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Diplomatic missions in Iraq and they want a briefing on an alleged threat from Iran that prompted the move this is not as I say just Democrats very important that Senator Lindsey Graham Republican of South Carolina an outspoken advocate of tough action toward Iran and a frequent defender of the president said that the State Department and the Defense Department needed to brief lawmakers about why it had chosen to evacuate u.s. Missions in Iraq this is what Lindsey Graham said I urge the State Department and Department of Defense to come down here and explain to us what's going on because I have no idea what the threat stream is beyond what I read in the papers he added I think there are a lot of people in my shoes that are going to support standing up to Iran but we need to understand what we are doing let me remind you the State Department earlier today ordered the departure of nonemergency employees from the u.s. Embassy in Baghdad and the u.s. Consulate in the northern city of Erbil and renewed a warning to American citizens not to travel to Iraq now the announcement did not say how many personnel were affected. And did not offer more details about the threat posed to Americans in Iraq but I want everyone to know that if the same time a top British general in the u.s. Led coalition against Islamic state made this statement there is no increased threat from Iran or Iran backed forces in Iraq and Syria and I want to point out that directly contradicts the u.s. Assertion used to justify a military buildup in the region I after I ask you what you think about this Major General Christopher Luca g h i k f I think that's how he I'm not sure the pronunciation decouple haps g h i k f a deputy commander of Operation inherent resolve the u.s. Led coalition fighting Islamic State in Iraq and Syria said there has been no increased threat from Iran backed forces in Iraq and Syria. It's very important the u.s. Central Command issued a statement disputing the general's comments I want to know whether you think we are headed for work and what you think of the fact that one of the people in our command is saying there is no increased threat the New York Times I want to remind you reported on Monday that the acting defense secretary Patrick Shanahan who is going to be nominated for the job had presented the White House a plan which involves sending up 212-0000 troops to the Middle East and President Trump who dismissed that report as fake news said Now when I do that absolutely. But we have not planned for that hopefully we're going to have a plan for that and if we did we'd send a hell of a lot more troops that I want to know what you think and I want to remind everybody that the War Powers Act the War Powers resolution passed in 1903 is a federal law intended to check the president's power to commit the United States to an armed conflict without the consent of the u.s. Congress the resolution was adopted in the form of a United States Congress joint resolution and it's very important to understand it provided that the president of the United States can send u.s. Armed forces into action abroad only by declaration of war by Congress which is not what we're talking about statutory authorization or in cases of national emergency created by attack upon the United States its territories or possessions or its armed forces I'm suggesting the administration has couched its language because they are saying that Iran is about to wage an attack against the United States and its allies now the War Powers resolution requires that the president notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action if for bids armed forces for a meaning for more than 60 days and a further 30 day with roll period without congressional authorization to use military force or a declaration of war by the United States which isn't going to happen I want to point out that that resolution was passed by 2 thirds of each of the House and Senate overriding a veto by my old boss then president of the United States Richard Nixon. It's been alleged that the War Powers resolution has been violated in the past for instance President Clinton in 1999 during the bombing campaign in Kosovo Congress had disapproved of such an action but you know what didn't make any difference so here's my question as we seem to be edging closer and closer to the precipice of war in the Middle East do you believe that there should be congressional oversight and were you as thrilled as I was today to hear a bipartisan group of members of Congress saying that they want explanations from the administration 415-808-0815 the way not a line is lit on the subject I'm telling you because you have a right to know but if there were an attack in the Middle East every single line on this board would be. Because if there is a war with Iran it's not going to be a pushover you know what I know now the president is making a gamble he said today that well he accused news outlets of publishing reports that falsely portray his administration's approach to escalating tension in the Middle East the president. Re up to show of confidence that Iranian leaders will eventually come to the negotiating table and this is what he said is what he tweeted the Fake News Washington Post and even more the Fake News New York Times are writing stories but there is infighting with respect to my strong policy