Darrell Scott welcome back to the town so glad you're here you've been working hard you did a gig last night even in the studio all week you're in the studio today that's just yeah crank it absolutely each town studios. Now you made a live record with this band at the station in yeah and it's a beautiful thing to have that opportunity to play live and capture that experience because I know for you that's where it all makes sense in a way isn't it just being in the moment the in front of an audience seeing what happens yeah absolutely the moment in a musical way is really what I'm looking for yeah that actually can happen very much in a studio too. But it definitely happens in a live performance because you just have 2 things change like voices the p.a. System how much we had to drink last night how much sleep we did or didn't get it affects all of that but that moment that kind of unknown that you know the arrangement but I like getting into those unknown places because there's surprises there the uncertainty is an advantage if you're going for that musical mystery moment yeah and to tell you to I think the same is in there with songwriting it's one thing to have a plan but it's the surprises it's that 3rd verse that you had no idea that was going to happen that's the good stuff so in some ways both the performance and the songwriting are kind of about listening right about being open and seeing what comes it absolutely and especially with this group because you know we've done gigs but we've kind of not exactly rehearsed it's one of those weird things you go and do shows I know that about you too yeah you do don't feel we've done that but that's what this week was really great about was getting down in the studio and really playing together I think we made a really good one well I can't wait to hear it will be out sometime in the future sometime in the future that's a perfect way so. He just tuned in you're listening to eat down I'm here with Darrell Scott. You bought yourself a big ole farm in Tennessee right yes I did chickens pigs what you got going on goat lambs Cavill an organic gardening call and how much land over 5. 100 acres Yeah so it's like a state park that's what it feels like and then yes there's 4 pastures probably I don't know 7580 acres of pasture Yeah in rural Tennessee do you think so respecting the land and taking care of nature and all that stuff is that natural instinct or are you more conservation minded than some of those around you definitely were more conservation wounded Yeah you know it's really the story of not just Tennessee but farms across this country they change the family farm I mean what is that anymore almost you know where it was 80 years ago or so many many many family farms so the growing change to the soils change the need for commercial fertilizer changed and now we're just trying to in essence heal the land of ours that had all of that stuff so yeah we're where the oddball stuff really in our area Leslie I just want to thank you because I know we're about to learn more about our Each even award this week but you were the one who submitted that story in the intro when and so I look forward to learning more about all that thank you for doing that my pleasure you'll see that Becker is a rock star Ok Well we'll find out more soon Meanwhile we're going to go back to music thanks to thank you help me welcome back to the stage and is believed will be . to come forward records Girl Scout they'll be back plus more music later on in the show your visit to Eton is made possible in part by say a group providing communication infrastructure services to the world's leading businesses with its fiber network that powers the voice data and video traffic we depend on every day you can learn more at seo dot com that z.a.y.n. Dot com and by. Diverse family of n.p.r. Affiliates and community stations plus college and commercial stations as well as our international stations and podcast subscribers worldwide thank you for your continued support by the way if you're curious about each town's home base each town hall our beautiful solar powered music venue community center and recording studio and downtown Boulder Colorado you can learn more about it on our website eat town dot au Archie You're listening to each town. Thank you Nick Forster You're listening to eat Darrell Scott and his bluegrass band will be back with more music later in the show and coming up the great singer songwriter from Toronto Kater is here along with a couple of her friends before we go back to musical we are going to introduce you all to someone who is stepping up and making a difference in their hometown we get to do this every week and these are people we find out about from listeners like you although we know in this case we found out about this week's winner from a listener who's also one of our musical guests this week. So it's proof that you too could actually nominate someone with a great story and we put it on the air so this is in fact a great story it's the cheap in Award and here comes Helen to tell you about this week's winner Thank you Nic. Well as Darryl said Becca Stevens of Nashville Tennessee is totally awesome as a young child because Dad and Episcopal priest was killed by a drunk driver if that wasn't enough the man who replaced her father at the church sexually abused her a secret she kept for years as a young adult that attended college majoring in math but she saw herself wanting to work in social justice after graduating with her math degree she worked with some non-profits and then