North Korea preparing to create what it calls enveloping fire off why not slur Fox News then it's game on that's defense secretary Jim mad as with North Korea's news agency reporting leader Kim Jong un has reviewed plans to launch 4 intermediate range missiles into the waters off the u.s. Territory Kim quoted as saying it will happen if the u.s. Continues its 6 dreamily dangerous intervention on the Korean Peninsula Marine Corps General Joseph Dunford chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is on the Korean Peninsula he met Monday with senior South Korean military and political leaders saying the u.s. Wants up he's full resolution but is also ready to use its full range of military capabilities if provoked his trip was scheduled before President Trump raised the possibility of u.s. Men military intervention in Venezuela vice president Mike Pence now an Argentina 2nd stop on a South American trip that had him visiting Colombia yesterday and will include stops in she lay and Panama then as well as president asking his Assembly's permission to investigate the opposition for backing President Trump's intervention threat a Denver a federal jury has spoken in those civil suits involving pop star Taylor Swift and a fired d.j. She accused of groping her Fox's Michelle pulling no has the latest Jane Swift wanted to send a message to me a person jury in Denver delivered it handy the pop star a symbolic $1.00 for a countersuit that alleged assault during a 2013 backstage meet and greet ex d.j. David Mueller claims he was unjustly fired after Swift told his boss is following a photo op that he grabbed her behind both sides use the photo as a key piece of evidence Miller's lawyer stating her smile proved Mueller didn't grab the singer but since we're playing she was in a way it's News fair and balanced. Home isn't just a place it's a feeling whether your ad home your business or online. Helps keep you safe with security systems home automation alarms and surveillance so you can feel at home wherever you. Go to be dot com get that feeling e.v.t. Say. Hi I'm Jay foreigner c.e.o. 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Economy and the stock market before he moved on to condemn the violence in Virginia critics had said the president's remarks about the violence over the weekend were not sufficient in his latest comments the president was more specific racism is evil and those who cause violence and it's they more criminals and thoughts including the k.k.k. Neo nazis white supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as America their tourney General Jeff Sessions referred to the incident in Virginia as evil and he called it don't mess to terrorism Carol Zimmer Fox News and the. Resident tweeting this evening about the response to his remarks today realize once again that the fake news media will never be satisfied truly bad people President Trump now heading to New York City he'll be spending the night at Trump Tower crowds of demonstrators for and against the president gathering nearby the New York City Police Department keeping both sides apart something police in Charlottesville Virginia have been criticized for failing to do this afternoon police chief Al Thomas denied reports that city's mayor told police not to make any arrests at the weekend's White Nationalists gathering he said participants were supposed to enter a park using one entrance but that didn't happen 20 year old James fields accused of running down a crowd of demonstrators killing a woman Saturday he's ordered held without bond 2 state troopers killed in a chopper crash on Jan Metzler Fox News Radio. Where are you going to get some duct tape and Bailey wire again and say do you want to go camping or not I'm not so sure don't put together what the service department hopefully Are you ready for camping season the right way to Montrose a 40 north towns and Grand Junction of 2749 Highway 5980 feel a dependable weather chance of showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon for Tuesday Glenwood Springs and rifle 80 mostly cloudy overnight 47 mostly sunny 81 winds day 83 Thursday 85 Friday driving means freedom exploration on Pratt flexibility. And then. Distracted driving means danger reckless not responsible. Here. Safe driving means staying alert and staying alive. Because it's. A message the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration project yellow light noise and the Ad Council. 247. Where. We once again. Everybody Martin living here our number 77. 