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Protecting your workplace and your business are you an employee who needs help understanding your rights in a workplace dispute or are you a business owner or company who needs to streamline h.r. Processes to avoid disputes are you a new business who needs help handling bureaucratic matters and if you're confronting difficult end of life issues you deserve a compassionate guide Denise Eaton May is a Hayward based lawyer who over 3 decades has helped employers employees businesses and families dealing with estate issues she's knowledgeable discreet and experienced for a confidential consultation call 510-244-3307 or visit d e m legal eagle dot com That's 510-244-3307 or d e m legal eagle dot com for a confidential consultation with Denise Eaton may protecting your workplace and your business. Next generation. Investigating Russia replacing Obamacare. Committee kicks off a hearing tomorrow on Russian meddling in the u.s. Texas Congressman Joaquin Castro tells A.B.C.'s This Week what needs to get accomplished there are a few things that I'm hoping to hear 1st whether any Americans are being investigated for cooperating or conspiring with the Russians who interfered with our election 2nd the scope of that investigation and 3rd. Of all we hear the House is scheduled to vote later this week on the Republican health care plan House Speaker Paul Ryan appearing on Fox News Sunday says he's working to bring all g.o.p. Lawmakers on board you've got to get 218 Republicans who come from all different walks of life to come together to agree on the best possible plan to repeal and replace Obamacare more than 400 homes have been evacuated or Boulder Colorado where a wildfire has charred 62 acres the blaze is 20 percent contained s. And p. Futures down 3 the Nasdaq futures down by 4 points I mean Kate's. One lawmaker says the nude photo scandal involving the Marines could extend to other branches of the military Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton tells c.n.n. State of the Union that everyone involved must be held accountable have a 0 tolerance policy for this kind of behavior and our armed forces and every soldier sailor airman knows better whether or not they have a lawyer rating the law to them or not investigation continues into an attack at an airport in Paris correspondent sencha fizzles have completed an autopsy to determine whether a suspected Islamic extremist was drunk or high on drugs when he took a soldier hostage at a Paris airport and was shot dead by her fellow pretrial meant the 39 year old Frenchman had a long criminal record with multiple jail terms for drugs and robbery offenses more than 230 people have died in France in the past 2 years at the hands of ISIS terrorists that is making security a key issue in the upcoming French presidential election this spring I'm and Kate's . Join Michael Tilson Thomas and the San Francisco Symphony program dedicated to the great composers of the 20th century 1st robin Holloway's Europa and the ball depicts a last will Jupiter hankering for the beautiful nymph Europa then your bar talks captivating and virtuous a concerto for viscera March 23rd and 24th tickets and information or 158646000 or visit s.f. Symphony dot org. Traffic checking on your Of course. Musical. Number. A giant. 6 a rock n roll legend. Musical legend. I am John Rothman in for about Thurston no place I'd rather be than right here with you. Well let's let's start out I want to sort of lay this out for you because the 1st hour I want to talk about the u.s. House Intelligence Committee meeting that convenes tomorrow morning and get your impressions the 2nd hour there is another hearing that is taking place so our number 2 want to deal with the question of Neil Gorsuch and his confirmation and I'm going to pose a question to you about whether you are an originalist and if you know what that means so we have a lot to do we'll see about the 3rd hour as we move closer to that but let's start out with this a the House Intelligence Committee will meet tomorrow morning. They're going to investigate the extent of Russia's alleged meddling in the 2016 presidential watching and they're also about to investigate the president trumps claim that Barack Obama had his phones tapped during the campaign now this public hearing will be open and so tomorrow morning I think it convenes of 10 on the 10 am so I will be watching that 7 am West Coast time James Comey and Admiral Mike Rogers will testify of course call me the f.b.i. Director Mike Rogers the director of the National Security Agency and it's interesting because the Department of Justice delivered yesterday or Friday rather documents to the House and Senate intelligence committees regarding their request for information that could shed light on Donald Trump's claim that President Obama tapped his phones at Trump Tower in New York now let's point out that neither the House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin newness nor the Justice Department have explained what's in those documents we don't know. Of course the president is facing increased pressure in Congress to back down from the wiretapping claims that he made on Twitter. March 4th a bipartisan group of lawmakers in the House and Senate on the Intelligence Committee said this week they have not seen anything to support the accusation. Represented Ninnis a Republican from California said we don't have any evidence that that took place I don't