4238 Georgetown California 95634 e-mail to announcement at K.F. OK dot or gene or to Kathy Rome K C A T H Y R O H M at G. Mail dot com or drop it off at our studios on Main Street note that many of our programs are rebroadcast so the dates me read may not be accurate but. OK moving or moving along it's yours one artificial incompetence we all know how it ends the machines rise up to enslave their puny Masters robots an artificial intelligence may be so far have confined themselves to blame this pursuit such as vacuum cleaning beating us at board games and recommending products we might like but as they continue their inexorable rise entering singularity. Runaway self-improvement they will inevitably turn their attention to robo apocalypse Stephen Hawking says artificial intelligence could spend the end of humanity on misc thinks it could lead the world to world war 3 Lattimer Putin says whoever controls artificial intelligence will control the world maybe so but the comic strip author Randall Monroe and soulful former robot robot us roboticist puts it in his book What If serious scientific answers to absurd absurd hype of that Eco questions quote what people don't appreciate when they pictured Terminator style automatons striding triumph you know triumphantly across a mountain of human skulls is how hard it is to keep your footing on something as unstable as. A human skull. Far from being a steady March to greatness the past and present of robotics and artificial intelligence also known as a are littered with examples of banal Praktica practicalities tying machines down he wanted to look at the future of AI really holds it's not the highlight reels that matter it's the outtakes Boston diameters and was a Massachusetts make some of the world's most advanced robots in the world. In a TED talk that stands for. Forget founder Mark railbird showed off his firm's range of machines there's big dog 4 legged metal pack mule that can cope with stairs in rough terrain Wildcat which can run more than 30 kilometers an hour and spot many a dog like robot designed for homes and offices that has an arm for a head impressive or terrifying depending on your point of view but railbird also played a video showing humanoid Atlas robot missing some shells were supposed to deposit a carton then tipping over 3. In finally fall flat on its face the fact is moving is hard so as not moving when we stand still our brains still have to tell our muscles to make tawny adjustments all the time to keep it separate robots are terrible at it they aren't very good at opening doors. And for the big dogs abilities don't even talk about stairs judging by the awkward sense of most robots to avoid the rise of the machines to retreat to retreat to the mezzanine robots aren't quite as good as they seemed. As they seem have a glorious lineage than 1939 World's Fair in New York the Westinghouse Electric Corporation paraded electro the Moto Man a talking cigarette smoking robot it can move a little town its fingers in other lines such as I am Electro and my brain is bigger than yours Danding more than 2 meters tall the golden humanoid wowed crowds Westinghouse even build it with a hole in the chest lest people think there is a human operator inside actually Wizard of Oz like they were behind a curtain a lightbulb would flash to signal that a voice command had been received so they could press a button to play a recording electro went on tour again in 1950 and appeared on as a campus computer think oh in the 1960 comedy romp sex kittens go to college. Proving that in common with their human creators robots Avenue. In fairness electros more publicity stunt than the stuff of serious research not so Nasa's hydraulic spacesuit testing robot of the early 1960 S. Built by Joe slow it an engineer at the Illinois Institute technology in Chicago idea was to kick the robot out in the latest experimental suit and suspend it from the ceiling to mimic the effects of 0 gravity an operator would guide it through repertoire lifelike movements using a network of small tubes carrying high pressure or oil under the robot's aluminum skin but the tubes weren't strong enough to contain the pressurized oil and it contained and it leaked crippled by crippled by incontinence the robot ended its. Days were. Again how this. Ended its days wearing a nappy wet suit to contain the fluid never graduated to a spacesuit. Most robotics researchers have their favorite bad robot story for Alan Winfield at the Bristol Robotics Lab and United Kingdom it involved an assembly line robot rigged to open a fridge and pass out cans of Coke to passers by at a trade show the fridge door kept stopped working so the robot arm punched. You just imagine that the robot arm punched its way through. Grabbed a can and then lifted the. This did the entire fridge as it tried to remove the drink if that's back in the realm of the unnerving Winfield does note that although he heard the story many times it might be a pick pocket full. Room but the robotic vacuum cleaner is very real and Jesse Newton's example encountered puppy mass in the middle of its nightly clean it simply continue its. Continued its cycle smearing. Smearing over the entire floor never mind Robock of all robot robo apocalypse this was to Copple it in Newton's words according to a spokesman for i Robot the company in the room but it wasn't an isolated incident populate or popularity of You Tube videos celebrating robotic epic fails is proof that our Sure sure Eden fruit. When robots go wrong quote watching things fail as