By just building not just maintaining his building the only way to lose this is to get covert and to not be able to actually be president we have to be smart we have to be careful talk a lot about that coming up bombs going to join us we're going to also you don't have a year ago at 330 today the Billy Bush access to the big data dump from at 334 years ago today I saw that come up my desk Chip Franklin he's up next I'll see you tomorrow on k.g.s. . From a.b.c. News. President Trump is out of sight as he continues to recover from Coburn 1000 bodies back in the Oval Office with his staff says a number of safeguards in place White House still won't give the exact date when the president last tested negative for covert 19 spokesperson Brian Morgan Stern still refusing to make it clear I don't know when he last tested negative and I've answered this question a number of times the president's aides and doctors still not saying if there was any indication the president was infected before his debate with Joe Biden or his trip to see donors in New Jersey and the field a.b.c. News Washington stocks jumped after the president appeared to backtrack on a decision to Table talks on another coronavirus rescue package until after the election the Dow soaring more than $500.00 points tonight it's the running mates turn lights president Hansen Democrat Kamel Harris will meet in Salt Lake City for their only debate of the campaign Michigan school bus driver Tom Moran drove to Utah to stand outside the debate hall county 3 hours I think it was about 1600 miles and I would do it again crawl over broken glass place to present the virus is expected to be a central focus the candidates are going to be separated by a Plexiglas partition in Wisconsin the. Crowd is gathering for the Milwaukee County Courthouse anything to hear a police officer Joseph Menn said the face criminal charges in the February shooting death of Alvin cool outside a mall in while the Tosa Delta may be losing strength but Louisiana governor. Sean Bell Edward says coastal residents should still prepare for a major storm later this week the track has shifted a little bit west. Still true to the overwhelming majority of the coast of Louisiana remains him because they don't is now Category 185 mile per hour winds but it is expected to get stronger again as it moves out over the Gulf of Mexico you're listening to a.b.c. 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You can easily compare carriers and choose the best solution every time you even get exclusive postage discounts usually reserved for Fortune 500 companies so no matter how many orders you need to fill you'll always get the best deal no wonder ship station is the number one choice for online sellers be ready for the busiest online shopping season yes with ship Station dot com tried today free for 60 days with offer code radio just go to ship Station dot com click on the microphone at the top of the page and type in radio ship station make ship happen came to San Francisco a cumulus station your home for the most important election of your life election 2021 good afternoon to you the cage news time 3 o 4 on the Chip Franklin show I'm Jim McAllister this report is sponsored by man c.b.s. Daylight savings is the ideal time to rotate your mattress or play set with one of the top brands during man sameas 50 percent off mattress sales as always enjoy free white glove delivery and set up plus removal. Of year old not present visit sleep World dot com a training accident has taken the life of a San Francisco firefighter officials say Jason Cortez died of injuries sustained in a fall from a ladder during an exercise at the fire department's training center on 1000th and pull some streets fire department Lieutenant Jonathan Baxter says Cortez was well liked and had recently risen from the rank of paramedic he's in now but hit the public safety is a father of 2 children. Husband to an amazing wife in the child retired Cyr says who fired. Cortez worked in the Tenderloin at Station 3 which Baxter describes as the busiest fire station in the country Governor Gavin Newsom is not ready to allow theme parks in California to reopen though he's faced much pressure to do so he says the state is committed to a health 1st framework and he will remain stubborn about it Governor Newsome says officials continue to work with industry leaders on issues it's very complex these are like small cities small communities small towns but we don't anticipate in the immediate term any of these larger theme parks opening and tell we see more stability in terms of the data. The governor acknowledges the frustration of theme park owners who would like to reopen businesses he says he was not surprised by the resignation of Disney Chairman Bob Iger from his state economic recovery task force lawsuits over San Francisco's sinking Millennium Tower have been settled after years of litigation officials with the skyscrapers homeowners association says an engineering upgrade will start next month developers will be spending $100000000.00 on a 2 year long engineering fix to keep the building from sinking any further the settlement will also compensate homeowners who filed lawsuits this report is sponsored by Bay Shore plumbers say of all the stress and headache of your plumbing needs call Bayshore plumbers for a service or a free estimate leaky pipe clogged toilet broken water heater base or plumbers 650-323-6464 that 650-323-6464 Bay Shore plumbers Well check your traffic around the Bay Area with other it is sponsored by a Wendy's and she's taking us to 80 Oakland accident from the children out of body traffic this is on your way out of downtown and toward the maze it's involves injuries it's an overturned but the car rolled over on to the shoulder north $8047.00 street very slow traffic out of San Leandro and in the Union City there's an accident south 80 south of Tennyson So while it flows from Marina error really well you are more more on the brakes than going anywhere from a street toward tennis and another accident for this an old grade this afternoon North 684 and drive a there was one still clearing from the center divide now in the back up north before Sheridan Road cars made it to the shoulder but somebody got out and hit somebody in the face no need for that am I right northbound 6 a day before our cost of that crash has cleared but there's a pretty heavy stretch in between Stone Ridge and a 580 out of the city heavy from hospital curve to the Bay Bridge Wendy's is adding more spicy chicken you crave to the 4 for 4 squad with the addition of their new spicy crispy chicken sandwich snag it with nags fries and a drink meal deal for value items only price and participation may vary. And it is $7.00 to $7.00 a tie in the 7th inning of the game 5 home runs today all eyes on them as a do or die situation for the Oakland A's the 10 weather forecast looking for more sunshine tomorrow but cooler temperatures with highs from the upper fifty's at the coast here Thursday the upper sixty's by the bay to the upper seventy's and our warmest Bay Area and one spot. This is the chance Franklin. And streaming online. In a conversation. Now Chip Franklin. I can't you know radio tonight is going to be a big night and there was I think there probably was a period of time when people wondered if they would actually pull it off. I'll be honest with you if I were Kamel Harris's people I would have said don't do this. We'll talk a little bit later on this half hour about you know the usefulness of these Plexiglas barriers put on a bigger scale and bigger because this is a vice presidential debate next on the 15th the president and Joe Biden are supposed to debate and I truly Joe Biden wants to see some blood I mean literally joining us right now is a.b.c. News Correspondent Erin Kotecki Erin so let's start with tonight and you know the distancing and the safety and is do we know if Mike Pence is actually going to take a test right before he goes on stage his campaign said that he was negative this morning so I'm not sure whether it is going to be an additional test but we don't think he's been around anybody that is you know they could potentially expose him his. You know he was off of this family today and we don't know of anyone else that was traveling with him that was exposed Katie Miller his communications director. Was pulled off the trip because her husband Steven Miller the president's advisor tested positive so she was pulled off the trip and sent home or wherever to going to isolate herself she's pregnant too I think so for the record she's also had covert she has she did have Kodak in the summer so the you know the jury's out on whether you can get it again or whether you're immune or or you know when or no one really knows so what By the way what is the jury doing we haven't heard from such Yury on a lot of this covert stuff we need to know all I keep thinking about though Aaron is you know Caylee McEnaney tested positive last night she's been negative last Thursday she tested negative negative again on Friday and on Saturday and on Sunday but on Monday she was negative and so you know they're good they're not that far apart even though they've distance it a little bit more they're mocking Biden and they're mocking terrorists and I say they being one that not just a did ministration but McEnaney did a little bit of mocking and then Fox came out with a picture of Biden with a mask on and said All that's missing is a purse I mean there's some disturbing. Choice of words here but this so this debate tonight will that obviously will be much different than last Tuesday week to Google Tuesday I would imagine well certainly in tone and tenor I think it's it's a chance for both campaigns to kind of clean that up a little bit and then you know it is going to have a different focus so you know the. Stagecraft is a little different this Plexiglas we did we initially the and scamps said well it's kind of a Harris wants a fortress around her they kind of mocked her for it and then all of a sudden you know his communications aide had to get out of there the old saying and suddenly the tent camp was Ok with some some plexiglass so we think it will be there tonight. Although Plexiglas alone is not going to be enough to you know sure every everything but both campaigns said there are candidates the vice presidential candidates have tested negative today and the Commission on Presidential Debates said that Plexiglas is going to be used as part of the overall approach to health and safety and with these particular candidates being up in age and one having had this code 19 season. You know this is a really important debate to hear from these 2 people because there's there is a. I think a chance that Joe Biden may be a one term president. I think that you know from some people I know the know him and having interviewed him before I think he's doing this because he really thinks the country needed somebody that could defeat Donald Trump and it's not about ego when it's not about something that you know he's pursued for 20 some years and never able to achieve. Again that's I don't mean to sound so prejudicial but I really I believe that so calmly Harris has to be thinking that this is a bit of an audition. Seldom been as much attention on the running mates and the potential need for their services you know normally these these vice presidential debates are you know a bit of a bit of a They're hardly memorable and you know they often kind of fade into the background they do produce a memorable lines of course you know what Lloyd Benson told Dan Quayle he was no Jack Kennedy that maybe the most memorable line ever in a debate but you know look the this time very very is some attention on the potential need for the services of both candidates and they are of a younger generation they're going to be around for a long time of in the political world so this is also a bit of an audition. In a sense and both have debated before and frankly voters have sized up both candidates before but in much the. In context it's interesting I don't remember when Gerald Ford was running against Jimmy Carter. If he was asked only he already had done it never mind he became president and then he pardoned Nixon I wondering if they'll be a question. Posed tonight or maybe this is just too presumptive that you know would you Mike Pence if you became president would you if if the president were to resign after the election would you pardon him would you promise to us not to pardon and let the process go forward do you think that's a little too presumptive. Oh I yeah yeah. I think. And you know not that it wouldn't be an interesting line of inquiry but I think it's hard to see how you know there's anything but coronavirus to talk about at the moment I mean there are officially are 9 segments of 10 minutes each with the moderator Susan Page of USA Today. But I think she will be hard pressed to discuss the you know the crisis of the moment and you know as you said you know it's been a chore and yet incredibly long days since the 1st presidential debate and you'll recall the struggle to denounce white supremacy is on the refusal to commit to accepting the results of the lection the fall so it's about voting. Now covert 19 and it's left to Mike Pence to you know either try to explain and defend Trump ism and then and come a Harris perhaps is her chance to you know put her prosecutorial skills to to work if she's highly favored I think just because she seems so she does so well campaign I have to say though I that may be true but if you remember 4 years ago it was Pence who really held steady and and calm in a debate with a rather feisty Tim Kaine. It was Cain who faced blowback for his interruptions in sort of the more state affair and just last year for Harris her main debate opponent was the man that she shared the ticket with and this was my next question will they bring that up in this debate and I don't see how you don't I mean it was a set piece attack. That did appear at least at the moment to Nick former Vice President Biden and you know now know she's hoping to bring a case that that tends. Would be uniquely equipped to defend So I I had a sure I mean the I'm with put trumps problems with white supremacy and race how do you go after Biden for having dealt with people like Robert Byrd on the Senate floor I mean it's not like they went to a sponsor tree together oh I'm not saying it's an acquittal but I do think that there is you know there's stuff to ask her and I and frankly I also think that her prosecutorial skills have not always served her. Well I mean did it and certainly when there's a set piece attack she's very good but you know some of where she was supposed to shine in certain congressional hearings she faded and. And left it to others to to press a more effective case so I think it's a test for Harrison not a foregone conclusion that she's you know going in the the favorite but of course in terms of material that she may have. A lot more evidence to use you know for going to continue on the prosecutorial thing and you know there is the there is 2 views of Socratic questioning there's one line that says you look the person exposed themselves as opposed to continuing down that road of questioning and revealing a person's either ignorance or complicity or you know whatever but I know you and I were talking to Erica Tarrasque a.b.c. News correspondent No you got a lot going on so I want to ask another question before you have to run. So Joe Biden says that he is reluctant to get on a stage with a man who is still has covert the potential to shred and to in fact. The president is either well or hopped up on you know. Dexamethasone whatever that is that steroids. So this is supposed to happen a week from tonight right the. I can imagine that if I were Biden and want to be on the stage with this guy well and Joe Biden said as much he did throw down something of a marker. Saying that if the president is still cold that positive you know another it's contagious that Biden suggested there shouldn't be a debate he said previously if there is a debate he'll be there but he did didn't seem so keen to be sharing the stage with a covert positive president now the president told his supporters that he was looking forward to the debate now we don't know whether it's going to be in person whether they would have just the format since it's supposed to be town hall the Commission on Presidential Debates told us of the moment everything's on the table and well. Obviously to have the president out and about around other people it's not just bad for Joe Biden but I don't think it's going to be a good thing for Trump whose numbers are you know I saw a lemon points in Florida you know today. There are there are a host of state polls that show Biden ahead. You know and again. Some of them substantially some of them less so depending on the place but you know certainly Florida that was a you know in Florida too I mean nobody wins by 11 points any race in Florida. You know in Florida you know a lot of man this starts every story right so they. Were not sure of it but certainly the pressure has been on the Trump. And stick it to to do something the sake of the race well and you stay well my friend and again every day seems like a week and every week seems like a month and you know I'm just praying for January 20th right but will say that's a long time off to hold me well for ever for now I'm still a safe Ok my friend thank you so much again. News correspondent. Said that and that is funny what he said about Florida that there's no City Florida is. I when I saw the 11 point lead I was like whoa whoa whoa cannot be right but it's all across the country it's pointing to a big Biden win which means of course you should ignore as much of it as possible and and focus on today and tomorrow and not try not to go any further than that I chose a whole lot we need to talk about and I guess the 1st thing we should talk about as far so night's debate is some things you need to know that we didn't get to right there and also you know your thoughts too. Do you do you again I ask if you were advising Comolli Harris why would you have her come out tonight I'll tell you what Tommy Lerone said about her or tweeted about her and also these these Plexiglas separators will they do any good at all are they are they really a protection against. The 2 which is the virus that causes cover $1000.00 we get all that and more coming up on chip escapes you. 