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When I grow up I want to be a new pair of blue jeans so when I go out I like to be kids 1st computer when I go on the glass counter top in the mail when I go out I want to be a kids' best birthday present to Alice the whole thing when I grow up going to be a warm place and a cool day I grow up I want to be a fantasy I cool off I want to be a bike that races around the eyes go out on a be a bank turn a $400.00 and want to be a rocking chair in the Senate or can be a skyscraper I like to being on the on a leash. On I want I want to be. When I grow up I don't want to be a piece of garbage and if you are cycle me I won't be give your garbage another life recycle learn how I want to be recycled Dato work a public service advertisement brought to you by Keep America Beautiful and the Ad Council for you a person with a disability living in San Mateo County and have trouble getting around in your From coast to coast and really get on the internet this is coast to coast am now the future guest host Konnie Willard's. Crew on coast to coast am broadcasting live from more than 600 affiliates in North America including Puerto Rico. Canada we're all over the place you're listening to Coast to coast am and I'm Adam of the I Heart studios in k.o.a. News Radio Denver Hey everybody. Cosin Sen Are you one are you starting to doze off a little bit right now he just voiced going to fall asleep to it and if so don't worry about it you won't miss the show if you are close insider right you sign up for that and you can hear the shows the next day you can hear passion you can hear golly I mean classic shows we've got so many cool things if you are a coast Insider You can also get on the mobile app by the way but we have these archives like a bazillion of of them for you to listen to we have somewhere in time with our bell the classic shows I'm talking about it's. 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Dot com to see the video that's paycheck proof dot com individual results may vary there's no guarantee that past performance will be indicative of future results invest wisely coast to coast am a key g.o.p. . Conny Wilshere on coast to coast am Hello everybody our guest tonight is talking to us and getting to the well I would say the final part of the story because I think it's just the beginning of it we're talking about the Hollow Earth and step into Downey is Sonus the story of how he got to this information what he knows about it 20 years of study and I'm excited about it because I had wanted to know what's under our feet so Ari Stephanie I cut you off again started back again not in a rude way but it was I want to go through the timeline so people need to understand the timeline that we have your so and yes a man is born 1811 his thoughts going out with his father to. The ocean they're finally April 3rd of the year 1829 they go on his voyage and of spending 2 years with the Giants come back he gets picked up 2 years later which would be $31.00 by this anger MacPherson on the Allington this well and ship put in irons take it back to Sweden he gets there back 1835 returning home to find out his mother is gone and spies out this all go those the Dirty Joe I'm with you tell them you know what you found it shows them things he ended up putting him in a madhouse for 28 years so now you know released in a 62 at the age of $51.00 spending one years incarcerated over telling the truth so now he takes a job with a man by the name of yawns Hanson to go fishing in the Laughlin to the islands which he was familiar with that's where his father and him used to go she Hooshang it took him. 5 years of working for this man before he got his own you know Fishing Bridge and he had a number of brigs and he spent 22 years you know fishing away you know doing what you're doing a became very rich he decided that he was going to retire and he was going to come to the United States so it's a spending 20 years worth of himself in 5 years or to somebody else he decides the company's c.e.o. Chicago Illinois where he he lived for a dozen years in the time he becomes an American citizen. Right with voter registration he votes in the 8092 election is what he vote so he's voting in this election for president of Grover Cleveland and the elephant runs Benjamin Harrison as there is he's a real person he's got a voter's id city records that you know Chicago and I even had his address a thrill for Stephens and street which is funny My name is Stephanie and stuff is history Chicago Illinois it is so there it is I also get his naturalization record which was dated September 13th 1892 which means that he became a citizen 1892 a couple of years after he got here so here it is he's in the record books so you think on the one to No one he moved to Los Angeles because he's retired he had money and in 1000 know a he tells his story to the author was George Emerson about what happened to him and provides him with maps and during and detail accounts as to why we have the incomplete geography of the world so here it is here's a guy then he dies so I'll pick up the story from here so I read all this when I'm really into this so what friend gets me to come out of retirement I'll just say to go to the library and do what I do I'm a I'm a vested researcher that's what it is and happy how do you ever retire from that come on you never retire from not having a lot of like the Godfather movie every time I try to get out of here they drag me