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We're continuing our study of the book of fact so let's open our Bibles to Acts chapter for what we looking at the end of chapter 4 and then the beginning of Acts Chapter 5 and one of the things we've said about the book of Acts is that it's very much descriptive it's a history of what happened in the early days of the church and Luke was an eyewitness to part of that and so it is descriptive but sometimes it's prescriptive in other words it's telling us what we should do however it's not always prescriptive and the reason for that is sometimes there's coal true differences between the culture we live and the culture they lived in other times it is circumstantial differences for instance today we're going to see how they gave in such extraordinary ways which it's always wonderful to have a spirit of generosity like that it's the heart of God The Heart of Jesus but the reason they were doing it that way was because of the circumstances of that time in the church in Jerusalem and then you have spiritual reasons. Sometimes there are unique spiritual seasons and we see a unique spiritual season in the passage that we're looking at today and I know what that's like because I often refer to a spiritually high time that Kelly and I experienced when we passed Richardson Texas we were at that wonderful church for 12 years and all the years were great but there were 2 years that were unusual they were abnormal they're not what normally happens in church we saw God do extraordinary miracles among us we saw what we're going to look at today the 5 signs of awakening within that church but then the church continued to go on and it didn't replicate those years in the remaining time we were there now does that mean that was a bad heard her and things have gotten bad or we've done something wrong no it's just that we live through a unique season and I say got bring those seasons again and the church in the book of Acts is going through one of those seasons now last week we saw that they face their very 1st true persecution they were called before the Sanhedrin they were threatened they were shaken by the world but instead of it causing them to retreat instead of it causing them to pull back instead of and causing them to quit it simply bolstered their commitment and they joined together as a church and they had been shaken by the world and so they began to pray Lord stretched forth your hand to heal may mighty signs and wonders be done in the name of your holy servant Jesus it was those signs and wonders that got them in trouble and they're saying God do more of the same and God began to shake that house where they were at he shook them 1st the world shook them then God cured them but God shaking them gave them more stability and then they went out and they begin to shape their world and so that's what we're going to see today let's open up to chapter 4 verse 32 and we'll pick it up there now the multitude of those who believe world one heart one soul so we see incredible unity there is one accord in the church. Neither did anyone say that any of the things he possessed was a hug but they had all things in common now what is going on here is that Luke is positing there's been a lot of excitement now he's positing to give an update on what's going on in the church and he saying that no one thought what they had was their own remember they've been shaken they have been shaken they've been shaken from the worldly dependencies and any of those who were trusting in uncertain riches as their security as their significance that has been shaken and so instead they're investing in an unshakable Kingdom and that's what's happening they're no longer possessed by possessions but understand this is not Christian communism it wasn't compulsory nobody was forcing them to give their money and it seems to be sporadic and it was certainly voluntary and it was as needs a road so this is a very different situation it's simply saying they had generous spirits because of the way God touched their hearts look at verse 33 and with great power the Apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus at the beginning of the book we find that what the Apostles were doing what the early church was doing is they were simply doing and teaching what Jesus had already done and taught but I want you to think about this we typically don't do in teach we typically teach and do you know you'll hear a message and then we say well let's live it out you hear a message and say well now let's pray and let's see God move but in that day it was the opposite they saw God move they saw Dawn do great things and then they talked about what that meant because it was demonstrated begin by infallible proofs that we see and Acts chapter one that Jesus Christ was alive that he had resurrected from the dead that he descended of the Father. Without the Holy Spirit so he's doing mighty signs wonders and miracles and then they stand up to explain what's going on verse $33.00 and great grace was upon them all and that is the 1st mark of spiritual outpouring and I'm going to give you 5 you could call them signs of spiritual awakening and the 1st one is greater grace and Greater Grace simply means they could do what they normally couldn't do you see we define Grace oftentimes is unmerited favor that's not a bad definition but it's so much more than that it's a power for living it's the grace to do what we couldn't otherwise do Jesus told Paul My grace is sufficient for you you can do what you couldn't normally do because of my grace and when great grace has the fallen a church that