To seal it now they have complete control. One 3rd of our country America one 3rd of our country and he's federal Rangers that run around here they're all on military style they've got their em force they've got the tag vest they got their the bulletproof vest you know you saw them down there. Or Bunkerville you saw them point their guns out as they promised to shoot this down love you're one of the head of them you're the you're the you're the point of the spear you're then Foresman army of this. You know you're not a good guy away you're a good guy nowhere do you have authority to run around here with policing powers no where do you do we the people give you a story by force by lethal means if Mrs Terry to enforce these regulations on these pieces of paper you know what are you going to do damn you next b.-i. You little cows right down there under that tree there you go to come in here like you did was my friend Clive in say we're taking these out. And you better not get away. Well I'm telling you. Leave me alone leave me alone leave Clive alone there's some tough ranching families up there in Utah Stanley's by name now you have 3 Mr federal government this room the stand for the Constitution. Is the ancient law of witnesses. You have a witness in Nevada live and then you have a witness. In Arizona Lavoy Phoenix and you have a witness in Utah Stanley's you have 3 ranchers who want to stand in defiance it's not yours and. You know right you are right now just by saying just by saying this is what's called a conspiracy to commit crime and that's what you guys hold that that county commissioner into the prison into court with Bill Wyman and you convicted him and he's going to face. A year in prison possibly and $100.00 to $300000.00 in fines because this very thing that I am saying right now I don't care you know if you go to the Bible there's actually a store I really love. You might be familiar with called. The captors Reinette and the Avalon by name of Shadrach me shack. 33 Anyway the greatest force upon the face of the earth at that time was the Babylonian Empire never good news or most powerful man in the world and anyway he knows Shadrach me shack and then go on there out there in any name make a goal name each new command there ready to fall down and worship the gold naming Shadrach Meshach then go lay it all down. And everything. She gets upset but you know she calls not just Shadrach Meshach mental What are you doing what are you doing you know if you just sign these mandatory terms and conditions and pay your grazing fees it's going to be Ok we can work you know and all of the musical play again you just fall down worship go mimics and it will be Ok I love the response. Because I never kissed goes on just because you can save you because if you don't I will throw you in the fiery furnace and what God can save you from the fire you for. Now love the answer. It's great Shadrach Meshach and Abednego places Oking we are not careful to answer the others saying no we're not going to measure our words we're not going to be kept that can be to him and you are speaking to the greatest power in the world stymies. O'Kane we're not careful to ensure the our God whom we serve will be their 1st but if not the norm into the we will not sign those men atory terms and conditions we will not pay those grazing fees. And if we. And he will save us and if not. So be it we will not bow. Comply will not. Stand if you want to know what you can do here you go stand all that you know what's going on I'll keep updating you and want you to download this or doesn't get scrubbed from the off the internet then share it upload it send it out and you can follow me here you can follow me here you can follow Stan believes and and climb bending your I am and I'll document this is it goes for Dave called me said Ok we're going after start doing something well we'll see what the next step is maybe I'll just leave me alone I hope they do because it's not their. Stead and leaves. Some county commissioners with some grit and some county sheriff of their new ranchers in 5 different counties and those county sheriffs are standing up against him Bill and says to just hang these there you can't turn out here in these doctors and they said yes I'm going to turn around these pastors and county commissioners and the sheriffs stand up behind them proper form of government or closest to the people those county sheriffs are elected by those people those kind of commissioners are countable to those people have the power of recall and anyway they back him down. I've talked to my county sheriff here who visit with Moore has been very friendly in over the phone I'm going to visit with him shake his hand take the measure to man see how deep his love is from the Constitution see by his understanding whether he backs me or not I'm going to stand but he said some very kind things we have tried to get him to give resources the Mojave County Sheriff's Department manpower stuff to to move against Clive and I'm here reshuffling told him no way so good for him which shows you how. American. Dan. And I is farce and. Constitution has been shredded that it lives in your heart you know what freedom is what freedom is. Stand because when you stand others will stand with you. And God can't stand with you if you don't stand what you stand you can expect the hand of Providence to be over no matter how it ends matters how you stand this is more to come when can we stand for you See you later . And that was the little boy. That video he shot himself on August 14th west you're less than 6 months ago. And