Lot of people typically wearing dresses. But its not necessarily for style. Style. By wearing a dress we can hopefully raise awareness of human trafficking, not only in the rld but here locally. For 31 days, a dress a day is supposed to spark questions in an effort to educate. Educate. This is the official dressember dress. And its been working. Working. Often the response isis ivvnever heard of that and thats a great opportunity for myself to share about dressember. Dressember. People think its iowa, its a small town, a sml state, its pretty safe but theres actually a lot of trafficking victims that are taken through the state of iowa. By wearing the dresses, theyre not only taking a stand, theyre supporting an effort already in place. All the items you u e here a a mama by women, rescued from trafficking and they made these in the sewing center in nepal. Nepal. They make is so that the women can have a choice between being a prostitute or they can give them a chance to get a job, to pay them money so they earn enough money so theyve got income from themselves. Themselves. I cant always go out to the field or have tons of money to give out so just anything i can do, i would love to just step out and do it. The goal is to raise one thousand dollars for the International Justice mission. And to help fund rescue initiatives for women and children in human trafficking. Dora miller, fox 28 news. Dora thanks. Not much sun this christmas. Will that change this weekend . Weekend . Marissa scott joins us during the holidays, buying gifts for your family can add up. Fox 28 News Reporter ssffi lee shows us how one local high school is helping those who might not have a lot to spend still wake up to gifts under the tree. Tree. Austin you wanna help me get the rest of this buddy . Asas the e esents keep coming. Coming. This isnt it just hang on. Even the ones who live for piles of gifts Christmas Morning its too heavy its too heavy . Know this ndle of joy wrapped up is more than they couldve ever asked for. For. I am 125 percent happy that theyre doing it i mean the way that theyre helping really good christmas. Kennedy high schools Student Government adopted 20 veterans families for christmas to give them Financial Relief this holiday season. The Linn County Veterans Affairs provoved the veterans names so they could craft wish lists. Lists. Kind of a sad situation around christmas because of all the advertisements and expectations. But genorosisi goes a long way to transform sad situations there you go guys all thats yours too. Into meaningful and joyful moments. Moments. I was so happy that way my kids get good christstses this year. Each gift veteran justin randalls family gets to unwrap is a glimpse of hope. Hope. I probably wouldve skipped a house payment or whatever to get my kids what they could have and then try to make up the payments later on on we allllant something thats purely a want, not a need, and a lot of the vets just have needs. The students bargained within their thirteen thousand dollar budget its fun to watch them in class theyll go through the food, and even home appliances. Appliances. Toothpaste i think was one this year that really stuck out in my mind as a you dont really know what you have until you have it type of item. Showing even the smallest things help families like justins finally have what they need. Need. My familys happiness. Theres nototng more important. Steffi lee, fox 28 news. The Student Government class had fewer members this year but the donations and famimi adoptions were a aually higher. Students say this shows just how giving their community is. Turning now to williamsburg. Two kids in the corridor ar making sure that families in their area have a merry christmas. Christmas. Two years ago, joe and matty kueter noticed some kids in their class wore the same clothes to school day after day. So, they collected some of their clothes, and took them to school to the kids. Now, joe and mattys giving tree has expanded their family takes anonymous wish lists from familys ho ent sure if thehecan afford gifts for christmas. Our whole living room was almost full of toys, because heent to go see santa , and he asked santa for his favorite dump truck, got his wish, we brought him his favorite dump truck. Truck. In addition to the gifts and clothes, the family prepares and delivers special christmas meals, complete with dessert. If you got thahanew phone or gadget from santa, some people are hard at work to make sure its working after you open it. Representatives from the us cellular Customer Care center have been taking calls helping people set up their new tech toys. They say they get the most calls between 8 and 10 in the morning most likely right after all the gifts under the tree have been opened. They say they dont mind working, becacae theyre there to make sure all santas deliveries work just right. Thats one of the best things about working here is th kind of excitement really is regards to being here to helplp our customers. Whats especially exciting about today is that so many of these calls are really sharing the excitement of the customers. Customers. Reps from us cellular will be taking calls until 10 pm tonight. Fans all over the world have been flocking to theaters to see the 7th Star Wars Film the force awakens. but for one iowa fan, the wait for the new