Ok so he leaping up boy he just jumped up stood and walked and enter the temple with them I love that because he was a man who was lame and according to the law was unable to enter the temple he is going into the temple for the very 1st time in his life and he goes in walking and leaping and praising God I love that praising God frames because that's the ultimate end of miracles that's the ultimate end of divine healing that God be praised the god be glorified the god be exalted but I am very concerned that there's some in the church today the don't give God glory they don't give him praise instead they feel like they have the spiritual gift of skepticism let me tell you it is not a virtue to be incredulous. And say oh yeah I know that I'm doing better but you know it may have just been time oh I know it was a very quick recovery but but I think it was the physical therapy or Oh I know it looked like an absolute miracle but I'm sure there's some sort of explanation why do you want to do that why do you want to discount your miracle why don't you want to give praise and glory to God I don't think that being a skeptic means you're homely it means you're not giving glory to God Jesus said this in the Sermon on the Mount the pure in heart they see God and they see God everywhere they see God in every moment in every situation that was in the circumstance that was the activity of God that wasn't locked that was Jesus that was the happenstance that was the miracle and so often I think we missed our miracle because we're so incredulous can override folks let's believe God let's trust God and let's give Him glory when a miracle has. Let's give Him glory. And so what we see here is that he leaps up and I love that in Isaiah Chapter $35.00 Verse 6 who says when the Messiah comes and the Kingdom of God is revealed that the layman will leap like a deer when the Kingdom of God arrives and when the Spirit of God is active miracles signs and wonders happen and that is how you know that Jesus died rose from the dead is the sended of the Father because He pours out the Holy Spirit and miracles begin to happen that's how you know it and this is indeed a miracle because I want you to think about it. His body could have been healed which would have been significant but his muscles would have been atrophied so even though they're functional they wouldn't have worked but this is a working of miracles as well so you see the world of knowledge you see the gift of faith you see the gift of healing and you see the working of miracles because he can immediately begin to run and leap that is nothing but a miracle I know that it takes the time to recover after you haven't been using a muscle or an arm or a limb I had separated my shoulders from years back and I'm a very active person and it was difficult for me I was very diligent to do my physical therapy I had people praying for me but it took a long time I thought I'd be all ready to go back to normal in 3 months but it took almost a year before I was fully recovered another time I remember Kelly had a similar situation where she couldn't move her shoulder heartily at all and there was a word of knowledge given that God was healing someone with an injured shoulder she shut up her arm and was 100 percent healed instantaneously folks there are miracles that God does instantaneously and this is truly a miracle and instantaneous miracle that only God can get the glory for However please know that not all healing miracles are instantaneous over in March Chapter 16 verse 18 Jesus said the believers will lay hands on the sick and they will recover recovery is a process it takes time and I'm going to encourage some of you because for some of you you've started to see God move maybe in a healing area you've started this he's an improvement but it's not complete yet. Give it time keep crusting keep believing because you can see a full recovery it reminds me of the story of Jesus where there was a man came to him that was blinded Mark Chapter 8 and Jeez those lays hands on him as I recall he actually spit on him as well. Oh I'm so glad God hasn't given me that leadership to spit on anybody but he lays hands on him and he says are you healed the guy looks up and he says What do you see and he says all eyes see man but they look like trees walking so Jesus lays his hands on him again and he looks up and he sees all things clearly sometimes it takes time so I listen to me if that miracle hasn't come yet don't give up be persistent be tenacious keep trusting keep believing keep praising God even in advance before you see the miracle come and he had will come but sometimes miracles are a process and so look at the verses $9.10 and all the people saw him walking and praising God then they knew that it was he who sat baking almost at the Beautiful Gate of the temple and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him they were filled with wonder and amazement you see that terminology again and again and something that is so encouraging to me and so powerful here is that this did not happen in the temple It happened just outside the temple which I believe Luke through this story is telling us and making sure we understand that it's not just in religious institutions it's not just in church buildings it's not just in holy places where God does miracles that when we go out we become the active opportunity for miracles to happen that we carry the presence of God with us and where we go it is the holy place and the gift of the spear. And healing miracles are not meant only for the church house it's meant for going out into the street from the highways in the byways than the marketplace and the neighborhood God wants to use you in the power of the spirit and