think there was an actual tap of Trump Tower during a joint news conference with. Eunice Adam Schiff. Another Californian of the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee agreed he said there is no daylight between us on the fact that neither one of us have seen any evidence to support what the president tweeted thus far we have no basis for that whatsoever we will be asking said Adam ship we will be asking the director if he has any evidence and the evidence that substantiates the president's claim we think it's in the public interest that this be openly addressed by the director I should add to that that Chairman known as said just today that there has never been any evidence that former President Barack Obama or anyone else and I want to rely on that or anyone else wiretapped Trump Towers during the presidential campaign let me quote the congressman directly from his appearance on Fox News Sunday if you take the president literally it didn't happen was there a physical wiretap of Trump Towers No there never was and the information on Friday continues to lead us in that direction he's now referring to the information conveyed by the White House. Still in a suggest with the media revelations the former national security advisor Lieutenant General Michael Flynn had conversations with the Russian ambassador to the u. Knighted States raised concerns that the trumpet ministration and other people might have been spied on during the campaign you know it was interesting that he said that because I can tell you it is routine in Washington to tap if you will the phones of our visiting ambassadors we monitor what ambassadors from nations around the world do in Washington notice what I'm to say if there was if there were others surveillance activities where names were picked up and unmasking occurred it was spread throughout the intelligence community this is a very possible and we don't have any answers to those questions yet I don't know if the president has those or not in short tomorrow is going to be very interesting and I want to explain that there is a 2nd part to this because they're not just dealing with the wiretap question they're also dealing with a far more significant issue in the minds of many but not necessarily so and that is Russia's presumed interference in the presidential election 415-808-0810 what do you expect tomorrow morning what do you expect when the committee convenes and you have the director of the f.b.i. And the director of the National Security Agency on the stand under oath for the 1st time and why do you think it is that the president has not conveyed the information and let me just add this Susan Collins a Republican senator from Maine. Said that the president owes Congress and the American people an explanation about his claims that Former President Obama wiretapped from powers that you hear of this morning on Meet the Press she stopped short of saying the president should apologize but said he should turn over any evidence of wiretapping to the House and Senate intelligence committees for their investigation into Russian hacking during the 2016 presidential campaign Senator Collins said this I'd like to get to the bottom of this before saying what should be done I don't know the basis for president Trump's assertion and that's what I wish he would explain to us on the Intelligence Committee and to the American people and I do believe he owes us that explanation 415-808-0810 how important is this hearing tomorrow now I do want to commend to you although I'm not going to review it with you because it's rather complicated Politico go to their website has all of Trump's ties with Russia. 7 charts their charts 7 charts and I have to say the answer of the connection is still unclear the Democrats and Republicans are very concerned about this what the charts I have in front of me illustrate are dozens of links including meetings between Russian officials and members of prompts campaign ended ministration talks about his daughter's ties to Putin's friends a Trump's 2013 visit to Moscow for the Miss Universe pageant is short lived mixed martial arts venture with one of Putin's favorite athletes it goes through everything that it may mean nothing. 41580808 him how significant let me ask you the one question are you going to listen are you going to watch tomorrow morning when the hearings take place I am John Rothmann in for Pat Thurston right here on k g o o it is time now at 413 for Detroit miles with traffic high difference changing tastes in traffic Jr Good afternoon to you and everyone here trying to make your a little slow in Oakland 580 westbound east of 13 South lookout for debris Hello I'm I can tell the inventor of my pillow and like all of you out there I have problems sleeping pillows would go flat out I would flip flop all night long I would wake up with a sore neck maybe a headache or feel like I needed a nap even though I slept 8 hours when I had been in my pillow I wanted it to where you could move the pattern and feel to give you the exact support you need as an individual regardless of sleep position my pillow will get you into that deep sleep faster and you will stay there longer it's not about how much time we spend about it it's about how much of that quality sleep we get I do all my own manufacturing right here in the United States I have a 10 year warranty you can wash and dry my pillow and I give you a 60 day money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose and here's my best offer ever to celebrate March being National Sleep Awareness Month my pillow is offering 50 percent off their 4 packs special go to my pillow dot com or call 80296893 now and use promo code came geo to take advantage of this great deal that's 802996893 or go to my pillow dot com and use promo code k g o. 