in the Middle East there is no in-fighting whatsoever different opinions are expressed and I. Make a decisive and final decision it's very simple process all sides views and policies are covered I'm sure that Iran will want to talk soon 415-808-0810 other way last week Iran announced that it would end its compliance with parts of the 2015 nuclear agreement. That by the way almost a year to the day after President Trump with through the United States from the deal 415-808-0810 you know there are 2 issues if you're a member of Congress that should concern you one the question of a vote on impeachment and the other the question of whether or not to go to war I want to applaud the bipartisan group in Congress that say if there is any indication that something should be done we the Congress want to be briefed speaking at a committee hearing today Senator Menendez said there are only 2 reasons to evacuate u.s. Missions in Iraq Americans working at the mission are risk or it is preparation for military action in Iran and the senator offered with bipartisan support. That it was the committee's duty to help write laws to authorize the use of military force and to oversee State Department and the safety of its employees 415-808-0810 I mention the War Powers Act Some of you say oh John you're too technical but I'm not too technical a War Powers Act was passed to try to limit a president's ability to go to war so you tell me what you think 415-808-0810 should we be worried should we be concerned should Congress be included in all this and by the way when Lindsey Graham says no one has briefed him. You know it worries me. Let's get to your calls Tom calling from Moscow House Tom welcome to k.g. Oh Oh thank you Jon during program Yeah I think the most important question that Congress should be asking right now is are any nuclear weapons being used or planned and being used by these nuclear capable of weapon systems like you know b. 52 c. Nuclear submarines aircraft carriers I'm going to answer your question to the best the my knowledge no one is talking about using a nuclear weapon and if that were to emerge believe me not only what everyone on my board be let every line in Congress would be lit. You have all the evacuation of the illiteracy of those 2 cities Baghdad in Erbil the only reason I could think of are the exact personnel is because they're thinking about whose knew their nuclear weapons or biological weapons or chemical when I don't know if if there were let me just be clear I won't agree with you on that I do believe that if there were a war we know that American personnel and their families would be subject to attack so it is a normal process in preparation for war without any discussion about nuclear to remove American non-combat nce from being targets so I remember accent's you remember I'm sure. The American Embassy in Saigon was attacked on 968 I remember it very well. You know why didn't we evacuated American embassy when there is a massive war going on and the news people in dependence and so on we didn't evacuate them then they still had nuclear weapons it was you know no no no they were trying to you know right I don't know nobody had nuclear cable you know we talked about it I will tell you because I've interviewed people who were directly involved in that because what was being attempted by the North Vietnamese on the Viet Cong was to intimidate the United States they didn't expect to win they expected for a very short time a few days or maybe a week to make life difficult for us but there was never a threat of any use of nuclear weapons not by Russia not by China and not by the United States Irish and even. I just want to say we do know also that we also do in your direct way to you know your army and embassy Tehran know or because there was no threat of war there was no threat of war in fact if you go back and I interviewed again people who were held hostage I interviewed people from the State Department about this I did hear on k g o. They did not believe and President Carter was advised that the Iranian government would never permit a takeover of the American embassy in fact he asked the question he said what if they did. Because he thought it might happen and the answer was there was no answer and of course by the way you know President Carter just broke his hip you know the oldest living former president and his writings on that are available in his autobiography which I commend to everyone I appreciate your call 415-808-0810 I apologize if my answers are more detailed than some would like but I believe it's important to have clarity Personally I'm thrilled that Congress is standing up and saying before you act let us know what you're going to do I think that is part of the responsibility of Congress this e-mail comes from Leslie the president has made clear his disdain for Congress Bob Menendez Lindsey Graham or anybody else and scream from the bloody rooftop demanding details about the evacuation of diplomats in Iraq as well as the pose a threat from Iran the president couldn't care less about their demands this really is a sad thing in that the American people by and large seem to feel the same way I have to tell you as someone who really follows foreign policy and many of you know I've been in that business for a long time if the president is smart he will include Congress 100 percent. 415. 