back. I get phone calls and like a people tell me all you need take that phone call Yeah I got a oh you need that person and I go Well you know they don't have the courage to do so they're you know you do the job you do great Somebody has got to do it so here I am now and here's where I cut to the chase about what I learned so I'm looking so what do I know so far down all the clues that I got from this. And what is the things that stuck with me is Angus MacPherson this Scottish captain right on the ship to Allington he picked him up he drops a moth he has them in chains is this guy real Does he exist Well lo and behold I find Angus MacPherson 1841 Scotland census it was them at 45 years old. Gave his date of birth of 1796 he was born in Inverness Scotland his parish is Cal He was Inverness he was listens occupation as a merchant seaman he had all the household members I'm looking at this all the way but there's more to this guy Angus MacPherson I even had his death record you know as September 7th 875 I listed on their death plates merchant marine as sea Great Britain so here it was he died at sea and I got those information anybody wants to do it they can go to Family Search the org and start looking into Great Britain's death and burial records for the year 775 to 988 so I go and I learn all this information the microfilm and everything this is my God this guy does exist so here it is everything that was said. You know from Olof to George Soros George Emerson about his travels in the earth there checking out and hears everything you're lame I find him in Chicago I find him in l.a. You know and a Los Angeles city directory and I found his address of 331 West 45th Street Los Angeles how many all of chances can it be and 19061980 Alice that's not a common name like my name is so I realize that I'm on to something with this but we're really got me was and I found out you know and anybody listening can watch it in my smoky bar reveal revisited You Tube I came out with my findings as to what my research was what I found looking after finding all of on the naturalization records of 8090 to know whether he voted 8092 and I said well I should be able to find a census for 1819 because although it was you know in the United States a couple years already and he's a citizen you know there at the Dow when I say it what I learned is that the $0.18 there was a fire. In 121 other book had been out. But in 1021 so many decided to choice the commerce Burr building in Washington d.c. As a result 50 percent of the records will last 25 percent will left and 25 percent will like ought to figure out what to do so here it is they've got these records that were might have been destroyed on their you know nefarious reasoning and yet there's still historical value $890.00 census so that's census supposing it was supposed to be about 75 to 78000000 people who were on the census well when they did the 1st tabulation they use this machine to do it the 1st time to use this punch machine and they differ with the numbers they come up with like 55000000 so people really don't know wait a minute you know that that census is far off so they tried to bamboozle people and let them know there was less people but the people won by it but after the fire in $1000.00 you $33.00 Congress the Senate got together and they passed an act of Congress and what they did was they had a $1590.00 census records ordered to be destroyed. So the. Solution to this isn't the 1st $100.00 days of the infamous beginnings of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. See what I think of him but yeah yeah so here it is Angus MacPherson picks him up we've got the information we know that you know this is a real story the guy became us citizen of the United States he didn't come over the Mexican border he was a citizen he got the papers to prove it and so what happens next the census now is destroyed no records of it and on that census I'm sure there were people like Native Americans other people that were wrongly killed or whatever the Chinese or people built the railroads whoever it was here in that timeframe in the Bronze Age to build right that's right that's right all these people who came here . Don't they have a name don't they have a purpose don't have a beginning are they part of our history. I'm pissed off I mean here when you think about it land of the free home of the brave when these guys get the girl and the end of the mocks above think oh yes above the law and that is why the system has to be changed because all of Jensen own like Christopher Columbus who wasn't even a tie and who didn't discover anything because everybody was here already gets credit for you know the new world No the universal world has been discovered by all of Janssen and this American citizen needs to be recognized and a day should be created for him because once this is all prove that out people will realize that what I was saying is true what I want to know is this whose name was on the census that the government doesn't want you to know. Ok destroyed says What is the government what the what you know what are you hiding now why there I don't hear the why God here's my question do you think because because look. I've seen things that that I'm told is not supposed to exist as I've seen things in a ton of people have seen things that are not supposed to exist and it's and the big thing is when you do you're go and look well everybody needs to know this everybody needs to know that you kind of feel that way