it's not limited to the church understand gift of healings and supernatural miracles are for their church today but not mainly in the church but to be sent out and do it outside the church because that is what God has called us to do look at verse 11 now as the lame man who was healed held on to Peter and John all the people ran together to them in the porch which is called Solomon's again greatly amazed Now here's what I think is going on this guy has had a physical miracle in his legs and his ankles and his muscles However his cardiovascular system has been nearly unused for years so he's running and leaping and he's praising God and he's exhausted so he runs over to him and he holds on to him and probably out of ecstasy and then given his well and people have been trying to catch up with him so finally they catch up and they come to Solomon's porch which would have been a covered area outside the temple where a lot of times G.'s this top the scripture and King Herod's Temple was enormous and so it took a while for people to get there and we're going to see some incredible things happen through this next week this is the 1st of 14 specific healing miracles that we're going to find in the book of Acts however. We are going to learn a great deal from this one today and then we're going to add to our understanding as we go through the study so I want to give you 4 keys. To making a kingdom impact and I'm not just talking about in healing miracles I'm talking about God Using your life to make an impact in this world and there are 8 b. C. And d. The 1st one is to be of vailable to God I want you to think about this when Peter and John went up to the temple they didn't that morning get up and say you know Peter I think today we ought to go heal a lane man what do you think that's not how it worked they were going about their regular schedule they were doing their normal activities and it just so happened that this lame man was there the Holy Spirit promised and leads in a miracle of healing happens please listen to me some of the best ministry you're ever going to do will be an interruption in your schedule and if you're unwilling to be interrupted God will rarely use your life and powerful way when somebody comes along into your life do you see them as an interruption as an obstacle or do you see them as someone who is made in the image of God who God loves and wants to do a miracle and understand people are not an interruption to ministry people are the ministry and I know for me I'm a very scheduled person I have a To Do list that I check off every single day in fact the next day if I forgot to check something off I'll go back and check it out because I just like to check boxes however so often what God wants to do in life isn't on her list Peter and John had this man. Who happened to be there who they could have seen as an inconvenience so why is he asking for money again and stead they saw him as an opportunity for God to do a miracle and restore this man's life how many times do you see interruptions as a nuisance rather than as an opportunity are you willing to be interrupted in your schedule. Are you willing to set aside other things in order to carry out the ministry Jesus has for you Are you willing to say how are you doing and somebody say I'll do it terrible and start to cry and oh shoot this was going to take 20 minutes. But instead to really care and really listen and really Minister folks God wants to use you to bring encouragement and strength and help and healing and salvation into people's lives but you've got to be willing to be interrupted 2nd of all be bold through God So 1st you need to be available then you need to be bold and look at how bold Peter was verse 6 again Peter said silver and gold I do not have but what I do have I give you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk can you be bold are you bold enough to walk across to room in interviews yourself to somebody you've never met before are you bold enough to share your face story was somebody in a conversation are you bold enough that when somebody tells you they have a need to state can I pray for you are you bold enough when somebody thick to say can I pray for you in the name of Jesus because if you're not bold enough you're never going to see the kind of miracles we're talking about. You've got to have a boldness I mean we're boldness comes from it comes from being near to Jesus walking close with God and it comes from living a pure life a purity of life gives us supernatural boldness and it comes from being a stablished in God's word knowing what God says and what God has promised I want to show you something here that I think is so amazing you see Peter knew the revealed will of God was divine healing he didn't question that he knew it he was the stablished in it because he knew that healing was part of the covenant God had given the children of Israel we're going to look at this part of the next week but look at verse 13 he says the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob the God of our fathers glorified his servant does this when they say God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob it's talking about the covenant they had a covenant with God and it was that covenant of healing you remember when Jesus dealt with the side of Phoenician woman she wanted her daughter delivered and Jesus basically told her that healing was the children's bread and didn't belong to the Gentiles He went ahead and healed the daughter eventual but he was saying that it's one of the covenant promises of the covenant people of God and understand you to have a covenant with God through it Jesus Christ has that complex you become part of a new and better covenant with