As you and your spouse could miss out on as much as $200000.00 over the course of retirement do you have the right retirement plan in place to help you afford the rest of your life if you're not sure call AAA plan Rick right now and schedule a free social security and retirement review from an experienced Edelman Financial Engines planner you'll get an analysis of your social security situation as part of your overall retirement income along with your pension savings and for a one k. Accounts plus you'll get a comprehensive personal financial plan and $800.00 value it's all free call as a AAA plan Rick by Tuesday 10 pm Social Security is complicated don't let it drag down your retirement income call AAA plan Rick by Tuesday 10 pm that's AAA plan Rick or visit Rick Adelman dot com That's Ric Edelman dot com. From a.b.c. News. Richard cancer jury selection is scheduled to begin Monday for Derek Shaaban the fired Minneapolis cop charged in the killing last spring of George Floyd will be the 1st time a criminal trial is broadcast from here in Minnesota and now because of the pandemic there are restrictions on the number of people who can be in the courtroom the judge says because of the worldwide interest in this case he believes that broadcasting the trial will help the public better understand what's happening inside the courtroom here A.B.C.'s Alex Perot's in Minneapolis New York Governor Andrew Cuomo continues to insist he's not going anywhere I'm not going to resign because around locations now no fewer than 5 women accusing him of past on one advances have spurred increasing calls for Cuomo to go there's some legislators who suggest that I resign because of accusations that meet our meet against me he I was elected by the people of the state I wasn't elected by politicians York's attorney general is investigating Oprah Winfrey's interview with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle ran Sunday night Markel telling a feeling suicidal during her time inside the palace which she referred to as the instant. And being advised against checking into a facility for help I went to the institution. And I said to go somewhere to get help and I've never felt this way before and I need to go somewhere and I was told that I couldn't that it wouldn't be good for the institution the sound courtesy of Harpo Productions and c.b.s. Her son reports the death in Sarasota Florida of Carlo Lendl last surviving child of the Flying Wallendas founder she appeared in 1939 newsreel of the age of 3 learning how to walk the wire her husband was killed falling 60 feet during a 972 performance in West Virginia her father Carl would die in 178 falling while walking a wire across the street in Puerto Rico She's the aunt of Ariel as Nik Wallenda Carla led there was 85 you're listening to a.b.c. News maybe. 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No it's from Geico because they help save people money well I hate to break it to you but I could got it from Shakespeare Geico 15 minutes could save you 15 percent or more call 1808 farmers to switch and you could save an average of $470.00 on your auto insurance that's a lot of money in just a few minutes with savings like that you could be lounging on an impractical amount of ornate and overpriced throw pillows you bought for your couch but you won't because you're better with money than that that's why you're calling us in the 1st place call 1888 farmers to get a quote Today we are is the an average nationwide in a savings every day to day lives or twenties when he added by farmers or fire insurance exchanges or affiliate product not available and when should you start collecting Social Security starting at the wrong age means you and your spouse could miss out on as much as $200000.00 over the course of retirement do you have the right retirement plan in place to help you afford the rest of your life if you're not sure call AAA plan Rick right now and schedule a free social security and retirement review from an experienced Edelman Financial Engines planner you'll get an analysis of your social security situation as part of your overall retirement income along with your pension savings and for a one k. Accounts plus you'll get a comprehensive personal financial plan and $800.00 value it's all free call as a AAA plan Rick by Tuesday 10 pm Social Security is complicated don't let it drag down your retirement income call AAA plan Rick by Tuesday 10 pm that's AAA plan Rick or visit Rick Adelman dot com That's Ric Edelman dot com. I. Mean how are you today Leo Laporte here the tech guy time to talk computers the Internet Home Theater digital photography smartphones smart watches all that jazz 8888 ask Leo the phone number if you want to talk high tech with me I'd love to talk I talk with you 888-827-5536 Rockpile our space guys coming up more space talk in about 25 minutes but meanwhile Richard's on the line from Woodland Hills California Hello Richard Kiley I were you I'm well how are you. And thanks for asking Thanks for taking my call Thank you yeah yeah you're welcome So here's a situation I want to get a new and I wanted to specifically t.v. One and I want a product that's a computer aided by product is a and the other thing also I want to like each year like maybe 2 short films a fun animated and splice and say I just want to make sure you get the most powerful and the widest range so hopefully getting interesting if you do you know which software you want to use for the cad and it'll be probably full shot as well as blender Ok Yes Ok. And for video editing. You care think this I know I'm sorry but it sounds like you're looking at a mac. Does it sound like I'm looking at America yeah. So. This is you know this is there's almost an infinite number of choices here so what what your ass and you want a laptop right yeah. So generally speaking laptops due to thermal limitations constraints are not as fast and powerful as desktops they really can't be they shouldn't be because they're portable they're small they have a small case they can't dissipate as much heat so if you were saying I want the most powerful machine out there you know you'd get a desktop for sure. And people were doing high end cad are doing it on desktops However you know Alias Photoshop blender you can easily do on a laptop a lot of people do so it just the only thing you give up really is speed and screen size and the latter you can fix because you can get an external screen so when you're at home. The sky's the limit of the former you can't really take care of because there are these inherent limits even if you get a state of the art on a 9 Intel processor in a laptop it's going to be thermally constrained it really won't get to run at full speed for long periods of time because it just gets too hot so there are you know laptops and active cooling and so forth I would say probably the fastest if you want the top line fastest laptop computers they are still Windows machines. Because p.c. Makers are willing to put in you know high end in video cards and and by high end processors generally these things are beasts they're heavy they're big terrible battery life big fans we had a caller yesterday who brought in a Seuss Republik of gamers a laptop for gaming she says it burns my the air coming out of the thing is so hot my hand is burning and I said Well. It doesn't mean it's it's broken it just means it's working hard so I guess the one of the reasons I like the new especially the new stuff now if you could wait I would wait and see what Apple does in the next 3 months because Apple now is starting to make laptops based on this apple silicon they make their own chips and they're getting their performance per watt is extraordinary which means they run cooler and they can run faster the low ends that they've released the MacBook Air The MacBook Pro 13 inch and the mac mini these are the lowest end computers that they make already are almost as fast as the fastest Windows machines so I anticipate next spring maybe early summer maybe as late as June no later they will announce new or even faster machines for the pro market you want a pro machine you're doing high end stuff the good news is final cuts a Mac. Everything you just described will run on them. Back and even Adobe is is going to make Photoshop not only run on the mac but run native on these new apple chips that's that's kind of what you want is is apps the war on native because they'll take the most advantage of it so Photoshop is one of the 1st things Adobe ported to the m one chips and early reports are it's really beautifully done it's very fast it's working very well so as time goes by I think Apple with its Macintosh platform is going to start to leapfrog what p.c. Makers can do p.c. Makers are still tied to an Intel platform that is frankly showing its age Apple's stuff is going to be faster at a lower power lower heat and in the long run especially in a laptop that's kind of what you care about can you wait a little bit. I started not to wait that long. But now you may think you know. Yes Yeah I mean if you if you don't need the portability absolutely would go with it this time. And what will be. I know your kind of question we use we use for our editors and they're using Adobe Premier not final cut. Because they're running on Windows we use Dell Precision workstations and I think that they are very Dell has you want to look at a workstation for what you just described assuming price is no object that speed is more important workstations are designed for professionals who can justify the expense because it's for their work it's making the money. And so I would look at a workstation Dell makes excellent workstations. And you can configure that very high end you can get you know and you want a lot of ram you probably want as much as 64 gigs of ram you're never going to get that a laptop will not never but it's hard to get that a laptop but more ram especially in Photoshop blender makes a big difference. Video editing you're going to want a really fast multi-core processor and probably for these high end workstations that's probably a z. On the higher end Intel workstation chips they're more expensive but they are capable of doing more and here's something people been talking about lately Linus Torvalds of creative Linux just did a tirade over this and I have to say I agree with him low end computers. Used traditional memory ram modern high end computers workstation computers are using something called e.c.c. Ram or error correcting ram it's more expensive manufacturers for some reason don't want to put in low end computers but increasingly big as we push the envelope with what we can do with computing the old style non error correcting ram is the cause I think for more crashes more problems with software then then we really appreciate Linus Torvalds said it's time we finally said every computer should be equipped with e.c.c. Ram in your price range if the kind of machines you're getting you absolutely should have e.c.c. . So I would I would look at e.c.c. Ram I would look at as eon process or as much memory as you can afford and now because of what you're doing you also want to big screen with very high quality you spend you know a professional spend 10 grand or more on a system like this is that out of your price range. I think. You're in the ballpark you're good you're good you may you know you may not be able to get a very very very fancy monitor you know in a year Apple will have high end mac pros that in my opinion of course is just a guess on my part will kick the butt of anything that Intel chips can do and those will be an Apple makes very high and screens but their stuff is extremely pricey but if you go into recording studios if you go into video editing suites you're going to see a preponderance of Apple gear and I think as time goes by you're see more and more because of that and so but yeah e.c.c. Is something I've been meaning to talk about this is there's a bit of a drumbeat going on in the tech community. To get e.c.c. Memory I think for what you're describing it's also very important. Yeah it's a little slower so maybe for gaming maybe not ideal but but honestly for what you're doing absolutely you want stability that's important. Yeah. Quest I'm sure he. 'd 'd will Yeah you know so a.m.d. Nowadays does have a problem you know I take it back maybe not as eon maybe get one of the new rise ins get a thread repartee are absolutely right a.m.d. For what you're describing is starting to to look pretty good. The only issue on this is e.c.c. . You've got to make sure you get a processor that will support e.c.c. Ram and I seem to remember some a.m.d. Processors. Do not so you want to look carefully on that but yet Actually I have no hesitation in saying getting a high end processor. I gave you a vague answer. And it's specific as I can get because you know this is a very personal decision but you're going to be very glad you spent the extra money I'm glad to hear your budget is that high because if this is if this is for professional work. That's why Yeah yeah yeah well we get money and good so you've done it before but you're getting back to work and. The. 