World a little. More with than the. Idea and. You are listening to melodies of prayer brought to you by praying friends on k.g. C a l p one o 6.9 f.m. For day and warm Christian Greetings Melody's off prayer is now heard on both f one a 6.9 and f one a 7.9 via translator case 300 a v. I got suntan Rita. Manatees off prayer for your journey brought to you prayerfully good laugh from praying friends and you ask me. temptations the prince of this world coming and have nothing in me John 14. From the moment that Christ entered the world the whole controversy offside tannic agencies were set up work to deceive and overthrow him as Adam had been deceived and overthrown when Christ was born in Bethlehem the angels of God appeared to the shepherds who were watching their flocks by night and gave divine credentials offer they are 30 odd and new born baby said the new that one had come to earth were to divine commission to dispute Yes or 30 he heard the angel declare unto you is born this day in the City of David a Savior which is Christ the Lord look to verse 10 and 11. Heavily heralds aroused all the raf on the Synagogue of Satan he followed the steps are those who had charged of the infant Jesus he heard the prophecy of Simeon in the temple courts Lord now let us down then I serve the part in peace according to their word for mine eyes have seen and eyes salvation look to verse 29 through 32 you say then was filled with frenzy as he saw it it aged Simeon recognized the divinity of Christ the commander of Heaven was assailed by the tender during the time that he was a helpless baby in Bethlehem when the agencies of hell sought to destroy him in his infancy through that jealousy of Herod until he came to cover his crush he was continually assailed by to evil one in the councils of Satan it was determined that he must be overcome. No human being had come into the world and s.k. The power of the receiver. The whole forces of the confederacy of Eva were set upon his track say they knew that he must either conquer or himself be conquered success or failure involved too much for him to leave their work with anyone obvious agents of evil the prince of evil himself must personally conduct their warfare the life of Christ was a perpetual warfare against satanic agency. Satan rallied the whole energies of apostasy against the Son of God on not one occasion was their response to his manifold temptations not once did Christ step on Satan's ground to give him any advantage. It's Amazing Grace page 162 by Ellen g. White. Or or. Pieces nothing. To say secure. Must be. Sprung a leak. A. Hard. Come. A. Day and see if you. Bethlehem the land of Juda art in no wise least among the princes are due to her out of the show come forth a governor which shall be The oral. Narrow. Am. I am I. 2 am. I am sleeve. Wait RINGBACK. Do you. Told a. Way to. Mile out loud. 2 am. I. This is melodies of prayer brought to you by Pioneer inspirational radio Guam USA melodies of prayer dot com wishing you Heaven's beauty power and allow for your journey with a savior May His peace go with you today. See $29.00. Just how God accomplished the work of creation he has never revealed to man human science cannot search out the secrets of the most high his creative power is as in comprehensible as his existence God has permitted a flood of light to be poured upon the world in both science and art but when Professor de scientific men treat upon these subjects from a merely human point of view they will assuredly come to wrong conclusions it may be innocent to speculate beyond what God's word has revealed if our theories do not contradict facts found in the Scriptures but those who leave the Word of God and seek to account for his created works upon scientific principles are drifting without charge or compass upon an unknown ocean the greatest minds if not guided by the Word of God and their research become be will hurt in their attempts to trace the relations of science and Revelation because the Creator and His works are so far beyond their comprehension that they are unable to explain them by natural laws they regard Bible history as unreliable those who doubt the reliability of the records of the Old and New Testaments will be led to go a step further and doubt the existence of God and then having lost their anchor they are left to beat about upon the rocks of infidelity these persons have lost the simplicity of faith that should be a settled belief in the divine authority of God's Holy Word the Bible is not to be tested by men's ideas of science human knowledge is an unreliable guide skeptics who read the Bible for the sake of caviling may through an imperfect comprehension of either science or revelation claim to find contradictions between them but rightly understood they are in perfect harmony Moses wrote under the guidance of the Spirit of God and a correct theory of geology will never claim discoveries that cannot be reconciled with his statements. All truth whether in nature or in Revelation is consistent with itself in all its manifestations in the Word of God many queries are raised that the most profound scholars can never answer attention is called to the subjects to show us how much there is even among the common things of everyday life that finite minds with all their boasted wisdom can never fully understand yet men of science think that they can comprehend the wisdom of God that which he has