always. And with robots you avoid the need to feel bad says the founder of. I can't read this over the air for a robot form on the web discussion read it goes by than named Mr bag quote I also enjoy how the robots in question often managed to come across as being quite proud of their achievement close quote but when feel thinks out outtake videos serve a more serious purpose greater familiarity with dead ends and failed experiments to help counter the Hawking Musk narrative that super intelligence will take over the world he says shows artificial intelligence and robotics for what they are very human endeavors these products are limited by human flaws and foibles quote They're great reality check that real world robots fall well short of the hype close quote he says OK I think. I'm going to play some music and be back. See here we. Girl. Grabs the rule. Grabs who were. Thrown into. This is that. Her in the family. I don't have to read the news here I don't read it oh. See it in the face. Everyone I know. The cause goes up. Over Me goes. What's going to have. To. Miss Summers where the family gets run with. Some of that allure of good Bob Wayne got much to say. Rust Ruth along the railroad track. The young folks. That don't come back and I don't have to read the news or hear the read all. See it in the fleas of the real one and no. Books go up. San Francisco. What's going to happen. To us. I'm love this far we lost our. Left in the night. I don't know what he's gone. What did log. It just couldn't face. What we're losing. Jack Beaver least I don't have to read the news or hear it on the radio. See it in the Feast of the real one I know. The reason we're here is the fire is around. So what's going to have. To us. We've seen the hard times minute times before. Maybe this whole movie. Is just one more. Never was perfect maybe no one wants to live Other arrowed going. To nourish sensible. Town. Drives the who. Drives who are. Tone to. See is that. An error in a thing which. I don't have to read the news here I don't know read it go. See it in the face. Everyone I know. The gossip goes up. Over Me goes. What's going to have. To. The summers where the family gets run to the. Bottom of that alluring good job Wayne got much to say. Rust Ruth along the railroad track. The young folks leave. But don't come back I don't have to read the news or hear the Read it will. See it in the fleas of the real one I know. Bush go. San Francisco. What's going to happen. To us. I'm us this far we lost all. You left in the night. I don't know what he's gone. What did a lot of us it's just couldn't face. What we're losing. Jack B.V.M. Least I don't have to read the news or hear it on the radio to. See it in the face of the real one I know. The reason we're here. Is the fun is around. What's going to have. To us. We've seen odd times minute times before. Maybe this over. Is just one more on. Never was but. Maybe no one stood to see it done either that. It's a God then she and I don't have to read the news they really don't read Eli. See it in the phase of everyone not know. Sun comes up. The sun goes down. What's going to have. To. Well playing out twice it was inadvertent but it was OK Well my mistake. So again I'm reading from the December 23rd slash 30 of issue of New Scientist wets in the name. Blowing on the B. $4380.00 to build was a keen wind whipping across the flood plain from Shrewsbury flaps a missile range saddlebag strapped against my back wheel as Across the River Severn at action and Ben right down to the back road past rocks that are a black cloud delivers the 1st dribbles of rain English place names are a treasure trove of hidden history if only we could find the key Shrewsbury recorder in the 10th century as a scribe scrubs brig the names origin is uncertain as it's pronunciation today but possibly means quote the fortified place in the scrub close quote at Chatham a contraction of adding Ham quote the homestead of does Joe Negron close quote puzzling reference to an obscure 7th century saint from England's far north rocks to her original disputed but a rare Roman place named survival as befits a side of what was Roman Britain's 4th largest town build was we'll get to that in the title of one of her books Margaret gelling the doyenne of English top on a Miss called Place Names signposts to the past I'm cycling the road to build was because they could be signposts to the future too I take refuge from the now intense globular rain in the shadow of a large hedge on a bluff overlooking the flood plain just beyond itan a homestead on a raised prom and Tory on the Severn. Britain is a wet island and it's getting wet or this is just a passing autumn shower but as global temperatures rise the paths of the most severe Atlantic storms are hitting the western shores of Britain and Ireland more frequently often dumping large quantities of rain in short periods it sounds familiar doesn't it just before Christmas in 2015 storm Desmond broke the United Kingdom's 2 day rainfall record and caused flooding in disruption over much of the country similar extreme rainfall had already hit parts of the country in the summer of 2007 and in 2009 to 2010 and 2013 to 2014 winter seasons the United Kingdom Environment Agency estimates that one in 6 hours holds and businesses in England are now at risk of flooding warm and stormy the sequence of events is without Pero in the $300.00 or so years United Kingdom has had consistent weather records but historical precedent may be found if you go back far enough various periods you know