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Wine and dine with the cheese makers and intimate multi-course dinner with some of the most talented cheese makers superstars on Sunday stroll through the renowned cheese tasting and marketplace where you can meet and taste from over 90 artisan producers showcasing the best of local cheese wine beer ciders and other specialty foods it's cheese cheese and more cheese March 24th 26th at the Sheraton Hotel in Petaluma For tickets and information go to artisan cheese festival dot com artist's and Cheese Festival dot com. Your conversation. This generation of 810. Eastern right here on. The House Intelligence Committee will. Earn I have Underoath . Record the f.b.i. And I have under oath the. Director of National Intelligence as an interesting situation because Jim called me and Mike Rogers are coming in and we have to see what they're going to do though I have a couple questions of people asked when does the Senate Intelligence Committee get into this their hearing begins on March 30th and their hearing is formally titled this information a perm or on Russian active measures and influence campaigns and that's according to Richard Burr Republican of North Carolina and the ranking Democrat Mark Warner sort of just the House it's not the Senate 2nd question that is being posed to me is can a president be subpoenaed to testify and we have precedent for presidents testifying before Congress you all know that. Mary Todd Lincoln who was Abraham Lincoln's wife Abraham Lincoln came forward to testify on behalf of his wife during the Civil War prove that she was not a spy and of course Gerald Ford voluntarily agreed to testify before Congress over the pardon of Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton was put under oath during the Lewinsky scandal he was opposed to all recall in the White House so the answer is yes they could theoretically subpoena the president but that's highly unlikely and what we now have is a situation where members of the House and Senate Democrats and Republicans are saying to the president please come forward and give us whatever evidence you have the 2nd aspect of this is a question of Russian interference in the presidential campaign by the way let's be perfectly clear that is not tampering with voting machines that was that steady drip. Of information which obviously hurt Hillary Clinton I can remember sitting behind this microphone the 2 weekends before the election 1st weekend Jim comi came out with a statement saying the investigation was open and then a week later he said No it's now closed but the damage was done 415-808-0810 I really want your reaction are you going to turn on the t.v. And you know watch this does it matter what comes up do you care about whether or not the Russians interfered or whether Donald Trump was right about Barack Obama there are some of the president's supporters who say this is all pushed by the media but the American people don't give a tinker's damn one way or the other so I want to ask you what you think. 415-808-0810 Let's go to Jacob calling from San Jose Jacob thank you for calling welcome to k.g. Oh. You should I say clear what you're actually asking people who are listening to your program today is which one do you believe the United States intelligence community those 17 agencies or the president of the United States well I'm not I wouldn't characterize it that way but I'm delighted if you wished I don't think that's the real question but go ahead what do you think who we believe. When you look at what happened in 1809 the Central Intelligence Agency they were definitely against Carter so much that they were actually plotting trying to deal with it for him and to Iran to 'd what it told release of the hostages that are in Iraq Jake with all due respect that supposition and this is not 1901 I can tell you that over the years the CIA has done many things I disagree with my question is tomorrow when the testimony is delivered for the House Intelligence Committee does it matter one way or the other to you and and do you have a predisposition one way or the other. Well I have to say. I believe the president I don't believe the intelligence agencies are being truthful I don't think they've been truthful truthful all along they've got another rich and what that agenda is who knows maybe they're trying to work with China to put pressure on the president and they don't like that 90. 