better promises and healing is yours through the covenant and so do you believe that. Can you expect God to fulfill his promises of divine healing notice also he called him his servant and this I believe goes back to the suffering servant in the book of Isaiah who is the Messiah and that suffering servant is mentioned in Isaiah 5213 but down in Chapter 53 we read verses 4 to 5 speaking of that suffering servant Surely he bore our dreams or literally our sicknesses and carried our sorrows that could be translated pains then we esteemed him stricken smitten of God an afflicted but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquity the chastisement of our peace was upon him and by His stripes we are healed now here's what you need to understand. When Jesus Christ went to the cross and complete it is finished work we call that the Atonement and everything he did in the Atonement on the cross he did for you and for me and it is for everybody Jesus Christ not only brought healing but he brought salvation bless the Lord Oh my soul and forget not only its benefits it says in Psalm 103 who forgives all our iniquities and heals all of our diseases Jesus Christ accomplished both on the cross but please no one please understand because this is important and people missed it when they don't see this what Jesus did on the cross was for eternity what he did on the cross was not temporal It was the eternal So what we get through what Jesus did on the cross when we believe in him is eternal salvation but also also in healing. Which means this I can not guarantee you that if you have leukemia you're going to be healed I just can't Aleister the great man of God died sickness if you are unable to walk today I cannot guarantee you that you're going to be able to walk in this life if you have cancer I cannot absolutely guarantee you're going to be cancer free in this life but I can guarantee you if you have cancer now when you see Jesus you're not to have it anymore if you can't walk now when you see Jesus you're going to be able to run and walk and leave I can tell you whatever is room in your body now it's going to be right when we get to have it and I'm going to have a gorgeous head of hair praise the Lord is going to be an amazing amazing event. But here's what I want you to see. I don't know why I said that. I think that some of my hidden desires of eternity coming down. And some of your far worse off than I am. But you're going to have affairs you're going to have it there I'm so glad we're not videoing this one but out. Here's what we got to understand remember this Kingdom is the kingdom that is but not yet. Remember it's a kingdom it is but not yet the promises of God that are all true that in G.'s this we get a foretaste of now through the gift of the Spirit there is coming a day when there is the Marriage Supper of the Lamb when we are going to fully eat of everything gone has pours but even now we get a whiff even now we get the crumbs and when ever we face someone who needs healing in their body we should never question whether it's the will of God or not never never ever we should pray with absolute confidence knowing that his ultimate will but also having this amazing hope that if there are healed someday they will be if they believed in Jesus so we win both ways there's also been victory in the cross and what Jesus Christ has accomplished so we can have that kind of absolute boldness when we pray for people and then we can be confident in God Notice how confident Peter was he said repent they're born and be converted that your sins may be blotted out. What boldness he said that let's look at this again he said repent now if you repent I know what's going to happen you're going to be converted your sins are going to be bought out do you have that kind of confidence in God's Word you have confidence when you talk to people that are bound Jesus Christ can set you free when you talk to people that are depressed you can say Jesus Christ can deliver you from your depression you can talk to people bound by since they've keys this Christ can set you free folks we should have a boldness and a confidence in God and His promises but we need to be established in those promises we need to know what he said and we can have a confidence when we pray for people and then finally the d. Is to be depended upon God So we need to be available to God we need to be bold in God we need to be confident in God and we need to be dependent upon God Look at verse 12 and this verse is so insightful on this and when Peter saw it he responded the people men of Israel why do you marvel at this or why he looks so intently at us as though by our power or our godliness we made this man walk he's saying it wasn't us get your eyes on Jesus not us and let me encourage you when you minister to people don't look at yourself look to Jesus. Knows what Peter didn't say. Because we were going to prayer and I spent 3 hours in prayer yesterday your healed. He didn't say cause I'm really living a holy life you're healed he didn't say because I'm a really good person you're healed you know none of that he said because of G.'s us because that Jesus he said it was in our godliness the it wasn't our goodness he said it was all because of Jesus hath folks let me tell you God doesn't do a miracle because of you he does it because of Jesus it's not what you've done it's what Jesus has done so when we stand before someone and praying for them what ever that need is whatever that situation is we have a boldness in authority and confidence and we have a total absolute assurance because we're not dependent on what we've done but on what Jesus has done I remember years ago I was at a fitness club that I was a member of and