Jamie Claus and the murder of her parents Fox's Matt Finn with the 911 call logs from the mother Denise Claus on the night of their double murder at 12 56 am dispatch states it received a phone call from what it identifies as Denise Klaas his cell phone dispatch records they can hear a lot of yelling in the background the phone hangs up just past tries to call back and was able to leave a voicemail accost family member calls Denise the family angel and says they have no clue who would want to kill this Wisconsin couple 18 people are dead more than 180 others injured in Taiwan after a fast passenger train derails most of the deaths were in the 1st car rescuers are searching the wreckage the pie you may express ran off the tracks late Sunday afternoon as it went around a bend throwing train cars into a zig zag pattern 5 left lying on their side the cause of the Darrelle my is unclear the driver did apply the emergency brakes multiple times the train was carrying more than 360 passengers this is Fox News. 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Earrings Oh yes she's your favorite Hof breakfast pastry Hof all day does that food made him to go favorite form of it Candy. I just put troops crinkles have satisfied some unknown hunger with. That sugary set of things success cause this is goodwill and with every item by one local job training and mold so go. Bring home those donuts hearing and bring home so much. Good will bring good. Fruit to you by goodwill and the Ad Council 1st. News story with Mike Broomhead tomorrow morning at 6 years talk 5 50 am Guy I. a couple weeks ago he referred to some of the sexual assault accusers of Brett Kavanaugh a quote lying skanks unquote and he was fired more or less immediately by Fox News but somehow I think Kevin Jackson will survive he did quite well before this event he's doing quite well now he'll do quite well after this event and Kevin Jackson once again welcome to the Bill Cunningham show Kevin how are you. Are you doing Ok you've been beaten bloody done bad are you doing Ok after what happened at Fox Oh yeah man I mean I've got plenty of opportunities out there well you know that thing I found amazing about your circumstance is that you said tempered things compared to what others have said about Trump himself or what c.n.n. Contributors regularly say about Trump which is a liar and he's a rapist and lying skank would be minimal definition or adjective to be used by the president's critics that happens to him all the time in every way that I was protecting Cavanagh. Not protecting him I was just standing up for men's rights they call this guy a rapist and worse yet they called him a serial rapist and you call women line skank that would accuse a man with that pedigree but doing it and Fox is. That offends our sensibilities Well you know what screw you is he isn't serial rapists a much worse term than lying skanks if you want to fire somebody for using bad language he isn't serial rapist for a father and a husband and a kind of life that Brett is in a lot worse to use that kind of like the words of bad language get somebody fired on the totem pole of bad languages I think serial rapist would be near the top no doubt and but I've asked the question differently because Howard Stern would lampooning me on his show he and Robin Quivers And I said you know Howard I'd really like you know I wrote an article about outside really like you to tell me what you call somebody who accuses you of being a not only a rapist but a serial rapist and essentially a person that would be despicable and any way you shape way shape or form where it can impact not only your life your career your career but it can impact your marriage it could impact the relationship you have with your daughter the relationship you have with your parents etc Give me a word for somebody who lies about that and people take it seriously tell me if skank is a hard enough or because I'll tell you this where I'm from that's not hard enough no and the real world it's not that bad of or didn't go back 2 or 3 weeks and all that was going on and right now he's on the Supreme Court I guess he's going to do well on account of stuff but the left pulled out of their bag of tricks every conceivable died tried to bring him down all it would have taken Kevin Jackson is for one woman at some point maybe the Kaiser woman if she would have said yeah I kind of remember I don't know when it took place or the Dana count to remember that Christina. Forded said something to me at the time about her being molested or groped by a guy named Brett and the whole thing was a collapse around Brett Kavanaugh but to their credit that the women identified by Christine Ford herself said it was false and so he precariously close to complete and utter disaster over a lie and you're right about that but I think the reason that those women didn't do it was and we didn't get too much introspection into this but if you look at christening body forward to life I bet you we find out that you know there's a history of her that nobody wants to discuss and that's why she slink the way you know when once it was done oh no I'm not going to press a charges and I'm just not nobody bother me leave me alone I'm going to be alone because there's nothing else. If our cat and I would have initiated a lawsuit against