movie was especially difficult, because it is the last one hell ever see. Reporter eric hanson has his story. Story. For patients, one night in the icu is o o night too o many. This is the worst time of their lives. The guy in room 5 only knows hes somewhere in the triple digits. Its genetic disease that i possess. Shawn normananisis8. He was a kid when Doctors First said noonan syndrome. It can make you tired, it can make you death. Its all heartrelated, its very complicated, its not very well known. Other than you spend a lot of time, dreaming what youd do when you get out of the iccoh. Shawns mom couldnt single handedly grant his first wish electing donald trump. But a couple paramedics helped her with another. Busting him out, right past the white board where his big goal still read. get out of here to see star wars. thats kinda been a goal of his, every time starts feeling down, or w wtever we point at the board and say hey, we gotta get out, we got a couple more days, were getting close. Saturday morning, just after sunrise ill see you there ok . Shawn got a chauffeured ambulance riri to ankenys springwood 9 where theyd reserved one entire theater for the guy who was living, it seemed, to see this movie. Star wars was his anchor, his driviv his gotta bed adjusted in the aisle and 26 loved ones around him im thankfkf. The curtain rose and the coming attractions started. Which hurt. It does, it does. Because shawn had made it clear. This movie would be his st. So thats what were doing, thats his wish, to go home, hes tired of being poked and prodded,he just wants to go home. By the time his fafa flickered with the return of his favorite characteri like han. The hospice nurse by his side had already officially taken over. They were telling themselves this is what he wants. Its tough but i have to fulfill his wish, i have to. For 2 hours and 16 minutes, the guy whos s alrerey decided to donate his body to science soaked in every frame. Were everybody gets to do that. Once the lights came up, the guy on the stretcher was so exhausted, he mustered only a twoword reviewnot bad. And a few, final hugs. Ok, shall we get you home . All right, lets get you home. Where the guy whos only 28 wants his story to end. Its his call. In the days since his final movie, shawn has been reing comfortably atatome and was even able to enjoy christmas today. Still to come on the fox 28 news at nine. Nine. Hear the president s christmas message to the nation, as he heads into his final year in office, and look at one Campaign Promise hes still trying to complete. President my moms name is irene, and she has alzheimers. Adult daycare costs so much, i have to take my mom to work with me. Eventually shell requi aroundtheclock care. I worry about what the next step is. So i met Hillary Clinton. I could tell that she was moved by my story. Because she teared up. Being able to pay for daycare. To know that my mom is safe while i work so that i can continue to support us. Hillary clinton has proposed real things that could help us. Be sure to join us monday at 7 on fox 28 morning live. After all of the holiday goodies, people are looking to get back on the healthy track. Some ideas on how technology can help. Thats monday on fox 28 morning live. Obama is spending the chririmas hohoday with familyly in hawaii. Before leaving washington the president and first lady recorded a christmas message for the nation. Nation. So on behald of malia, sasha, bo, sunny, grandma a d everyone here at the white house, merry christmas. May god bless our troops and our families, and may god bless the year ahead. The year ahead includes the last full year of president obamas time in office. From day one, the president wanted to close the terror prison at guantanamo bay. Nono seven years later, hes stillll working to accomplish that Campaign Promise. Promise. Fox 28 News National correspondent jeff barnd has more in this safe and secure report. Report. For 13 yearsrsthe detention facility at gitmo has housed suspected terrorists with ties to alqaeda and the taliban. Mr. Obamas plan to release 17 inmates in january would reduce the inmate population there to 90. And it brings the president closer to his goal of closing the Detention Center in the final year of his presidency. Im presenting a plan to congress about how we can close guantanamo. Im not going to automatically assume that Congress Says no. If congress does say noa the president may act unilaterally to close the its fair to say theres going to be significant resistance from some quarters to that. And in wake of this months terrorist attackn california and a heightened state of alert worldwidea some critics think the president s announcement is illtimed. I think he cares too much about the self consistancy of his own campaign pledges. Thats not real the with ty issues that we have in the world, and in the country. I guess the record we have of the prisoners that have been released, i would be releltant to move forward d with that plan at this point. That record congressman newhouse refers to is inmates returning to the battlefielda the president says its too costly to keep gitmo open for less than 100inmates. And hes proposing to move some of those detainees to detention lockups statesidea but critics have long blamed the obama and Bush Administration s for simply holding these