Georgia South Carolina Texas and Nevada with the most cases reported in Mississippi experts say it's not too late to get backs unaided and planned for a season when family gatherings and lots of travel can contribute to the spread of flu even in this young flu season the c.d.c. Has already reported 4 deaths among children on Jan Johnson for the 2nd time in a week passengers onboard the Norwegian joy cruise ship have been treated for an illness already say 19 people aboard the ship reported flu like symptoms as the Norwegian joy Doc Sunday in Los Angeles the Los Angeles Fire Department was called in to evaluate the sick passengers all declined to be taken to the hospital Norwegian says stringent sanitation procedures were put into place after a few people reported not feeling well the incident comes a week after 6 passengers on board the same ship were diagnosed with norovirus after a trip to the Panama Canal I'm Kerry she maker I'm in Kate's. Hi Doug Andrew here when you reach age 70 and a half if you don't need the money out of an Ira or 41 k. Many times you're told just to take the required minimum distributions or r m d s thinking that saves tax that's often the worst advice I can prove that you're likely not saving tax in the long run your compound in the problem and increasing the taxes you'll pay and Ira or for one k. Is the best savings bond the government ever came up with for themselves if you have money trapped in an Ira or 41 k. Learn how you can do a strategic rollout to avoid paying unnecessary taxes for a half day learn how to retire by design we're teaching in Alamo Wednesday December 4th in the morning Palo Alto afternoon Livermore Thursday December 5th in the morning sent a clear. In the afternoon they're free Call now 8053 to 2076 to register and get details call 805322076 laws Hi Doug Andrew here you know as a financial strategist and retirement planning specialist for more than 45 years I finally have dedicated the last 2 years to writing the ultimate book the laser fund how to diversify and create the foundation for a tax free retirement is my favorite vehicle and we have collected over 200 pages of charts graphs and illustrations to empower you and if you're more right brain you learn by stories you flip the book over and you read it the other direction it contains $62.00 stories of actual clients who have employed the laser fun to diversify and save hundreds of thousands of dollars of unnecessary tax I want to give you one when you attend my next event register by calling 18876 radio that's 188-767-2346 Call 887-672-3461 extension 0 my event to get your free book How to protect income from taxes how do I pay less in tax during retirement my take today on live abundant. This live. With our time this is best selling author. This is Doug Andrews speaking to you are incredible national audience goes to goes from our London studios nestled to the base of the majestic Rocky Mountain I work with people in organizations that want to optimize their assets minimize taxes and empower their. Well. Today let's address. If the question is how to protect income from taxes and how do I pay less in taxes during retirement you know as a tax minimisation specialist for more than 45 years I have addressed several questions that have been asked and these particular questions have been asked over 200 times in the last 30 days so let's talk about how to protect in from taxes especially as people retire this is probably one of the greatest concerns because taxes erode away between 25 to 33 percent in some states like California as much as 40 percent of people's retirement income especially if that income is coming out of traditional accounts like a raisin for one K.'s because when people began to save in those vehicles they were more or less duped I feel into putting pretax dollars into tax deferred accounts being told they're going to be in a lower tax bracket when they retire but most people who have any type of a respectable retirement nest egg are not in lower tax brackets when they retire they've been sort of killing their tax deductions as they have gone along the way down the highway to achieve financial independence paying off their house so they don't have that deduction the kids are now gone or if they're still living with you as adults you can't deduct them anymore and people are not contributing money any longer to IRAs and 4 when gays so you don't have that deduction if you're a business owner you don't have those deductions because maybe you retired or sold that business and Congress keeps raising taxes because of irresponsible government spending and the printing of money so taxes in the long run most people believe are going to be higher so why do we defer tax to some perceived unknown advantage and then. Drawing money down the road and we're shocked at that we give away $25.00 to $33.00 maybe 40 percent of it in taxes in other words if you had a $1000000.00 nest egg saved up and let's say it's earning 10 percent now my favorite retirement vehicle I've actually average 10.07 percent for the last 25 years unfortunately a lot of people's IRAs and 41 K.'s invested in the market only averages through the ups and downs about 3 and a half percent according to Dow bar which studies investor behavior because people are buying and selling of the wrong time and that's why the financial services industry recommends that you only take out 4 percent a year so on a $1000000.00 nest egg that would only be $40000.00 my heavens you pull out $40000.00 and you pay 25 percent of it in tax that's 10000 most money managers charge a one percent or higher asset management fee one percent on a $1000000.00 nest egg is another 10 grand you're pulling out $40000.00 are only netting $20000.00 and then have 2 percent payout that's pretty pathetic I would rather withdraw 800-901-0000 extension 0 have it be tax free because $80000.00 is 4 times as much as $20000.00 because my favorite