everybody in the food chain including all the congressional skanks that went after him including Chuck Schumer and for the record a skank for me is not just a girl it's a guy too and Chuck Schumer is a skank because he's a guy who was complicit in this Nader from New York they're all people who just want to watch somebody be destroyed over a sick ideology known as leftism and I think it's pathetic and the far reaching ramifications impact the guys like Bill Cosby who sits in prison at the age of 80 years old an American icon sits in prison in his eighty's over allegations that date back for 5 decades Meanwhile a guy who isn't a valid and I mean under the you know deniable sex abuser Bill Clinton runs around here campaigning on terrorism making you had a situation where he actually raped a woman who told at that Juanita Broaddrick when Clinton raped her what's a bloody lamp told her roommate what. Happen the roommates all of the blood on her lips all her pantyhose was torn she actually had 4 or 5 corroborating witnesses and the event took place and then they also had the so-called Arkansas state troopers confirming the fact that she wanted a broader It was actually raped and then you have while he's in the White House as President sexually groping in molesting Kathleen Willey in the White House and that was well known in corroborated but the media completely ignored both of those events because it didn't fit did it but it did good to go there Brett Kavanaugh Absolutely and so that that's the double standard and in the bigger double standard that's there more with men is it's me to movement and trying to I love how the left tries to migrate things how they try to get us to take ownership so the ownership of me too is a bunch of left this lecherous Hollywood lefties Ok it's the Harvey Weinstein's of the world with all these young ingenues and these all school actresses and all these pop political feminists taking pictures with Harvey going to his parties extolling its virtues at awards dinners and so on while enabling him to do exactly what he's been doing for women for decades dating back decades and all the trail of women who did exactly what Harvey asked them to do getting their butts. D out and then suddenly when their careers are waning they decide they want to turn state's evidence but then what's interesting to me too ends up being. Ends up being part of a video being used against Cavanagh being used against the high powered c.e.o. That company's this movement is born of the lecherous activities of leftists and Hollywood that and the entertainment industry where they marginalize objectify women like crazy and suddenly a guy like Cavanagh they want to make him the poster child I mean just floors me and when it came time for Obama to put his daughters on summer in terms positions with somebody Brock Hussein Obama Michelle Obama selected Harvey Weinstein to take their daughters into the Hollywood scene when they knew or should have known exactly what was going on from all of their connections but they couldn't care less because Harvey Weinstein was a star Harvey Weinstein had access Harvey Weinstein was making millions of dollars and giving millions the Democratic Party including the Obama's So they sent their own dollars into the care custody and control of Harvey Weinstein and the media didn't cover that either did they now they didn't but here's what's interesting about that so they know Harvey their daughters are on touchable But you know whose daughters aren't bill but daughters of ordinary people they're the daughters that you know that you've got to be concerned about because Harvey would take advantage of them but the the what the what rock Obama is selling you is I have so much power I know that this guy's electorate left this who will take advantage of women in every term but I can put my daughters with him but don't you dare put yours that's exactly how the left stacks up I can do it you can't because I'm covered but you're not and look it's a lesson it as a precautionary tale for many many boys I said many times what harmless thing is your kid your son going to do at the age of 15 because some woman is going to come back 2530 years later and say look at what you did to me more fees I am going to remember it is not it's going to be insignificant to him and. Her but because something may be important and has a right to decide I'll take him down from what well you know it's it was hanging by a thread 2 weeks ago and now he's on the court and I think the other issue I want to get your perspective on this Kevin Jackson of the blacks fear which is the what's happening now with the 100 or an migrants coming through Guatemala into Mexico there right now is 3 to 5000 strong and they're heading toward the Texas border this is a terrible event for the Democrats over the next 2 weeks before the election they have the video and the pictures of thousands of migrants whenever I watch m s n b c All I hear about is women and children then I see the video of these migrants coming to urban areas and in America and they're almost always young males and the young women tend to be raped or sexually molested their men are drug mules and I'm sure there's good family members among them and Kevin Jackson of your and your wife and your children more and more in 100 or us and if Bill