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Welcome to the town hall review brought to you about the sale of media group I'm Hugh Hewitt Today we look at the North Korea's latest threat to the world and what can and should be done will be better to hit enemy missiles shortly after launch but the Obama administration is look if we can't pull a missile defense program vice president Mike Pence weighs it this president made clear what will take care of it and more high profile figures are out of work as the waves of sexual harassment scandals continue to roll in the degree to which this really great to have sexual misbehavior that many of our Houston and they were part of the go to church that is a good thing honestly some are willing to look the other way due to politics one of the distinctions that we should never try to draw is to judge each of these cases based upon whether the offender is a liberal or a conservative a Republican or a Democrat brace yourself there's more to come every year. That's of course set up right now at 68 and reporters who are sifting through all kinds of rumors on Capitol Hill. Of the month all thanks for joining us I'm Hugh Hewitt great to be with you on Tuesday of this week North Korea fired an intercontinental ballistic missile which traveled 3000 miles up and traveled 600 miles east before landing in the Sea of Japan on the watch and flight pattern despite a technological advance of North Korea's ability to said nuclear weapons further than before much further experts believe that the missile could reach anywhere in the United States the u.s. Secretary of defense Jim Matheson addressed the threat a little over 2 and a half hours ago North Korea launched. Intercontinental ballistic missile. He went higher frankly than any previous thought they'd taken in research and development effort on their part going to look missile the compression. Everywhere in the world basically and in response. South Koreans fired point missile out into the water to make sure North Korea understand. They could be taken under fire by our allies. The bottom line is to continue to get her to build credit for putting national pressure dating game world peace you know Putin for a day that makes coming on his many threats much more than a mere menace the dictator is now a direct threat to United States citizens everywhere the day after the missile launch I spoke with Congressman Mike Gallagher is also a former intelligence officer for the Marine Corps Congressman welcome what do we do about North Korea Well I think what we've all been waiting for a while is the etiquette of attempting to shoot down an attempted missile launch we have the out there I think that would send a strong message if we did but right now there are a technical limitation our primary theater missile to come from a just a quick destroyers and cruisers which target and I mean that's what is known as the mid course a basically when the guy could be as or transit enters bait the problem is that our agent ships need to be dishing to just the right spot to be able to intercept I think the end of by the way we have to a just classes for that and the can that are out of commission that could because they collided with commercial Buffel so it can go anywhere what it aim at a relatively predictable target such as the one of our base Japan the chances are we have the act with them to this into a limb and a threat but if they're just asking a kid to anyone if they say there's only a small chance we have the right stick in the right spot to be able to hit the metal keep in mind this all happened very quickly North Korea and I could be part of Guam could land as quickly as 14 minutes and it would be better to hit enemy missiles shortly after launch but the Obama administration inexplicably canceled a missile defense program we're slowly recovering and there are some good ideas on the horizon for example the Missile Defense Agency recently published in our 5 or a high altitude. Long endurance unmanned vehicle that could destroy I think the ends of lasers as they launch that all sounds cool but that's still a long ways out so we have options short of the conventional kinetic strike on North Korean territory but again all of this becomes more difficult if we don't get out from under the devastation of defensive questionnaire and the Budget Control Act caps and I'm glad to see that Secretary matted is engaging in the high level discussions but I am dismayed to see that the Democrats won't even sit down to have the discussion given the threats we're facing abroad and given the enormous stress we've placed on the force that now Mike Gallagher I believe we've got a better argument now to get rid of sequester but Chairman Pelosi would even go to the White House yesterday and they're threatening to shut down the government if they shut down the government I simply want to reopen until sequester was gone and I this is urgent we used to have Nike bases up and down the United States to intercept the threat of rioting Soviet missiles in the fifty's I think we're going to be back there if we're going to rule out a preemptive strike on North Korea in the consummate are so high as well as what you know that are against all of us live in a leader in terms of enhancing our ground based midcourse intercept systems the n.d.a. That we just added $4400000000.00 over the president's original budget request from us the fence including an additional 20 ground based interceptors and they also require the security fence to increase the overall number of interceptor some 442104 but I do think we don't want to live in that world where you know we've tested the North Korean regime which is highly unstable and we don't have a lot of insight into what this guy's answers are we've accepted his ability to threaten New York topper Big Green Bay Wisconsin our entire And then all United States and put aside the question of whether he would actually be foolish enough