he did stand some say. He did stand and he he may have fallen but we don't know yet how this really ends some say he was justifiably shot others say he was murdered in cold blood he was cruelly executed the truth is out there and an investigation is ongoing but I would like to add one thing you recall the 1st article I read on the stand of tonight it was former judge Politan Oh he said that the government is not allowed to own this kind of land mass according to the Constitution and the writers of the article then proceeded to tear him apart. But the bottom line is what's more important that constitution and what it actually says or 125 years of Supreme Court decisions regardless of how far off the path they've come from what the Constitution actually says which one is more important the Constitution or 125 years of court decisions I know what the answer is for me and my heart but each of you have to make your own decision but in the mean time we're going to enjoy a little bit more music here in the short time we have left and maybe you can continue to think about those green pastures that that spurred Cowboy it was squatting on when he was talking to us educating us. Were wild flowers. This one is wild flowers. Well it's a beautiful. Cloudy night. Georgetown and it's cold it's not even midnight quite yet and it's already 32 degrees way down here whatever elevation this is and it's going to be cloudy tomorrow with a high of 42 and a low of 311 degree below freezing and on Wednesday there's a 60 percent chance of rain now I don't have the hourly pattern front of me but if that rain hits in the morning we've got a low of 34 degrees it's probably going to be in the form of snow a little bit of sun on Friday mostly sunny in fact with a high of $57.00 but again we've got a low of $37.00 partly cloudy on Saturday little warmer 59 degrees 40 in the morning and then next Sunday and then the next Monday a week from now or both supposed to be cloudless sunny skies and hot as in the low sixty's Well we've got to look up to not forward to presidential election for one thing you can now keep track of everything the 2016 presidential candidates say about spaceflight and exploration thanks to the nonprofit Planetary Society a planetary society and it's an exploration advocacy organization headed by former t.v. Science Guy Bill Nye is cataloguing the space related statements made by Donald Trump Ted Cruz Hillary Clinton Bernie Sanders and other contenders as the presidential primary election event gets into full swing. Space rarely makes a strong showing in national elections despite the major state of transition NASA finds itself in today planetary society representatives wrote on the group's election 2016 page so throughout the 2016 presidential election season the Planetary Society will be tracking statements made by the candidates referring to civil space issues they added Working with our members we are cataloguing and sourcing as many statements for the active candidates as we can find the Iowa caucuses kick off the voting contests today very 1st followed by the New Hampshire primaries coming up a little over a week from now on February 9th now some must often shift its goals and priorities as new presidential administrations take power for example in 2010 Barack Obama canceled the moon oriented Constellation program which was initiated under President George w. Bush. Hope that wasn't a big surprise to anybody and directed the space agency to instead work toward getting astronauts to a near earth asteroids by 2025 and to the vicinity of Mars in the 2030 s. So yeah if you want to know what the space aspirations are of these candidates keep your eyes on the Planetary Society and was going to try to tell you what the best night sky events of February 26th seen are and maybe I still can't or if I understand what I'm looking at here looks like we'll see the Moon Well that's amazing right we're going to see the moon I think we see that at least once a month we're going to see the moon grouped with Venus and Mercury so of course you're looking west towards the setting sun it's at night or it's in the Dawn you're looking east. Because Venus and Mercury necessarily follow the sun there inside our orbit on February 8th next Monday at 9 39 in the morning the moon is not visible on the date of New Moon because it is too close to the sun but can be seen low in the East as a narrow Crescent a morning or 2 before just before sunrise it is visible low in the West and evening or 2 after the Neumann and to me it looks like in the southeast direction that we're looking and so probably in the morning before the new moon maybe on February 7th or 8th you'll see that sliver of a crescent with Venus just below it to the right and Mercury almost directly below it and as the month progresses Mercury and Venus rise above the moon. Higher in the sky in relation to the the low lying new moon. Looks like later on in the month Jupiter will be almost right on top of the us and he can easily spot Jupiter It's except for Sirius it's usually the brightest star in the sky Well I want to thank Patti Smith real estate once more for underwriting this hour the time traveler and for supporting Kip Ok community radio hosts this voice of the divide and you've been listening to $95.00 f.m. Camp Ok l.p.f. And Georgetown to license to the American were folks and this was the time traveler so and I'm Robert Plant and your host bidding you good evening or should I say good morning. Give it another 45 seconds and it will be because on history. Some. Sleep. To stare out the window at. The Border. And