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Only gentle giants dog food Batman I'm Bert Ward Robin from back named I'm the Caped Crusader and that canine crusader would you like your dog to live as long as 27 years and still be active and healthy rescuing 15500 dogs for 24 years my wife and I created a natural low fat heart healthy made in America dog food and a special feeding and care program to help all dogs live amazingly longer healthier lives our dogs are living as long as 27 healthy active years twice their normal lifespan triple for some breeds gentle giants dog food is complete nutrition for all dogs and puppies all ages and sizes and is different from other dog foods without the greasy coating and high fat content that can shorten your dog's life try our gentle giants life in Hansing dog food now at Walmart or ask your local retailer visit gentle giants dog food dot com to learn more this is Fox on justice cigarette smoking could cause you to be arrested for murder that's what happened to leader Robert Miller in Boise Idaho It all started 26 years. Earlier and 500 miles away in Bremerton Washington in 1902 Marilyn Hickey left the drift in tavern in the company of a man the next day her body was found strangled police had a description of the man who was seen with Hickey Miller's name did come up but they couldn't make a solid case fast forward to 2019 with modern new d.n.a. Evidence gathering the Washington State Patrol crime laboratory managed to make a d.n.a. Profile of hickeys killer It also match d.n.a. From 1994 murder in Boise detectives became interested again in Lee Robert Miller they found him in Boise kept an eye on him and when he tossed away a used cigarette but they got what they needed police say the d.n.a. From the cigarette matched the d.n.a. From the 1992 crime scene Miller is now charged with 2 murders with Fox on justice Hank bind them Fox News. Had been thinking about saving for retirement Yes but how do I start easy with our timing how much money I'm about. Missing actually. Getting you're going to my music. Fees for my. Change my strategy. This is like I'll believe the way it is it ain't sealed inside your hands tied to a message from a r p and the Ad Council to buy your home you became a house hunting learned about scoured neighborhoods and asked the right questions if you manage that you can get your entire plan on track visiting a secure retirement dot or can help Rocky you buy a r.v. the 1st time caller line is 818-501-4721 extension 2 talk to Richard from east of the Rockies call 8082 far 5033 from west of the Rockies toll free call 806188255 this is coast to coast am with your guest host Richard Sherratt. The Look of Love composed by. Baccarat and that song I think it was featured in one of the Austin Powers movies it was covered by Diana Krall of the zombies I believe also did a version of the look of love and of course this is the lovely Dusty Springfield 1st and. I will be back in the coast to coast am air chair tonight Saturday night into Sunday morning at the International Association for near death studies explores what happens when the soul leaves the body and now they have their own radio show it's called n d e radio and the host witting who is himself an experiencer will join me and will discuss stories of what else near death an out of body experiences then in the 2nd half paranormal researcher Ross Allison who has he has a ghost tour in Seattle and a museum it's called spooked Seattle and we will step inside the world of haunted toys he's got quite a collection including antiques with spirits that have never let them go locations where ghosts still play with toys and of course creepy dolls there are a bit that are a bit too lifelike That's tonight Saturday night into Sunday morning on Coast to Coast I will be back with more of your calls when open lines continues right here. 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But say hello to Julie and Buffalo New York Good morning Julie. Hey How you doing terrific all Richard my pleasure Ok so what I want to talk about was I was listening earlier to the woman talking about crop circles I apologize I don't remember her name but it was Julie Pringle Julie Pringle Ok I'm sorry Lucy Pringle My apologies Lucy and I'm sorry I didn't hear you right anyway what I was considering is that when cut circles come up it seems everyone thinks that it's coming from outer space or Allianz that stat sort of scenario like what I what what I believe is actually happening and it's a bit of an ominous view of it but our Earth core is a magnet. And with the old zone opening and certain radiation coming in and if you look at the the western states that are having fires and such if you go back to earth science we would take a magnet and it would make a circle with sand or iron or whatever it was but it's always run in circles and since the core of our Earth is a magnet I really consider that it could be that our earth core is is reacting to the surface of so I'm not certain that it's aliens that could very well be our earth's core. Coming through and creating these