Like they can do this and are seen inherently moderate, or is it going to be a little more unusual than that . One of the things i think that well see over the next six months is that its a mistake to discount the amount of pentup energy there is in capitol hill on the republican side. Theyve got a house. Theyve got a senate. They havent been able to do very much the past eight years. They havent been able too many balls forward. I think there will be a lot of reason for a lot of people on the hill to want to work happily and closely with donald trump. And do big things such as Newt Gingrich was talking about, infrastructure, as everybody is. Well, heck, do a big pow on that. Take a serious look at taxes. Do Something Big. Dickerson michael, is doing Something Big going to solve aftermath of this . You not only have democrats who number of republicans against donald trump who are nower in vs. And unsure. There is a split here. Some of the Trump Coalition hates the republican establishment, and some of the coalition is the republican establishment. Thats the way you have to run a government. So its all sweetness and light until you start to pick personnel and start to make priority decisions on governing. Some of that might be controversial things on executive orders, for example, with the dreamers. Well have a Supreme Court fight almost immediately. So, yeah, i think its fine now. Republicans are unified by victory and the prospect of 6,000 jobs, which is what the president fills. But i think were going to see the fissures very soon in the source of the chief of staff. That will send the signal. Are they for conciliation, or are they, you know, with their base . Dickerson jamelle, on the one hand you have the president and Hillary Clinton and even Bernie Sanders saying, well try and on the other hand you have people marching in the street. Where does that go from here . I think this gets to the question of what President Trump can do to unify the country in the wake of this election. I think people marching in l. A. , on College Campuses around the country, arent marching simply because trump was a print president. Theyre marching because the Trump Campaign was very much based on demagogic rhetoric against immigrants, muslim, black protest, nonwhite community. In the wake of trumps elections, there have been reports of intimidation, harassment and violence against those very groups some if trump is serious about unifying the country, if this is a thing he wants to do, i think he needs to immediately speak against these acts of intimidation, harassment and violence that are happening to some degree in the name of the campaign he ran. Dickerson jeffrey, whats your take on that . Newt gingrich said those charges are garbage. Theyre baloney. On the other hand, there is this feeling in the country, donald the entire country. And if he were to speak to that, as jenelle suggests, what would that even look like . To unify what peggy is saying and what jamell is saying, i think, if there is a moment for him to speak to the country broadly, as president elect, not as former reality tv star, it might be on this very question. He might do something largehearted and articulate in a very specific way,ing i dont stand with the alt right. I dont stand with racism. I reject the support of affiliated with the k. K. K. Because i believe i want to be the president of all americans. That would be the key signal to send that would actually calm the legitimate fears of a lot of people in america, citizens and people who are not yet citizens and certainly undocumented people that this is fundamentally different kind of presidency than anything weve seen before. That would be. That would be really, really good. And republicans have been waiting for that pivot for a year and a half. Its very hard to escape the lifetime. And hes not been able to do so thus far. The great thing is that hes shocked now that hes president of the united states. That hour and a half he spent with president obama was a fairly shocking hour and a half for him for sure. And the pivot will come that he realize, im in the a reality tv star anymore. I have this job. Two of the people in contention for chief of staff are Steven Bannon and reince priebus, the r. N. C. I think if trump chooses Steven Bannon, who is known for his associations with the web site breitbart, which is a clearinghouse for these alt right group, that will give us a sign of the kind of President Donald Trump intends to be, in the sense hes not aiming for any kind of unity with americas nonwhite population. Knock down the alt right, show compassion and leadership paranoid, but also deal with the fact that some people on the other side of trump, some democrats, some liberals, progressive, some have become quite unhinged. I was in the middle of an antitrump demonstration in manhattan yesterday, and it managed somehow to be smilingly enraged. They were having a good time, but they were enraged at the outcome of this election. Sometimes people have to be reminded, this is what democracy is. There are outcomes and you cant simply assume the worst, at a certain point you have to say, america you made a decision. Well watch now and soon we will be judging. But its hard when the worst people in the country are cheering, the people with the confederate flag, the people that do antisemitism on twitter, thats difficult for a lot of people in this country. But, you know, i do think an inaugural, for example, is almost always an act of national healing. To thomas jefferson, healing divides, thats a moment where your goal is to bring together the country in a substantive way the say were united by values and were stronger than the things that divide us. That could be a moment. He may have to move sooner than that, though. Thats january. I think part of the problem here is that Trumps Campaign wasnt a typical lower case d campaign in dock similar it was a liberal democracy campaign, a campaign that set out explicitly that some people in this country arent quite worth as much as other people in this country, and thats the core of the fear. That is the core of the paranoia if you want to call it that. That is what people are worried about. That needs to be resolved. 