indefinatelya and not bringing the detainees to trial. To me thats insane. Why on earth did we even capture these people if were going to hold them for ten years and just let them go . A lilily debate thats certainin to greet the president early in the new year. On capitol hilla im jeff barnd. Sanders over 2 milllln contributions have been made to the only campaign you cant level the Playing Field with wall street banks and billionaires by taking their money. Im bernie sanders, and i approve this message. Jeb bush donald, you know, is great at the oneliners. But hes a chaos candidate. And hed be a chaos president. Two months ago, donald trump said donald trump let syria and isis fight. Why are w. Why do we care . Let isis and jeb bush he said that Hillary Clinton donald trump hillarys always rrounded herself withthery good people. I think hillary would do a good job. Jeb bush and he gets his Foreign Policy experience from the shows. Chuck todd who do you talk to for military advice right now . Donald trump well, i watcthe shows. I mean, i really see a lot of great, you know, whenenou watch your show and all of the other shows. Jeb bush i dont know if thats saturday morning, or sunday morning. Donald, youre not going to be able to insult your way to the presidency. Thats not going to happen. Ififm president , ill b ba commanderinchief, not an agitatorinchief or a dividerinchief. That i will lead this country in a way that will create greater security and greater safety. Announcer right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message. E. By taking their money. Still to come on the fox 28 news at nine. Nine. A few things you need to keep in mind when packing away all those leftovers for later. Later. And later, well show you some local groups who made sure everyone got a hot meal when the fox 28 news at most family gatherings this t te of year come with a big meal too big in fact. That means plenty of leftovers to get you to the new year. Year. And that tops tonights to your health report. Report. There are some steps you need to remember to make all that food last as long as possible. First, get it back in the fridge as soon as possible. Dont let it sit out for more than two hours. Put yoururood in airtighgh containers. Because air fuels the bacteria so you want to keep that air out. Also, make sure your fridge is kept below 40 degrees. And when its time to reheat the leftovers, the same temperature rules apply as when you first cooked it. Finally, no matter what you do, its best to finish up your leftovers in about three to four days. Heres a bit of hopeful news about curbing your apetite. A hormone produced by the liver might influence your desire to eat sugar and drink alcohol. Researchers studying mice and monkeys found the hormone more research is needed to determine how mood also affects cravings. Illnesses are a sometimes tough to avoid, especially this time of year. Yearthats because all the holiday gatherings help to spread colds and the dreaded flu. The best way to prevent getting sick is to avoid close contact whenever possible. Wash your hands often and cover your mouth when you sneeee or cough. Most important of all, if youre already fighting a bug, stay home to keep everyone else from getting sick. Still to come on the fox 28 news at ninene nine. Whats a holiday without a holiday meal. Well take you to one event to make sure everyone has a hot dish. Dish. And later, its a working holiday for the uni panthers as they fight it out again in hawaii. Highlights when the holiest days of the christian calendar, the man charged with leading millions relayed a message of peace, humility and charity. Tens of thousands packed saint Peters Square for Pope Franciss traditional christmas message to the world. He condemned brutal acts of terrorism, and prayed for an end to war and human suffering. Specifically, he mentioned the syrian refugee crisisisbut, he also offered hope on this Christmas Day. The grace of god can convert hearts and offer mankind a way out of humanly insoluble situations. Situations. The pope also spoke of those closest to his heart, the poor and disadvantaged. Many took the popes message to heart in fact, the Catholic Charity y eds over 200,000 Homeless People on Christmas Day. A lot of gifts are being given this holiday. Some though, arent coming from under the tree. As fox 28 News Reporter found today, some gave the gift of a Christmas Day meal. Meal. A lot of people are spending time in their kitchens today preparing meals for their family. Well here in iowa city, groups of volunteers have prepared a meal for anyone who wants to come. This probably looks a lot like your family kitchen Christmas Day. Busy gravy man stirring tinkthis one is esescially busy. Feeding a holiday meal to 200 guests. Sweet potatoes, weve got ham, mashed potatoes, cranberries, dressing thats the good stufuf takes bite all e fixings. Oh yeah and dont forget dessert. Weve got pumpkin, weve got apple. The Free Lunch Program serves food monday through saturday at noon. But organizers start about a momoh ahead of time gathering what they need for the annual Christmas Eve and Christmas Day meals. Then 60 volunteers worked in shifts to make it come togetherthey could sign up for what they wanted to do, ich was either preparation or serving or the gift room. What they work to give, organizers say