Any mistakes made on secretary clintons watch. Democrats say benghazi has been thoroughly investigated and the hearing is only designed to damage her. This is a live picture of her returning. Her testimony began more than eight hours ago. Nancy cordes is on capitol hill. Reporter the hearing started out cordle with handshakes, but things quickly grew tense. I think if you look at the statement i made, i clearly said that it was an attack. Calling it an attack is like saying the sky is blue. Of course it was an attack. Reporter republicans accuse clinton of ignoring requests from ambassador Chris Stevens for more security. Georgias Lynn Westmoreland how many instances would it have taken you to say, hey, we need the look at his security over there . No one ever came to me and said, we should shut down our compound in benghazi. Well, im not saying shut it down. Im saying protect it. Reporter it was this committee that uncovered clintons use of a private email system. There are 795 emails in this pile. Reporter Committee Chair trey gowdy focused on the dozens of emails clinton got from her longtime friend Sidney Blumenthal did the president know that mr. Blumenthal was advising you . He wasnt advising you . Did he know he was your most prolific eimer that we have and benghazi. I dont know what this line of questioning does to help us get to the bottom of the deaths of four americans. Ill be happy to help you understand that, madam secretary. Its relevant because our ambassador was asked to read and respond to Sidney Blumenthals drivel. It was sent to him to read and react to. In some instances on the very same day he was asking for security. Reporter democrat Elijah Cummings calls its a show trial. They set up this select deadlines and an unlimited budget, and they set them loose, madam secretary, because youre running for president. Reporter california democrat adam schiff noted the committee has canceled every hearing the past nine months except for this one. I wonder if you would like to comment on what its like to be the subject of an allegation that you deliberately interfered with security that cost the life of a friend well, congressman, its very personally painful accusation. It has been rejected and disproven by nonpartisan, dispassionate investigators, but nevertheless, having it continued to be bandied around is deeply distressing to me. You know, i would imagine ive thought more about what happened than all of you put together. Reporter clinton seems of anger that makes great fodder for negative campaign ads. Any time her voice raises, she quickly selfcorrects. Were now moving into hour nine of this hearing, scott, and it shows no sign of wrapping up soon. Pelley nancy cordes outside the hearing room. Thanks. Also watching the hearing does was cbs news political director John Dickerson and anchor of face the nation. Highstakes day for hillary clinton. What was your impression . Reporter this was never going to be a great day for her, but there were two political pitfalls she had to worry about, the first was any new revelation that called her leadership into question as secretary of state. The second pitfall was a moment where she would look callus and dishonest, and so far shes been able to avoid those pitfalls. Pelley there were no are revelations today . Not so far, no. Reporter what about the committee . They were fighting like cats and dogs between the republicans and democrats. The republicans had a special challenge to, keep the questioning always focused on the central idea of why did this happen, and that was important for substantive reason, but also because there have been charges that this is a totally political affair. This is the eighth investigation. Theyre just going after hillary clinton. While there were moments that illuminated things we already knew about this tragedy, there were also moments where the questioning was quite secondary to that central question of why did this happen. Pelley John Dickerson, well see you sunday on face the nation. Thank you. Now, today the First American was killed in combat in the war against isis. He died in a daring raid in Northern Iraq to free dozens of prisoners who were about to be executed by the islamic terror group. Margaret brennan is following this. Reporter just after 2 00 a. M. Five American Helicopters with 30 u. S. Special Operations Forces along with iraqi kurd commandos landed outside a heavily guarded isis prison in Northern Iraq. The troops stormed the compound and in an exchange of gunfire the u. S. Servicemen was fatally wounded. The commandos rescued 70 hostages who were about to be executed, including more than 20 iraqi soldiers. The raid raised questions about president obamas vow not to put u. S. Soldiers into combat in iraq. But pentagon spokesperson peter cook said the special Operations Forces were only assisting the kurdish fighters. In that support role, they are allowed to defend themselves and also defend Partner Forces and to protect against the loss of innocent life. Reporter the raid was launched after u. S. Intelligence saw evidence of mass graves being dug inside the walls of that prison compound. Some of those freed hostages scott, later told u. S. Officials that isis told them theyd all be killed after their morning prayers. Pelley Margaret Brennan reporting from the pentagon tonight. Margaret, thank you. Today west texas got drenched by powerful thunderstorms. Nearly three inches of rain fell. Dozens had to be rescued from their homes and their cars near odessa. Forecasters say parts of texas, oklahoma, arkansas and louisiana could get a foot of rain by sunday. Once again this evening a childs family is asking that something be done about gun violence. Lilly garcia of albuquerque started preschool last month. This past tuesday her dad picked her up along with her brother, and a short time later lilly was in her fathers arm, fatally wounded in a road rage shooting. Heres Mireya Villarreal. Reporter it started out as a harmless drive home from school. Fouryearold lilly garcia was in the back seat of her fathers vehicle when police say alan torrez. The two men argued. Torrez allegedly shot at garcias truck and hit lilly in the head. Police say torrez fled the scene. Other drivers called 911. There is an Adult Holding it looked like an unresponsive child. Reporter on social media garcia called his daughter the light of my life, wiser than i will ever be. It was traumatic for them. Reporter officer Tanner Tixier says she shooting stunned