retirement planning vehicle is totally tax free so when you pull out $80000.00 you net $80000.00 which is 4 times as much money so you want to protect your income from taxes by converting sooner than later your retirement to resources primarily I would say 50 to 60 percent of your retirement income ought to be in tax free vehicles that's probably one of the greatest. Concepts that I teach and my various books and educational events my educational videos do you know that education is really going to be the future. Or in other words the future is about. Owning data and having education and the difference is is understanding how to get educated and not follow the herd the chapter of my 2nd best selling book said all the dogs barking up the wrong tree doesn't make it the right one and a lot of people a lot of advisors bark up the trio put money in a tax deferred Ira for a $1.00 k. You'll have more money at the end of the day but they're not talking about deducting the effect of taxes and inflation on the back end see you choose investments not based upon which ones will grow to the most you choose them based on which ones will generate the most net after deducting the taxes effect of inflation and market volatility plays on those hard earned dollars but it makes me sick because 91 percent of Americans are more or less duped into putting money into traditional accounts and I reason for one K.'s You know I was recently at the Genius network annual event down in Arizona and one of the statements there was there's 2 kinds of hay that which goes into the horse and that which comes out of the horse and I've noticed in this industry there's a lot of people that that follow the herd and all these dogs are barking up the wrong tree and it doesn't make it the right one but they're sort of taking advice. On the wrong end of the horse is what I'm talking about and so I want you to go straight to the source to those people who really understand how money works in fact I answered some questions recently on some educational videos and it's how the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and that's because they don't understand these concepts that I'm talking about right now so. When people ask me questions like well should I participate in a 4 a one k. And I go well and that depends the simple answer is usually no but if you're being matched maybe you might want to take advantage of the match if you're earning a great rate of return or if the historical record of that for a one k. Has been good otherwise it doesn't do any good to put in their unearned one percent just because you're being matched but if you're being matched $0.50 on the dollar. You put in a dollar and your employer gives you $0.50 that's about 50 if you were to be vested and pull out the $1.50 you're going to give that $0.50 back to the government in tax so your employer's doing you a favor they're sort of covering your future tax liability on that but I can't believe how many people put in way more for a one k. At their company then they're being matched to me that is not smart you should read direct all that over age into something that's going to be tax free and in the various books and educational events I teach I call it affectionately the laser fund a laser is an acronym that stands for liquid asset safely earning returns so when people say Doug what's better than a raw Ira or 401 k. . That's better than a traditional I said yes if you think taxes are going to be higher in the future I can prove to you mathematically that a rock can be as much as 50 percent better or provide 50 percent more net spendable income maybe only 20 percent maybe 33 percent depending upon where taxes go in the future but if you think future taxes are going to be higher a Roth Ira or 4 a one k. Is better than a traditional Ira or 4 a one k. But I've never own an Ira or for one k. Never will I've never owned a RAAF and never will because they have strings attached my laser fund which I wrote my most recent bestselling book is titled The laser fund how to diversify. And create the foundation for a tax free retirement does not have those strings attached Roth's have to benefits you can put in after tax dollars and it grows tax free Well my laser fund has done that for over 100 years long before roughs came around but I have 3 additional benefits if I have a banner year I can throw in $12300000.00 if 4 days later after depositing 3 100000 in my laser fund if I need 250000 back out I can take that out and there's no penalties that the i.r.s. Assesses but when I die every 1000000 in my laser fund blossoms to 2 and a half 1000000 right now if I were to die in an accident tomorrow and there's not a Roth around that will do that so I think what I call the laser fund is far better than any Roth because it has the 2 benefits of Iraq but 3 additional benefits so in the next segment I'm going to address how much should you contribute to an Ira or 4 a one k. And how do you pay less in tax during retirement but if you've heard enough and you need to scoot I'm going to help you understand how you can learn more as I have mentioned the future is about education and I want you to learn and so if this is resonating with you and you would like to learn and you live in the greater San Francisco Bay Area I want you to get ready to jot down the locations dates and times we are coming to teach half day educational events titled retire by design we are coming to Alamo in Palo Alto Livermore and Santa Clara and these are titled retire by design in fact when you come we gift you absolutely free a 40 page retired by design workbook that you fill out throughout the event plus we will give you free 2 most recent bestselling books in title men abolition you're going to love that book and. 300 page book the laser fund with all kinds of charts graphs explanations and 62 actual client stories to empower you we are coming to Alamo and Palo Alto Wednesday