to do that what that will allow him to do in the region in terms of its conventional and its 8th. Metric capability and threaten his neighbors and our allies and we need an acceptable so as we continue to enhance economic pressure as we continue to enhance our cooperation with our military allies I think we need to be thinking about ways in which we can actively undermine the North Korean regime and I'm not talking about you know hitting a missile at you know his palace or compound but should we enhance rewards or military defectors can only rediscover the lost art of psychological operations and information warfare in a way that we pioneered it in the early fifty's is the 65th anniversary of Eisenhower killing a campaign promise to go to Korea was take a hard look at how we developed doctrine to deal with all the dread that that time and learn some lessons for the president from one Mike Gallagher to the next syndicated Salem host Mike Gallagher had Vice President Mike Pence on a program to discuss the situation with North Korea as you've been on record and you've said this on numerous occasions this is not a man Art ministration is not administration North Korea should trifle with my good . Man this is the situation in North Korea is a serious one and as President Trump made clear he will take care of it. And his historic trip to the Asia Pacific and my trip on his behalf earlier this year and President Trump made it clear the era of strategic patience is over and that now for 20 years the world community has accepted promises from the rogue regime in North Korea only to see them broken again and again and President Trump has made it clear that all options are on the table and as I said yesterday at the camera Jima North Korea would do well not to test the resolve of this president or the capabilities of the Armed Forces of the United States. All options are on the table it does as the president just announced moments ago following his conversation with President Hu same paying China and that we will be imposing an additional major sanctions on North Korea today the president declared North Korea's state sponsor of terrorism last week we will continue to bring all economic and diplomatic pressure to bear the full weight of American power until North Korea abandons its nuclear and ballistic missile program once and for all small North Korea is the biggest news on the world stage domestically and we are witnessing a historic cleansing of sorts for decades powerful men have been able to use their influence to sexually abuse those around them it looks like those days are vanishing Finally on Wednesday we saw the fire going through big names in media Garrison Keillor and Matt Lauer over inappropriate actions that morning and discuss the latest developments with Bill Kristol editor of The Weekly Standard you've run a magazine for 20 years you know what and he's going through this right and that you have to fire an employee it just seems to me this is not going to stop and I am stunned actually at the breadth and depth of this are you yeah I am and I think it's a very big moment and I'm really proud of. The conservative I'm I'm with the women on that and and and think it every all these things get a good call on the post on this issue if they think it's terribly investigated Obviously you can't just assume every charge is correct but you certainly shouldn't take a dismissive attitude towards that not all forms of sexual harassment or misbehavior of the same to the degree to which there's really grotesque sexual misbehavior in many of our situations and they were finally got a charge that is a good thing honestly and I think I think on the political you know any individual case people to look at but on the political side I think the implications are still being underestimated by conventional wisdom I greet it I grant you and I have been on the same page on this I mean I think this you. Here you can have house painting that elements is only there for you know the charges which at about 2 to our elected representatives with taxpayer money and we don't we don't know about we elect them and we don't know what they did we pay taxes we don't know how money is being used at uncountable it's all going to become public it should become public the abuse of non-disclosure agreements which were once a way of preventing people from taking trade secrets or equally or business practices from one company to what I'm there you know are now used to shut out people in ways that are totally inappropriate that's something that should be looked at and I think it's a matter of law both in the private sector and certainly government where you have a non-disclosure agreement you work for the federal government and then you write you don't discuss what happened in your employment at taxpayer you know public employment that's ridiculous I think every young person who ever thought of challenging an incumbent should do so this year and just say you know with all due respect I think I'm but he refused personally here she's personally a good person they're part of a system that needs a pretty fair overall so we could have a healthy outcome of this all but going through it obviously is is it's a pretty amazing moment you know one of my Yeah my radio boss is still voice was making this argument that this will be a remarkably good moment for young women and I agree with that I just I'm sort of stunned by I have always perhaps naively assumed that while there are bad actors out there there aren't that many of them but now I'm becoming convinced against my instinct that they're right they are legion and the last place to fall by the way is going to be academia because they have put up with it a lot longer because of tenure in that we had serial. Assaulters in places like Berkeley where they are protected by tenure and tenure is the you know the the invisible collar and the controls academia from melting down but I don't think it's going