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My show it's blue rock talk with Kani Willis and I've got a new project out it's called on the road with Kani it is a project for sure I find all my best friend researchers that have these great active hotspots of Dog Man or eighty's or I don't know it's been everything it's been Sasquatch it's been sparkles It's been little people micro people you name it they've seen it and I've really got to get up to somebody up and I think it's one Terrio Canada where they sell 7 Sasquatch sitting there together at one point never heard that one before I've heard 3 of her maybe even 5 but 7 caught like in this like sit down situation I think they were so amazing stuff but anyway i pull together my friends and they take me to their secret hotspots and I take you there with me on the road with Kani virtually via live chat via live sure aim and it's fun so I hope that you subscribe join us you are a part of it it's very interactive it's very participatory it's the most interactive impetus appears to put this of a Tory network on the planet and I'm excited about it so I hope that you'll join us go to on of the road with Kani dot com and subscribe and by the way I know a lot of people to go and actually do this there are actual exhibitions where they take you out. Cost you at least a minimum of $500.00 per person even a $1000.00 per person and that's not clued in all the things that you do and you can do that with me subscribe with me for a small fee once a month and we make that happen and it's fun everybody's so enthusiastic and you also get to guide me and tell me what to do tell me what strategies to use to try to maybe record something better or at all as you guys know it's very hard to do that in this also includes goes I know a lot of you guys like those houses and things like that so we'll probably have Waverly Hills in the future and things like that I know that you know basically we camp out anywhere from $3.00 to $5.00 days or longer and I like to bring in little cameo people Randy Travis Randy Travis always say that he really started to sing like him but Travis Walton also. Jerry wills and different people like that that want to show up and be a part of it in fact the last one Dennis fall was just with us last time on coast to coast am here and we were talking about the Erickson project right in fact this weekend he's out on one of those expeditions and those people are a little higher up in the Rockies than we were last time and let me tell you I have seen the things that are there in less than 10 hours I saw what I think was a dog manage Jason Frank's Place. Because of the ears and. Beams of light which will never leave you when you see that it will never leave you and it gets more and more sinister daily I'm just saying from my theory my point of view my perspective and then screams of Sasquatch which by the way even though they were right there in close mom i was amazing it was not scary at all so every vibe I ever get from the Sasquatch are very much like all my friends up in the Pacific Northwest. Happy to hear that. All loving and things like that so that's interesting stuff as you learn always listen to what researchers have found out so anyway that's on the road with Kani dot com Check it out and play subscribe if you need to know any more you can go to our website and you'll see the links there so it is a lot of fun please remember that I speak at conferences and events and make appearances and mc and do all that kind of stuff so if you're looking for that or voice work or audio books that's me I can do all that stuff so there you go. Other new shows I'm doing is just on my blue rock talk stuff live Late Night Live Chat Big Food Friday far out Thursdays Those are all coming back so you guys can join me on that and thank you very much for caring supporting me being there and being so enthusiastic if it wasn't for you guys you know it's all about blue rockers they are in the now so back here on coast to coast and thank Koz for always letting me talk about where you can find me as well I do want to give a shout out to some of the people that are big time Coast fans that have had a bit of a problem we had. A one mauled and no doubt huge Coast fan huge Coast fan just passed away. Big Foot fan blue rocker ever just you know sorry. To hear about that loss as well as Sasquatch journey who's been mentioned here a lot and was just here a couple months ago as well. They had a loss in their family too so tell me we're thinking about you. And those are the you know you always want to mention that kind of stuff because these are the people that make us who we are and why we are here all the time for you so we want to think about them and now they have passed on and they know all the answers now that's how I say that's what I think. So we have some great guests tonight all right always always always always but this is 'd fun Lisa Lyons helped me with my 1st guest and I had said to her I was looking for somebody that knew what was going on underground because since I've been going on my different adventures especially in the Rockies when I see these things zip up out of nowhere that are only supposed to be Hollywood that are only supposed to be in these you know kind of safe i Books or these fake movies especially from the fifty's. Well when I saw them right there in front of me I thought there's no way specially the beams of light that these things came from billions of miles just to come say hi to me I think they were just kind of cruise and hanging out and Dad's old you know model t. Or something like that and because it sounded I even heard it clank didn't hear it moving didn't hear it hovering didn't hear any of that and didn't hear the lights going off and on heard Clank which is interesting but for some reason when I'm looking at this I got a impression that you know maybe these things