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Transcripts for KGO 810 AM [KGO 810] KGO 810 AM [KGO 810] 20190617 070000
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From coast to coast and worldwide on the internet this is coast to coast am with George Knapp know here's George the road to hell great song pretty decent segue as well I'm not sure of word literally on the road to hell with our discussion coming up here but that we are definitely going in that general direction talking with author and publisher movie producer and Paranormal Investigator Tim Bakley who has traveled the world in search of the unexplained he's had encounters with men in black he's thinks he's reported 3 different u.f.o. Sightings he's lived in a haunted house and he has turned his talents and that of his writing team to a different subject Our Hollow Earth is the name and a subject matter of a new book that he's got out I don't know if like me you 1st read Jules Verne's rollicking adventure story a journey to the center of the earth as a kid whether you read it as an adult or you just know it from a couple of pretty decent movies they had the earlier one the original one that I saw had James Mason in it and then Brendan Fraser I think did they did a couple of later ones. You know that basic story though the idea that there is another world another earth another civilization under our feet deep inside the planet is that a preposterous idea of a myth is it borne of religious belief said that it is an actual literal hell down there when I asked him back in a moment to tie it all together for us and tell us what he's found will be right back. 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Timothy Green Beckley has been chasing the strange mysteries and odd stories all over the world for decades he's turned his attention and that of his writing team to the subject of Our Hollow Earth and inner world paradise a gateway to hell Welcome back to the program Tim Good George that nice to be on again I think I want to explain right off the top that we're talking about several different concepts when we talk about the hollow earth or the Inner Earth mystery it's thought that the the Earth is actually more layered and that there's a heaven inside the earth a paradise and to others it is a real living in hell that exists below our feet now this includes the shaver mystery Admiral bird and the hollow earth. And even the u.f.o. Crash at Roswell as far as I'm concerned and there's even a possible Kennedy assassination length so there's quite a tidy. Globe a here to uncover Oh yeah I'm going to try to cover all of it it was a lot to chew on here I I enjoyed the book you know I. There's a lot of discussion about flat earth which I have trouble with all our earth is yes yeah you know I always thought that the flat earth even back in the days where supposedly people thought that the earth was flat was a hoax that it was created by these explorers and the. The different kings and queens that sent the explorers out in search of gold and spices another riches because they wanted to and to tell the other explorers the keep away that they would fall off the side of the earth when they knew all well and good that the Earth really was not flat and there's now no evidence that one can actually point to I mean all you have to do is look through a telescope at the other planets in the the solar system and you can see they're not they're not flat rate it's just that it's a prosperous a theory now some people might say that about the hollow earth as well but it's a little bit easier for me to to swallow because we might also be dealing with the parallel universes here everything that we talk about tonight may not be in the physical plane that's interesting but I you know I I put in a different category than flat earth we're pretty sure in fact we're absolutely positive that the earth is not flat but hollow Earth Earth is big there are a lot of really deep holes and I'm interested in some of the angles that you pursued and that's Admiral Byrd's others who are serious people who have looked into this in a serious way let's start with that as sort of one a mythological in religious level 1st though the story about the people living underground I mean it's a fictional story it's in novels it's in movies but it's been around with humans for a long long time now on one level or another my goodness yes you know in fact the fellow who I guess you could say discovered Halley's Comet Mr Halle I have a photo are not photo but a pain. A family portrait at my office which shows him holding a illustration of the hollow earth he was a big believer in and the planets they hollow and that there was a central sun in the globe you know civilization possibly existing inside the planet also around 18. I think 25 or so there was another fellow by the name of Simmons who actually tried to get the u.s. Congress to put up a to fund an expedition into the hollow earth and they did taken seriously but they died before his proposal could take. Root now Admiral bird. Mainly the south in the North Pole for military purposes he said. Later on when when interviewed but the concept of the earth paying the hollow as you point out goes back many many years in fact a part of this book are hollow earth we found the manuscript that goes back I think about 150 years before the one the jewels Verna wrote it was written by a Danish university professor who claimed that he actually fell