December 4th Alamo in the morning 80 m. Until 2 pm Palo Alto in the afternoon 1 pm to 7 pm Alamo of the Round Hill Country Club Palo Alto the Elks wedding and event center the next day we're in Livermore at the clubhouse at last to see the Us That's Thursday December 5th Livermore a.t.m. To do pm same day in Santa Clara at the Convention Center Thursday December 5th 1 pm to 7 pm join us call now and leave your information at 188876 Radio this is a free event cities limited call 18 a day 767-2346 that's one aged 8767234610876723461 aged 87672346. Hi Doug Andrew here I've been blessed to have a many books that I've written become bestsellers but my most recent book The laser fund I most excited about I would love for you to have a copy of this book is it teaches how to diversify and create the foundation for a tax free retirement I have spent years in fact that is over 45 years of experience helping people optimized financial assets minimize unnecessary tax and empower their true or authentic wealth this book is so unique because it's actually 2 books in one there's over 200 pages from a left brain approach if you're the kind of person that loves to learn by reading and getting numbers and charts and graphs there's over 200 pay. It is of illustrations explaining why the laser fund can be the best solution for all kinds of financial objectives from college funding to retirement to emergency funds working capital for business or personal or real estate and if you're more right reading person you aren't really into numbers you learn by stories you flip this book over and you read it the other direction it's over 100 pages that contains a like 62 Chicken Soup for the financial soul stories actual clients examples we change their names to protect their privacy but you will learn by reading the stories and examples of how people have empowered themselves financially by using the laser fund so call now one added 876 radios that number and you can attend one of our educational events and I will give you a copy of the laser fund that's 188-767-2346 Please join us and learn receive my book call 187672346 that's added 87672346. Welcome back this is a live in London radio and Doug in Drew we're talking about how to protect income from taxes and how do I pay less in taxes during retirement if you're just joining as I mentioned in the previous segment that Recently I attended the annual meeting for the genius network these are over the top successful people we get together and share and Keith Cunningham gave a very powerful talk if you don't know who he is he was talking about when he built up a company worth 100. $1000000000.00 and it went under and he was talking about how that felt and one of the greatest lessons he learned when he lost that and by the way he then later built a multibillion dollar company again but he said when I was down because of that because we all go through sort of negative experiences in life he says don't get your net worth and you're a self worth intertwined and it took him about a year and a half to unravel those 2 things this is something that I love to teach in our various educational events and even though I help people optimize their financial assets true or authentic wealth is far more than just the money but you're tuning into this because this is a financial show and I want to share with you that if you can keep your priorities straight and when you do reposition priorities you you want to make sure you allocate the proper amount of resources or it's just wishful thinking to change your life in it especially those that you care about in fact we were on arranged Shawn Stevenson who was born without legs and with not much for arms and so he was in a wheelchair his entire life and he was trying out a new will chair here a few months ago and he actually fell and hit his head on a rock and as he was in the emergency on a gurney and passing away he said to my friend Joe polish this is happening for me not to me sometimes we need to remember that in life as we go through so you know many times when we share we get these incredible insides and another speaker said that few things are worse than. In the wrong direction with excitement now if you're running the wrong direction with your finances with the way that you're trying to save money but it is the wrong direction and you're doing it with enthusiasm because everybody else is doing it we've been talking about how people get sometimes duped into putting in more than they should into traditional IRAs and 401 K.'s I recommended in the previous segment if you're going to contribute because you're being matched by your employer don't contribute any more than the match if it's not performing very well the matches and even worth it but the match basically covers a few future taxes now when people say well what's better than an Ira or 4 a one k. We were talking about that I prefer to put my money into a vehicle that accumulates my money tax free then allows me to access my money tax free now Roth do that but my laser fund is what I call it I have used for 45 years in fact it's been grandfathered in the internal revenue code since before that code so over 100 years it's been sort of a sacred cow and I've averaged in the last 25 years 10.07 percent tax free now there are costs of bed it usually is less than one percent so if I'm earning 10 let's am earning 9 so on every $1000000.00 I'm able to experience $90000.00 of cash flow if I'm taking out the money is tax free whereas most I raise him for a $1.00 K.'s invested in the market the broker dealer they financial advisor is usually for Britain from illustrating to you a payout of more than 4 percent because most Americans are only averaging about 3 and a half percent between buying and selling of the wrong times trying to time the market even if you could earn 9 year old in netting 6 after tack. Would you rather earn 9 percent tax free 9 percent is 50 percent greater