3 in the South China Sea So you're right your inclination then is to believe that the president is right now let me ask you this you have all of the ranking all of the members of the House and Senate Intelligence Committee Democrat and Republican saying they have seen no evidence so if you were Donald Trump and you want to prove this to be fact . Wouldn't you simply present all the evidence tomorrow automatically and say Here is the proof when you do that. And you know I think you know your obvious something there evidence is important and that's why there are so many things. Answered about that 1989 about a lot of talk about it and I don't with all due respects just you want to talk about I think you're going to lead America I don't see excuse me I don't want to talk about 99 I want to talk about what's going to happen what is going to happen tomorrow morning Washington d.c. . Committee gathers That's the question we can argue history I know you and I have both got a fascination for history but it's tomorrow and you've you've expressed very well your point of view Jacob thanks for your your call 415-808-0810 that is the number right here on k g Oh let's go to David from San Francisco David welcome to k g o. You know a couple of things flashed my mind do you remember when Ronald Reagan basically copped the insanity plea by coming up with all timers He never said you know no no just say you're clear he never used the all timers excuse in fact the president gave testimony under oath after he left office before a court and he was very honest and said I just don't remember I don't recall but he never played any Alzheimer's card ever well within the last 510 years of his life was he helped Simers No he was he has peaches any more you want to see announced he had Alzheimer's which he did he ceased to take any public stands on anything and he wrote a letter I very eloquent letter to the American people saying I've been diagnosed with Alzheimer's and that was it. Yeah. It was such an insult to the country to have Oliver North running loose. When when Oliver North was in the White House not that I want to hash over history Ronald Reagan was completely with a completely compas madness and that is why the Tower Commission was convened by Ronald Reagan in 1907 under the chairmanship of John Tower in order to arrive at a conclusion as to what had really outlets were raised that's why I raised it to begin with because if you look at it now most of what is claiming is insane and so at some point he's going to have to. Learn and high lived a comfortable life in a sanitarium but not necessarily that again. Lawyers hold on a president can make a statement that is not true and there is no real accountability except the judgment of history so he could be right on this or he could be wrong on this but there is no penalty if you. Don't see is that we the taxpayers are paying for lawyers are on the low side that's not a penalty to him that's a penalty to us if Donald Trump chooses to do things which are which you and I agree with or don't agree with as long as he doesn't break the law there is no technical accountability all I'm saying well you remember that book I keep recommend and the days of show by Senator Potter if you remember Donald Trump's Legion his strategists are all acolytes of Lloyd quote and Lloyd Cohen late use of the top secret but so you're asking about whether the intelligence committee can police themselves since they've all been on the sugar to hit a note. Saying I believe that the intel. Committee will do its job I believe the fact that the. Who is a Republican on the ranking Democrat there is no evidence but they're going to hold hearings we have to go ahead with that I appreciate your call Thank you very much it is 27 and it's time now for traffic. Traffic. Time to make your way out through the city. A little bit heavy but nothing unusual about that. They're trying to give that up and I don't know how big it is but definitely. You can imagine. If you're trying to make your way through. Dealing with and be in the clear. As it was there for a little while we wanted it to be. Because of a collision in. The new year brings a fresh start nobody does fresh starts better than the consignment center if you have high end furniture or jewelry that still looks like new but just isn't what you want anymore bring it to the home consignment center they do all the heavy lifting for you they offer pickup and delivery service create a fresh start for your home and 2017 with. Jewelry and money on the stuff that just doesn't fit your new look at the home consignment or you're getting the best deal because there's no retail mark up plus the money you spend goes right back into your local community millions of dollars helping the Bay Area thrive unlike big chain stores their family. Locations all over northern California. From model homes nobody has a more unique selection of jewelry and furnishings at incredible consignment prices find your nearest consignment Center online at the home consignment Center dot com the home consignment Center dot com. The law office of Denise Eaton may protecting your workplace and your business are you an employee who needs help understanding your rights in a workplace dispute or are you a business owner or company who needs to streamline h.r. Processes to avoid disputes are you a new business who needs help handling bureaucratic matters and if you're confronting difficult end of life issues you deserve a compassionate guide Denise Eaton May is a Hayward based lawyer who over 3 decades has helped employers employees businesses and families dealing with estate issues she's knowledgeable discreet and experienced for a confidential consultation call 510-244-3307 or visit d e m legal eagle dot com That's 510-244-3307 or d e m legal eagle dot com for a confidential consultation with Denise Eaton may protecting your workplace and your business. To the Sonoma Coast an experience all Bodega Bay has to offer starting at the iconic in at the tides the baby restaurant offers classic Italian cuisine and is the home of the legendary monthly dinner with the wine makers series February's dinner is the 17th enjoy a colony feast paired with the amazing