circles Right right well sort of energy it could cause crops to pop their sleeves or what have you. But just with that it's a little bit of a serious scenario but what your take well I mean I look at these intricate designs some of these are like they're like fractals some of them I'm the one on the cover looks for all the world like a Mayan Calendar and she mentioned the double helix. They are so elaborate so complex I mean I just feel that there has to be some kind of an intelligence behind it and to suggest that it's something. Just related to some physical or you know I don't know Mag he mentioned the magnetic core to me there just has to be an intelligence behind it otherwise you're not going to end up with something that looks so that so complex so intricate and symmetrical as well. I mean I I don't know I just I can't believe that there's not an intelligence behind this you don't believe that you don't believe you don't believe that it could be coming from Earth's core Well it could be I'm not saying that I'm not sure what the what the actual energy involved is but I'm saying that on top of that it isn't on top of that there has to be some sort of an intelligence it doesn't absolutely have to be some sort of intelligence I don't believe that that's true because you can also get those kinds of design out of sound that look very intricate but it doesn't mean there's an intelligence behind it it's an energy behind it and they're beautiful I mean you should see some of the things that come out of just animals creating nests under the sea and seen it myself and there's an animal making it and yes I guess there's an intelligence there but what I'm trying to I can get to is that everything isn't about aliens and I think that maybe they want aliens to be the thing that makes us so afraid and whether then putting it into something that may be possible it could be something that's totally possible that is our earth calling the magnetic core of our earth is reacting to the fact that we have an open I am in fear that that. The various you know there's they're saying we have you know the radiation coming in and if you look at the White certain states maybe the fires aren't from somebody just lighting a campfire maybe the heat is coming up in causing things to burn right and well I don't know but they are being related to an ozone depletion of the ozone you know now we're hearing good news about the ozone apparently it's closed up again but also we've had reports of crop circles going back you know thousands of years certainly hundreds and hundreds of years before that was a consideration and then we have to figure out then why are we only getting crop circles in certain areas it seems to be related to you know the chalk the chalky soil in the United Kingdom for example so I don't know there's a lot of a lot of variables here and I gree I don't think Allianz are the answer necessarily and that seems to be our go to often doesn't it must be the aliens anyway thank you so much for the call Julie great to hear from you in Buffalo Let's say I had a hi to Jack who is in Alberta Jack good morning welcome to coast Good morning from well comedian how are you very well sir good good I got a quick question about your conspiracy show 1st and then I have a t.v. Thing for you and if we got time will turn almost we're right. I discovered your your conspiracy show just a few days ago actually on Canadian t.v. Here and I'm wondering I only caught the last 2 minutes of Episode 30 where you talked about Marilyn Monroe is there some place where it was Ok but I can find them . The t.v. Show is you can see most of them online at the at the present time if you go to the conspiracy show dot com That's the website for the t.v. Show and just. I think everything but Season 4 is available online and this boy can tell you what you're there so I believe that was season 3 is as memory serves so you should be able to watch the Marilyn Monroe Yes the conspiracy show dot com not to be confused with my radio show the same name this is the t.v. Show we're talking down here so I'll be alright I'll be good to go on that one Ok D.-Day back in July of 2016 my father and I went to France and toured the battlefields and specifically one of our stops was Juno Beach it had been suggested to me by a fellow from from my hometown here who'd been there before. I actually put on my swimsuit and walk out into the water I wasn't about to do that but he did go in the water up to my knees and I turned around and got a picture of the beach from the waterside. I took a panoramic picture so it say it shows the entire gentle Beach area I'd like to send you a copy of that Richard but I would need an email address. Short Richard Serra it's asked Why are you double t. The number one g. Mail dot com Richard Serra one at g. Mail dot com Not not a hashtag one just one. Correct Sarah one at g. Mail dot com That's correct Ok. It will go out tomorrow morning for you I appreciate that this week your dad turned out and I don't claim to be a great photographer but. I'm quite impressed with it and 11 thing I want to point out to