Emissions towards a goal of preventing Global Temperatures from rising more than two degrees celsius or 3. 6 degrees fahrenheit above preindustrial temperature levels. These are nonbinding and theres no inr enforcement mechanism to punish those who dont keep their promise. Secretary of state john kerry, who led the u. S. Delegation, compared the effort to moving world. We spoke with him earlier from paris and asked him about the lack of enforcement in the deal. But to get an agreement with 186 nationonsigning on to a uniform system of required mandatory reporting by which they could be held to a standard and also to be able to have a very ambitious goal and have the flexibility that we have in this agreement to be able to meet those standards did essential. And so i think its a break away change the paradigm by which countries are making judgments about this. The most important thing, john, that really happened today is that the Business Community of thentire world is receiving a message about countries now moving towards clean alternative, Renewable Energy and trying to reduce their carbon footprint. That is going to spur massive investstnt and its technology, its american ingeneral knew tee that is going to solve this problem. People accept somewhere in the vicinity of 50 trillion to be spent over the course of the next 30, 40 years. That is going to be an enormous transformation of our economy, better because it will reduce our dependency on foreign fuel, will increase our security, it will provide for our environment, cleaner air, healthier people. Just all kinds of pluses and in the end going to be a job creator. Dickerson what signal does this send to the coal, oil and werereoing to continue to be pumping gas and using gas as oil for years to come. What it does signals that theres transformation taking place and people need to didirsify, people need to look for cleaner ways of doing things. We commit a fair amount of money to the effort to find clean coal. And if we can burn coal in a clean way, then coal could continuallllhave a future under those circumstances, depending on the price. But more hand more Energy Production is going to become price dependent. The president sees this as a critical transformational issue r the american economy. Its also critical for us because you can already see in the United States the negative impacts of climate chahae. The presesent went up to alaska this year and showed the world our Glacier National park thats disappearing will be altogether happening ararnd the world. Dickerson one last question, mr. Secretary. You spent lot of time talking to muslim nations and paying attention to americas imagine muslim countries whal affect does it have that theres conversation about banning muslims from coming into america . Let be very direct. I believe that that kind of a n is contrary to american values. Contrary to our cononitution. But i also think its a very dangerous foreign policy. Because it says to those in islam who are trying to exploit people and recruit foreign fighters a a otherwise it says, look, look at america. Here they got guy running for president who is waging war against islam. Now thats their impression. Its exploitable. Whether he intended it or not and allows for recruitment, it allows for americans to seem like it is indeed discriminatory against islam, against muslims. Against Many Americans and others who are muslim. Many people in the world who know that their religion has it. I think its got a huge downside in terms of American Foreign policy and i hear this from Foreign Ministers and others as i travel and engage with people invar just countries. Dickerson thanks so much, we turn now to campaign 2015. Last week republican consultant frank luntz gathered past and present donald Trump Supporters in virginia to get their thoughts on the republican front runner. Including his controversial comments on muslims. Done amend j. Trump is calling for total and complete shut down of muslims enterin the United States, raise your hands if you agree with h h. They want to come here and blow up america. E have no way of knowing. We have no way of knowing who they are. Y y, weeed temporary thats very reasonable position. And the president is not making this deal safer. He wants to i thinknk were all scared. Im actually a little jumpy, i find. Trump is the only one who would come out say somethihi like this no one else would do it. You credit him with that . I do. No one else would say it. Who would say it . Y dt see even in this room this explosion of points of view that maybe he went toooo far in what he said . You know what he says, he says something completely crazy and ininflammatory. Explaining it and saying how he would needs common sense. Trump is smart like a fox. Hes in campaign mode. He has to be proactive. Hes intention family playing the medium hes saying things that are right on the edge, hes exaggerating. Hes saying thing that he knows the mainstreamedia will grab and throw gasoline on. It goes reallll big. Were not believing everything hes saying. No. Were taking it for exactly what he just explained. He goes out and he makes a huge fuss to get everyones