inside a cave and inside the cave he was led to this world inside of our own planet and he encountered He says a very strange beings and some very strange plants and so the of the book has been translated but it was never really widely distributed and we came across the copy and polished it up a little and they included it as part of the. Hollow Earth book so it has become a part of the legend and lore of course I would suppose that the the Jules Verne. Book and the of the movies which is. The book one movie star Pat Boone was and I thought away right you know probably did a lot to fluster this idea but there have been other authors including. H.t.m. a Lovecraft the course wrote about a lot of things that went inside happened inside the earth and in the oceans and so forth and probably most famous of all egg or Rice Burroughs we wrote about it in somewhat of a serious. Notion So people ask me well when did the concept start Well I you know I tried to do some research on this and I was not really able to find out it seems to go back as is long as there is you know recorded literature Yeah I mean you've got to examples in the book farm Greek mythology that's 3 headed hound of hell that guarded the underworld and our contributor Hercules Invictus is a great scholar when it comes to a Greek mythology in fact he claims that the Greek gods actually live and caverns b. But he's not a live this and that they still exist to this very day and from time to time they actually depart the cabin dwellings and go to go visit the local islands there in Greece of course Christianity has a hell of a literal hell where people go and pay for their stance or all eternity and yet and when you think about it in a literal sense they think about it is being underground that and and it seems like the Greeks thought there was a Hades and and it seems like most of the major religions and cultures have some kind of a. A dark underworld somewhere buried in the earth that goes way way back is there any culture that doesn't happen well you know now my mentor to a large degree and this was a fellow a publisher by the name of Raman a palmer. That the. Late 1930 s. Early 1940 s. He was editor of a science fiction magazine called Amazing Stories which was a rather young man at the time and they had hired him to be the editor in their offices as if Davis a very big publishing company you know later over the years was headquartered in Chicago now the the bulk of the material in amazing stories was about futuristic space travel I mean that's what the the readers wanted to read and the circulation you know is printed on the cheap but newsprint and the circulation was rather limited in fact it was more so limited because it was during the period of World War 2 and paper was being rationed. Anyway one day while Ray Palmer was out of the office. Big manila envelope arrived and it was opened by his assistant editor a fellow by the name of Bob. Brown I believe and he read the 1st page of the manuscript it purported to be from a Richard Well listen to Richard shaver who supposedly was hearing voices and said that there was a an ancient civilization that was living inside the earth and he took the manuscript and he tossed it in the waste basket because 1st of all amazing stories was supposed to be a science fiction publication list was sent in as a legitimate. Story about archaeology and supposedly with a scientific bent although it would be highly placed in that category Well when Ray Palmer came into the office I guess he noticed the sick of all of sitting on top of the waste paper basket and he picked it up and he read the 1st couple of pages and he saw something. In it and he decided to rewrite the way shape or was not a very good writer the say the least because I know I had it in his from time to time but Palmer saw that there was a something with a manuscript that just. What was something that he believed in and there was something there that held some truth and he decided to have it rewritten and published it in the magazine as Iler remember Lemurian now the the manuscript was about a race of beings called the Titans who had come from another planet than they had. Inhabited or were doing trade with the people that live here on this planet that in the days of limb Yori and Atlantis and Tad if you will want to accept those as being existing continents but they they were there of life. Spann was being the priest because there was radiation coming from the the Sun So in fact according to the by biblical scholars there was once a canopy that existed over the earth that protected us from the. Solar Radiation and anyway that the Titans some of them decided to go back to the planet that they came from and others bored inside the Earth apparently there was even a tunnel system that existed below that went back. Before they had even arrived I don't know how many times are thousands of years and they set up headquarters there but being out of the rays of the the sun they went a little bit shall we say they became mutants and was a little bit mad to say the least and shaver claims that he heard voices and these voices were coming from the cavern world and that he believed that the the dear old he called this race of beings were responsible for all sorts of walls that a man of humanity that they fill their minds with murderous thoughts caused wars disasters such as plane crashes train wrecks and death via some ancient laser like weapons that they had. Captured from