you're like oh my gosh this is real this is real but then he goes nowhere he goes no where I mean he goes on Coast to Coast write a good you know we all thought about it we know about these things but that's about it now my question is is it really government or is it somebody else well you think it might be somebody else if it's somebody else you know the you know the ones with the deep pockets the Cabal has been around for a long time and they are controlling things so that way we are a prison planet like some people have websites to say that yeah they just just look at it this way you know. If it's the truth and you've got to tell the truth and sometimes you're put in prison for it at all Janssen you know pay the price but tell it like it is I think now my and my message this tonight is anybody want to be a researcher you know I'm giving you the ability to do that look up. The Congress then destroying the records and there's a cure for the state officials tell us why why would you do that why would you break the law you're not above the law just like you when you get the official report for $911.00 you're breaking the law to tell the truth. I'm sorry of people blowing smoke and say oh this is the truth why because it's printed in the acres No it's not true that you go to the library did you go to a book did you have sources where did you ask how did you find this information because everybody wants so I got in on it right. You know like saying Google. Google and Google it noodle it well so what I'm giving your charity is priceless you're not going to get this all Google us you go to one of my web sites and you get it but you know what my life has come with a warning label you know I know this is dangerous you know hazardous to my health because I speak things that most people say Well wouldn't you get time to research this Well I'm outside the box everybody else is working that dangling a carrot they've got to make money I don't have to worry about it you know one of my rich uncles answered all my prayers I don't have to worry about going out every day to make a living I give up one of the time I want that's the difference that's ensuring babies you want when you want it and what I like to say I do these things because I have passionate to do these things absolutely. No one is going to dock my pay that was going to fire me for well that's why you can that's right that's why you can and I love that you're here exactly you're living the dream you know to wake up when you're rested to go to sleep when you're tired to eat when you're hungry and nobody telling you what to do but that's why you can do that that's where you're at and you know a lot of the world is living what I call the human experience and because you're living the human experience 1st of all you don't even care about all these other things that we have looked into and that we all enjoy here on coast to coast am they don't even cross those lines I don't even think about those lines but you know what that's Ok there is a whole nother world system set up for whatever they came here for you like to say history has a way repeating itself you know will again let these congressmen and senators put stuff asked us well nobody reading it. Or or passing a little bill when these guys are out on vacation Christmas holiday this has to end they all have to go they will have it so maybe this will help us People's the way that we want to know the truth from now on here's one for this is the truth yeah good luck ever to read right it was for Wilson known as the red was a Norse Norse Explorer and he's remembered in medieval times he was around in 1950 a.d. But he disappeared after taking a settlement of people to Greenland and when they went to a couple years later to see where he was what happened they found no people no nothing no buildings could had no timber they couldn't build it was Greenland was like flat but what they were told by the Eskimos that he took his people off that island of Greenland and they took a 30 day boat journey up in the north woods to the north land to go into the inner earth and to the land of milk and honey this is what they were told by the s when all is there nothing a real name is has ever been found about Eric the Red This is a mystery that has gone on for over a 1000 years so let me so let me go into that inner world I want to hear what that look like how did they get in were said opening it is the opening Ok if you say it's the sea Ok they're in the sea and then there's an opening but then it goes into the earth how how is that how did they how that how that happened well what's explained is that this father and son and they were near friends Josef land and they were fishing as I kept going there the water started getting murky cloudy you know the sun the temperature got. Warmer it was like England type weather it was balmy and when it was further they realize that the conditions have changed the compass was erratic because there is no true north pole because the pole is a 150 miles within the. Earth is going south so that's why period all these other explorers all thought they were like hallucinating because the conference was nuts Well the reason why it's us is there is no gravity the gravity exists 150 miles below the earth is 0 point and that's how this thing will is able to happen because we were not intended to be on the outside of the earth so all these old stories are true stories Well you know the things that I'll share with you and I'll bring