77. You know. Body Spirit. Is a very bright young man solid It reminded me of something I've talked about many times on this program how the left has adopted the language of the Confederacy and the left as adopted the language of the of the Klan in many ways talking about secession and nullification these were movements these were words that were pushed by the slave holding South by the Confederates secession and aleph occasion we have California the left pushing for secession and we have the sanctuary cities which proudly nullify federal immigration law so there's no that secession taking place on the left I've talked about it repeatedly . There's been a few backbenchers who both writers and broadcasting have picked up on a pig for the most part the live media on cable satellite and network t.v. Have ignored it why do they nor such things because they're propagandists ladies and gentleman Doug McKelway who is a wonderful reporter for the Fox News Channel he was there in Charlottesville in real time and I was watching him and he was saying at the time were the police. Ladies and gentlemen the police excuse me the police know how to do their job the police know how to control protesters rioters and violence but if they're not given the Ok to use their training to use their skill to use their equipment then it gets out of control and the mayor of Charlottesville rather than blaming Donald Trump I'd like to know what he did what he said I would like to know what the governor McAuliffe said everybody's patting this guy on the back and attacking trump the governor is responsible for keeping law and order ultimately in his state the governor is now they had local cops there they had the state troopers and they called up the National Guard the governor did now maybe there were National Guard there I didn't see them Did you see the Mr Producer I did not see them on the walkway in Charlottesville on or near the campus there I just didn't see. And I witness after eyewitness including McKelway said that these fights were breaking out and nobody was there to stop them and these are violent fights Shouldn't that be investigated too I mean if we're going have a federal civil rights investigation shouldn't Mr McAuliffe be interviewed should the mayor be interviewed I'm quite serious about this you've got to put this down you've got to put the barbarians down the place needs to be safe for law abiding people that's what a civil society is all about all the chest beating all the backslapping all over t.v. It's grotesque who can say more who can say it better who can show that they're really not races and on and on and on truck can't try to trump that no questions about the civilian leadership what orders were given or not given none nowhere and yet we have eyewitnesses the a.c.l.u. Brought it up the white supremacy brought it up. Black black lives matter brought up reporters brought it up but on the debate shows all over cable not a word nothing not a big factors only one group there that's. Why why do they censor Why do they censor isn't all important you know the information I have otherwise it's not news is it let's go to George sill be vill Delaware the great w g m d go. You know Mark Ok I just got a couple comments to make and I don't know how important you are but to me they're very important why is it news people could bring and I'm come at both sides why could they bring sticks helmets and mace with them into the credibility of a low down there you know you would think particularly after the 1st guy swings a club or something like that that that's provocation enough if they should've never been you know you can demonstrate all you want I think you have a Constitutional rights but I also believe that you can come on armed I don't like to go to some demonstrations where I really don't want to be if I'm going to go I like to have a gun I don't want to take a knife it's ridiculous want to state allows you to come in there they know you're armed they know you're going to fight why you want to kill people. By the way as to your point notice all these casualties the dead young woman and all the rest of it far as I know there wasn't a single gun used Oh no I didn't mean to imply I'm told that I'm not saying you did I'm great I didn't say you did I'm bringing it up go ahead but any out you know where with American the gov I don't know there are there's there are so proud of the job they did really don't hold the cops back which apparently you did somebody needs to get to the bottom of that there's a zillion eyewitnesses to this. I think maybe them people that are going to start thinking about picking another governor in America mean what happened down here was asinine it should have never happened they should say every state should have a law no weapon she want to demonstrate right sir thank you for your call I don't disagree actually still up Sillitoe I think Texas the great Katie e.-m. How are you. Thinking I'm young so I'm thinking it looks like a lido or so late or I'm so late that's what I thought or I know I get it wrong. I just wanted to agree with your position on the statues in the south and compare it to media reporting back when ISIS was going to do it interact just referencing one article that was really indicative of the rest of the years reporting on National Geographic back in 2015 they are Williams reported on the destruction of all of the site during that time it really decried what was going on and that really the thesis and really the conclusion of his article was that the destruction of all the sites the good instruction of history for all of humanity I don't see the same take being taken with the media which guard you know. That's an outstanding point absolutely outstanding point it's not whether you agree with the history it's not whether you agree with the monuments of the statutes the point is its history. Right there would know not one word about why the monuments in Iraq were originally built or and what section they had there are only just listen I think you have made