Cunningham and my wife and kids were in a war in Honduras living in the horrors of a socialistic left wing military Hunter regime the 1st thing I would want to do would be to get to America I understand completely but along the process it gives billions of dollars emmas 13 other gangbangers who provide passage every time you go through some other drug infested area of Mexico you gotta pay hommage you've got to pay either sex or money to even pass through and live by the time you get to the northern part of Mexico according to 60 Minutes about 2 months ago there's hundreds of dead bodies because some men did not want to participate and becoming drug mules to give drugs into America some women were killed because they did not want to be ritualistically raped on a regular basis this is a horrible journey I watch m.s.n. Me say this is about refute the status of desperate people I watch other news outlets and this is terrible Trump's going to send supposedly our soldiers to the southern border to stop it and all of this is playing out during an election that the Democrats supposedly have in the. Because hundreds of millions of dollars up to a 1000000000 has been pumped into these campaigns by Tom Styer and by Bloomberg and others and ordered to sue me or Republicans all over the country. Give me over the next 2 weeks yet How's this going to play out I liked or late on Nov the sext the Democrats have missed every sign they no longer have their finger on the pulse of the American electorate people want our border protected so they and they also get that this is fake news it's contrived started it $160.00 people now it's up to $4000.00 now. And so what Trump did is the right thing he said wonderous these people show up you're losing your 8 Mexico I guarantee he made the same call to the new president of Mexico and said look if these people get their you we're going to renegotiate our trade agreements we're going to look at the aid that we're able to send to you so Mexico the pulling military on the southern border that has heard this literally today good so Mexico's going at it on tourist I bet you will send buses the say you're going to you're going to get back to our country or else and live How's it going to play out the Democrats again overplay their hand they think this is an issue that's going to be the get out the you know the the division point with Americans and Americans overwhelmingly want our borders protected we don't want these migrating horse to think that they can just come any time they want so whether whether it's the Kanye effect whether it's the Kavanaugh fact whether it's this farce of an investigation of the Russian deal which we now see that that is completely been bust apart because a Judge Royce Lamberth who just said I don't understand how Cheryl Mills isn't in prison you know and Hillary Clinton a bunch of others and then there's a conspiracy with the f.b.i. So that's about to break that's going to be the big story this week and then you've got this yet again really dirty Taishan of the whole border issue that trumps going to send troops and say you're not coming in you know and in fact it's been run doors you know given Jackson it's bad for one doors in Guatemala and Mexico does send mails generally mails to America because it takes away the ability of Honduras to reform their own government because the safety valve is there is sent people to other countries and so what's left are those who cannot function and do a brand new society it's bad for those countries but before I let you go about 2 minutes that Kanye West he's in Africa right now you're a conservative black male which is extremely dangerous Kanye West is. Radioactive according the media he's a conservative now black male who 56 years ago said that George Bush wants to kill wants to kill black people but now he's flip the other direction how dangerous in America today is a conservative black male. Super dangerous and Kanye I don't know what he is I mean I call him a pragmatist because he's going to live his life on his terms and that's a good thing but we're very dangerous I mean that's why when I made my comment these these out of these these farms and go after you went after me hard they had to get me out at Fox and Fox obliged but they don't understand they made me more powerful my voice actually grew with that we and it's not just black males it's black women to black women are going to be a major factor in as black people in general because they're getting it and that's a scary prospect I mean they're talking about Trump having now getting into the 40 percent of blacks and now support him Kanye West has a lot awakened many young hip hop people who weren't paying attention to politics vote or not they're going to start speaking out and saying you know what I agree with what he said so very dangerous powerful movement developing and I'm glad to be on the tip of the spear of it and I'll say this t.i. Not someone I listen to or watch at all is kind of a has been Rock City stuff you know the publicity he's got Molony a trump lookalike stripping in the Oval Office taking her clothes off performing sex acts I'll eat about to drop an album you know I mean I can you and Kevin Jackson wanted to 3 years ago some country star depicted Michelle Obama stripping in the Oval Office and performing sex