you about it is and you can post it on your your page if you like I would just like credit for it but. You can see my shoes actually in the in the shot and I was going to Photoshop that out and got to think afterwards and all was kind of prophetic to actually have a pair of shoes on you know on the in the waters area there so I'm sure sure and lastly I told their story to a George Will Boy 2050 actually he had Mark Leslie on fellow who is writing a book at the time we didn't know at the time I answered on the show he was reading a book called on to hospitals and I worked in that in a mental institution for 35 plus years. We had a patient there who we believed quite strongly in the doctors always down to the to the cleaning staff believe this woman was actually possessed. I won't go into that to long story because I'm sure you've got other callers but we had put her into a seclusion room one night when there was no other way to control her and every half hour. There were 3 of us working every half hour one of us would go down and you know do rounds on all the patients and I was working nights and these days. 2 30 in the morning was my turn to go around and I got to her room and put back the curtain and turn on the night late and there she was standing sideways up on the wall standing sideways Oh I don't know or she was standing on the wall looking at the floor. Hand on your heart that's a true story but the curtain back where it was turned off the night light shook myself back to the office and the nurse that was working in charge said so all quiet Jack I said yeah nothing's going on at all never ever did another round on that lady again for how do you how do you avoid work there and tell us how how would you avoid not doing the round I did there was only one person going around so I just bypassed her room she was in a single room and did anyone ever else pull you aside and say that you see so and so standing on the wall no one else saw anything like that nobody else ever admitted it and I didn't admit it until till 2015 that's that's when I phoned in and talked to George and Mark Leslie and we'll use our standard interviewing me later for his book and that story is actually in his heart of hospital ha and when you saw her standing sideways on the wall. Look at you did she say anything oh well she. Well I was going to put this she was we had where you were called Strong blankets and strong. Downs I guess you call me the night gown they were made out of really heavy canvas multi-layers and stuff so. There was nothing you couldn't see anything she had. Her hair had been performed so it wasn't blocking her face but she was just it was like she was sleeping standing up except she was standing sideways on the wall. My lord yes that's got to be something like that has to change you for the rest of your life I just did it again I'm sorry I must've changed everything for you sing Absolutely. The really weird part of that there's a little quarter of the story I when I told Mark of all of that's when I finally you know release the story and my name is not in the book Mark changed it. At that my request because I was still working them and. But I was talking to one of my best friends and he said you know that's really weird he said one day sometime and I don't remember exactly when I believe it was before my incident but I'm not sure . She had the same woman had been placed in seclusion and my friend Dave had actually gone and he had looked in the room just to check on her and he swore that she was levitating 2 or 3 inches off the floor but he was working on overtime shift and he just chalked it up to just being tired and never gave it much more thought than that until after he heard what I had to say and how you know he's not sure so. But you're sure. Pretty wild stuff I'll tell you about. It. Fortunately for me I well I didn't tell anybody about it because I didn't think anybody would believe me 1st off right I mean that's such a pretty pretty hairy story but the psychiatrist and psychologist and Visa cetera had actually seriously contemplated bringing in an exorcist for this woman that wow serious they were that they believe that she was possessed that's remarkable and chilling Thank you Jack for that. Let's say hi to Brian in San Bernardino California on the wild card line Brian good morning welcome to coast to coast Hey good morning to you Richard nice talking with you a certain way out here in California figured I'd have a copper of a story compared to the ghost stories in the u.s. Story those stories have been here and I've been driving a bit. But I'm sorry I don't have it I don't have was a wild story like that however I heard you speaking about your dad twisted ankle story and yes and so I guess I would have been and this is this too that my father also served in World War 2 He. He was in Europe with the 2nd armored division between 294-2945 served in North Africa battles in Sicily battle of the bull liberation of Paris and was one of the 1st divisions into Germany and truly truly thought hell and sometimes I can't help but think that if he hadn't been over