it forward here there was a Russian nuclear accident and April 26th 1986 now on your show coast to coast Milo friend love our vel brought our young lamb Frick as his guest and he told Art That one is sure no Chernobyl accident happened in Siberia all laid out at the South Pole radiation was discovered at the South Pole aperture . And also that the earth rang like a bell like it was how low and there were other planets that me now and I'm saying to myself well wait a minute how can you be sure that is nuclear you know tragedy. Can be detected at the South Pole it had to go through the inner openings to get out to the other side in order for it to get that far on the outer earth so you're right something's not right here now one of the things that is a right is the Antarctic a treaty now you can find it with a period in 195112 countries list them Argentina Australia Belgium Soviet Union chil a France Japan United Kingdom New Zealand Norway South Africa United States all got into this treaty and it was increased about $35.00 or a few stations there and they said that the area of 50 degrees south latitude was off limits to anybody who wanted to come to Antarctica the only country. In 7 cars. And 7 cars. Your. Trust in Cars for Kids with your cars for over 2 decades Cars for Kids can now help you with your property donations to any kind of real estate a car. Tax deduction for the full appraised value. Are. Because. Your 5. 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And now he appears in returning in circles happy dance so common with this group. And finally when nothing for a strict breakup just gets in there and well looks fantastic but really the best way to know what amazing shelter padlocks Atua is to meet one visit the shelter pet project org Today adopt books you buy and I just found the Humane Society of United States in the outcome so I think that the son. Jack Jack on the ballot in Jack Jack then. I believe that they are going to just depend on. Thank God I gave it head hit by the 6th grade many girls lose interest in technology but parents can help keep them updated go to girls go tech dot org a public service announcement about Girl Scouts of us now more of comes to coast am I can't you know. You. Can't. Shake some of your. Premier networks present 6 coast to coast am now here's your guest host Konnie with us. Hello welcome back to coast to coast am owner of a Lonely Heart. Well speaking of that paranormal date don't you just love that oh my goodness those of you that are single and you're out there and you know I mean golly now you can go out there like chronically and match up with someone and. Now days that's kind of the norm and a lot of people get married that way fact. I don't know if you know Ok I'll let him say but I think one of our guests and I got set up that way had it worked out perfectly and you know that happens a lot I know a lot of people that have gotten married from those types of dating services so I'm telling you what George Noory is a mastermind he truly is an entrepreneur he and a buddy put together they came up with paranormal date because. I really do want to hear the back story to it because I have been myself at on out on dates and and I'll bring up the conversations I enjoy bringing up and you know I'm either going to hold on to that person they're going to love me just as much and we're going to be engaged in that kind of conversation you oppose this type of thing what we're talking about tonight or they're going to run I literally had a guy look at me and say what. I said whatever it was I said in a fashion that we would talk here on coast to coast and and he actually literally on the other side of the table put his hand in front of my face you know that hand of Don't you know don't talk to the you know hand kind of thing. He totally did that and that was it he was done I think at that point ordered a very expensive bottle of wine just to you know kind of. Him a little bit there you know why not because the guy's wrong you guys know this too so if you're in that same situation you're single you're looking for somebody that you can chest open up and talk about what's in your heart what's in your soul what's in your mind. Well paranormal Date dot com is where you want to go. George Norry put this together with the body and we are doing and task Dick there's over what 80 some odd 1000 people on there it's not like there's I remember when it 1st started and people were worried that there weren't that many people but if filled up very quickly so it's free to sign up and go check it out go talk to people of like mind use code George but down you know when asked for code put down Georgia get a really good discount and it's also available in Canada as well so I want you guys to know that you and again you're not alone there's so many people out there that want to meet you we also have conspiracy doc up conspiracy Date dot com I tell you it's it's doing fantastic and those of you that ask me about it and you have met people let us know if something really cool happens Ok if you get married let us know we want to know about it here paranormal date that com go to coast to coast am dot com to learn more. Technology truth. 