winds of Jessops cellars of cellars as a loyal following for its ultra premium wines of distinction and book ahead for the March 17th dinner with the winds of Sonoma Coast with wine maker and Sonoma County native Anthony Austin sample their handcrafted wines from the cold climate growing areas of the region take advantage of monthly room specials and receive a bottle of wine upon arrival and complimentary full breakfast each morning reserve your seat at these renowned wine maker dinners and book your room now at it at the tides dot com That's it at the time dot com 805417788805417788. John Rotman on the next generation. And on of it. And of course we remembered something. Very passed away at the age of 91 to believe but his music will live on forever Balon 580808 And I'm John Robin in for Pat Thurston I have an e-mail here asking about the president's credibility and isn't it online so I want to just give you this little story Germany has rejected the president trying to claim that the country owes NATO orange sums of foreign spending on an understanding on defense a Trump tweeted yesterday that Germany owes vast sums of money to NATO and the United States must be paid more for the powerful and very expensive defense it provides to Germany now you remember that earlier the day after day before rather he met with the Chancellor Merkel and he described the meeting as great now let me be very clear the German defense minister said today and I quote There is no debt or account at NATO to tie the 2 percent of defense spending which we want to achieve in the middle of the next decade only to NATO is wrong so you can see that the of the tensions continue let's get back to your calls because tomorrow morning. At 7 o'clock our time there will be a meeting called convene of the very important House Intelligence Committee and you're going to see a very interesting development and make no mistake this is really unprecedented in many ways because what we're going to see are the f.b.i. Director James Comey and Admiral Mike Rogers the director of the National Security Agency under oath what do you expect will happen. Let's go to Tim calling from Los Gatos Jim welcome to k.g. Oh yeah you doing great Sir thank you how's the nicest guy on radio I'd have to look at look over there and see Dion go ahead Ok this is actually Ted. Good. Day anyway you know I really don't know why this is a big deal because the Annual and media that trump plays is just it's just it's it's kind of like it's a symphony he he takes a new window that the Russians had something to do with the elections and he says all you want to investigate that Ok well I'll tell you what you know they wiretapped the Trump Towers analysts investigate that So now we've got people out there doing all this stuff and the only thing that is really on the line is Trump's word which you know he says stuff to just say stuff and people know it and it is not really going to hurt him the president as long as he sticks to his agenda or you know I'm not so sure because when you have leading members of Congress Democrats and Republicans saying what he says isn't true the question then goes to his personal credibility if if you watch the Sunday shows today Oh I sure do well day to love Trump No I would disagree profoundly I heard. I heard I heard the very right why it was ready to buy him. A drink I mean you know all the. Wrong you expect Paul Ryan is defending the president but noone is the chairman of the of the House Intelligence Committee wasn't it was ending He was giddy No he was very clear. If you take the president literally it didn't happen if you want. If you if you heard today said that it doesn't matter it's what's really happening like with the bomb a carry on with the border it's the real things that are happening that is the system is just not being covered OTOH it's being covered and we're going to cover for instance in the next hour of course which nomination and probably in the last hour we'll talk about the proposed budget people are talking about it but one the president of the United States makes a statement which which many believe to be untrue and which he could clarify immediately that it goes to the heart of the president's credibility and let me explain to you I really believe this to be true if a president of the United States loses credibility it's over he can't and will not be able to affect anything. Well you know what you cut me off no of course not. Here here here you're going to say something Ok what if the president steps in wiretap said there was surveillance of the Trump Tower during the elections now he let me go next and that one would me Oh sure that's the Secret Service was there. We haven't heard of it the Secret Service was there protecting his family we know of the tremendous security arrangements made for Trump Towers in New York both before and after the election so of course there was up that's what he said and we have proof of it with the freedom incident you have all that Flynn incident Flynn should have known better have done do a trump I would say How do you know. Me Flynn wasn't being surveilled the Russian embassy in Washington d.c. Was being held and Flynn who is a smart man should have known of that every embassy in Washington d.c. Their phones are being tapped Of course we do it doesn't including the Trump Towers I'm sorry you have I think tomorrow morning what you will hear is the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation the director of the intelligence agency saying there was no no such such action and we would know because he would have had to go Obama would have had to go to a feisty court and there will be looking to morrow Let's see tomorrow of course we're going to see but let me ask you this if in fact there is no evidence to substantiate the president's claim do you think that hurts his credibility Of course if you talk about I mean but but like I said Trump does not have credibility he doesn't even want credibility he wants to maneuver the media. Well if he's wanted to maneuver the media he sure maneuvered himself into a very tough spot because he's got to be investigated if he's like that he's seeing you very you know he doesn't really cares about the job he doesn't really care about himself that you know I wish you were right behind health like you are but thanks very much for the call let's go to am calling from Walnut Creek and welcome to k.g. Oh. Hi John Thank you and answer to your question and I do think people want to know that shift if he is lying which seems to point in that direction right now I think he loses all credibility with the people and what kind of example do we have of a president that is not to assault to our young people I agree. And I agree with you tomorrow is a critical day I'm going to be watching and I assume you are I want to listen very carefully to the testimony because if all of the heads of the intelligence agencies say to Donald Trump it never happened I will be intrigued as to how he responds to that but you're right. All right thanks very much for your call I appreciate it let's go to. Eddie calling from Parnell welcome to k.g. Go Hi John Thank you for taking my call I wish there was some way that we could get you on permanently how can we help out there you like out here all you have to do is to tell Kagiso that you want me around and hopefully they'll Bill Bill do it I am very fortunate because I'm able to fill in most weekends for path Thurston and they use me during the week but I don't have a regular schedule but that's something to take up with k.g. O. Management but go ahead I will definitely do that my my answer to your question is . Trump has said so many things all along the way that have not been true so I don't see how anybody could believe him at this point especially when he comes up with no evidence so I'm saying I believe the intelligence community and I think he is hard himself with them by criticizing them so much and cutting them off for him you know with connecting to him. I think you I really think that he is going to be very embarrassed tomorrow or maybe he won't I don't know that he doesn't seem like a able to be embarrassed that's part of the problem if if yes can't if he can't respond in an appropriate fashion do you think his popularity will be affected do you think the people who support him will care. I don't know I mean I keep thinking they will care but it seems like so far they don't seem to care very much about what he says or does as long as they think that he's going to do something for them and I don't see why they can't see that he's not doing anything for them well I think the point is and I think it's very important that a president's personal credibility is absolutely essential and one of President is diminished as we have seen with the president's interaction with the German chancellor with the Australian prime minister with with world leaders it is profoundly disturbing and particularly with the North Korean situation escalating. The Japanese now believe it or of Korea's preparing to attack them so you know you've got all these issues and I going to tell you you've got to be able to believe the president of the United States when he makes a state Yeah it's very scary it's very scary thank you very much for your call and for your kind words appreciate 841-580-8081 extension 0 I want to take this up to the top of the hour when we at the top of the hour we're going to talk about the Supreme Court and whether or not you believe in originalism We'll talk about that but right now it is 442 money and of course you know who's standing by. Miles. Joined Michael Tilson Thomas and the San Francisco Symphony or auditions program dedicated to the great composers of the 20th century 1st robin Holloway's Europa and the ball depicts a last will Jupiter hankering for the beautiful nymph Europa then your bar caulks captivating and virtuous a concerto for viscera March 23rd and 24th tickets and information or 158646000 or visit s.f. Symphony dot org. 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T t o 8 this country is on the verge of considering the 1st female president the United States I think that's pretty exciting. Because you know 1st that to. Me But if it were to refrain from name calling a. Conversation with Ron Ali. Sweet days from today until the next generation. 