there was a guy that came up to me and he actually wanted me to cosign on a note for him to buy a motorcycle and I said silver and gold have I none the guy was a poor guy back then I was a pastor Pastor in a really small church and he then continued to talk about things and we've gotten to be friends and we're period of time and he said Man I really pressed my shoulder here the other day he said I can't even really do my job right and I said can I pray for you he said Yeah sure and when I said that there were 3 or 4 other people gathered around and then I got a little bit nervous. And I thought Ok You know I mean I was a young pastor and I can do this and so I just reached over and I said in the name of Jesus I declare healing in your shoulder be healed in Jesus' name and that was it listen this you don't have to pray super long prayers because it's not how long your prayer is it's how faithful God It is not even how great your faith is how faithful your and how much faith you have in his faithfulness that's how it works and so he said well man thanks I appreciate it I said well can you move it can you can you see if it's any different and he went oh what happened that is the maze and now you got to understand I was in new pastor and I want to be really cool I want to act like this happened every day so I said yes a man. I said Praise God inside I'm going you're kidding that. That. You know. And it's Ok to be like that. But I want to tell you if God has used me and healing miracles God can use you and healing miracles he's no respecter of persons but he is a respect or a play we need to have faith in Him Faith that were available to God that we can be bold in God that we can be confident through God and that we are dependent upon God Let's pray together Father I pray for every person in this auditorium. And I do ask they you would use us to minister and Lord even more than healing miracles that we would have the courage to step out of our comfort zone and go meet people that we've not known before that we would have the courage to invite someone to church that we would have the love and the compassion to make a meal for somebody who's going through a very difficult time though we would be willing to listen to your whispers making ourselves available to be used of you to make an impact in this world to make a difference for Jesus we are not on this earth just as survive we're in this earth to make a difference from Jesus Christ and Father I pray that that would happen in every $100.00 points from a film nerd Colorado has a website that will save you time and what's more valuable than that it's in Colorado backslash tax any answers about filing taxes in Colorado. 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A close relationship with God which starts by trusting in His son is in what he did for you on the cross is why you were created when you draw near to God in His Word in prayer in obedience he will draw near to you and give you peace and joy purpose to do that this year and then join us this weekend to discuss the legacy of the late r.c. Sprawl. Driving with you to think Biblically and live accordingly visit the Christian worldview. 1017. Insight for living is sponsored by insight for living ministries. Truth be told most of us are reticent to surrender everything we own in order to follow God without lugging our personal baggage along instead we tend to let go of things in small pieces will make incremental changes at our own pace Well today on inside for a living Chuck Swindoll talks about what it means to follow God with complete abandon this is part of his brand new series intentionally designed to keep us focused in the new year the 5 part study is called God knows what he's about and today's message illustrates how God bans a stubborn will. Just before Christmas arrived I began a 5 part mini series on. The work of God in our lives. And I called it God knows what he's about. We look forward 3 Sundays at the blessings of God and we saw Hell the Lord had his way in the promises that were given in the Old Testament predicting and pointing toward the coming of the Messiah God knows what he's about as he's blessing us by to zing those who will serve his purposes as he did in the case of Mary and Joseph and then in the 3rd message we saw his blessing and how he sent his son for our salvation for our spiritual rescue like every coin has 2 sides for it to be authentic the work of God has 2 sides not only his blessings which we've now looked at but also his crushing these as Christians so today we begin the last part of that part series by looking at 2 men who got crushed in the right sense for his purposes we see how the Lord has done that as we look at the Book of Jonah together please turn to Jonah chapter one we see how God can be a stubborn will and then next Sunday we will look at another life is the Lord crushed Saul of Tarsus to become his spokesman as he humbled an arrogant man a proud man until now is the one with a stubborn will most of us are familiar with the story but it may have been a long time since you have read it. Let me read for you the 1st chapter of this story and we will see how it all unfolds along the same line as the theme I mentioned earlier I'm reading from the New Living Translation The Lord gave this message to Jonah son of Emma time I get up and go to the great city of Nineveh announce my judgment against because I have seen how wicked its people are but Jonah got up and went in the opposite direction to get away from the Lord he went down to the port of Chapa where he found a ship leaving for Tarshish he bought a ticket went on board hoping to risk ate from the Lord but sailing to Tarshish but the Lord heard of a powerful wind over