she decided to attend Vanderbilt Divinity School while there she volunteered helping women who were homeless and dealing with addiction she eventually became an a piss couple priest herself and eventually started a nonprofit called this will farms that specifically provides a safe haven for women who are survivors of trafficking addiction and prostitution they 1st offered housing then branched out to job skill training economic opportunities and so much more luckily Becca's here from Nashville to tell us about it so please join me in welcoming this week's c. Human Award winner Becca Stevens. Thank Welcome to you don't thanks for coming on described you know the sort of genesis of this whole project and out of tragedy something really positive grew and of course we're really sorry to hear about the loss of your dad and the abuse you suffered and all the stuff that you kept to yourself as Ellen said for for years apparently right I think most kids do I think most kids who go through some of that trauma they don't even really have the words for what happened and it takes a while to figure out is the world crazy or am I crazy Yeah so you had the experience you had obviously empathy and then you got training and then you learned to help you know victims of abuse and addiction and then you got some people together and you figured out again have to do something. And what was your 1st step is 1st thing you did 1st thing I did was I got a house right down the street from where we left so nobody could say not my backyard it was literally almost in my backyard and then the next thing was the model was really simple it was live somewhere free for 2 years with no authority in the house so that women could really form community in be a sanctuary for each other and then it just took off from there right so how did you find the women that would live in the us oh lord. I mean not that there's a shortage but I rushed to do select and how did they find you you know. 22 years later I mean there's still a waiting list of more than a 100 women if you walked into prison today and said I have a beautiful free home for 2 years women week to get there yeah and so the very 1st thing I remember is us went to the jail and I said that in about 50 women applied to come in with 5 beds we had right. And even though you see there's no authority I'm assuming there are some rules right they come in the house. Do they eventually have to get a job or be productive or do the dishes or anything like that absolutely the authority lies within the women I mean we're just the host they're the hero of the story and how the program is structured has a lot to do with how they lead it in how they hold each other accountable and hold each other up so it's a beautiful model and is there is there therapy is there an opportunity for them to start talks talks and people yeah the truth of it is is that on average the women that we serve are 1st rate between the ages of $711.00 and 1st hit the streets between 14 and 16 years old and that's when you know they start the criminal justice system so they're criminalized and people forget the best vast majority of women were victims long before they were criminals I mean no woman goes to the streets by ourself it takes a bunch of failed systems and so mom and it made sense that a really great full beautiful community could come together and say we'll help you come home. I understand you also have a layer of the farms and a prize that helps them develop some jobs skills or something right yeah so about 4 years after we started we had 3 houses we had a whole bunch of women who were unemployable and that's when we decided we were going to start a bath and body care company make really lavish products that remind us we can live in our bodies and we can be safe in our bodies and we can take care of our kids and take care of court costs do all of that good work and it began just you know mixing body bombs and candles and pots and now we have 20000 square foot manufacturing facility most sell about 4 and a half $1000000.00 worth of Bath and Body care products around the world we have. 50 sister communities almost $300.00 beds around the country and $26.00 global partners it's turned into this crazy thing where oh and you said that these women were unemployed and that's because of the fact that the either weren't educated or they had a criminal record or they had just no experience other than just being on the streets yet or they don't have any teeth in their head and they don't know how to double click on a computer or they have so much trauma when somebody looks at them they have to run out of the building Well we do education days and training now so that we can say look we're going to grow exponentially like Love wants to grow and so what we're going to do is now we're just doing the training so other people can keep opening new places and opening new businesses because you really can't talk about loving women and healing women if you're not going to talk about their economic well being right well this is literally life and death and you're doing a beautiful thing and we're really inspired by your work well I want everybody to know that you know you don't have to feel powerless you don't have to feel hopeless there's a lot of joy in the hard work that the communities are doing out there on behalf of women use your economic power use your social media power and just keep love and everybody. If people want to see photos or learn more official forms out of the Find out what's the deal with the website yeah if people