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Just ask they match you with the best local pros for any home project cool yeah you can read reviews and book appointments a lot of what's a cost actually Home Advisor is always free to use ice I'll check it out go to Home Advisor dot com or download the free app. This is coast to coast am. 810. You are listening to Coast to coast am hi everybody Conny Willis here you can catch me on my new show going out and bringing you very known well secret active paranormal hotspots from my researchers out there that ifs established areas that they know are active and then I virtually bring those back to you live stream live chat join me as called on the road with Kani I've really started the developing of the show a lot of you guys came in early I said it's not totally ready yet but you guys have jumped in so that's what we're doing so go along with me because you're helping me develop it so on. On the road with Kani dot com on the road with Kani dot com Join me it's a membership site you are highly involved I camped out for 3 to 5 nights and you are with me virtually and. You know on active hotspots all of them. Join me I think you'll have a good time. Currently talking to another adventurer just like me and also hollow earth researcher we're going to learn a little bit more about that with Stephens Indonesia Stephan I want you to finish what you were getting to and then I want you gotta tell me the visuals down there get weighed up so excited Oh well let's start with what we do know on the outside this a very an orb in Siberia travels a migrate from. Siberia all the way to the South Pole an article makes a trip well we've got to do is take this bird and put a tracking device on it and it'll show whether it makes that trip on the outside earth or the inside there's a lot of men on the roof of the 6 year parallel all the way up in the wintertime like why are they going south oh why or why aren't they going where the weather would be warmer why they're going north you know so here it is these 2 things will help prove another thing where is it opening I'll give you a pleasure is opening and Antarctica at the trans Antarctic mountain range at the $17000.00 level up on the mountain there was an alley and face at the entrance of an opening where ships like in and out it's a $150.00 degrees below 0 at that point so nobody's going up there but yes somebody carbon chews will in the face of this mountain Be where aliens present a symbol in the rock I mean I have a Web site how on earth expose where I show the photo of this and that she shall see what's on the earth you know I give you logic to the latitudes up again given it to you all I'm probably the official Web site for the how or as in the world I've got a very large repertoire of different things I've discovered which I've shared tonight and my research ready money who was the who have talked about tonight Smokey Gar reveal revisited which is on You Tube You asked me about openings as many many openings around. In the world the problem is dead men tell no tales so you go out there and be wary you better take a posse out there you better take another people with you so that way you can do what it is you want to do because in all likelihood you'll be stopped along the way and turned away if you're going to a certain area where there's like no flying over the North Pole y.y. Are not planes not allowed to fly over the what will they see so this is it is it is it people though is it is the humans that are stopping other humans from going in there that are in the know or is it the whatever lives below stopping No no it is that people has but you've got to call what it was a Cold War that was really never a call what it was about the Russians United States keeping a secret what was really happening in the North Pole and it was also that which caused a treaty on the South Pole because they had a fight with these aliens who live with in the inner earth and we lost our shirts we lost a lot of soldiers and Admiral Byrd was part of that expedition down here with you believe it or not so there's a lot of things that happened even Hitler and where the 50000 submarines went when they went to an auditor they bill basis so these Germans know we're all believe that they were part of the Hyperborea and switches back in you know you know medieval days or whatever but they believe the lineage came from the Inner Earth so this is where things might be where you may find them as I said you know I'm a researcher I follow some of this stuff and I look to certain things and if they all make sense I try to make sense of it and share the information that I get as a researcher going out you've got to go out and you got experience and luckily I went out experienced I read over 100 some odd books that you can find in print about the hollow earth the inner earth and some of the things that they're trying to get out in newsprint that will give. New information so that where you can start your own expedition to do your own search or give your areas where to look I've done videos where I show total l.j. 50 as entrances and I found it there I thought I've got the videos out there's too many now to mention were the close of the show but people will have to research the body of work that I have and if they want to know it's there. Differs from knowing . Is knowing what to do next for the future knowledge or wisdom if you don't look for the answers you not going to find them you have to question what you're being told realize that a lot of things you've been told the school is not correct Well you know as and I've had a lot of arguments to with people even when I didn't even have any of this information I remember arguing with somebody just because even a little