there doing that if he'd have stayed home or something and fell off a ladder or gotten a car crash well then I wouldn't be here either. How do you mean e.f.e. If he had served. Well like what did he like what you said your father had your father was scheduled to hit the hit the beaches of Normandy problem right you know which That's right and a twisted ankle kept them out of the out of that yes at combat which was horrible and you're probably right he know there's a good chance he wouldn't have made it and you wouldn't you wouldn't have been here exactly and there's been times where I thought that my father who who was in horrible fierce combat all through that conflict had he not of been drafted and gone over there and served let's say he would have stayed home well he could of gotten a car crash or fallen off a ladder or and then I see what you're saying Sure yeah yeah absolutely absolutely that's possible so it's like well when it's your time it's it's your time and then there's another horrible side to that where where is when they were they had they were occupying Germany well towards the end of the war there. In the summertime they were actually gearing up to go invade Japan and if it wasn't for the dropping of those 2 horrible bombs. My dad probably you know he probably would've He could have easily perished in invading Japan right that would've been a bloodbath no question your dad saw a lot of action here deaths a lot Act My dad did too after D.-Day he saw a fair bit he didn't talk about it much I used to ask him he was a tank gunner. With a regiment in out of Winnipeg called for Gary horse and I I asked you I asked him occasionally. You know what did you do during the war daddy and he was very stoic about it he said we moved some bricks. That's about all he would say we moved some bricks Yes meaning you know the firing mortars of buildings and so forth right now it was a similar story as as a child I would ask my dad and he didn't. He didn't want to talk much about it he would it he would talk about the historical parts of it well we were in this we were over here during this time or I don't know details he just he simply didn't want to talk about it and I could understand it was so horrible but the God Bless You know Lord bless you your dad because those old guys were heroes they put the Nazi war machine to sleep they saved the world. The Greatest Generation no question thanks so much for the call. All right we'll come back in mere moments and get right back into open lines right here on coast to coast am so. You. Know. If you've. Been. Traveling in the rain. I didn't know. Are you a state certified electrician or have 40 years of experience do you want a career can sharpen your skills and evaluate for your knowledge a career with employer paid health care retirement that join the idea e.-w. 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Funks news on Carmen Roberts' protesters in Hong Kong successfully make their point the Territory's Chief Executive carry law I'm now saying this morning she suspending the proposed extradition bill indefinitely we are not spending the legislative work nor the time for all communications explanation and the sending off opinions and then the Cylon the way follow it the bill would allow suspects to be extradited to mainland China a gunman opened fire at a Costco in Southern California last night killing one person and injuring 3 including an off duty police officer from my understanding from some people we talked to there was apparently an argument inside some type of argument that incident into a gunshot that battle's Khurana Police Lieutenant Jeff Edwards the suspect is in hospital and in police custody and workers at a looks like an flan in Chattanooga Tennessee voted not going to use this means. 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Wild animals face a lot of risks but the unprecedented destruction of their habitat threatens their very existence the Humane Society wildlife Land Trust works with private landowners to protect wildlife by preserving natural habitat permanent sanctuaries call 1879 save or visit wildlife Land Trust dot org listening to Mike Broomhead on your Amazon Echo while you're making practice is easy just say hey let's play 550 yard radio. the 1st time caller line is 818501472 love to talk to Richard from east of the Rockies 808-250-5033 from west of the Rockies toll free. 80618855 this is coast to coast a year with your guest host Richard cherry. And you know when you hear this song we are into the home stretch open lines sweet got to call my Seattle Citrus Heights Shelby b. C. And Klamath California all waiting and ready to go and we'll get here just as soon as we can when coast to coast am continues right after this. 