Murdered in early september. The whole situation is just unbelievle. Angela and many others knew victims raymond d sharon. A lot of times they both put a smile on your face. He nevevecaused problems, never hurt nobody and for his life to be taken the way it was, its not acceptable. They say their murders highlight a bigger problem. Its not just cr, its everywhere. Cr h h a big problem with homelessness because its so expensive, so expensive for a place to live. You cant just put mebody in a shelter r 30 days and then kick them out, if you train them, givevethem job skills, theyre going to succeed. But they say the stigma of homelessness has stopped the help from coming. A lot of these Homeless People out here, theyre not on probation, theyre not on parole, theyre nonocriminals. Some people have hatred towards people that are homeless and its just not right, its really not. So to survive, they say they have to stick together. They help ea other out, they provide any resources to each other that they might have, they are in numbers. Its been hard, it has because i see everybody struggling every day. This winter, the Catherine Mcauley center says they have an overflow shelter program. So when temperatures get too low, people have a place to stay. Covering the corridor in cedar rapids, Dora Miller Fox 28 news dora thanks. Still no word tonight on what started a deadly fire in cedar rapids. Rapids. Firefighters responded to the Grand View Village mobile homemeark near the intersection of wilson avenue and west post road southwest around 715 last night. First responders broke into the partially engulfed home, but the woman inside was already dead. The victims name has not been released. An autopsy by the state medical examiner this week will confirm the womans identity and her exact cause of death. Police in iowa city are asking for your helelafter an earlyly morning robbery. Robbery. It happened at the mcdonalds on lower muscatine road around 4 30 this morning. Walked into the restaurant demanding money. Its unclear whwhher a weapon was used, but nobody was hurt. If you have any information about this case, call iowa city Crime Stoppers at 358tips. Turning now to waterloo where fox 28 news is learning n n details. Details. About a weekend stabbing. Authorities found the victim, Mckenzie Scarborough on riehl street at about four45 yesterday afternoon. Afternoon. Officers caught up with t t suspspt, chel berger a few hours later. They believe a fight led to the stabbing. Berger faces several charges tonight and is being held in the Black Hawk County jail. Applications are now open for a new confidenenality program in iowa, aimed at assisting survivors of domestic violence, sexual abuse and human trafficking. Trafficking. The program is about helping victims of violence become survivors. Iowa is joioing 3333ther states that already have the program. Organizers say its the best way to get victims out of launch of the program is set for january first. Some of you may be launching your Holiday Travel plans right now. Now. If you are hitting the road in the next day or two, you probably want to know if the weather will cooperate. Cooperate. Jtin roberts in tonight t r chief meteorologist a new monument is being built to honor eastern iowas heroes. Heroes. The purple heart memorial will be built in the front of the eastern Iowa Veterans park ne kingston stadium. As of right now, onepointeightmillion americans have received purple hearts. It is just one way of honoring men and women who have made incredible sacrifices defending our country. These are men and women going back to 1782, that have earned the purple heart, and its just such an honor to work on the monument will be dedicated memorial day next year. For more than 14 years now, america has been fighting a war in afghanistan. Afghanistan. We were reminded of that today when we learned six soldiers, including at least one american, were killed in a suicide attack. The taliban is claiming respsibility. There are more than ninethousand us forces still serving in afghanistan 14 years after the taliban was removed from power. Nearly three weeks ago, terror hit home in sav bernardino when a husband and wife opened fire on a holiliy party, killing 14. 