are underground and they just come up from underground. Now I'm not saying even if they come from. Billions of miles away that you know they haven't established themselves somewhere and well maybe I am saying that maybe or maybe they were here 1st I don't know but I do believe there's a whole world underneath Do I believe it's hollow I don't know if it's hollow do I believe there civilizations and all sorts of unbelievable things going on down there I do I'm starting to think that way I just it's like where do these things come from where they just pop up out of nowhere and when you're walking by areas when you hike as you guys hike right you guys are hikers or at least you know when you are even less so you're even taking a walk downtown or in your community and you feel a vibe and you're not it's not a good vibe you walk the other way right you've got to trust yourself don't go down that alley right I don't feel good about that not just because it's an alley and I feeling good about that there's just certain times you have that vibe that on beyond and when I add that last it was kind of like this you know this thing just popped up to see who's here what's going on checking it out and they're going to zoom away. At that point I want to know and talk to some of the people that have researched what's under our feet and I never thought about that before and I've heard different. Things about people saying that a big foot you know a lot of people say they live in the trees some people say they live underground some people say their interdimensional And what does that mean you know interdimensional they are all interdimensional do they just pop in somewhere pop out and can they see as when they're in another phase kind of thing I mean when I really start asking people what that means I get a lot of different answers. So it means different things to different people so that's why I don't always think that somebody knows what you're saying when you say something in these genres you gotta explain it and that's why if you hear me say no I don't know what you're talking about or please explain don't look at me like what is wrong with you. Know I'm the I'm thinking well what is your thought on what that is because I've heard many interdimensional I was kind of thinking that for a while there in our dimension everything's interdimensional maybe they are I don't know but I'm starting to think they might be underground I really am I don't know I mean you gotta go with something and go down that road and see. I wasn't planning on going down that road but tonight we're going to find out we're going to talk with Stephan Sindo me and we're going to find out what he says about what he's found out now before getting into that I'm just basing all my stuff on what I've seen I go out there and look if you guys want to see these things if you want to see things in the sky flying by then look up if you want to go see Big Foot Dog Man some of the you know little people micro people all the other types of things that are out there little fairies or things like that go out into the woods stay out there to sleep after night 3 even though things do have been a sooner or and they can but it seems to be nice 3 seems to be the way these things go for the most part I've had it happen all different times but you never know consistently I would say the 3rd night so I was told not too long ago that they possibly you know how you hear like this Sasquatch will throw things at you rocks boulders big things will come your way but they miss you because they know what they're doing well they can also pick up these big rocks and boulders. Move them out of the way slide down something and put that Boulder right back just like we would or just like when you see an ant do it is you guys you ever watch answer do you ever do that I used to do that as a kid I watch them build their little homes and they take their little bitty ball of dirt you know this was in Kentucky so they make those little balls and make these mounds and and they would just perfectly place them where they wanted them and you know they you know how much more they can carry right those little tiny things amazing So it's kind of like that what I've been told and I think they're right on possible I think they're I think that's I think that's a good dog man as well as the Sasquatch So that's when I started going wow and thinking about this by the way not too long ago Saul David politeness and his premiere in Denver and learned a whole lot more about where these missing for 11 people are so they all tied together and keep in mind that's what I'm about I research it all and see how they thread together because especially after that last night in the Rockies they knew each other and whether they hung out I don't know but they all knew who each other was so so Stephan Sindo me he's a researcher a truth seeker you've heard him here on coast to coast several times and from an early age he was an avid reader he spent much of his time learning about American history and ancient civilisations and religions and Greek mythology and of course he's got his quest to uncover ancient troops and he came to realization that we he was an old soul living in a new embodiment and we're going to hear about all these really cool things that he has discovered along the way and he has found out along the way why because he's actually went out and done it. Maybe he does research with books and different things like that too but he goes out and does it and that's what I suggest you guys do as well when you have these questions don't bombard us that have seen it and done it ourselves go out there yourselves go check it out come on come on. Be brave let's make it happen. So Stephan has. Lots of different videos out there he's like human Tarion as well check out his videos he's got a lot of great things to look at and learn and he's been all over the