tiny research just happened when I was studying something else there was somebody talking about how you know the middle of the earth as it's nickel and it's this and then I said none on a No it's a theory we don't know that you know no that's proven and like there's no way it's prison because if and this is what I had read if you go to the center of the earth and you go straight down you go straight down and you're digging in order to get down to there and keep going without it collapsing the earth collapsing as you dig down you've got a you've got to make that hole bigger and wider and wider and wider and by the time you would get to the center of the earth to find that so-called theory of nickel down there and that's what I remember from the story it widens out the hole is so wide that you know forget it you cut out half the earth trying to get down to that now and that she long as we could probably absolutely never do that I guess you can say totally because I guess we could however what I find interesting of what you spoke about was and some of my other questions I have for you because I want to get these questions out from you you're the man that's interesting that you talked about Noah to church being about. All the things that you read in the Bible and you're like why what and I also feel that we are the surface people really truly do and I've heard so many times too or people have gone to places even of course Amazon it must be a gigantic hole there where they've seen dinosaur where they've seen these things you're talking about and even portals even outside of Kentucky outside a Mammoth Cave Mammoth Cave the largest tunnel system out there underground right there was very precise lumps which to which I did offer which is. Yours wrote the letters it's Aphrodite who was you know no one is like the granddaughter of will always I don't Aki So here are the people who pose who created the genetic race they're living inside the earth. Yeah. You know I want to miss Mr on the outside he we are the mitts misfits so I think you're right you know I think you're right we're the primitive ones may put in tonight you know if I go to sleep tonight you know I have to pack my bag a lot of it so let me ask this like an ass is Ok when you say Hollow Earth All right so a so I'm sinkin And really I saw some crazy things recently in the Rockies and I'm like man this things are underground and any time I've seen these gigantic areas of we're off or mountain I'm thinking there's something in there that has been that's that's that's that 3rd is over something that's what it feels like to me I'm just that's just my little theories my little thoughts my little intuition going as I see some of these things along the way but when you use so I'm thinking Ok there's civilizations kind of like the and spill their little thing underground and then maybe you know some other creatures or entities which by the way I think they're all way more advanced than us are down there and they have these unbelievable civilizations However what the picture I see that you have on our website Kosko Sam dot com and all over your wonderful work that you have out there. It looks you know like you have the crust and then you just have this hole so how does that work is it kind of flat in between is more of a gyroscope kind of thing out out and how does that work when it's like a like a show you know if you know if they have a call it is movable it's more you know if it's not fixed inside it's not solid plastic you know it's it's a more movable object and more as and that's why the pole. There are always moving and never fixed so you know without being in there there's a hard to describe anything only of jazz it gives us the best description we've got to go by Olof to understand the dynamics of what I've been sharing with you tonight and then the next adventure it will go. Oh what no other man has gone before Come on Coast to Coast next with his revelations. Maybe you'll interview a love it hope on with that and I don't think it's amazing I mean I there's just so much underneath this and I have heard before from people and hire situations along the way that you know even when people do have some clearances they kind of shoot out stuff along the way just to look at you and they just look in the eye kind of thing it's almost like a I'm going to help you a little bit and I've heard many many many times that the things that you see come from within well as above so below I mean what does that come from what does that mean you know it you know is a glass half full is a half empty you know you look at this thing and you realize like even the movie The Truman Show what are they really telling you now that we began to serve the watchers of an observing us for a long time. They don't like this information who they are they're the watchers that's who they are they other watches that controlling the daily They're controlling the people who make the laws and who govern this country and the who have this is system created this is an old adage I don't knock the system a capitalistic system set up to fail anybody who goes against the you just empower a dime you know has to be very careful that they don't become you know. Someone who's put below the ground because of this thought so I have a website now coming up each of call no Kool Aid served here will be huge. Because I want people really want to go to my stuff you'll get a cool way but you will get the truth because I'm looking at this right