to hold in academia much longer now I figure it out I mean I would say 2 things where conservatives we believe that Lord Acton that power corrupts. And that's the power or it's up to graft and absolute power corrupts absolutely and I do think power has corrupted in all these institutions and I just was we shouldn't it we didn't disappear the prices we are of course we know it is because you know one of those people doesn't think they behave this way but. It really is a reminder of why you don't want concentrated I think it might have brought a lot of conservative libertarian. You know. You know philosophical principles I don't post but I but I also agree young women should run and young men should write I mean this is not a matter of you know men can now do it with one thing I've checked 2 of them yes they have said I was doing this and we are only overture to a charity we shouldn't go to obliterate the distinction was in decent men and men who behave badly and we want decent men and decent women in positions of power and you know what are people who abuse their power coming up brace yourself for more every user on that course set up right now let's take on reporters who are sifting through all kinds of rumors on Capitol Hill I have ended up in my home town hall review returned a moment. This is you know a bird Town Hall dot com We all have to be aware that victims of sexual abuse assault and harassment are legion and that each story about a new victim or victimizer potentially impacts all survivors we know that story one spouse those who flee domestic abuse for example routinely inspire other victims to seek help and shelter that's why careful media coverage of the recent spate of stories matters so much we also have to recall however that false allegations do happen the late Cardinal burning down of Chicago's Catholic Archdiocese was wrongly accused of Moloch station by a young man who later recanted his terrible charge the Duke lacrosse team was unjustly prosecuted Rollingstone infamously defamed a University of Virginia fraternity over an alleged gang rape that did not happen it's a delicate balance between the reality of vast numbers of assaults and a few terrible false charges a reality that can only be dealt with by close attention to backs and due process not only in the courts. But the media is well I'm here. The odds were stacked against Alicia Tanner Larry Elder here her father was in and out of her life her mother absent from the very beginning her community had much to offer drug abuse violence high teen pregnancy rates Luckily she had a grandmother who loved her who introduced Aleesha to the Salvation Army Boys and Girls Club a safe fun environment constructive activities and attended all measure of hope having attended the Boys and Girls Club since she was 4 years old Elise is now 14 excelling in school and in life about 15000000 children in the us are living in poverty while 11300000 children take care of themselves after the school day ends but the programs of the Salvation Army Give the gift of hope to children go to team elder dot org Please help us reach our goal of 125000 dollars by year's end consider a gift of 20 $550.00 or even $100.00 together we can help the Salvation Army continue to fight for good go to team elder dot org That's team elder or. 100 point word the passing of a loved one is one of the saddest and most stressful times of life so often however the important things like remembering those you lost are interrupted by the probate process this is Gordon Williams of cordon j. Williams p.c. Attorneys along in 20 years of practice I have assisted hundreds of families with the process please call me courtin Williams or my associate Johnson at 471-9300 to help you with probate proceedings and the transfer of assets to the right beneficiaries we will guide you through the process and will prepare the appropriate documents to open in finalize the estate in almost all cases you will never need to go to court so please call me Corden Williams or my associate Johnson at 471-9300 Thank you for letting us be of service Gordon Williams and Luke Johnson your family attorneys 471-1300. Welcome back to the review. Of the week the biggest. Fraud was that of Congressman John Conyers. One big advocate in his corner House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. The problem here there appears to be something of a reckoning for 2 of the most prominent Democrats who have been implicated in the charges of sexual misbehavior one of them John Conyers the longest serving member of the House of Representatives he's 88 years old and it comes out that there have been additional accusers against him and Nancy Pelosi was on Meet the Press and under some fairly aggressive questioning from Chuck Todd she didn't do it seems to me a particularly strong job in defending her colleague John Conyers lesson. There's now a 0 tolerance John Conyers what does that mean for him right yeah let's say it around we are strengthened I don't process it because someone is accused. And that one accusation is the 2 I think there has to be John Connors is an icon in our country and he's done a great a great deal to protect women Violence Against Women Act which they left right wing is now quoting is praising him on that he did great work on that but the fact is. As John Riggins case. Which I don't I believe he will if you believe that he wasn't the case. That he will do the right thing in is the right thing what we start to people do the right thing in terms of what he knows about his situation that he's entitled to due process but women are retired and title to due process as well Ok what does that mean exactly it means absolutely nothing if there is 0 tolerance then given the fact that John Conyers paid $27000.00 out of a secret taxpayer that's your money to buy silence from one of his female accusers and there's more than one What is the consequence to him that he doesn't even step down from the