90 in palm springs. can that be right? there is clouds near the coast, sunny skies inland. we'll see thundershowers again tomorrow around lake tahoe and over into central nevada looks like a large area of thunderstorm activity is expected. closer to home in the bay area tomorrow, there is a look at highs near the coast. we'll see some low clouds in the morning pulling back to the coastline and perhaps away from the coast in spots. highs into 70s in fremont. and 79, san jose, up north, pretty warm. and there is 90 in the east bay, 86 concord and livermore. 88 antioch and fairfield. 70s in oakland. farther sourjs monterey bay, wide range of highs from 66 in monterey up to 70 in watsonville. inland will be mild z not hot. 84 morgan hill. and 88 in gilroy. sandhya will be here at 5:00 to give you a look at the accu-weather forecast. >> thank you for the accurate and organic forecast. >> and six oil workers in the gulf of mexico are conscious after floating in the sea three day autos had this shows a helicopter nearing the ship. they abandoned their oil platform last week. helicopters air lifted to a mexico hospital. two other workers found dead. >> and there is 1400 customer was out power following tropical storm lee. that storm has been blamed for 13 deaths, residents now dealing with a two-inch layer of mud left by heavy flooding. that also caused millions in damage and caused many residents to think twice about rebuilding there. >> and a u.s. military team is on the ground in libya. and this is to determine how to reopen it. the troops are not there in a combat capacity. >> the battle front is near a town which is a strong hold of gaddafi loyalists. they're battling with rebels over a bridge linking the town with the port city. >> and it's rare video showing different side of muammar gaddafi. you can see him kneeling and playing with his two boys, probably his grandson ootz 32 second video found in the home of gaddafi's son. he has been in hiding since the fall of tripoli. the day he released a message telling supporters to keep fighting. >> international funds pouring in to help malnourished animals at tripoli zoo. >> 15 staffers risked their lives every day to feed animals as best they could. hippos survived with out running water, and the zoo was being rebuilt when the war started and new funds will help them finish the project. officials hope tochl change canal animal abuse was zoos around the world. >> and that does it for this edition for now. the news continues now with dan and cheryl. >> fine love the -- line the governor walks he considers a bill on his dose being. >> and also here at 5:00... good evening, i'm dan ashley. >> i'm cheryl jennings. there is a big test of how much power unions hold over state government now that jerry brown is the governor. >> that is right. there are a number of bills on his desk back bid labor the governor has to decide to sign or veto. >> and we have the story. nannette? >> governor brown was in las vegas today addressing delegates, later this week speaks to a convention in san francisco after seven years, california unions are eager for more law that's work in their favor. the bill put the ghof a quandry. vetoes could strain his relationship with public employee unions but signing it could upset his business friends. >> i think this governor had a track record of independence. he's going to do the best thing for the state. >> one measure gives child care provider as built to unionize. another moves all ballot initiatives from june to november giving unions a greater turnout on a proposal weakening political poise. and one bill requires state agencies to have labor agreements in place for construction projects. and they might have all been signed. >> no slam dunks in this business. and no slam dunks with governor brown. >> governor brown has shown streaks of being conservative, rejecting a bill mandating helmets fo

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