place and one of the areas that I want him to really get into and teach me and teach you guys is underground is that a possibility again hollow earth and maybe different civilizations I don't know let's let's let's let's find out from him so Stephan welcome to coast to coast it was so great meeting you on the phone we have so many similarities and I'm looking forward to the story you're telling us tonight well I thank you again for having me on I'll just give a quick little opening as to really who I am a snapshot Sheriff Stephens and only long time Hollow Earth research you know when a number websites Hollow Earth exposed to one and I am a secret truth as you mentioned in around 2007 I was 1st introduced to a book called The smoky gods a voyage in a world and it's a story about a father of the sons account of their voyage into in a world where they were received and rescued by giants who they spent 2 years with these inhabitants and visited the original Garden of Eden all of provided maps and drawings to all of the woman's George m. Ison on his deathbed he waited until he was almost you know dead before he shared his story so the smoking causes a voyage to a world in the book presented as a true account written by author was George m. a Soon in 1908 so this is not been a long ago and it describes the adventures of although Jasmine or no we git a sailor who sailed with his father to an entrance in the north interior and to the the inner earth and I wasn't for old but by the story as a child I remember. Remembered reading about Jules Verne's novels journey to the center of the earth Oh yeah and that piqued my interest when I felt compelled after reading a story in the book you know I just sighed I was going to narrate it in 2011 and added some one of my You Tube channels because I was really you know I was just Mesmo rise by it and I said you know this is going some I don't know yet but I want to go research and so in 2014 I was contacted by a fellow Hollow Earth research your whose name is Chris Parry and he asked I'm best to get a life of the which is sail all the Jensen to figure out if all Wolf was a figment of all that was George and Mrs imagination or was he truly a man that went on his journey to the in a world so with that information I says Ok I want to go into the library and do what I do and investigate the life of Ole of chance and I had just recently done researching the life of a Stockton mystery of the legend of j.c. Brown I was able to discover that the man of the legend was really by the name of John Benjamin body of the little Italian mining company and he was the man for 90 years is so that the stock director was trying to figure out who was this man who shows up in one key 34 talking about giants so I was able to recently saw that while I'm solving that I was put in the stock the Record newspaper about you know that I solved that Chris said call me and says can you do me a favor because I need you to do this. You know my friend who is there in the room I says you want to do this he says say goes because you have the ability I just have a feeling that you're going to find out some things about the story and plus you get the narration of it and a couple years after I did an aberration the audiobooks liver Vox I believe it was actually did the book as well so there's like a couple of versions out there what I initially was the one who probably I don't need to for other people to pick up on it and I'm glad that I. And this story is all of Janice's personal account of his voice in a world which got him locked up by his uncle Gustaf Ostlund and he was who is American civil wealth but all of was in Costa Rica for 28 years with telling stories about what happened in his travels with his father in the earth so all of you know why use of prison for this 28 years now he's a size he's going to create maps drawings write his memoirs or write his book so at the age of 51 you know and 8062 he's now released from from this madhouse that he was in for 28 years wrongfully you know committed and he get not say anything to anyone so what he did was he waited his whole life till after he retired you want out to work what to do what he knew what he did best he was a sell and we should sell he won't back out for about 5 years work for someone Jhansi Janssen and then after that for 22 years he bought his own ships and he sailed all over the world and he made a fortune at the end of 22 years he's now retired you size to sell all those boats and come to America which he does and you spends 12 years in Chicago area before moving on to Los Angeles in 1000. $2.00 and $1.00 channel 8 he decides he's going to tell his deathbed story and he meets a middle man by the name of joy Willis George Everest 3 friends them and around the . Night to no sex and they become friends and it was a couple of months later he gets a phone call imply messenger actually a messenger comes and gives him a note saying I'm dying you need to come here now you need to hear my story so I'm assuming it was George Evanston goes to the home of all of chances to hear his death. That confession and before you go any further We'll be right back to tell you that information I love the fact that his name was Willis Yeah they're right everybody you're listing because it goes am here talking with Stephanie sin Don't stay with us this is going to be fantastic stuff tonight. I think you did. 