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JLI I get e-mails from people who are well meaning and I know they care to prank them with they want to do you an atheist and I say because I belief that organized religion has done very little good in the history of man as evidenced by the pushback on science and you know again 40 percent of Republicans don't believe in evolution I saw a piece on The Today Show this morning a really heartwarming piece about this woman that had these twins and and they and the whole time she said Bet thanking God which is cool but have been nice to the doctors and nurses that worked 36 hours a day to try to help these these kids I bring it up because every time you know Scientific American for the 1st time in their history endorsed Joe Biden and today the New England Journal of Medicine in an on precedented move publish an editorial written by its editors condemning the trip administration's 1st boss the Cove in $1000.00 panicked pandemic and called for the current leadership Trump to be voted out of office. I just wonder what you what you were publicans and you say when the entire is all fake news it is all of science fake news. I mean are you really that thick that every time he says fake news that you you say Right yeah right yeah it's all right and Roger sed rate they're all wrong and Roger Stone is right Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson versus Anthony Fauci the Mayo Clinic the Cleveland Clinic the New England Journal of Medicine really really so when I come here steps on stage tonight I'm going to be worried for her for her health I don't know if Mike Pence is is carrying the covert SARS Kovi to virus or it has Cohen and can be a spreader I'm not confident that if it gets tested right before that he's not spreading Have you seen the number of people that have been infected by the super spreader in chief that is of course Donald Trump he is a contagion unto himself. The Plexiglas barriers will be of little. Use to protect for protecting people that's what the experts are saying on Monday the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released new guidelines indicating of course that the the virus can be carried a loft tiny droplets further than 6 feet and one study scientists found infectious virus at a distance of 16 feet from an infected patient an environmental engineer at Virginia Tech my alma mater Lindsay Marr laughed at right when she saw a picture of the debate set up she goes it's absurd. She said but even those smaller and less adequate than I imagined those plexiglass barriers are really only going to be effective if the vice president and Kamel Harris are spitting at each other they're really just splatter shields you know what it's like remember if you ever been to ensure you have a salad bar and they have that Plexiglas you look how disgusting that is and think about the stuff that didn't get me ask you that is one thing that will never exist again in our lifetimes a salad bar right I mean I think of after this I don't know how long it's going to take us to get through the part where we can actually you know go to a party or go to a rock concert be around people again without worrying about this my guess is the fall of 2022 maybe when people start to feel comfortable again after everybody's gotten a vaccine and you know we get we got a herd immunity hopefully hopefully another pandemic hasn't sprouted up but till then. That's going to be thinking about of all the things that have the hardest chance of coming back after this pandemic a salad bar be that and so that you know that hole that Plexiglas across from there it doesn't stop people that are shorter than you know 6 feet kids at a sneeze and and kids are like you know they are a a. Buffet of germs just in their little cells anyway so that's that there was another story that broke that again like all these other incredibly horrible stories that would be headlines we're not we're not living in the Trump World of this pandemic it turned out just session said that they should just put kids in cages because that's what Trump wanted and who was the architect of this who was the architect of separating families at the border and putting children in cages and then separating from their parents some never to be returned to their parents. Was it my pants nah was it Trump I think Trump like the idea once he heard it but I'm pretty sure the idea didn't start with him I want to be joined in a couple minutes by of the author of hate monger. Journalist here in California who has written a credible book I'm halfway through it about Steven Miller and as evil as you thought. You were wrong he's not even half as bad as you say I mean he's twice as bad you know you get the point anyway it's frightening stuff and she'll be joining us right after the. President Democratic senator. In Salt Lake City for their only debate a recent c.n.n. Poll 15 percent. Don't have an opinion on her 13 percent of Americans don't know who Mike Pence is or don't have an opinion on him and he's been our vice president for 4 years. At the debate site President Trump tweeting a video of him today in the Rose Garden he says the experimental antibody cocktail that was made by regeneration was the key to his recovery and he wants it available to anyone who needs it the 9th Circuit Court has partially upheld a decision from a federal judge in California blocking the trumpet ministration from ending the census before October 31st no charges in the fatal shooting of Alvin Cole a black teenager. By a police officer the city is preparing for possible. At officer Black Berry. A.b.c. News. 331 of the. Ports. Now serving cook meals to go at the same time restaurant visit them at $2100.00. A San Francisco 1st responder has died and what is being described as a training accident officials say 42 year old Jason Cortez was badly injured when he fell off a ladder at the department's training facility at 1000 the bull some streets fire department Lieutenant Jonathan Baxter says Cortez was treated at the scene before being taken to San Francisco General where he was pronounced that this is a very trying time as Jason was well liked in the park. Voicing from the flight a paramedic starting in 2007 working mostly station 41. Recently attending by recounting the. Graduating as a firefighter paramedic Cortez was stationed at the department's busiest station in the Tenderloin He leaves behind a wife and 2 children. The belayer city council proclaiming a public safety emergency declaration allowing staff to push through reforms in its police department the city staff including the city manager attorney and police chief it all urged its approval but that the little Police Officers Association had called the declaration an illegal power grab the city has had several deadly shootings of civilians by police and is facing dozens of civil rights lawsuits and claims a member of Governor Gavin Newsom's office tested positive for at 19 governor says that worker and then in turn who also tested positive are following state protocol they have both been isolated and we are working back from that frame to make sure that everybody is appropriately tested and anyone that been direct contact also goes through the protocols and procedures that we have put out so that we're not just preaching but we're practicing what we preach the governor says most of his staff works remotely nowadays and neither of the workers who tested positive interacted with him or with stop that routinely interacts with the governor the governor's office says it received word of both positive tests earlier this week this report sponsored by Prime l. 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Another accident for this an old grave this afternoon North 684 and there was one still clearing from the center divide now in the back up north 6 a day before Sheridan Road cars made it to the shoulder but somebody got out and hit somebody in the face no need for that am I right out of the city heavy from hospital curve to the Bay Bridge no need for that gauge of traffic sponsored by audible the all new audible now gives you thousands of select audio books podcasts originals and more all included with membership try free for 30 days because an audible dot com weather forecast sunny but cooler tomorrow your Thursday highs near 60 at the coast the upper seventy's in our warmest Bay Area in one spot so and tomorrow is another spirity are today. 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The citizens and here in the United States to imagine that a president could do something like this but he didn't do it alone there was a voice and the back of his head a guy who started out as a as a right wing troll and today it is boy but as close as you can get to something you'd call Lucifer I'm talking about Stephen Miller who tested positive for coven 1000 and after his wife had tested positive and she has a. Right hand so she had of the vice president and she's not going to be there tonight but to sing all comes into play so how much do we know about this guy well . We do have an Emmy winning investigative reporter who has a journalist who has put together this into a book called Hate Monger hate monger and it's hate monger That's right. And she joins us now Jeanne could add Oh Jeanne this is I started to read a p.d.f. Of your book and this is mind numbing that a person like this not not just only exists but has this kind of access to the president. Yeah I mean I heard someone calling Stephen Miller at the Trump whisperer the other day and I just felt really alone in line with my reporting about this man who is this Fishley now the longest lasting adviser in the White House outside of the president's own family and the influence that he has had on Trump's rhetoric on terms policies some of the crew assume most controversial moves of this administration like the systematic separation of migrant children from their parents it cannot be overstated I mean Steven Miller is one of Tom's most trusted advisors he you know he gets Donald Trump post psychologically and spiritually they really see eye to eye on a lot of this stuff but the thing about Stephen Miller is that he brings a real work and stick and a real discipline and a real sense of strategy to the table when it comes to immigration issues and demonization of chumps opponents that Trump wouldn't have without Steven Miller who according to my reporting for the book is the true fanatic a true extremist I hesitate to use the Nazi analogy but he he he does mirror the way that they systematically put together this this campaign of inhumanity. Let's let's go back a little bit he's a young guy to what 35 all right yeah he just had 35 percent 35 and how big how did he get this access at what point and did he have to go through. Any other aides or I mean I look back at the Breitbart Cobol and stuff that they kind of you know they dallied in this but he went hardcore How did he get to where he is . Well suit he was for him for Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions as his communications director when he met Steve Bannon who was working at Breitbart Steven Miller actually developed a close relationship with Breitbart where he was feeding them white nationalist and white supremacist articles and literature that he encouraged them to write articles based on we have the e-mails this is a fact you know it's been established that Steven Miller has a real affinity for white supremacist literature. But during this time period Steve Bannon connected Steven Miller with Cory Lewandowsky who is the campaign manager for Donald Trump's campaign Steven Miller you know immediately began to feed talking points and immigration policies to Donald Trump just providing sort of free labor for the campaign for several months and Trump really took a liking to him and decided to officially hire him as his speechwriter and his senior policy adviser putting him in charge of policies you know despite the fact that Steven Miller had no prior policy making experience and at the age of $31.00 when Trump actually you know it was inaugurated Steven Miller was essentially put in Pa in charge of the Department of Homeland Security without any prior homeland security experience and this is part of the reason that you used the the disasters that we are seeing today as far as Homeland Security the Department of Homeland Security threats have to see very broad mandate to protect the American people from everything from cyber warfare to domestic terrorism to can't get mixed but Steven Miller really turned it into a political weapon that was focused primarily on keeping out immigrant families to . Families from Latin America families from Africa mostly asylum seekers and refugees who were seeking legal pathways into this country not criminals and cartels the way the terms likes to say the family is because. See Miller's goal I say so in my book It's Not About now security it's about demographics it's about engineering that makes loads of people into Hunchy brown and black people out and not right why they target children and. Families Exactly so they want to stop they're afraid of families get here they look at it like seeds it's it's it's incredible this was exactly what what came out of the the the plan and Nazi Germany this is exactly what they tried to use Miles Taylor the former. Official who came out and spoke about this and was just appalled and like many others and he stayed a little longer than he should have he admits that but then got out he talks about what you are referring to how did it how did Miller realize or maybe it was Pan and the others that they he would have such a receptive audience for this there had to be a moment where you know he put his toe in the water and but and then jumped full in on creating this this undercurrent of white supremacy and did with her push her polling done was there just again it was an undercurrent of this kind of hatred us that could tap into. Well he interpreted by the way Jane Jane let me tell everybody we're talking to we're talking to Joe and her book is called Hate Monger it's about Steven Miller and you really got to read it to understand exactly what's happened in this country go ahead so how did he know that it was Ok to go down this path. Show in 2012 after the midterm elections there was this analysis put out by Real Clear Politics senior elections analyst Sean trendy talking about the quote Miss missing white voter in the election and showing how you know there was just a large portion of of white voters who just didn't show up for that election and Steven Miller interpretive this to mean that the Republican Party Cloyd to essentially have a strategy of doubling and tripling down on courting white voters using using white fear appeals to white haired white he tried to scapegoating immigrants in order to win in 2016 at a time when the Republican Party was actually moving in the opposite direction they were they had about this autopsy report about the 2012 elections saying the Republican Party really needed to start campaigning among communities