'd only. Intuitive. To be getting what you want and is doing anything anything including when you hand oh my god. My. Story and enter names Peterson and oh yeah. Absolutely basically said it's all an illness and there's just no way that you can do anything so that's kind of when it's time and you'll be glad you learned those skills it's an investment in yourself it's investment your future Yes absolutely worth it and you have time don't you have to worry about the Apple stuff that's your next purchase not this time Ok All right hey good to talk to Richard I appreciate I love talking about the high end things are changing rapidly. It's a good time to be. A geek I think our show today brought to you by I drive ransomware Well maybe not a good time ransomware is on the rise I just saw an article in for security magazine one ransomware attack every 10 seconds last year I don't attack every 10 seconds and what does that mean it means your data gets encrypted and you have to pay them money if you ever want to see it again unless it's you can I drive see either of us a snapshot feature. And lets you go back in time to the day before you got bit get rid of the ransomware back up you've got a back up at I drive restore it you're good to go never pay the bad guys use I drive I drive is the best way to protect whatever you've got whether you're a business or consumer in fact that's why p.c. Magazine has given him their Editor's Choice Award 6 years in a row for the best cloud backup solution. 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Except death and taxes hold on their badge and you can't even rely on that much thanks to identity thieves tax forms have all your personal info in one place in this is the season when it can get emailed shared and possibly exposed to identity thieves they might even try to file your tax return before you do this sound stern and know it shan't because Life Lock monitors your info and alert you to identity threats if you become a victim a dedicated us space specialist will help fix it no one can prevent all identity theft or monitor all transactions but Life Lock helps you keep what's yours join today and save up to 25 percent off your 1st year of Life Lock dot com with promo code news that's promo code News for 25 percent off at Life Lock dot com And remember 25 percent say 25 percent hate doing taxes I'll do it for you I'm not a tax specialist or anything but I am good at using your personal information for personal gain and since you're likely sharing things like your full name and Social Security number for taxes anyway I'll just file the paperwork and swipe your return while. To thank me it's my pleasure. You might hate tax season but cyber criminals love it that's why you need Norton $360.00. $360.00 protect your identity and your devices during tax season. Plus if you become an identity theft victim a dedicated restoration specialist. No one. But you don't have to lead cyber criminals make. 25 percent or more of your 1st year of $360.00. That's 25 percent off. Point the 8888. Let's go to Alpharetta Georgia Alex is on the line Hello Alex. Thanks for taking my call my pleasure and budget called. I know that you are a fan of electric vehicles and a new family we're not going to talk about you know lately that's all you can talk about. Some thinking about it because I'm really interested in the next years his you know guy getting on because of you know helping the environment and all that but I'll be thinking all electric vehicles more a least investment instead of buying it because of the battery they critiquing and also you know will be thinking about it are we looking at the for example that the 27 team needs to leave the battery liquidation can be up to 20 percent already so are we are we considering that now we may be creating a little bit of an attorney. Certainly that certainly is a cause for concern there's no car you can drive that doesn't cause some environmental hazard but there's been many studies now on electric vehicles versus gas vehicles and the net is absolutely in favor of electric vehicles. But you're right there is an issue with lithium ion batteries we're getting better at recycling them I think you know because this is such a new area it's hard to know how long those batteries are going to be last Tesla which is clearly the king of all of this technology you know whatever you think about the fit and finish and the reliability of their vehicles they are absolutely kings of efficiency and battery life and we're now seeing Tesla vehicles entering their 10th year and the batteries are are in great shape so I don't think you know there's a number of things they do to protect that the leaf may not have done that remember that 27000 Nissan Leaf was an early effort from Nissan and in many respects wasn't a state of the art electric vehicle in fact we're only now starting to see I think State of the all the trivia. Can come close to competing with Tesla for a long time companies made electric vehicles as what they called Compliance cars to to live up to federal and state emissions regulations and so forth but now I think they understand the market is heading towards electric and they are starting to really design electric vehicles from the ground up and v.w. And Audi even Ford and General Motors are coming up with new designs for electric vehicles that are fantastic the protect the battery better you need to cool it when you're doing super charging because it heat is bad for a battery cold is also bad for battery so you really have to have a climate controlled in almost every case my experience both with Tesla Chevy we have a Chevy Volt and now with my new Ford is you don't want to charge it 100 percent less you have to live the need all that range because it'll improve the battery life considerably if you end Tesla says this too to only charge 80 or 90 percent I think worst we're seeing new technology I think we're starting to solve this battery issue but there is no doubt you're going to see people who are advocates strong advocates of of gas vehicles I'm not sure why they are but you're going to see people say oh no no the environmental impact of electric vehicles is at least as bad as that of gas vehicles that's absolutely not true I'll put some links to the articles that will that will explain I think conclusively that that in balance and electric vehicle is so much better for the environment not completely harmless we haven't got to that point walking is more harmless you know there are still other issues with walking but you know if you can drive a vehicle there's going to be some harm but I think electric vehicles are great and let me add to this and this may even be more important Alex they're fun as heck to drive I don't ever want to drive a gas vehicle again I am so hooked on how an electric vehicle drives instantaneous torque it leaps off the stop line there they they are. Just a pleasure to drive so that's something else to consider. How you know I agree is and I agree with almost everything he said let's at least point at the point that we should be looking to lead electric Well my wife makes me lease them because for that very reason that bit more it's about the technology is advancing so rapidly but I don't think you need to lease No I think that if you buy a if you buy a modern electric vehicle designed with the current state of the art in batteries that's probably going to be a Tesla I think you're going to get plenty of years out of that battery you know Tesla does afterwards they recycle those they put them in their power walls and other things so I think that we're pretty we're pretty good about I think I think the time has come that's my personal opinion on that yeah but I think the time has come I think it's fine to buy I wouldn't have any problem with the buying if that's if that's you know how you're inclined it's really up to your you know budget and and your comfort level I lease because I figure 3 years from now it's going to be a Breville Lucian in this technology it's all going to change but it's cost more to lease of course in the long run it's a monthly but I think it's kind of buying their depreciation product better to buy the market Leo Laporte. 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Build the rovers themselves now but Martin Marietta built the Vikings and what a job they did all I know is his 1st name was Jim that's all I know a lot of gems up there and Jim doesn't there are down much what do you want to talk about today space guy well you know before we're done make sure that you prompt me so I have time to give you a website for your audience at the end but today I think we've got to talk about starship and we've got to talk about perseverance because they're both in the news so we saw the test wire starship s and 10 last week this is I think this is the rocket Ilan Musk is building a space x. Is building to take humans to Mars and is in Right right yeah and the moon and point to point transport on Earth so you can supposedly go to New York to Shanghai and 39 minutes so Johnny gentle love that women were going to rock it was like 6 people were to have rocket flights to China he's saying that you can do point to point was stars. Just barely touch orbit and it will be about the cost of what it cost to fly 1st class or business class now is a few years ours that might be the 1st rocket on time that what you lot of time is definitely distorted but that might be the 1st rocket trip many of us take is just instead of an airplane we take a rocket Wow Yeah and if it's not too far off you know these are the prices that Virgin Galactic Blue Origin you know where you're going to be paying between $2300000.00 for a sub orbital hop if you can just get on a starship and go point to point on Earth and get that for half an hour of your flight that's pretty cool that's not nothing for me yeah and they're bigger you know yeah but not yet so so we saw this test last week they got up to 6.2 miles which was their goal came down did the glide like we've been used to seeing hit the ground little hard came about 15 miles an hour which is little faster than they wanted but it landed upright and everything looked good for about 8 minutes it was just sitting there and it was venting liquid oxygen to all think it's supposed to do and we were all screaming and yelling and jumping up and down. And then suddenly there was this pop on the bottom stayed bottom half and it went back up in the air it exploded and flipped over so little methane leak these things yeah there was a leak or something and they had that explosion and a couple of the footpads didn't lock properly so we're going to have to work on that but they're perfecting this this is the latest this is you know the news media a lot of people look at this is say wow this guy's crazy keeps blowing up rockets but he blows up about 17 rockets at the time it takes most people to get one half way built right you know the early days of our own efforts of NASA as efforts did did rockets blow up all the time when John Glenn flew. That 1st u.s. Orbital mission the success rate of the Atlas booster which was like what the Soviets did it was a reefs repurposed i.c.b.m. They were using to haul a man up in orbit was about 50 percent he so you know he was told by the NASA administrator said you know we've got a 5050 chance of this working out Johnny said let's go for it and fortunately they were they were successful but that was an interesting rocket by the way it looks a lot like Starship because it's also it's a stainless steel exterior but that one was so thin that if it wasn't fueled it would crumple under its own weight while they had to keep it from filled up with either nitrogen gas or something keep what I'm playing by the way after the starship exploded this time shortly layers of people there spotted one of those Boston Dynamics dog bots those those creepy looking dog wandering around the crash site and they were taken apparently gas readings with it to make sure it was Ok to go out there in the hiders riders in which is of course highly toxic but they don't have any hydrazine what they use is that locks it's liquid oxygen to methane and the reason he's using methane is a couple of things one it it cools down to a slush very well which is what he's doing of both his fuels get more energy density out about but also burns cleaner so you can just kind of hose out the engines and. Or use them instead of having to rebuild them every time and let's also bear in mind in terms of aspiration what we're seeing when we watch the starship test flights is just the top 2 thirds of the top 3rd of the rocket the whole thing's going to be over $300.00 almost 400 feet tall so that 1st stage which is going to have 30 engines. That's not at all yet is that Bill he's in process and it will probably fly sometime before the end of the year pro lucky when I was a cartload it's going to be some Those are going to explode all that Ok yeah. Well I mean I'm sure a couple will come back but not with people yeah but it's just it's really remarkable the speed with which he's doing this I mean I'm sure he's driving his people crazy because he's a very driven guy but it's just spectacular So that was that and then we've got perseverance took its 1st drive. What about. The rules for We've put on Mars a couple of weeks ago Mars rover persevered to tell There's the dog but yeah yeah I got a picture this is and by the way there's a Tesla Model 3 in there too. Cleverly position but of course that's the dog expects boring the say that's perfect for that kind of thing yeah the test is kind of the equivalent of a golf cart out in Palm Springs you know. So so perseverance took its 1st short drive turned around because of the golf carts Yeah yeah big golf big heavy golf carts took its 1st images of the landing site so I could see how much scouring the rocket stage did look pretty good and