some may not have had this Christmas Day. My goal is to make sure these people have a good meal and they have some type of holiday cheer. They get to somehow celebrate the holiday. Its very important. The gifts of a holiday meal and fellowship. Merry christmas to everybodyFree Lunch Program organizers say they welcome any donations of food, money or your time. If you would likemore information on how to do that, just go to our r website, fox 28 iowa dot com and click on this story. Covering the corridor in iowa city, mellaney moore, fox 28 news. Tis the season of giving and the Nonprofit Mission of hope did just that. That. The charity opened its doors to give a warm meal to anybody who needed it. But today was actually the first time mission of hope cooked for folks on Christmas Day. Volunteers we caught up with say its worth givininup some time on christmas with their families to give back. Needed for everybody and without hope, what is there . There . In total, one hundred and eightyfive people were fed. If you didnt get the White Christmas you were hoping for, you might not have totowait long to at least see some snow. Snow. Marissa scott has more the coming year will bring with it some Big Decisions by ththSupreme Court. Not only will they impact almost every american, but they could change the shape of the campaign for president. Fox 28 News National correspondent jeff barnd explains. Explains. Nine people took the main stage at the last republican president ial debate of 2015. But could these nine people make an even bigger impact on the nexexgeneral election . Theres a way to put a popular imprint on the federal judiciary. Its not by impeaching judges or that sort of thing. Its by president ial electionsa to the extent people will actually think ababt the ccrt as opposed to terrorism, the economy, or you name ita depends a little on what the decisions are next june. Some of the decisions include cases on affirmative action, redistricting, abortion, and another challenge to the affordrdle care act. All have Major Political implications for both democrats and at the court and think its a political body, not a body thats actually interpreting the constitution. Both sides have accused the court of politics in reaction to recent decisions. This year, republicans in particular including president ial candidates bashed d e court for its decisions upholding the Affordable Care acta and striking down laws against samesex marriage. It just seems as though they were a more liberal court. But perhaps most important, is the issusuof appointments to the courta four of the Current Supreme Court justices are more than 75 years old. That means the next president could nominate multiple people to the bench. One of the big needs in voting next year, is to vote for a president wholl continue to make good appointments to the Supreme Court. So far, the judiciary ranks low in voter issues pollsa well behind the economy and terrorisma the social issues the court will decide ona rank highera which leaves hope for some politicians, that voters will make that connection is going to be very important that americans understand that, that who sits on that Supreme Court in the future is going to determine a lot of the ways that we live. In washingtona im jeff barnd reportinga and coming up in sports. Sports. A Hawaiian Christmas for the uni panthers how they fared in honolulu today plus. Plus. Holiday hoops could chicago o t back o otrack . Hunger tell no one. 5 30 jazzercise. 2 30. How about some uni basketball in hawaii . Hawaii . Panthers, taking on by u. Told you the grinch was involved tough first half for the panthehe paul jespersoso with the three to cut the lead to ten 3828 at the half. But uni hotter than chestnuts on the open fire to start the second, Klint Carlson there. Next up, Jeremy Morgan for three put that in your stockingcuts the cougar lead to three. But chase fischer unconcious for byu keep the change ya filthy animal he led all scorers with 26 points. Uni able to put a dent into the lead late, washpun steal goes to matt bohannon. Drops another three he finished with twenty one but still not enough as uni falls 84 76. And wrap up their time in hawaii with a record of 1 home this week h hting bradley before mvc play begins in the new year. Final of the hawaii diamond classic iowa state fans, this one probably of interest to you number three oklahoma of e big tweleve conference went on a 17to2 run to begin the second half. It came without it came without ribbons, it came withououtags, it came without packages, boxes or bags but it did certainly come with plenty of basketball and the Chicago Bulls featured in one of five nba games on Christmas Day. Jimmy y tler and company y down in oklahoma city. And on fire in the first half, butler at the buzzer. Is that even legal . More air on that one than santas sleigh. 