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When I grow up I don't want to be a piece of garbage and if you are cycle me I won't be give your garbage another life recycle learn how I want to be recycled daughter work a public service advertisement brought to you by Keep America Beautiful and the Ad Council this is coast to coast am on a 10. In Network's presents coast to coast am now here's your guest host Konnie Willis. My song right there you guys know that band when I left San Antonio radio station and it was the cool of the kids the real ones the real ones folks not the fake ones. But then went over to Sarasota and smaller market but around yachts in that they are. And white sand so that was my song everybody in radio has like a good bye song and I was the one I actually left moved with so much as makes me mouth every time I hear that one so George Norry is going to be out in about running around and looks like Dan riser Tommy is going to be following him around of course and he's going to be a part of the show has to call so these are Dan hisor Wagner entertainment productions and this is where he's going to be I want to just go and check the website too if you know if you don't remember these That's Ok but it's going to be and of course the hometown there of Sherman Oaks of the studios there is going to be to eat and greet lunch and so if you are in that area make sure and August 27th $2.00 to $4.00 that's just going to be a nice neat little get together that they have it's going to be a master herbalist as herbalist or herbalist the paying on what country you're in and homey homeopathic expert that's share a chant of this going to be with them that will be a good time I love those short ones like that I think the short ones are not the whole night think they're nice get together at lunch very nice I love those that should be a good time but I want to go to one as well I love September going to be in Scottsdale love Scottsdale so the soul summit Scottsdale this is a carefree Sundance production presenting this and George is going to be asking he's going to be on the Ask the experts panel he'll be the panel host will be the moderator Tom is going to be out there Tommy Dan hisor with the audience questions and John Hollands going to be out there a psychic medium got to think there's a whole there's a whole handful of them a couple of them I've interviewed myself and see here Vincent Jen is going to be out there love him Kathy Scott Perry I think you guys will like that one too of course in Scottsdale right this is going to be at the Doubletree resort so if you want more information contact us here at coast to coast am dot com. 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Henry now and get the money principal's office in San Antonio Texas you have the option to receive a one time on a dial test message from the station. Now back to coast to coast am k.g. 08. Welcome back to coast to coast am I everybody I'm Connie Willis hope you're having a good evening good morning we're talking with death in Indonesia and Stephan was getting right to the climax right to the final part of his story so Stephan and is going to let you step on in and go at it catches back up where we were there well here is one keynotes and author and Willis George I miss him eats a lot of Jansen in California and becomes friends with them and get summoned a couple months later to the house of all of Jansen to hear his Does that confession about what really happened when he was summoned to the home. He was told by all of that people need to know the truth this is all of us dying wish he would give them all the maps and drawings that he did throughout the time he was incarcerated chew share with the world what he learned on his voyage and he was very very concerned that it wouldn't be put out until he died because he said I spent 28 years in prison in Iran and I know this won't happen to you of her will is George Everson but I don't want to happen to me again because here I am sharing my story with the ship captain Angus MacPherson from the whaling ship he immediately put me in irons and kept me in I was until I got all the way back to. Norway or Sweden I came from the Stockholm and the want to tell my family my uncles what happened where I was I had a rich uncle name of. Gustaf hostile and yes initially his uncle was you know happy to hear his stories and he took them to some officials and I'm sure all of showed some of the Joran and maps that he had and not long after his uncle Gustaf had him committed to a mad house for 28 long years. In that something and you know you know that later we're talking with Dr Haseltine that's going to talk about how you cope with when you see these things and how you cope with how other people react so it's amazing you pointed that out to me as well that's amazing that that is threaded in like that so because you think about because what he told the author is not only with his drawings of an earth the map he had maps of in a world and he said the world's geography is incomplete and the true home of Apollo isn't in a world and with a hop hop aboard and it's live so all these stories them until May not be minutes or legend as they may be actual truth and when I tell you when we get to why I'm making this. Statement now you'll realize that something happened very sinister in our country's history and I'm going to bring it to light and why Columbus is named should not be the name that we remember for discovering America all of chances names should be known but discovering the inner world and this is what my hope is going to be because once I share with you what happened to suppress this man's information think about today in real world today you see something tragic event you know false flag about let's just say I'll just throw it out there and next thing you know you're discredited and you're put behind bars and you know what people believe they believe whatever news practice print to what they tell them so here's a man who doesn't want to go back to confinement and he's not going to have this story come out until he closes his eyes with a long sleep so well. Reading and watching you know watching this vote and say Ok what is a rider need he needs solitude to write if you want to write a book you better be able to have the peace of mind to do it a lot of good books are written in prison that's your hero you know the