then they detach the robotic arm because you know each thing if they have to test after they land is kind of the 1st use of it since it was packed up on Earth so you want to make sure that our Milan Stow and so it's a 5 degree of freedom arm so they you know they moved it around and sideways and up and down and back and forth to make sure everything was working everything seems to be perfect so looks like Next up is taken their drive it doesn't go a lot faster than curiosity did the 2012 rover that we landed there but it is able to drive further on its own so it'll get a lot more done today which is pretty exciting how fast. Point one mile per hour oh it's really slow it's really slow Yeah so if you go I've been out 2 tests I think 3 times and it's not moving as fast as your 2nd hand if you line the 20 it's so it's really slow really slow Yeah but you know you don't want to make There's no hurry there's no hurry and it's navigating itself this time it's to a degree autonomous so they can basically set it and forget it for the better part of a day and let it do its thing and it's not going to go driving over a ridge or down into a crater or something like that so that's great so their next goal as far as I understand it is to start moving towards the Big River Delta we've talked about before there's this area so they wanted to land of the flattest smoothest area they could get to the engineers want and then the geologists on the other hand when they're you know trying to decide where to go say hocks that's why but we want rock that imitation layers and all that so it's heading for that river delta but pretty soon it's going to find a nice place to drop the helicopter and let it take flight and see how that how that works the images we're getting back from perseverance are remarkable things what Jim said we were talking about the Viking. He was blown away by the quality of the pictures we're getting from Mars Yeah they're full for k. And we've got to zoom camera up there that time so you'll actually be able to meet on things that they've always been a little leery of that because zoom lenses can break when you shake them around as you know your photographer you know you tap those things too hard and suddenly the threads bind up but they did at this time and I may have mentioned this before but early work on that before curiosity flew where they were considering using a zoom was with James Cameron Oh no kid and the director often asked yeah he said. You know how James Cameron is he said I want to zoom lens on the Mars rover. And I want to $120.00 frames per 2nd and I want to 8 k. Can you can you give me a k. And a good love song and. We're golden. Rod space guys the author space 2.0 editor in chief of the National Space society's magazine. More about that its space to assess the grades talk to your thank you Sir Leo Laporte the tech I. Hate doing taxes I'll do it for you I'm not a tax specialist or anything but I am good at using your personal information for personal gain and since you're likely sharing things like your full name and Social Security number for taxes anyway I'll just file the paperwork and swipe your attorney Matt it no need to thank me it's my pleasure. 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This sound No It shan't Because life. In a lurch you identity threats if you become a victim a dedicated us space specialist will help fix it no one can prevent all identity theft or monitor all transactions but Life Lock helps you keep what's yours join today and save up to 25 percent off your 1st year of Life Lock dot com with promo code that's promo code News for 25 percent off at Life Lock dot com And remember 25. 25 percent. Always International Women's Day This is International Women's months all months long professor Laura celebrating Thank you Professor Laura. And I will be celebrating too I will find a woman and celebrate my mom probably I wife and my daughter. What came out wrong I'm sorry 88. Leo. Climb forget I it's helpless it's helpless I'm helpless Susan on the line from Minneapolis Hi Susan Leo Laporte the tech guy I apologize in advance. But all right now I think mean for I'm going to do my windows question I want to know what we're I don't want to or not it's Ok I don't try to find out how you make a go on me a chemical but I will hear about all the good luck. Trying to raise money for my daughter's. Here and if you go look at. The dot com you'll see your there you go that's how you do it you call a national radio show and you say go to help Dixie dot com d i x I easy. Yeah I see it right now on what kind of dog is Dixie. C n n so good questions my daughter stuck she's a mutt and she's pretty though oh no they're from or a few Center in Texas and afterwards I found out she had Lyme disease and yeah. Trying so hard to put in a little money for it's hard you know Go Fund Me is a great idea but this is the problem in general if you called and said How do I go viral on Tick-Tock or how do I go viral you know on You Tube It's the same thing I don't know it's seems kind of hit or miss the real and I don't know how long I mean of Go find me have something we could upgrade what they know now you know no no no it's just you got to tell the world you know what you've found the best way possible Susan you called me the best and you said help Dixie dot com That's probably the best way you could do it yeah I just got that lean in a good for you and good luck I going to be expensive procedure so very expensive I'm sympathetic you know you have a mil Oh my gosh well I'm glad they did it that's good you know that's good. So expensive I know I've done the same thing I've We had a lovely Pappy on that had back problems we paid for very expensive surgery and unfortunately didn't make much of a difference it's a sad thing so hard yes very hard you love these little for he's so what can I do for you with regard to Microsoft the right money windows Green keeps jumping and I can't if I try to quit going to drop it won't do it that's not good. No I can't and I can't plan. While your windows scream so the whole screen is jiggling around and just kind of like if I try to move so little left it will go back to where. There is it the mat is the mouse that's jumping or the screen what you see on the screen screen. Ok so that's. That's a good bit could be a number of things. I would the easiest quickest thing to check is the cable. Is it a laptop or desktop No it's Aleppo you can check the cable There is however a cable and often in laptops the 1st thing to fail if you think about it you know you've got a hinge on the laptop to the screen between the screen and keyboard there is a very thin flat cable that leads from the bottom of the computer where the processor is up into the screen and as you open and close it how old is this laptop . Well maybe for years because yes it's on my desk like it's a desktop I don't never been open or closed or taken anywhere and not very much you know well it's possible it's not that although that is a very common problem with laptop displace and that could be loose or it could be there is afraid it's frayed in the connection isn't perfect and that's causing it to jiggle So that's one thing is a hardware issue and the easiest cheapest thing to check is the cable you can you could do it yourself in a mouse by trying to achieve what you're saying but you're saying the screens moving not the not the mouse jiggling with the whole screen right here so that's not the mouse you know up there on the well like yeah that's because that's because the computer. You're clicking on what looks like the place to click but that's not the place to click because the screen is displaying it wrong that's a display issue I think we'll sort of have a 2nd Yeah yeah it's so it's a display issue could be the cable that's the cheapest easiest thing to fix could be the video circuitry that's that's not easy to fix because usually it's part of the motherboard so you need a whole new nut motherboard it could be the driver software so the next thing to check if you know I would check the cable 1st but another thing you can check is to make sure it's not the a flaw in the operating system in the software which you could be to do that generally what I tell people is it's a very handy thing to have a u.s.b. Key that you can boot to you know when you 1st start up your computer you can press a key escape to lead f one f 12 a full level at different on different computers that will allow you to set the boot order you can set the boot order to be a u.s.b. Device you need an operating system and that u.s.b. Device easiest thing to do is download of version of Linux say a boon to its free will to dot org you'd be un to you don't or have instructions on how to put make a bootable version of Linux on that u.s.b. Key then what you'll do is you shut the computer down started up hit that key choose boot to the u.s.b. Device a different operating system with completely different software will boot up and run now the screen still jiggling great you've eliminated software issues it's not Windows it's not the drivers because it's happening with other operating systems it's hardware now you've got to figure out the hardware and as I said at this point there are only a few things you can do one is to check that ribbon cable everything else checking the screen itself or checking the video card would have to be done by. Probably done by a repair person. You know ideally the company that manufactured it 4 years old are probably not going to be able to do it another suggestion in case it's just a driver. Issues to try booting into safe mode that that's probably the I should've said that 1st because if you reboot the computer now again you have to hold down the Shift key. To get that boot menu boot with networking enabled you'll get into a version of Windows that has a very simple driver the v.g.a. Driver and if there's a driver issue that will diagnose it if there's no problem in safe mode then it's a driver issue that would be probably that you're your best hope that's easy to fix that's just a software issue so you can see what happens this is a process of elimination troubleshooting means going through the things I would do the easiest things 1st so let's do this in order easiest to hardest safe mode easiest by far then booting to another operating system Linux or something else like that little more complicated but doesn't require opening the system or modify any hardware if the problem persists after those 1st 2 after Safe Mode and booting to another operating system now you're at hardware you've eliminated any software problems so that means you've got to open up the case maybe take a look at that cable maybe see if the video cards performing nominally maybe the kit maybe the screen itself is damaged all of those things are going to require repair person in my opinion that's the that's kind of the process of troubleshooting you know going through one by one all the potential causes starting with the easiest 1st crossing your fingers hoping it is the easiest one and. As you eliminate as they say as Sherlock Holmes said once you eliminate. All the possibilities whatever remains how however unlikely is the cause. Wiggling the hinge might be a way of diagnosing a cable problem that's something suggesting that charm. Hi Thank you for the call that's about as far as I can take you the rest of this is. Going to be on you I'm sorry to say our show today brought to you by remote p.c. Remote access see that's a great solution remote access lets me log in to your computer and see if I can see the problem for instance if I use remote p.c. Put that on your computer have that on my computer log in to your computer and I didn't see that screen jiggling then I would know. It's it's not it's probably hardware it's not software because I'm I'm look at your computer it's running fine . 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From a.b.c. News. I'm Richard Cantu the u.s. Is again accusing Russia of spreading disinformation about the pandemic this time about the effectiveness of 2 us made vaccines intelligence agencies are at the heart of the disinfo campaign according to a State Department spokesperson the agency's global engagement center propaganda identified for. Saying spread false words to undermine confidence in the. Scenes the u.s. Accused of also lying about protests military conflict and more. News in Minneapolis jury selection set to begin in the morning for the trial of Derek Shaaban the fired cop charged in the killing back last spring of George Floyd they will spend time interviewing these potential jurors and they don't need to find someone who has never heard of this case they need to find a juror who's unbiased and willing to follow the jury instructions in front of them to follow the law that's not the same as finding someone who's never heard of the George Florida case and what unfolded A.B.C.'s Alex Perot's in Minneapolis the proceedings will be live streamed from the courtroom by the end of this week pandemic relief may become real the bill extend unemployment benefits that to expire next week and Americans making under $80000.00 a year would receive a direct payment of up to $1400.00 the House is hoping to vote Tuesday to get this the president's desk by the end of the week and again as far as the checks the White House wants them out by the end of the A.B.C.'s Mary Alice parks in Washington the u.s. And South Korea have reached agreement in principle on a new cost sharing deal for u.s. Troops there no details but the State Department says the agreement includes a negotiated increase in Seoul's share of the cost talks stalled during the previous administration over its demand South Korea pay $5.00 times what it is currently You're listening to a.b.c. News. 