even veteran responders. They literally saw a fouryearold little girl with a severe gunshot wound, which she died from, not only our officers, but the par maidics, the trauma room was just devastated. Reporter in less than 24 hours, several timms came in. It was an anonymous caller that led detectives to tony torrez. After being questioned, police say torrez confessed that the killing was a road rage incident. Chief gordon eden. This should have never happened. This is a complete disrespect of human life. Reporter police recovered the gun they believe was used in the road rage incident at torrezs home. Scott, there were also charges filed against torrez in 2006 for another road rage incident. Situation, and the case never went to trial. Pelley Mireya Villarreal reporting tonight. Thank you. There is no bail for the man accused of gunning down a new York City Police officer. Randolph holder. It happened on tuesday night. Tyrone howard said nothing as he was charged with murder. He has a rap sheet with 28 arrests. Holder is the fourth officer killed in new york city this year, and Jericka Duncan has found most of the murder weapons have one thing in common. Reporter fellow officers lit candles today in memory of officer randolph holder. Officer holder was shot tuesday by a suspect he was chasing. The police say tyrone howard, a convicted felon, was illegally armed with a. 40caliber handgun. Holder is the fourth nypd officer to die in the line of duty in less than a year, and while police havent yet determined where his shooters gun came from, the guns used to were purchased or stolen from pawn shops in georgia. Brooklyn District Attorney ken thompson. We have the strictest gun laws in the country, and when you have lax gun laws like down in georgia, its easy for people the buy guns down there legally and then send them up here where theyre destined to end up in the hands of criminals. Reporter last week thompson announced a gun ring bust that took 112 illegal guns off the streets. Investigators say the alleged ringleader, michael bassier, paid people with clean criminal records in georgia and pennsylvania to purchase firearms. Authorities took this surveillance photo of bassier carrying the weapons in a bag, and they secretly recorded him on his cell phone. Im selling them the right way and the wrong way. When im out of state in atlanta, georgia, its fully legal. But in new york its completely illegal. Reporter does it ever feel like youre fighting a losing battle . I dont think were fighting a losing battle. I think its a very challenging endeavor because each gun that we get off the street, we potentially save a life. Reporter 90 of guns found at new york city crime scenes, thompson told us, originate from out of state. Jericka duncan, cbs news, brooklyn, new york. Pelley secretary of state john kerry began a new mideast Peace Mission today when he met with israels prime minister, benjamin netanyahu. Kerry will meet with palestinians over the weekend. This is following weeks of gun and knife attacks by palestinians and Barry Petersen is in the west bank. This is where they came with a knife, and the man who saved my life shot him. Reporter tzipi schlisel thought she could have been stabbed by a man. The jewish man in white shot the i feel that it could be my blood here, and i bless god that it is my enemys blood and not me. Reporter it is not her first taste of violence. An arab stabbed her father to death in his bed 17 years ago in this same neighborhood. She is among about 800 jews under constant watch, living in the midst of 170,000 arabs in hebron. This one place is so much what the arabisraeli conflict is about, both sides vow that their claim to this land goes back thousands of years. Just down the road Palestinian Protesters face the Israeli Military protecting the streets [explosion] the kids have no advantage here. They have rocks. The israelis have weaponry, grenades and live munitions. But they are as determined as the jews. Are you afraid of dying . No, he said. I want to be a martyr. I want to stomp on the heads of israelis. We dont have any other place to live. And for us, its a fight to be or not to be. And when someone fights for his life, he wont give up. Reporter she says she wont leave here where the jews and the arabs have one deadly thing in common their vow to never surrender. Barry petersen, cbs news, hebron. Pelley in sweden today, a masked man with a sword attacked four people in a school, a teacher and a student were killed. Police shot and killed the attacker. His motive is not known. Some witnesses say they thought it was halloween prank. Devices that are supposed to help drivers focus on the road and the skydiving father and his free falling son when the cbs evening news continues. Well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. It can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. So i talked to my doctor. She said. Symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. Symbicort doesnt replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. Symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. Symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. It should not be taken more than twice a day. Symbicort contains formoterol. Medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. Symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. You should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. Symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. 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So we called in transportation correspondent kris van cleave. Jacy goods life was forever changed by a driver making a phone call using a handsfree device. It was her College Graduation day. The crash killed her parents, and doctors gave her just a 10 chance of surviving. Trying to figure out how to live without parents is a daily struggle beyond that the brain injury has left me with permanent handicaps. Reporter one in ten fatal crashes in 2013 involve distraction. Distracted drivers were blamed for more than 3,100 deaths and an estimated 424,000 injuries that year alone. Oh, my gosh. I guess that is a stop sign. Reporter researchers outfitted drivers with devices to measure distraction, brain activity and heart rate. They found many handsfree voice command systems in cars or the ones wilt into smartphones can be so complicated they leave drivers with a lingering technology hangover. Thats a very mentally demanding task, as demanding as trying to say balance your