the Sea causing a violence storm that threatened to break his ship apart fearing for their lives the desperate sailors shouted to their gods for help and threw the cargo overboard to lighten the ship but all this time Jonah was sound asleep in the hold so the captain went down after him How can you sleep at a time like this child and get up and pray to your god maybe he will pay attention to us and spare our lives then the crew cast wants to see which of them had a friend of the gods and caused the terrible storm when they did this a lot I don't know if I'd Jonah as the culprit Why is this awful storm come down on us they demanded Who are you what is your line of work what country are you from what is your nationality. Jonah answered I'm a Hebrew and I worship the Lord the God of heaven who made the sea and the land the same years were terrified when they heard this for he had already told him he was running away from the Lord own why did you do it they grow and since the storm is getting worse all the time they ask him what should we do to you to stop the storm proly into the sea Jonah said and it will become calm again I know that this terrible storm is all my fault instead the sailors are rude even harder to get the ship to the land but the stormy sea was too violent for them and they couldn't make it then they cried out to the Lord Jonas God Oh are they pleaded don't make us die for this man's sin and don't hold us responsible for his death only you have sent this storm upon him for your own good reasons and the sailors picked Jonah. And threw him into the raging sea in the storm stopped at one side. The sailors were all struck by the Lord's great power and they offer him a sacrifice and they vowed to serve him. Now the Lord had arranged for a great fish to swallow Jonah Jonah was inside the fish for 3 days and 3 nights. Listening to him sight for a living to search the Scriptures with Chuck's went all be sure to download his newly formatted searching the scriptures studies by going to incite dot org slash studies and now the message called God bends to stop and well it was with biting sarcasm that Wilbur Reese wrote these words I would like to buy $3.00 worth of God cleans not enough to explode my soul or disturb my sleep but just enough to equal a cup of warm milk or a snooze in the sunshine I don't want to know if a god to make me love a black man or pick beets with a my great I want ecstasy not transformation I want the warmth of the womb not a new birth I want to bout a pound of eternal in a paper sack I would like to buy 3 dollars worth of God Please that's the kind of thing Jonah would have said. That is before the fish what do you mean God go go where or why on earth would I ever want to go there then of Allah not only is in the middle of the worst kind of people Gentiles it is the capital of Assyria even the name has a his in it. You forget God I'm a Jewish prophet waving right wing zealous Jewish prophet sent me to Jerusalem or job ha ha. Ha we're all the swine live. Now before we take up stones to stone Jonah I suggest we stop and. Think about an analogy what if God had told those who were stumbling out of dung how to go to Berlin and to bring a message of hope and forgiveness to the Nazis and terminally What if God had asked a group of the. Premier's later to go and. Meet with those officers awaiting trial in Nuremberg and meet along with them in their cell and and offer them the hope for forgiveness in spite of what they had put their people through. You see prejudice has a different face when you put it in a different context all of us are able to be very objective about Jonah living soon long ago and in a world that we know little if anything about most could not even pick a place on the map where none of the was in light of today's geography but when you put it in those terms it's amazing if I may use these words how much prejudice makes sense if you have a stubborn will and who of us doesn't when told to go where we don't want to go and to do what we don't want to do. Very few of us quickly respond Yes sir I'm on my way no let me hit the pause button and put the context in a broader light most people when asked the main theme of Chona would tell you it's about a prophet who tried to escape his calling wrong or they would say it's about a fish who swallowed the manna wrong the story of Jonah is about God who bent the will of a stubborn prophet that's the story of Jonah never forget to have. Your life isn't about you your life is about your God who made you it isn't about what you and I want it's about what he wants and is determined to carry out whether we like it or not when asked about the main message of the Book of Jonah most would probably miss that too let me cut to the chase and say it is about the crushing and of God The crushing hand of God we love it when he blesses us and we applaud it we find great pleasure in his making us comfortable and giving us what we wallet and what we've asked for and the joys of the company that are innumerable they're called God's blessings we've all been recipients of them far more than we deserve but his crushing says are our plague there's nothing pleasurable about them we not only fear them more often than not we resent them even though both blessings then cursings are for our good and for His glory we like the former. Would love to do away with the latter no one understood that better than Job's wife who simply said to her husband in misery covered with boils having lost all of their children having lost his means of making a living having lost his home and all the family curse God and die taking the easy way out job response reveals the depth of Job's maturity maybe you've forgotten what he said I quote