Judiciary Committee what he's done is he has given up only he is position as ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee he's still going to continue on the committee and continue in Congress so the idea of the John Conyers an icon because he has been in Congress for a long long long long time. I mean honestly the charges against him appear to be highly serious and this creates an opportunity. To try to take a look at all of the charges in the flurry of charges against start out with Bill Clinton pretty serious charges include charges against Donald Trump against Roy Moore against cell Frank and against John Conyers against all of the people in Hollywood that look things are not the same there seems to me to be a desperate need right now to get hold of this particular issue. To draw distinctions and the distinctions are important but one of the distinctions that we should never try to draw is to judge each of these cases based upon whether the offender is a liberal or a conservative a Republican or a Democrat and that brings us to Al Franken I believe there are a total now of 4 women and there are undoubtedly will be more who say that they were grabbed by Al Franken the initial case is well known. The case where he was traveling on a u.s.o. Tour and he allegedly while rehearsing a scene he does not admit this by the way it's not true that he admits as he says he remembers it differently from Tweeden who with whom he was engaged in this skit he says he remembers it differently he didn't force himself into her mouth with his tongue which would be disgusting and of course totally unacceptable in any event Franken did a press conference and he began by saying this I know that I've let a lot of people down and people of Minnesota my colleagues my staff. My supporters and everyone who has. Counted are made to be a champion. For women to. Kill all of you I just want to. Again the say I am sorry I know there are no magic words that I can say. To regain your trust and I know that's going to take time. I'm ready to start that process and it starts with going back to work today wow. How do you respond to an Al Franken of this is. A shock and it's been extremely humbling I am embarrassed I feel. Ashame. What I'm going to do is I'm I'm going to start my job I go back to work I Where does this go where does it end what needs to happen next do we need some kind of sweeping new federal legislation state legislation do we need to totally reorient the education of our young men that's what some feminists are suggesting does this indicate that American society is rotten to the core and that women have not had a fair chance for years and years and years because of this relentless and un forgivable and utterly paralyzing reign of terror under the heading of sexual harassment as we watch this conveyor belt of central Rassmann accusations pick up speed the question becomes. And believe me there are many in the queue soon to be. That was the subject of my conversation with Politico national political reporter Tim Albert. Your reaction of the mellower news this morning another one bites the dust I mean it's open even right now and it should be with but just said I mean I feel like you know this is a pretty important cultural inflection point that we're living through right now something that we're going to look back on for quite some time and. You know a moment of real social and cultural reckoning when it comes to women are treated and how we collectively respond to it and I think it's productive pretty important either you're a father of daughters or of tolerance. You know treat your raise your son teach your sons from the time they are to treat women and that will have a profound change on the world to male birth to you are very early on and being candid about Conyers mental incapacity and a lot of people have since come around to that but he's not resigning. Number one is he going to number 2 how many other people are lined up like bowling pins right now to fall well Ok so to the Congress question here he had a long meeting with the Congressional Black Caucus obviously I think many of those members would like to see him resign they understand what are you taking on a minute for any of the fact that he has not just flat out been pushed out of the building by Nancy Pelosi I think is just an incredible strategic mistake on her part I know it's part of the fact that there are plenty of Democrats who have wanted hungers gone for quite some time having nothing to do with the sexual misconduct allegations so you know this should be a good thing that would question him over the fact that you still hear it's kind of graphic to me and part of the other pinball look I told you last week every day every user. Task Force is set up right now at 6810 reporters who are sifting through all kinds of rumors on Capitol Hill I handed you know what half dozen of them I felt over the last couple of weeks and you know the trick here to you is you there is no end to the end of the attempted thing the Naked Gun thing by the James O'Keefe operation show the other day you can see it on the media to it when we cannot be careful on the dating biggest thing and making sure that you know if Bakley who did what and when and that it's totally corroborated before we publish any of that stuff because you're dealing with people's livelihoods and reputation coming out party people lie sometimes not because they're winning they're you mean people. Are fallible not all accusations are true but telling all of you can tell you that I'm only. 100 examine no more have you or one of your loved ones been injured in an accident as your claim for medical bills or other insurance benefits been wrongly denied by your own insurance company this is Kirk McCormick with the law firm of McCormack and Murphy. J. Murphy and I are trial lawyers with over 45 years of combined experience and many of those years were spent representing big insurance companies but since 1905 we have been putting our years of experience to work for injured Christians throughout Colorado if you've been injured in an accident or have had medical bills or other insurance benefits denied by your own insurance company we can explain your rights explain the claim process and recover the fair compensation you deserve unlike many Laufer including many that you see on t.v. 