checkbook while youre driving down the road. Reporter university of utah researcher David Strayer found Driver Distraction lasting up to 27 seconds after finishing a task. So the lag time is the sort of dialing back into, okay, im on this street. Im going this fast. This is whats going on around me. You get plugged back in. All the things that would make you a safe driver are temporarily put on hold when youre engaging with this voicebased system. To pick up all those things youve been letting go. Reporter older drivers tended to do worse, but the duration of the distraction really depended on how difficult the system was to use. Scott, at 25mph, you cover about three football fields worth of distance during that 27 seconds of distraction. Pelely kris van cleave tonight. Kris, thanks very much. When police in texas pulled over a driver, they noticed something missing and went into action. That story is next. Ls. So i liked when my doctor told me i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating whats within me. With onceweekly trulicity. Trulicity is not insulin. It helps activate my body to do what its supposed to do release its own insulin. Trulicity responds when my blood sugar rises. I take it once a week, and it works 24 7. It comes in an easytouse pen trulicity is a onceweekly injectable prescription medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. It should be used along with diet and exercise. Trulicity is not recommended as the first medicine to treat diabetes and should not be used by people with severe stomach or intestinal problems, or people with type i diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Trulicity is not insulin and has not been studied with longacting insulin. 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Shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. Breathe right pelley its frightening enough for a father to watch his son jump out of a plane, but a dad skydiving over poland saw his son spin, in danger of becoming disoriented, so dad swooped in, grabbed him by the arm and the leg. Father and son landed safely. They were dressed in blue, but their hearts were pure gold. Cedar park, texas, officer justin gower and cale hawkins used their own money to buy three child safety seats for a needy driver. He had been pulled over, but the cops decided he needed the seats for his daughters more than he needed a ticket. The grateful dad called it a miracle. It was trick or meet day at the fort worth zoo. The lion cubs celebrated halloween early with carve l pumpkins filled with meat. The zoo says placing novel objects in the cubs environment improves their psychological wellbeing, and, boy, they sure do look happy. Some very special hunters were honored today by congress. They didnt hunt big game, but stolen treasures. Their story is next. This portion of the cbs evening news is sponsored by capital one. Earn unlimited 1. 5 cash back every purchase every day. Get quiksilver from capital one. Earn bonus cash b but the quicksilver card from capital one likes to keep it simple. Real simple. Im talking easy likea walkinthepark, nothingtoworryabout, manthatfeelsgood simple. Quicksilver earns you unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, everywhere. Its a simple question. Whats in your wallet . With the pain and swelling of my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. Ordinary objects often seemed. Intimidating. Doing something simple. Meant enduring a lot of pain. If ra is changing your view of everyday things orencia may help. Orencia works differently by targeting a source of ra early in the inflammation process. For many, orencia provides longterm relief of ra symptoms. Its helped new ra patients and those not helped enough by other treatments. Do not take orencia with due to an increased risk of serious infection. Serious side effects can occur cases of lymphoma and lung cancer have been reported. Tell your doctor if youre prone to or have any infection like an open sore, the flu, or a history of copd, a chronic lung disease. Orencia may worsen your copd. If youre not getting the relief ask your doctor about orencia. Orencia. See your ra pelley today Congress Gave americas highest civilian honor, the congressional gold medal, to 345 heroes of world war ii. Julianna goldman has the story of the Monuments Men and women. [applause] reporter Harry Ettlinger was honored as one of the art experts turned military officers who rescued treasures looted by the nazis. The 89yearold discovered this rembrandt selfportrait that had been stashed away in a german salt mine. I was in charge. I said, lets open the box. Reporter before the war, the masterpiece hung in a museum in ettlingers hometown, but because he was jewish, he was never allowed to visit it. He and his family fled nazi germany for the u. S. Now, thanks to ettlinger, the painting is back in its hometown. What did you think . For me to be able to go into that particular museum and take a look at it and get a photograph of it, that made me feel good. It made me fe good, you know . My heart. Want the get into the war . Monuments men. Reporter the 2014 film brought new attention to the Monuments Men. It was based on a book by robert edsell. Who are these men and women . Reporter one of those women is motoko huthwaite. She worked for the Lieutenant Commander george stout played by george clooney. Arent you a little old for that . I think george stout was handsomer. Reporter until last month, she didnt realize the field reports she worked on related to the famous group. I was flabbergasted. Reporter the Foundation Set up to honor the Monuments Men has run out of money, so theyre the reason this award is happening today. Nine years of work culminated in the realization of the dream that i have held so closely. We have struggled to get to this moment. Reporter preservers of the past awarded a monumental honor. Julianna goldman, cbs news, washington. Pelley and thats the cbs evening news for tonight. For all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by medi cbs 2 news at six starts right now with breaking news. News. Minutes ago cbs 2 news has learned that representativ e paul ryan is offically running for speaker of the house. Weve been tracking this story since he first t announced his interest earlier this week. The Wisconsin Republican is likely to be elected next week. Developing story on our website as well cbs 2 iowa dot com and will have the

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