funny thing is is that you have all the time to write yet you don't have the time to do what you have to do but all of said no you might have knocked me down but you know I'm like the wave of the wattles I'm going to get right back up so when I read his story I says Well why do I feel so resonating with this man what is it and then I realize that by me taking on this story tonight I am divinely directed and creatively connected because when I weave this altogether massively everybody listening is going to say Stephens got the goods and we will bring it on why and bring it on when we get there why now we talked about all of one of the things I wanted to right now and I can't County sheriff to establish the timeline for all this because a lot of people listening and they probably haven't watched the smoky God or even watched my smoky God revealed revisited for my my research to see what I determine upon reading the book and going into the library and actually rolling up my sleeves for a number years to figure out this is fact there is a section so if I can briefly go into who all of Janssen was this will help the audience start to understand really what I'm talking about the significance of why I'm. Making this point although it was born on October 27th of 1811 on a fishing Boyages mother and father were fishing and he was born and a country called Uma Borg they put the the party boat to shore and his mother gave birth to him and a Russian country so there was no birth certificate for him but he was born on a fishing trip with the parents had gone to go fishing in the doing the lava to Islands which is where all office from so this is something that. When he was born and then. Aged 14 he started going out with his father Jan's chancing on fishing trips and some of the chips they would go to they go to lots of islands and they would fish there and there were merchant seamen you know fisherman but one day and this was in the era $120.00 on April 3rd a little slice changed his father set out for a fishing trip but as they were on this fishing trip they decided we're going to a loo further than they normally way and they ended up going through in a world passage have to go on to some rocky warders and notice things conditions a change the weather was getting warmer it wasn't getting colder the further north there was and it was perplexed by this going through this opening they ended up just drifting along and what they saw was. Penguins 9 feet tall they saw a lot like 3 times the size on the outside they saw tremendous auras wrecks and all these animals that were supposedly Extinct Living on the inside in flight having They then went further and they were picked up believe it or not buying excursion party boat now this is an $1829.00 that was no excursion paw u. Boats in America or in the world at that time that didn't happen until the Bronze Age until the ship building took place O'Hare the father and son are looking at this excursion lighter probably look like one of the ones the carnival is some like that and the ship came over and what they did is they rescued all off and his father they had some sort of a cane crane conveyance that took the salute foop up the boat there and a boat and on the ship all up on this wall the wall like it surprised to say that the men who picked them up were giants that were 12 feet in height Wow So now. One of them ended up speaking English His name was Jules gal Dia and he took all of his father under his wing and he took them all over there in a row the Navy met with a high priest of the King of the inner world and explained how they got there and they were welcomed and they asked them you know what is it they wanted to do and I said well we want to stay here with you for a while and I did I stayed a couple years and they went to cities like Believe it or not the Garden of Eden. I did real deal was in the center of the earth that was another interesting thing is is for rivers there and if I mention in any of the rivers or blow your way one is the Euphrates. Gave on another one was. This 2 others here but there's 4 rivers here and what was interesting though is that. They are in the Garden of Eden and they get to see exactly what the world was supposed to be and they're told that the inner world was where everything began and then Noah you know the story of Adam and Eve about leaving the garden go to the outer world they were doomed they were like punished to send them out into the world that we live in on the outside on the surface. So you look you you listen to this and you look away I mean you know there's always Bibles always origins always stories are lame and there is some truth somewhere here the truth lies somewhere in the middle or maybe this man has it's all figured out so here it is I'm looking at this and I'm saying Ok so what are some of his other discoveries he says that the center of gravity is not at the North Pole it's a 150 miles below the surface and that's why all these other explorers couldn't find the pole and he cited some of their names and he could have only done this while he was incarcerated in confinement where they would give him books and everything so he was following what was going on with the inner earth and he says no I beg to differ with you in your stories you know there is no fixed North Pole it's 150 miles below the surface and from inside to outside just 300 miles surface so when you get halfway down you get to Verrall point and there was I mention there were 4 rivers Euphrates the piece on the gone and Deco and some of them a biblical and what the clay in the 70s explores claim. To speak to me that was in the book. Well is that when they got to the North Pole area above the 60 degree latitude they said they were open one of seas and it was warm air there so here they were they were finding things that would not normal in that area so the open sea revealed to me that