than 6 percent after tax if you did earn 9 percent on an Ira or $4.00 and $1.00 k. So my favorite vehicle is what I call the laser fund but it's better than a rock we were talking about that in the last segment and so questions get asked Well so is a Roth Ira for one k. The best way to save or how do I get my money out of my Ira and pay less in tax Well if you roll all ver a traditional Ira into a rod or same thing with a $4.00 a one k. You're going to trigger tax and that may be smart in the long run to dist pay the tax and it's going to accumulate tax free from now on so many Americans will do that but why would you choose a rot when you can have a vehicle that has the 2 benefits of a rock it is tax free when you take it out and you put in after tax dollars but it blossoms when you die every 1000000 I have in my laser fund will blossom in value when I pass away and it transfers to my spouse my spousal heirs to my favorite charities who are ever I leave it behind to totally tax free but it increases in value by sometimes double or triple So why would I own a rock this is why we wrote the book the laser fun to educate people because I was talking about how the future is about data ownership and education you know we talk in the genius network about where the future is really going with technology and everything else and it was interesting because Peter Diamandis was talking about the problem in the future will actually be under population in countries not overpopulation that's what happened to China when they restricted. Only one child per married couple and they didn't realize the economic impact that would have unfortunately the United States is now under 2 children per married couple and so the problem is going to be underpopulation not overpopulation in the United States of America and in other countries like has been manifested in China that's another topic but I want you to be prepared for the future by getting educated and doing something that's far better then just a traditional Ira or 4 a one k. Or even a rough Ira or 4 a one k. Many times people ask me should I take a required minimum distributions out of my Ira for a one k. If I don't need the end do I take out just the minimum I go No I would be taking out the maximum get maximum out in your tax bracket and sometimes that's another 304050000 you're not going to be in a lower bracket in the future what are you trying to delay the inevitable for you're not saving tax but the key is you want to get the taxes over and done with in today's lower rates than tomorrow's higher rates and then reposition that money into something that's going to be tax free from now on and that will ultimately blossom when you die thus reimbursing you some Usually all of the taxes you incurred during the rollout process so when I was interviewed recently I talked about a rollout is a term that I coined it's not a rollover rollover from a 4 a one k. Into an Ira is just going from the frying pan into the fire you're just delaying the inevitable That doesn't solve anything you want to do a roll out get the money out the tax is over and done with sooner than later reposition that money and a vehicle that's going to be tax free from now on and that's why I wrote the. The laser fun to educate people and then many times I've helped people offset some or all of the tax during the rollout by resurrecting new deductions they were killing Let me ask you a question Have you given up on learning about the best retirement planning strategy yet folks don't give up on this a time runs out when people come to one of our educational events so many times they just like themselves and then they come up and they say oh I can't believe how many times I heard you talk about this and I put off and put off coming and look at the time I've wasted so if you live in the greater San Francisco Bay Area I want you to get ready to jot down the dates and times we are coming to teach half day educational events they're absolutely free we are coming to Alamo Palo Alto Livermore and Santa Clara and we are teaching on Wednesday December 4th a.t.m. To 2 pm and Alamo at the Round Hill Country Club in Palo Alto the same day at the Elks wedding and event center Wednesday December 4th Palo Alto 1 pm to 7 pm and the next day we're in Livermore and Santa Clara Livermore is at the clubhouse at last to see this Thursday December 5th Livermore a.t.m. To 2 pm that same day Santa Clara at the Convention Center Thursday December 5th 1 pm to 7 pm when you come we give you a 40 page a work book that you'll fill out throughout the event and we'll give you our 2 most recent bestselling books entitle an evolution and the laser fund over 500 pages of information call now one dated 876 radio to register leave your information at 108-767-2346 that's 188767234610876723 fourths. Thanks 108-767-2346. Hi Doug Andrew here you know as a financial strategist and retirement planning specialist for more than 45 years I finally have dedicated the last 2 years to writing the ultimate book the laser fund how to diversify and create the foundation for a tax free retirement is my favorite vehicle and we have collected over $200.00 pages of charts graphs and illustrations to empower you and if you're more right brain you learn by stories you flip the book over and you read it the other direction it contains $62.00 stories of actual clients who have employed the laser fun to diversify and save hundreds of thousands of dollars of unnecessary tax I want to give you one when you attend my next event register by calling 18876 radio that's 188-767-2346 Call 887-672-3461 extension 0 my event to get your free book. An authentic. One. Read. Your. Trusted Cars for Kids with your cars for over 2 decades Cars for Kids can now help you with your property donations to donate any kind of real estate and cards for Kids dot com and receive a tax deduction for the full appraised value. Well . There are New York. Hi