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C z and panel in Iraq a suspect is in custody in Palm Bay Florida southeast of Orlando after a gun fight with Police Chief Nelson Moyer says officers were looking to stop a reckless driver in a gated community before dawn on Sunday they were total 4 officers on scene and within 2 minutes 2 minutes of that traffic stop shots were exchanged no one hit by the gunfire the biggest night in music will feature an all star roster of performers. Taylor Swift making the stallion and k. Pop superstars b.t.s. Are among the top. The 2 performers just announced the 63rd Annual Grammy Awards Swift is among those with the most nominees 6 in all her folklore album the same number as fellow performers do a leap and. So far beyond say the year's top nominee with 9 nods isn't scheduled to perform but we've got a week for that to change music's biggest night happen Sunday March 14th Christopher Watson baby c. News this is a.b.c. 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News when should you start collecting Social Security starting at the wrong age means you and your spouse could miss out on as much as $200000.00 over the course of retirement do you have the right retirement plan in place to help you afford the rest of your life if you're not sure call AAA plan Rick right now and schedule it for a Social Security and retirement review from an experienced Edelman Financial Engines planner you'll get an analysis of your social security situation as part of your overall retirement income along with your pension savings and for a one k. Accounts plus you'll get a comprehensive personal financial plan and $800.00 value it's all free call us a AAA plan Rick by Tuesday 10 pm Social Security is complicated don't let it drag down your retirement income call AAA plan Rick by Tuesday 10 pm that's AAA plan Rick or visit Rick Adelman dot com That's Ric Edelman dot com. Good. Vaccine candidates. To treat this disease. Which was developed with. Drug to significant. Treatment with a. Meeting with infectious disease experts. In the Senate passed its version of the Democrats' massive relief. Package last week the lawmakers made several changes throughout the legislation but 3 were particularly notable. For the stimulus. The federal boost to unemployment benefits. And Nick seeing an increase in the federal minimum wage to $15.00 an hour much of the Senate legislation however largely mirrors the $1.00 trillion dollars package approved by the house and laid out by President Joe Biden back in January. More than 20000 earthquakes have shaken southern Iceland this week rattling the capital a break come back and keeping geologists on their toes as all signs pointing to a pending volcanic eruption Let's check in with our expert on earthquakes Cal Lauri Cal what do you think about this situation. I I was really interested in it at 1st it started out I was a dad of 17000 and then tonight 20000. They're playing down the government there at their Afghan like yeah what's happening is that people the locals are concerned. But it seems like the consensus is just all kinetic and even if it does erupt and there's other volcanic activity now and Italy and Indonesia they're playing that album so I don't get that but but but even more excited and I'm sure you're aware of the street quakes in New Zealand Yes 7 Home Away The 7.4 and a planned one and I predicted it yes you did 22021 forecasts and I same due in January that's felt like it that's because Can a magazine I remember looking at the map and I just threw out the prediction I'm reading it Australia New Zealand a major earthquake tsunami is possible now a major quake 7 great quake is a point one. But there were sirens surges. They predicted it could have gone up to 10 feet waves 10 feet if you can imagine and I mean the whole Pacific coast was on alert the whole day I was watching it it was more than an advisory you know we weren't sure how bad this is this going to be and it was a shallow quake and usually the show equates you're going to have the 5th way that it didn't play out like. March 2011 or today and in Asia big earthquake you know a Boxing Day in 2004 thank God but it makes us think about California and I was just going to ask you Are we over do with there are a lot of you know how ice Kaakha Kaakha Cascadia sub it is except auction sewn up north in the Pacific Northwest 2nd go all the way down to northern California and that definitely can cause a big tsunami more so than that they are in Southern California but they still have my forecast is there that they are showing California look at to have something to share a deep sigh you know what but you feel that it looks like they really did dodge a bullet it wasn't like race church which was a nightmare so we get out and they had tsunami warnings for Hawaii and everything but here's a New Zealand Cal thanks keep in touch with us. A priest is warning the public on the dangers of patronising horror films a warning to those who love watching horror films an exorcist priest said patronizing horror films or films a deal with magic and witchcraft is dangerous as it could lead to possible demonic possession Wow that's kind of scary Up next we're going to take a walk on the paranormal side stare Adams with us on coast to coast am. Masks are better with easy flow easy flow is a device you attach to your mask that pushes fresh filtered air directly into your mask easy flow has been tested at an f.d.a. Approved lab to filter 99.7 percent of virus and bacteria particles including covert 19 visit easy flow USA dot com promo code Georgia call 239-734-3505 Tell them George said to call and save 10 dollars that's 239-734-3505 The good news about coven 19 vaccines they're here but you can do more than wait for your turn Here's how stay at least 6 feet away from folks you don't live with and it's risky to be indoors with them too and masks will they protect both the person wearing them and the folks around them wear a mask watch your distance and make a big difference now learn more about that. Corona virus spread to the u.s. Department of Health and Human Services we have a 12 year old German shepherd named Sophie if he became a. Wife but then about 4 years ago we found out he had several vertebrae together. Then Sophie was going to have to be that I. Got to do. Good why arrow. I remember Sophie starting the done by a and she from day one has loved it she is no longer stinky she is full of life Donna vite healed Sophie guided by is Trisha I truly recommend that he pull not waste until that recommend euthanasia you have to get them on done about right away while they're healthy dying to fight for a life. Will be I guess I've done a vice. Now more of coast to coast and k.g. L a 10. And welcome back to our Sunday night edition of coast to coast George Norry with you our guest Sarah Adams has experience in the lead many things from scene abductions to seeing angels who aided her or awakened consciousness increased as she got older and she experienced the supernatural in past lives of Egypt Atlantis and now it's a lot of the weather anomalies and feeling the other emotions remote viewing quantum leading and time travel are among the other alternative realities Sarah has also gone through Sarah works with many clients around the world in what she calls intuitive healing This includes using homeopathy herbs supplements diet foods as well her website is her name linked up at coast to coast am dot com Sarah walking to the program thanks for having me on July 1st 2004 to the city we got ya plate him keeping you go on tonight right exactly it's been a while since we've been in the studio that guy had to or you got to see re kind of shifted to you know they are still running that program and we're still getting comments about your work that's fantastic for you as I know I've had such a great career of coming back from all of that so I'm I'm happy about that sir tell us about this 1st experience that got you into what you're doing now. So I you know a week spoke about this on guy a little bit I remember I had a life on a life time on Mars they've also had lifetimes done eating it and travelled along the planet maybe even on sickle before technology that technology was lost and that was lost you to a fallen frequency still before I came to this panel I requested to travel here to hell. Awaken humanity of back into the Christ Self and the soul energy within them which is quite powerful Well welcome to planet earth sir and thanks for coming. To visit to Russia I think we're overdue don't you. Think I mean it's been an incredible time in you know it's lots of strange things are happening on the planet right now and can't people individually really take care of themselves supernaturally with all these things that are happening negative things that were being bombarded. Done and made under pressure and humanity's not going to awaken without the pressure so this pressure is really pushing us to look deep into her ourselves and beyond the physical and into the realm a spirit and this is why I believe this is happening in the cheese have expressed this to me they've expressed that you know they are definitely helping out the planet and they're even helping out with the children they take children into ships they help the children to on they get the love they give them the energy is needed and they're trying to channel in these higher frequencies into the children out now because it's very vital for the survival this pranic and if they haven't quite returned how everyone wants them to because they want humanity to step into the Christ self into the power within themselves and learn to kind of walk on their own Few know as a child just learning how to walk it has to take its baby steps and all a couple times before it's able to walk. Sarah. Let's talk a little bit about what you have called God consciousness what is that. So to me God is an ancient force of energy that flows through galaxies and universes to this planet who us through everything that exists and it's the most ancient encyclopedia powerful eternal and mortal you know when we tap into the energy within ourselves we become as Christ and that was the that was the message of you know Jesus Christ in the Bible was for each one of us to become Christ and to tap into power and once we cap into that power we can use that power to shift this planet and into positive time line stuff on the still to start healing the pollution on the planet and each other. Now what if you're a nonbeliever a nonbeliever and God for Jack doesn't mean you can't get it get any of this done. You know so even if you don't prevail God not as gods in heaven but God is energy so you're alive because of that energy flowing through your organs that's what keeps your physical body alive is that energy flowing through your cells and organs without it you would be dead what's the best way sir to connect this way. I speak to the spirits and Zenith is an ancient Sterrett so is Saturn each Prana is an ancient spirit and we have the ability to channel the cosmic energies in the energies from the earth from Mother Gaia and her self and this is very important right now because you know recently I was told that a lot of people are energy vampires when a person goes through trauma when they go through stress you know they're there every day stressing about different things they're losing energy this depress the person's energy field then they become an energy vampires there's told at least 80 percent of people on the spot are energy vampires they're disconnected from the cosmic energies that means they have like 1015 maybe 20 percent of energy flowing through them and not the 809100 percent that should be falling through them so we have the ability to sit on their earth among the trees the plants the flowers and a request for the divine cosmic energy to flow into us whether it's from the stars the moon the plants flowers and it will start to flow into us more sure when you said that you've been on Mars and Venus are we talking about Sharon Adams the one I'm talking to now or a reincarnated version of you so I guess we incarnated into this body perfect purposely for this life mission I was looking through the timeline for I came into this body and I looked into incarnate in a timeline where information would be more free flowing and that this information could be put up across the gotten across the public because it's the only way for them to you know way save their planet and free themselves. Now this interaction that you have with the z t s is it always been positive. It has always been positive you know they come they work on people around to me if I request tilling they come and do so if I request that they help me with my clients they come in and oftentimes my clients see them and to them. Now with these experiences what do they want with us what's their mission here. So there's the squaw's make law he sort of eternal loss that if one does goodness energy is given to them perpetually And that's what people each season mortal they don't die for what you would call thousands of are fierce because of this because that energy is being charged into them and the energy is given to them and because they travel to pranic and they help out planet that