want to bar soap is that what you're asking yeah have you back by a bar or so from probably about the most important so in the United States of America yeah that's the thing I was wondering yes go to fissile farms dot org Follow me on Instagram back to Stevens follow this all farms on Instagram were right there cool thank you thank you graduations this week's winner of the team an award because Stevens from this farms will deserve the full story thank you there was good. There. Top of. To learn more about this amazing work or to nominate someone for the award yourself you can check out our website the town tatto Archie Also we'd love to hear what you think of this segment and of the show in general we're on Facebook and Twitter or you can e-mail us at info at Eat town dot au Archie or you can reach just the old fashioned way it box 95 for Boulder Colorado 803068 he Q Thank you thanks Daryl for the nomination such a cool story so we're going to hear more music from Darrell Scott there's been a little while right now I'm going to cater she was born in Montreal she lives in Toronto but on her latest project she's exploring the roots of her dad's family in Grenada place that he left during the tense times in the early eighty's found his way to Canada grew up knowing about her a grenade he inherited but she discovered music in the archives of the Smithsonian that had been recorded on the island of Grenada and apparently like 5 minutes away from where her dad's old family place was shot correct me if I'm wrong but I believe that all kind of helped or catalyzed this vision for how she could connect the dots between her family's past and her current musical world you wrote a bunch of songs recorded it and that's the genesis of this new project which is called grenades and she's here for her 1st visit to eat and to share some of those songs so please welcome to eat and cater 1800 Cater welcome to e-tail and thank you for making the trek Oh no problem Nick any time. Of am I right that you were born in Montreal and you're correct to grow up speaking French. I did yeah I'm from an anglophone family but my mom always thought it was really important for me to be bilingual she thought that it wouldn't it just makes you more intelligent and stronger and more empathetic as a human being oh that's so cool you know it's funny because in Canada there's this to this French language people and there's the in this language people and you're straddling both of those worlds you're also straddling the worlds of your dad's ancestry and his I'm just wondering where you found your spot did you kind of know where you belonged as you were growing up no you know I didn't. You know I think that that question is probably the crux of why I became a songwriter because I think that at the end of the day all of my songs boil down to me trying to find some sort of understanding in myself and I think that it's that way for a lot of songwriters and and it's kind of this and list Quest and I think being biracial you grew up in a really liminal space and you don't quite belong to any group but you know my dad always told me that there's strength in being in the margins and so I've tried to kind of concentrate on that and clearly that's what led you straight to the banjo Exactly. Like. Yes Well yeah. I you know I was like I really didn't fit in so I might as well just add an extra layer on top of that. So this is your 3rd record right yes and but it's your 1st to sort of explore your personal history in Grenada and 1st you want to tell us because I know you've gone there or do you want to tell us a little bit about Grenada as a place Yeah so it's a small island in the Caribbean and it's very close to the coast of Venezuela and it's a volcanic island so it's really mountainous but it's beautiful and they call it the. Spice island because everything grows there like no. Avocado pineapple mango logo point pain orange it's like and list the amount of food in the fertility that's present there. And my dad is from there and he. He grew up there kind of as you know very like free little boy in this kind of culture that we're not used to in North America and that was all kind of interrupted by an invasion in 1903 by the American military Yeah you know we know about that we know about that invasion it's funny because I think the United Nations at the time and many other nations condemned that invasion as being a complete overreach an overreaction that was sort of anti-communist Reagan your overreaction but what's curious to me now is that date of the American invasion is no holiday in Grenada called Thanksgiving. So it's like we think of it is like Well that was really bad Yeah but then in Grenada it's like oh cool Thanksgiving and they built a statue to the fallen American soldiers who died in the invasion yeah before I went there was so firmly rooted in the belief that the invasion was a bad thing and that you know history clearly could only fall on one side but it's very rarely that way like when you talk to people people have different viewpoints about how it was and I think that there's not a lot of room for nuance but as far as I can tell Morris bishops government the new jewel movement we're going against a lot of what colonial territories had been used to do which is colonial rule and so more as bishop was trying to introduce this socialism that a lot of people latched onto and loved and he had a large fraction of people that loved him but there's also some dissent. Life is tricky and complicated especially in politics yes let that be a lesson to