10 many of you calling him can't wait to hear your comments right here on the John Rothmann program on k g o John Rothmann on k.g.s. a 10 decades k g o was the station where you heard him talk about the most important news of the day plus he had conversations with presidents movie stars and sports heroes Well now he's back. 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Bases that's the Saturday inside Macy's Union Square here's the deal our names but it totally different stuff like fashion finds home decor toys hair care and incredibly low prices the 1st $100.00 people here $20.00 back these reward cards inside Macy's Union Square Saturday May 9 am for the opening of the new. Entree. Backstage dot com for details. Now that. Some of you remember. He was the original. As we discussed when he was. He voted against. Expanded it because of the time. It was very interesting because it was a battle between Eagleton. Because Javits really became the. Maybe something we'll be talking about more in the future by the way. And they're both fascinating books to read a let's get right to a your calls let's go to Joe was calling from. Joe welcome to Cape. Thank you for taking my call I think maybe I'm been weird but I think this is obvious this is a diversion he knows he's in trouble politically and in this country will 'd will stand behind its military and its threats as president we get into a scuffle. I think that's exactly what he's doing here is creating something because nobody seems to know what he's talking about but Pompei o n n Bolton well want to and we are that is exactly the point that Lindsey Graham made in his comment he said and I want to quote him directly and he's an advocate for tough action on Iran and a frequent defender of the president said I would urge the State Department our Department of Defense to come down here and explain to us what's going on because he said I have no idea what the threat stream is beyond what I read in the paper and I'm only saying that is the here because you don't want to go to war or take offensive action and I want to remind you we now have one of the people who's part of our own command structure who is a British general saying that there has been no increase that would result in a need for this kind of action so let me ask you What should the next step be. The next step right now should be that the senators are going to have to get brave and and stand up to even his own and stand up to him say wait a minute bring us the proof War Powers Act And if we're going to go that route 'd and if they don't know it's you know 'd and answer questions from you from about a week ago then they need to go through the impeachment process whether they get it done or they don't so they don't set a precedence for this guy doing anything or even. The next guy. Doing anything you want to as President Well I think that's the key this is not just about Donald Trump is about the nature of the American presidency and the balance of power with Congress and I have to tell you I believe that Senator Lindsey Graham with whom I've had disagreements over the years I think is absolutely correct the president can't just make these statements he has to come out but now let's be clear about something Joe the president has the power even under the War Powers Act The president as commander in chief has the power to order any action he chooses and I think I'm in favor of presidential power but I believe when a member of the United States Senate like Lindsey Graham or Bob Menendez or Marco Rubio of Florida a Republican raise these kinds of questions the president needs to respond and if I were chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee I would be calling him the secretary of state the secretary of defense just as was done by Bill Fulbright when he was chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on the war in Vietnam and if you remember that was the beginning of the downfall of the Johnson administration access if you will including Bob McNamara and Dean Rusk so we'll agree on that and I want you to know how much I appreciate your call Joe Johns Ok have a good night 415-808-0810 if you disagree with me please pick up the phone and tell me I'm wrong don't you believe that the president has an obligation not only one for Congress but certainly an ally like Lindsey Graham they play golf together Lindsey Graham has been out front and out front defending the president. 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The Geico Insurance Agency could help protect the dark Name field corner you call home call Geico in see how easy it is to switch and save on homeowner's insurance to Asians now that. John King. John Roberts right here on stage you know just want to remind use out tomorrow in the Rose Garden the president is going to give a speech unveiling a new immigration proposal that we are told we don't know for sure. Would move the United States forward to win more merit based system and boosting border security. I can't comment because I haven't seen it but we will no doubt be talking about it tomorrow right here on k.g. You know 415-808-0810 we're talking about war and peace what's going to John calling from San Francisco John welcome to k.g. Oh well that's a the edge I choose to use but beyond that. About 15 years from now a caller is going to call and perhaps leave him be me I'll be about 70 that callers are going to say you know it's too bad we've