a great point and you know maybe what the Left needs to do is give us a list of the thousands and thousands of things they want to destroy so we can at least review them right. Riker up there you know it's not going to stop there but I love your point your points crucially important which is you know you go into the city you're toppling these statues you're not going these so this in American history like it or not. You know and there's a lot to learn from it whether it's a statue or whether it's in a book or whether it's in a museum these are real places where real things took place you're exactly right thank you for your calls Brian Baltimore Maryland the great w c b n go Hey Mark great to talk to you again. At the farm and I follow lot of public safety pages and that kind of stuff inform our scene but and I've read it through several different sources they are saying that these you know I we totally agree that these white nationalist people are morons but when they were ordered to just smarter more than that they're there with their very dangerous men for the most part very very dangerous when they were ordered to disperse and they had to go through a gauntlet of. B.l.m. Let me just underscore that there's a reporter who said they were ordered to disperse and they were brought towards the end to fight grow right to them why would you do that through that gauntlet and that's when the violence started by people in the below and people and this kid you got in my car he was 100 percent wrong absolutely but all day long they had a permit they were peaceably if. You're going to fight there's no but. He was wrong there no no no no no he's more than wrong he's a killer Oh yeah absolutely he that's evil that's all you can stick to that but they. Total government everybody they dropped the ball on this one they completely and they should have let the cops loose let them do what they needed to do and whether their state troopers local cops would get in the National Guard there and round these fools up should have had a way of mass arrests whoever is involved I don't care what color they're wearing what they look like round them up and arrest them in a mass way I appreciate your call well be right back. wisdom and all of our knowledge comes from one timely source and that's the bible Dennis to verse 23 and 24 says at last the man explained this one is the bone from my bone and flesh from my flats she will be called Woman because she was taken from a man and this explains why man leaves the Father and its mother and is joined to his wife and the 2 are united as one. Uncommon merits. Husband and wife have God at the center of their lives and they look to the Bible to guide them the uncommon marriage by Tony and. Now available in some. Momentum more info at Coach. Can you tell if this burger contains bacteria that could cause kidney failure listen. Can. You can't see it either there's only one way to tell if you cook meat and poultry to a bacteria killing temperature use of food it's not an extra step or a nice to have or under cooked meat may contain bacteria that can make you very sick or worse. One in 6 Americans will get sick from food poisoning this year and roughly 3000 will die but you can keep your family safer by using a food thermometer every time and more about this and other important information check your steps at food safety. That's food safety. A public service announcement brought to you by the u.s. Department of Agriculture and the u.s. Department of Health and Human Services and the. American Lung Association for a day. Here fighting for. The country. To back in the devastating effects of trying to seize. On the things that make it worth beating. Or. According to a Forbes columnist you need to own gold because it is money and has intrinsic value that dollar does not have intrinsic value and therefore cannot be considered money in other words gold is a payment in. In of itself that the dollars only a promise to pay gold has a negative correlation to stocks and bonds or reduces poor folly of volatility by becoming a balancing asset physical gold value does not hinge on someone else's obligation to pay unlike other types of investments gold should be an essential part of every investor's portfolio is a part of yours it's part of mine if not you need to speak to my friends a gold mine and learn how easy it is to add gold to your portfolio or Ira 187-7365 point gold mine is the only company I endorse and used to buy my own gold that's 187-7365 coins recall lines important risk information to see if buying gold is right for you 187-7365 point 187-736-5264 extension 63 ring liberal elites could use the word cold so common sense for use. In defense of liberty Newsradio 980 k. G.l.a. And. With mild interest quite frankly emphasis on the word mild. The back and forth stuff regarding Steve Bannon h.r. McMaster the. The National Security Advisor and I'm getting all kinds of mixed information from people I trust but here's one thing that doesn't make any sense to me Bannon being a special advisor a special system to the president for. Policy and that sort of thing in the. And McMaster being what I said. Everybody knows Donald Trump doesn't want anyone to take credit for anything that he's done and that's good and he doesn't