14. Today, a man who knew the couple and bought the rifles used in that attack appeared in court. Court. Enrique marquez went before a judge for a detention hearing. Marquez is charged with buying the rifles for syed farood and Tashfeen Malik so they could avoid a background check. Hes not arged with the San Bernardino attack, but is acacsed of pptting otherer attatas that were not carried set for next month. From california to paris, isis has managed to create a culture of fear in the us and the rest of the western world. World. Much of the growth of isis is credited to its use of social media. Media. Its a battleground experts tell fox 28 news that the us is not effective in fighting back. Now a former official with the state department lays out his analysis of americas digital fight in the war on terror. National correspondent Kristine Frazao has more now nowin this fox 28 news exclusive. Exclusive. E. On the ground. There have been some victories but plenty of failed missions for the islamic state. But what theyve achievev online is unprecedented, says ambassador alberto fernandez. Would you say theyre winning their war onlinethey have been extraordinarily successful in radicaliling a comomtted mobilized a committed of mlims. In his last job, fernandez was on the front lines of this fight a top official at the state online. But when he and his team asked for more resources, he says they were ignored by the obama administratatn. You never r d the support that you needed to do this by the time that isis rose they went basically from ignoring to panicking. He says his team managed six twitter accounts to try to fight the messaging. Meanwhile isis had 40 thousand twitter accounts and was rapidly gaining followers and fame, mamaers of manipulating the news cycle. Using click bait, being outrageous, you know they are the kardashians of terrorist groups , they are the trump of terrorist groups. Fernandez says the delayed response by the white house gave isis space to create a brand and make potential recruits believe the cause was a worthy one. The specific circumstances that led to the specific rise of isis as we know it today are linked to decisions made in this administration. From ignoring to panicking, where today . I believe actually direction. Ambassador fernandez says president obama now seems to better understand the threat of isis but more aggressive action back in 2011 could have slowed or even stopped isis social Media Campaign in its tracksin washington im kf reporting. Esident obamamaoday said that his administration likely quote fumbled how it addressed the threat from isis to the public. But he also said that doesnt mean his military strategy in flawed. The fht ainst error was just one of the topics covered in an interview with npr. It also featured talk about the race for president. President. And that kicks off tonights ote 2016 coverage. Coverage. President obama accused somemerepublican n candidates of playing into the irrational fears of some americans. And, at one point, even called out frontrunner donald trump by name. Anger, frustration, fear. Some of it justified but just misdirected. I think somebody like mr. Trump is taking advantage of that. Thats what hes exploiting during the course of his campaign. Campaign. The president said candidates from both parties would do the country a Greater Service by offering cocorete and thought out plans. He highlighted senator Lindsey Grahams plan to fight isis, even if he doesnt agree with it. But that strategy didnt work for senator graham. Today he dropped out of the race for president. President. Graham never earned enough support to make it to the top tier of candidates, despite a strong resume in Foreign Policy and national defense. After making his announcement, graham called on frontrununr donald trump to get serious and Start Talking about policies that will actually work. The Republican Party future may be in your hands. But, the future of the country will be in your hands if f ure president of the united show. This is not a reality show. The reason i know that is ive been over there enough to know what it costs to defend this nation. Nation. Later, graham said that no matter who gets the nomination, he will support the man or woman selected to represent the gop in the race for the white house. Another republican struggling to get traction in the race for the partys nomination came to cedar rapids tonight. Tonight. Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee spoke at a faith and Freedom Coalition fundraiser in swisher. Unlike fellow republican, ben carson, who was critical of the chance that republicans have a brokered Convention Next summer, huckabee says its a good thing for the party. So for all the talk and even the handringing, i think of like the fact that republicans are going to baskinrobins and democrats basically go in and they get one flavor and they better like it because thas all they got. Got. He says he isnt worried that the nominee will be determined behind closed doors because there is so much candidates who challenge the establishment. On the democratic side, Hillary Clinton will be back in eastern iowa tomorrow. The former secretary of state is making good on a promise to visit keota high school. Three students used social media to get the candidate to bring her message to the keokuk county school. Bernie sanders is also campaigning in iowa. He will wrap a threeday swing through the state on wednesday. Congressman Dave Loebsack is using this week to encourage iowans to give back. Back. When i see what i iactually happening on the ground that helps me to be an advocate for what