church does things they normally couldn't do this was an extraordinary church because they had extraordinary grace and we needed the grace of God One of the things they were was self-conscious and sometimes I think when it comes to revival and spiritual outpouring people get a little nervous and they say well people become so uninhibited but the worship during that time I went to that church where they were fanatical that worship or people got a little out of control that almost thing you know what's really going on there a lot of times is that they are no longer concerned what people think about Him Their only concern what God thinks about them and so because of that call me a Jesus freak if you want to call me radical if you want because that's who I am because I've been touched by God great grace was upon them these people sometimes felt more in heaven than they felt on earth and I understand that the church we pastored in Texas when we were going through this there was great grace. Suddenly offerings became a great deal more because people were not holding on to their possessions so much it was very easy to give it during that great time of spiritual outpouring it seemed so much easier to walk down the highway of holiness missing so much easier to spend time in prayer and time in the word because you were just saturated with God's great grace was upon them and look at verse 34 nor was there anyone among them who lacked for all who were possessors of lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of the things that were sold and this is the 2nd sign of spiritual awakening and that is greater generosity now it says they sold their houses obviously they didn't sell all their houses primarily It must have been when they had more than one house because they still met in houses so they held on to what they had it just wasn't holding on to them anymore they were able to freely give voluntarily and it seems like sporadically in this case and as the needs arose they didn't lose their possessions they just weren't possessed by possessions and I'd have to say that this was another sign because Jesus said in John Chapter 13 burst 38 by this all men will know that you're my disciples that you love one another they love the people in need they love those so much that they were willing to let go of their own money to be able to bless them to be able to help them when they were going through a difficult time and that is the sign of spiritual awakening look at verse $35.00 and they laid them at the Apostles feet and they distributed to each as anyone had need. The Apostles demonstrated so much integrity that the people trusted them completely and they were able to just give them the money and say hey you decide where it's best and where the biggest needs are and you distributed versus 36 and 37 and just seems who was also named Barnabas now Josie's is the Greek form of the name Joseph. By the Apostles which is translated son of encouragement a Levite of the country of Cyprus having lands sold it and brought the money and related at the Apostles feet so he was given a nickname because the name Joseph was so common it's a lot like Jesus you know the name Jesus was very popular in Israel at the time that Jesus was born so they didn't just calling Jesus they called him Jesus of Nazareth and with just that they say there's a lot of Jones that's around here so let's give you another name we're going to call you Barnabas that's your nickname and it means son of encouragement and as you go through the book of Acts it's really clear that he was particularly encouraging to those who were marginalised and born of this was an amazing man we 1st read about him in chapter 4 where he's generously and graciously giving away his money and then we read about him in Acts Chapter 9 when Saul on the road to Damascus has an encounter with Jesus he's later going to be called Paul Paul the apostle but when he came to join himself to the church because he had been a persecutor of the church their church didn't want anything to do with him but born of the steps and stands by him and helps the Church except Him we get to Acts chapter 11 and God is moving in Antioch of Syria which is a gentile region so the church really wasn't so sure about it and they sent Barnabas and I'm so glad they sent Barnabas because he had a different spirit about him and when he went up there were going to read in Acts Chapter 11 he saw the grace of God and he became the 1st pastor and the movement of God seems to move from Jerusalem to Antioch where God begin to move in an incredible way under the pastoral ministry of this man named Barnabas who actually brings along Paul who is a more Tejpal teacher and brings him into the church to work with him to accomplish the work there and so again and again you read about this man in fact when you get to chapter 12 and then into 13 he and Paul. Become those who go out on the very 1st missionary journey of the church where they're actually sending out missionaries so he is an incredible phenomenal man and what he did is an example of what was going on in that day where people gave these very large gifts he was a Levite which meant he couldn't have owned any land it Israel but he's from Cyprus so we probably own some land in Cyprus and sold it and gave to the kingdom purposes of God there in Jerusalem and it stirred people it inspired people I think giving can do that when you find out about somebody is generosity and what they've done it makes you want to be more generous but some people do it for the wrong motives because part of this was so recognized because people said boy that