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No doubt it is great for our country and our culture that so many predators are. Coming. At the same time as environmental pressure thieves with which an alleged victim can falsely accuse someone of group would destroy a livelihood or an education or a family. Michael Medved discussed this issue with Christina Hoff Sommers author of the book The War Against Boys How Misguided Feminism is harming our young that we've come a long way from saying boys will be boys and a wink and a nod to lumping together every different kind of indiscretion as all examples of perversion and sexism and pressure and horror. I think is fairly obvious to say the most extreme version of terrible behavior criminal behavior that we can think of as might be Harvey Weinstein who would you think of the current celebrities who have been felled in this current hysteria is the least deserving of horror or career destruction Well I don't know all the names so many I tell you what bothered me a lot of list there was an anonymous anonymously sourced list that circulated on social media called. There's you know horrible media and then lists but they didn't use the word horrible horrible Bt and then and. They were than 70 male journalists were named and with the charges next to the man anybody could put a man's name there a journalist and then say what he did and some of them were accused of serious crimes. You know rape and stalking others were accused of unwelcome flirting or weird lunches and yet they all got being harassed or or an attacker or rapist there was no way for them to defend themselves if anyone tried to defend them they were said not to believe victims even if even though this was an anonymous alleged victim so that is one thing that bothers me a lot and yet prominent feminists came forward to defend anonymous blacklist you have statistics and I think they're very persuasive that the perception that there has been some kind of dramatic increase in the level of sexual harassment at the office in a workplace is the that has been wildly oversold and in fact most of the surveys and most of scientific analysis suggests that there has not been any kind of dramatic increase going down it looks to be going down I mean I 1st of all I would immediately when I began to write about this I wanted to look at the data and the 3 thing I found it very hard to find good data you have to get through the advocacy research and you know groups like the u.w. The American Association of University Women they always want to you know declare a crisis they can address and you also have disagreed in the past very publicly with the idea that one out of every 5 American female college students will be raped during her collegiate experience yes which is a fraud right I mean that's the numbers much much lower right the number is much lower. And if you do care about stopping this you know serious crime I think that you should care about getting good information I don't see how you can address a problem without understanding it and to understand it you have to know the prevalence and so on the campus I think we do have kind of a sex panic because they're now saying you know one in 415 girls is assaulted and constant you know focus on a problem that's been. It's exaggerated out of all proportion and you know it now you know when people are in a panic state that's when you got the kangaroo courts and people being presumed guilty guilty because accused you mention in your piece and a lot of people forgot about this back in the 1980 s. There was this national panic about say tannic child abuse at daycare centers and how many actual cases were there of the same tatic child abuse at daycare centers where actually we put all kinds of people in jail right and yet right and none of them actually were true where they none of them were true and needy. At the time people we're told will believe the children children don't lie and in fact we now know that therapists were using some sort of manipulative techniques to plant memories in the in the minds of the kids and now you you have we've had this on the campus where the fame believe women and they never lie well you know when they're victims they're telling the truth well if course people lie sometimes not because they're women because they're human beings and people. Are fallible and you know I think anybody who comes and says they've been a victim crime deserves sympathy and understanding but no one has the right to be believed and you know until you see evidence. You know warrants police coming up I do think there's a risk that people are not telling all of the planning on voting for him or with. The town hall review returns in a moment. This is Michael Medved for town. Well dot com Why do public opinion surveys show discontent with President of the economy at a time of record highs in the stock market and record lows in unemployment the new Gallup poll gives trump his highest ratings on the economy but still shows a clear majority of voters disapproving of his economic record despite the steady growth in the 10 months of his presidency this reflects a liberal tendency to put idiology above practical results but it also reflects continued discomfort with aspects of Donald Trump's polarizing public personality the president should avoid public feuds and distracting Twitter storms while focusing on the jobs and growth agenda that got him elected in the 1st place meanwhile his g.o.p. Colleagues in Congress must pass tax reform to keep the economy booming want giving the administration the credit it deserves for sweeping deregulation and pro-business policies that are producing real results for the American people I'm Michael Medved. 