the the Titans or kept there from the Titans and of course now people thought that he was a little bit bonkers of course but. Palmer published his stories a series of them and they may sing stories started getting letters from readers all over the United States saying that they had heard the same voices and were getting the same information and the Palmer was able to increase the circulation of the magazine amazing stories by well over 50 years 1000 what for it was unheard of for a pulp. Magazine and it ran for about 5 or 6 years I guess in amazing stories until a sieve Davis started to get some of flack from the regular science fiction readers because they threaten the cats of their subscriptions and they just thought that it was a just you know hogwash and so 5th day was finally told Palmer to to cool it and not to publish any of the stories anymore but I guess Palmer sort of got even because he went out on his own and started his own little publishing a empire and the 1st magazine he put out in 1906 was fake Wow that is still which is still published not very frequently but it still comes out to this to this day and he continued with the shaver mystery and then later on he started a magazine called the flying saucers from other worlds and as far as I can recall he was the 1st to actually talk about this the halls at the north of the South all in fact he had I guess collected information from a number of polar explorers who said that as they reached the north of the south hall they had actually run into. A vat a green valleys and animals that were supposed to have been you know extinct on the on the planet for thousands of years and he took these stories seriously and he published it in his magazine and. I guess this was his magazine was probably the 1st that I I read on a regular basis back in the then I guess maybe around 106-3164 I later. Wrote a column for the magazine that left that I don't know about maybe 7 or 8 years to live magazine finally went out of business it was called on the trail of the flying saucers so I guess to some extent I was influenced by his. Editorials and his penmanship Yeah I would say in the in this book the hollower are hollow Earth there's a description of Ray Palmer It says iconic publisher editor an offbeat author promoted some serious sometimes extreme ideas that sounds like he's like your role model I mean you you've you've explored I guess it would have been rape Aamer and later on The Late Great great Barker who wrote the 1st book on the Men in Black called they knew too much about flying saucers and of course we've just seen the release of the. 4th Man in Black movie which really has nothing to do with the Men in Black of course of of u.f.o. Infamy you know it's become. I wasn't too crazy about it it's just a little too fanciful. A rape rape Palmer I mean doing amazing stories and then state magazine he's he really made an im impact in this in this field and I can see how he could be a role model for you well you know Also like I say a great Barker he he publishes books they do too much about flying saucers and he had a small publishing company so the Syrian press and I guess at the age of about maybe 17 I penned my 1st book for him and it was called the shaver mystery and the n r s which is still in print and there are another name I think now it's called subterranean world. Inside earth or something like that you know we added to it but it was my correspondence with the shaver as a correspondence with other individuals who were involved in this there was a gentleman by the name of Raymond Bernard who left New York to go and live in Brazil he had become I guess. Influence maybe by Palmer's writing and had done research on his own and believe that there were entrances and Brazil that lead into the earth and we corresponded for a while and then he mysteriously disappeared he was seen going into a cave one day supposedly where he had. Been introduced to a group of a peaceful. Peaceful interest group but never emerged again so nobody knows exactly what happened to him whether he fell down the in the cave and just couldn't get out again or whether these people were not is as peaceful as he thought that they were or maybe he just decided to just to stay but he wrote I guess one of the 1st books on the subject called the Hollow Earth and it was a tremendous success in fact he never bothered to copyrighted so a lot of people just reprinted it on their own and it passed around the hand to hand that and one thing that I found out to George over the years you know the tell you on hold on a 2nd time well we're going to come back I want to talk about Schaper a lot because he's an interesting character we're talking with Timothy Green Bakley about his book Our Hollow Earth back in a moment here on the Cartney and wings take us into the break find out more about tonight's guest log on to coast to coast am dot com. 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Discussing in this half of the program from an album called Sonic highways want to mention we played that song from Paul McCartney and Wings are going into the break today as Paul McCartney's birthday he turns $77.00 still out there touring he's touring North America right now and heading to Las Vegas We're talking with Timothy Green back we are kind of a rock n roll u.f.o. Writer who has covered an eclectic sampling of topics that are of interest to this this audience tonight his latest work is Our Hollow Earth going to get into what evidence exists to support that idea and some some pretty a mind bending theories about whether or not we are already living in the hollow Earth we just don't know it explain that when we come back in a moment on coast to coast am. 