attentiti to get his issues addressed. You want him to say, yes, okay, here is what were going to do. Is it his persona, his tenacity, his raising of issues you wear about. His personality is just so large. Hes out there, hes getting everyone to talk about stuff just like lady back here said. He is entertaining. Hes giving everyone sometetng to talk about. He looks president ial and he you think he acts president ial . When he is he, i would bomb the [bleep] out ofsis. He used the word [bleep] is that president ial . Yeah americans think country is in crisis. Trump is telling them the country is in crisis people flock to a strong leader when they think the country is in crisis. Not all people, dont talk about people, you flock to trump. Im attracted to his persona. Because . Because of whats happening international affairs. He stands up there he gives with any crap. Youre an african american, why do you support trump . Because hes saying stuff that needs to be said. When it comes to the general election i think number of African Americans will vote for him, the his persona, businessman. He will have peoplpl to ensure that these types of things arent said out loud. That trump has done. Seen a lot of bad things that hes said, lot more problems in this country that i feel that he is more qualified to handle. Socially were tired of Political Correctness, were being burdened with it. I think its making us weaker as a country globally. And i think that he represents that voice of that frustration, are that Political Correctness frustration. He makes mistakes, hes human. He says some things that are off color that im embarrassed by occasionally. I still think hes a leader and will prove that t s a l lder. W wneed a complete shake up. Hes the only one that can do it. The 64,000 with marco rubio as republican nominee trump running as independent, who is going to vote for trump raise your hands, right now. The Establishment Republicans just died. They shouldn its time for real change. Just raised your hands that youre going to leave the Republican Party. No. Im voting for a man or woman thth wants to change this country. He said it. Theyre not listening. Im voting for the person. Hehe still out of all of them. Rubio has the energy but i think he has the energy and the actual take the people with us. I think theres eugh of us out there would go out, never knococd on doooo before eveve would actually bring my republican brother, come on, let me talk to you. Never done that. The Republican Party has failed us the last two times with weak candidates, main is w wk and romney who is weak. Were tired of weak candidates. There is no number two to trump. Who is number two that can really win the election . Who . Trump is independent youre yeah. Id vote for him over rubio. Because maybe the party does need to be fractured. Maybe its time to blow it up. Hillary is dickerson frank joins us from las vegas where republicans will debate on tuesday. Frank, some that have whole experience up for us whats the big headline for you . The big headline that Political Correctness i i aliveve and well and it is found in the trump candidacy. Three things, number one that trump voters are much more optimistic that any other republicans because they believe that donald trump can actctlly turn backk barack obama. Number two that these voters were salty in their language than any vehicle us group i have ever moderated. They have taken the tone and demeanor of theirandidate and theyre proud of it. Number three, if donald trump should decide to run as independent, the Republican Party will be in deep, deep trble. Leadership of the g. O. P. Because donald trump does his worst in the president ial debates. If there were more debates where other caidates were standing bid sigh side with donald trump he would not be in the pososion that he is today. Dickerson what struck me that there have been series of times in this cycle so far where political strategists and people in theheres have looked at donald trump said, this will be the time that he falls. What youre focus group suggested no matter how many times you offered the audience an opportunity to leave donald trump, to dislike him, to find some other candidate they might like, they seemed to rally around him even more strongly. Youre right. Discounted all the attacks, the flip flops, he has the right to change his opinion. Attacking republicans hes just being entertataing. Even h h attacks on women, comments hes made about women they dont like it but they find way to justify it. The only thing that could hold trump up is if it were to come out that there were employees businesses that were mistreated by trumps companies, that would cause him a problem. All this other political stuff that you hear from the media from his opponents, none sticks to him. Dickerson play a little more from the focus groups because a lot of what motivates them that you discovered is an anger about president obama. So lets listen. Phrase to describee barack obama. Great speaker. Jellyfish marsh meme low. Annoying. Delusional. Naive. Just cant believe glim lost. Out of touch. Politician. Full of himself. Clueless. Ineffective. Elitist. Doesnt