Barney he's amazing isn't he a man of God Isn't he a son of encouragement the way he gives his money is incredible and a guy named an anonymous overheard that and these have been I'd like to be considered that way I want you to hear something it is easy to look at other believers and admire them and respect them in their walk with God In fact in Hebrews were told to follow those who faith and patience inherit the promises were to look to people let them be an example help them to store our faith however what can happen is we see that if we say we won they acknowledgement they have we want to be known as spiritual We want to be known as having high character but we're not there and what we should do is cry out to God and say God make me like that and annihilations that God make me like him give me a generous heart make me a son of encouragement do work in my life instead he said I want people to think of me the way they think of Barnabas I want them to think I'm his greatest hand down with them to think I'm spiritual and so he tried to do to people is what we're going to find out don't do that. Don't pretend to be something you're not because that is the truths in a van and I have since the fire look at verses one and 2 but a certain man named Dan and I s. Were now in Chapter 5 with Safire his wife sold a possession so he's doing what Barnabas did yesterday and he can't back part of the proceeds booed his wife also being aware of it and brought a certain part and laid it at the Apostles feet now again I think his motive is wrong he's trying to deceive people he's saying I gave all of this money that I got from the sale of the land but he really didn't verse 3 but Peter said and and I asked why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and keep back part of the price of the land for yourself now how did Peter know that did he know and and I is the count I don't think so I think this was the working of the gifts of the spirit we read about them through the Apostle Paul in 1st Corinthians Chapter 12 where he talks about the gifts of the Spirit tongue interpretation tongue prophecy word of knowledge Word of Wisdom discerning of spirits a gift of faith the gift of healings the work of miracles and what we see here I think is 1st of all a word of knowledge he knew what he couldn't have known any other way there's no way he knew it and I used it but he knew not only that he had it is turning of spirits to know that the motive behind and I used his actions was not of God and God will give us the gift of the Spirit when we need it and I think in times of intense spiritual activity like they're experiencing here in the church in Jerusalem that those gifts are often heightened. When we were at that church in Texas and we were coming through that time of revival I got up to speak to our staff one time and we had a relatively large staff and I'm sharing with them some words I felt the Lord had given me when in the middle of it I felt prompted to say something and I said I believe that there is someone on this staff who has hidden sin in their life that you are living in apocryphally and there is sin that is boiling in you that needs to be dealt with and if you come to me and you confess it I will help you to find recovery and restoration but if you don't I believe that God is going to expose your sin and expose that sin Well nobody said anything in fact it seemed like the staff was a little shaken by it I was a little shaken by it I couldn't hardly believe I was so bold in what I said but within 3 weeks someone on our staff was exposed for sin they were in and they actually had to leave our staff what was that how would I have known that I only knew it by word of knowledge in his sermon of spirits there's a man that was of professor of mine when I was in seminary became a friend his name is Elmer townes and he's a prolific writer and he tells a story and he told me this story that he went up to northern California to speak in Assemblies of God church and he said when he went to this conference to speak there was a lady who came up who said she had a prophetic word for him when he said Ok Good go ahead and tell me and she said God is going to use your life in an extraordinary way he said Prepare yourself because you are going to have a powerful impact on young people's lives in the former Soviet Union. Well he had no idea what that was about but then she swung around and looked at a man who was travelling with him someone who is part of that conference as well and she said you are bound iniquity and you are bound in bitterness and you are insane and God is going to reveal your sin and it's going to come out and he is going to most harshly judge you and you're going to be removed from ministry unless you repent but she walked away and the man turned to Elmer instead of boys she really like you but she didn't like me at all and just kind of said it flippantly well within 3 months Elmer Townes received a call from the former Soviet Union and someone there said we would like to use your material in our school systems could we have permission to publish your books and put them in the schools and God used his ministry in a powerful way that he never dreamed would happen in the former Soviet Union a few weeks later the man who she had also talked to was exposed to be in some deep sin he was forced out of ministry and has never returned folks there are gifts of the spirit that operate and God will use them I think particularly in Huyton times of spiritual revival to purify and to cleanse his church Now notice what Peter says to end and I guess why has Satan filled your heart