been there for 13 years or in Iraq and Iran Iran rather and efficient we took out hundreds of thousands of civilians and I can project out into the future I hope it doesn't happen because I grew up in Iraq my father was brass and the army he worked for next loop worked at the embassy we lived in the civilian life my name he was Turkish we had a. It's a different lifestyle over there allegedly taking the money or now I'm going to live in like 6 so we were we had a driver and things like and I remember in 1978 or 979 rather my mother while we were in Texas getting a phone call from her friend in the State Department saying that all her friends that she worked with. As an English as a 2nd language tutor for Iranian soldiers who are friends who are teachers were taken to the roof and shot back. I learned that day the Iranian people are. Fantastic people and I want it you know I really want people in this country in the city to understand that are there so much like us so so let me ask you when you hear what's going on what do you think we should do err on the side of caution diplomacy statesmanship. Let's just tone down the posturing you know really I learned from my father you know you don't there's no posturing unless it's followed up by a hell of a lot so let me ask you the Iranians have a problem with this president they've made clear that they have a problem with this president the most yes. How do we proceed what do you think we should do. It has to come from the Iranian people but now that they are not in control they are not in control and I had a Koran was it last night the night before who said the same thing it's up to the people and I said the people are not in control of Iran the people in control of Iran are the mullahs am the Revolutionary Guard. I stand corrected your point is well taken I think that my response was a bit of a cop out so the church. Like the way old people speak to the far. I don't know it's it's I'm way I'm way over my head on this the only thing that really comes to mind is have a 10 year plan to try to figure out how to usurp that power and slowly build surely filled with the help of France and Germany and England some kind of infiltrate with over over a decade maybe. Some new ideas and some way to figure out how to overthrow the government now do they really are less likely to learn Georgia where these are people these are people whose rationale goes back to the Bronze Age something I heard of part of my life being dictated by people whose to agree with and live like you are the soul of bronze age makes no sense well lost a see what the president's going to do and I appreciate your call our rights are and thank you for the kind words appreciate that 415-808-0810 now you may not know this but there is a crown prince of Iran His name is raise up. He was born in 1960 he is the last heir apparent to the defunct throne of what was the peacock throne he is the oldest son of the Shah and Pallavi is the founder and former leader of the self-styled National Council of Iran an exiled opposition group and is a key critic of the Iran's Islamic Republic government I want to ask you a question do you think it makes sense for there to be regime change and is Pahlavi the man we should be looking at to do that. There are a lot of people who believe that the heir to the throne of Iran is the only logical person to take over let's go to Roberta on from San Francisco Roberta welcome to k g o y I thank you. Larry give everybody a big voice thank you I appreciate your confidence it is really really hard you speak and educate a lot of people even lazy but I just want to thank you for being there thank you and. We really would be really scared and paying attention to what's going on in the White House. And. We should not ever be kind to provoke war to another nation Luckily no one now let me ask you this. The members of the Senate bipartisan Democrats and Republicans are saying that they need to be consulted they need to be informed do you think the president and his administration John or take to do that they said that's maybe what the Senate leaders did they need to know what's going on. I agree with you and I think that's absolutely essential do you think the president will do that. Oil boy I do not trust this guy at all I just got to tell you when you always tell us to look over here when he still is some over there you better be watching about a bit then a whale also you know well we're going to see but listen Venezuela I'm glad you raised that thank you for calling and Roberta I'm delighted you're listening thank you like I said thank you so much for being there I love listening to you thanks so much. This is interesting you know that soon after dawn from took office his National Security Council aides considered trying an unusual new approach to Iran they wondered whether the president should record a dramatic video message congratulating the Iranian people on their New Year Now we normally do that now the twist President Trump was going to appear alongside an Iranian royal who lives quietly in the Washington area raise a Polaski the exiled some of the country's late shock now and as sea officials decided against the idea which was described by 2 people familiar with the episode and Trump instead issue just that traditional reading but this is very important because Pahlavi is still in Washington and there is no question that John Bolton. Feels an affinity for Pahlavi He's 60 years old he has not openly called for the restoration of the Peacock throne but his official biography describes him instead I'm just reading it now as quote a leader and advocate of the principles of freedom democracy human rights for his countrymen he cast himself as a symbol and has said he is ready to serve his country. 