various strands of evidence point to a sustained period of warming across England between the 7th than 10th centuries that brought more storminess with it quote Anglo Saxons also experienced a lot of extreme weather events like Storm Desmond close as landscape historian Richard Jones of the University of life's United Kingdom this happens to be when most English place names were quiet and when the Severn flooded in 2007 it struck Jones that those names hold clues to the flood risks that prevailed at the time of rapid climate change and perhaps highlighting the increased risk remove we face as we move you know a similar regime today quote I realise there was a. Relationship between those places suffering the most and water related names he goes he says quote It intrigued me and I did nothing about it because quote that changed in 2014 when winter floods hit the Somerset Levels and southwest England quote I was struck by the plight of the village much older any As Jones people were saying I can't believe it's turned into a big island but it's in its name. He why as also on I 10 is a common Anglo-Saxon place name element meaning just that an island or raised prom and Tori was the genesis of a research project called Flood inflow a confluence of historians place name specialists an archaeologist that aim to investigate the connections between place names and flood risk and what they might tell us about the effects of climate change and other human activities it's a division of labor that top top on a mis identified place names of interest an archaeologist go digging there to see if they can for what they can find a technique known as optically stimulated luminescence allows them to date when a layer of soil in the core dug from a river bank or a flood plain at a place of interest last saw sunlight. And so when approximately it was laid down in a flood that can be used in tandem with information on the chemical composition of the soil its magnetic properties and the granularity of the debacle its clay and silt from quieter floods course material from highly energetic flash flooding to build a picture of flood intensity over time quote We can look at the physics of physical sequence of flooding against Corning of names and find place names that warn explicitly against flood or types of flood close quote says Ben peers of the University of Southampton United Kingdom an archaeologist on the project. The way says are a case Case in point English place names do not often include and element was W A S So it's an ideal sample for the team to starts and investigations it has a very specific meaning one pinned down by yelling as and Alou veal land by meandering river that floods and drains quickly because quote One example is a wasp or 10 a tiny village just south of Warwick in the English Midlands core is extracted there so sequence is a very quick flooding laying down lots of course sentiment before disappearing quickly again here there's a double clue in the name Purton indicating a place with a pair orchard quote pairs don't like water logs soil close quote so spares build was as perhaps the most specific spectacular sight of all the wasa situated where widely meandering Severn River entered the confines of iron bridge gorge it's looking soggy when I arrive although the river doesn't seem inclined to burst its banks. Just after 1 October shower but the secrets lie in the soil information the teams extracted from soil cores show there is a dramatic flood event in the rate late Roman period frequent more moderate flooding from 8 to the 10th centuries another distro distinct flooding Max and the start of the 10th century just in the name was being coined quote If build was as been stablish in the 12th century it would have been highly unlikely to have got the name it did close quote says JONES OK This goes on but I've run out of time would like to thank for partially under on this are broadcasting divide supply Ace Hardware supplying customers with hardware lumber gardening landscape supplies books oils including a grower bland They also have a full rental Department open 7 days a week they can be reached at 530-885-7174 extension 21. And Jerry and Penny Scribner underwriter's penny and Jerry's getting a renewed in their commitment to truth in journalism and broadcasting with their support of gay folk a community radio and you are listening carefully. Georgetown license the mirror folk society that will fold out you're listening to K.F. OK L.P.F. Pham Georgetown 95 point one on the F.M. Side I mean. It's going to. Come it's not on the whiskey just on I'm going up I'm going to. Cut cut cut a long long time with family I. Will not run certain random because someone asked him. That compliment it's like. time to anyway. A Hello and welcome to Highway 49 blues and tunes My name is Frank Robison and you are listening to J.F. OK L.P.'s in Georgetown California. We are she we are licensed to the American River folk society and it is located at 95 point one on your F.M. Dial or you can stream us live and check out our website at W W W dot K F OK dot org. Well let's thank our underwriters at this business out of the way here we want to send a hearty thank you out to divide repair appliances heat and air repairing most types and brands of appliances heating air conditioning units other repairs possible and Mark can be reached 530-333-1599 or divide repair at G. Mail dot com or you can go to their website at divide repair dot com. And I want to thank Kathy Rome used she's proud to underwrite programming on K F OK community radio and invites you to tune into Fat Head Radio Fridays 19 in Red Dirt Road House Saturdays 9 to noon and the needle drop alternate Sunday evenings from 5 to 7. Was a beautiful day in Georgetown and today is the 16th of January halfway through the month of January all right in the Christmas tree just yesterday we got a beautiful sunshiny day up here in Georgetown if you're down in the valley so sorry you're here you're socked in a fog again I saw the news morning in Sacramento looked like it was pretty socked in but hey come on up to Georgetown it's beautiful up here it's a gorgeous day Well let's start off with some Kelly easy. Called me. Baby let's get a room 1. 