Doug Andrew here you know as a financial strategist and retirement planning specialist for more than 45 years I finally have dedicated the last 2 years to writing the ultimate book the laser fund how to diversify and create the foundation for a tax free retirement is my favorite vehicle and we have collected over $200.00 pages of charts graphs and illustrations to empower you and if you're more right brain you learn by stories you flip the book over and you read it the other direction it contains $62.00 stories of actual clients who have employed the laser fun to diversify and save hundreds of thousands of dollars of unnecessary tax I want to give you one when you attend my next event register by calling 18876 radio that's 188-767-2346 Call 887-672-3461 extension 0 my event to get your free book how the rich get richer and the poor get poorer what's better than a Roth Ira for a one k. My take today on live abundant radio. This is live. With the New York Times best selling author. Doug in through here is speaking to you are incredible national audience coast to coast from our live among the studios nestled at the base of the majestic Rocky Mountains I work with people and organizations that want to optimize their assets minimize taxes and empower their. Well folks I get asked many. Questions and recently this question was asked more than 200 times in the last 30 days how do the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and then I'm going to address also what is better than a rock or for a one k. How to not run out of money in re tire meant these are big questions so how do the rich get richer the poor get poorer simply the rich understand some key principles about how money works for example those people who are always Dr Dean and always borrowing to consume that always have too much month left at the end of their money they don't learn how to live on less than what they earn and set aside money because the convenient time to set aside money never comes to anyone you have to discipline yourself but those people who begin to a rise at financial independence and then thrive understand 3 marvels or miracles of wealth accumulation The 1st is compound interest and a lot of people think they understand that but I even stump C.P.A.'s and tax attorneys with various riddles and examples for example let's say that there's this lily pond and every day this lily pad that starts out in the center of the pond it doubles in size so if it takes $48.00 days for the patch to cover the entire leg how many days will it take for the patch to cover half the lake Well many people blurt out 24 half of 48 no see they don't understand compound interest see the day before it's full it's half full because had to have to equal a full on the 46 day it's a quarter full c. That's compound interest a lot of people get confused because they get. So impatient is taking so long to grow my wealth my money well folks say if you started out with $125000.00 you never added another dime and if it doubled every 7 and a half years like my money has at that's an average return of about 10 percent 125000 doubles to $250.00 then $250000.00 250500 doubles to a 1000000 a 1000000 dollars to $22000000.00 to $4000000.00 and you go Oh I'm not ready to retire I want to double up one more time so you wait 7 more years to retire maybe from age 60 to 67 and that 4000000 doubles to 8000000 will that last 4000000 that last doubling accomplished as much as all the other 30 years combined because that's the power of compound interest but it was a rough tile that said no compound interest tax free is much greater because if you have a $1000000.00 and it's in a tax deferred Ira for a one k. And you start pulling out money you're going to pay a tax of 25 to 33 to 40 percent on that that's not all your money that $1000000.00 Ira or $4.00 and $1.00 k. Only about 652700000 of that is your money the rest belongs to the federal government and $41.00 out of 50 states has a state income tax on that so it's not all your money if you pulled out 100000 year old Internet $65000.00 if you need a net of 100000 to buy gas and groceries prescriptions or Gulf green baize in a 33 percent tax bracket you're going to have to pull out 50 percent more 150000 withdrawal pay tax about 3rd $50000.00 to net 100000 that $1000000.00 nest egg will be totally gone drain dry in 11 years whereas rich people they set aside their money and to vehicles that are going to be tax free because. When you have a $1000000.00 nest egg this tax free you only have to pull out 800002 net 800008 will go on into perpetuity I can pull out a 100 grand a year for 20 more years than an Ira for a one k. Last I tell age 96 that's an extra $2000000.00 of income versus the same net spendable income out of an Ira or 4 a one k. And I still have my $1000000.00 nest egg I mean at age 96 it's a $3000000.00 better retirement strategy than the same exact amount of money in a traditional Ira or $4.00 a one k. Now if I'm going too fast for you to comprehend this believe me the numbers don't lie you need to come to an educationally van and learn why this is true but this is one of the reasons why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer because the poor keep following the herd and put money in traditional IRAs and 41 K.'s in the market you know there's 3 dangers that erode away your retirement money this is why people run out of money in retirement because 253340 percent of it goes out the window in taxes they have to keep pulling out more money because of inflation now I don't like inflation any more than you do but inflation doesn't hinder me it helps me because I link my returns to the things that inflate if inflation goes to 5 percent iron 10 which I've been doing for years if it goes to 10 and I've been earning 15 in those eras if inflation goes to 15 iron 20 because I link my returns to the things that inflate and then I do not have my retirement dollars in the