done or can do the idea largely prevails that he is restricted by his own laws many to deny or ignore his existence or think to explain everything even the operation of His Spirit upon the human heart and they no longer reverence his name or fear his power they do not believe in the supernatural not understanding God's laws or his infinite power to work his will through them as commonly used the term War. Or war. One. War with. You or listening to maladies of prayer brought to your prayerfully with love from Christian friends available on Guam f m one a 6.9. F m one a 7.9 and sideband f n 91.5 and on the Internet add. Manatees off prayer dot com they have an spirity hour and barf your heart today READY. Is. Heat you. Should. hello in daily living. Those who are humble and who do their work as I am to go and may not make so great as sure as those who are full of bustle and some importance. But their work of the humble counts for more. Often those who make a great parade call attention to self interposing between the people in Guard and their work proves of fear. Or it is their principal thing. Therefore get the worst in any way that all they get in good understanding. Exalt her and she showed promote the. She shall bring v. To honor when thou dost embrace her. Brothers for her 7 and 8. Because they have not the determination to take themselves in hand and to reform. Many become stereotyped in a wrong course of action. But this need not be. They may call to fit their powers to do their very best kind of service. And then they will be always in demand. They will be valued for all that they are worth. If any are qualified for a higher position. The Lord will lay the burden not alone on them but on those who have tested them who know their worth and who can understandingly urge them forward. It is those who perform faithfully their appointed work day by day who in God's own time will hear his call come up higher. While the shepherds are watching. Their flocks on the hills of Bethlehem. And jewels from the haven't visited them. So today while the Humber worker for God is following his employment. Angels of God stand by his side. Listening to his words noting the manner in which his work is done to see if larger responsibilities may be entrusted to his hands. The ministry of him Page 470. When the time came for Christ to ascend to his father he led the disciples out as far as Bethany Here he paused and they gathered about him with hands outstretched in blessing as if in assurance of his protecting care he slowly ascended from among them it came to pass while he blessed them he was parted from them and carried up into heaven. After 24 verse 51. While the disciples were gazing upward to catch the last glimpse of their ascending Lord he was received into the rejoicing ranks of heavenly angels as these angels escorted him to the courts above they sang in triumph sing them to God the kingdoms of the earth always sing praises under the Lord to him that right at the Bon the heavens of heavens escribe be strengthened to God his excellence is over Israel and his strength is in the heavens. Psalm $68.00 verses $32.00 to $34.00 the marginal reference the disciples were still looking earnestly toward heaven when behold 2 men stood by them in white apparel which also said ye men of Galilee why stand ye gazing up into heaven this same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven Acts chapter one verse as 10 and 11 the promise of Christ 2nd coming was ever to be kept fresh in the minds of his disciples the same Jesus whom they had seen ascend into heaven would come again to take to himself Those who here below give themselves to his service the same voice that had said to them lo I am with you all waving under the end would bid them welcome to his presence in the heavenly kingdom as in the typical service the high priest laid aside his pontifical robes and officiated in the white linen dress of an ordinary priest so Christ laid aside his royal robes and garb himself with humanity and offered sacrifice himself the priest himself the victim as the High Priest after performing his service in the Holy of Holies came forth to the waiting congregation in his pontifical robes so Christ will come the 2nd time clothed in garments of whitest white so as no fuller on earth can white them Mark Chapter 9 verse 3. He will come in His own glory and in the glory of his father and all the Angelic Host will escort him on his way this will be fulfilled Christ's promise to his disciples I will come again and receive you unto myself John Chapter 14 verse 3 those who have loved him and waited for him he will crown with glory and honor and immortality the right just dead will come forth from their graves and those who are alive will be caught up with them to meet the Lord in the air they will hear the voice of Jesus sweeter than any music that ever fell on mortal ear saying to them your warfare is accomplished Come ye bless it of my Father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world Matthew chapter 25 or 34 well might the disciples rejoice in the hope of their Lord's return the eyes for all of the. Guys. There appears to be a cross old form of. A leaves. And. Every. Shiva. The. Saw. Leave. Is the. Jewel or a fool. The. Soul. To. The. Whole thing. All. Seeing. Be. As saw the. Whole all he. Knew them. To be. The. Laws. And we beat 4. Of the war. On. Israel. Beat. Saw. And a t.v.