415-808-0810 if we call for regime change which is what John Bolton is calling for do you think that the president might have in mind the restoration of the ball last dynasty there is a group which deals with this who said in replacing the current regime with a democratic and secular state. Leadership in influence can facilitate a smooth transition and ensure peace order national unity and the territorial integrity of Iran 41580808 now how do you react to this and what do you think of the possibility John Bolton has met with many members of the Iranian diaspora John Bolton has indicated this might be a good idea and the United States as Paul the u.s. Out of the Iran nuclear deal impose sanctions on Tehran is doing just what we've talked about today and I got to tell you Pallavi is in sync with the Trump administration he's saying what they're saying he's denounced the Islamist regime funding a proxy militias elsewhere in the Middle East he's denounced its role in the Civil War and yes a lobby has denounced the threats to Israel and he has expressed impatience with the Trump administration's insistence that well change of power well he thinks it should happen more quickly let's get your comments on this I'm I'm fascinated. Let's go to evolve in calling from almost Creek Yvonne welcome to k.g.s. 1st thank you so much John Kerry the ticket beaker Ok good they're finding you thank you for having me on Thank you Valerie he asked me what I wanted to talk about in just that moment I totally forgot you mentioned the policy and my point is I don't care if John Bolton likes Pahlavi in the raining too came over with the Shaw because although the rain had tons of money and they made it because of their shop there his cronies just like Marcos his cronies from the Philippines came over to United States and settled in the white and the us and bought a whole lot of property the thing is there's no reason why the United States should twice in 60 years to regime change in Iran we caused a democratically elected president of Iraq Prime Minister that post sorry Prime Minister to depose deposed and we put in by the CIA plot the Reza Pahlavi that is fuck her and let's point out herniated Sabat what happened to the poor Iranians they ended up like the poor Russians you know they were spied on I look and we just see the same kid at the prison all the horrible was the secret police now we're ready we're Pahlavi said he said I'm not in this for the monarchy I'm in this for the freedom of my countrymen and for popular sovereignty we're asking is how it plays. The thing is let me just say this. People there in Iran they are mostly they are mostly were born after the hostage situation they have no memory of you know what it was like before when the Shah was there so you know 2 years will it 3 years ago. Thousands hundreds of thousands of went into the street asking for freedom they wanted to be able to be free they want to move the Western lifestyle. Burka. Law That's what Iranians why they might not like democracy but why should they take another king. Yes he says he's not interested in the restoration of the monarchy but if he can help in restoring what he calls the model see he would like to see have really to offer his name thing his name. And was the father's reputation which if anybody looks into history knows there's nothing in me just tell you. Well the day that we have free elections will be the day I will consider my political mission in life accomplished from that day I cannot tell you now what the circumstances will be I've always said I'm ready to serve my country in whatever capacity that my constituents choose was not appreciate your call I'm raising this because the Trump people are looking for a way. To do something in Iran. And Pallavi made. Their answer let's go to Sarah who's calling from San Jose Serra thanks for your patience welcome to k.g.s. Hi John how are you I'm splendid Sarah thank you for asking as I think you said for linking these to the Shah is not music to make He's wanted was not be a victim make these guy he's son is not the idea to make them all are not they just we Iranian people are related to him and we want to be seen as good shape we don't want to fight with a new war and need their own Lol honestly you know them a lot not because of these guys I want to go through he's called Soul. To the monarchy a Don't don't believe anyone a gauge he squad is not illegitimate kid who puts he's got one spot this is a good father was a shoemaker you know. Michelle would take the British took not a good bottle one day and cooked in the as can you imagine this and what many believe is our grandfather was deposed because he was a pro German in 1901 and he was seated by a young raise a Pahlavi you're right yes yes. He's a glue pot although it was so good a cake to killing people you know what he could have he's father was a little bit better and now he's the one to go to and make them Monica crowded they got the room on a key How did it is see the money leave it on the m people alone. You know