i see today. For the folks who are in fact food insecure and cannot afford the food that they need and can only be helped here at a placac likekehis. This. Its all apart of the congressmans acts of kidness program. Loebsack spent the day volunteering at the counity pantry in nortp liberty and at the Crisis Center ininohnson counun. Loebsackckill visit other food pantries and Community Support centers through out the state. Hes scheduled to be in davenport when it comes to volunteering iowa is among the e st in the country. According to volunteering and civic life in american, more then 800 thousand iowans donated more then 70million hours in 2014. All that time ranked the state number 10. Here in the corridor, the cedar rapids metro was ranked fifth among midsize cities in the country. In all, americans volunteered for nearly eightbillion hours last yeaea still to come tonight on the fox 28 news at nine. Nine. Weve got just a few days to go before christmas. That means theres time to tell you about another unique display of christmas in the corridor just a short drive away. All this month, praised as one of americas best mayors who governed as a pragmatist. Rnie sanders passed more amendments in a Republican Congress than any other member. Cracked the gridlock with john mccain to strengthen veterans healthcare. Bernie sanders. A consistent, prinpled, and effective leader. Building a future to believe in. Tune in tomorrow at seven on fox 28 morng live. Christmas is just four days away, and were enjoyiyi some of the holidays best treats treatshyvee joins us with some more cookie lessons. Thats tomorrow on fox 28 morning live. Tomorrow on were taking you to some dazzling light displays as well as quaint villages that remind us all of christmas past. Past. Tonight, fox 28 News Reporter matt hammill explores an area thats all about tradition as we celebrate christmas in the corridor. Corridor. Czech music 4 seconds they are decking the grand halls in the village and in the czech and Slovak Museumthe majestic Christmas Tree soars to the ornaments its like a magnet for people to coe to and we see people all Christmas Season long taking family pictures in front of it the decorations of del mills compliment a classic colltion of toys from your childhooda traditional slvak Christmas Tree with incredible intricately woven wheat hangings and a wall of glittering glass blown hand painted ornaments from the czech republic. Stefanie cone sasa its a mix of beauty and old world. There are ornaments that look like ginger break cakes because thats very traditional way to decorate in the czech and slovak republics with fruit. Nuts. Cookies. Straw ornaments. Very home made and down to earth. Buzzzzzzzzz but the stars of the show can be found in window wonderland on 16th avenue. If they look familiar youre probably north of forty. These guys were in killians department store. Santa and mrmr claus s d the elves made toys in killians window for decades and by the time they came to the museum they were feeling their age. You dont look up elf motor on the internet engineer elf f grant smith and his crew brought them back to life made parts borrowed parts to create what he calls six Million Dollar man elves that passers by love. Grant smith czech and Slovak Museum look its the guy sawing the board and its santa claus checking his list and so on. Its just how they remember it and thats really how we want to ep it. Just part of a holiday feeling unique to the czech village. It seems like christmas used to be when some of us were children or younger its not the same as the glitzy mall kind of christmas it is more nostalgic feeling to me. Celebrating christmas in the just ahead on the fox 28 news at nine. Nine. Before santa makes his big journey, thousands of iowans will make their own. What leaders want you to remember so that your final destination doesnt turn into a trip to the hospital hospitaland a new source for a lifesaving donation. The major rule change that could provide a boost to the nations blood supply when the fox 28 news at nine continues. After a 32year ban, gay men in the United States can now donate blood. Blood. That ban first went into effect at the height of the aids scare in the early 80s. 80s. And that tops tonights to your health report. Port. After r ars of lobbying, the food and Drug Administration formally lifted that ban. But there are still restctions. Gay men still cannot give blood if theyve had sexual contact with another man in the past 12 months. Despite making the change today, it could take months for blood banks to update their policies and procedures the holidays are upon us, but ats not an excxce to veve from your diet. With a little thought and preparation, you can eat the treats you want without breaking your health habits. Habits. Its all about balance. So how can you make that happen. Dieticians say one way is to prepare lighter meals in between the family gatherings. You