you see that were why that means that an unwise had a choice why his fate build your heart what's going on here is that I think Peter is remembering times when Satan actually filled his heart and you know how Satan can feel your heart through your thoughts listen to me here you need to think what you're thinking about. You think on those things that are lovely just pure virtue is worthy of praise says the Apostle Paul we don't want to think and demonic lies because Satan will whisper to us he will lie to us he will deceive us and if we believe is why dwell on his lie of bench we will act on that lie and there are serious consequences to that that's why James said in James $47.00 therefore submit to God resisted devil will flee from you if you've been reading radiant word this week just yesterday we read from 2nd Corinthians Chapter 10 where it's sad that the weapons of our warfare they are spiritual their mighty through God to pulling down strongholds and it says casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God You can't say the devil made me do it the devil content but you take in a thought and then you act on it you remember Peter the Apostle Peter Jesus is getting ready to go to the cross and he tells the disciples that and Peter looked at him and says May That never be lowered and Jesus looks at Peter and says Get behind me say 10 what Satan filled Peter's heart at that time and Peter later repented of it undoubtedly Satan can fill our heart when we start meditating on his thoughts and then live the mount so I heard about this lady who her husband had decided they needed to save more money and so they said they were going to buy anything extract again over the next year while the husband returns home to see his wife wearing a brand new dress that was quite extravagant and he looked at her niece said What are you doing we weren't going to do this kind of thing she said I couldn't help it she said the devil made me do it he said I was in the store looking at myself in the mirror and he said Man you look good in that Ras. So I just couldn't resist it and the husband said but didn't you say to him Get Behind Me Satan she said I did and when he got behind me he said well you really look good from behind. Folks we can't blame the devil it's our choice to dwell on his thoughts look at the 1st 4 while it remained Now this is an important verse to understand what's going on within a nice inspired while it remain Was it not your own and after it was sold was it not in your own control this is telling us something their sin was not that they didn't give all their money. Their sin was deception it was their money to give or not give the sin was that they said they gave it all when they didn't give it all it was to push city it was hypocrisy and look at verse 4 it goes on to say and this is Peter speaking Why have you conceived this thing in your heart I think Peter's broken he said you didn't have to do this why did you do this why did you do this and then he says you have not lied to men but to God He said Just so you understand earlier he said you lied to the Holy Spirit and now he says make sure you understand that the Holy Spirit isn't like lying to a man and you have lied to God because the Holy Spirit is God he's the 3rd member of the Trinity verse 5 then an anonymous hearing these words fell down and breathed his last so great fear came upon all those who heard these things this is the divine judgment and it is the media because of duplicity and apocrypha thing and in this case God is this stablish being Apostolate authority and he's safeguarding his church to keep a purer verse 6 and the young man arose and wrapped him up and carried him out and buried him now I'd have to say that it would have been tough to be an usher in that church you know we have great ushers here but they've got pretty easy jobs you know pass a bucket hand out of bullets and how how tough is that really I mean we've got great Ashes but you know it's never been on their job description when God kills people interred Here's how you wrap them up and carry them out but that's what they do. So look at verses $7.00 to $10.00 now was about 3 hours later when his wife came in not knowing what had happened which is extraordinary I mean this was 3 hours surely somebody would have told or but there's such are there such respect Nobody's saying anything. And Peter answered her tell me whether you sold the land for so much she a tradition dot com that will surprise you policies you buy American general life insurance company Houston Texas not available in all states for details visit dot com It takes a lot of courage to face your own death but I'm glad I finally did see I was putting off getting life insurance to protect my family even though I knew it was important that my neighbors husband died I watched her struggle emotionally and. Financially it really made me face reality if my husband died how would I pay the mortgage the car payments or keep up the life the kids and I had I realized I needed to get us life insurance right away so I called a I t. 