how they awaken to the divinity within Now what if we do good things do we get this kind of same energy has all along us or or what. Of course so this is why you have stories in the Bible where people live for hundreds of years for thousands of years in ancient times they knew how energy how it worked and they were aware that each organ runs off of energy and they knew how to speak to the cosmos to speak to earth to speak the plaques and bring that energy to themselves so their bodies were constantly charged their organs and they were never depleted and that allowed them to live for hundreds and also thousands of P.R.'s these aliens are they coming from planetary systems other dimensions where. Well the so there's over 200 races is a generous this is and they many of them have come to help out with what they called a new race that's beginning on this planet this new race is people who are not disconnected from these energies people rather who are interconnected to everything that needs they can feel the emotions the trees and plants and speak to them and they speak telepathically they can tell each other's emotion they can speak to different spirits This is the new race they said that's. It it's starting to grow here on are you still communicate with them in a dream state or how do you do that. That when I wake up in the morning they're often in my room and they get they let me know what's going on they tell me that pollution in the oceans is blocking the cosmic energy from swelling through in the pollution is yang energy it's heat energy and it's causing an imbalance in the earth's energy field so the earth more Yang because of the Khushab on this planet they tell me that you know this needs to be cleared out so we could give me different structures in a quest my help with certain things on the planet now you said there are 200 different types are they they all look different to or what do they look like. They do look different and they're also interacting with. This pair around that means they're interacting with those who have passed on this planet many of those who have died and they're interacting with their spirits to help clear karma because there's a lot of dense energies from depression from one from different things that happened on this planet also interacting with the Valley of the angels and then there are many other. Spiritual beings in this fair well I've always been told that the reptilians are very good they're not benevolent have you encountered them. Of course so I I interacted directly and again there. Julian Sutton know that because the planet is disconnected people are disconnected from the cosmic flow of energy what's happening is that people are energetically feeding on each other on their children when they're poor the planet not only that they reptilian and they told me to do that they fell into the same thing they said there's races that are feeding off each other because they're disconnected from the divine and there needs to be a reconnect that has and have they abducted people that you know of or do you know if that program is still ongoing. So I have what I call in abductions where they stick and me in to shift and worked on me or at one point I was able to interact with children that they were taken in to ship and download different information from the life here on this planet that I was having into hybrid children and that's the new race that I'm speaking about which is the race that's being going to be connected to everything it won't speak in physical words but rather through inner energy telepathically and through communication via white coat. Well that's amazing work that you've been doing Sherri Have you ever been scared of any of this. You know I don't have any fare and I've seen some. Very intense things but I don't look at it as evil I just understand that some beings have fallen away from the light and you know because they've fallen away from the light who are suffering and they're not well so I have compassion on them and I take this the right way but why you why have they contacted you. You might say I'm I'm different. I might look like a girl but I'm definitely not just a girl and there's a lot of beings if you take on human bodies like you would put on clothes. I remember meeting you for beyond belief you are a girl. I don't see I didn't see anything strange or evil plot you were anything like that but it just happened for you I guess. Definitely I definitely not evil had all but. More like I'm aware that you know. I have I came into the human body purposely and human bodies are to me because they are in the back 2000000000 years human bodies are like you put on clothes it's just something I come in and I do I need to kill or live out what I need to live and then I go on and move on to another body maybe on this planet maybe on another planet or in another dimension when I taught many bodies and when you tell other people that you deal with extraterrestrials what's their 1st reaction. They think I found these or what are they except that. They set it so I mean I live in Sedona Arizona where everyone is kind of interacting with other beings so it's been very open minded community here but I also don't try to force this on anyone whatsoever but I can go up to people and tell people things about themselves that nobody else and it's on point so that you know that they know there's something different with me. Are you glad this has happened to you. I actually chose for it to happen to me. And you see the timeline right now on this planet there's a lot of chaotic energy so I chose to come down here and body and to anchor at higher frequencies but if. You see we have pollution. Taking the skies in the ocean and pollution the word pollution is literally that the I on of energy where the energy is getting the polar opposite of the way it should be standing this is what the crowd think when they get it shift on this planet we haven't the stellar within us of course Christ said we have power over the 4 elements we have power over the oil amidst the our heart the 5th element when we get into a state of unconditional love the elements and listened to and we have the power to shift the pollution the energy that feeling the opposite way of that shit back until line then so that we can feel the pollution on this. We're going to come back in just a moment with you and continue chatting about this Incredibles feeling that has been happening to you and of course we'll take calls with you next hour on Coast to Coast. There's our 1st emerged. Gifted children from Grand Island New York the song is called trance called superstition. Archives of coast to coast. 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But I know you're going to want some after hearing this this is an amazing story we've got Steven and Malakai Gregory in Nelson New Zealand I understand that Malik out who is 8 almost 9 years old now was suffering with not just one or 2 warts but I mean a significant outbreak of warts all over his body so significant it impacted his ability to really function Yeah he was having trouble even holding a pencil to write and this time his book actually that they got me thinking about it I'm not surprised that it is a amazing immunomodulator And so I can see that it would work and so at what point did you see that there was actually improvement really going to work well look we really started to notice it around 12 weeks you can see these things actually getting smaller and smaller and then going down to that without just little red marks the whole things are gone and you're talking about once you know one the size the want to know where that's going to wow that's just being Regulus to see them get into a pair of shades Yes how wonderful and it's great to see I'm so happy and absolutely wonderful. 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And welcome back to coast to coast George Norry with us or Adam's with us there is web site link to bet coast to coast am dot com It's your name with our middle initial arch there are Adams dot com sure why aren't easy G.'s jumping in to try to help us with this covert situation why don't they do that. There's one story when it comes to his feet disease is a lower frequency anyone who has. Pollution in their bodies or extent that karmic energies as they attract is the frequency of dizzy and really right now we're learning that everything is frequent and we have that the Latino within ourselves to bring in higher frequencies and to remove the lower frequencies and sadly many much of humanity lives in the lower frequencies not understanding this higher knowledge so the e.t.f. They really want humanity to wake up to this is much is they can help heal it will heal us when we request such and they also want to wake up to the divine power within us and for has for Cove it for me I know a lot of things that some of the things I you know I can't speak about but I do believe that it was sort of in a way pushed upon humanity in this war on consciousness because there's a war a war of consciousness going on on the planet has or some kind of dialectic rule or law that they can't get directly involved in certain things. That show so they can only go ahead and get involved to certain extent but there's a there are definitely cosmic was that they abide by now let's get back to God consciousness for a little bit do the e t's accept the fact that there's a god. And that's what gives them their powers is because they have this energy flowing through them and they flow with it and aligned to and that's what makes them. Extremely powerful that they can travel through the cruise dimension then travel to planets and even live beyond time self interesting take of that and. Have they ever warned you about anything. Yes they have they currently are very worried about the pollution on this planet and the fact that is the ocean she's she has d.n.a. Energies and she collects cosmic energy she literally channels energies from the moon the sun the stars into the center of the planet which is the keeps the planet stable on an energetic level and physical level she's not she's not being able to charge the planet she's a battery for the planet because of the pollution the pollution is dense energy that blocking out that's blocking out the higher cosmic energies from flowing through her they were very very expressive of their worry that the ocean with the pollution is in balance and then tire planet you have talked about sugar powers in the past what do you mean exactly about that. So people have the ability to kill other people. In Motion they have the ability to. Connect telepathically they have the ability to walk out of their bodies and walk into realms they have the ability to even effect weather and each other and they have to fill it Cheechoo heal themselves to seek the list of abilities that people have is extensible they haven't awoken to these because they are living in tents for a quick that keep them plugged into the 3 d. World and away from the realm of ferret so to connect to that you have to find. You have to literally go within and connect your spirit and then via that you will connect the realms the Spirit are we near the Great Awakening. We are actually living the Book of Revelations right now oh boy. Yes Where I live in the Book of Revelations now it's really interesting is that you know it says in the Book of Revelation is that before the end time The Obama Nation of desolation will sit in a holy place they think about Obama he sat in the White House and he the White House is considered a holy place it was designed after a temple the architect who designed it up as a temple and then it says he shall see trumpets you shall see trumpet you shall hear trumpets around the world and there was some pence on every t.v. . There is a lot of codes in the Bible you know the Bible is not to be taken literally but it does have some some bits of truth in it and then it says every once shower ship the beast now everyone thinks that you know they must have a mark on their head or that they must bow to something or worship and praise and worship some sheer joy or get up in your hand when she. Yes you just are aligned in its in its frequency and if you do your research well you'll find out is that within the brain most people are leaving for the right to leave cortex to the brain so it says in the Bible the market the beast is on their forehead and if you do your he search deeply you'll realize that the mark of the beast is those the people who are coming from the reptilian predator brain now it's a proven fact that people who are addicts people who are who are murderers and abusers they're coming from the Rectory cortex that their brain a lot of people on this planet are living in the rat clique or takes their brain which is a lower part of their consciousness and that's causing them to be in this sort of fallen energy faults like this stuff you have to get out of that part of your brain you have to master yourself and go into other parts of your brain and that's what some of these He's a great painters such as we don't argue with the Vinci or telling us when they have it when you see the painting of Adam touching the hand of God there's the brain literally encoded in there and there's a lot of symbolism here we're saying to get out of that part of the brain of reptilian part towards the beast is literally there at 2 in cortex of the brain that everybody's function from Isn't that called the a big deal Ah. Yes You know we've done some work on that too in