0 . Only. Moves forward. And. Women. Gone. Chanu. I like to feel love again. But they're great. I want to. Live longer. And I wish I was a rock N roll. No. I wish I had road blown in the wind. I like to see my leg there again. I like to stop. And say this world from hunger. But the Great is where. I want. My dog and live longer. For my dog a little longer. Because when you go. 2 in if I am. Or whatever there that long as. He's gone God or everything. I trust. God needs to see the light because dogs. Know. Choose me. When I'm sad. The best. Way. And I don't. Know. I'm living my basic. Good. And I'm just me strong. You're still the greatest. I want to. Die all day long. You know what. I want gone through. Much. Longer. And. I want my dog to live longer Boy don't we all yeah that's right Curtis saw God Oh hey he's going to be playing here pretty soon I'll give you some updates on that a few minutes here I got Mormon his music coming up here that was off that's a live version of that by the way there's a little beyond his brand new release that's coming out I expected it in the mail today but it's not here so I can't play it but I was hoping to play it after my 2 hour show does kind of like that role for a while but that's not going to happen so my apologies for about before that was going Yeah and Mama's boys off there let the demons out CD For am fried chicken that's a killer desk and before that was the Reverend Shawn a most. It's called 2017 that's new music as well and the altered 5 blues band charmed and dangerous CD that's on my list to quit kind of like that song and we started that set up with Kelly Z. Off her rescue album he called me baby I played that last week but I played it by another artist and got who the heck it was. So I brought along something that I received for Christmas and you guys of all I'm sure seen this and heard it and understand how or the stuff works but it was new to me so I you know I'm I'm a techie guy but I and I enjoy techie stuff and so I got this echo for Christmas my my son in law and daughter in law got a for me and it's really it's really pretty cool deal so I can say I can say things to and turns music on here and I get that back I miss her so I can say things like . Turn it on. Alexa what time is it. The time is 12 22 pm That's not that hard pretty quick Alexa play K F OK. OK OK LP from to you. That's a pretty quick I love volume down. Alexa volume off. Let's try something new Alexa who is James Taylor James Version 2 you know is an American singer songwriter and guitarist. Let's try something new Alexa OK All right let's try something here how do you use Alexa how do you spell Cincinnati Cincinnati is spelled sci fi and sci fi and and a T. I O. I SO WHAT TIME IS IT. The time at 12 23 pm Alexa. How how far is Rome from Florence Room 145 miles 233 kilometers from as the crow flies is Rome from Florence I struggle that's our that's our little background playing through there and I'm just having fun with that so it's a kick in the pants the nice part about this this is I can just walk over to it in my kitchen and just say Alexa play K.F. OK And you know what I am it's on I can have volume up volume down whatever I want it is so easy and for like $79.00 This is a really tough one to beat all you have to have is a wireless internet connection and you got half OK playing in your house man it is just awesome OK I'm going to Mom I might do some of that later I think it's really cool questions or if you have questions call me at Call me at the studio it's 530-333-4300 I'll ask Alexa some questions for you let's get into. Oh the Reverend Shawn Amos more music from him new music it's called I ain't gonna name names again. Week and. I mean. We. Are going to. See. a must to. Love and that are at the reverend Shawn Amos and that was a corny names answers were at the bottom of the hour now it is almost 1230 Wester little business here with Susan P S A's one Friday January the 19th and secondly to get this set up here on our Friday January than 1000th volunteers are needed to help students do planting in the Georgetown nature area the time is one to 2 pm contact Howard at 530-333-0360 the documentary film resilience will be shown on Saturday the 3rd at 1 pm at the Georgetown library 6680 Orleans street call 530-333-7424 extension 4 details. On Saturday February the 10th at 1 pm The Georgetown library presents Allen Candy who will speak on getting away from Screen Time call 530-333-7424 extension 4 further information the library is located at 6680 Orleans St in Georgetown All right well you're listening to K.F. OK L.P.F. M. In Georgetown 95 point one F.M. Streaming at W.W.W. Dot K.F. OK dot org My name is Frank Robison and you're listening to. Highway 49 believes and teams Ellis from queued up here correctly looks like I am. Somewhere new blues on.

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