what I always say don't confuse people with the facts but I wanted to raise this and I want to thank you because what you have said is so important that they thank you. Want to bring in these again and maybe leave me the money key if you know. What the solution or the answer you're a not like you want the law but we don't want to also want to kill Iranian people in a sense they have little what I think. They have nothing they just need them alone donkey L.M.'s and me well. Sarah thank you for your call you keep listening and as this thing heats up don't hesitate to call Ok I will you please stay thank you for 1580808 and I am John Rosman raising these tough questions right here on k g o. N k g o 810 k. Geos Joe Getty on what should be if you try to get the government to do everything it's not going to do the things it has to do well there's no money left if we are lean mean fast moving and adaptive are big a bloated stupid mattress welfare state won't save us it'll kill us k g O's Jack Armstrong on what will be none of those words applied to where we're going to be. Nimble going to happen Armstrong and getting mornings 5 to 10 on k g o a 10. 30 in Bremmer from the Eurasia Group we like him he's in favor of Trump's trade war but he's going to nail down 1st who's got the advantage right now and how long he thinks this whole thing is going to last that's coming up tomorrow 5 am to 10 am K.G.'s Have you heard metro now includes Amazon Prime unselect plans yes enjoy the best of shopping and entertainment movies t.v. Shows music fast free shipping and much more us now get a free l.g. Style 0 for one use with Discover the smarter way to wireless metro by Ci mobile That's genius a sales tax an activation fee of $50.00 plus recliner quired the numbers currently on the mobile network are active on Metro has many days off are subject to change from the Amazon. Members. Of the 12000000 item of value restrictions apply the store for details in terms of conditions technology truth. The. 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At participating Chevron Texaco and Safeway gas stations limited to 25 gallons at a single filling other restrictions and exclusions apply visit store or Safeway dot com for details this is from the Alameda Safeway and we'll see you soon. Now back to John Cage. At least 3 hours fly by far too quick. Going to the jury room for much more Ok let me go to Ron calling from San Jose because Ron you have an excellent question. John thanks you've got an excellent background in presidential history I have no question How many presidents nearing a war have not been reelected. That's my point and let me point out that we add an election in the middle of the Civil War Abraham Lincoln ran against General George b. McClellan McClellan was the Democratic candidate and I want to remind you Lincoln had fired McClellan And then in 1904 we had the race between Franklin Roosevelt and Thomas he do it and so the question becomes. Do we normally reelect presidents in the midst of a war had Johnson chosen to run in 1968 in the middle of the Vietnam War I believe he would have been reelected and all the polls indicated. My concern when you get him back in a corner and he wants to make a. What does he want to do you know it's an interesting question and that's why. The responsibility of Congress and what was said today of by Menendez and Graham. Is so critical a president needs to be held accountable. A great question Ron thanks very much for her I was afraid of this 2 years ago. Well I think you will see how k. Let me go to Lisa Cohen from kill Roy. Moore got to be quicker by a way. Ok anyone that this administration I would suspect is the person that would pick and I'm kind of wondering who we think we are trying to install the old guard the leadership other country you know I mean how do we think it really is a deal about that knowing from our own experience you're right and it goes back to a muscle back most attack was overthrown by the CIA in 1953 engineered by Theodore Roosevelt's grandson and all I can tell you is you're right we have a problem and the only way a successful change works is if the people want to and I agree with you 100 percent . Or call 415800 My time is up I can't take another call but don't worry I'll be back tomorrow 6 o'clock and you will be tuning in tell your friends because tomorrow the president announces his new proposal on immigration I can't wait I want to say a big thank you a to Valerie branch produces this program Valerie nice to have you back and to Karen read. Engineering guides us through the night. Ok so you know what we're looking for for tomorrow night to talk about I will be here and you will be here and you stay tuned. Because we're all trying to make this. Place to be. And you are listening. San Francisco San Jose. The law crash in the Hudson I don't we have Francis Alabama's governor has signed the toughest abortion ban on the nation the law makes performing the procedure at any stage of pregnancy a felony punishable by up to life in prison Camilla reports Alabama joins 4 other states this year that has bills limiting abortion and 11 other states that introduced similar legislation this year in Alabama there are no promises. Why go in Leon county city. Alabama lawmakers say their bill is specifically designed to go to the Supreme Court has to 1st hand.

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