that it doesn't give you that fight or flight feeling and everything else so there was a ah the turning away a. And also you know it's really interesting it's connected to the underworld I found out that and yes there are people who get possessed and take it because that's the distance thing you know whether it has life her marking station he's doing still a clue I'm losing on the phone sir talking to your speaker. Phone when they do these things what it does it connects them up. Q It actually activates the reptilian part of the brain even talks in the pollution just recently the cheese were telling me that the pollution on this planet when it goes into the body it puts the body in a state of flight or fight or flight mode and it pushes people into the recommend cortex of their brain so I do believe there's sort of a conspiracy going on here where they know that pollution does that and they want people in this part of their brain because when you're in that part of your brain you're chaotic you're destructive of and you're easily controllable but again that's up to us to solve not for them is that correct you know it's up to us it's up to us to starts you know we can interpret our That control over our energy filled the Nasser cells and they were done with that then we're going to go ahead and channel energies and awaken the other parts of ourselves like look at junk d.n.a. 1st of all junk d.n.a. Isn't junk d.n.a. D.n.a. Is the ladder to heaven when your energy when your body has enough energy flowing through it is the d.n.a. Of light which then allows you to go into other realms of this is the story of Jacob's ladder in the Bible over Jacob he climbed the ladder and he went into the realm ground of the angels his d.n.a. The up so he could access the realms of the angels in spirit. This consciousness that you have worked on for such a long time you have been able to use for your life because you've tied it into health and everything else haven't you. I have so. You know anyone who is unhealthy if because there's not enough energy flowing through their organs that their bodies there also it's pollution pollution flocks and the body from charging itself with energy is so I have to use that she'll help myself and to help others on all levels you dildo was past lives of course in Egypt Atlantis tell me a little bit about that. Yes So Egypt originally was it was as a. Rain Forest there was no desert there and the the pyramids are actually energy generators that paramedic's would collector energy from the cosmos channel it through them into the core of the planet which would break bring up the frequency of the planet so it keeps up with the prednisone higher frequencies there are no desert there's no sickness and death if people can make for hundreds of years so the thing is that it's completely broken down those energy energy generator now that they're not charging the planet how they use to to charge the planet we also use the star coffee case to we would we want to use them for burial chambers we would lay down in them and they would bring us they would they really sure are sold off into other universes that the memory thought I had from the chap . Do you meditate a lot. I live in perpetual meditation. I live in another thing because I have lit myself up you know I know how to light myself up so each ourselves in our body are solar panels and that's why in Egypt they worship well which was the god of light because they understood that they could look at the sun and they could that sun would come through through their cells and charge their or us up and their Shakra system and completely light up their junk d.n.a. And also their left and right brain and entire brain their tire system so that they could then walk out of their bodies and have supernatural powers. Is there anything that we need to be wary of from these e t's not their message but from them directly. No we don't need to be wary wary of the cheese the reptilians have recently told me is that you know they want to be reconnected up and that and they have decided upon this that they want everything to change so some other races that there were problems with their completely shifting what we do have issues with it's what I call different body Eric so when a let's say you lived a life over and over again you had different inclinations just murdering people and you didn't want to change then what be allowed a body after that so these different body spirits are trying to get body that's what we're have an issue with and I know that they're called different things such as our condo or there's different names for them and that's what we're having an issue with and actually they each have had some pretty intense battles with them and they come from these lower realms and Gates have been opened to these will around from the information I collected these gates have been opened by you know dark magic and things like that so that the people in power. Positions of power could channel these forces for more power or to heat heat power and control over the masses on this planet so these portals need to be closed and the things express this to me too because the energies coming through them just leech and absorb light itself and that's having to leave destructive of. Effect on the entire planet whether it's the animals whether it's its people or the planet itself so you're saying though these disembodied spirits or souls are looking for bodies and I assume they'll do just about anything they can to get them all today of course that's where we have the underground bases that they're doing a lot of different cloning and things like that because of the United States government did not completely what you call make a contract with each these but rather they made a contract with these Disney body verite that's where they got a lot of their technology from which is actually quite primitive to the technology that the e.t.s. Who are non fallen how well you don't want to cut a deal with to somebody spirits to you. You don't because they were. So there was a comic ruling on them that they were allowed to have bodies because they were using the physical form to her and harm another if you wanted them to stop contacting you would say at this point. Not not Mr award not that you would but would day. Is So the thing is is that it's my choice to stay on the planet if I want to leave this body at any point I can do so now I've also where I can go into other timelines and other bodies like I said this body is my toll right now to get this information across it's not it's part of my being but it's not my entire being so where I come from is quite a bit away from here you might say so I wouldn't want to stop contact with my kin because for me you know I've had a hard time in life because I had to learn how to communicate in 3 d. Language and it was a bit of difficulty for me because of the fact that I can feel people's emotions and thoughts those are some of the ways that I communicate or feel in people or killing other beings frequencies too you might say that language is quite primitive to me. In a way I'm a bit of a sore thumb here on this planet you had mentioned earlier sure angels What are what are their tie ins to the symphony. The often work together. So right now it's there's a lot of suffering going on with children on this planet and they often work together to try to just channel energies to those 2 and higher energies to those children of love and of healing because they really care about the children on this planet and this is something that they've expressed to me recently and yes there are meetings that go on with the like I said the councils of the spirits and then also the e t e t's from this universe and from other universes are you glad that this has been happening to you of course I won't have any other way but that's you know I I looked down upon earth and it was. I requested to come here and I was told not to come here you know and I said you know I'm going to go anyhow down there and they said you know they're living going to bodies down there it's quite dangerous for them because people don't understand them they don't understand what's happening they don't understand how energy works there's many things that they don't understand from the realms of spirit so it might be a bit dangerous for you but I insisted insisted upon coming here despite that well we're glad you came back. I'm glad I came back here because I I really am fond of human life experience Sara we're going to take a quick break we're going to come back at the top of the hour and take phone calls with you our special guests erratum swap sites are Adams dot com link up for you at coast to coast am dot com Let's open up the phone lines right now and Tom we'll get your calls in a moment and we'll get ready for next hour here on Coast to Coast Sarah Adams Up next we've got more emerging artists for you for the rest of this hour and next hour as well here is our next one Johnny Wicker North Carolina with a song called. Never miss a detail a show or a guest sign up for the coast. To Coast. Even when I say. The. 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I'm Richard Cantu the it was a big weekend for vaccinations nation hitting a single day reporting record 2900000 shots into art but still speed bumps along the way just 40 people showing up at the most site in Florida and hundreds who didn't qualify turn to. Still now $30000000.00 Americans are fully vaccinated a b.c. Trevor Ault By Thursday the House looks to approve the pandemic relief package the Senate passed on Saturday President Biden wants the $1400.00 payments to individuals to be going by the end of this month despite Texas doing away with its mast mandate in the pandemic Houston mayor Sylvester Turner says visitors should come masked or not at all keep your mass on. Engage in a social business in the proper things that you have heard other things that still need to take place Houston pediatrician Dr Christina Probst says it's just too soon in Texas. It's like celebrating a fumble in the red zone when the waiting touchdown is just within reach jury selection set to begin in Minneapolis on Monday for the trial of fired cop Derek Shaaban in last spring's killing of George Floyd security if the Hennepin County Courthouse is robust fencing all around the building there is razor wire on top of that fencing the governor called in the National Guard that town standby should things get out of control but authorities here say you know they welcome protests they just want to make sure that things remain peaceful A.B.C.'s Alex Pereira is in Minneapolis with extensive grilling of prospective jurors views expected picking a jury is expected to take at least 3 weeks high crimes authorities in North Macedonia have a smuggling ring in 2 locations in that country south seizing over 500 kilograms of marijuana 3 men now in custody you're listening to a b c news maybe you've heard about Medicare and you know what it is it's the affordable alternative to health insurance but I really save a significant amount of money on my monthly health care bills and the answer is an emphatic yes you can you can save a lot of money whether it's just for you or for an entire family medicine or has an option for you in fact the typical family say $500.00 a month switching. 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I hope the Senate does its work so I can sign it into law you also issued an executive order promoting voting access cops in Boulder Colorado used tear gas to break up a massive Saturday night party near the University of Colorado 3 officers were injured Boulder County health director Jeff say Och says the unsanctioned gathering could be a super spreader or still a pandemic on you know not the time to do these kinds of things it will reverse the trend just as it did in early September and that's the last thing we need a community it's the last thing we need in our state and it's the last thing we need. Any students involved will be expelled less than a year after divorcing Jeff Bezos philanthropist ex Mackenzie Scott has remarried tying the knot with Seattle science teacher Dan Jewett who said he never imagined being in a position to talk about giving away his significant wealth in his lifetime this is a.b.c. 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Redding California alone in paradise. 88185014109 the 1st time caller line is 50147212 talk to all 3 from east of the Rockies call 808255033 from west of the Rockies told 3 call 80618825 fun to reach Georgia via Skype use named George 97313 send George a text message any time at 818-298-6521 from the gateway to the west this is coast to coast am with George Noory angels disembodied spirits e.t.s. We've got it all for you tonight what Sarah Adams of the. Start with taking your calls when we come back in a moment on coast to coast am. 