of color that it had previously ignored and needs to become more inclusive and I 1st with Steven Miller read this analysis by Sean trendy decided that it meant that the Republican Party could really just focus on on the appeals to white fear and white hatred he had seen that the strategy had worked once before when he was a child growing up in California a California that was very different from the Democratic California that we have today a California where the governor Pete Wilson was blaming all the states problems on a foot in quote migrant invasion and there were state wide bipartisan attacks on the immigrant community attacks on by legal education and social services for immigrants and so on and so Steven Miller realizes there was this political utility to white he tread into a here and just wait goading immigrant you can go back actually and you can look at . The great recession and how that we tried to blame immigrants trying to buy homes that they couldn't afford and a lot of that was laid out. Out which of course is entirely untrue and has no basis at all for the collapse but I remember reading that in like 09 and some conservative newspapers and the Washington Times had a which is not a super conservative paper but I mean they are pro Trump How do they get Trump to come on board is was trumped this I mean I know the story about it he and his father you know putting the letter c. On rental applications back when they were you know controlling a lot of the property that Fred had developed and created in New York City putting a seed out for colored You know and they got fined by the federal government. Is he totally in line with this or did he try to use them and they just got out of control. No I mean it appeals to Donald Trump instinctual sort of the most emotional racism that he has expressed through a very long time going back to you know his ranch his his alleged discrimination and their rental properties but but the difference is that Donald Trump is primarily motivated by self interest and a desire to be reelected and if he didn't have an extreme ideologues like Steve Miller at his side convincing him that you know the scapegoating of immigrants and now the scapegoating of black lives matter protesters what's an effective political strategy that he would find something else but the thing is you know Steven Miller was radicalized as a teenager in a white supremacist ideology as a show in my book you know he he believes that he is saving the United States by systematically targeting communities of color and trying to maintain a white majority in this country he thinks he is doing that with the public service and Donald Trump has come to trust Stephen Miller he thinks he wanted to have 16 because of Steven Miller and he thinks he's only going to win again in November if he continues to lean on Stephen Miller as far as as far as the rhetoric and the policy is pretty frightening I think when you look at this and ask yourself. You know what happens after the selection the numbers all point to trump losing what will Steven Miller do and what will this undercurrent of white supremacists and you know Nazi and militia do where will they go did that come up in the end the books I've got there yet. Well yeah I mean if Trump loses in November if he were not going to continue to pursue this ideology and one of you know he's always been extremely skilled at using conservative media outlets to elevate his point of view from the time that he was. Teenager using you know calling into his local or right wing talk radio show to to express his outrage about multiculturalism and his school's diversity and he's going to continue to do the same you know working with his his allies like Tucker Carlson at Fox News you know working with his allies at Breitbart and the daily callers and using these media outlets to to pump out you know false information about communities of color to cause Americans to believe that they're somehow bad for the economy or bad for public safety their team a dangerous narrative that he puts out that have mood evaded active white scares them and right wing extremism which is the number one homeland security threat that we face today according to our own Department of Homeland Security but Steven Miller is an Ikea log and. You love that that is true what you just said that it is the number one cause fear in the United States and that Trump says I don't know who the proud boys are come on right I mean you know yeah you know it's and you know again it and it was a little boy that shot the sheriff in Oakland during the. Aftermath of George Ford stuff Jeanne great work come back and we'll talk to Sanaa right thank you so much and you know the book is called Hate Monger and it is the I'm just starting into it it's really really good to know if you can find it anywhere just hate h a t e m o n g e r find it on Amazon get it's a great book right coming up top of the hour Phil bombs going to join us from going to talk about 3 things with Philip and and well before that we'll take your phone calls at 88810 Should there be a debate next Wednesday no way it by knows you need it and you know that if you get sick and Trump will still be a super spreader next month say That's all coming up next on. Hi I'm Rick Adelman who's going to win the presidential election and how should you change your investment strategy as a result half of those polled say they're going to alter their investments before November should you to let me give you the answer join me for a special election investment strategy webinars on Tuesday October 13th at 8 pm and 11 pm Eastern I'll show you what the election means for your investments and my 3 step investment strategy that you need right now the weather has free just register Rick Adelman dot com That's Rice Domon dot com at Edelman Financial Engines we've been helping folks just like you get through every crisis and every election since 1986 and we can help you through this crisis and this election too you'll be surprised at what I have to tell you in this weather na so join me October 13th at 8 pm and 11 pm Eastern and learn what you need to be doing now and handling your investments this election year register now at Ric Edelman dot com That's Rice Delman dot com reevaluating rebalancing reassessing right now everyone's trying to find the proper perspective and why Mellon wealth we look at wealth management from every angle that's why our comprehensive active wealth approach includes 5 essential practices investing borrowing spending managing and protecting so we can strengthen your overall wealth plan while ensuring you protect and provide for the future you want be in wind no one will consider everything learn more it be and why no one wants dot com slash give well. 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Arguments sure and what they're given for work for all their hard work and shit frankly weekdays 3 to 6 j g o 810 listening to the Chip Franklin show share your opinions we're here k g o 810. You know we're talking American tourist came from a.b.c. News a start to show and I think he's right that tonight's debate which you'll hear right here on k g o between Harris and Mike Pence will be in the shadow of the White House virus outbreak again I mentioned this earlier the New England Journal of Medicine did something they've never done in their history you know 100 year plus history they endorsed a presidential candidate because they know what we're in for the c.d.c. Is predicting that without some serious changes I mean it we're talking about a national mandate on masks and we're not going to get this and that's why they're predicting they're so we could have hold your breath 2900 deaths a day. That's a $911.00 every 36 hours in our country. We can fix this and that has to be illustrated tonight the president is still not wearing a mask he came outside he did a little speech today. I don't know how sick he is I don't know if he's on Royce I don't know what the deal is I do know that there are a dozen people who didn't have coven 1000 who have it now because of the president hopefully they have not infected people or themselves will have permanent damage. The mortality rate for over $1000.00 seems to be about 4 tenths of a percent which means essentially one out of every $220.00 people that get this die of course that number is much higher over 65 as Republicans have alluded to many times let's just kill the old people think I'm joking no I'm not yes they did say this the lieutenant governor of Texas says that the old people should get out there so we can you going they've lived a great life this is where we are folks this if this if this president who essentially has no chance of winning now and I mean everything points to that and fill pump we're not going to talk about that in a minute. Philip says it's much different and we talked earlier and he'll tell you that's much different than it was in 2016 hopefully wall ask him and have him explain in just a couple minutes. If you remember you know this is this is a president who called Covert a blessing from God This is a this is a this is a man that is is mentally ill. And is in charge of this in charge of a pandemic that is way beyond his ability to understand much less lead a campaign against. Yeah there are beginning there are beginnings of hearing some Republicans come out but let me just real quick here tell you a quick story that is a Texas Dr Atala fake and tested positive in early July and died in September 1 of more than a dozen health care workers have died from the virus in this Texas hospital why did she die she was wearing the same and 95 mask for weeks. On the day that President Trump said he blocked the Chinese from bringing more infected people into our country he was sending and 95 masks to try to China. And then for the next 5 months. And lied about the impact this would have on Americans. President Trump is a complicit. In this murder of hundreds of thousands of Americans we knew how to get out of it so I will talk to a good national Porter from The Washington Post right after this and try to find out what else happened 4 years ago on this day coming up. From a.b.c. News. In 2 hours from now Vice President Mike Pence and Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamel Harris will meet onstage insult Lake City but their one and only debate A.B.C.'s political director recline on what you can expect to hear from both candidates are going to hear Kamel Harris make the case directly against Mike Pence as the head of the coronavirus task force that he and President responsible for the fact that even now 7 months in control in fact so out of control that the White House itself has become a hot seller and there are infections throughout official Washington and I think Mike Pence is going to try to play defense by turning on off a bit around the idea that Joe Biden would slow the economy and their argument that he's being controlled by creatures on the left Paris will be the 1st black female and 1st Indian American candidate to take part in a major party debate president says he thinks one experimental protocol was the key to his recovery from Coburn one time when I was in Philly so hot and within a very short period of time they gave me regenerative It's called regeneration and other things too but I think this was the key but they gave me regeneration bad it was unbelievable a president who is still recuperating tweeted that Rose Garden video today the 9th Circuit Court has partially upheld a federal judge in California's decision which blocked the Commerce Department. From concluding the census before October 31st Wisconsin is preparing for protest after the Milwaukee d.a. Opted not to charge the police officer in the fatal shooting of a black teenager. Officer Joseph Menn son allegedly shot Alvin Cole outside a mall in February hurricane Delta may be down to Cat one strength among Louisiana governor John Bell Edwards says coastal residents should still prepare for a major storm to arrive on Friday hurricane watch has been issued for just about the entire Louisiana coast no one should let their guard down he says that president is ready to sign a pre-election fall emergency declaration you're listening to a.b.c. 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Jr news time is 4 o 3 on the chip rank but show on chemical muster for those of you following today's A's game currently in the 9th inning and the A's are up. 9 to 7 so keep you abreast of the score there this report sponsored by Iberia restaurant in Belmont Iberia restaurant in Belmont is now open for dine in for reservations call 650-325-8981 try Iberia restaurants award winning hyaena dine in her take out in Belmont reservations 65032589816503258981 Governor Gavin Newsom is launching another initiative designed to fight climate change his executive order seeks to conserve 30 percent of California's land and coastal water by 2030 to fight species loss and ecosystem destruction Avenue some says he wants to bring environmentalist developers and farmers together to achieve a common goal doesn't hurt builders doesn't deny our additions housing goals doesn't deny in fact anything it only creates more opportunity builds more collaboration builds more bridges builds more trust the order directs state agencies to deploy a number of strategies to a store carbon in the state's natural and working lands and remove it from the atmosphere California joined 38 countries and seeking a similar commitment to conservation and climate change could also be affecting the future of a gas station in San Francisco Twin Peaks Auto Care on Portola drive sits on city owned land it's a lease is ready for renewal s.f. Gates says the gas station is hoping to Renu for 25 years but some members of the board of supervisors say that with climate change 25 years is too long to let a fossil fuel based business continue on city land a former police officer is charged with running a scheme to raise money for the funeral of a Federal Protective officer shot and killed in Oakland Prosecutors say 27 year old Dominick Gregory of Washington d.c. Claimed to be a relative of fallen officer Patrick Underwood on the phony campaign that he ran online officials say Gregory had no connection to the Underwood family is. Wire fraud bases up to 20 years in prison if convicted the news are sponsored by Harris's restaurant the butcher shop at Harrah's his restaurant is open Wednesday to Sunday 5 to 8 pm now serving cooked meals to go at the same time heiresses restaurant you can visit them at 2100 Venice Ave in San Francisco Well check your traffic around the Bay Area with other. Counties we're checking out of. 