like these public disputes correct so if you're Steve Bannon in your in the White House why would you allegedly plant stories promoting yourself and trashing h.r. McMaster you wouldn't would you unless you want to tick off the boss I think there's kind of interesting leaking going on here very very interesting leaking taking place here because as I say if you know the present United States doesn't like people grabbing publicity if you know he doesn't like these attacks in public Stafford a staffer and if you know he doesn't like staffers taking credit for what he's done then why would you leak things which suggests that you've done all those things and much want to get fired it doesn't make any sense. Bannon is a very sharp guy he's not an idiot so as I say it doesn't make sense. You know a lot of these attacks on McMaster they've appeared on a lot of places including. On bright parts website and so people are insisting that Bannon must have done that why why do they insist on you know I'm the editor in chief a conservative review I don't run conservative review day to day are managing editors Gaston Mooney a great guy I don't really know what's put up there till I read it so if there's something negative on McMaster and nobody checked with me or something negative I'm banned and nobody checked with me there's just all kinds of people writing very interesting things really really bright conservatives sometimes debating among each other sometimes not but I don't control it I'm just pointing it out. I insist on the highest quality I insist on accuracy that I insist on but I don't control it otherwise. I leave it to me and others and our man David Horowitz excuse me our man Daniel Horowitz and Robert Dino and others who do a tremendous job. Top notch job I just want to point out it's neither here nor there it's in the news all right I want you to listen to Madison now we have the audio of what matters said about North Korea is it relatively clear Mr Producer it's a little low you may want to jack up your volume a little bit will do the same go ahead a order of United States of crude away from the world very quickly yes that's cold war if they if they shoot over. There and it's game or he actually said more but that's all the audio we have. Kim Jong Fatboy we'll see what he does but my question is it's a question the John Bolton mentioned on this program let's say he does shoot at Guam and it comes close to hitting one is that an act of war my one concern is this everybody mentions all their concerns catastrophe those are given those are big concerns but have a different concern with the way in which Barack Obama events are rated so much of our military and stretched so much of our resources you know we're going to have to make really really sure that we're able to go to a full fledged war and go to a full fledged war quickly Moreover you see how the Democrats and some of these Republicans are with respect to Charlottesville while they rally around the present United States I honestly do not believe Schumer and his ilk Elizabeth Warren who's disgusting a left wing kook not former professor from Harvard those people will not rally around the president. Which means they will not rally around America they will not rally around the military this is how bizarre and insane these people have become I believe the same with the media for the most part as a matter of fact all of a sudden you have constitutionalists on the left should we get a declaration of war here are you know a bomb a never did area that's different that's I really don't want to debate the statues I really don't. I see I see you know I see the point of the other side I just strongly disagree with it and no amount of debating is going to resolve it but I think it's a huge mistake destroy history I really do a huge mistake and then we start to destroy all kinds of things ideas debate words books and then we're off to the races Jeff while Saul Virginia the great Debbie and me out quickly go m.r. Carney doing this is really a quickie I really appreciated what you did when you finally got to the left point where you're talking about affectively revisionism and the removal of statutes their removal or whatever you want to call it all of that is a removal of history. There are 3 people who have done that within my lifestyle within my life where I'm 72. Those people are Adolf Hitler Joseph Stalin and Mao Tse-Tung they've completely well as another caller said I said that exactly the same thing and I understand the motivations are exactly the opposite you know. But the consequences are are part disastrous They absolutely are I'll be right back. You send a message to the media and political elites last fall loud and clear you wanted economic policy that focused on the middle class not the political class on your lives not theirs while the media elites didn't get the message they've been working nonstop since Election Day to undo your vote now this summer Democrat activists with the media's help plan on overwhelming the town halls of our congressmen and senators that can't be allowed to happen and you can stop it by showing up and being heard yourself that's why I'm urging you to go to stop ignoring my voice dot com right now and find out what you can do you voted for less money flowing to Washington d.c. 