want to focus on foods that are naturally low in fat and high in fiber like vegetables, whole grains and beans. Beans. Another tip totocut down on calories. Refill your cocktails. A popular prescription sleep aid could have another, significant use. Use. Researchers at stanford found that mice treated with ambien had a better recovery from stroke. Doctors found that very low doses of the sleep aid enhanced nerve cell signaling. The studys authors say more tests are needed before they try the same method on humans. An extra special Holiday Season for hawkeye fans. Fans. Next on the fox 28 news at nine, what you need to know youre following up christmas with a trip to the rose bowl. Bowl. And later, a trip to the top of newest tower that will reshape the cedar rapi skyline when the fox 28 wo insult your way to the presidency. Thats not going to happen. applause announcer one candidate tough enough to take on isis. Jeb will destroy isis. And keep america safe. Jeb bush the United States should not delay in leading a Global Coalition to take out isis w wh overwhelming force. Announcer tested and proven leadership matters. Jeb bush. Right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message. Signs that drive home a serious message through humor. Imimrtant with millions hitting the highways this holiday week. More than 300 people have died in traffic crashes here in iowa so far this year. Year. Its a number that safety officials dont want to see go any higher over the holidays. Fox 28 News Reporter Mellaney Moore hit the road today to talk to those pushing this important message. Message. Theyre definitely getting busieriowans are taking to the roadadfor lala minute gifts or going to see family this time of year. The iowa state patrol says traffic can double and even triple certain times of the day. There will be people traveling all this week. I already see a spike in cars. Conrad advises drivers to make sure their car is ready to travel. Have everything you need just in case you were to get stranded on your way to see family. Let th know when you are going to leave and when youre going to arrive, then they haveven idea. Conrad says if you leave late, understand youre going to be late. He says dont try to make up for the time by speeding. The iowa dot says speeding along with distracted driving and not wearing a to traffic related deaths. One of the goals of those message mondays with the fatality count on iis to do just what happens to you, it kind of reminds you that thehenumbers are going upupmaybe you start to wonder about what can i do to help make my own drive safer . State road officials ask drivers to please be careful and responsible on the roads. Make sure you can celebrate the holidays with your family and make it home fely. When you are out there and everything is going great and youve had the best day of your life, it can change in a fraction of a second if youre not paying attention, if youre not prepared. Conrad says the worst part of his job is giving a death notification. Having to look at them and tell them their loved one is never comg home again is by far the worst thing. The dot says so far the numbers are a bit lower than last year and they are doing everything they can to improve safety. They say they want your help in having zero fatalities. Covering the corridor in cedar rapids, Mellaney Moore fox 28 news. Include a trip back in time at the pump. Pump. Gas buddy dot com reports prices fell another nickel last week across iowa t tan average of 195 a gallon. Thats more than 30cents a gallon lower than this time last year. With no significant changes in the oil market seen in the near future, experts nt see a a dden spike coming anytime soon. Driving on interstate 380 through downtown cedar rapids youve likely no structural beam was hoisted into place at t t brand new crst center, officially topping out the new eleven storey, 37Million Dollar project. Construction workers even strapped a gopro camera onto the beam to capture the event. Those volved with the project took a moment to sign the beam forever adding their names to the project. One of the more fun things we can do as builders is occasionally look k these interim steps. S. The interim step here is to essentially to put the last piece of steel beam in place. Its a chance sign off on a successful start to our project. Project. The building is expepeed to be complete byby this summer. We are just about as far away as we can get from summer right now. Now. Tomorrow is the first full day of winter without any snow already on the ground. Will our mild pattern continue into christmas . Christmas . Justin roberts is in tonight for chief meteorologist justin thahas. University of iowa students are enjoying their winter break now, but those living oncampus will need to leave one item home when they return next year. Year. The housing and Dining Department is nning hoverboards from being kept, or used, in