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Finity dish optimum spectrum universe suddenly wow and dozens of cable systems so check your god now and watch Newsmax t.v. Real news for real people. Go on in Citrus Heights California on the wild card line welcome to coast how are you. Gay. Thank you for taking my call and. Hi hi to all my friends over there and radio and then I'm going to tell you about unusual experience that I had a little actually living up in that Washington in my family home and we were way down to Christ the nation's by was screwed down and Dallas Texas for a conference stung there and one of the brothers it was. Just He turns to me suggest you've been sold Pay for over all the years you have have done what God wanted you to do and I just laughed and I said the whole way I'm sure I have deviated from God's call in my life and a way to get down there and we're having breakfast at McDonald's in this woman her husband come in and out. Who she was she had no contact with me and she said that she was woken up that morning and the Lord told her specifically to go and there was somebody there she was supposed to meet and talk to push you she walks in and she 1st thing she tells me she says you've been shaking you have deviated from God's calling your light and he wants you to know that is not the case that what you've experienced has been aware of that and he had it was. That there really wasn't any decision that I had made there were all good will and I'm not my 84th year and that's the most urgent thing for her 84 years that you know even the ins and outs of. That God's been with me and that's giving me courage to continue on and to live the life that I'm living so I just. End it all happened spinny said Golden Arches of McDonald's. Remarkable wow you know they should use that in their commercial. What commercials. For me yeah there you go that's right thank you great story John very uplifting appreciate that. Let's say hi to Dan is in Seattle Dan welcome to coast Good morning Hi Richard I try their few months back I was quite down with my long term ha ve and maybe was off topic that night wasn't feeling sorry for myself even though some. People kind of over the head with it I'm going to go back to 0 by the way and I heard more and more people call in and they give their experiences and that's great but they also express things like I'm about to express the caller who talked about the woman who they said was on the wall he said she was walking on the wall yes how does he know that she wasn't trying to get away from them. Well whether she was or not I mean how did how was she able to well the same what she did all right who well who can help us walk on the wall who can help us walk on the edge if we're on a cliff and you cry out to the Lord Lord will you help me can can I can I walk along this cliff to survive can I hang on chemical crawl up this rock face and I'm just wondering he said the only doctor's day was nice color but he goes well we were all we were going to call you know we were we were thinking about exorcise and I'm going I think that but he never said what happened or and I think I went maybe she wanted to get the hell away from all of them. Same ever allow who's to say well you. Know he said but she eventually passed away she eventually passed away oh well even if she was dying and I think maybe she goes I have to get out of there maybe the spared Spirit Spirit please help me and one last thing I want to stay with a friend this is a ghost story real shores up in Marysville Washington years ago went to live with a friend Bob of mine who invited me up and. I lived in Seattle and I went there years ago to live with him and then parents had died years earlier I'm 55 now and his long ago and his parents he was older than me and his parents died he said we'll take the front room in this old decrepit house oh just terrible night fixed up his front room and I slept in there one night on a spring Brad bed riginal bed and I made the bed to let like a baby but I got woken up to them the night his mother came out of the closet I saw his mother never really knew or never saw such never came out of the closet she was a pink robe when I told the story this about this the next day and he said How did you sleep really good bye so your mother has what do you mean you saw my mother I said she came out of the closet the double clog your dad made the homemade doors the big heavy plywood there were 3 quarter inch plywood doors but all varnished everything and she came out of there and he said what she was like she was wearing a pink room with fuzzy. Around the hands. Around there it's like cars Right right that's what that's what she wore but I never told you about that I've never told anybody anybody about that and she just asked me. I said I got startled and sat up in bed. And I said you're Bob mom and she said yes and she said don't be startled and she just introduced herself she says yes you're fine you're fine go back to bed go back to bed and I told the story. I mean I never took our drugs we didn't party that much that night he just he just the next day he just said that's impossible you tend not to talk to mine and I said she gave me she gave me her blessing to stay in this room nobody had ever stayed in this room in my 25 years nobody statements from this is when you knew you knew that she had passed on but before I asked you it was way before waiting for Event him she passed