60 Million People roughly who voted for donald trump, so many of them, they are just good, honest, decent, paint patriotic, wanting the best. They had an insight into our needed something dramatic. They just backed something dramatic, and they hope it will work, but i understand the negativity that we have all seen,but there is profound decency, too. But its not marching in the streets. Forgive me. Dickerson i wouldnt deny what you just said about most of the people that voted for trump. I would say to vote for trump was to overlook the fact that were talking about someone with a record of misogany and racist invective, and so that is what is troubling to a lot of people. Thatsha among other things, very different than others. Those good, decent people at least overlooked a very, very sorry record of prejudice. Dickerson lets switch to the Democratic Party and its challenges in the last couple minutes. What has the Democratic Party learned from this election. I think on a, thety cal level what the Democratic Party has learned is that it needs to win over some chunk or a greater chunk of workingclass whites. Thats ultimately where this turned. Michigan and wisconsin, she would be president of the united states. The question is how you go about that. I think the choice, the likely choice of Keith Ellison as head of the dnc, Keith Ellison, congressman of minnesota, african american, muslim american, but also a democratic labour party, a strong populist, is giving you a sense of where the party may go in this direction. A commitment to its multiculturalism, a commitment to social inclusion, also a greater commitment to an economic able to reach voters. Drew michael, whats your take . Do they become the party of opposition . I remember Mitch Mcconnell saying that keeping barack obama to be a oneterm president was his goal. Is that the better organizing principal, or have the democrats really lost the team and need to sell something positive . Well, they dont have a lot of will evers. They do wait for mistakes and wait for overreach, which often happens in new administrations. So i think they need to do this. But they do have a choice. They have a sanders model, a they have a biden model. Much more outreach the white catholics and Union Workers and more Traditional Democratic constituency, or they have someone who can implement the obama model, the Obama Coalition, which health care tried and could not get out the votes to do. But the other candidate might be able to. This is the coalition. They are not yesterday ascended. They will eventually be ascended. I diamondback think that model is a discredited model. I think one year ago and 18 table was the breakdown of the republican party, it is shattering, it is breaking in, two its lost everything. Also last week it was the discussion at this table. Fair enough. Now it has turned and were talking about the breakup of the Democratic Party, theres no deep bench, they cant win here. They cant do this. Theyve lost here. The Obama Coalition didnt turn out. Why working class doesnt like them. This is an amazing flip on was evident to all of that. But they didnt go down that road. Dickerson unfortunately we have to go at this point, but we have a lot to talk about in future weeks. We look forward to having all of you here for that. We have to go for the moment. Well be right back in a moment. F eyes on our wells every day. Because safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. Because safety is never being satisfied. Whoa, this is awful, try it. Oh no, that looks gross what is that . You gotta try it, its terrible. I dont wanna try it if its terrible. Its like mango chutney and burnt hair. No thank you, i have a very sensitive palate. Just try it guys, i think we should hurry up. If you taste something bad, you want someone else to try it. Its what you do. I cant get the taste out of my mouth if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Shhh bp engineers use underwater robots, he sea, even from thousands of feet above. Because safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. Dickerson were back now with the cbs news 2016 campaign embed, the wonderful journalists who covered every moment of this campaign. Sopan deb covered donald trump. Hannah fraserchanpong was with erica brown followed senator tim kaine. Chris christie and john kasich. Jacqueline alemany was based in New Hampshire and ohio. Kylie atwood was based in iowa during the primaries and also covered senator Bernie Sanders. Sean gallitz was embedded with senator marco rubio and then covered the battleground state of north carolina. And alan covered governor mike pence and jeb bush. Err cash let me start with you, but ill ask all of you this question if there is a story from the road, you that sticks out . There was a moment, and it was a personal moment. It was