University Dining halls. Its in response to concerns over fires that have been erupting from the devices batteries. The Eastern Iowa Airport is staying busy but its not just for Holiday Travel. Travel. Theres a lot of work and plans for some early fun going on to get everybody excited to see the hawkeyes take on the stanford cardinals. Fox 28 News Reporter steffi lee shows us what theyre doing to make sure your travels go smoothly. Smoothly. The Eastern Iowa Airport is reminding people to come at least two hours earlier because thehere preparing for at least three thousand charter passengers to go see the grand daddy of them all. All. After more than twenty years. Years. Its excitingthe time is here. Here. And its a rose bowl celebration at the Eastern Iowa Airport with staff hustling to prepare for thirteen charter flights venturininwest next uesd morning. Morning. The typical mistake for most people is they push the time, right . You leave the traffic snarl. The earliest flight leaves at 5 a. M. And the latest at 8 30 p. M. With one more charter flight leaving next wednesday. Wednesday. Go into the west end of the building, some of the areas under construction right now, well be opening up passengers can expe two tsa lines, and even overflow parking. City of pasadena officials also hope youll leave certain things at home for safety. gfx that includes no drones, selfie sticks, or umbrellas near the rose parade or stadium. But the fun begins for all even before flights touch down in sunny pasadena. Pasadena. Were going to be rolling out a turf field thats all going to be painted up and look like a hawkeye football field. And you wont have to be afraid of going hungry in the sky. Sky. Our restaurant and our bar area well have additional offeringsbecause the eastetn iowa airport knows its aboututpreparing for the hawkeyesnatto dominate the stanford cardinals cardinalsat the end, hey its a celeation of a great season. Airport says the last time theyve prepared for this much traffic to come through was in 20022003 when the hawkeyes were headed to the orange bowl. Covering the corridor in cr, steffi lee, fox 28 news. Fox 28 news will have complete coverage of the big game. Be sure to tune in all next week for special reports from zach hanley and kevin barry. And dont miss our 30minute special which will air new years eve at 6 30 on our sister station, cbs 2. And new years day at 7 30 am right here on fox 28. And coming up in sports marcus paige injured again what happened to e marion native and how serious is it plus why Nicholas Baer isnt your average bear for the hawkeyes the honor the freshman took home from the november 30th its been an up and down road trip for ben jacobson and the panthers uni started it with a loss, then won then lost and then beat the 5th ranked team in the nation in what was bascially a home game for iowa state now the panthers travel to hawaii for the diamondhead classic where theyll play three games in three days and thankso saturdays win in des moines uni will be ready for anototr road vironment. I think thats good for this team that we took a step forward and its certainly going to help us as we go to hawaii. The plan ride is shorter right . But more importantly just playing better in a road environment from an atomosphre standpoint than we did against the last faced. Jor part of the panthers win saturday at the big 4 classic wes wasphun the senior guard dropped in a career high 28 points dished out a career high 11 assists grabbed 7 rebounds, and had 2 steals he was by far the best player on thth court and for that, the former washington warrior was named the valleys player of the week for the second time this seaosn. Speaking of honors the big 10 named Nicholas Baer the conferences fresesan of the week and for gogo reason with Jarrod Uthoff in foul trouble, baer came off the bench and propelled iowa to a win over drake the bettendorf native finished with 13 points, 7 rebounds and 6 blocks in a career high h 30 minutes proving hes not your average bear. You say to play in the big 10 i have to be big anstrong, but you have to have game. And what hes got is hes got a me. He can play in and out, he can play fast, he can play half court, i mean thats a guy that knows how to play. Thats a winning play. You know obviously weare going to at somomoint, okay, i think thats safe to say. Its also safe to say that theres no need to hit the panic button in ames y the cyclones lost, but its their first loss of the season the good news for the clones they dont have time to think about it because theyre back on the Court Tuesday for their first true road game of the season against cinnnati team whos no push over so moving forward, the for steve prohm is Pretty Simple we have to get iowa state better and so. Because its always about the next game. You know well go there and play a very good team, its going to be a hostile environment, but thats good for us because we havent played