on like in 1975 I didn't need Bob I was out there and. 997 and and I was the 1st person to stand that room and that I repainted that front room and she said you're fine she smiled at me and said you're fine go back to bed and she went out the door and closed the door of the mill night and she went around I just I just was a total peace went back to bed I was like she's going to go look around the house. And I told Bob about he once I told him what he what she was wearing. He said what I think we all remember I mom's a tank fuzzy of a pink fuzzy housecoat and we can all relate to that and all the way before describe the slippers all the way like it all the way with the fuzzy you know around the hand right. And he just he was the go on stage for him in. The song I can't be. Where he's come up with the stuff she says I said I'm telling you she she just said she wanted know my name she even asked my name one usual name I said then unless I'm sitting right we always assume that ghosts that people when they come back from the other side they're all knowing but she didn't know your name no no do not know me right there not necessarily all knowing me and I just said I'm Bob's friend. Hand this room was named talk about paint job and I think you're right that she tell you make sure to make sure you make the bed when you get up in the morning then you know it was a mom. Why is she just whining it's fine you go back to bed all right that's fine Dan thank you for that I'm just really just really beautiful calm mild mannered and I just drifted off to sleep I told him the next morning he said that right great story appreciate that Dan I think you definitely saw something I think you size mom Patrick is in Klamath California west of the Rockies Patrick good morning welcome to coast Good morning. Here we have an Iraqi president of the team there no one after the game but you know yeah there was an altercation we're waiting to hear what's going to happen there a thing here that has not nice for them to do that please. But you know what but back to here one caller from long pole I grew up in sandals which is just just north of the bird and. I tried to call in a when Bob Hope was on because they were talking about balloons to get us photos and stuff right and every time they would have launches there'd be about 6 different ones of those would come in because right where I live that was. About 2 and a half miles off the ocean it was just. In on the back of Highway one where I live when you were pressed I waver and it was a quarter mile basically. Then the sand and then they were right there and those damn U.F.O.'s and. Back and forth over time they were having launches. Right through there and did you ever did you ever take photographs video I try to but the film never develop it and how were they and how were they maneuvering where they. Did a straight up and down. Like a ball go up and down another Zip and back and forth but you know I got kind of thinking about men's I've gotten older that was a blur last a perfect horde or because. If you. Look at a map and you notice Santa Maria river separate phantom. Barbara county families face Will County follow it up through the canyon will come out at the bottom. Of the San Joaquin Valley which is Bakersfield. Right there's the had to be then go over Mojave north and work and you know how much of a sonnet is more with Edwards 50 Roy and if you ever really look at a map through there. Make. The population that. Compared what it is today was nothing through there right there right to these these U.F.O.'s did they look like they were trying to interfere with the launch of these rockets. Look like they were like I was out there watching the All The only you know more or less just kind of keeping an eye on what was going on. There Own just weird sightings have a lot of Zap and in that area like what Patrick aside from the U.F.O.'s if that's not amazing enough what else did you see. One night when I was in high school it took my girlfriend who live about a mile and a half. Right to have. Swooned and I'm coming down to the. Farm driving home side by flat to stop I have to back up to get off the road back that I come back on and I try to go again all this time it was like I haven't been to this. Before I could see far back. And minutes. And them. Right back at I was able to go. And get them before this one sharp curve was and Born Free are wrapped around the eucalyptus tree and I would have been. Here right in the middle of it. Then and still. Someone was watching over your shoulder and they. Ran a 1st time I've had that happen but you think that was an angel and. Probably like I said I have no clue because that area had a superstation white lady that it's been. Around there was a vibe and then a lie and. It seems like I said I was just one of them and the other thing was an aura of power a laser pointer look just read right. Before they came out I could see these little red dots say a periodic Lee float around. Up against a house and when I was outside at night I just kind of a weird little area. All right Patrick I appreciate the call