Stable and static throughout your life and if you notice a change in him all that something that would bring you in for a scan check for more information talk with your doctor or visit male clinic dot org 16. John Batchelor this is the John Boffa show the Silk Road it's a magnificent concept it exists in imagination and in literature it's a fact the Silk Road for 3 or 4000 years dominated the storytelling out of what we now call Central Asia or central your Asia a magnificent new sweeping history of these thousands of years we're dealing with millennium here Christopher back with his a professor at Indiana University but his he is the author of most importantly the empires of the Silk Road which describes him giving up oh I'd say at least a decade of his life or more in the in the compiling of this enormous amount of information across many language groups with an enormous. Patience for careful note taking it's entitle the history of Central Europe Asia from the Bronze Age to the present we're not going to get to the present we're in it and let it be known right here that occasionally I'll mention how the professor's work in covering this period of time explains conflicts here in the 21st century that otherwise seem confounding for example Tehran and how it dominates the conversation in the Persian Gulf or China the Middle Kingdom in the rise of the Middle Kingdom and its conflicts with Tibet with the we Gores of what was known as East Turkistan with the Mongolians all of those conflicts are in in inside the professors were Christopher Congratulations and good evening and I begin by asking the Fessor to define the Silk Road where is it. And please describe the steps that it covers. This of quote is a general term that was invented in the 1900 century I think and it refers in usual parlance it refers to the Central Asian city state areas. That are agricultural and urban so not usually to the steps on the way it's usually used so it's the areas like the famous cities of some of contests can't. Kabul itself Afghanistan ball and so on in the western part and eastern part could charge far as don't want and continuing on to to the great cities or North China and in the in the western direction going on to eventually to Constantinople or modern Istanbul and so on so that's the this is it's conceived of as sort of a trade route system is not really right so in my book I reformulated and I still use the term so crowed because everybody understands it to refer to that region but that was always a part of the of the step empires and they were they were just connected together it was really separable things the step outliers the Western step that describes an area that is now partially Russia flowing down into. A soft and towards the Black Sea That's the Western step what is the central step what does that describe well so if you go east from the. Stuff you just mentioned the Western step or the Pantech step then you go through the what's called called the North Caucasus step the region north of the Caucasus mountains and. To some extent part of the central step which is most of really mostly Kazakhstan is that is the central step and then go beyond that to the east and you get to the eastern step which is mostly Mongolia and the regions around that and the Eastern. Map and these areas were large pastoral areas and there are 2 terms of arts to use here that can be tossed off to casually One is the difference between nomadic peoples and urban peoples Those were the distinctions and that is not what they history of the Silk Road involves both at the same time they had a internet relationship over the last 4000 years yes that's right as far as we know there and that intimate relationship was never just warlike and was never just trade Well there were some of that yes but it's true I think of it myself that it was the economic system of sentry rage as a whole prefer to think of it that way that it was symbiosis of. Urban agriculture and nomadic peoples call working together pretty much most of it as far as we know they got along fairly well but they do have conflicts like anybody anywhere in the world and there was or. Ever very famous war would have to say today we're talking about the war of Attila the Hun of the war of Ching this caught on and but right now I want to start with a heroic myth which Christopher back with says informs almost all of the societies and probably informs our society today who what was the Huron story that was the centerpiece of all the societies Well there was that the National Foundation myth that all the major states that we know about had and it tells about . How the hero was 'd is the son of the God of heaven. And somebody else typically. Somebody who's ultimately a Goddess or son daughter of a god or something as Well 'd anyway so if he's a prince and he's got divine blood he's born and immediately at the time he's born there was some disaster His Kingdom is has invaded or something like that his father is killed it's typical things that happen he is cast out into the wilderness and as saved from death by they have wild animals which protect him and feed him and everything he's found by somebody raised to as a herdsman and familiar with horses and skill with horses and the bow and he is to brought eventually to the attention of the local king and the king then raise him as if he were one of his own sons at some point there is a falling out or some jealousy or a number of different reasons and for and they try to get rid of this prince with his