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Welcome back to the tell all of you I'm Hugh Hewitt a week from Tuesday on December 12th voters in Alabama will go to the polls and select their next senator filling the spot vacated by now Attorney General Jeff Sessions it's a contest between Roy Moore and Doug Joe and the polls 'd coming have been all over the map but more the g.o.p. Nominee has been accused by multiple women of sexual abuse he's running against an extreme pro-choice Democrat like good number of conservatives are having a difficult time believing a book for more than a better deal with the devil writing can they leave us be has become a viable alternative for conservatives in that state Sean trendy is the senior election analyst at Real Clear Politics he joined me at the. 4 we dive in Alabama would you explain to people show Szell desirability bias here the person I 1st learned this from and why it may or may not matter in Alabama but start with just what it is dire ability by a pretty straightforward that we have certain things that people want to admit you were don't want. You know for example we know survey that all y. About whether they voted and they lie about Kirk because we have actual numbers on how many people vote they have back on numbers on church attendance are good at and I thought it and what we get sort of a fair way higher than what is reported so people like that they gauge those really desirable behavior and they also will lie and say that they don't do things. That are understandable which of course bring to the Alabama Senate now in the Alabama Senate races there are 3 recent polls Fox said Doug Jones the Democrat was plus 8 Karada as Jones plus 5 w.b. T.v. Strategy research said Judge Roy Moore was too and yesterday lead by this began a write in campaign a retired Marine Corps Colonel l e b u s b y How do you think social desirability of bias is impacting these polls Sean trendy I think there's 2 ways that I do think there's a risk that people are not telling polls that are that they're planning on voting a lot more when they really are it you know if it's in the heat of a controversy and I think there's a chance that these polls are underestimating the important you know people know when they get the pollster call that they're going to be yeah voting more for tone so they're more value and I think likely problem is that people would just not be answering the phone avoiding the phone altogether when they get the hope of I would be the type of phenomenon and the controversy dolled up on it probably wife went down so much in the polls in the middle of the act that I would see anyone paying attention to polls. That now I have speculated with my talking had friends that in Alabama itself there Roy Moore backers are far more I use the word varial and they're very loud Mary much in your face they're very outraged and that if you are . Or intending to vote for leave me or I used to have a write in Nick Saban campaign or you were going to go all the way over and vote for Doug Jones despite his portion absolute His policies that you wouldn't tell anyone that because you do not want the heat from the most active group in other words if you're surrounded by vocal Roi and more supporters you're not going to stand there and say well I don't know about you people I'm not voting for that guy I'm voting for leave Buzby I'm writing in the u.s.b. Why is that not social desirability bias and do you think that could be happening Yeah that's a form of. And then there's a very real risk now I do have that another way that right product can actually go out under Oh no it's not a you know thing but it's something we have to really be aware of it and we. Think along one of the interesting thing about Todd Akin what I'm trying to identify as a factor is that this difference in the size of their support I mean the right more people are just hard core and have been hard core for a decade down there even though his vote totals declined every race that he ran he got himself into a kind of super ego of the religious right or an edge of the religious right whichever way you want to go and they never stop talking about him he's something of a cult figure for them and they get in your face and they call this radio show whenever you say anything bad about Roy Moore I think that actually has a huge impact on ordinary mainstreet Republicans of the sort that have powered the Alabama Republican Party for decades. Yeah yeah I mean and of course there are there are many to think the role and more I am and that's not a can you know there's no doubt that pot a can that was bad that the fight over 40 year old allegation go on my only point there is to say that the thing you sometimes work out ways you wouldn't necessarily expect So while we talk about nominate the real one. You know it's not a guarantee but yeah yeah that was more in Alabama is kind of its own creature and that's part of what makes you think though so difficult to predict now let me ask you if more were to win what impact would that have on the general area that disapproval Congress numbers can't get any worse actually I don't think that bad what impact would it have on other Republicans running if any you know I think it's kind of in the case for most Republicans who are probably going to get the question from a local news reporter and at that hour in Arizona if you approve of our margin could al. Airable So I think that kind of overblown the event and if you like odd akin to the portion comments where everyone get every Republican get out what is a tricky question for a pro-lifer which is what are you doing so quite early the politically correct question it may not be pretty. You know there is no such bill over here everyone say I did approve of the act more of you guys