acts on the desk of the president kind of like Clint all over the media and none of these I do play these thought exercises that just flip the script just ask yourself a question like that what if that's the scenario every single time what would happen if Barack Obama had recommended Brett Kavanaugh what would happen if just switch some of the players and you gets easy answers they were principled they're not that's why we will win in the midterms that's why we want to get in 2020 that's why we're winning it because we've finally got people recognizing a principle and character. Matters again and did and this is unrelated but it's related to what I've seen some of your stuff on crime statistics a day after 11 people were shot in Baltimore the troubled police department said it's shutting down administrative functions and putting on the streets 230 more police officers because too many blacks are killing too many blacks and it's happening in Baltimore and I'm reading this story thinking well this isn't a big story because it doesn't fit doesn't. Fit hey I made a movie about it bleeding blue Movie dot com absolutely stunning movie have police crying and the lobby Thank thank you for telling our story and this is playing out across America not bottom just Baltimore it's all over it coolly Vern it's sense of that it's Detroit it's wherever you want in the problem is it's not going to change because there's remain the same and the media will not cover the slaughter of literally 8000 black men every year in America they'd rather cover a Saudi who was killed in Turkey rather than 10000 black men killing 10000 other black men and the policies that indirectly allow it Kevin Jackson we got to go the blacks fair you're wonderful you always have a home here you're a great American and once again thanks for coming on the Bill Cunningham Show and my brother stay strong Thanks Bill you too but God Bless America let's continue with more Kevin Jackson the blacks fear imagine a music depiction of Michelle Obama stripping in the Oval Office naked and performing sex acts how would the media react to that with Milan I have nothing but crickets. Let's continue with more Bill Cunningham here the great American lie with you every Sunday night. 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Grants from one of the most violent societies on earth are now making their way through southern Mexico heading toward the United States after making a so-called and runaround Mexican agents who briefly blocked them they're getting help at every term from sympathetic Mexicans offering food water and clothing the coverage of our media indicates that they're jamming it up against the trumpet or our media believes that somehow that this event with tens of thousands of individuals coming from those violent countries on earth is a net negative for the president I do not believe that I think the main reason that trump won the presidency in 2016 and that Republicans will keep the house and when keep the House and the Senate in about 2 weeks will be the fact that this immigration issue is going to remind Americans what's at stake in this election and the coverage tonight on the nightly news and tomorrow Monday Tuesday and Wednesday going to be the same it's going to be terribly negative toward Trump and sympathetic toward individuals largely young males from the most violent countries on earth so let's continue with more of the line becomes available 866-647-7337 coming up national is Peter Wallison a fabulous book about the 4th branch of government and what we do American people and it is done so let's continue with more go gunning it live with you every since . So I just discovered dazzle me dot com It's a totally addictive new jewelry site with big name luxury brands and you know which ones I'm talking about unique designers that you can't find anywhere else all at a fraction of the price I'm going back on dazzle me dot content night. Fox News I'm Paul Stevens the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee saying the recent murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi the u.s. At the Saudi embassy in Turkey should push the u.s. To reassess its relationship with the Kingdom I think this ought to be a relationship altering event for the u.s. And Saudi Arabia that we ought to suspend military sales we have to suspend certain security assistance and we ought to impose sanctions on any of those that were directly involved in this murder California Congressman Adam Schiff on A.B.C.'s This Week newly formed Hurricane Wilma gaming strength a Category 4 storm set to make landfall Tuesday in West Central and South western Mexico maximum winds 145 miles per hour zipped station flash flooding storm surge and of course very very strong wind specialist Dave Roberts at the National Hurricane Center this is Fox News. Your friend Sean Hannity here with some personal advice for home sellers as an active investor in properties another a lot of details when selling a property and that could mean thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars difference now there are various companies that will offer to give you cash upfront for your home but be careful often there are dramatically lower prices or hidden fees that the average person can miss and that can cost you a lot of money that's why