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We just want the folks to know that we're in a bear are the right choice for help to find a new home or sell the one there and then really bear sure remember when you need to buy or sell a home give the bears a call Ed and Renee your platinum group real tours in the Colorado Springs area 536-435-5536 extension 4355 What is that awful smell oh I'm working barefoot today it's almost unbearable is that a new coat Yeah well the old one was threadbare what should we learn from the life of our Seaspray This is David Wheaton host of The Christian religion r.c. Sprawl was one of the most influential biblical preachers of the last 50 years last month at the age of 78 he went to the Lord are seen as he was called by many was a devoted husband and father a pastor. Beefier theologians are in founder of Ligonier ministries the largest reform ministry in the world yet he still has a common touch with people he will be remembered for accurately representing God particularly his holiness defending the inerrancy of scripture in his unwavering stand in the gospel of faith alone in Christ let us so be remembered hear more about r.c. Scroll at the Christian worldview doubt this weekend we'll discuss how a young Earth Answers man's oldest problem driving with you to think that the plea and live accordingly visit the Christian worldview dot org there in college books only had American furniture calories at. 127 the word insight for living is sponsored by insight for living ministries. The pursuit of your God is compassionate and merciful those virtues are true but scripture reveals another side of God's character that makes many of us uneasy God is also just and fair and when we live outside the boundaries he often chooses to discipline those he loves today on Insight for living Chuck Swindoll concludes a 5 part mini series called God knows what he's about in his final lesson but turn to Acts chapter 9 where we see God using pain and suffering to shape his service. Title Today's message God humbles a proud. Was a terrorist. The worst kind. And help. And how arrogant he was carrying out this mission of misery until Acts Chapter 9 records he's on his way to the ancient city of Damascus look with me how God humbles this arrogant man so going to the High Priest requested letters to the synagogues in Damascus asking for their cooperation in the arrest of any followers of the way that he found it or he wanted to bring them men and women. Back to Jerusalem in Cheney. As he was approaching Damascus. He has in his hands the papers in deeds the official documents search warrants if you will that got him into work every wish to know where they were Christians so that he might lock them up hopefully be there for the trial when they were put to death until he was stopped in his truck and God began to crush him we read in Acts Chapter 9 as he was approaching Damascus on this mission a light from heaven. Suddenly shone. All around him and he fell to the ground and he heard a voice he hears the word saw Saul So whoever this is knows him does he ever and he asks why are you persecuting me Saul is no idea who the one speaking is so he says Sir Who are you the word Lord appears but it it's not his conversion here that will come later here it's it's like a word of respect serve Kuriakose Who are you sir who are you know me I don't know you who are you here you imagine the shock when he heard the words I am Jesus whom your persecuting the Hallums of Haven't found and they now have him encircled in the womb is conversing with him clarifying that it no longer is up to Saul what happens in his life God is in charge the mineral round saw will hear. The sound of someone's voice but. They see him on the ground but they don't they don't know what this is all about either he'll never go into that city with his eyesight or in his own strength he told now get up and go into the city and you will be told what you must do strange words to come to the years of Saul no one told him what to do until now but the crushing has begun the man who should by saw were speechless they heard the sound of someone's voice but no one could be seen so pick himself up off the ground when he opened his eyes he was blind the crushing is continuing He's now not only beginning to be humiliated he is helpless he's helpless perfect condition for an arrogant man so now being humiliated confronted by Jesus blinded for days and has to be led by the hand into Damascus according to the end of verse 8 Look at that that isn't cruel that's the work of a wise father who knows now is the time to break the arrogance now is my chosen moment and I know what I'm going to be doing in fact it's interesting the Lord then appears to a man named Dan and I as he's a follower of Jesus he calls his name an anonymous knows him yes Lord yes yes he replied in the Lord said go over to straight street in the house of Judah us when you will get there you will ask for a man from Tarsus named saw the name itself was to put a chill up the back of an annoyance Saul of Tarsus was a household name. His notoriety was known all over that area and God is telling him you're going to encounter this man you've heard about but he's praying to me right now he says I've shown him a vision I've shown him a vision of a man named not a knight is coming in and laying hands on him so he can see again so in a sense he's expecting you and the truth. Is We will tell him what I have for him is this all solid control he's alone he's behind he's not taking nourishment a man a nihilist is not too excited about going to see a terrorist and not nor would I nor would you and so anodized begins with our favorite word when we don't want to do it but. Imagine yourself and then and I as sandals as your knees are knocking knowing you're about to meet up with the most notorious terrorist of Christians that was on the loose and the Lord says go to him and says But Lord I've heard many people talk about the terrible things this man has done to the believers in Jerusalem he's authorized by the leaning priests to arrest everyone who calls upon your name I call on your name on one of them and you're