in New Hampshire before the primary. There was a really bad snowstorm. The snow was accumulating so quickly, and i was driving. I got very nervous. As i was turning the corner and it seemed in slow motion, my car started to veer into a ditch. It got stuck. And there were five gentlemen riding in a tow truck who drove past me. They stopped, came back. They started digging out my car. And i immediately got out and i said, wait, i need to know how because i dont know if i can afford this. And they said, you know, the cost is for you to do something nice for someone else. The thing that sticks out to me is the last day of the campaign, 8 00 at night, we just landed in manchester, New Hampshire, mike pence gets on the p. A. System on the airplane, and he thanks the staff, he thanks the secret service, he thanks the airplane crew, and then he goes ahead and thanks the reporters for telling the story of the Vice President ial and then 20 minutes later were in this rally with donald trump and mike pence, and donald trump comes on stage and calls us the most dishonest people. It could not be a more jarring experience. Dickerson what did you learn about this country, about who the voters are . I think most of the people i met covering Hillary Clinton at her events were true believers, but there were moments on the campaign trail where she met voters who, you know, werent when we went to west virginia, she had a very memorable exchange with a man who worked in a coal mine, and he had lost his job. I remember when he pulled up to that event there were a lot of Trump Supporters outside who were protesting. It was raining. They were still out there. They were waiting for her and they were angry. Inside this plan told her, i represent those people outside. And im not sure how you can come here and tell us that youre going to be our friend. Moment that i think held up in the end. Dickerson but you were in some pretty rough seas from time to time covering donald trump. What always struck me about trump rallies is they werent rallies as much as they were concerts. Hed come on stage. Youd be in these am pi theaters, and it doesnt matter what venue, hed always start out by saying, wow. Look at this crowd. Its record sending. It doesnt matter whether we were in a coffee shop with a to step in. There almost was a. The people, i felt like Trump Supporters really wanted change, but a change back, not a change forward, which is kind of the make America Great again, right . So i always felt there was a fear of the change that was happening in the country already, and they wanted to change it back. I think for me as i talked to people at the the different events, it was clear that personally. I guess that was something that was new as a reporter who had covered politics more washington centric politics, if you will. But talking to people was my favorite part of this job, because they have stories they want to tell you. I think we all know its been a divisive election. I had a week where i covered a Bernie Sanders event on wednesday, ted cruz on thursday, bill clinton on friday. Back to back. Especially coming from a Sanders Campaign rally and a ted cruz rally, they werent talking to the same country i felt like. There was no commonality in their messaging or what they were talking about. They were painting very different pictures, and i think were seeing some of the aftereffects of that in some ways. Drew alan, you were with governor pence when the video comes out about donald trump on the bus with billy bush and those remarks. What was it like in those moments of. What happens to a campaign in that moment and how did the candidates respond . The reporters covering the campaign, it felt like the campaign was in a death grip. That day we went up to the rope line, and we asked mike pence, whats your reaction . Whats your reaction . And he didnt respond. And then he just walked away. Dickerson hannah, was what was it like when the comey letter came out . We were on the Campaign Plane that james comey letter came out saying he was looking at something new. We had in wifi on the plane. Suddenly a reporter who somehow got a tweet or something came up on his phone, hes like, um, you know, have you seen this . And all the campaign disappeared into their cabin and consulted about it. When we landed, it was sort of unclear whether or not the candidate knew that this was happening. But the day sort of carried on like it was a day. We went to the event. Hillary clinton did the event. She didnt mention it at all. By the end of the day they responded pretty forcefully to comey and she had a little press conference and that was followed by press calls and press releases and all this, but it was really weird day. What was amazing to me amongst Trump Supporters is there were never any low moments despite the media narrative. Parma hosted by a group of Trump Supporters after the lewd tape had come up, the access hollywood tape. People were cheering and hooting and hollering and walked away, donald trump blew us away, he won hands down, thats it. A completely different narrative. I dont think Trump Supporters lost faith once. No. And the most shocking moment for me on the campaign trail was before with small. The pool of reporters, were going to get a fiveminute photo onwith photo op can trump. My jaw just drops. Theres a picture of it. Ive seen that picture. Its trump with Clinton Accusers of alleged sexual stream. Donald trump is Live Streaming the reaction of the reporters as theyre walking inch you can see me and