I prefer to work with a great smart real estate team that truly knows the local market and can give me the best advice and put the most money in my pocket I'm talking about Curtis Johnson e x p realty now they can give you an immediate cash offer of fair market value but more importantly they can help you look at all the options with hundreds of potential buyers and that creates demand for your home and helps your home sell at a price and deadline that you agree to or they agree to buy it don't leave money on the table talk to the only agent in town I recommend now give Curtis a call at one AAA Kurdish j again 1888 Kurdish Jay or online at sold or I buy it dot com The countdown is on for the most important midterm elections in a generation immigration health care trade for gun control it's all on the ballot this year and helps you make sense of it all reporting on the issues at stake and clicking on the critical races that will determine control of Congress from morning till one couple last vote is counted for America's Future Tuesday November 6th on. You know our Jimmy John's new 9 grain wheat is the perfect amount a grain tree and yet it does any less to be green lacking any more to be obnoxious 9 grains says so confidently It says I'm high quality I'm substantial and flavorful but I don't have to prove myself to anyone this 9 green reeds that is practically an inspirational poster I want to possess the character and depth of this non-green week you guys talking about being that 9 great we 7 try our new 9 Green Week said to me guys week average Yeah. Everybody buckle up. In the car but you're in control when you hear the click that says they're both. Until they learn more it's safe for kids buckle up a message from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and you want to put the smart in your smart speaker a serial x. Ok. Only one I can think of is 50 k. Of y. On i Heart Radio. Really counting on the great American is continuing to do other stuff or has they would simply continue the other night on Fox I'm watching and the speaker made a comment the expert on the administrative agency slashing the Congress that made the comment that every year no matter who's the president something like $3000.00 new rules are put into effect by the alphabet soup Federal Government agencies and they're simply rule making now becomes law making which is completely different to what the Founding Fathers intended what the Constitution did not intend the consequences had been unnecessary Rosen regulations that caused the American economy billions of dollars every year the constitutional separation of powers been compromised in other words. The agencies of the federal government or the state government agencies were mainly the federal government agencies are accountable to no one all the time lawsuits are filed might be years before they were compromised and you can't even begin to stop 3000 new rules going into effect and that as a consequence we Americans are going to question the legitimacy of their own government when it's completely unaccountable a good man Peter j. Wallace is written a book judicial fortitude subtitle the last chance to rein in the administrative state and Peter Wallison well. For the 1st time the Bill Cunningham Show Peter how are you I'm fine thanks Joe good to have you here couple weeks ago of course we got the 5th conservative vote on the Supreme Court Brett Kavanaugh which is a good thing in his writings in the 2nd Circuit u.s. Court of Appeals where he was for 12 years Brett Kavanaugh often knocked down the administrative state ruled by rule which is a great thing now describe to the American people what is the administrative state how does it impact our lives. Ministers of State is all the federal agencies including everything from the Treasury Department all the way down to the f.c.c. And there are hundreds of them and the way that they impact our lives is that they make a lot of rules and regulations based on statute in many cases generations old and those rules and regulations are not only plentiful that is there are many of them but they have a major effect on our lives and in the course of the book that I have written is to explain that that we have to rein them in in some way and who's we when you when you say we have to rein them in who is we. Well the American people have to rein them in and the way to do it is unfortunately the only way to do it is through the court system and that's why your point about Brett Kavanaugh having been. Confirmed to the Supreme Court is very important because I think he is the 5th vote the 5 the 5 member majority who would be interested in reining in the administrative state by cutting back on the activities and the rules that they're able to make any give me a concrete example and I think government agencies I think the f.c.c. I think the i.r.s. What you're telling me there's hundreds of government agencies bureaucrats about about 1200000 strong new every day made in offices mainly in Washington but all over the country and they have got to do something they just can't sit there and drink coffee all day so they sorting out and acting rules because they want because they have some generic piece of legislation giving them rule making powers and then they issue these $3000.00 new rules a day that must be complied