magical powers and. Then he escapes using magic or the power of recognition that he's the son of the sun god or something or they got of this guy. And so he has capes and he gathers a following of. How young men who take this almost to him he takes to them as well this mutual to live one life together and so they fight to the death for each other kind of thing and of a for him mainly but he. Supports them and treat them like princes and give them lots of wealth and together they defeat the evil ruler and establish a righteous Kingdom and and save the people who've been oppressed and so on and that's that that's a common heroic and that their group that joins our prayer our hero friends is called. Koma toughness and without any thought as the essence of the coma taught us are sworn to his loyalty to the heroic prince yes to him personally not to any government or anything out but him personally and it's a very deep. Friendship they're called friends actually and. This is something that lasts as long as the Lord is alive they will fight to the death for him when if the deficit Lord dies even just the day after they take his oath they will cut cut their own throats or kill themselves in some way to be buried together with him and they go to heaven together this is the important thing that they when they the Lord dies he goes to heaven if they all have this anybody was noble noble blood they have belonged to the ruling class and ultimately or something like that that's the idea and they they go to heaven along with him so they're who they dying go to heaven and some of them are sometimes we see them buried with their armor because the idea is they protected among the earth and they're going to protect them and have a now that's a common place common place system of governance throughout the Silk Road throughout this vast step region and what is what strikes me Christopher is more than a little a little eerie is how it is today a model that is used in many of the same areas of the world for example I think of Tehran in the supreme leader surrounded by the guardians of the Mahdi men who are sworn to his vision of the world similar to this although the I don't think they're all going to commit suicide upon his death there is a there is a transition but at some point that was the common myth throughout the Central Asian states. That was the the National Foundation legend there was sort of a template for action so if you if you get conquered by somebody else and you're the suffering people you know you when you carry out this if somebody heroic young man is able to to somehow to get power then a sort of plugs into this and we have historical characters whose stories follow exactly the 'd story they have the historical records tell us this is what they did just like in the myth and then you have somebody going there an emissary and meets them talks to them and they have a treaty signed with them and they have a guy who maybe lives a long time watching this time is one of them there is far as we know all of the great leaders they they follow this. Pattern shall we say at least in legend whether or not they really did or to what extent they really did in real life we don't know but in order to found the state they had to something they didn't just you know wake up with it they had to carry out some action and presumably there. They thought of this while they were carrying out their unifying intrastate townie activities the book is the empires of the Silk Road a history of Central Asia from the Bronze Age to the present Christopher Beckwith is the author when we come back. The 1st significant of a successful empire in Central Asia in the 1st millennium b.c. E. I'm John Bachelor this is the John Bachelor show. This is the John Bachelor show on Change the. 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I'm John Bachelor this is the John Bash on continuing to travel the Silk Road through time and place with Christopher Beckwith the author of empires of the Silk Road the Scythians this is 1st millennium b.c. E. They saw trade. As a way of reinforcing their culture they were also excellent warriors in the Western step you say that trade was a way of defining themselves as opposed to just being good bankers is that right Professor. But it's a funny way of putting it yes. I think they they were really primarily interested in trade all the time to ration peoples and there's probably one really good reason for it they had to pay for this very expensive comic Tartus and we have descriptions of how expensive it was an actual amounts of money that were paid and so on are just as fast sums of money so urgent do that if you couldn't get that from booty from a raid on somebody or who's even just a major battle it's just not in nothing compared to what he needs to do You had to give them gold and and. Gold or even so probes it was that they were jewels and things like that we have descriptions of them and some of been found next to Asians So the question was How are you going to do that when the only way you can get money like that is through commerce and so the sentry regimes were very skilled at commerce and trade and taxation so they had to have their empires firmly in place and nice and peaceful everybody trading very well thank you and the taxes pouring in and that 'd was that they did in the Western and in the Western step and they were very successful in this period of time this is they take the founding myth and they organize this trade system which the professor emphasizes is