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And this report also sponsored by Bay Shore plumber save all the stress and headache of your plumbing needs called Bayshore plumbers for a service or free estimate leaky pipe clogged toilet broken water heater Bay Shore plumbers 65032364646503236464 probation or plumbers 10 weather a spare the air day again tomorrow Sunny I'm cooler with highs tomorrow near 60 by the coast upper seventy's and one. This is the Chip Franklin. Streaming online. Join a conversation. Now Franklin. Said. Radio boy tonight is going to be a big night and there was I think there probably was a period of time when people wondered if they would actually pull it off. I'll be honest with you if I were calmly Harris's people I would have said don't do this. We'll talk a little bit later on this half hour about you know the usefulness of these Plexiglas barriers put on a bigger scale and I said bigger because this is a vice presidential debate next on the 15th the president and Joe Biden are supposed to debate and I personally Joe Biden wants to see some blood I mean literally joining us right now is a.b.c. News Correspondent Erin Kotecki Erin so let's start with tonight and you know the distancing and the safety and is do we know if Mike Pence is actually going to take a test right before he goes on stage his campaign said that he was negative this morning so I'm not sure whether there's going to be an additional test but we don't think he's been around anybody that is you know they could potentially expose him is. He was off with his family today and we don't know of anyone else that was traveling with him that was exposed Katie Miller his communications director was pulled off the trip because her husband Steven Miller the president's advisor tested positive so she was pulled off the trip and sent home or wherever to get her to isolate herself she's pregnant too I think so for the record she's also had covert she has she did have Kodak in the summer so you know the jury's out on whether you can get it again or whether you're immune or or you know when you're No one really knows so what By the way what is the jury doing we haven't heard much cheery on a lot of this. Covert stuff we need to know all I keep thinking about though Aaron is you know Kili McEnaney tested positive and negative last Thursday she tested negative negative again on Friday and on Saturday and on Sunday but on Monday she wasn't negative and so you know they're good they're not that far apart even though they've distance it a little bit more they're mocking Biden and they're mocking Harris and I say they being one that not just a did ministration but McInerney did a little bit of mocking and then Fox came out with a picture of Biden with a mask on and said All that's missing is a purse I mean there's some disturbing. Choice of words here but this so this debate tonight will that obviously will be much different than last Tuesday we took a week ago Tuesday I would imagine. Well certainly in tone and tenor I think it's it's a chance for both campaigns to kind of clean that up a little bit and then you know it is going to have a different focus so you know the. Stagecraft is a little different this Plexiglas we initially the tents camp said well it's kind of a Harris wants a fortress around here they've got a marker for it and then all of a sudden you know his communications aide had to get out of there the whole say and suddenly get them to camp was Ok with some some plexiglass so we think it will be there tonight although Plexiglas alone is not going to be enough to you know if Oh sure every everything but both campaigns said their their candidate the vice presidential candidate had tested negative today and the Commission on Presidential Debates said that Plexiglas was going to be used as part of the overall approach to health and safety All right thank you Aaron appreciate that again Erin Kotecki from a.b.c. News a little update on what's happening later tonight. Join us in just a couple minutes and what we'll talk about. Again. This is a remarkable day in u.s. History for a lot of different reasons and I guess the real question will be how Harish should . Should back tonight Should she be aggressive May How should the Democrats play it right now the American public is looking at Joe Biden saying please save us from this I mean the numbers are 16 point nationally and in states like Florida showing 11 point lead Arizona 8 points 12 points and Pennsylvania even now apparently a 2 point lead in Ohio one poll had him at a 7 point lead in Ohio I mean this could be. One of those moments that you really really have to look at carefully and ask yourself the question is this. Is this something that we can actually make work again the goal is let's get back to every time we look at our 1st I don't know the goal is this let's be born again. Let's not have this distraction we have a pandemic we have a recession we still have Russia and we still have China we still have North Korea we have 15000000 Americans that don't have a job because of this pandemic because of this president's handling it so. Take a breath chip right there it's one of those bizarre moments that we live in I'm going to break and I will get back and we'll talk to Philip Bump up to prank on this is. High I'm Rick Adelman who's going to win the presidential election and how should you change your investment strategy as a result half of those polled say they're going to alter their investments before November should you to let me give you the answer join me for a special election investment strategy webinars on Tuesday October 13th at 8 pm and 11 pm Eastern I'll show you what the election means for your investments and my 3 step investment strategy that you need right now the weather has free just register Rick Adelman dot com That's Rice Domon dot com at Edelman Financial Engines we've been helping folks just like you get through every crisis and every election since 1986 and we can help you through this crisis and this election too you'll be surprised at what I have to tell you in this weather in our so join me October 13th at 8 pm and 11 pm Eastern and learn what you need to be doing now and handling your investments this election year register now at Ric Edelman dot com That's Rice Delman dot com It's here apartment speaking and I need some favors when you're singing in the shower word just try going out bikini you're trying to be an alto when really you're a soprano Oh and if you could bundle your renters in car insurance with Geico it's easy to do online and we could save money and then when you read your murder mysteries at night could you read out loud but skip the murder part because I think it scared Geico for bundling made easy go to Geico dot com today. 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And a u.p.s. Shipping rates for an official stamps labels right from your home or office computer for any letter any package anywhere you want to send once your mails ready just leave it for your mail carrier schedule of prepackaged pick up or drop it off it's a no brainer right now listeners get a special offer that includes a 4 week trial plus free postage and a digital scale with no long term commitment just go to Stamps dot com click on the microphone at the top of the home page and type in radio that's Stamps dot com enter radio the really big fall sales begun at Gap factory and get factory dot com Almost everything is 50 to 70 percent off and door busters started just $10.00 find it at Gap factory our gap factory dot com through October 12th. Your listening to the Chip Franklin show you have to speak out k g o h m. M online and of course reading over the phone numbers 8810 year you're welcome to weigh in on. The significance of tonight's debate it is in that it's it is an s.s. And say a trial run it is going to be a an audition of sorts for Kamel Harris I believe Mike Pence has no political future I think everybody realizes that the only way he can advance politically is of Donald Trump or to perish from this doesn't seem likely didn't before but who knows who knows how much of Trump is real and how much is steroids and you know all the people that are e-mailing me now thinking that this whole thing was a. Set up or a lie did it wasn't for a couple reasons Number one there's 12 other people that Trump is infected and you know then you go back and you look at the whole idea of what a debate like tonight really means when you have somebody like Camila Harris. There are. There's an undercurrent in the nation as we celebrate the 100th anniversary of women getting the right to vote in that a mind blower that they've they haven't been able to vote before 1900. It's actually 120 was the 1st time that they have the chance they were quote unquote given the right to vote in 1900 but wasn't until 202920 that they actually could. Talk to this to my mom who was born in 1920 the the 2. And you know I think yeah about you know her mother telling her how excited her mom was to vote. My mother sister was actually born my grandmother had a Spanish flu and my aunt was born so this is all kind of falls circle to me and my mother just passed the summer and looking at this whole thing and and looking how poorly we've handled it we knew in 1900 and the the winter when the pandemic killed most of its people in the United States 650000 people died from the Spanish Flu We knew that masks and social distancing were what would work but the truth is we've actually found drawings in caves and issued me and pyramids of people wearing masks to protect themselves from viruses you know 3000 years old or more so I guess that debate is a real question here is how this president and this administration doesn't understand it when Trump return massless to the White House after the weekend at Walter Reed. You know some psychiatrists are saying there's something wrong with him I mean sociopathy is the word I use all the time but one psychiatrist as I'm reading right now says Trust behavior meets the criteria for a locked psychiatric facility. And you know it why do you guys think that this is just rhetoric from a talk show host but it's not he's mentally ill the things he says and the way he acts indicate that he has a really strong and strange obsession with being seen as is Vera once and manly Tommy Lerone the Fox News a bimbo and I only say bimbo because I'm trying to not say it worse should a picture of Joe Biden with a mask and said Joe All you need now is a purse. To fit that what do you call it when women add to their accessory as that's your accessory. And then of course the pence campaign Katie Miller against Stephen Miller's wife came out who was not with pants because she's pregnant and you know there's everybody around him as a there are pathogens she said that. That. This is the typical Why would our president need a glass he's a real man said that called pence a real man 1st of all just for the record Kamel Harris is a woman and a hell of a lot stronger than tense I didn't see you pull that out and have them wrestle my money's on oncoming layers anyway but the bottom line is is that this is what we're dealing with every day now this kind of this sophomore attitude and behavior towards this whole scene. They're supposed to be debate next Wednesday there's no way in the world that the c.n.n. Or anybody else should allow this to happen. And it's going to be it's going to be interesting to see. The response if the White House wants to show a certified bill of health for the president with his blood showing absolutely no. Snow SARS Kovi to in his blood that's of course the virus that causes covered $1000.00 then maybe but it's a town hall things are going to people in there as well no you're not going to do it. 8810 is our phone number you're welcome to wait and you can also text me at that number for 1588 and e-mail me a chip in case your radio dot com Let's go to San Jose and talk to Tracy Tracy. Do you think there should be another debate considering that the president is already infected like 12 or 15 people want to 1st off before or after the debate before Trump was diagnosed there was a campaign on Twitter I actually elected you to be the next move the moderator that said I think you would have been great I think they could go forward I think it could be done on a zoom type setting and that way they trump could be needed when it's 2 minutes or out so I think there's He certainly he's such a strong may have been Yeah let's let's keep it by your face let's do it on a zoomie leave and I have a prouder Democratic ones that was still big mask. Yeah that's your favorite it. Well let's be honest that most Republicans that talk the tough talk you know this kind of. This macho crap there are they are the people that are that have the least amount of masculinity masculinity real masculinity is understanding that that power is not in your knuckles but in your brain and your amount of and the amount of empathy the you can show for people who are in distress and this is something that we haven't seen in 4 years and I can't even fathom another 4 years take Tracey thanks for the call appreciate it and thank you for nominating me I would be a horrible emcee for a debate I actually did that once I did it when I was in San Diego. I can't remember the year the sky called the Mio was a Republican and the Democrat was. Why am I put on a plaque now on his name I can't recall the Democrats name but anyway I hosted it and and I think you know essentially I want supposed to say anything and I didn't mean it because they were applied enough that nobody interrupted each other but Chris Wallace I mean. He was there's no way you win that there's just no way if you can't shut his mike off you can't win you can't stop the debate you can't stop Trump but that's where we are you know we're looking at that and we'll talk about that in a little bit with Mark. Who is an a.b.c. News correspondent in New York and the latest from the Biden camp and you know where they're what you know where they're leaning in that way. The the actual real nature of Trump's condition though is important I think everybody should kind of acknowledge that that you know if we don't have a way of actually knowing whether or not he is well. He should be allowed in public. Right I mean there was actually they were they were talking about this in Congress about if it's a federal law so this the other day Democrats and Republicans about whether you knowingly infected somebody and people are saying that is that's definitely a felony that is a salt. If the president had States is infectious and he goes into a room without telling people that he's infectious that's a felony man of course it will never be prosecuted because Bill Barr is the attorney general and that bill Barr is you know again. When all of this is over and you look back at complacency because Right yeah complicit behavior I don't know the actual ad report when you look back on that you're going to look at 2 people and I mean what you could see 3 you could include Steven Miller from earlier conversation you see but I think really you look at Bill Barr and you look at Mitch McConnell as 2 people who allowed Trump to move forward and to alter the the moral and social landscape of our nation for I don't know how long. He has a Trump has empowered the you know the white supremacists and the massaging ists and the the at the hard core Zina Forbes whether it's l.g. Bt or just people of color or whatever and he's empowered them and it's can be hard to get that power away to wrestle it away they're really good at creating fear if you go down into the south and you try to a conversation with some people about you know whether it's people you know Latinos or blacks or gays to hear the anger and you know it's not even it's interesting the word religious and again I mentioned before that Jeff Sessions used the Bible. To to justify putting families in cages and separating them talking about again protecting the Christian nature of our country . That that idea that somehow you can use religion to justify this is you know why Hitler was allowed to pray to Christ I mean again you know I know there's a lot of you out there that agree with me but you're also religious you have to re-examine that in office reexamined And speaking of pandemics. Meet everybody listening made you should cut their consumption of meat by 80 percent it's a huge factor in where the next pandemic will come from what direction and how but we will have another one when I went through this when you're saying you're talking about that already anyway right also coming up at a later on in the show in about half an hour David Cay Johnston will join us Pulitzer Prize winning d.c. Journalist amazing article in d.c. Report dot org about Trump he also speaks to exactly where we are in this and the selection of what will happen on November 3rd even if the president is trying its he's not going to give in he's not going to quit. But anyway so we are there's another story today too I'm just trying to get to another so much. The Plexiglas barriers at tonight's debate as I told you going to be useless but another area that Trump seems to play around with which affects a lot of you listening to me is a stimulus bill he said he was shelving it till after the election. And then he came out and said you know what I'm going to offer they I'm going to tell them this is I'm going to make this deal where everybody in the country gets $1200.00 the needs it and I'm going to put it right in front of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer said that's not what he did the bill is laden with favors and and relief for his friends I mean when you go back again that's I think when we look back on that stimulus bill this 2 trillion dollars that we spent I realized that over 25 percent of it was given to corporations and to people who did not need it. My son said to me you know that he was he has a full time job and he's in good shape in his job as a manager for Safeway he's not going to lose his job and the fact that stimulus money was sent to him and he was like I didn't ask for this I didn't apply for it. There's something wrong there but the way we approach that both in Congress and in the White House are coming up we're going to get a little bit of a look into of the way the Biden campaign is viewing the upcoming debate and whether or not they should participated if you were advising Biden if you were Biden's deputy campaign manager would insist that trump prove that he's no longer a pathogen no longer out there infecting innocent people who didn't know. That Republicans as much as I disagree with them they don't deserve that's. President pence and Democratic challenger meeting tonight in Salt Lake City A.B.C.'s Mary Bruce says Harris is making history as the 1st black female an Indian American to take part in a major party debate only here is despite the