market when the market does well I get to benefit but my money's not in the market so when the market takes a nosedive in crashes which it does probably every 34567 years usually in a decade there will be 7 up years compared to 3 down years it's just a fact of life but people in the decade from to. 2 100-2010 even going to do 1012 is called the lost decade because people they saw their nest egg dwindle by 40 percent twice it took until 2012 to just get back their money their 1000000 people using the strategies I teach in my various educational seminars and webinars and my books they tripled their money during that 12 year period a 1000000 was worth 3000000 when most Americans following the herd only had their 1000000 back and that's why it was so comical of the genius network when I say things like well all the dogs barking up the wrong tree putting money in traditional IRAs and 4 in one case doesn't make it the right tree and somebody got up and said Yeah there's 2 kinds of hay the hay that goes into the horse and the hay that comes out of the horse and I feel so bad because so many people take the advice of people who have never lived through major recession's and setbacks I've learned in my lifetime from the School of Hard Knocks I want you to avoid the mistakes that I have made and don't just follow the herd and and put money and tax deferred diaries of for $1.00 case being duped into thinking you're going to be in a lower tax bracket when you retire so many times when people ask questions and I talk about optimizing their assets the rich get richer because they know how to own their real estate see they own real estate they use the 3rd Marvel or miracle of wealth accumulation they use safe positive leverage the ability to own and control assets with very little or none of their money tied up or risk in that asset now leverage without liquidity is stupidity and so but they own assets a real estate but they don't keep the equity in there they keep the equity out in fact many people that I mentor and teach and many that are multimillionaires and billionaires. They are out of debt any time they want to be but they borrow money right now at 3 percent tax deductible is a net cost of $2.00 if you borrowed money on a house at $4.00 and a half percent tax deductible interest it's only a net cost of $3.00 and they earn like I do 9 and 10 percent on tax free on their investments how much more is 9 than 3 don't say $6000000.00 you're $90000.00 the net cost is $30000.00 would you hire an employee for $30000.00 that made you an extra $90000.00 would you buy a widget machine 430000 that made you an extra 90000 that's a 300 percent return on employment cost or equipment cost but a lot of people do not understand how money works they they try to pay off their house by sending extra principal payments to the mortgage company. The fastest way to get out of debt and I can get you out of debt probably 2 and a half years faster than any method of sending it to principal payment to the mortgage company and maintain liquidity and have safety and unpredictable rates of return that are tax free that's why the rich get richer they understand hell money works I wish I had more time in this segment but I want you to stay with me and we're going to address how to not run out of money in retirement and the difference between taxable income and tax free income but if you need to scoot and you want to come and learn and you live in the greater San Francisco Bay Area get ready to jot down the 4 cities dates and times we are coming to teach half day educational events there absolutely free but seedings is limited where coming to Alamo Apollo Alto Livermore and Santa Clara these are tied to retire by design and when you come we give you a 40 page retired by design work book that you will fill out throughout the event to take home with you and refer back to again and again I assure you and we also give you our 2 most recent best selling. Books entire Tamin abolition you're going to love that book and the laser fund all kinds of charts graphs explanations and 62 actual client stories so we're coming to Alamo and Palo Alto on Wednesday December 4th Alamo in the morning 8 am to 2 pm Palo Alto in the afternoon 1 pm to 7 pm Alamos the Round Hill Country Club Palo Alto the Elks wedding and event center the next day in Livermore at the clubhouse at last pesetas Thursday December 5th Livermore a.t.m. To 2 pm the same day in Santa Clara at the Convention Center Thursday December 5th 1 pm to 7 pm call now leave your information to register at one day to day 76 radio call 188-767-2346 that's 188-767-2346 Leave your information at one dated 876723461087672346 . Hi Doug Andrew here I've been blessed to have the many books that I've written become bestsellers but my most recent book The laser fund I'm most excited about I would love for you to have a copy of this book because it teaches how to diversify and create the foundation for a tax free retirement I have spent years in fact that is over 45 years of experience helping people optimized financial assets minimize unnecessary tax and empower their true or authentic wealth this book is so unique because it's actually 2 books in one there's over 200 pages from a left brain approach if you're the kind of person that loves to learn by reading and getting numbers and charts and graphs there's over 200. Pages of illustrations explaining why the laser fund can be the best solution for all kinds of financial objectives from college funding to retirement to emergency funds working capital for business or personal or real estate and if you're more of a right person you aren't really into numbers you learn by stories you flip this book over and you read it the other direction it's over 100 pages that contains a like 62 Chicken Soup for the financial soul stories actual clients examples we change their names to protect their privacy but you will learn by reading the stories