he begins to piece it. Out of reading people's faces knowing what. By the way they feel. So if you don't mind saying I can see you're out of a. Whisper or give you something. So I can give him my. Drink down Milan swallow. Any. Asked me for. The night got quiet and his face lost all expression. Oh no Play the Game Boy you can leave it right you got to. Know when to fold them. Know when we know. You can't you. When you sit at. The calendar. With the. Every game going no. Secret. Of what we. Want to keep. So free and so when. Endeavoring to lose it. She told. Me. When he finished speaking. Turned back toward the window. Crushed. Me to sleep. Somewhere in darkness again. And here. Final word time round and do that keep you guys. Know when the cold. Will. Run. Down. And cable will be kind of come down. When the deed is done you've got. To hope that the toe in the fold up the hill. And told to run you know Caligula. Sitting at table there will be time to not count. On the diva you guys. Know. No. Way. To run. The. City cable they're going to come up. With a. Team who better balance mental and physical improvement as well as increased social interaction and Ruis got the answers if you need them you can call them at 530-409-1045 extension 2 find out more in a meeting from the airwaves of camp Ok Opie of him Georgetown every Thursday morning from 9 to 10 am you get the chance to listen to Grizzly Nixon's history our this program explores local history and its connections to world events in human and natural history in a folksy fun and informative format. We have some amazing history right here on the divide that has affected or has been affected by world events since 1543 and Guy Nixon brings it to life with surprising interconnections and modern science to put it in perspective this is another great show you don't want to miss Thursday's 9 to 10 am grizzly Nixon's history our community deals for 2 top Hillary Clinton aides include a side arrangement obliging the f.b.i. To destroy their laptops after reviewing the devices House Judiciary Committee sources told box news today sources said the arrangement with former Clinton chief of staff Cheryl Mills and x. Campaign staffer Heather Samuelson also limited the search to no later than January 31st 2015 this meant investigators could not review documents for the period after the e-mail server became public in turn preventing the bureau from discovering if there was any evidence of obstruction of justice sources said the Republican chairman of the House Judiciary Committee fired off a letter today to tourney general Loretta Lynch asking why the d.-o. G. And f.b.i. Agreed to the restrictive terms including that the f.b.i. Would destroy the laptops after finishing the search like many things about this case these new materials raise more questions than answers Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte from Virginia wrote in the letter attained by Fox News doesn't the willingness of Ms Mills and Ms Samuelson to have their laptops destroyed by the f.b.i. Contradict their claim that the laptops could have been withheld because they contain non-relevant privileged information if so doesn't that undermine the claim that the side agreements were necessary to let asks. The immunity deals for mills and Samuelson made as part of the F.B.I.'s probe into Clinton's use of a private e-mail server when she served as secretary of state apparently included a series of side agreements that were negotiated by Samuelson and Mils attorney Beth Wilkinson the side deals were agreed to on June 10th less than a month before if b. I'd dropped or James Komi announced that the agency would recommend no charges to be brought against Clinton or her staff judiciary committee aides told Fox News that the destruction of the laptops is particularly troubling as it means that the computers could not be used as evidence in future legal proceedings should new information or circumstances arise committee aides also asked why the f.b.i. And d.o.j. Would enter into a voluntary negotiation to begin with when the laptops could be obtained condition free be a subpoena the letter also asked why the d.o.j. Agreed to limit their search of the laptops to files before January 31st 2015 which would give up any opportunity to find evidence related to the destruction of evidence or obstruction of justice related Secretary Clinton's unauthorized use of a private e-mail server during her tenure as secretary of state aides expressed shock at the parameter saying it is especially troubling as mills and Samuelson already had immunity from the consequences of whatever might be on the laptop you're essentially extending immunity to everyone when the aide said the letter to lynch sought to determine how many documents were blocked from f.b.i. Investigators because they fell outside of the date range agreed to by d.o.j. Well you think that's troubling wait to see you would other troubles brewing on the horizon today. Russia has deployed in advanced anti-missile system to Syria for the 1st time 3 of us officials tell Fox News the latest indication that Moscow continues to ramp up its military operations in Syria in support of President Bashar Assad It comes after Russia's actions led to the collapse of a cease fire and the cut off of direct talks with the u.s. While Moscow's motives are not certain Fishel say the new weapon system could potentially counter any American cruise missile attack in Syria components of the us a $23.00 Gladiator anti-missile and anti-aircraft system which has a range of roughly 150 miles arrived over the weekend on the