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Tim Bakley you covered a lot of topics as I was just mentioning there in the break U.F.O.'s Men in Black abductions all kinds of things that we discuss on this program but as you just mentioned and realize Hollow Earth is kind of where you started the 1st story you wrote so this this new book Our Hollow Earth is kind of you coming full circle Well you know I guess we were all influenced a great degree by Major Donald the keyhole back in the early 1950 s. He wrote a couple of potboilers. Books that were bestsellers of these of the some of the 1st that were published on the subject one of them was called Fly saucers from outer space and the 2nd one I think was u.f.o. Flightless confidential although I think it. Several different titles so I don't know whether it's available under today but he fostered the idea that all U.F.O.'s had to be you know coming here from other planets and he had you know some very reliable witnesses airplane pilots who had. Been followed by these objects and he wasn't much into a Close Encounters or you know sightings of you have a lot happens and he totally poo pooed the the contactees and anybody well there weren't too many abduction next cases and they'll save maybe maybe one that I that I heard of so that was about the only thing that the general public at had to to go on his book sells probably a half 1000000 copies you know they were a quarter $35.00 at those. Knows that these and so that the public I guess got the idea that a flying saucer is how to be from somewhere outside of the solar system and it's kind of weird when you look at the board of directors later for his organization he started an organization called Night Cap The National Investigation Committee on aerial phenomena and almost all the board members of that group had affiliations with the government which I always thought was kind of strange and bizarre that here he was fighting for u.f.o. . Information to be really be released but at the same time he had this board of directors that was of heavily weighted by people you know with military. Backgrounds so I believe myself and this is only my personal theory is that a lot of the things that transpired in the early days of U.F.O.'s. Including the u.f.o. Crash at Roswell were really not x. a Terrestrial craft. But they were craft manufactured here on Earth and I believe that the at the crash at Roswell if it really did take place. That it was a craft manufactured based on German technology you know after World War 2 we brought over a whole slew of basically Nazi scientists to work out our own space project and from what we hear that is early as maybe 1919 or 920 they were receiving messages channeled messages for being from some other solar system and had derived this technology for space flight and space travel that was totally different than the rocket propulsion that we were utilizing And so when this object crashed that Ra's Well the government would rather have you believe if you were going to believe that it happened at all that these that this craft was from another planet. Rather than having to admit that they were going in collusion with these and Nazis that they had bought over and we're talking about not just one of von Braun and their mental birth we're talking about a whole team of engineers and scientists I I've heard numbering several 1000 I don't know if that's the case or not so if you were going to believe they'd rather you not believe in and flying saucers that's what they were called in those days were no U.F.O.'s but if you are going to believe in and anything you should except the in the planetary concept and not look closer to an earthly origin and I think that's that still holds true of pretty much to this day although we are starting to get some pretty. Thank you good thinkers like a shock to lay. Who understands that there is a paranormal nature to some of these things that they're all just not physical. In our reality that they could be coming here from a parallel universe or from another dimension or perhaps from inside the Earth Well that's why I was going to say Wait it's so we'll come back to U.F.O.'s because I'd like to get your take on current events yes this gal but hold on a number of pilots that have told me of objects that they've seen you know near the North and South Pole shooting up from the ice that well yes so that's the angle right at the u.f.o. Connection today what we're talking about tonight yes the idea that U.F.O.'s are coming from inside the earth so tell me that part of the story well you know I have a course you know I've collected the sightings id's I have 50 file drawers full of information and data that I've collected over the years and you know I've got a u.f.o. Conferences and all and and talk to people some of whom had the military background and all and asked them about their sightings and quite a few of them told me that they had a witness I remember one fellow. He's a now deceased I interviewed him he was well in his eighty's at the time but he said that he had actually seen a city of lights on the on the ice up at the at the Arctic. Circle and one of the corral one or several of the craft to lift it off at the ice and