with how much harm is not causing us so I think it's cause causing a lot of harm in the sense that a business is of course it creates a lot of regulations that they have to comply with compliance activities are very expensive for businesses one of the estimates that I have in the book is that each mirror it cost $2.00 trillion dollars to comply with government regulations so that 2 trillion dollars actually gets passed on to other Americans who are consumers of the of the products that these businesses produce So that's an important factor in effect 2 trillion dollars It's more than the government actually taxes either from businesses or from individuals each year so this is a very significant thing but it can be turned back how can be reduced give me hope if the. The idea here and described in the book is that the courts can step in and begin to review carefully the legislation under which all of these rules are made and very frequently. The rules are based on laws that were passed years ago 10 times generations ago and they are interpreted by the administrative agencies to give them the authority to issue all these new rules and the courts can look at that legislation again and say wait a minute you've gone too far the Congress did not give you the authority to make this rule and there are a number of examples in the book where you can see that the that the agency has gone well beyond what Congress actually authorized So if the court is willing to step in and take those steps and that's what fortitude is necessary that's what the book is called biggest accorded to they have to have the strength of character to go in and make these decisions that will turn down regulations. Of administrative agencies then we can actually begin to reduce the amount of regulation and rules that come out of Washington Peter Wallace let's go back in time to that hot summer in Philadelphia in $1787.00 article one they said the founding fathers said and we believe that the Congress the House and the Senate are the most powerful instrumentalities of government because it best reflects the will of the people in reality at least for the past 50 years it was perceived Congress' number one it was perceive the president's number 2 and a general court system is number 3 in reality number one is not the Congress one might say it's the presidency is the most powerful Number 2 is the current number 3 is the Congress the Congress is feckless foolish an irrelevant and so what would the founding fathers say if they were to. Border from 178722018 October 28th seen and then looked at the situation today one that Congress is foolish and fact less I think they would be amazed amazed but when they'd studied it for a while I think they would understand why this happened and I think the reason is that the courts have given administrative agencies not the president actually it's administrative agencies which even the president doesn't control and they've given administrative agencies so much authority by passing laws that are very very general that are sort of goals oriented laws and that gives the agencies tremendous authority to make the major decisions that they should not be making Congress should make the major decisions the agencies should only be filling in the details and and unfortunately over time because Congress has to because the courts have not stepped in to stop this Congress has been encouraged to pass these very general laws then they go home to their constituents and they say You see I saw this problem for you and when the constituent complains about some new regulation that's come out the congressman says Oh well I didn't vote for that that's the administrative agency and what the what the constituent unfortunately doesn't recognize is that the congressman has to take responsibility has to be accountable for that because the congressman did not vote the legislation that restricted the independent agency in what it was able what it was able to produce the laws were just too general and what will happen now if the court acts as I hope it will add is that they will begin to look carefully at the underlying statutes and say this you did not have this authority you know you were not given this authority by Congress so you cannot make this rule that goes beyond what Congress intended and of course one of the things came up during the. During the hearings on the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh a couple weeks ago was the fact that the United States Congress is exceedingly weak and that really because there are so weak the liberals or progressives want to use the court system do impose like legislation on we the American people because they're so unpopular whether it's gay marriage or abortion or whether similar Gratian whatever it is there are certain things that are so unpopular in America and the Congress are foolish in fact therefore they look toward the court system to be a 2nd legislature and that was never intended by anybody and fact one mind are going to go back to your original point the administrative state is more powerful than the United States Congress and might be more powerful than the most powerful branch of government is in a is the administrative state some call the deep state that have been in existence for years if not decades and what they want to do is simply