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Thank you. Evil. Because. There is good or. But they will hurt people one thing yes because one was something this is a slight it is for everything to be a lie for everything to survive it must have energy with it in it energy is light and frequent now that they've lost that you know they go and they feed off of other things happen. There's a priest who's been saying that if you watch horror films you're going to open up portals to evil and things like that do you believe that. I do believe that and that might sound far out there but one time I was walking in a theater and I was actually going to see my brother and I went to the wrong the 8 or room one there was hope for a movie playing and I literally saw and to teeth coming through the script through the screen and connecting with the souls and feeding off of them of people who are watching the horror movie Geez how do you sleep. Because I know I am I'm gosta I may take different many different bodies but I've realized I'm God and that's the that's what the divine wants for all of humanity to realize they're all Christ and they're all powerful and that they don't need to suffer or be suppressed Timor or be at the mercy of the systems on this planet that hurt them that once they find that within themselves as there is no fair there is no suffering and they understand what's happening in they're going to feel Ok and they're turned on in mortal and the Saudis that they're living in fact just one experience and they're going to have many more. Do you ever have nightmares. Never That's pretty good I I go off into I go out of my body and often go and speak to different being that what my night mostly consisted of or goal I go into other dimensions or sometimes I walk injury now when you went to Venus or Mars of course we assume it's on inhabited what what was there. Originally Mars was it had forests stand it it was very tropical when the cataclysm happened you know you care about and a cataclysmic Lantus or other great civilizations an ancient kind is the star the remnants of change from what happened to the planets originally all planets. More and have a kid and there were beings that travelled among the dimensions and among the planet. Let's take some calls for your this hour is going to fly by and let's start by going to Deborah in Peoria Illinois to get us started Hello Deborah yellow enjoyed our you tonight Ok I hope you are too I thought why. I think it's pay I am and it is Sara Sara I'm sorry to say I could ask you a question you speak of the reptilians I've had 2 experiences I did the I won't go into the 1st quarter because I already told I will show. I had a 2nd experience about 4 years after the 1st one and I told him I says you go away I don't know if you're good or you're evolved. The 1st experience was very pleasant with it but he was definitely edge small shoulders he had Snake Eyes he had a face of a human but it scales all over him like a snake are those. Are those good ones. You know snakes on a charm that are quite beautiful creatures. Will tell you again for many are wondering. Well yes but you know it's only if it's scared by the way. For me in my experience when they recreate came to me when I was a teenager I was in France at the time they came to mean they said you know no matter how falling we are from the light any party who is comes from the light and from the heart we have a lot of respect for them and we will not do anything negative to them and we we have a lot of Honor for them and so that's been my experience is with them there are some things that have went rogue and one of the rectory chieftains told me this recently I've actually spoken about it online on social media and what I had thought that he said yes that some of the Commune 10 gone rogue and that his race is starving because they feed off of energy but a lot of the energy portals to higher energies are closed on this planet so they're starving and so the rogue ones that we're feeding off of humanity why do we all hear stories of reptilians being so evil. Because they fell a long time ago a lot of different races have fallen but even humanity humanity self is disconnected from the cosmic energies so you know instead of for me instead of judging each race I try to find solutions of how they can be reconnected or how you know peace can be achieved that's definitely one of my main things here right now Bob in Pensacola Florida welcome to the program Robert go ahead Thank you Jared Good morning George good morning Bob Last year my life was saved by a person who passed away some time before that and I got another question about healers. How did they do that Sarah and can you explain how I was saved by a person who'd already passed away a couple years before and how you know how were you saved Bob can you share that with us yes I will tell you it's going to take a minute or 2 Ok she Walker daughter of Hoover whom my wife and I has that as a daughter of ours and we have. Adopted her mother as well who passed away I see she woke her daughter up from a sound sleep is that you need to check on but something's wrong. And she got up came to my house what she 1st tried to call me and I didn't answer her he came to that I was. And when I had my car was there and I still didn't answer the village she called the police they got into the house and from a unconscious in the master bedroom all my Grange between 2 things and they say that they that they don't have the hospital in ambulance and because of their injuries I have that doctor said I've lost a leg there for 2 days and I had a heart attack that's why I went down just guard your 2 you're lucky you're alive then oh yes very much so but I wonder sir could could explain that and also can she explain how he orders in this world on earth heal. Our Well what do you think of that 1st episode Sheryl that that is by a miracle to be sure. So I'm quite used to this I speak to the dead who try the souls of those who have passed and they have you know they watch from the other side trying to channel in healing trying to help but it's just like the cheese in fact the cheese like I said earlier in the shell and the angels and many of the being true other realms communicate and interact with those who have passed and they just really want the product to heal you know felt this is quite common and that they're always trying to help but from the other side it's not something that something uncommon to to me recently they told me to do you know about the pollution and you know in the ocean they said tell everyone to join hands and chat because it is there at their throat there is that within their voice to their sound and sound he'll tell them to stand alongside the ocean and just in this is going to help heal the pollution of the ocean and they said you know we will go ahead and be there and we'll also channel all of our energy into them and through them to help them heal their planet they're all the very worried about what's happening on this planet to. This is quite normal to go on to the question about how healers heal light sound energy are all one frequency or one and by channeling that the healer basically can bring that into themselves or cultivate that within themselves and then channeled that to the person who needs to be healed the person who needs to be healed often their organs are depleted in energy so this energy a hill. Do you think people can heal primarily with hands on healing or just to be rubbing you know few inches off the body. And you know I do these things so I have clients across the world energy and it doesn't it's different it's it's instantaneously when I work on them they can feel it instantaneously if I tell them you know I'm going to work on their heart they feel their hearts or I can even tell them hey I'm going to make your feet feel warm and their feet will start healing and feel warm I can effect them from across the planet this is what I'm trying to get across to people is that we're all connected and we affect each other and even the person suffering across the world is affecting you want to energetic level and thought form level whether you believe it or not and we really need to cake this this information deeply in our heart because it's something that's really vital to our planet right now let's go to Maria Phoenix Arizona 1st time Caller Hi Maria hello thank you sure so I've had repeated missions of the Zionist. In group in connection with someone here in America 'd that's very powerful that they're planning to enslave all Americans including Native Americans and because the Native Americans have said to call ancient connection with the 18th it's like because the Native Americans are being dragged into it and being there say that the team is going to work like a military for the Native Americans and all Americans in try to stop incitement that in in the main they of that warring of the e.t.f. Can you try to help as I see in my vision a new going off and I don't know if this guy enters that up the new or the Zionist . Make it look like someone else said all the new and I don't even know for sure if the new if at all what I saw was that there was an attempt or a really close call of the new day and said all but then the Ts are able to stop it because of that 'd I think. The bad people they prize off the planet I don't doubt that's a horrible vision to be sure I wouldn't throw the scientists in on that put in terms of the Native Americans to the teeth never talk about them. So the Native Americans are actually their rich you know their Onyx bloodline from Egypt which comes from Mars so they're all the offspring Yes of the teams and the Chiefs are quite close to them you know the Native America it's could make it rain they had these different abilities they knew how to channel energy and that information is very precious right now to us because we have the ability to do the same thing that's for nuclear to go to that one the e.t.f. Will not allow and so will all the Councils they'll join together they will not allow you clear to happen on those additional That's one thing they would step in and stop you they will definitely step in and stop and they in fact every single president is since Hitler has been chosen Well it is the lesser evil that has been allowed to tap our so that there isn't a 3rd world war. Let's go to Thomas and lawyer California Hey Tom Why George thank you for accepting my call Gerald may I say your heart energy really comes through my radio speakers on the airwaves. Comment and then a question and you mentioned below show affecting the planet the oceans the atmosphere and we have many ways site thank that that pollution has Chen channel if I may say at. Such as focus shame a. Nuclear reactor disaster in Japan hard the Gulf of Mexico Chad years ago with the Oh boy well that exploded in the b.p. Oil well yeah yeah b.p. Oil well and if I may say if you live here in the southwestern United States the obvious bulletin Yaz chem trails aerial spraying and you can start out a day here in the southwest and it'll be absolutely blue skies and then you'll start seeing the crisscross of contrails and then by midday the cam trail sav totally blanketed the atmosphere so my question is this. Perhaps I'm reminded of Fred Bell a former coast to coast gas he's now passed away. He was trying to bring an extraterrestrial technologies to clean up pollution. And I'm wondering are there extraterrestrial technologies which the eighty's the alter dimensional are willing to pass on dross to utilize to clean up. Intentional pollution or perhaps perhaps it's a matter of meditation Vishal as say show to make Beauchamp like camp trail aerial spraying function pollution nuclear radiation like for the shame of disappear and I was wondering if you want to address that what you know what your guides extraterrestrial guides Psalter dimensional tides are there technologies which we can utilize and door yetto maybe meditation practices to reconnect planet Earth and make a persisting again and again Sarah thank you for your hard energy appreciating what a great question Sarah go ahead. Thank you so I want to start out by saying this that you know. It's for us to find the power in ourselves and we credit pollution via the manipulation of energy and we have to join the mind the body and the energy field together to make to combine in the one and then we have power over the elements so then like I said we can go ahead with pollution and the energy is spinning the polar opposite we can then go ahead and tell the energy to stay in the right way the way that the divine originally created it and it shall do so so that's the way to credit pollution from the Harnett. For Yes there's a war on consciousness I do believe that there are people quite elite people in all of them that know that the Divine is a cosmic source of energy that flows through all and the pollution it literally blocks this off the planet in fact the Cantrill the heavy metals are dense energies that block the light ship of the higher extraterrestrial from coming through so they told me to create Cordle's so that they could come through so recently they've been they've they've really intensely told me create Stargate synergetic Stargate where you could energy so we can come through I do believe the chem trails are not only a war on consciousness they collude our bodies to keep us from charging energetically they break our bodies down they also block out the light ships from coming through on this planet plus they pollute the ocean and earth and keep in a lower frequency we're going to come back in just a moment here on coast to coast am take final phone calls What's your Adams Don't forget to sign up for our free You Tube channel by just going to coast to coast am officials and the You Tube search bar you just put it right there at the top and there you go so here's our next emerging artist rock on is the name of the artist the city is Mapleshade New Jersey. 