and examples of how people have empowered themselves financially by using the laser fund so call now one added 876 radios that number and you can attend one of our educational events and I will give you a copy of the laser fund that's 187672346 Please join us and learn to receive my book call 187672346 that's a good 87672346. Welcome back this is Doug Andrew live under the radio I'm passionate about providing you with insights into opportunities that maybe you didn't know existed before if you're just joining us I've been addressing some commonly asked questions and the one where I took off on the last segment was how the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and as we segue into understanding the difference between a traditional Ira for a man carrying a rough Irish for one k. And I what I call the laser fund. Which I think is far superior I have a little ditty that I have used for years that goes good better best never let it rest never let it rest to get better and better gets best for years I've said you know traditional IRAs of 4 and one K.'s may be a good way to go I think now it's maybe even a poor way to go and I'll explain why but I can't believe how many people get duped into doing that 91 percent of Americans choose a traditional Ira for one k. Instead of a Roth and I just roll my eyes a Roth Ira or 4 and one k. I think is better but I think it still has too many strings attached that's why I never owned an Ira for Ok or a rock because what I own I call the laser fund it's referred to by savvy c p A's and tax attorneys when I teach them advanced continuing education they go all the laser fund is the rich man's Roth and I snicker because you don't have to be rich to have a rich man's Roth or a laser fund but see the rich can't own a rock they make too much money and Ross have strings attached you can only put so much in it and you can't touch it for 5 years or tell you're 59 and I have all these kinds of rules under certain circumstances but Iraq doesn't blossom in value when you die when you leave it to your heirs but the laser fund does but the biggest reason is called The Rich Man's Roth is because the rich can't own or rot and they don't like those restrictions if they have a banner year and they want to throw in 50 or 100000 or 200 or 300000 we have people that drop in 500000 or a 1000000 a year into their laser fund you can't do that with Iraq but here's another key thing if you if you threw in $300000.00 and $4.00 days later you go oh I need 250000 of that back out again for a unique opera. Today you can do that in the laser fund there's no government penalty for touching your money or withdrawing it you can't do that with a rod so you don't have that flexibility or liquidity but see eroticism blossom what I mean is increase in value when you ultimately pass away if you leave behind a 1000000 in Iraq to your spouse or non spousal heirs it's just the 1000000 if I died right now every 1000000 would blossom to about 2 and a half 1000000 and transfer totally tax free to my spouse or non spousal heirs or a church or a charity or the Boy Scouts or what whoever I'm passionate about leave it behind too and so that's why I own a laser fund why why when I own a rod when you're going to have the 2 benefits Ross have and 3 additional benefits Roth do not have and I don't think they ever will have that benefit so that's what we teach in our various educationally Vance and I want you to come and learn how to do that and you'll understand the difference here is how to not run out of money so when people say Doug how do you not run out of money in retirement well it's simply this you want to protect your retirement resources those hard earned and saved a dollars from the negative impact of taxes inflation and market volatility but where do most people have their money when they retire in yet to be taxed IRAs or 41 K.'s in the market my heavens what are you thinking what I usually would do is help people at least 5 years before retirement begin to do a strategic rollout not a rollover don't get confused by that a rollover from a 41 k. To an Ira is this going from the frying pan into the fire you're just delaying the inevitable deferring your tax which is also synonymous with the word procrastinate that doesn't turn out good for most people I can prove it to you. You want to do a strategic rollout get the money out of those I raise it for $1.00 k's get the taxes over done with sooner than later and reposition your net after tax money into something that's going to be tax free from now on and ultimately when you die it blossoms in value and many times the reimburses some or all of the tax you paid so you're not out anything as you leave it behind to your spouse your children and grandchildren to a church or a charity but many times I'm able to resurrect deductions that many people are killing by doing it the wrong way because they don't understand how money works is that what I was talking about in the last segment and so there are a lot of ways to not outlive your money but simply put there are $3.00 types of income in America that Americans pay income tax on this is been true since 1986 Tax Reform Act when President Reagan was serving his 2nd term it's earned income passive income and portfolio income they reported on the front of your $1040.00 tax return earned income is wages salaries and so forth a lot of times people in retirement don't have earned income anymore but where is their income coming from passive in portfolio income passive income is rental income or lease income if you own properties or equipment you're leasing but most people's I raise a 4 when K.'s are still in the market and it's earning portfolio income interest or dividends my heavens what I want to do that for when I have a $1000000.00 nest egg in my laser fund and it's earning 10 percent there are many periods where I've earned 151625 percent like 2017 and the next year when the