fact that she is known for these really intense lines of questioning she has been a bit of an unsteady debater appointed an even debater and now this is her 1st time on a stage. Pence will be socially distance by 12 feet with a Plexiglas partition between them the White House has a video of President Trump in the Rose Garden recovery offering an update on his recovery 1000 was recorded this afternoon and I didn't feel good a short 24 hours later I was feeling great I want to get out of the hospital he says the experimental antibiotic cocktail he received from regeneration was the key to his recovery protests are under way in a while one toast to Wisconsin after the d.a. Opted not to charge a black police officer in the fatal shooting of a black teenager in February outside a mall Dario. Good afternoon to you the news time it is 431 on the. Franklin shell and Kim McAllister this news reports sponsored by a travel leave studio in Burlingame travel leave studio on Broadway in Burlingame is closing save up to 60 percent off high end quality travel new modern and antique rugs open 7 days a week call 650-235-9777 travel we've studio in Burlingame the Oakland A's are still alive in the American League Division playoffs they beat the Houston Astros 9 to 7 to force a game for tomorrow at Dodger Stadium Oakland hit 5 home runs today tying a team playoff record Chad Hender struck the big blow in the 7th inning the offer wrecking ball that sailed toward right down the line in the corner Tucker giving chase at the won't right says Ok get it hopefully it's gonna do the seats feather game is tied a game for tomorrow at 1240 a new report says California's poor planning coupled with extreme weather caused rolling blackouts during an August heat wave more than 800000 homes and businesses briefly how their power cut and mid August when temperatures hit triple digits a preliminary analysis requested by Governor Gavin Newsom says the state did not properly plan for covering the evening hours when solar power plant production Bell The report also says the storm covered many Western states made it harder to find imported electricity and Governor new some is not quite ready to allow theme parks in California to reopen He says the state is committed to a health 1st framework and he will remain stubborn about that the governor says officials continue to work with industry leaders on issues is very complex these are like small cities small communities small towns but we don't anticipate in the media turn any of these larger theme parks opening and tell we see more stability in terms of the data and the governor is acknowledging the frustration of theme park owners who want to reopen businesses and he says he was not surprised by the reges a resignation. How does new chairman Bob Iger from his State Economic Recovery Taskforce this report sponsored by a restaurant in Belmont Iberia restaurant in Belmont is now open for dine in the reservations call 650-325-8981 try Iberia restaurants award winning paella dine in or take out in Belmont for reservations call 6503258981650329325 rather 8981 let's take a look at traffic around the Bay Area Heather is checking in here right along that you sure freeway will get to it next on your presidential debate number one on k g o Are you sure I don't really worsen the resumes America has ever had he has no law in force I mean one group that supports you. Like we have done now it's time for the v.p. Candidates Mike Pence a group of the cornfield my backyard Kamel heiress our little girl tonight in 6 listening to not only hear the debate but tell us what you think about it afterward but an expanded John Rockman show. Traffic time now and this report is sponsored by Safeway. Freeway ride again memory Villa merge and see from the traffic desk there's a multi car crash motorcycle involved East a.t.v. For Powell Street the left lane is blocked to traffic backed up through the maze on eastbound 80 northbound 80 not too much on westbound $580.00 but it is there the pretty awful to. Really have it there Union City of St Get an accident in the center divide on the Dublin grade 580 before Raul ranch not changing the traffic pattern too much also a fender bender East to 37 before the 1st street of backups not materializing there out of the city it is packed from hospital curve to the Bay Bridge this week at Safeway shop with your club card. And get Koach cereal pop tarts or race krispie treats for a $1.49 or dish or no rising Crespi says for $488.00 when you mix and match any 4 that was worth waiting for the k g o 810 weather forecast is for more sunshine tomorrow will add a few clouds into the mix and a little cool off a little bit from what we saw today highs upper fifty's to near 60 by the coast upper sixty's by the bay and the mid to upper seventy's in our warmest Bay Area and one spots staying very similar for Friday as well and Kimock ouster more of Chip Franklin coming right up on k g o reevaluating rebalancing reassessing right now everyone's trying to find the proper perspective and why Mellon wealth we look at wealth management from every angle that's why our comprehensive act of wealth approach includes 5 essential practices investing borrowing spending managing and protecting so we can strengthen your overall wealth plan while ensuring you protect and provide for the future you want the n.y. 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I'm just laughing because I'm looking at the amount of fundraisers that Biden is doing and I'm thinking just how and what horrible shape the Trump campaign is financially Joining me right now is a.b.c. News correspondent. Mark this is this a tough time for a Trump is Operation Maggie trying to raise money but they're doing everything so quickly you know they they did not have time to get a handle on Twitter for Operation maggots So the Midas touch people put up a parody site you see that oh I do know I think it's pretty funny I actually I mean I don't feel sad for them but I understand what it's like when you're seeing the numbers piling up against you I can only imagine the temper Tran terms Trump is having while on steroids. But the campaign again that's a lot of fundraisers over 2 weeks I mean he has 50 and just this week. Yeah yeah exactly and he's doing his campaign is doing 7 I believe tomorrow so they're cramming in a lot in the homestretch here 83 I believe in total over 2 weeks a lot of these online digital as we've seen from the campaign throughout a lot of the campaign season so far and just to do some research into this you know the cache has the cash advantage has slipped particularly from August by its campaign had us well or August in terms of fundraising and that actually brought them to having about $140000000.00 more cash on hand going into September then the Trump campaign and it could be largely due to just this shift in how the campaigns had to operate fighting was very early to embrace these digital fundraising efforts where you know you pay a $1000.00 to get on to a zoom call with the vice president or some surrogate whereas the Trump campaign didn't embrace that we had held its 1st digital campaign fundraiser in July so it took a while to get there and now especially in the homestretch President Trump recovering from Cove it unable to be on the campaign trail and so they're having to try and embraced more of this digital campaign fundraising and you know again that they cast a cash advantage has split and you know what's remarkable about that Mark is that a good time press has received a lot of criticism that the Democrats most specially i Phone a lot of the the far left con Bernie guys and stuff and and I read a lot of their blogs and they were saying the Democrats just don't get it that this is how you make this is where you get your fund raising you do it online you look at the Lincoln project how well they've done and raising money a super pac. But apparently. Somebody got the message and the like you said this is such an amazing turnaround for the Democrats and fund raising and I think that this is this is seminal moment for the Democratic Party to realize that yeah they can raise money just like the Koch brothers and they can do it better because they know how to get people directly they don't have to have a plate in front of him with with a you know robbery chicken and some Holiday Inn And you know some city we've never heard of they can do it right there on their computers and it's really work there inspiring people to donate these videos that Lincoln project puts out people are light blue or act blue you know that Web site that raises money I mean it's their comments that never say never expected this kind of behavior and it's too cool part is you don't have to hire extra people because it's all digital it's yeah you know the input source there's a lot different obviously than having it is it really the cost might be a lot lower than having to set ups particular fundraisers in physical locations and provide all the staff and amenities that it takes to do that but you know this it may also be speaking to a galvanized Democratic Party without opposition to President Trump you know as both candidates and as every candidate says every election that this is the most important election of your life every get it it says that always but certainly this time around I think there's that case being made from Biden is the case being made from Trump as well this is as you mentioned seminal. Election that needs to you know reflect. What occurs here going forward as it is but these candidates this is a very important election essentially not to sound overly dramatic but that's a 1st election that 215000 voters were not allowed to participate in after. It struck the urgency you know it's amazing to me I just find it fascinating to see . Trump's. Walking around after being in Walter Reed over the weekend and experiencing shortness of breath and you know I'm can't think that it's all these steroids it is remarkable to see how many different people experience Cova differently however you know her general and put out a press release yesterday that kind of just been percolating Apparently they use human embryonic stem cells that are approved for research by and i h they were grown in vitro but nonetheless they're human embryonic cells and I just you know I wonder how that will. Get into a Trump was out you know just he just a dead that that video video he had talking about regeneration and just how great they were and I wonder I mean they bury it in their press release halfway in the middle of it but you know it's clear you know that that they do use it and they try to end it by saying it's all been approved by the National Institutes of Health so we're not doing anything illegal but it is. It you know. I was going to say I think it just you know there is that issue of the many in vitro arter the stem cell part of that that I think is interesting and it's starting to see that it fell of in terms of a conversation around this particular treatment but you know President Trump in that video today as he talked about regenerative talked about how he once he thought it was you know incredible and he felt that it was key to his recovery and that he wanted to be available to everybody overgenerous producing it all scale right now I believe about $100000.00 doses a month and so far access to treatment using where General and I believe is limited to about 10 people in the country so you're talking about a treatment that you know the president says he wants to be able to allow the city to get everybody but at 100000 doses a month with the amount of cases that we have you know clearly I would not fulfill . The demand and even right now so few people have had access to this outside of criminal clinical trials. So Mark let me ask you more talk Mark remarks from a.b.c. News to you let's look ahead a week from today Ok there's supposed to be a debate it's mostly a town hall debate obviously was that town hall debate originally going to be people on Zoom or there actually going to be people in a room asking questions not only was supposed to be in person but I think there's been discussion and I thought there were discussions about whether or not it should be a digital event but I could be wrong on that Ok I try to because I was trying to find that information on the Web No tell you everything else but not that I said the last 90 minutes trying to find that so the real question here is is whether or not the trumpet ministration if he wants to participate in the same person or so I don't think that can happen now right when you agree that they can't be in the same room together right well I think that's exactly what you're hearing from the Biden campaign now is the questioning of whether or not this should go forward this would be 13 days from the announcement of President Trump's positive test it was like 1 am on Friday Eastern time that the president announced that he was positive and so 13 days from the debate now I believe the c.d.c. Guidelines say that 10 days is kind of you know we talk about 14 days according to teen a but that's because of the attentional in Cubase and period of someone it once you've been potentially exposed but once you've actually shown symptoms it's 10 days symptoms tree so even with that I don't know that you would be along the lines of you know off to over 50 it would be cutting it very close so the campaign is starting to question that and say you know we're not sure that there should be a debate or to kill it the president is you know still with cold it so they haven't been specific about what metrics they're going to use to. They say that they're going to lie in the Cleveland Clinic and the Presidential Debate Commission and other health experts to decide whether or not the debate should go forward and and if there should be any changes or what not but they haven't really been specific and again that part of it is very difficult to say you know if the RINGBACK president because we don't know so much about this disease yet we haven't years to examine this disease that you know whether or not the president you know he may be feeling better now as he says but whether or not he's not going to be you know an issue when he potentially gets on a stage next week alongside Biden even if they are I got a great idea you want hear my idea if. Biden and Biden and his camp agree to it as long as when Trump comes out he brings along Bill Barr and Mitch McConnell and they share a drink from the same glass of water. There you go I nod and say you know you know if it's safe for our guy bring your 2. Creatures out and let's see how it works. You know I mean it's going to get interesting because you know presidential is back in the Oval Office today so you know it's just it's interesting and it's sometimes hard to wrap your head around the way that this has been handled even within the White House 20 something people within the White House now being infected by cope at night you know the result of this well I just know this that if my kid was working at the White House I would let him go to work today you know or I mean a high as best I could I would imagine they're an adult but I am I think that you know we have learned that you know we don't know who else I mean again I tell people this remember Caylee McEnaney tested negative on for on Thursday negative on Friday negative on Saturday negative on Sunday positive on Monday so you know and I know a lot of those reporters in there you know and they're all in the company in a somewhat and got a. And Estella caetera from a.b.c. News she was on her. Force One on Thursday night with hope picks who is exhibiting symptoms and Trump who was covert positive that night and no one told them I mean you know and this there was actually discussion about you know and the Justice Department saying yeah if you knowingly infect somebody that's a felony that's assault. So I had to wait a little to. See who to base that idea I mean I know they're putting up political ass shields between pens and Ecomil errors pens has been around but for all yet it will be Miller and maybe Miller is married to Stephen Miller who's positive I just said I mean I love it. When Conley terms physician said look I don't want to talk about the past I'm like that's what contact treating is it's. I sometimes feel like that you know I'm on an airplane and we just discovered there's no pilot and then everybody said that that this is their pilot on the plane you know the other is his name is Joe Biden and and Cammalleri So I guess what you know tonight will be I think that you know again I always tell this you know I've coached for years and teams that thought they could win and lost games to teams that they should have beaten you know you have to be you have to watch exactly what you're doing now stay on your message I think Kamel Harris has she didn't seem like a person full here versus I think she'll take this seriously and address I mean she seems really good at being able to handle herself extemporaneously and I would imagine Pence is going to attack her on her comments about Joe Biden and also try to defend the president's action I'm sure they'll bring up China again which is just one of the you know that stopping the planes from China after I was already in New York coming right Europe anyway Mark thank you for let me talk so much for you listen I appreciate. You know the 3rd person. But it take care again Mark Brown from a large a.b.c. News correspondent on tonight's debate love to hear from you 8810 your thoughts on where where where what are we talking about tomorrow after this debate who do you think's going to really do well sure a way that pans can actually win this thing and help Trump I can imagine the scenario maybe you can and also what you think about the fact that Trump is claiming we're generosity. Great thing but the general actually does use embryonic human cells. Conceived in vitro not from abortions but nonetheless these are actually some of these are coming back as far as the eighty's 8810 your next. Presidential Debate number one on k g Oh are you sure the days are really the worst or as always America has ever had he has no law enforcement is not what one group that supports you. Think we have time now it's time for the v.p. Candidate Mike Pence the group of the corn field my backyard Kahlil heiress a little girl tonight it's 6 listen to key geo to not only hear the debate but tell us what you think about it afterward with an expanded John Rockman show areas talk station change. I can't tell you wife has funny little pleasures and one of my favorite in the world is when you get new carpeting from carpeting and you walk on it barefoot right is that amazing that feeling like I'm doing right now we have corporate area from. 