asking me to go now look at the Lord's response love it go for Saul is my. Chosen instrument I'll tell you that is one of the greatest changes about damage to your ever read from a Judaist terrorist to a chosen instrument of God How could that be because. God is in the process of cutting down a tall poppy bringing him to his knees he's my chosen instrument he will take my message to gentiles to kings and even to his own people Israel I will show him how much notice or 16 he must suffer for money that will become solves him oh from now on it's in his d.n.a. So all who will become Paul will become constant companions with pain and suffering a man of hardship a man who was broken even though we saw this great vision in heaven given the foreign in the flesh which never left him and remained a part of his life for the rest of his years how much suffering he must endure why because he is by nature proud and arrogant in the Lord has a way of breaking down those who are like that I say as I close this message take heart you who have friends children acquaintances fellow workers who are proud and arrogant and nothing seems to bring them to an end. Remember Acts Chapter 9 God has a way of bringing us in the line and then making us never ever forget it I could go on but I want to bring it now to 5 principles I see in this that applied to where we live today let me do that one by one and hopefully you will remember some of this that we draw from Lou's verses of Acts 9 number one. When God steps in it's often unannounced sudden and severe remember the words I get that from the way he entered sols life it's often unannounced sudden and severe so had no knowledge of this when he awoke that morning preparing for his trip to Damascus he had his list of names he had his documents that gave him the right to arrest but he had no audio that there would be the living God after him to bring him down take heart all of us who have loved ones in a situation that we cannot change God when he steps in does so unannounced suddenly and sometimes he does it severely 2nd when God's Crushing Blow is began all pride is removed all elegance comes to an end and humility begins to emerge one of the signs of really humility is Saul giving someone else his hand lead me help me I'll never forget the meal I had with Johnny Eareckson Tada we were at a gathering and her assistant was called away for a phone call and she left and Johnny was left at the table and they served our meal and here is a Johnny a quadriplegic and here I am with my wife and and friends and Johnny looks at me without hesitation and says truck would you feed me I think it's one of the most humble statements I've ever heard brought tears to my eyes my response was absolutely and I literally cut the meat up. And pulled the vegetables near and began to feed her bite by bite Saul gave the man his hand there was no fight the fights over he didn't even know where it was walking by and he didn't know where they'd take it and they left him for days Protestant mood elegance comes to an end and true humility begins to emerge and by the way it's it's a beautiful thing to be home an individual who is beginning to be crushed evidence in humility 3rd when God transforms suffering plays a major role Paul is just beginning a life of suffering suffering humbles all of us being in pain breaks this down there aren't many arrogant people on the cancer floor of the local hospital it has a way of breaking you and coming over you with a reminder that your your life is actually temporal and your future is uncertain with Saul It was the blindness and then later the 4 in the place that never left remember when he tells us why to humble me God gave the foreign in the flesh when God transformed suffering plays a major role remember he says I will show him how much he must suffer there is a 4th when God's plan for the future take shape humility remains in place every mentor that has meant anything to me has been a man of humility everyone and when I got to know them even better I found out why they were humble every one of them would say to me Oh and Chuck if you only knew. When we have been through it was the suffering they went through stop and think think of the people we could name who are some of the major Christians that have helped shape our lives you look deep enough you'll find brokenness heartbreak loss because they are people who understand suffering he's my chosen instrument and I'm a show him how much he will suffer those you've admired or admired because they are not arrogant they are teachable humble servants of gone faith and finally when God is finished with his instrument God gets all the glory in that great one day Saul would pass off the scene and there would come a generation that would hardly have remembered him and then another generation who wouldn't have even known. God would have done a work and to this day when we pick up the letters of the New Testament one after another after another after another written by this man who had been a terrorist but because of God's crushing. His whole life was transformed I love the words of our Guston who said of souls conversion it was the violent capture of a rebel will now say to you who have impossible situations that are making you restless and uneasy this is hard counsel but it's necessary don't jump in to bring relief don't think God needs your help when the bottom drops out of their lives your son is sent to jail don't quickly bail him out the tendency on the part of loving and caring parents is to take away the pain No No it requires the pain to break them to bring them into submission. Don't be