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Yesterday according to The Denver Post says the president needs to call out those groups by name not just call out violence bigotry and hatred Grand Avenue Bridge detours in full swing this morning's commute resulting in back ups and delays as vehicles made their way up through plain with springs to Carbondale basalt and Aspen updates can be found on this website by searching Grand Avenue Bridge Project Spicer Lake State Park in Delta has a new drop for kids free use of mountain bikes and how many senior park ranger Scott recess 50 percent of kids in Delta County don't own a bike and have 8 bikes now for an hour long use and will be filleted here in the new Saturday. Night 81 dependable weather chance of showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon for Tuesday Glenwood Springs 80. Mostly sunny 8183 Thursday 85. 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It's quick it's easy and all donations are tax deductible change the work by donating your used to be a. Meals that heal the western slope or there was a terrible tragedy on tape they are missing the attorney generals are resigned to. This Obama policy. Journal warning for North Korea from the Pentagon at an impromptu press conference with Pentagon reporters Defense Secretary Jeh Mattis said the Defense Department would know very quickly whether North Korea had fired a missile that threatened the United States we know within moments. He warned that any missile fired at the u.s. Could quickly result in conflict with Pyongyang says Jennifer Griffin at the Pentagon is coming on the eve of Japan's withdrawal from the Korean Peninsula day mark with celebration in the north of federal jury awarding Taylor Swift $1.00 in a groping case involving a former radio d.j. I'm feeling you know nothing like a like like something truly good out there not just a win but something that can make a difference for my kids your kids all of us to have to turn a Douglas Baldrige Fox news we report you decide. Because big events happen every. Day. News Radio 980. Mark. Constitutionalist you can reach 77381311. How much you want to add in the next 15 or 20 years there will be a big push by the left to take down the Jefferson Memorial in Washington d.c. How much you want to bet he was a slave owner beginning and end of it beginning in America and anybody who talks about the magnificent things the man did will be viewed as a denier you know like a climate denier whatever just a denier or a bigot or racist or must like the Klansman or whatever how much you want to bet 15 to 20 years from now they'll be demands to take down the Jefferson Memorial I'm not kidding. And most of the founding fathers statues anywhere memorials anywhere. They'll be such a disconnect at that point people in this country who will not have been taught much history to people in this country who've come here from other countries that don't really understand our history don't appreciate it because they've not been encouraged to assimilate the hard left in this country with their agenda which is constantly destructive What are the chances of that I think the chances are high to absolute. You know you do anything to protect your family keep them safe. While that's not right right Mr Producer I'm on the wrong sheet here let me let me start over while you do anything to protect your car when you. 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You know stressful circumstances quite frankly. Joe Long Island the great w a b c retired police officer go. Thank you very thing you do. Retired police officer form a Scout Scout leader my 2 sons are in the Boy Scouts one of them was is an Eagle Scout we went at the Gettysburg Pennsylvania twice while it's a long drive because there's not nearly even 2 weekends not a proxy all visit all the places shelling out the guy mind and earthmovers and carry the place because in the name of so called decency political career political track decency we offend people with the Confederate flags and the monuments and memorials and the tombstones because the Confederacy is named I just I'm living I can barely speak here. Yeah I mean how far did this go you're exactly right I was supposed to dig up graves to get rid of these grave sites I was supposed to know I understand and you're from Long Island you know. New York was on the union side last time I checked so much art but it is history and we can't just write it and you would think the left would say you know what you leave that damn statue there because that's history and we want to talk about Robert e. Lee and we want to talk about that but no it's blowing up in fact you know what let's Well let's raise the movie Lincoln by Steven director Steven Spielberg because they were rebels and in fact leaderless and they did just like that destroyed that take all the books out of the library and find that in the sake of decency. Appreciate your calling your service. Let's see Wayne Houston Texas the great Katy r.h. Go. Good evening sir and thank you for all you do I just want to give a warning to the last that they want to rewrite history about Robert e. Lee then you better tell the whole story that Robert e. Lee was a hero of the Mexican American War