and so I actually agree the I think it's very easy to say to put him in a box don't put him on any committees and begin the ethics committee commission that inquiry that critic or insult this expulsion by a 2 thirds vote and just say that's just it I don't know how he votes in the Senate if he gets elected but I would still encourage people to write and lead Busbee which still brings me back to can a writing campaign succeed at this late hour even though there are 12 days that social media moves pretty fashion on trying to you know it's easier today than it would have been say 30 years ago for the reason you point out we have the media we have locked attention around the campaign. Well we don't have I don't we have we have one example of that still alive and writing yeah well that was the mark out of court that that had to stop someone who's politically in an area that doesn't have a huge campaign Apple at it built around them already if. I'm lucky they literally have the president say that something isn't possible because I would have that that was. Years ago but it would be historic but that would have it would require I would think a bunch of prominent Republicans to say right in the lead by s.p. I think it would take a lot of signaling and maybe some messaging in the Democratic voters that this is the alternative to a abortion rights absolutist like Doug Jones I don't think as any money that's a problem I mean trying to get the money together politically based you would need a bunch of people like you say to run a campaign for him. To raise his prospects and get people back in bed start learning about still. Is very much along that that if you're looking for that type of play where it would work probably it coming out there Mr women are not happy that the. Left wing men are not there. They're not happy that there are American tennis Praeger from return for the final segment of the telephone review. Brought to you by footprints behavioral health center or you or your loved ones crawling with addiction we understand addicts an addiction better than anyone with one free phone call we can help change your life forever I started drinking and using drugs before I was even a teenager I tried to quit dozens of times but after a couple weeks just like that I mean right where I started finally I'd had enough and through undeserved grace was give to the humility to surrender and ask for help that was on October 8th 2012 today I've been sober for over 5 years the pain addiction causes you your family and friends is horrific. 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Welcome back to the tell all review on you here at the actions of a few bad men are getting the headlines and make no mistake it sure does appear that they have earned those headlines there are plenty of good family men and respect women every day all day somehow I refuse to believe those men who get their Salem out Dennis Prager New York Times had a piece about the males New York Times is total contempt for me and remember my big theory the for the left you go the more unhappy people or that's not my big fear and that's a fact. But if the the un happiness manifest itself with unhappiness about who they are feminists women are not happy that their female left wing men you're not happy that they're bad and they're not happy that they're Americans they're not happy that they are Christian or Jew in terms of religiosity they're there's nothing there's no there's no think they don't celebrate anything I'm blessed to be in America that's how I feel it's not only how I feel it's what I know you think that the average guy writing in The New York Times say I am blessed to be in America. Like this Paul Krugman a Paul the truth feel lucky to be an American and say he thinks something giving just curious. The un examined the brutality of the mail of b. Though by a guy who's the I love this this is it here is he is the author most recently of the unmade bed the messy truth about men and women in the 21st century Steven Marsh So listen to this all right it's called the un examine the brutality of the male of veto after weeks of continuously unfolding abuse scandals men have become quite literally unbelievable doesn't mean always that what he meant or you can't believe anything they say not that their conduct is unbelievable. When any given man might say about gender politics and how he treats women are separate and unrelated phenomena gender stand that sentence what any man might say about gender politics and how he treats women I got it Ok I do get it I certainly she's thinking of the guys on the left like Al Franken now you know folks 1st of all you will see from this article I feel completely vindicated I've been talking about male sexual nature I've been talking about it I've been writing about it I've been trying to explain men and their sexual nature all of my life. So nothing nothing here is new However having said that I just want to say this may help because a lot of you may be blundering especially men women but maybe men too so I. Asked some of the guys I know in my life to to ever read a woman's book because I know her son. And none of them and I have and. I don't I think I don't quite get get the guy does that leave the guys that I know thank you for joining us on the town already you catch up on past episodes of our website tell already dot com some scribe to our podcast while you're there and never miss an episode special thanks executive producer Russell share been producer Charlie Richards David Posey enchanted Senseo Adam Ramsay and rain patters join us next week for another edition of town hall right here but we can review program from a perspective you can for. 100 points don't worry we know this is a nice little Would he have a yeah we should be getting close to the subdivision there's a pair that's a. Nursery and then Matt says we should do a bear to the right here Ok.

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