why well that to my research I found out the deepest one is in the world of air and Baffin Bay which is near Greenland they're also the strongest Cohens there and the strongest winds so this would explain why no one's able to venture in over there because those conditions that make it very difficult without the right sort of ship to you know to traverse those waters so that's another thing was a secret has been kept so also you've got the Russians and the United States and they want to keep the secret they don't want you to know that in Siberia every other day tell us are floating on to Siberia waters data from Chris Torek or different things that were you know washed out of that inner earth coming and landing on Siberian waterfront you know so there's some interesting things here that have been discovered by that so when I look at this book the smoky goggle voyages journey to the inner earth I realize that the world geography's got to be incomplete because if that's what this man is saying is correct then he shouldn't be put in irons he should be given like. You know a Pulitzer Prize or you know a Nobel Prize for you know the things that happened to him you know wrongfully accused in putting gel now I can tell you the timeline I am. Is that after all old when his father were rescued on a ship this is 829 to take in they see all these places after about 2 years the father gets home sick and he wants to go home so that they meet again with the the king of the world there are the high priests there and they told him of their wishes and I said well we don't think you're going to be able to go back the way you came because of the waters and because you'd be going in the wrong direction but I will give you you both back and let you guys go and he gave them gold and they gave them things to prove that they were in this inner world because they really cared about all of his father now all of all this the 6 foot 6 so you can imagine how small he looked in front of these the Giants who a 12 to 14 feet tall so this is interesting in the Bible talks about giants as well as about giants so you look at this Ok show me the proof words of what do you have Ok so his will we get to that soul of now then it is fall to the side I want to come back and they try to go back the way that they came you know through the north passage opening but they couldn't because it took them 3 months to try to go nowhere so decided they were going to go south now the rivers I mentioned one north and south and they run to the pole openings all the aperture on the South Pole so they decided they were going to try to traverse the South Pole so they do when they get to the South Pole opening. They find conditions are very difficult and the father and son are in the storm they're on the South Sea I believe they're in Antarctica and the father gets knocked off the sloop and he ends up getting lost at sea the son tries to save his father but he can't so now he's left on an iceberg right just him and the I suppose his father's dead and like it's freezing I want to I do have got no food I've got nothing my soup my boat is just you know capsize you know what was me. Luckily for him a ship you all into a Scottish well and ship was saw him on the iceberg they came over and they picked him up. Should you know imagine I mean come on there's something to that that's like a line well this guy's better kind because they pick him up Angus Mick Wow Now he is the ship captain right man his job is welling his commerce that's what he does and he asked all of it well how did you get asked here you know on this iceberg is nobody around you know you're in the in the tourist Yeah so all of tells them to choose story about what happened to him or his father so this is all right now put your hands behind your back and what you saw. So the captain Angus MacPherson that he was crazy in a bed bug and he says you're going to be confined for this whole trip until we get you back home to no way. You know if you change the story goes on not taking. It was because he thought he was nutty It wasn't because he knew something he didn't want. To get out there I think it was because he thought he was crazy as a bedbug are sort of a story you know if it's not your perception you know you may not want to believe it especially if it you know if it magnitude and. Oh of course I'll quote him now in the book he says The truth is stranger than fiction . So all knew that after he told a story to the ship's captain. He was going to have a hard time getting back to his country so to speak and back 4 years. From the table here the father left Aaron is almost 5 years later and he finds out his family. And is probably a good soldier has come home before and we want to hear and we want to hear their own we come back and you don't want to miss a thing this is great I tell you what I love the story Stephan is awesome and telling it to you and. Man I can't wait to get to all the questions I have to about what's going on in that inner world what it looks like how they got there how you get in and out and even OTOH a little bit of that I guess and deeper question so stay with us you guys you're listening to the law office of Denise Eaton may protecting your workplace and your business are you an employee who needs help understanding your rights in a workplace dispute or are you a business owner or company who needs to streamline h.r. Processes to avoid disputes are you a new business who needs help handling bureaucratic matters and if you're confronting difficult end of life issues you deserve a compassionate guide Denise Eaton May is the Hayward based lawyer who over 3 decades has helped employers employees businesses and families dealing with estate issues she's knowledgeable discreet and. For a confidential consultation call 51024433 or visit legal eagle dot com That's. Legal. 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