That's where he was a federal officer they hear all of you start asserting Gordo it's a pull of the back he took he was offered command of the federal forces during the Civil War He said no I could not take up arms if I married a Virginia he was a state's rights a man to the bone so if they want to let me slow you down you know all those battles you mentioned how many people do you think on the left have ever even bothered to learn about the Mexican American war. That right so will fall on deaf ears the I've been taught one thing and that's all they know very nice to go across it's sort of certain for war crimes are these events. But I'm going to tell you something Lincoln would have meant would not have been good enough either remember his 2nd inaugural address that's right all right my friend thank you for your call a 2nd inaugural address which my father wrote about in his beautiful book Abraham Lincoln's 2nd inaugural address the 2nd shortest inauguration American history the 1st being George Washington's 1st inaugural address. And I'm struggling to find it but on 2nd guessed hanging near hang in there here it is when I read it to you hold on one second this is Abraham Lincoln before the Civil War is over but for all intents and purposes it is pretty much of me and my father God bless him he just is such a patriot he's done so many beautiful books here let me read this to you. Let me 1st turn the page one more page pops I'm getting there I'm getting there here we go All right ready at the 2nd appearing to take the oath of the presidential office there is less occasion for an extended address and there was at the 1st then a statement somewhat in detail of a course to be pursued seem fitting and proper now at the expiration of 4 years during which public declarations have been constantly called forth on every point in favor of the great contest which still absorbs the attention engrosses the energies of the nation the little that is new could be presented the progress of our arms upon which all else chiefly depends is as well known to the public as to myself and it is high trust reasonably satisfactory and encouraging to all meaning when we're almost done with the war with high hopes for the future no prediction in regard is to be ventured. On the Ok Jand corresponding to this 4 years ago all thoughts were anxiously directed to an impending civil war all dreaded it all sought to avert while the inaugural address was being delivered from this place by him of course devoted all together to saving the Union without war and surgeon agents were in this city seeking to destroy it without war seeking to dissolve the union and divide effects by negotiation both parties deprecated war but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive and the other would accept war rather than let it perish and the war came and the war came 18th of the whole population were colored slaves not distributed generally over the Union a localized in the southern part of it these slaves constituted a peculiar and powerful interest. All knew that this interest was somehow the cause of the war to strengthen perpetuating extend this interest was the object for which the insurgents would run the union even by war while the government claimed no right to do more than to restrict the territory and large minute neither party expected for the war the war the magnitude or the duration which it has already attained neither anticipated that the cause of the conflict might cease with or even before the conflict itself should cease each look for an easier triumph and a result less fundamental and astounding that read the same Bible and pray to the same God and each invokes his aid against the other it may seem strange that any man should dare to ask a just God's assistant in wringing their bread from the sweat of the other men's faces but let us judge not that we would be not judged the prayers of both could not be answered that have neither has been answered fully the Almighty has his own purposes woe unto the world because of offenses for it must needs be the offenses come but whoa to that man by whom the offense cometh if we shall suppose that American slavery is one of those offenses which in the providence of God must needs come but which having continued through his appointed time he now will still remove and that he gives to both the north and the South this terrible war as the whoa do to those by whom the offense came shall we discern there in any departure from those divine attributes which the believers in the living God always have scribed to him. Finally do we hope fervently do we pray that this mighty scorch a war may speedily pass away if God wills let it continue until all the wealth piled by the bonds man's 250 years of unrequited toil shall be sunk and it till every drop of blood drawn with the last shall be paid by another drawn with the sword as was said 3000 years ago so still it must be said the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous all together with malice toward none with charity for all with firmness in the right as God gives us to see that the right let us strive on to finish the work we are in a bind up the nation's wounds to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow on his orphan to do all which may