never just international trade or that is transnational trade and then having the nation state is never against across empires it's also local it's also it's also involves itself with constituent elements so that at all times it's nomadic it's agricultural it's urban That's the trade exchange going on at this period however in the 5th and said. 4th 5th and 6th Century b.c.e. There is a phenomena you flag Professor it's all of a sudden we have an outbreak of all these famous philosophers Socrates can from Schissler out Sue and yet there was no evidence of connection between these philosophers correct. Yes there is no evidence of direct direct knowledge of by any of those philosophers of any of the other philosophers but there is some data we have about connections. With between the Chinese and Central Asia and between the Greeks and Central Asia in India and that suggests something but we don't actually have. We have a small but we don't have the smoking gun you want to rely on the fact that all of a sudden they're asking about questions of questions of governance altogether Confucius parties they're all challenging the assumptions of how states are governed and this at this suggests there must be an over text here we don't have Christopher. I don't know about or text but it does suggest that the people at that particular time were or were in contact and developed similar interests and the people who are connecting them where the sentry or Asians So that's that's what we need to look for and the Greeks say. That the 1st philosophers. They call the barbarians means the non Greeks and they list people of Persian Eros 'd trends and. Judaism and other religion what we would call religions as well as SIL's philosophers so that maybe this is what they had in mind but there is some reason to think that. There were some sentry raising philosophers we know there were there isn't a horse of the 50 and I mentioned and Buddha is called the Scythian philosopher a Scythian sage in Sanskrit. So was he really 'd a city and I don't know but that's what they're called the book is Empire of the Silk Road and now we're going to cover a vast period of history we're going to almost skip over Rome because. As Rome rises and falls and consolidates the western region of the part that connects to the Silk Road I'm interested in what happens as Rome disintegrates and the 2 parts of the empire the eastern and western part because of the rise of the people called Huns northeast of Aes off where do we think they originated from Professor. We don't know but they are 1st attempted in exactly the area and historical geographical accounts in the north east of the sea of us of and they invade Persia which was at the Empire that balanced off with Rome and they invade Rome they go back and forth Harris sing both at the edges of the Empire ruga the leader unites them in the 5th century he dies in 434 and one of his sons Attila rises up Attila has a vision of conquest how why does he ride against both Rome and Persia. Well he does a. Good sides sure that he is the one who are against Persia I don't think but Hans certainly did his time do that but the thing was. He was most of the time he was actually at peace with the Roman Empire and he fought as a mercenary. And $100.00 most of them were fought for one or another sedentary power in that region so it but they they were they would get cheated by the Romans as much as Thrones. And had plenty of money to spend on this paying mercenaries to fight their enemies they often would cheat them so Hines was annoyed and would. But attack the Romans and say passer you know what you promised and so on and on and they would normally defeat the Romans so this is most of what it is the part where 'd he invades the West is another story the West or Roman Empire and I'm not sure that we really. I understand it very well but there we have an eyewitness account of Cheney term an empire emissary who went to visit. Just to time before he left to go to the west so. If they don't blame the Huns for anything factor Roman accounts always are blaming the Romans for having. Them into a war with by cheating or killing some hands unjustly or some. People that like everybody else Christopher Christopher back with is the author empires of the Silk Road when we come back we move on to the Turk and the rise of the vast Turkish tribes This is the show you're listening to bachelor. Remember when going for a walk around the block was easy and pain free future us ready to feel like that again our orthopedic experts at Dignity health will be with you throughout the process from the 1st consultation to your last physical therapy session so you can get back to moving freely do it for a future you visit dignity Health dot org slash orthopedics dignity help fellow human kindness. 