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To. Somebody sent me a text and the 1st thing come to say why do we need to need this Plexiglas or say cover 19 is killed more Americans and 5 wars combine. To stop to talk to Rich Rich thanks for hanging on me when you got realistically what does Joe Biden gain by allowing Donald Trump to go through another one of these Panama if I do get to brainwash him playing I'm doing hardball with him you're not getting a debate until your clear of cold bad well you know I don't I totally agree with you I totally agree with you let me answer that right and I think that is something that. If you're a sports fan you'll get it right it's that momentum and it's about keeping on focus there's nothing Trump can say that will hurt him. Every trump the reason why Biden a need to run negative ads anymore is because Trump is a negative ad he has everything he says I think I look at this as if it is a chance for Biden again to prove himself presidential and to even to cement this lead even further I mean you know it's like there's a an average guy named b.j. Search and they went back and they looked at baseball hitters and how they how they batted once the game was over right think that it's 11000 score your teams are behind in Europe and he had the best average in those situations like that he continued to fight people remember that so I think you know you could be right what does Biden have to gain with what by giving trump a form on the other hand I think Democrats they've got a long long long fight in front of them right now Ok they 2021 even if we win everything we win the House in the Senate and the presidency they're going to have to convince Americans about vaccines were enough to fight a recession we're going to it's going to take strength and leadership and these are moments like that so you don't back down you stand up and you stand up even taller that's my my thoughts David Kay Johnson is going to join us next He's a pollster Prize winning journalist from d.c. Report dot org Scott great articles a d.c. Report check him out and you should listen this will be coming up right after this news at the top I'm Chip follow me on Twitter at your Franklin Stay with us right here on. A.b.c. News. For months President Mike Pence and Democratic challenger Senator Kamel Harris will face off in one hour from now in their only debate a.b.c. News contributor Matthew Dowd says the stakes couldn't be higher no 'd idea whether we're going to another presidential debate next week or at all and I think that's the concern for her trial that is is that this may be the last opportunity they have in this kind of setting to present their argument in American public so I think the pressure is really on Mike Pence but Kemal It's just after just. Yes to keep keep things going in the momentum going as it has been for the last couple months abiding campaign demanding that President term who is recovering from covert 1000 prove he's not contagious before next week's presidential debate the president offered an update on his health in an at times rambling video posted to Twitter by Perhaps you recognize be it your favorite president President troubling a video claiming the experimental drug regeneration cured him and then it was he who suggested doctors use it I think this was a blessing from God that I caught it this was a blessing in disguise the president saying he will make these still not approved or fully tested drug available to all covert patients his doctors have warned that the president could still face severe symptoms and if you told a.b.c. News Washington other military leader has tested positive assistant Marine commandant General Gary Thomas is now self isolating firefighters in Houston ever covered all 3 bodies trapped in the rubble of this week's partial collapse of a building under construction a very long recovery process it's unfortunate it's taken this long to get them out but we want to ensure the safety of our members as we bring closure to the family assistance Fire Chief Michael Mayer protesters are still marching in while Matusow Wisconsin even though a curfew is now in effect demonstrators are demanding justice after prosecutors opted not to charge a black police officer in the fatal shooting back in February of a black teenager outside a mall you're listening to a.b.c. News this holiday season more people will shop online than ever before so if you're an e-commerce seller Are you ready for a record breaking holiday season be ready with ship station the fastest easiest way to ship just a few clicks and you're managing orders printing labels and getting products out fast that means happier holidays for you and your customers ship station works with all major e-commerce platforms and shopping carts and gives you the best rates available with all major carriers include a u.s.p.s. Fed Ex and u.p.s. You can easily compare carriers and choose the best solution every time you even get exclusive postage discounts usually reserved for force. 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Thanksgiving to you the k g o news time is 5 o 3 on the Chip Franklin show and Kim McAllister this news reports sponsored by travel we've studio in Burlingame travel we've studio on Broadway in Burlingame is closing save up to 60 percent of high end quality tribal new modern antique rugs open 7 days a week call 650-235-9777 tribal weave studio in Burlingame a member of Gov Gavin Newsom's office staff has tested positive for Cope at 19 the governor says that worker and in turn who also tested positive are following state protocol they have both been isolated and we are working back from that frame to make sure that everybody is appropriately tested and anyone that been direct contact also goes through the protocols and procedures that we have put out so that we're not just preaching but we're practicing what we preach governor Newsome says most of his staff works remotely nowadays and neither the workers who neither of the workers rather who tested positive interacted with him or with staff who interacts with him the governor's office says it received word of both positive tests earlier this week California is embattled unemployment benefits agency is clearing about 246000 of its more than $1600000.00 backlog in claims the agency says it started accepting new unemployment benefit applications after a 2 week reset where. It updated it's technology but Employment Development Department Executive Director Sharon Hilliard says the backlog won't be cleared until January Hilliard says some people have been waiting on benefits for up to 5 months the Oakland A's forcing a game 4 and the American League Division playoffs they came from behind to beat the Houston Astros today 97 you know throw back 3 innings save for a Liam Hendriks at the end of an epic battle that's really a is here me Astro's in the is come all the way back 5 home runs and then some for the up what it's going to be Oakland is a forest again for to morrow can't go rock with a final call game time tomorrow 1240 the new sponsored by Bay Shore Plummer said all the stress and headache of your plumbing needs call the shore plumbers for a service or a free estimate leaky pipe clock toilet broken water heater Bay Shore plumber 65032364646503236464 Bay Shore plumbers Ok Geo 810 traffic. By. Alarm and Heather this time around taking a look at the. Car fire for San Leandro from the traffic desk This is north 80 before Marina traffic is slowing. But northbound 80 the really bad part would be up. From mission Warren under the limit all the way to. Another mansion. The accident for Powell is on the shoulder now but it left a mark northbound 80 jammed up from the 80 merge and eastbound backed up through the Berkeley curve and there's heavy traffic on the peninsula northbound 284 about 2 miles approaching arrestor Barrow where there is an injury rock leaving San Francisco north one still packed from hospital curve to the Bay Bridge when it comes to looking out for your business mail arm brings the best like a network to video surveillance this. Them that lead she view your security cameras from anywhere because of your serger curity is not the best you not secure now more than ever Bale arm going to support also sponsored by Harris's restaurant the butcher shop at Harrah's his restaurant is open Wednesday to Sunday 5 to 8 pm now serving cooked meals to go heiresses restaurant you can visit them at 2100 Venice Ave in San Francisco the 10 weather forecast for tomorrow sunny with a few clouds mixed in another spare the error alert is in place and the highest score tomorrow expected to be near 60 by the coast the upper sixty's by the bay and the mid seventy's in our warmest Bay Area in one spot. This is the Chip Franklin. And streaming on line and. Join the conversation $888.00 now Chip Franklin. 18. So now as a kid I got to in turn down the Russell Building and I was just it was in high school and I had some family that had some friends on Capitol Hill so I got to go down there and also I was really little I got to go to the Pentagon and I worked there for a while and I got a story about that I've been told in years but I won't tell it now but remind me Karen and Samantha to tell the Pentagon story later because people go do some wrong with you and there is but these buildings are these all federal buildings are not exactly models of air circulation and making people go back to work in them in a pandemic would be just short specially since what we do and what's going on right now in the White House is just it's just this short of a crime to put people in that situation that's exactly what the e.p.a. Is doing right now joining me right now is David Cay Johnston he is a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and the chief of d.c. Report dot org And this is this is a story that is. Straight up. Killing people I mean if you're bright and mean I can you think of another way to say it you know is this is absolutely outrageous and the reason we have a and none of the big newspapers or news services have it is we have a labor right a reaction I have 2 of them and nobody else does anymore you know the New York Times last Labor writer took a buyout about 10 years ago but we think workplace and what's happening to laborers are important and what's happened here is that one federal agency just one the Environmental Protection Agency which is run by a coal lobbyist. Has ordered all either way write their death opera The irony of that you know a rich you can't make this stuff up there's no question that Andrew Wheeler this call lobbyist who is running me p.a. Has ordered all of the e.p.a. Workers who are telecommuting to come back into the office and the union that represents the workers the American Federation of Government Employees it's top council had a no confidence vote on Andrew Wheeler 93 percent voted no confidence in them and now by law they cannot strike so this is the strongest action that they're legally allowed to take by Congress but 93 percent no confidence and nothing is being done by the way when you come back to work to mitigate the risk you know greater filtration of the air greater circulation of the air. Facemasks cleaning surfaces a whole bunch of mitigating things you can do and he's not doing them. So you know they're not just spreading fossil fuel toxic waste with this guy around they want to spread death. And you know and here's the thing is that regeneration which is being touted now by the president you know it has the p.d.f. Every general put out it minute that they years and bionics to stem cells human embryonic stem cells granted in vitro not from abortion but nonetheless they're doing that and only only about of the 100000 people that they could doses that they have of this only about 10 people are getting it and the president is one of many it's touting something that that he only he has access to and time will tell whether or not it really does help them it's kind of like a. Plasma sort of a base thing that helps your blood and helps your blood stay strong in your white cells be able to fight this disc over 1000 but again the you look at the rest of the government is asking them to die for him right well original on which is a very innovative company that probably has a great future ahead of it is going to a ruse a day that Trump gets any color Kone Barrett onto the Supreme Court because she's pretty much an absolute just about. Matters like abortion and the birth of conception so if you have an idea. Embryo that to harvest and don't allow to come to birth which is the normal practice because typically multiple infants in a pregnancy. Emigre case comes along Sorry folks no more of that kind of research and of course this is research that has incredible potential for everything from paralysis to A.L.'s to if you go down a list the absolutely So I guess the real question here is when Republicans will realize that the that the Trump White House cares little for anyone. I said that I said this earlier to Mark remark from the a.b.c. News about you know if I were Biden and I said what is going to take for you to stand up and debate our candidate I said Fine bring in Bill Barr and Mitch McConnell have a drink in the same glass of water. And then I'll come out later and debate give me a little theater and prove it but these people want you know I haven't heard anything from Mitch McConnell in 3 weeks have you. He's had a couple of brief pressers but they've been very minimal and they go back to your point about telling that to work in the White House and Trump you know he staged this event yesterday that was terp perfectly worthy of the propaganda films of ill do Che and Hitler and Putin and Kim but. And what he's doing here is remember he said he could choose somebody on 5th Avenue and not lose a vote on set a shooting lead bullets and killing people every time he speaks he spearing death out of his mouth to people who are in the White House no regard for the roughly 90 or 100 servants who serve the family on the East Wing with the residences for the secretaries and the office workers many of whom had been working at home and his own press secretary who has an 11 month old baby at home get scolded because to show her fealty to the president she doesn't wear a mask right now ask yourself if. Caylee McEnaney was not a privileged white woman working for the present United States or for the taxpayers but on his behalf if she were a poor black or brown woman or if she were a Muslim or a Jew in a Bible Belt county do you have any doubt that Child Protective Services would be looking into whether they should take that child away from her for endangering its life by her restless behavior that's a great point I mean it I'm talking to David Cay Johnston f.e.c. Report org about. Returning to