us all forever yes. Holy smokes. But in case you just tuned in you're listening to the town I'm here with Cater. What does your mom think about your fascination with your dad's family is she called you disliked focusing so much on Greneda and she's like wait what about me what about my family Yeah I mean I think a lot of my my process of down going into my history in Grenada is the process of delving into blackness as an identity and I think when you have a biracial child and you are the majority parent so to speak you have to allow your child some space to figure that out and she's done a really good job of letting me have that space you know and. I'm thankful for that that's on School Well listen good luck on your journey it's amazing I think it's rare when people can grow up with that much mystery around some of their family history and that it really can become a bit of a clarifying quest that you can embark on and discover and explore and in the results are great I really like the new record so we're going to back to music would you please only Welcome back to the stage Kaia Cater. With. The big if you want you're going to get to the if you. Don't live you know I mean you never know I mean I know you I mean say you know me I mean is it just people want to say Oh Ok let me let me see you Judy people might say Oh Ok I made her to let me see you. I have a killer Millie. See me in though I know I mean you know. People want to say. No. And then. I say. Peace Corps you are going to start going sing the Army thank you creator thank you this portion of the town is made possible by the Bohemian foundation building stronger communities through the Bohemian qualities of creativity and imagination on the web at Bohemian Foundation dot au Archie and by Silk the charter sponsor of change the course the program was co-created with National Geographic to restore water in critically water stressed ecosystems you can learn more about 6 commitment to the environment and to plant based nutrition at silk dot com And if you tuned in late and you've missed some of this week's program the term podcast will have this up. So it and others along with content from past shows as well and it's available for free and i Tunes Spotify and other podcast directories You're listening to eat . And look for certain want to load or listeners who are hearing Ito on stations like k y u k n Bethel ask a n w i t t in Indianapolis Indiana in a k.k. Or in in Bill of Vista California thanks for tuning in as always if you want more information about any of our guests you want to see photos or videos let's just check out exactly what colorful shirt Darrell Scott is wearing this week all that stuff is online you can also find out about how to get tickets to live shows and much more at eat and or g. So far so good we've got some good stories some great songs some geo political history about Grenada which some of you didn't know about a little something for everybody here detail. Right now would you please help me welcome back to the stage Dural Scott and his bluegrass band. Trying. To get. Rid. Danny Green a did a way to. Darrell Scott is good risking Peter. Jolly Helen Forster. Said we gave the. Winner. 40 hardly. Thank you everybody was here next time. This is a pretty. And thank you for listening to k.g. a New Boulder or Denver and Fort Collins coming up next is tributaries with Robin Claire dawn of the buffalo will be like will be playing Friday Nov 22nd 2019 at the Daniel Hall set swallow Hill music in Denver dawn of the buffalo offers everything you want in a roots Bana songs that matter a groove that makes you dance and an ordinance that spans generations a musical voice that invokes a sense of community that's Friday November 22nd at Daniel's hall at Swallow Hill support comes from the Rocky Mountain corral presenting its fall concert I had no time to hate on November 22nd at the heart of Longmont church in Longmont and on November 23rd at 1st United Methodist Church in Boulder the concert includes a broad spectrum of music with composers ranging from Haydn to John Lennon more information at Rocky Mt and coralled dot org. You know next do Scruby juries. Today Do years faster supersized society is waging an undeclared war on childhood This comes from Kim John Payne who most recently wrote the soul of discipline great parenting tools for our humanity honestly these days it's as easy to think we are growing more or less conscious depending on our focus I like sharing Kim's focus I'm reading Claire join us for part 2 edged tributary. Where clarifying family values and I don't mean for that to sound abstract every single time our kid comes home and and uses a word that is really you know like Wow where did that come from a daughter came home and in 1st grade and she used the word stupid head of the day and like I was great day right whoa at a gut level we all know the things we want with our family and we know the things we don't want and it tends to come up situationally rather than you know add of a list but when it comes up boy do we do our sort of instincts I've got family parenting instincts know it and I think if we if we have that in the back of our minds then we don't be we get over being tentative about discipline because we know that we can be firm but loving and we know that we're standing and we're just clarifying our family values and little by little it's not like giving the big moral ethical talks talking to say you know once a year or once a month or whatever and a bigger.

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