should we accept only good things from the hand of God and never anything bad. Is the new year on rules and it will one moment at a time one day one week at a time when you remember that question you'll need it and you'll need to ask yourself that question over and over because I can assure you this year will include God's blessings and God's crushing. If you forget the question asked by. Your response will be just like Jonas So before we click on tongues and why garbling yours and his stubborn prophet I suggest we imagine ourselves in front of a full length mirror and not forget the cause of most of our problems all of them as they relate to a bad attitude but most of them as they occur it's time now to take our finger off the pause button and return to the prophet who preferred 3 dollars worth of God he really preferred mediocrity you know like the name profit he just didn't like what it required. Some of the benefits that came from being one. He just didn't like the assignment that he was given so we see the call in vs one and 2 and please observe God does not start or the call is not big it's clear it's precise it's brief the Lord gave this message to Jonah get up and go to the great city of Nineveh announce my judgment against it because I've seen how wicked its people are and that was true it was a city that was the capital as I said earlier of Assyria and the Assyrians were brutal cruel cruel victorious known for their torturing. For all of their mistreatment against their enemies once taken captive Jonah knew all about those Assyrians it was not bad enough that they were Assyrians they were. Gentiles. You know because most of us are that we don't see much wrong with it but we're not Jewish profits living in that era who are being called to go there with God's message there's nothing wrong with a call everything right about it but Joel wanted God to remember he's Jewish he's not a worldly Angelus he's a Jewish evangelist. In a world would you send me to a place like this I'd go over like a bus the Lutheran The Vatican has showed up there are never Jewish profit comes with God's message oh yeah so he's got it all figured on his mind you see when you have a stubborn will your logic makes sense to you even though you don't realize how illogical it is to fight against God. In fact the Lord states I know how wicked they are don't think I'm into that I know where I'm sending you just like this year I'm going to say to you on various occasions do this it won't be what you had wanted though there was a bullet destination you had in mind whether it's a hospital or a funeral home or standing beside the bed if you're sick child or some failure that is a part of this new year but you're there Joan doesn't like it so we're not surprised verse 3 with his response he got up good said to arise so he got up and he went good he said to go but he went on his way to Tarshish Again hard to find today it's your Polter in southern Spain. Do west from Joppa and none of us is north east 500 miles Tarshish is 2500 miles west and the opposite direction you knew what it was doing and can't you imagine how we rationalize it just to Joppa he finds a ship going to try She's Oh thanks Lord and he has the money for the ticket it was an inexpensive page for providing the money or it has nothing to do with any of the negotiations but Joan in his mind has got it all figured out you do that when you're stirred and you're running and we find in this 3rd verse interesting me 2 references to any possibility he went in the opposite direction a to get away from the Lord. He went down to the port of drop a word joined a ship leaving for Tarshish he bought it it bought a ticket one on board to be hoping to escape. The boat from the Lord. And I ask you how easy it is it to escape from omnipresence That's like getting out of air being on earth it's everywhere you can't run and hide a members a little kid but I was a free thought if I just pulled up the covers I would be protected from the book or been a cold in the book or man my dad tried to get me to change the way that was pronounced but I like Booker better than bogey man so I'm hiding from the butcher man and that cover no more protected me than that ship would protect John from the Lord. Who ever channel when God was wherever Jonah ran God was already there show you this hold your place look at Psalm 139 it's really worth the excursion someone 39 I want to report you versus 7 through 12 talk about a passage that's written for Jonah to remember 1397 begins I can never escape from your spirit I can never get away from your presence then it goes into several possibilities if I go to heaven the Hebrew says you you are there has been added by our English translators simply says if I go up to heaven you if I go down to the grave. If I ride the wings of the morning and if I do well by the farthest oceans even there your hand will guide me your strength will support if I go to the. Farthest ocean dwell in the your Bible reads the uttermost part or the remotest part of the sea like Tarshish if I go to the most distant place I can even imagine is there I've mentioned this before but it bears repeating when w a Chris Well it was preaching and there it just been the Sputnik that had orbited the Earth and they were so pleased the Russians were to announce that they were up there and they did see God Crystal's response the following Sunday was had you stepped out of your space suit you would have seen God. You may think you're getting away from God's presence by going to are you kidding me and joe now get a life when you want only 3 dollars were the God then you got 3 dollars worth of theology but you think clearly. You realize you can't run from omnipresent