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Are these considered step people prep or Fessor I'm continuing my conversation with Christopher back with offer author of Empire's of the Silk Road. Well yes typically we consider them a step people and they seem to be from the earliest times that we 'd know about them and to be a step people so some evils were not rejoiced that he was what became step peoples in the fifty's from the earliest time that we know the church was that people they came from a place of what you say of the all time out and called Tokar a stand which in and then they they they covered such a vast area of land at some point they subdivide between the Eastern Turks and the Western Turks who are the sod DNS who are so principal who are so important to the Turks as their empire rises. The fog and as a were. The dominant people and the large cities and Western Central Asia that more that's what's now referred to as former Soviet Central Asia so the city of some a kind of the heart Tosh can't and so on those are great Sorry entities but they had established a merchant true network across much of the east and so they because they were trading so much in their other other or like they were just like the Turks to go along well with the Turks and they are 2 peoples who mingled and eventually merged so it was always the Turkish good sense to allow themselves with Assad DNS and then if you tell this wonderful tale that they sent emissaries with silks to the Persians and the Persians took them in a burn their silks and executed everybody that was another words that the Persians acted in a fashion in what it was saying that the soggy ends and the Turks were a threat to their trade monopoly is that why they mistreated their their amas. Harries presumably 'd it's hard to say at this point but that would make sense that's what the way it's normally interpreted so the Persian saw themselves as rivals to the soggy and Turks is that at this period of time the mid 6 century. No They saw themselves as the rightful rulers of the end and the Turks. The outsiders who didn't belong there and and so on but the Persians you have to understand they were they had a long tradition and just like the Chinese the Greeks and Romans they saw themselves as the best people in the world and and so that other people were not as good as them so you know they didn't have the right to to 'd 'd to do anything and so they were they could have been just simply angry at them for not following proper protocol or any number of things now that hurt the Persians dominated urban trade and the Romans dominated urban and Mediterranean trade so there are the 2 empires and after the Western Turks divide themselves in the eastern and western Turks we begin a critical period of history in which the Romans and Persians are at war you write of a playing that hit Constantinople in 608 and the reason I'm being so damn detailed here is that this is the period of time with the Romans and Persians at war with each other that the Arabs rise up in the Arab peninsula this is the time a Mahomet's Is that correct. That's correct and Mohamed rises because of the deterioration of trade along the edges of the Persian and Byzantine Empire it in fact he says a he says a merchant's response to the breakup of the of the success of the Silk Road. That's one of the major interpretations Yes And how does he respond Why what is his successful response to those except for responses to unify the people of Arabia around the one God a lot they had many gods before and there are actually several other rival prophets around that time of climate but he successfully unified everybody around the banner of a law and and which is just God the God one God and if God haven't and and everybody. Who did who followed him then would be Muslims which means somebody who submits to the will of and they would belong to this great society that they were building called the on which is sort of I don't know what to call it but it was the great society they were trying to build and trade was very much a part a part of it he was part of a merchant family called the Koran he had married into it or he was part of it so the way I see the case here Christopher is that what we call the rise of Islam which after all is a Muslim is a man who submit to the will of Allah is a is a it sets a religion but it's also the way of organizing a trade association that needs to reclaim its its prosperity and end with the break up of these 2 empires because their warring and they have what you have to say small minded men the Arabs just arrive at the right point of history or do they force are they conquerors are they traitors. Well I mean at the point after the wars there'd been so much war between the Romans the Persians and then also. Somehow the and the Arabs were involved in it that everybody was in post-war conditions are pretty bad in a serious long term war. And they just ended up. They were at a state of war with the Persians and with the business of these to Roman Empire so they just attacked them and this is what. The Persians and Byzantines did whenever they had the chance everybody was attacking each other there was no peace so at the time of war the people attack each other and just to their own surprise they defeated the great you know Persian armies and Byzantine Army too and they just. Went on from that to conquer the Persian Empire and seriously reduce the size of the base to Roman Empire they swept through North Africa and a factory took away the African colonies of Rome Byzantine biz and g.m. Survived but only because the Arabs marching on Constantinople I mean the otherwise they would have taken out as well so at this point we have what you call the Arab Empire established. Yes And is it much is it established as a trade organization or do they reestablish than the trade that had been in place before the Persian Roman wars well. We assume that the former trade system did finally recover but the main thing was it was an empire and they were very commercially oriented Empire unlike most other they were open about it they were upfront about their support of trade. And so it was very prosperous it became very prosperous but it was not a trade system it