work and the e.p.a. Has issued a straight up racist order to go back to work and your point is in and maybe he will understand this so after the 2nd War many African-Americans came up from the Carolinas for the opportunity to work in jobs and that's a dead began the beginning of d.c. Becoming a predominately African-American city however and recent years many have been pushed into Prince George's County because of the gentrification of areas like where the new ballpark is and it's become you know there are some people are still have these jobs and some travel you know all the way from another county into the city to work and they're the Wants to that are going to be forced back in and as you just said it's a bit if there are different standards here for people of color and white people like Kelly McMakin any right and a subway system in d.c. By the way that doesn't start early enough for blue collar workers like cooks and things to get to the job that way they have to take the bus instead Well let me do one more mother here any calling Barrett the nominee for the Supreme Court brought her 7 children to the Rose Garden which we now know was a super spreader event for crude a virus that is such atrocious judgment I think it raises questions about whether she said serve on any court regardless of how brilliant she is as a legal theoretician and she is brilliant at that but just atrocious judgment and what you're seeing happen is people are risking their own lives to show that they are faithful and have loyalty to the great leader even though in in would dominate Trump faith loyalty runs one direction only and I he's through with you he'll just call you an idiot and cast you aside let me ask you a question David because I this you just made me think of something. My gut is is that when the latest that's that headed to the Supreme Court it looks like there's going to be about his taxes. All right if it's right and I My gut is is it Cavanaugh and there won't be a Barnett won't be there and time to hear it but Barrett Barrett I'm sorry but that they though this man. I mean I grew up Catholic I knew Kavanagh I mean I don't know Cavanagh personally but I knew the Georgetown Prep crowd I went to Bishop Ireton that was our rival in high school. And this was not the guy that we were raised to have anything to do with or to care about I mean as as Catholics and I wonder if in fact they're holding their nose to get in a position Catholics are very different than evangelicals although you know what I read today in The Washington Post about Amy come to bear it was pretty creative but this hand maiden to the Lord Jesus she's way out there and when Margaret Atwood dystopia writes her search Well Bill what the gist of the audience knows what happened today is that the u.s. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York said the grand jury from the Manhattan district attorney is entitled to Donald Trump's accounting records. At the masers USA accounting firm that own clude his tax returns and draft submits cetera and immediately Trump's lawyers announce they're going to appeal the Supreme Court which has already said that he's going to have to comply they just want to make sure all the I's were dotted and t's are crossed procedurally and presumably the Supreme Court will simply issue an order saying they decline to hear the case. Anything beyond that would be totally unexpected and by the way at that point I don't expect Trump to give up I think his lawyers who chose federal court as the forum to seek relief well now run back to state court and try to find some other way to delay because that's the whole game to delay delay delay the inevitable which is once the grand jury has those materials Donald Trump will be indicted he will be tried and even if he gets tried in some. County where I live in western New York. That's very red very pro Tromp. I expect that he still will be convicted by a jury because there's going to be such overwhelming evidence in part because as I've mentioned on your show before. Very few people know this but Donald had 2 income tax fraud trials in the past they were civil fraud not criminal fraud he lost them both and he was revealed in testimony by his own lawyer to be a forger who faked his tax returns instead of submitting the one prepared by his accountant c.p. And hope tax lawyer that by the way is a federal crime that's not a politically heated incredibly lucky he wasn't prosecuted write them for forgery I mean to have your own lawyer and c.p.a. Who's been doing the Trump family tax returns for decades say under oath Your Honor that's my signature on that tax return but neither I nor my firm prepared that return that he wasn't immediately referred for prosecution is astonishing It really is again as always great work David thank you so much show your knowledge of Trump must keep you awake at night but it definitely helps our listeners. Thank you take care of a again Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and the ambassador of d.c. Report dot org David Cay Johnston you should go there great reading and it's well done and you know. How I can say about David as he is fair he is fair and thorough . At 8810 is our phone number we got about 40 minutes before the debate kicks in and as you know that after the debate tonight to help you go through it all you'll have the other one and only if John Rothmann And John talk to us a little bit in about a half an hour but phone numbers 810 Let's go to Dan Dan what is your what are you looking for from tonight's debate and do you think that Biden should debate Trump next Wednesday if if he still 2nd it means that somebody might actually have to be in the same room with him. For tonight's debate I would say the 2 things Carmela needs to mention I would I don't know if you know that Joe Biden tweeted the president has turned his back on you know that he's pulled out of the negotiations for the coronavirus really so I would repeat that and really emphasize that at least a couple times and then I don't know I heard I think it was on your Ontario that I heard it the 4 year anniversary of the Vanity Fair revelation Oh it's actually 330 today at 330 today was actually wanted happened and we have some insane fact that's a great point I'll bring that up in a few minutes as well and if he's such a Christian and. You know does he now want to take this opportunity to you know you know my answer is a big capital city Christian and to throw that into if it was a Democrat he would be all over it and yeah and then I started the Biden question on that debate next week I would say Trump has to come past it you know time to positive for code that it's a no go but even if he's negative yes to agree to all that. If you do you want to do it from his the Oval Office and I want to set it up there you know you know what I'm doing and they're fine. Huge disadvantages of because you know his whole thing is about creeping around the room you know a great car and thank you so much I appreciate it oh yeah I'm glad he brought that up that dam was right it was 4 years ago at 330. pm I think most eastern time might have been Pacific time that the whole Wiki Leaks stuff was released and it was also when the Billy Bush tapes were released do you remember that day when you thought what were you thinking that day my thought was Trump's gone what are they going to do. I That's all coming up next on chips adjusting to a new normal means we need to be smart about how we do business thousands of small business owners have discovered the benefits of stamps dot com and kept their business is. 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Political organizations and a bit over an hour later the assertion would prove to be incredibly accurate when Wiki Leaks began dumping e-mails stolen from protests the chairman of Clinton's presidential campaign by the way this of been predicted a month earlier by Roger Stone in a tweet right anyway so that then in the same hour the Washington Post released a videotape recording from 2005 in which trump asserted boasting about sexually assaulting women all this in an hour on October 7th 2016 and you know what's crazy that's not even surprising anymore the world we live in and under this this guy this colossal creep of a human being. Me go to Robert in the city Robert on tonight's debate what do you expect. I expect parents I'm hoping parents brings up the fact Kemal Harris is from California and more so kilometers Kamla Khamoshi Harris's Come on come on come on don't be a day don't be a d. All right turn out to be a diva. All right no no it ain't all right did they know I'm sick oh what's your point go ahead you're jerk. Cheese from high tax did you see the article in The San Francisco Business Times the latest issue No one is saying Go Ahead This is only in. The leader the head of the $65.00 Golden Gate Restaurant Association expects 50 percent of San Francisco restaurants to close. Ok what does that have to do with the whole debate what does that have to do with the debate I'm just opened it. Breaks Kemal I hear it's over 'd the coals because 50 percent of the restaurants are closing during a pandemic by Robert unbelievable you know I 1st of all I love it when people try to screw her name up because at the heart of that is that whole I've heard it before my whole life this whole racist thing about black people and their names you know. For generations black people adopted white people's names just so they wouldn't be persecuted I they're under. 50 years after slavery or are in the Jim Crow but this is where we are today it's still that overt racism like by our last caller camel Oh yeah very funny and this is what Limbaugh and this is what Hannity and Tucker Carlson and even the president this is their their their little racist gambit is to try to do that he can talk all they want California like every other state and the United States is suffering because of Trump's mishandling of this pandemic to screw us mishandling of it and you know. If he goes down that road Harris will tear him a new one he'll be able to relieve himself in 2 places the the difference here is of course is that parents will attack things that have nothing to do with Kamel heris he'll go after will probably bring up one or Biden he'll do of all the things that he's been instructed to do because he's nothing but a puppet for a sociopath and again his theocrat as well though I don't know how you can be a Christian as our last caller Dan said with a capital c. And endorse this guy you know on the anniversary of the 4 year of the tape that is pretty remarkable All right Dad that's all come up to get more your phone calls next. Your boys your boat about a half an hour until vice president Mike Pence and Democratic senator Kamel Harris meet on stage in Salt Lake City Utah in the only vice presidential debate of the 2020 campaign A.B.C.'s Mary Bruce says the candidates will be separated by more than just ideology tonight because of Coburn $100.00 and Mike Pence set for their 1st and only face off and already the pandemic is front and center the candidates will both be seated behind plexiglass more than 12 feet apart Harris testing negative yesterday pence testing negative today even as the outbreak at the White House grows by the day Pence's team insists the vice president is safe to debate the president says he is planning to be in Miami for next week's debate but today Democrat Joe Biden and his campaign insisted that the president must prove he is no longer contagious or they won't take part with continuing coverage the vice presidential debate. And good evening to you that news time 530 on the Chip Franklin show on chemical this report is sponsored by tribal we've studio in Burlingame tribal we've studio on Broadway in Berlin gave us closing up to 60 percent off quality tribal new modern antique rugs open 7 days a week call 650-235-9777 tribal we've studio in Burlingame San Francisco 1st responder has died in what is being described as a training accident at the show say 42 year old Jason Cortez was badly injured when he fell off a ladder at the department's training facility at 19th and Folsom streets fire department Lieutenant Jonathan Baxter saying Cortez was treated at the scene before being taken to San Francisco General where he was pronounced that this is a very trying time as Jason was well liked. By seeing. A paramedic starting in 2007 working mostly station or you know he. Recently attending the fire academy. Graduating in. Cortez was stationed at the department's busiest station in the Tenderloin He leaves behind a wife and 2 children you see a u.c. Berkeley researcher shares the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for her work on the genome editing process called crisper Jennifer doubt now won the award with French microbiologist Emmanuel sharp and t.a.a. Doudna says she sees the use of so-called Gene sensors and not only treating human diseases but also in battling climate change real motivator for me certainly to look for ways that we can use genome editing to help you know whether it's giving bugs better abilities to fix carbon or whether it's giving plants abilities to deal with the effects of climate change I mean I think these are all things that are likely to come to pass both women say they hope their winning of the Nobel Prize sends of positive message to young girls who would like to follow in the path of science it does not appear Disneyland and many other theme parks here in California will be reopening any time soon Here's A.B.C.'s Alex Stone in Los Angeles in recent days Disney Chairman Bob Iger quit Governor Gavin Newsom's economic task force it comes his theme parks push California to be allowed to reopen as they have around the globe but new Some saying California is not there yet that there is no rush for reopening guidelines and that science will dictate when they can open we don't anticipate in the immediate term any of these larger theme parks Disney is the parent company of a.b.c. News last week Disney laying off 28000 parks employees Alex Stone a.b.c. News Los Angeles n.b.a. Players are living in hotels to stay in a coronavirus free bubble least one hotel housekeeper assigned to the 3 month long shift with the players is thankful used in Rockets player Russell Westbrook left the housekeeper an $8000.00 tip at Disney World Grand Floridian resort along with a thank you note for the staff somebody raise. I write this news reports sponsored by Bay Shore plumbers saving all the stress and headaches of your plumbing needs call Bayshore plumbers for service or free estimate leaky pipe clogged toilet broken water heater Bay Shore plumbers 65032364646503236464 bass or plumbers well check traffic around the Bay Area with Heather who's got a problem in Pinole to discuss and that is next on. The Canes today's mail couponing fill out what's this I vote by mail ballot not see fill it out sign it or turn it at an official top box at my polling place or just mail it next step needed Oh I can track it status on line with where's my ballot you really can track everything these days I hope by mail ballots simple safe secure counted learn more I don't see a doc on paid for by the California secretary of state. Let's find out what the issue is. Just one accident from the. Car went off the road and hit the sound. Of. Some slowing southbound want to one between 3. Cleared in that vicinity and something's going on to 80 in the Senate. Because south and north bound on the very heavy. Leaving the South Bay on the man I like this new traffic pattern. Warren. Street southbound ugly 2 from Hegan burger and a Union City and then added the city still pretty packed from just before Vermont street to the Bay Bridge stables helps your business go big with everything you need at amazing prices from office essential is like paper and ink to the health essential like masks and sanitizer save big staples the k j o $810.00 weather forecast include some sunshine and some clouds for tomorrow the highs range from the upper fifty's at the coast to the upper sixty's by the bay in the mid seventy's inland and tomorrow yet another spare the air alert I'm Kim McAlister more of Chip Franklin coming up on this holiday season more people will shop online than ever before so if you're an e-commerce seller Are you ready for a record breaking holiday season be ready with ship station the fastest easiest way to ship just a few clicks and you're measuring orders printing labels and getting products out fast that means happy holidays for you and your customers ship station works with all major e-commerce platforms and shopping cards and gives you the best rates available with all major carriers including u.s.p.s. Fed Ex and u.p.s. You can easily compare carriers and choose the best solution every time you