respect american values. Overwhelmingly cocky. Unamerican. Amateur. Zero leadership. Out of his depth. Arrogant. Still waiting on this hope and change. Unamerican. Bay pack obama, seriously . Dickerson thank frank, i would suggest that they dont like the president but could any other republican, why couldnt any other republican just grab on to that feelingy is donald trump p pticularly because no othehe republilin willing to say the things that donald trump says. I dont believe there would be a trump candidacy if there wasnt an obama presidency. And trumps willingngss to say things that we all say go beyond the pale, that is unacceptable in american mol the particulars, these voters exactly what they want to hear and no other candidate talking that way. Dickerson not just that they dislike the president but that donald trump is the opposite of the qualities they see in the president. Let me ask you about any other candidate in the republican field, any purchase for any other candidate in that room . Only one who seemed to have some interest was ted cruz. Youre about to talk about thats significant. But for the most part, theyre not looking at moving from another candidate theyre considering do they follow trump through independent candidacy, should trump make that decision. And the language that i used, i about had a heart attack because ive been through this now for 25 years, ive never seen voters so passionate and committed to a candidate after seeing an hours worth of reasons why not to vote for him. John, this is significant. Trump is not going away, more importantly these voters arent going away. Dickerson all right. Frank luntz, thanks so much. Well be back in a moment. 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But in balancing the federal budget, does anybody you know how hard it was, you got to pull people together in both parties to get it done. You want to fixixocial securitit you cant bludgeon people into going along with it in the congress. You want to provide for the National Security and you need to rebuild the military you want to have a program thatt resolves a problem of encryption just cant do it by yelling at people or you have to work together. Im in this race for one basic reason. I know how to getet the economy need to do with National Security i just spoke at the Council Foreign relations i id encourage people to go on their website look at the speech. Were not going to get anywheree until were able to get republicans and democrats to work together. And polarization and divisions is going to lead us down the wrong path i get these people who are upset. I understandndhy theyre upset. I grew upp in a community where people were always suspicious of the government or thinks that they didnt deliver things. But we got to stay calm and we have to unite ourselves. You know what, we will. You mark my words. We will. Trump is not going to be president. And hes not going to be a nominee its not going to happen. Dickerson the people in their republican primary process understandndhat the country needs . Thats a focus group, john. Lets not get carried away with putting handful of people in a i ththk in the end thehe get overwhelmed by people who say, we got to get things fixed. If they carry the day, were not going to get things fixed. People are worried about what were going to do with medicare and Social Security. If you dont get both Political Parties to recognize that or at least lower the warfare efforts by both parties. You dont get it done. Ive witnessed this throughout my lifetime,hether it was tip oneill and Ronald Reagan working on Social Security or whether it was me and my friends working on balancing the feted real budget with bill clinton. People now want to know, how are we going to save Social Security . One party just cant do it. And you cant yell at legislators. I used to be a legislato now im an executive ive had the perspective from b bh sides. John, i really do believe at the end people are going to say who can land the plane and who has got the experience. But you know w wt, over time people tend to settle down when they actually go into the voting booth and cast a vote for candidate to be president of the United States. Dickerson let me ask you question about those Republican Voters and pololy issues, 54 of Republican Voters in our latest cbs poll supported a within on muslims entering the United States. Why is that a bad idea . Well, john, first of all we dont need more division. Everybody who is a muslim isnt some terrorist obviously. Vast majority, you have infinitesimal number who disported theeligion and entered the culture of death. Polls. Youre polling like 400 people out of 325 million. I see polls all the time. I become more convinced now that the reason that god invented pollsters was to make i dont believe that thats where the Republican Party is. Im on the ground. Meeting in new hampshire. Thats where you go into a room, you sit there or you stand there and they come at you with questions. They try2to size you up. This is not what i get when im there. Its not what i get when i to go South Carolina or out to iowa. This is not what i hear. I hear people saying, im worried about my job. Im worried abobo our security. Im worried about my kids future what are you going to do about it . What are you going to do about Social Security. What are you going to do about college debt. Thats what i hear. I dont have people coming up yelling about this other stuff. And im right there, anybody can come. By the way id invite everybody to come to my meetings, lets talk through all of these issues. Dickerson senator excuse me governor kasich inviting everyone evenn astrologers and pollsters. Well be right back. See you, john. Dickerson thanks, you, too this holiday season, get ready for mystery. Whats in the trunk . Nothing. 