too quick to explain their actions as if they're really not that bad leave him alone let God be God you're there when they call and and you're there to love them and to care for them let's remember the father of the prodigal never went on almost search for his son he stayed home and he waited and he prayed and he watched the horizon so one day he saw the bent silhouette of his broken boy and then he ran to him and loved him and welcomed him back repentance is a process that is painful usually lengthy don't interrupt it leave it with God in after a while you will see he knows what he's about if you need to know was rationed and I think I'm free to say it look back on your own life look at those very very very tough moments when as my mother used to say when you came to an end of yourself he used to say to me everyone has to come to an end of himself today x. Not. The story unfolds of a man who's come to an end of Saul and is about to become acquainted with Paul the Apostle and it took this to bring him to that change now when you've dealt with me please some of you hearing me today would have to admit there's never been a time in your life when you have bowed your knee your heart your life to Jesus. You want to stand that he died for you you understand what the cross was about as best you can understand it but you've never acknowledged his role in your life never humble yourself before him to say here I am a word unworthy unjust unqualified and I come before you in all of my needs now bring this life of Sam before you I trust you to bring forgiveness a ray of hope a future that will prove to be transforming but I know it starts with my coming humbly before you and trusting in you as my Savior come today trust him now thank you Father for ministering to us in a way that has been a little unusual it sobering to think of your dealing with us in severe ways but it is helpful as well give us hope for those whom we've lost touch with whom we no longer have a relationship with may be a bridge. As Bill back to you and therefore back with us we wait on you for that. We commit him to. My prayer for all of us is that we would. Do what is right this new year. That we would love mercy. And that we would walk humbly. With our company. I pray. In the name of the same. Only. Wasn't until Saul came to the end of himself the God shaped him into an instrument he could use a convicting lesson on choosing humility over personal pride you're listening to insight for a living and the concluding message in Chuck's went off 5 part mini series called God knows what he's about. If you've been listening to Chuck's teaching for any length of time you know he's committed to presenting the truth of God's Word even when it's personally convicting Today study is a classic example although Paul would become one of the most influential men in the 1st century we rarely consider the pain and suffering that shaped his character well providing these daily Bible studies requires tremendous financial resources and today we're calling on those who value Chuck's approach to teaching the Scriptures to join us in this mission by becoming a monthly companion as a monthly companion your partnership with insight for living becomes a simple and routine discipline plus the compounding effect of your regular contributions has a huge impact on those who hear Chuck's teaching when you give your 1st gift as a monthly companion today you're invited to request a special collection of 6 C.D.'s containing 6 listener favorites from the last year we're calling these 6 messages from Chuck our best for his highest to become a monthly companion right now call 180-772-8888 or go online to incite dot org slash monthly companion to give a one time donation and request a cd collection of listener favorites address your request to get insight for living Post Office Box 5000 Briscoe Texas 75034 down into one brand new volume the swindle Study Bible is now on sale at Inside dot org slash Study Bible much continued hope and prayer is that you will find this Bible helpful in your own study and personal application of the Scriptures made this truly help you come to realize as on it will be these many years that God's word is as timeless as it is true just warm personal style comes across on every page and is informed practical insights get straight to the heart of the message God's work has for you today with a features such as contextual background on each book in the Bible application points and people profiles on key biblical figures there's even a tour of Israel feature you'll find us went all Study Bible is Inside dot org slash Study Bible it was an a-Z. Of 48 the prophet brought this the grass withers and the flowers fade but the word of our God State ends for ever this winter all Study Bible in the New Living Translation is available today by going to Inside dot org slash Study Bible. Next time church one dog resumes a series we started last year called Abraham one nomads Amazing Journey of Faith joined us Friday on Insight for living. This season. The flu could be serious. You can catch it from anyone Colorado Broadcasters Association and this station oh this is Mark Scott Berg local ministry director for 100.7 The words you know I'm really excited about a new program airing every Saturday at 9 pm with David and Adele Ogletree called bold marriage every weekend David and Adele will challenge us with insights the coach husbands and wives in building their marriages that are intentional intimate and with God glorifying purpose so you want to join them here every Saturday and 90 m. 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