26 at half. F. But t kevin durant can never be counted out. He says anything you can do. I can do just as fine. The thunder mounted a comeback. But there was no stopping the big guy in d and im not tataing low. Bulls win 10596. On steph, on klay, on harrison, iggy and dray . Warriors hosting the cavs. Out to the early lead, and steph doing what steph does splash would exit the game briefly with injury. And lebron james took advantage, ties the ball game. Proving theres room for everyone on ntas nice list. But golden state stormed back especially Draymond Green have yourself a merry Little Christmas he had 22 warriors win the finals rematch 8983 speaking of los angeles. Angeles. Santa not the only one who took flight last night the hawks in pasadena and back to business. All thth and praised as one of americas best mayors who governed as a pragmatist. Bebeie sanders passed more amendments in a Republican Congress than any other member. Cracked the gridlock with john mccain to strengthen veterans healthcare. Bernie sanders. Building a future to believe in. For bowl games, and unless youve been living under a rock. You know the hawkeyes received quite the early ristmas gift an invitation to the 2015 rose bowl. Coach ferentz and the hawks touched down in Southern California yesterday and pected to get right to work preparing for its game against stanford one week from today. Captain kirk told the media earlier this week that its actually bad luck to nottt practice over the holiday. So as far as todays itinerary es. Christmas . Its actually like a wednesday of practice for us ho, ho, ho . We will celebrate christmas as a team that evening. The nice thing is were all going to be together. Thats our fafaly is time around. Aroundndyou do football with interesting but. Id rather be with my football family than back home on christmas. Big weekend ahead in the n fl, as the vikings and Green Bay Packers neckinneck for the nfc north title. Aaron rgers and the packers with no small task in the alreadyppyoff bound arizona cardinals. But all smiles in green bay its the most wonderful time of the year, after all. think its a big dose of positive reality my goodness. Just the energy ininhe meetings. Christmas music is playing throughout. Its the way its supposed to be. Those types of things really make you dial in and focus. I think its clearly a big jolt of positive energy that i think everybody is blessed to have. Meanwhile in the afc, the chiefs looking to punch their ticket to the playoffs for the First Time Since 2013. 2013. Theyll be at including this weekend against the 3and11 browns but dont ttnk andy reid d d kc are overlooking this one youre not done here. Id say we just broke. 500 but weve still gotta take care of busisiss here sosoeally nothing has been accomplished at this point until we get ourselves ready for cleveland. cleveland. you know arrowhead, to have the home field advatnage, to have our fans behind us is awesome. We got ththbest fans in the country so to come home and be here for these last two will be fun. The bears eliminated from playoff contention but head down to tampa this weekend to faceceormer ad coach lovie smith and the bucs. Its been two years since he left chicago, but lovie proving to still be pretty popular with the bears players. Whahayou see is what you get with lovie and hes a players coach like youve heard from everybody as well. Hes obviously the coach that was ill always have respect for coach lovie. Lovie. Hes been playing that same defense forever. He sees everything before it happens. We know weve got a tough road ahead of this week but we feel like we have the personnel. Thats a check of sports were back with more after this. This. Hello. Im mark hyman. A chainsaw is a valuable toto in cutting down trere. But using it the wrong way could case serious injury. Or death. Misusing any tool can have negative consequences. Profiling is a valuable tool in i ielligence and law enforcement. Unfortunately, it has been abused. Some Police Officers have stopped motorists for dwb. Driving while black. This unconstitutional. But dont end profiling because some have abused it. Emerging evidence suggests antiterrorism officials overlooked or perhaps ignored warning signs regarding ththSan Bernardino husband and wife terror team. The man brought home from saudi arabia a woman who was essentially an internet bride. Us officials approved her visa in spite of giving a fake address and posting social media comments favorable toward violent islamic jihad. She also had ties to a radical cleric. And a notorious mosque. Saudi arabia and her birth country,. Pakikian,. Have e th produced countless islamic jihadists. All of these are clear warning signs. Yet there are suggestions federal authorities avoid any behavior that might be considered profiling g muslims. So they ignore obvious warning signs of those most likely to engage in violent islamic jihad. Or they go to the other extreme and treat everyone as if they e about to blowup an entire terrorscreening process bloated,. Unmanageable. And ineffective. Ofiling might have prevented the San Bernardino terror attack. To comment, go to behind the tonight, by now youve heard about Steve Harveys disasterous night hosting the Miss Universe pageant earlier this week. He called out the wrong finalili as the winner, king for a very awkward moment when the crown was taken away from the runner up. After days of social media jokes and memes, harvey responded with his own message. Message. He posted this picture with a caption making an intentional mistake this time, thanks for happy holidays panther fans today we take a look back at 2015 in our annual panther sports talk year in review show. We spotlight the Award Winning student athletes on the Football Team who the team to the fcs

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