market goes down I don't lose I log in that gain but I have many periods. Averaged 11 percent and I know 10 percent tax free that one percent is not tax it is they that cost of the insurance that is attached to the account that the i.r.s. Says has to be there or it will not be tax free but it's not a cost it's what takes my my nest egg and doubles or triples it maybe when I retire because it blossoms into a tax free death benefit under section $1.00 of one of the Internal Revenue Code which has been a sacred cow for over 100 years but people sometimes don't know what they don't know but when I I pull out many times a 10 percent that would be 100 grand a year but it's tax free and when I die the 1000000 blossoms do do and I have $1000000.00 in my laser fund So this is what motivated me to write my most recent book book number 11 It's a bestseller already it's called the laser fund I was interviewed on Nasdaq about it in in California on Good Day Orange County was a very good interview and I want you to learn and be able to come and understand this and receive I have the opportunity to receive a free copy of the laser fund and so this is the really the key to get your income in retirement to not be deemed earned passive or portfolio income many times we have taken couples and in less than 5 years we have taken some couples from the highest tax bracket to a 0 percent tax bracket most of the time we will take couples that say well. Our Social Security is 50000 I have about another 150008 year coming in from my I reason for when gays I'm going to you're way too top heavy in taxable income see the problem is all of that is showing up on your $1040.00 tax return they go Well how do I get a. Often I go you've got to do a strategic rollout and in 5 years only about $80000.00 is showing up on their $1040.00 tax return the other 120000 is coming out of their laser fund the i.r.s. Knows they're receiving that $120000.00 but it's not deemed earn passive report funny when it's tax free we save them $40000.00 a year over 25 years in retirement that's a $1000000.00 come and learn how you can take advantage of these strategies don't kid yourself or put it off if you live in the greater San Francisco Bay Area get ready to jot down the 4 cities and dates we are coming to teach half a day educational events there absolutely free seating is limited These are the final events of 2019 We're coming to Alamo Palo Alto Livermore and Santa Clara when you come we give you a 40 page retired by design work book that you'll fill out throughout the van and take home with you we also give you our 2 most recent bestselling books in title abolition you're going to love that book and a laser fund that contains all kinds of charts graphs and 62 actual clients stories we're coming to Alamo in Palo Alto Wednesday December 4th Alamo at the Round Hill Country Club Wednesday December 4th in the morning at 8 am until 2 pm the same day in Palo Alto at the Elks wedding and event center in December 4th a Wednesday from 1 pm to 7 pm the next day were in Livermore and Santa Clara Livermore at the clubhouse at last Thursday December 5th 8 am to 2 pm Livermore Santa Clara at the convention center December 5th 1 pm to 7 pm call now 18876 the radio to register call 188-767-2346 that's one dated 876-723-4610 extension 876. Radio 188-767-2346. Hi Doug Andrew here you know as a financial strategist and retirement planning specialist for more than 45 years I finally have dedicated the last 2 years to writing the ultimate book the laser fund how to diversify and create the foundation for a tax free retirement is my favorite vehicle and we have collected over $200.00 pages of charts graphs and illustrations to empower you and if you're more right brain you learn by stories you flip the book over and you read it the other direction it contains $62.00 stories of actual clients who have employed the laser fun to diversify and save hundreds of thousands of dollars of unnecessary tax I want to gift you one when you attend my next event register by calling 18876 radio that's 188-767-2346 Call 887-672-3461 extension 0 my event to get your free book. Hi I'm Shelly Palmer and I'm Ross Martin and we're hosting a new show called Think about this I still can't believe that my I don't know the difference know you don't know the difference your digital life overwhelming you let Shelly and Ross help you survive the destruction so I got audio and video absolutely indistinguishable from Nature think about that listen and subscribe to think about this wherever you get from the Westwood One podcast network or the conversation starts ponder Rosa homes and body elegance with its ways it craftsmanship explore your options of these neighborhoods Rose Avenue as they disclose to downtown Pleasanton offering luxurious story homes with up to 4500 square feet Sycamore off alley trails in Pleasanton offer single and 2 story homes visit Red Hawk in Danville and Ponderosa at illicit gray ranch in Tracy see them all at Ponderosa Homes dot loans open 10 to 5 Thursday through Sunday California number 01257567 the band's issue with atrial fibrillation is the fear of going in again Jake was a fit young fireman of 29 when he had his 1st episode of atrial fibrillation this dangerous irregular heart beat can lead to stroke and heart failure his heart was shocked back into rhythm at the yard after seeing a cardiologist made some lifestyle changes that kept a fit Bay for 10 years then in 2014 the if it came back I was worried anything I did was going to cause me to go back and they said Jake's doctor referred him to Marine General Hospital electrophysiologist doctor said Joyce the day we connected immediately I just felt completely ease with her doctor day schedule Jake for a trance catheter ablation he had the minimally invasive procedure at Marine General Hospital and he's doing amazingly well I want to just. 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