was an empire a political system now we've now have a savage the Arab Empire the Persian Empire has retreated the Roman Empire is now Byzantium and there is a phenomena that happens between the 8th century in the 9th century that you write about as a simultaneous break up of a whole lot of empires and so I want to discuss that in terms of the Empire of the 4 ways I don't think I have them all out of this Christopher correct me we have the China Chinese empire with the Tibetan empire we have the Arab Empire and we have the Byzantium empire and each of them talk about the game per and his 4 dukes are the Emperor and his 4 armies of the Emperor and as for counsellors and you talk about this about how people all of a sudden had to deal with the fact that they were not the dominant force that there were other empires out there and that they had to be aware of that too I read you correctly. Basically yeah I missed the Carolingian empire and Western Europe yeah the franc Yeah that's another one Frankish Empire yes Sonders after Charlemagne So those sort of those 5 empires all saw themselves as rival as working together as needing to conquer the other how do they understand. It's hard to say at this point they don't really tell us but they they were most of the time. Struggling for control over what they could get out of the century or Asian trade system so that's pretty clear and they've they fought over everybody including the Franks everybody was 'd trying to get as close as they could control as much as they could have sentry or Asia and that's probably because it was just the wealthiest part of the world at that time and also the most advanced culturally that's that's the point of the argument that I make in the book and the collapse that happened in. These empires is definitely economic because we see the Arabs suddenly in about a 20 they stop minting coins they have banded Central Asia which was the richest most important part of their whole empire and they sort of farm it off to one of their followers. And he ends up making a little dynasty of his own but that happens with the it's about ns and the Chinese and the Weavers they made peace treaties and didn't fight anymore so that means they couldn't afford to and we can tell the day they certainly didn't have any money left the Chinese couldn't pay their they could only pay 'd their officials in kind they couldn't pay them in coin and so on so there was a sudden economic disaster and there is other evidence for this too like the coin hordes that were forward found that are fun are leading up to the Baltic Sea area. They have a big change in the number and quantity of coins and so on so can we call it a world can we call it a world. Wide recession it's a worldwide depression probably is what it was is really severe was what much worse than a recession and it brought down those empires one after the other and that was happened with a very short space of time they started going about 848-4842 all the major empires either they collapsed completely in broke up or they had they restructure themselves somehow trying to carry on but. That was a major surprisingly fast historical change that happen at the same time so I think at some into it the climate that's what the suspicion is in general but then there was a climate change that we don't have evidence of that but the suspicion is that there was a climate change across the pastoral lands in Central Asia is that correct there is probably global cooling we could call it at that time yes they talk about there's a condition that happens one winters are very severe and you have heavy snow on ice so heavy that the animals can dig through there the animals in the steps. Able to dig through the ice usually in the snow and get their own food by eating the grass when I was underneath it but when it's severe that cap and then they they die when needed people die with them so it's famine All right so at the end of the 19th century all the great empires of the central of Central Asia of the Silk Road have retreated in the West Carolingian Empire breaks up into what we now understand to be France Loraine and Germany setting up what you'd have to say are the wars of the 2nd millennium but when we come back we're going to turn to the final very famous man who comes out of the Silk Road we know him as King gets caught I'm this is empires of the Silk Road Christopher Beckwith is the author I'm John Batchelor this is the John about. Taking you through the 3rd shift this is the John Bachelor show. Balance of nature. 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Mine over a vast landscape the Western step the central staff and the Eastern staff and all of these people following one trade organized society across Asia Marco Polo of course travels to Asia at some point and here's stories of the calm and the greatest of all by virtue of his success at both Navy and together is Empire higher and and bringing in allies and then conquest is. Professor what do we need to know about Khan and his rise 1st of all was it an accident or was this man nother one of those hero miss coming out of the from a from magic. Well it wasn't an accident but he was the great grandson of the 1st Mongol who was a who was recognized by the neighboring empire in North China at that time as being the right 'd rightful 'd Han of the Mongols the Han was like the emperor the rightful ruler 'd a supreme ruler and but after he died his sons and son and grandson were and were died or were killed them I think there were 