now and now that I've come full with this body of information of course they're going to go after the messenger but that's fine because I can back up anything I say and I can debate anyone about any topic that I'm knowledgeable about because I think the time just put all the details together and that's what I'm a threat because I put together I make sense I tell the story I know see a very well my mother didn't raise me stupid for a father he tried the event. All right you have to be a thinker you cannot change you know that I can change right now Kai is who I am and my perception of the world and my perception the world is a lot different than other people were I wanted to get people into the minds of Stephanus Indonesia and I to realize that I don't just blurt things out I try to give enough information but the question I leave all of us tonight why why the $0.80 is why the Congress the Senate why did they have that destroy what is it that they didn't want us to know that was not that long ago yes I'm not that long ago and here's the thing that irks me is that all of Janssen though he was a no. He just fell he became an American citizen did this to one of our own you know maybe Norway locked him up for 28 years but what do we do we try to race or from the records Yeah well there you go something is down so tell us where we can find you Stephanie again just real quick across the board Well the site we're talking about tonight information is how low earth exposed the call. Once you briefly about legends to legends and mysteries dot com world I want to learn about the stock directors legend that I solved 3 years ago they can learn that there or one coming out that you may want to have a back and September about the real stuff and soon Dhoni we're I lay out what really happened on 9110. All right all right that sounds good sounds like check out anybody listening check out my stuff my site but you know to look into it with an open mike has in mind just like a parachute it can only work when it's open I'm open minded to everything that I come across because nothing that happens is bad I learned a long time ago you know even with 28 years in prison for all of Janssen he found a way to create drawings and maps to tell stories to relate to other explorers what they and county coming up to the North Pole where they couldn't get a true north reading and what he learned from the inhabitants of the inner earth also will instruct embassy did not make this up he got in from all off and the fact that I could find the ship captain I can find all of you know migrating emigrated here becoming a citizen finding him on the voter records a registration The only thing I don't know is a man shoe size I got everything else. So I know he exists he didn't need a Social Security number for me to find him I was you I mentioned earlier I was divinely led and creatively can. Acted to be able to be you know creative enough to make You Tube movies to tell my story to be the story teller to spend it so no one could stop me until you're not 10 years you can't tell that story No I could tell it was story I want and you know even cooler Steffen pointed out that hey the author's name was Willis and then you got Konnie Willis So I was added to the story thank you very much Exactly and I said to you there is no coincidence this is all synchronistic just like going to slobber fountain located living in step with street in Chicago what is my stuff that people want to call me Stephen I don't know no it's Stepha but I realized that this information came around for me to stop pay attention and write it all down and take the time and spend the years that I have compiling this because I want my body of work to be that people say you know what that man was a great thinker that man gave us information that we clamor for we wanted to know but he put it all in one place did it concisely precisely did it very accurately and put all the facts in a role his ducks in a row and let this the truth be told it isn't all of jazz's and I will quote him the truth is stranger than fiction that was all Janssen No we're just sailor who later became an American citizen so I think a national day should be given to all of Jansen for giving us the inner earth and now allowing us to say Ok people move as the way we're going to look we're going to look for this we're going to find us we're not going to allow you to change laws or or change to stop us appeal for us from. Death and says Oh nice thank you so much Jeff and we'll have to bring you back on again thanks Jeff and take care Ok. To hate that I love him he will be back again and he's got more details and we've got some great stuff on the way. Tune in this Sunday 11 am to 12 noon on k g o 8 10 am for the purity product show where you'll learn about intelligent nutrition solutions that's on 911 all new the purity product show on a geo. My daughter was a reading searching for help. Let me track. Playing World Music. I was trying to show. Every day redirecting to understood joint parents and experts that understood a free online resource about learning and attention issues to help your child brought to you by understood. We all know good will but did you know when you donate stuff to Goodwill you help provide job training for people right here in your community goodwill donate stuff create jobs find your nearest donation center goodwill a message from Goodwill in the Ad Council Oh. It's only the. 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