thank you let's see I think we have time for one more let's work in Donna's In can't Ohio Don Welcome brother Richard have you sent but buddy you know I was doing a little research our group Roman Catholic and we had a cardinal cloud over our duty who was a u.f.o. Advisor to the Vatican now also he was a exorcise his degree was in demonology and it was interesting that he wrote a paper about aliens and he also mentioned. You know the how they visit and they're concerned about of all things weather changes which I thought was rather remarkable because you know this paper was probably at least you know 1015 years old he died 19 you know he died in 2008 so there's a connection between the pope's. Issues with you know the the way we're live in and how we're polluting in the environment and things like that which I don't really think. We're causing a very big problem considering all the volcanoes that are going off and that but when you start reading his research paper you follow g. And the logical procession and he mentions the you know the Star Visitors and. So this guy has some insight he also this is the 1st time an eclipse Eskil paper contained the name of the Nevada base area $51.00 so this guy's getting knowledge from basically around the world and have very well known guy was interesting that Stan Freeman made the statement of aliens were benevolent why didn't they stop the Holocaust and on a local radio talk show we had a guy call in and he was real concerned about that statement and a spin off he says you know there are graves insect always reptilian the lawn blue haired I mean the blond blue eyed Nordic she says but there's no blacks represented and of course he was a black man that's why he was because. And about myself and never thought of things in those terms before well along the same lines as you know why did they stop the Holocaust we hear of course of U.F.O.'s interfering at nuclear sites and so forth you know shutting down nuclear missiles but where were they in August of 1905 when 2 bombs were dropped on Japan they didn't do anything about that you know this seem like you're kind of selective on who they're helping good point very interesting indeed all right we'll chew on that for awhile thank you so much for the call. Alright Wow where did the time go it always goes too fast Well I'll be back tonight and I guess I'll keep bringing me back until I get it right for George Norry George Knapp Lisa Lyon Stephanie Smith Tom Dan Iser dandelion Tim Ben all Chris Barrows Sean lot of store and here in Toronto Patrick O'Neill and Alex clutch I'm Richard sat thank you for your ears and your voices your beautiful voices until tonight so long for now. easy way but you and me both knew that before we were 12 years old your daddy taught you in my past taught me I'm trying to do an anniversary here Ok so why don't you do one of those fancy 129. Nations for just $80.00 That's what that's what you ought to do so what are you going to do to help celebrate maybe a birthday Well for starters I'm going to make sure you don't screw up this radio ad. For stars and pan I'm going to send a superstar out to do an inside plumbing inspection for all the people that bought . That's more than $300.00 for the services for just a box they are we selling right we're not getting. That right. Take a pause is already sniff out drugs and bonds now they're being taught how to sniff out parasites they cause malaria researchers at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine have got dogs sniffing the sounds of people with and without the parasite and the dogs have been correctly smelling out the stocks of those who have it 70 percent of the time New York's Hudson Valley home to peaceful farms and apple orchards and an elephant named who managed to break out of her sanctuary in West town responded and there was definitely an elephant in the world where Sergeant Dave Scott of the New York State Police says he'd have to be a dumbo not to see this one coming I actually expected this I figured on the last 22 years I've been here I figured that it would happen at some point the cops blocking off the road until the sanctuary owners could round up were. The elephant was not taken in for questioning because the handcuffs wouldn't fit. Cause. Kill NATO Fox News from the renter's where all the studios This is News Talk 550 k. Employee I see you next. To Phoenix. Superstore shooting on Richard Jordan Fox News a man is dead and 2 other people are hurt after being shot inside a Southern California Cosco Friday night the gunman has been apprehended police in Corona about 50 miles from Los Angeles say shoppers ran for cover after hearing the gunshots some people were inside some walked officers inside but from my understanding people were able to flee because I do know some people were injured you know tripping over you know good trying to get off saw several witnesses say a man with a Mohawk was arguing with someone near a freezer section when he pulled a gun and he fired at least 6 shots the suspect was taken to a hospital.

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