2 of them were killed by these rulers in North China who were not were partly Chinese not Travis and Anyway so this created an enmity between the Mongols and those people those people are called the church on but find they change the sign was one of the several obviously the supreme descendants of this man cobble hocking with his name. And he was able the one who was able to successfully knit together the Mongols as one people and when he did than 1st he wanted to do is to defeat the church and he set about trying to do that this is the 13th that is a thoroughly 13th century and the Mongols make war on a couple of empires acquire is acquire as my An empire and the Churkin and they fight he fights in several directions at one point Christopher you say that some of his armies are 2 or 300000 if that's why are those numbers credible. You know that's not at all unreasonable but. It is a kind of the numbers we get yes you're right 2 to. 2 to be doubtful about some of the numbers we just we often have very wrong radically different numbers from one text to another and I've taken this from somebody else's work it's not my own research on the models so I can't tell you where that's coming from but there are another there in other cases for example the battle of the Catalonian fields with the children and the Romans. And their Alicia's century that was supposed to number a couple of 100000. People and it's you know. We just don't know for certain whether they really had such a large army that maybe they're counting it as well they support true right that kind of things and partly Christopher may make a make this distinction they did have horses they were great horsemen but the cavalry was used as probing as Scouting they essentially fought as infantry that's what we're seeing here and I believe this chain Gus Khan who learns how to use age sophistication in order to break down the cities he not only be it beats people in open battle he successfully breaks into cities. And it would get a lot of help for that and in defeating cities he still didn't become an urban power he remained a man of the step. Yes that's correct and his sons then inherited the same sweep they all became the Great Khan but the ma and the Mongol Empire was vast At that point stretching from China all the way to Europe it was I mean you could go as far as your up however what what what wasn't clear is what effect they had on the Silk Road they reestablished trade because in the middle of this comes the black comes the Blue Bonnet plate do they really stop us trade before the Bluebonnet plague is the Bluebonnet plague a product of trade how to regard the plague in the middle of the 14th century. Well the Mongols were again like all of some series of peoples we know they were just overwhelmingly. Interested in trade they READY had to trade and they very determinedly built up this READY very strong trade system also taxation system and they organized it with this the probably the READY world's 1st gigantic cartel is called the or talk which they had to help help them run the system and it was very profitable for them and they did this very successfully they were going along just fine until. For unknown we don't know how this happened where it came from exactly and so on but the robotic play which is a disease carried by rats spread and broke. Broke out in North China 1st actually and then from North China then appeared in Central Asia and eventually then it was carried from. Crimea to by ship scary to your Western Europe and spread there had devastated much of your Asia including the China Central Asia the Islamic world and Western Europe. Wiping out a large percentage of the population in some areas and this had nothing to do with the Mongols and with 'd the Mongol conquest but it 'd did have an effect on them so we would normally historically expect the Mongols to have continued declining will slowly over time and power but they would probably have lasted another century maybe more and but in fact the last of the Ohana is the Mongol successor state in the area of Persia Iran. And the Near East as he died in the bombing play and others the play was raging in China was undoubtedly one of the reasons for the the main uprising which overthrew the Mongols and the models where we can buy it everybody was weakened by it but that was 'd the sort of ended of what we think of as the Mongol world empire even though by that time it already had. And broken up. In all but name into several successor states. This is the John Bachelor shall i k g o 8. 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Broken down celestial anniversary a 1000000 Francis House Democrats plan to submit a resolution today condemning President Trump's tweets urging for congress woman of color to go back to the countries they came from to rebuild land a report in announcing plans for the resolution House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called the president's tweets aimed at 4 Democratic congress women disgraceful disgusting and quote below his own low standards the president denied their racist policy said the House cannot allow the president's characterization of immigrants to stand and she urged Republicans to join Democrats in condemning what she termed the president seen a phobic tweets while Democrats immediately condemned the president's comments Republicans were slow to do so though a growing number are now criticizing him Jerry bowed under washing singer r. 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