you can see me walk in and go. It was truly one of the most shocking moments of the campaign or probably that ive ever seen. Dickerson well talk more about campaign 2016 with our when the engines failed on the plane i was flying, i knew what to do to save my passengers. But when my father sank into depression, i didnt know how to help him. When he ultimately shot himself, he left our family devastated. Dont let this happen to you. If you or a loved one is suicidal, call the National Suicide prevention lifeline. No matter how hopeless or helpless you feel, with the right help, you can get well. Cbs cares. Im a wife a sister and a grandfather im an office clerk im a Research AnalystDance Fitness instructor actor im a copywriter im a veteran i have lupus Cerebral Palsy im blind and im working in a job i love i love because i was given a chance to contribute my skills and talents to show that my disability at work, its what people can do that matters for more information, visit whatcanyoudocampaign. Org dickerson were back with our Campaign Reporters talking about surprising moments on the campaign trail. I think the moment i got to play ski ball with ben carson was surprising. Dickerson and how is he as a ski ballplayer . I beat him by 3,000 points. Dickerson is that a lot or a little in ski ball . Because dr. Carson wasnt the most accessible in terms of getting beneath the surface. He would hold meetings often, but we never knew what it would be like him around him. Off of the campaign trail to get a sense of what he was like at a person. When i first started this job, i pictured similar reactions of candidates. I never got to know donald trump. A lot of his sure gaza city talk about theres this donald trump, a private donald trump, this charming, disarming guy that is not the combative person. I only saw the combative person. He never gave us any access. He never talked to us. He never. I would be surprised if he knew the names of anybody in iis traveling press. Dickerson why would anybody want to be an imbed . That gross you tremendously as a journalist. You get to interact with voters and learn about what makes this country unique, what makes people want to come here and what some of the concerns are with people who lived here and who have families here and who want to be constructive members of society. On top of that, being away from friends and family for a year and a half, you also learn a lot about yourself. The hardest thing ive ever done physically, emotionally, psychologically. This job tests you in ways you and you learn a lot about yourself and what youre actually capable of, whether you think you can stay awake for 36 straight hours and, you know, travel the way we did and everything else, but theres also the hotel points. And airline miles. Thats not a bad perk. Dickerson the marriott. I mean, theyve all said it. I think front lines of history in the most beautiful way. I mean, you see it, you e . T it, you live it, you breathe it. I never thought they would have such an understanding of like the fabric of america. Drew well, as someone who read all of your work and profited from it and also somebody who once did what you are incredibly grateful for your energy, for what you taught us and for the fact that you reminded us that there is joy in covering these races and this incredible american specious that is an election. There was not a lot of joy at times during this campaign, so thanks for bringing some of it back into our lives. Thank you. Thank you. Dickerson and well be you can help children in low income neighborhoods and go on to college. I have a dream foundation provides mentoring, academic help, and tuition to make this dream come true. Learn how this Program Helps students build life skills while increasing High School Graduation and College Participation rates. Visit and find out how you can be a part of the dream. Dickerson we want to say congratulations and thank you today to veteran cbs news correspondent bill plante. Bills career has taken him all over the world, to unprecedented heights and into the most powerful rooms in washington. As a young reporter he covered the civil rights movement, interviewing Martin Luther king during the historic march from selma to montgomery. And he covered every president from Ronald Reagan to barack no. Bills not here . Thats shocking. Dickerson bill, its hard for us to imagine cbs news without you. No one does it better, and youll be missed. Until next week for face the nation, im john dickerson. The election has levitt the nation divided. So whats the president elect going to do about it . Find out in Donald Trumps only n 30. 1. N31 well literally die of hunger slide in please, karl b freaky fast 1 bingo no karl . Sharyl never before have so many in the media worked so hard to convince the public that a candidate couldnt and shouldnt win. Mara liasson i think this is Donald Trumps biggest day. And he will be ignored from henceforth. Actually, i hope he will. Sharyl how do you explain to them that maybe we didnt see what was going on around us, in front of our nose . The story of the year, in my america that neither the media nor the political ruling class saw, heard, got, or suspected. Sharyl one thing fueling the angry voter is a clear distrust in the government to act in our best interest. The president elect faces a faith that has been broken. Journalists have argued in writing that this has been one of the least transparent administrations theyve seen. Unfortunately, our federal government has a very embedded