achieve in Charice a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations you'll notice in that speech many references to the Bible today that would be a court you notice in that speech the conciliatory tone the conciliatory tone. He was assassinated 5 weeks later 5 weeks later changed the course of history reconstruction would have been different under under Lincoln probably would have been far more effective when he finished that speech and they got back to the White House as my dad writes in his book there was an African-American gentleman who tried to get through to see the president the United States in the main ballroom of the White House and the president's guards stopped him in the president saw it and waved the man in and said let him comment was a former slave by the name of Frederick Douglass Lincoln asked Frederick Douglass what he thought of the speech Frederick Douglass had a big smile on his face told the president was the perfect speech Frederick Douglass early on early on had been a skeptic of Lincoln's but he came to admire and love him and Lincoln always admired Frederick Douglass. I'll be right back. Lol Varian. 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Every program I do from now on is an honor my parents every program I do from now on is an honor my mother and father let me just say that. Michael Staten Island New York the great w.a.b. Sego. Great to speak thank you. Anyway I'll just tell on the screen my wife. And my kids on direct descendant of Jefferson Davis. I know I run for him. And you sound very southern Yes What are you from Southern Stand Island yes up in Brooklyn actually. Go ahead yes you know we've traveled the South my boy played baseball in high school and college in one way to see everything and it's. Nothing nothing you know it's typical lives depend on the task. And you know what later how many kids how many people how not. And Argus and all the more cargo because they're removed. North and insist. That the grant and pounded the trash that's all it is my right I listen I agree and again these are incredibly important pieces of American history. We can learn a hell of a lot from it and I just don't believe in what the caller said earlier which are really these ISIS tactics where you just start to pull down monuments and pull down statutes and pull this down and pull that down what about 500 years from now what are the people who are around them people want to know what our history was and take a look at it. Because about settle or History is history there's no 2 ways about it the way it is when you are right my friend I appreciate your call Clarke Newbury California Sirius Satellite quickly go the great knowledge Thanks for all you thank you. First I want to agree with your last caller I grew like a clock is ticking 50 seconds. Yeah I grew up in Loudon County Virginia where somewhat civil war history I just think this new year of the a class going on and this town that lived in Leesburg I have a feeling that's going to become emancipation Burr. I don't even know what that means well the pain. I know I'm quite familiar with Clark around the time I lighted you gentlemen we salute our armed forces police officers firefighters and emergency personnel. I'll see you tomorrow right here on the radio I hope you're all well and God bless you keep your chin up take care. Connecting you globally and locally. I still very closely to make you sleepy Ciccio and. Join the party that's am a sales party of the pavilion continued Friday Aug 18th with a big gross and great live music from the family for a lip smacking Figaro's at 4 pm served by the Thomas a free concert featuring the so what Brothers Band at 6 plus a silent auction all proceeds from the auction and food beverage sales will help cuts for beds take veterans into the wilderness for rehabilitation that's Friday Aug 18th at the Stony Ridge 1000000000 it's still the 27 Tea Party at the 1000000000 as presented by the town of silk and Alpine Bay for more details visit or. This is an uncommon moment with Super Bowl winning coach Tony Dungy and his wife Lauren on their uncommon marriage adventure available now in paperback town and I would like to make it clear that our intention today it's talk about having an uncommon marriage not a perfect one after 30 plus years of marriage we're still learning how to very different individuals can grow closer together while becoming better versions of the person and the people that God created us to be our opinions don't always align perfectly with stoutly aren't married experts but when we look back over. Our 30 plus years of marriage 3 decades a lot we realize that we have learned some valuable principles that have carried this their life through the good and the bad the uncommon marriage and adventure by Tony and Lauren Dungy now available insult from Tyndale momentum more info at Coach Dungy dot com. Every day the men and women of the United States Marine Corps demonstrate their commitment to defend the American way of life since 1775 or wherever the mission takes us to always remember the land we call over as Marines we take a stand for our nation for us on. The view the word the memory has. Been just since of liberating News Radio 9 each a chilling Glenwood Springs you can depend on us.