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George 97313 send George a text message any time at 818-298-6521 from the gateway to the west coast to coast am with George Noory will be back with final calls which are Adams in a moment incredible discussion with her next hour of course we'll be talking about certain foods that can heal you so get ready for that are you a coast insider Yeah you can be it's only $0.15 a day this is Lisa I'm a coke insider because like you know we stay up to listen to Coast to Coast. Side or what we listen to 1st thing in the morning and sometimes even when I hate Mike from North Carolina and on the coast and southern if you like me you get a little each time the live show ends of the night but that's Ok because I can listen to the show anytime anywhere right on my. Door again I'm an insider living in a rural area as well as the n.h.l. 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You know that you know there's sway more that exists then they can perceive and they only can perceive it this instant because they haven't understood how their body works how their energy field works and they must look deeply into this namely start to heal their bodies and bring in the cosmic light because this is going to help the survival of this planet just by tapping into the light of the Divine within it is the fact heals that. Has it changed your life. It's completely always been normal to me to live the way that I live it's not something abnormal when I look at people what I see is people who are lost and broken often because they're disconnected from the divine or for me this is normal what people aren't living or what people are live in isn't normal to me it's something that's abnormal. And your family what have they said about this gift that you possess. So I my father's only child. So there's that I mean there's a special. Thing yes I'm quite different. But what are they should. They know since a child you know I have definitely some very gifted brothers and sisters but I was always very accepting that I was different and went with it and accepted it and channeled it rather than trying to fit in the 3. Way that society teaches us and tries to program my stuff it and so I completely rejected that and just decided to you know stay myself and be myself and express that to others and express the messages that I get to others because I I know they're very important for our planet is there an urgency to these messages there as the planet right now is freakin down people are disconnected pollution has plagued our planet there's forto slower Rahm's open that need to be shut portals to higher realms need to be opened so that more of the light ships can come through to help anchor and higher energies into the planets stabilize it because. The. And they net it because the field of the planet it's messed up due to the pollution and to tell a lot of other things that have went on on this planet so yes this is very important right now in this time in age the chaos that we're live in right now this is all a manifestation of the dense energies on this planet that's coming to this or that and showing itself up in 2 or 3 d. Lives and instead of being at the mercy of that we have the ability to clear those dense energies and create timeline as that where there is healing and where there is that the products Ok the people on it are Ok. Let's go next to. June in Greentown Ohio welcome to the program Hi Joan Well thank you. Sarah and I often that I. Am and I often feel when I pray. And open myself. That I have a great amount of. Energy come to my 3rd I. Am my forehead. I mean I don't even know how to explain it to others who may not have ever had that experience and I wonder did yeah it's any work for you. So what I do is I go ahead and I bring the. I bring the energy up from my roots Shakra up my spine and this is why and they pharaohs you know they had it this the serpent that that was placed on their 3rd eye it's bringing the energy up and then through that 3rd eye and that powers up my whole system my shack with this to my aura all my cells my d.n.a. And that I'm able to see with that with what I call the eye of the Spirit which is the 3rd eye. Tell me more sir. So. Basically for the energy to channel through you you either have to have a clear energy or your body has to be less toxic and once that happens you can go ahead and bring that energy through you so yes that that's about how I feel by feel these my and my whole body feels like electricity and then I look around and I'm suddenly not in the 3 d. I'm not in the room everything comes almost like a fuzzy that I can start seeing forms a pair and that's how I see the other forms they start to pair that I I know that I am in other dimensions even though I'm still physically here standing here I'm also in these other dimensions because I brought my energy up and went to higher frequencies Let's go to Jeremy in North Dakota Welcome to the show Hi Jeremy code or how you doing I'm great how you feeling. On that. Answer question for All right let's give it a try. For over 2 years ago I was an attractive God relax but I was in a coma to have. Laws in the. Light we. Love you have. Like you're really muffled the journey I need to have you talk right now the phone. A little bit. As I was nearing the top. I heard a voice told me Your task is not done yet and I saw a clip next thing I will go up our local from a coma in the hospital can you tell me what my task was. She's not a psychic so I don't know but kind of give us an overview of what do you think a task like that might be Sarah. And so yes I can read people and I also can look into the past and the future so I can definitely answer this question you know very good. So the task Ok so there's this divine assigning that that each one of us has that the angels and different beings and the divine is wait for 60 to find that power within ourselves just to manifest it within ourselves to step into our inner Christ our inner God and then channel that power to heal ourselves until the world and literally it's like I watch this happen it's like once somebody on this planet achieves and use new technology or they you know they can we can download codes and teach others so this system. Is or all connected in this system of energy so it's a way in the device way for those to waken to it was in them and then go how does the divine plan of spreading that information to everyone so that they can wake awaken to so that's sort of a. Can I put this a design divide assignment that we all have. Do you think sir that in Jeremy's case he was saved for a reason. Yes he was saved so he could go off and live a happy life and understand that he's more than just this 3 d. Body and and really embrace that and start to you know just be that way on this planet because I myself when I wanted to leave this planet at one point you know I was like it's Can't this work content here I feel if you want the most but I feel people suffering I feel the plan I talked the private nature is there and I had to you know I want to leave even though it chose to came come here it's very hard to feel these things is pretty overwhelming and and I remember having this experience with somebody I was in the middle you know 1st and if she appeared to me with a long bow and low bitch that you know you can meet if you want to you can go anywhere you want because you're black because you're divine that she said you know really think about this before you make that choice because you need to be on the planet and continue on their mission let's go to Bill Sandpoint Idaho Welcome to the show Hi Bill hello. Sir Logan blessings to you and the contribution that you are making. Thank you I would like to know if you could tell us about the unity consciousness grid. The unity consciousness grid What is that sir do you know. That wouldn't probably be well I was just talking about this this inner jet it sort of grid system that connects everyone together and unites all of us and how you know even when don't we might not think that that child child across the planet in a 3rd World country is affecting us in a negative way but yes it's emotion is an energy field and thoughts are setting us we're all we're being affected by each other every single day this is why a lot of people are in depression this is why a lot of people are sick because they're picking up each other get the energy 3rd thought so by learning how this energetic grid system works then clarinets we can then go ahead instead pass and we can start passing healing energies and light energy and higher frequency to each other and this is going to be the shift that this planet needs as I what you meant by God Consciousness earlier yes. All right Roger in Lake Jackson Texas hi Roger Hey George are you doing good thank you. For our Dr want to ask Sarah question Ok She's standing by you called yourself God. 40 minutes ago can you give us some vaccinations are. Fair questions or go ahead. And so your god so is George he's God we're all God that some of us has had realize that this is what Jesus meant the Bible you know this upset people so much when he said I'm God and he realized that he was God that His Spirit was the energy of the cosmos the eternal infinite energy within him that in that he was God and he was connected to everything and so yes I funders to that within myself and within that understanding I have also the understanding in the. Knowledge that I've had many past lives on different planets and I will have many future so I have no fair there's nothing within me that can see there's nothing that can hinder me there's no fear that within me because I've understood that even if this body passes away I may turn on a mortal because God it's everything God is the plant God is in this my have a child God is the tree god is everything that is within us and that surrounds us let's go to Bobby in San Antonio Texas happens to be a 1st time Caller Hi Bobbie hey go ahead go ahead you know I go down I'm going to ask you Did you ever see that that evidence there are surrounding around Sarah and why Stephen Hawkins had said noël talking days and unfair to ever take this out no I've never physically checked it out I checked into it Story wise it's a weird story I'll tell you Bob You're right about that right now the words both of me the 1st thing you feel like she was right which is like half mil happy not a mama nation as there was a krone right where they see these days I guess it's both about that hell or something like that right scared I'm scared man but like they want to do with it they want to talk instead of lies a matrix so that they can and create creation because they figure well gotta create everything all over again I'm quick. Now that's a pretty scary thing though another word no must these creatures that you hear they give you partial truth Alexei understand that they've in fact of life people their membership closer that all the time that their sacrifice and people there to those entities the wallets are is a word spot to be sure to be sure Thanks Bobbie interesting take there Annie in Alabama hello any go ahead thank you George Sarah half you were talking about the pollution This is truly ours. Gerber in all the others by disses companies is a major fast were in the news today if you go because of can the m. Arsenic nor Curie and leave it in the baby food. That's a it is coming from the lake chronics computers and sale signs and I can it's got to be stopped that's the source of it and then they throw it in the land sales and then the run off in the rain runs it into the crowd and it gets in the food we've got to stop those things from coming from Chad I know you want to say the owner or what you think about Sarah. So they're trying to make us into robots in the Bible there's a verse where. It says In the end days that they try to create this new race this year race is half clean half man the Bible starts out with thing that Matt is made of clay and the metal this statue being half metal half Clay the metal represents them trying to connect this up via the heavy metal thing they can travel via the heavy metals you know there's heavy metals the Sultan table salt there's heavy metals in deodorant there's heavy metals everywhere on the our suits and everything that goes into our cells and then we're walking and Hannah and we're connected up to the satellite system so in a way that will be Terminator has already happened because you know we're walking robots on a on a struggler level with all these metals that our bodies and we don't even know and they can use the satellite system via those metals in their body chew see what hard to check on your heart rate to a monitor your emotions your thoughts so it's really something that is. It's taken humanity right now the pollution of heavy metals that are getting into our cells and allowing us to be filled with these dense energy because heavy metals also attract dense energy to them on a one to 10 with 10 being the worst Where are we on the pollution scale. I know the skin to some quite quite drastic but we're at 10 right now and that's why God that's not good on this planet save us Sarah save us. Everyone They've themselves and all right thanks for being on the program again sir his Web site linked up at coast to coast am dot com It's there for your we will make a really easy webmaster tonight of course is Ryan Stacy and in Iran's got all the information at coast to coast am dot com Up next we're going to be talking about foods that he'll it's an amazing story on coast to coast am and here. Our finest Emerging Artist our final 10.0 gravity from Boca Raton Florida but the song called Heaven is here. 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