a true road game y. Weve played a lot of ntral games, home games, but its good for us to get on the road and test our characteteas we go into big 12 play. Play. The cyclones dropped in both polls with the loss to uni iowa state fell 6 spots to sit11th in the latest ap poll and 7 spots in the iowa and iowa are recieving votes in both polls. Marcus paige and North Carolina hosting appalachian statethe marion native is known for his scoring b he can play d too check ouou paige climbing the latter for the block but as he lands he injuries his ankle paige would leave the game for a while but hed come backn and do this a quite night for the preseason allamerican just 9 points in 17 minutes due to the ankle that the team is calling jammed carolina won by 24. Sikce their season opening loss to waukeke the kennedy Girls Basketball team has being rolling the cougars havent loss in nearly a month tonights their final game before holiday and the am s beliving belivingkennedy hosting fairfield now if you look closely the cougugs have christmas socks on and tony vis is doning a christmas tie Carly Langhurst with the miseltoe moonball she knocks the triple down kennedy jumped out ta 9 nothing leadand they were in the spirit of giving as well Linden Runels running pass layla sellers banks it home for two of her 13 points then later in the quarter sydney hayden dials s Long Distance and connects she had a game high 18 kennedy crusies 77 to 34 the final. And still to come on fox 28 David Johnson was running wild on sunday while the cardinals dont look at the former panther as a rookie anymore more sports after anncr when the attacks come here. The person behind this desk will have to protect your family. Will he be impulsive and reckless, like donald trump . Will he have voted to dramatically weaken counterterrorism surveillance, like ted cruz . Will he have skipped crucial National Security hearings and votes just to mpaign, like marco rubio . 27 generals and admirals support jeb bush. Because jeb has the experience and knowledge to protect your family. Right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message. David johnson made his third cardinals and ran his team to a Division Title while running over the eagles defense on a career night for the former Panther Johnson rushed for a career high 187 yards on a career high 29 carries scoring a career high 3 touchdowns he also had 4 catches for 42 yards while breaking the cardinals rookie touchdown record not bad from a kid from clinton iowa who wasnt really recruited in high school. It feels good, it definately feels amazing, just cant get complacent, always have to learn. I know i missed a couple holes and i knkn i had a couple mental errors so i have to continue to get better. Better. Hes a very mature young guy and we dont even concider him a rookie anymore. A very talented young man and new that he was going to have a breakout game. Another week and another honor for Deiondre Hall the panther defensive back was named to the American Football Coaches Association n s all American Team hall led the Missouri Valley with 6 82 tackles he was named the conferences defensive player of the year, allmvfc first teamer, and on bototcollege sports madness and stats fcs all american first teams. And Matt Campbell was back at it again the head cyclone added another big recruit to his roster in zeb noland the 633 hundred 30 pound quarterback chose iowa state over alabama, colorado state, and Toledo Noland is tabbed as a 3 star recruit out of georgia as a senior he threw for over 16 undred yards and 17 touchdowns. Thats a check of sports your forecast paris theres a lot to do on a dairy farm. Nobodys gonna do it for you. You have to get out there and do it yourself. Bernrn sanders is a wellknown friend of family farms. Bernie cannot be bought out by big money. Bernies opinion cannot be purchased. Its time for our next president to get in there, roll up his sleeves, take off the gloves, and take on wall street, take on big business, take on big money, and get the working class back to where they should be. Hes a rock. Tonight, star wars is still a force to b breckonededwith. And now they have the money to prove it. The 7th installment of the franchise is shattering every Box Office Record in its path. This weekend, it became the first movie to take in more than 10000million in one day. Total revenue in north america topped 247million. Worldwide, its already passed the halfbillion llar mark, despite not opening in china thanksksor watching your alan, do you ever fantasize when were making love . Well, occasionally, i pretend that im betterlooking. What about you . Sometimes i imagine were in the middle of a Big Department store. Hahaving sex . No. Shopping. Why would i fantasize about having sex while im having sex . Do you think about ham and cheese when youre eating a sandwich . Cant argue with that

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