outlast this president and outlast the court and continue to exist so it is the administrative state right now more powerful than the Congress I think I'm definitely it is it is making the rules that we live under and Congress were supposed to do that and there is a way to address that as I say and I think it's the courts were to step in and read the statutes as they were written by Congress they would be able to say to administrative agencies you have gone too far and to the extent that they do that we have some control over the administrative agencies and the effect of that will be to course Congress to begin to act because if what the administrative agency has done is something that the American people would like and the courts have said no you weren't given that authority by Congress the American people will then go to Congress and say we want legislation that does this if it's something they didn't like then Congress won't be pressured and the agencies will not be able to make. The rule anyway but the point is we are a democracy and in a democracy the people's views should prevail and that's not what's happening in the under the current law system and give me an example and 345 years ago Obama was saying look I'm the president I'm not the grand potentate I'm not the dictator I cannot give dreamers certain rights to be in this country because the laws against that but by the time a president a runaway president in my view Obama was a runaway president when it came to legal immigration and he just created new laws out of a sow's ear that had nothing to do with the Congress and all the time that gets up to the United States Supreme Court it takes one to 3 years even get there and in the meantime the dreamers have done what the dreamers are going to do and you may like or dislike what Obama is doing but at the president is set down through the eyes through ins the president can do anything he wants why why can't the next president do anything he wants in other words it in a substance it's the rule making ability of the administrative state that it not have been they've usurped the power of the Congress Well you're you're correct as long as the courts and I'm here's speaking principally of the Supreme Court does not act once this is the Supreme Court lays down a rule that says this. We are going to be reading statutes as they were written then it gives all kinds of people who are who would like to challenge administrative rules or even presidential decisions an opportunity to go right into the district court and get a ruling and what we have seen in the last year many times is district courts have been making rulings against the Trump ministrations and the reason they are able to do that is that the Supreme Court has not has not placed any kinds of strict limitations on what the courts can do in fact what the well. The Supreme Court has done in this so-called Chevron case essentially said to that to the courts you should defer to what the administrative agencies are. Interpreting their own law Yeah and that's of course has given them a license to do whatever they want you know I guess to stop I took home your book last night to read and on page 94 you know you have a chart beginning in 1993 which was not a long time ago I mean 25 years Clinton was in the White House doing what Clinton did to the White House but a 993 there were 4369 rules 4300 rules which you know is a lot well and 2017 the cumulative final rules published in the Federal Register is 801380 so we go from $4300.00 under Clinton 210-1300 80 and it's accelerating at the rate of $3.00 to $4000.00 new rules every year and by the time another 10 years go by it'll be 200000 rules well that's entirely possible the way things are going right now course 800101000 is a cumulative number since right since 1903 but yes it will continue to go 13004000 rooms in any year because there is no discipline on the agency's right because of this Chevron decision $184.00 and because there isn't any ruling from the Supreme Court that says Congress cannot pass to the agencies its own legislative power that's a violation of the separation of powers in our constant I want to share with the American people people one on the thought on page $95.00 you say one recent study found that the cumulative cost of regulations between 198-2012 which is what a 32 year period reduced American economic growth by over 25 percent. What you're mounts to enter will a $13000.00 per person in America annually and so this is gigantic it's use it's growing and the only entity that can truly stop it is the president can't stop it the Congress could stop it but there are fools and feckless individuals the only entity in the world that can stop it is not a state supreme court because can you imagine our economy 25 percent larger because of ridiculous rules and regulations similar to fact 101380 It's now October 28th seen I assume another 3000 rule is going to go in effect so unless Brett Kavanaugh and other 4 justices say this is unconstitutional it will continue well we've got to run and Peter j. Wallace in the book is judicial fortitude the last chance to rein in the administrative state and Peter thanks for coming on the Bill Cunningham Show and you're a great American that thank you God bless America God bless America as continue with more can you