18 inch alloys. You remembered. Family fun. Everybody squeeze in. Dont block anyone. And nonstop action. Noooooooo its the event you dont want to miss. Its the season of audi sales event. And can you expln why you recommend synthetic over cedar . Super food . Is that a real thing . Its a great school, but is it the right one for her . Is this really any better than the one you got laststear . If we consolidate suppliers, whats the savings there . So should we go with the 467 horsepower . Or is a 423 enough . Good question. You ask a lot of good questions. I think we should move you into oururew fund. Sure. Ok. But are you asking enough about how your wealth is managed . Wealth management at charles schwab. Thats right. I have read it is the hardest job in the world. Thats why im here. Can you. I can offer advice from the accumulated knowledge of othth educators. Thats wonderful but. I can tailor a curriculum for each student by crossreferencing aptitude, development, geography. Sorry to interrupt. But i just have one question how do i ieep them quiet . pause watson . There is no known solution. Dickerson jim knowledge sus wall street journal columnist kim strassel. Chief political core accident cbs news politicalnalyst jamelle b bie and usa Washington Bureau chief, susan page. And New York Times chief White House Correspondent peter baker. M, i want to start with you with the new numbers that frank luntz mentioned. Bloomberg likely iowa caucus voters ted cruz 31 . Donald trump 21 . Ben star son 13, marco rubio 10. Jeb bush at 6. What do you make of these new numbers . So, ted cruz has run very Smart Campaign and what he has been doing is split streaming mind donald trump. Anthats why he has been so careful l until now to not criticize him. Because hes trying to prevent himself as the thinking mans trump out there. And so you just saw that frank luntz panel, people want action. They want someone thats going to be aggressive and ted cruz has been doing that. While also sounding a little bit more sane than front runner youre seeing that in the poll now. Thats why you also see donald trump going after him because he cognizes that there is a threat. Dickerson susan, so goes iowa so goes republicans . Not the case recently. Last two winners of the iowa caucus have not even won the nomination not to mention presidency. Where establishment republican candidate like john kasich and christie and bush and rubio will fight out against trump and cruz. Dickerson well look at these numbers when we come back for right now take short break. Well be back in a moment. This is the one place were not afra to fail. Some of these experiments may not work. But a few might shape the future. Like turnini algae into biofuel. New technology for capturing co2 emissions. And cars twice as efficient as the average car today. Ideas exxonmobililscientists are working on to make energy go further. No matter how many tries it takes. Are you curious . Do you wonder why things work . Do you look at things and say i can make that better . These questions, these curiosities then lead to discoveries. And those discoveries are going to lead to the Energy Solutions for the next 50 years. We have big, big challenges. One challenge is to capture the co2 before its released into the atmosphere. We captured more than 6 million tons in 2014 alone. Thats the equivalent of eliminating the annual emissions of more than one million cars. 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Nobodys gonna do it for you. You have to get out there and do it yourself. Bernie sanders is a wellknown friend of family farms. Bernie cannot be bought out by big money. Bernies opinion cannot be purchased. Its time for our next president to get in there, roll up his sleeves, take off the gloves, and take on wall street, take on big business, take on big money, and get ththworking class back to where they should be. Hes a rock. Sanders im Bernie Sanders and i approve this message. Its time for a tested and proven leader who wont try to contain isis. Jeb bush has a plan. To destroy them. And keep arica safe. Jeb bush the Unitit States should not delay in leading a Global Coalition to take out isis with overwhelming force. Announcer tested and proven leadership matrs. Jeb bush. Right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message. [captioning performed by the national captioning initute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy

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