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Dot com the home consignment Center dot com. And cheese go together at the 11th annual California artisan cheese Festival 3 days of cheese bliss in Sonoma wine country March 24th through the 26th on Friday join 2000 chefs and 2 dozen Rockstar cheese mongers under the big top to see or make the ultimate best bite learn from the experts at the Saturday seminars experience to new events on Saturday night 1st it's cheese and cocktails the perfect opportunity for you to taste compare and California's best cheeses and spirits then it wine and dine with the cheese makers and intimate multi-course dinner with some of the most talented cheese makers superstars on Sunday stroll through the renowned artisan cheese tasting and marketplace where you can meet. Artists and producers showcasing the best of local cheese wine beers ciders and other specialty foods it's cheese cheese. March 24th through the 26th at the Sheraton Hotel in Petaluma For tickets and information artisan cheese festival dot com artists and Cheese Festival. Listening to John Rothmann on the next generation. Chuck Berry That's who we're remembering just an amazing. History. David calling from Welcome to. Afternoon. My I believe that it depends to tomorrow it would depend on the nonpartisanship or the empirical ability of the members of the House Intelligence Committee to adjudicate this situation well as for Trump he has a tendency has a penchant for fantastic statements so. The question will be as always can we get past that can we get past those statements and go for the truth let's not agree with you it has to be bipartisan and so far at least what we're hearing today Democrats and Republicans agree that there was absolutely no tap put on from towers the 2nd element is whether or not there is in fact a Russian connection in the election and there are 2 aspects of that one is did the Russians act unilaterally that is to say they wanted to defeat Hillary Clinton they just did it or was there some collusion between the Trump campaign and the and the action taken by Russia Yeah these are satellites questions with no matter what we believe and we have our beliefs all of these things have to be resolved in a fair and judicious way and that's what I'm hoping for tomorrow I don't know I believe if there was a little collusion it may not have appeared at ways still does not appear that way to trump because of his business dealings with people in the Kremlin and in the Russian empire. To tell you even that although I heard a report today that seems to establish it pretty clearly but it's only a report one of the questions and I think it's a very interesting one is if I were the chairman of this committee I would subpoena Donald Trump's taxes. Because I think that would indicate a lot but we'll have to wait and see and would you be watching tomorrow morning David Yes absolutely. And I'm sure that Ron Owens will be talking about a full here in the 10 o'clock hour here on k.g. And I hope to hear you loose a date about it. Coming days I hope so too thank you very much into mine because you knew our seniors so yes and he he lived in my aunt's apartment in San Francisco so you know wonderful guy All right thanks very much I appreciate your call a let's go to Richard calling from Mountain View Richard welcome to k j o s Hi Jon I definitely believe the committees tomorrow need to look into this very carefully because I don't think Trump has ever told the truth this entire time he's a consummate liar. Friend to come out with an accusation like you did Obama had wiretaps on the towers is ridiculous it's absolutely absurd but the problem is he has walked many things back there for what he has never apologized for making a mistake and he makes mistakes all the time he did he did once during the campaign and that was over the question of grabbing women's private parts and he did apologize he made a video and he apologized but what will be interesting to see is how he reacts in this situation he's now the president of the United States of America and his credibility is critical. So he doesn't have any. That's right under there is never any credibility Ok but that's not how you basically a game show host who is turned into a President Ok but half 303 years of acting president Ok half the country disagrees with you and you may know that last night I suggested that it was time for Donald Trump to leave the White House it was time for her to be retired from the presidency after such a short time because I think he's proven himself unfit but. Last his supporters suggest that he is no longer able to function he'll stay and that's the way it is it's up to the Republicans you're absolutely right but yesterday there was an interesting program on for an hour that was done in West Virginia and one of the counties in West Virginia were there were people who are put out of the coal mines and everyone there was talking about the budget that has been proposed in which they're going to lose Obamacare you know I will talk about I will talk about the budget from 6 to 7 I want to talk about the Supreme Court in the next hour but I want you to know that I very much appreciate your call Richard thank you very much and let me go to Mitchell calling from Sandra fell Mitchell welcome to k.g. Oh. Yes I think you know primetime just President and quoting last Obama has had to lead on murder dot com fact. Yes go ahead. John you know I'm listening to you. Yeah the Lennon murder group dot com It's been hacked 5 times by Obama including last month well all I can tell you is I don't believe the Donald Trump or Barack Obama should be accused without a fair hearing I appreciate your call thanks very much let's go to Mark calling from Danville. Mark welcome back a geo. Good afternoon Yeah I actually work in d.c. Until about 3 quarters of the way through the Obama administration when I retired this 1st of all. I was a Democratic switched to independent because there's too much focus on things that aren't this include it I mean everybody is talking about it losing credibility Well