actually circled the plane that he was piloting Another told me about. Photos that were taken with these mounted cameras that they had inside the plane and this was up in the North Pole as as well in fact I was just going over some of these the more recent reports and this one that. Put on their Web site by someone in the military who said that back in the mid ninety's he was stationed with a naval school squadron in the Antarctic and on a routine flight to the south all one of the crew members brought their attention to the portside winter when the were several objects were observed keenly keeping pace with the airplane that they were that they were filing so these things do happen on a regular basis I've even seen photographs that were taken at the Antarctic of giant glowing objects in the sky and I found in a book that Admiral bird rode in I think it was 1938 a description of a mysterious object in the sky that he saw on several occasions and he said it to his way of thinking it seem like this light or he called it a giant star was actually trying to communicate. With him but then he kind of just gave up on that theory because it couldn't prove it but he he saw it on a number of occasions and this is part of the the literature that he wrote and in fact as there are all I don't know how many I guess he was a serious writer I mean he wrote blogs at books and all kinds of maps he collected and photographs that he took and one of them one collection is in the University of Ohio and another collection I believe is in Virginia somewhere if someone ever had the time I think that they they should investigate these to. A norm. Collections because it's probably a lot of a good material in there that has never been released to the public in fact you know Admiral bird he had. When he went to the south hall he had a group of well I guess several 100 members of the crew and the most of them were members of the Masonic Order in fact he started Masonic Lodge 777 at the end Arctic and he swore his men his crew to total secrecy he had his own little secret society and they were sworn to secrecy and told never to. Tell without his permission anything that happened on any of these expeditions Let's talk about Admiral bird for a for a couple of minutes he's like you know a pervert prominent person a hero in many ways who had come to some dark connections that you and your your team explore in this book and loading connections to Nazis. Well he was invited in the 1938. By the the Germans to form an expedition to the Antarctic but he refused to do that I mean he did not take part in that and later on I guess the within a year or so the Germans did go off and a savage to base the south Paul in an area that I believe that Norway had claimed as as their own the years before and I guess the Nazis just took over the area they they planted like 13 or 14. Poles in the ground with a German flag with a swastika on it then claimed that part of the Antarctic as their their own and Hitler thought or at least some of the Germans believe that there was a base maybe a u.f.o. Base or some sort of inner. Inner. Opening that was. I guess occupied or is that this area and rice live then and they also thought this about Tibet they sent a team of archeologist stuff that Tibet to go into some of the the caverns and all they're looking for the race of Superman that they thought were Ariens and although I don't know whether they were successful or not apparently not but there is a mystery about the South Pole and there are many people who believe for the stay that the Germans actually established a base there and even even bird when he went out there and one point he had a. An expedition that was supposed to last for 9 months it was a project the high jump I believe it was called was a big big military operation big military. And apparently even though the expedition The supposed to last for 9 months he came back after about 6 or 7 weeks and really was kind of a close lipped about what had what had happened. There and there are some that the same that they the u.s. Military because he did say it was a mainly a military expedition there are some say that they want to close down this Nazi a base that might have been established there during the end of the war or they might have had a battle with U.F.O.'s of some sort I 2 don't know it's a it's all a mystery of course like I say his men were sworn to secrecy and he never really would talk about what happened although he did say on a number of occasions that. He was convinced that if we ever were in another world war it would be by objects coming over the Paul from one pole to the other but he never really explained what he meant by that. Right so you know there is some evidence as you explore in this book that the Nazis did sed send an expedition there that they are we do know they were scouring the world for all kinds of unique objects they you know it's sort of right out of Indiana Jones and and mystical objects and mystical powers and and trying to to engage dark forces I guess were what was to come but the story as told in various versions as that the Nazis went to the south pole maybe found an entrance into the hollow Earth and and that's where they escaped to after the 3rd Reich came crashing down and I guess one version of the story is that they're flying advanced craft out of there now that that's what we're seeing in the sky I know I know you you tend to when you write your books you know when your team