even get exclusive postage discounts usually reserved for Fortune 500 companies so no matter how many orders you need. Phil you'll always get the best deal no wonder ship station is the number one choice for online sellers be ready for the busiest online shopping season yet with ship Station dot com tried today free for 60 days with offer code radio just go to ship Station dot com click on the microphone at the top of the page and type in radio ship station make ship happen Chip Franklin show you have dots speak out. Man. I'm just talking to a friend on Skype who is really smart young man who I work with on on some side projects and I and he's so worried about the election and he's you know and he's really brilliant any worries how Trump could possibly get well so quickly and that this whole thing could be a conspiracy and I'm like no it can't it's not. You know this because it's unfounded they're dedicated medical personnel just like the New England Journal of Medicine that has come out and favor Biden who have access to Trump's medical records Walter Reed there are so many people there there is no conspiracy there are just a bunch of cowed weak white men so remember that this is we are in a. We are in a minute we were historically screwed. By racists and a sociopath and we will we will recover this is a nation the un you know this is the time right now that's why I say that Biden should not be afraid of debating that Kamel or should not be if we've got to continue right through this we have to be strong because this is not the end this election since the beginning of what has to be done in this country and we have to get we have to push right through the racists and the fear mongers and there's enough hopes. And massaging as we have to it's not going to be easy but we can do it we really can't like that guy that braces caller had earlier that was so you know does tell you know trying to make fun a calm of his name we are in a position where you know we'll fight with each other just like Bernie and Biden and that whole push back you know both universal health care we got to get to that point you know free education that's an important thing we have to value the things that matter education and science they matter they matter more than the bottom line of your 41 k. You talk about your kids your grandkids future again the irony that the people talk about family they care about family or the people that that are their police to protect it why your turn now 8810 is a phone number love to hear you talk of let's go to David from Sacramento David you're excited for the election tonight why. Well you know there's a place where you got off thank you you know those so I'm excited because. People see the state of California district attorney really come on seriously was training to be smart as he is like a lawyer like an attorney is he's not that. She's very bright and I'm sorry right now this is not going to let this guy you know you know walk all over her it and I jump in I think if I think that's more important that the prosecution part everybody talks about I just think she's a she's a person of substance and I think as a person of substance who has had many opportunities to speak to people and difficult times I think that she's going to be fine I'm not looking for her to come out there and to to dance you know I want her to come out and just be solid just like I'm sure I met her I met her I met her once he you know when he was in San Francisco when he was when you know when he was marrying those 2 couples you know yeah the same sex marriage. That was fantastic is a really awesome woman and she's very bright and very intelligent Now as far as Trump is concern. I would be surprised it'll end up being in being in to being in a mental institute you know as far as I'm concerned I wouldn't give a damn You know so that's just the way I feel that my gut is my gut is that you won't see Trump. In that I think that there will be probably. Some indictments in his future but I think that they'll be settled I think that he'll end up paying a fine I think will end up spending the rest of his life maybe you know working and some regard at a level that is in media like with some sort of somebody will hire his name on the like a Newsmax kind of organization I think it's not going to be a pretty end for him I also don't see him living more than 15 years I can't imagine him making it to 90 I mean he may not live more 2 more weeks who knows who knows his real condition right now he's a sad sad example of opportunity Swan dered a privileged white man who instead of using it to help and as your day a Christian man or his brothers and sisters in the world he chose it to try to stand on their shoulders and monopolize their thought and their their souls but. He and I mean that ultimately that's on us and it. 8088 has a phone number I mentioned that this earlier in this the story that I found just fascinating that the The Washington Post reported that you know we live in such We're times that it was again a 4 years ago today that this happened that in the matter of an hour that the the Wiki Leaks dump we knew it was Russia everybody knew it was Russia we had 17 intelligence agencies and of the ones that were allowed to speak 7 of them came forward and said yeah we tracked this all of NATO said yes but what is Trump done he's never admitted that Russia did this and then recently they started this this theory that somehow Hillary Clinton had something to do with it and they call it Russia gate and Trump is out now saying that he was being illegally spied upon by the Obama administration his own head of the f.b.i. The guy he appointed you know after you know after he's done denigrated all of the intelligence agencies that have kept you and I safe since 911 he denigrates them he mocks them. All And meanwhile the leaders on go dude nobody spied on you nobody put cameras in Trump Tower what happened was is when when when the guy you appointed to run the n.s.a. National security intelligence Michael Flynn was meeting with Russians and was working for Turkey. Trying to manipulate u.s. Policy while also working on the trumpet ministration and you go back and you follow that man a fort who ran your campaign was getting money from a Russian oligarch. Yeah the f.b.i. Looked into that yeah they should have that's their job and here's the kicker. The year about the Pfizer warrants and you hear about some of the some of the paperwork in that was shoddy But this is what happened the people that they caught that were tied to the trumpet ministration whether it was Gates or whether was mad afford or whether was plan or whether it's Papadopoulos they were on phone calls that originated from Russia that we were monitoring So we're monitoring the bad guys phone calls and an American shows up on the called You don't need a warrant for that you don't need to file as a warrant for that when you hear them talking to a club to correct somebody from the close to Putin who is trying to move money into the United States and they speak to somebody from the trumpet ministration on a phone call you damn right you hope the f.b.i. Investigates that Lattimer Putin own this president outright. And we're lucky nothing more sis happened. Pete in Fairfield want to talk radio thanks for calling. Hi Chip thanks for taking the call Normally I feel like your rhetoric is really measured but when you start really gets it like. You know education is more important for one candidate all those challenges the you get them to be being mutually exclusive from each other and I think they go hand in hand and I think it's misleading to the listeners to suggest that there's a choice between a for like an education I mean this country was tilted built upon the intellect in the greatest season that this country provides and I think it serves everybody to make sure we've got a robust economy. And companies are getting very well we can I think that's an excellent point for what that's an excellent point but let me just point to right now that the s. And p. 500 has a thin vein of successful companies right now of the Lately it Ok right it's not it is not indicative that's why we have 15000000 people unemployed that had jobs a year ago and the 41 k. Today I tell people this that if you are if you are within 5 or 6 years of retiring you should look into mortgage investing or something other than the market especially the s. And p. 500 the Dow has some degree they're not going to disagree with you know tell you why hold on to me so I'm not saying I'm right about that's just my opinion Ok so by now I don't really want to argue stocks but but and you could very well be right now so what I'm saying right now I guess is that we all know the market is not a reflection of the economy and sometimes it is but right now in most times it's not it's a separate entity it's only 20 percent of Americans are in the market and the market reflects again oftentimes you know things like you know the last 6 months do you think any any year from now or 2 years from now Fed Ex and Amazon will be as popular as they were during the pandemic No so it isn't played it but. Back to what I my point about education and you make a good point education is important as as well as a robust economy but I believe that the problem we have with economic injustice today is that we've forgotten about the the lower 25 percent and we've written them off thinking that we can do that forever and have it not affect our moral and economic bottom line and I think that's a mistake and I agree with you there and I do think when you tell us in terms of racism you can't disenfranchise 35000000 African-Americans and expect the country to continue the way it's going and you can't shut off the borders 'd to immigration because let's face it the country will not continue to grow without new immigrants into the country less we go the way of Japan did nothing a lot of trouble with negative population birth rates and things like that but you know regarding the stock 1st and then again not to turn this into an investment show and I don't mean to just people people need to understand that with your turn 60 or 65 when you retire is the end of the actuarial science is that you know yes if the old 65 you know you're 72 then let's see you may retire when you're 6065 but listen to your ninety's so here is a certain percentage your portfolio to keep pace with inflation and that involves equities you know that that's my only know your tie told to get my mom my mother died at 98 and she got 2 pensions from my dad when he died as a cop years and here I mean you know it's almost 50 years ago and she had that her whole life and she had her retire her pension from working for the federal government for 30 years and the end I was paying and we were Pan I think she was in assisted living was 160000 dollars years and saying I mean you know I can't afford to live that long I think you know but back to your right I mean I can't I can only talk on the surface about investments that's not my thing I do know one thing though I said no no. A company in America ever hired people when there weren't wasn't demand you can give corporations tax breaks down the Yahoo they're not going to hire anybody until there's a demand for what they make that was a great call be call back let's talk finances more some of the time Ok thank you but your buddy buddy thanks to conquer and talk to Paul Paul you're Ok Joe thanks for calling. 5 tonight a debate on my mobile pencils Well I think little more to kill it then and then say if you think that well yeah well I'm really hoping that he really caught it I don't know how it's going to be formatted I'm opening that you've got to come all you know it's what I didn't to task in my opinion during the Democratic debates Well you know a lot of it her and her and of course what course Democratic Party wants to know but I'll On another I don't I'd like to say that you know I didn't you know yet as we're going to speech there was today yesterday yesterday. Yes Yeah and one is a country unite this country is not united I decided to unite under by and we are a divided country philosophically we used to come to the middle but we're all we are now to foil left too far to the right and I don't believe that we can turn together any more than that and that way well even at your 1st point I agree that we have to come together but I think in order for us to come together Republican Party has to reestablish itself there last the Democrats are big are getting there . And maybe to the left of if you think being to the left is universal health care and free education I look at that as a great investment in this nation and I think we can we can afford to pay for we can't we can't have that while we're given corporate tax breaks from 35 percent to 21 percent and yeah not everybody should get the people that can afford it you cation shouldn't get free education to people that need it people that are at the very base that we need to help we need to help them because it's a morally the right thing to do and we also need them for our nation the economic justice that we have should have. All that said somebody has to stand up to the Republican Party I think it's pants but I think there are people out there that can do it thank you for your call I really appreciate and thank everybody for doing such a great job we're going to talk right now to John Rothmann and he'll tell us about his show. After the debate. But you can hear right here on k g o come up to one where you heard presidential debate number one on k g o Are you sure I don't raise and really the worst were as always America is ever ahead of me is no law in force it's not literally one group that supports you though it think we have time now it's time for the v.p. Candidates Mike Pence the group of the 4 and feel my backyard Kahlil Eris a little girl tonight at 6 listen to k.g. Oh not only hear the debate but tell us what you think about it afterward but an expanded John Rockman show on the Bay Area stock station k.g. Oh wait of that wind a group with a corn field in my backyard. All right so if you have a mortgage you yet to borrow money probably to get that right and you're paying interest on the money you borrowed and remembers a kid when I got I bought my 1st home I was in late twenty's and it was remarkable to me because I grew up in apartments and so I wanted to buy a house I thought you could just you know buy it I had no idea how much they cost it was insane and the when I looked at how much you paid over 30 years in interest I think the 1st mortgages were 20 years and then it became 30 it's a remarkable amount of money so if you can lower the interest rate you're paying on your mortgage and I think I know all this chip What do you tell me this will put Do you have you called anchor funding to find out if you can lower than interest rate Well no I mean to mock you i'm not i'm just say pick up the phone and call Find out what your interest rate is and call them up and say look can you help me out in this I got my loan on the state I'm paying this can you help me lower you might be surprised might say hundreds of dollars each month and funding is done for thousands of people and I've worked with Kevin lines the owner for a long time it's a California based lender can't her finding 803335157 got 5 minutes to call the see if they can lower your interest rate on your own home by minutes column 803335157 The website's anchor funding dot net or just say Syria I want to talk I want to. 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Your home for the most important election of your life 2020. 5 Get one of thank you. And. Today and John Robin joins us here John will be picking up the pieces after the debate what do you expect to see and I expect a vigorous discussion on coronavirus that's what I really think there is a 3rd player in all of. Us. Mike Pence is an experienced radio talk show host and served in Congress as governor he's a very effective debater and I've known. For years and years and years and I can tell you she is extremely effective so I expect a fascinating period of time we will cover it. From $6.00 to $730.00 no interruptions and then we will extend my program an hour. Until 10 o'clock and say what they think. Radio in New York. Is important that we understand for the Democrats to continue these debates and to continue to keep their foot on the gas. There's been some good numbers been bouncing around but you can't you can't take that for granted and more the more to the point John I think it's important for the Democrats to further learn where the who they are and where they're headed through these debates I don't think it's just a routine matter of getting out in arguing.

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