Clinton didn't lose credibility when he was doing his thing in the White House he did not only did he lose credibility but he probably calling not going to find you he lost credibility he did not keep going he faced impeachment a low He was not removed from office his legislative agenda tanked and he probably prevented Al Gore from winning the presidency outright because of a loss for number of key states there is a penalty here but I can't go backward to those days I have to go forward and the simple truth is that. Don't Trump will either be proven to have told the truth or not told the truth that's all there is to it but he has nothing to do with the country but he's the president the United States guy real problems to worry about and everybody's running around look at the stuff that's not important and all this is important because it goes to the heart of the credibility of the president I work for a president of the United States I know how important credibility is when you face international crises if you don't have credibility of foreign leaders don't trust you let me tell you you have a hard time conducting the foreign policy of this country and I think it's very important to understand that it matters and. I'm sorry you knew her go ahead. The other farm is I worked in an intelligence I'm not so sure anything that was there disappeared and everybody saying they went through this. Stuff disappears all the time you know let me let me explain to you I am not nearly so cynical particularly when it comes to having to go to Wolf I said. If in fact there was attack. Obama would have had to go to a feisty Court a decision by that court does not disappear it will be very clear. Call up against the clock we're going to shift topics next hour but it is now $450.00. Miles is standing by with traffic take it away. Thank you very much and if you're trying to make your way to having some problems when. We had something earlier here and it just looks like. A little bit extra for you. Looks like they have cleared that debris. Causing some problems. That's a whole lot better. Probably a little bit more than it was on the west side of. Now that the accident. Was that. The law office of Denise Eaton may protecting your workplace and your business are you an employee who needs help understanding your rights in a workplace dispute or are you a business owner or company who needs to streamline h.r. Processes to avoid disputes are you a new business who needs help handling bureaucratic matters and if you're confronting difficult end of life issues you deserve a compassionate guide Denise Eaton May is a Hayward based lawyer who over 3 decades has helped employers employees businesses and families deal. With the state issues she's knowledgeable discreet and experienced for a confidential consultation call 51024433 or visit legal eagle dot com That's. 33. Legal. For a confidential consultation with Denise protecting your workplace and your business . 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And. Send me to. Dinner. Party to get in. And of course what we want is to be in touch with what's going on in the country and that's what we do right here on k g o as we remember the great Chuck Berry right we're going to change topics and I'll tell you what I want to ask you tomorrow another hearing will take place that is the hearing on the confirmation of Judge deal Gorsuch who was nominated to fill Supreme Court vacancy created by Antonin Scalia as death now he is a self-proclaimed disciple of Scalia Scalia once described his philosophy this way . The Constitution that I interpret and apply is not living but dead or enduring it means today not what current society much less the court thinks it ought to mean but what it meant when it was adopted I have a simple question for you. Are you an originalist Should the Constitution be a flexible document or should it be an original document if you are a member of the Senate would you vote to confirm an originalist to sit on the United States Supreme Court. And I am. Thurston and you're listening to San Francisco San Jose. Putting together health care. The House Intelligence Committee will hold a hearing tomorrow on Russian hacking in the u.s. And Maine senator Republican Susan Collins Meet the Press the President claimed can't be substantiated I have seen no evidence supporting that statement and what we need is that the House will vote later this week on the Republican health care proposal House speaker Paul Ryan appearing on Fox News Sunday says benefits may be increased for older Americans we believe we should have even more assistance and that's one of the things we're looking at for that person in their fifty's and sixty's because they experience higher health care costs are going to. Go. That is among the things we're looking at doing yes Boston St Patrick's Day parade is being called a success tens of thousands of people lined the streets today despite a dispute over whether gay veterans groups could March s. And p. Futures down by 3 points and Kate's. A wildfire burning near Boulder Colorado is 20 percent contained and has charred more than 60 acres Boulder County Sheriff's Office Commander Mike Wagner says hundreds of families remain evacuated you're out tonight there is some concern about being in a red flag up until midnight there's a wind event that's possibly forecast at around midnight things get exponentially more complex in the dark.

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