spell and I'm cooking I mean there are hundreds of government agencies mainly Federal some low local who want to get up their work and go every day to create new rules on regulating your life what you can do how much water is in your toilet we're going to light bulbs you can have the requirements of the i.r.s. E.p.a. Rules and those are just the ones we know about hundreds of other agencies get up and they report new rules in the federal registry that many industries don't even know what the rules are and then when they don't comply special interest groups sued them to get them to comply which takes away 25 percent the American economy and cost each of us tens of thousands of years dollars every year you and me it's got to stop. Let's continue with more Bill Cunningham here the great American life with you every Sunday night. Message and data rates may apply earning your degree from one of the top business schools in the country might sound impossible to fit into your workload but what if there were a business degree that further Ger career and gave you access to world renowned faculty leaders and mentors all on your schedule one that opened doors to some of the most influential C.E.O.'s tech companies law firms entrepreneurs and thought leaders and what if you could earn that degree in as little as 16 months 100 percent online to find out more text to market to 79645 that's and they are Keiichi 270-0645 start your online m.b.a. Information management or business analytics masters program from the w.p. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University today learn more about the w.p. 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Harris is here actually. Tomorrow afternoon at. 550. This immigration issue I think is going to be the October surprise that will thrust the Republicans back into the leadership of the house in the Senate most pundits Charlie Cook etc say the Senate is like a done deal Nate Silver was on this afternoon or this evening on one of the evening talk shows he said the odds of the Republicans keep in the Senate is something like 85 or 90 percent and he also said the odds of the Democrats winning back the House in something like 85 percent I don't believe that the main reason this president was elected in my viewpoint was the hordes of individuals from 3rd world countries fleeing maybe justified reasons such as violence and on doors for El Salvador Guatemala and Mexico maybe Venezuela Colombia and I understand that. Really but they're coming from those violent places on earth have you some factoid the males coming from Honduras have a violent death right of about $95.00 per 100000 compared to Jim to Japan which is 0 point $27.00 or America which is 9 per 100000 it's violent and I endorse Nicaragua El Salvador to make transit large amounts of money must be paid this is a terrible circumstance and I think tomorrow morning the coverage on the news is probably going to be negative toward Trump but I think in reality this is the October surprise that will thrust the Republicans back in charge of the House and the Senate and shocked the world just like 20162016 will be visible in 20182020 I'm confident the American people cannot be so stupid as putting individuals like Nancy Pelosi in charge of illegal alien migration into America thanks for listening Bill Cunningham live if you ever send in a. 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Migrants back on track moving north I'm in Carrick Fox News Central American migrants stream through the southern Mexico border heading toward the United States after bypassing Mexican agents who briefly blocked them at the Guatemalan border Fox's William leisure nests the actual language that will offer safe passage to the immigrants that is the headlines in the afternoon paper that we just saw a few minutes ago that is guaranteed police told the presidents of Honduras and Guatemala debut a law for them safe passage which All right police earlier today they backed down we've seen maybe 3500 cops here in the riot gear get in their buses and go away the migrants receiving help from sympathetic Mexicans such as food water clothing and rides and pickups vans and cargo trucks taking aim at Mexico's Pacific Coast Hurricane Wilma a Category 4 storm landfall is expected in west central and south western Mexico with maximum sustained winds of 145 miles per hour precipitation flash flooding storm surge and of course very very strong winds well will be impacting you know Terry your probably expect the outer reaches of the tropical storm force winds like late on later tonight early Tuesday morning hurricane specialist Dave Roberts is with the National Hurricane Center ahead of the midterms Facebook is setting up a war room at its California headquarters to take aim at fake information Fox is Claudia Cohen was in the war room we got a chance to tour this new war room which is actually a converted meeting space at Facebook's Menlo Park campus and we saw dozens of security experts and data scientists and engineers working around the clock to root out bad actors trying to mislead users about who they are and what they're doing Facebook criticized by Congress after Russian government linked operatives used the platform to bait Americans in 2016 this is Fox News. 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