continuing even there your head will got me your strength will support me I could ask the darkness to hide me and the light. The light around me to become not I but even in darkness I cannot hide from you to your night shines as bright as day darkness and light are the same. Look. With God there is no darkness he is all light. Dark is aeons when we pass from this earth to happen. There is no light there because the sun is the light of. The place of constant light. Deeply convicting MacIt based on the choices Jonah made you're listening to insight for a living Chuck Swindoll title today study God bends a stubborn will and we urge you to keep listening to hear how John a story unfolds the church has committed to presenting the truth of God's Word even when it's unpopular need even when it makes a squirm Jonah shows us that God requires complete surrender of our will as Chuck said God is not a vending machine from which we can purchase $3.00 worth of His goodness and when you partner with him sight for a living you can have every confidence that Chuck will represent these challenging truths with clarity and conviction as we step into a new year of ministry together let me encourage you to become a monthly companion This makes your partnership with insight for living very simple and the compounding effect of a monthly contribution has a huge impact on those who gain access to Chuck's teaching when you give your 1st gift as a monthly companion today you're invited to request a special cd series containing 6 listener favorites from last year we're calling the so. Messages from Chuck are best for his highest to become a monthly companion right now call 180-772-8888 or go online to Inside dot org slash monthly companion to give it one time donation and request the cd series of 6 listener favorites address your request to insight for living Post Office Box 5001st go Texas 75034 and finally let me draw your attention to one of the most important resources ever offered to our listening family I'm referring to the brand new swindle Study Bible this comprehensive volume represents the culmination a check study in the scriptures it's offered in 3 different bindings and comes in the New Living Translation to purchase this went all Study Bible right now call 180-772-8888 or go online to Insight dot org slash study by. Chuck Swindoll talks more about how God bends a stubborn will Friday on Insight for living. 100 points the word college a former n.f.l. Super Bowl champion signed the most important contract of his life to serve in the Army National Guard now as the governor was a perfect fit I had a lot of military my family think part of what my family is up for a long time and I want to go out there make a difference on the parts of the bigger than myself I don't find that in the normal day to day life I don't find that fork in mine of death I realized then hands on to being a soldier was something that was in the act if you me outside the minute that's an environment that I crave then I moved so much and then the opportunity to serve my parents or my cousin or was just icing on the k. I wanted him Boise Idaho I want to be home the National Guard in the operative. Stay right where I was served my country and like a little of the best of all worlds the old wine bush planes in the last go of my dad a fortune of them up lies they don't want to get helicopters I wanted their courage and their Army National Guard and their chance to fly helicopters down some fixed wing aircraft to learn how to be part of the Army National Guard log on to National Guard dot com sponsored by the Colorado Army National Guard by the Colorado Broadcasters Association at this station in Colorado has a website that will save you time and what's more valuable than that it's a Colorado doctor backslash tax money answers about filing taxes in Colorado new to the state have questions about filing Colorado taxes are you a business with questions about your state sales tax all your answers are just a click allayed 24 is that any read out. On the weekends or section many Frequently Asked Questions filing taxes easier to learn the back go to Colorado done that last time no need to call when the answers are on the way on. That last pass you can buy an instructional videos numerous told head on admission for free in person and on line tap classes visit Colorado dot the backslash town and you are free resource to everything you need to know about Colorado taxes about to come out in a month no revenue the Colorado Broadcasters Association and the station selfless Is a military friendly Yellow Ribbon school you can attend class in c. Or you can even study online for more ever you are c.c. Use Colorado Springs center provides a wide range of academic offerings including associate degrees bachelor degrees master's and even educator licensure programs come see for yourself I see See you might be the right place for you there conveniently located near North Academy Boulevard and I 25 in Colorado Springs for more information call 719-867-5817 that's 719-867-5817 or go to adult dot c.c.u. Dot $100.00 points of the word. Colorado st a service of Salem Media Group $100.00 points of the word leading the way is sponsored by leading the way ministries. To Michael you. God the Son revealed God the Father revealed and screw out his own version birth. Death on a cross. But he also revealed him by telling us some stories straight what God the Father was like and so. It tells the story of the product. Today on leading the way and lightning look into the story of the prodigal son you will appreciate Dr Michael your sets personal insights into this biblical account it's part of Michael's series called Jesus no hand and live now if you'd like.