shine Castiel it Center you cast a wide net you don't really commit to any one theory but I mean my my background is as that of a. A journalist. You know I figured I'd let the people I did my own research and because I saw in Castiel Tim shorts and a Tim acquittal and a lot of Tim's involving the city here to do research and we put together what my background is that of the magazine added I see so I put these books together as if we were doing it as a solid g.n. And we there are some people have different points of view but at the end we all come to some mighty conclusion but Bird did make a couple of statements he said at one point I'd like to see the land be on the North Pole as it is a center of the great unknown and at the South Pole he once called it the land of everlasting mystery which I guess I guess you could really say that the that it is . So here's my question if there are giant entrances to the Hollow Earth at the poles why don't we see why don't we see them with satellites Well actually we have I mentioned that Timothy credulity who is a 40 and researcher he wrote a book couple of years ago I think a weird Nevada and. He's done a lot of research on the admiral bird as as well as the earth and in the the book there's actually a photograph of NASA official NASA photograph that shows I would believe the North Pole at what looks to be like a big entrance way there it's just big black area at the at the pole and up in fact I think on the other night on the history of the History Channel. When the mountain how was on and they interviewed a couple of people of military personnel who had had experiences up that the Poles and they claim that they have photographs which they showed on the air of what looked to be like giant crevices or tunnels or caves that could be used for u.f.o. Entranceways. Yeah Linda's I've spoken to lend about that as well she has some witnesses that she considers to be pretty credible talking about like they seem to be from the interview of course their their faces were in shadow and their voices disguised but I mean it seemed to be a credible interviews and it does go hand in hand with what I've discovered on my my own so I don't see any reason to thank the wise what's your sense of so U.F.O.'s because you think that there may be one Roswell was Nazi technology something that crashed does that mean you think that what we're seeing in the skies now is also derived from Lockheed I believe U.F.O.'s are quite a few different things I mean when you say u.f.o. What are we talking about we're talking about the unidentified flying object some of them aren't even fly I mean some of them are seen in the very close to the to the ground there are some that even the intermingle with with the individuals that come into their homes we have these are in Spears now that are being seen we have people who claim that they've had religious experiences. When they've had to use a u.f.o. Sightings I mean there are all kinds of objects here some to say that one is you know one comes from the in our thing one comes from a parallel universe it's kind of hard to pinpoint this we don't know who's inside the objects for the most part but now there have been a number of U.F.O.'s sightings especially in the early 1950 s. . There was a gentleman by the name of Reinhold Schmidt who was a of a grain buyer and he was working out around Corning Nebraska and he had a sighting one late one afternoon or maybe early evening of this craft and he was invited inside and he said the. The bay is a look there were remarkably human in fact in most of these early cases involving a u.f.o. Contactees they look pretty much like they could be walking around here on the on the outside of the earth and be easily you know they're not recognized for being Allianz or exit terrestrial and I guess if they were coming from inside the earth they would be more likely to look like us than if they were coming from some far off planet our I had to tell mom and I ask you to take a break we got to go to a short break now when we come back I want to ask about some of these sightings and then I want to try to pin you down on whether you think there really is a hollow Earth and if so how is the sun down there I don't I don't quite understand it but we're going to hear your take on it k.t. Tunstall takes at the end of the break with a song called Black Horse of the cherry tree. Because of. The big black. Backers that just keep on walking. In the back up said look this way. And. Let. The and. 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He says that truly reflects the will of the people many people have come out the chief executive should listen to them and fully announce a full withdrawal of the extradition the trial of a decorated Navy Seal charged with killing and Isis prisoners keris that to begin with jury selection today Special Operations Chief Edward Gallagher has pleaded not guilty to premeditated murder in the 2017 killing. When Phoenix found police pointed a gun at their toddler for allegedly taking a doll from a discount store. Phone video shows Phoenix p.d. Officers yelling cursing at what appears to be an officer pointing a gun at a woman holding a child. Phoenix p.d. Chief during Williams says the actions of the officers are unacceptable she apologizes saying it's not representative of the department and those officers have been pulled off the streets during an investigation but. 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