docks of a Russian naval base along Syria's Mediterranean coastal city of Tartous 2 u.s. Officials said it is the 1st time Russia has deployed the s. a $23.00 system outside its borders according to one western official citing a recent intelligence assessment the missiles and associated components are still in their crates and are not yet operational according to the officials u.s. Intelligence community has been observing the shipment of the s a 23 inside Russia in recent weeks according to one official while the purpose is not clear one u.s. Official asked sarcastically news road doesn't have an air force today speaking about the al Qaeda linked group in Syria Islamic state also does not fly any manned aircraft or possess cruise missiles in a sign that Russia is directing its actions to protect itself against any potential attack from the United States or its allies is a 23 can fire 2 different types of missiles smaller missile is used against aircraft in cruise missiles and is known by NATO as Gladiator the larger missile is used against intermediate range ballistic missiles in jamming aircraft. And is known as giant both missiles use the same type of warhead containing over 300 pounds of explosives according to military today 3 years ago President Obama weighed military action against the Assad regime's chemical weapons facilities as well as air bases housing the regime's attack helicopters and jets u.s. Navy ships in the eastern Mediterranean were paired to launch Tomahawk cruise missiles in a limited strike to cripple the regime Russia deployed a separate air defense system the s $400.00 to Syria after Russian jet was shot down by a Turkish warplane last November since the s. $400.00 deployment the u.s. Military has been careful about flying manned aircraft inside the range of the system despite repeated pledges by the u.s. Military that its air strikes in Syria are focused on ISIS not the Assad regime today the Pentagon announced it conducted an air strike potentially killing a prominent al-Qaeda linked operative in Syria Fishel said they were still assessing the strike and have not released the name of their target hours after the State Department announced it was cutting off talks with Moscow President Vladimir Putin said he had suspended a Russia u.s. Deal on the disposal of weapons grade plutonium Putin's decree released by the Kremlin cited Washington's unfriendly actions. Top u.s. Officials have recently accused Russia and the Syrian regime of indiscriminate bombing in Syria using incendiary and bunker busting bombs on civilians 2 weeks ago a u.n. Aid convoy was bombed killing dozens of aid workers attempting to deliver critical supplies to more than 200000 Aleppo residents trapped inside the eastern portion of the city once Syria's most populated in the past week hundreds of civilians including children have been killed according to local reports Russia began its air campaign in Syria on September 30th of last year following a weeks long build up of fighter jets and attack aircraft long range bombers flying from Russia and Iran have also been used to attack Syrian rebels some backed by the United States days after Russian bombs started falling in Syria President Obama predicted that Russia and Iran would find themselves mired in a quagmire an attempt by Russia and Iran to prop up Assad and try to pacify the population is just going to get them stuck in a quagmire and it won't work he told reporters in a White House press conference in October 2 of last year last Friday the one year anniversary of the Russian strikes the State Department acknowledged that Russia had succeeded in its goal of propping up the Assad regime it is a grim anniversary it is hard not to assess that they have succeeded in bolstering the regime said Mark Toner a State Department spokesman Here's another troubling piece the u.s. Government just relinquish control over one very large energy you all know and love it's called the Internet yeah after all the federal communications control they've given it away. As of this last Saturday October 1 federal national telecommunications and Information Administration no longer exercises control over the Internet it doesn't exercise control over the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers known as I can which has long been the manager of Internet domain names but now I can is truly an independent nonprofit free from the oversight of the American government instead as an autonomy as not for profit organization I can will now answer to international stakeholders across the Internet community including a governmental advisory committee a technical committee and Industry Committee Internet users and telecommunications experts Lawrence stripling assistant secretary for Communications and Information at the Department of Commerce released a brief statement early Saturday on the transition saying simply as of October 1st 2016 the I am a which stands for Internet assigned numbers of the already functions contract has expired the decision to release I can from under the thumb of the government has become a highly politicized issue with some lawmakers insisting that the move would be akin to the us giving away the internet and could serve as a threat to 1st Amendment rights but others say that these are misguided notions as Ingrid burning to an an expert on the infrastructure of the Internet noted critics of the deal are under the impression that we owned the Internet to begin with and we never really did your Internet is going to keep working the same way unquote. Steven Crocker I can's board chairman and one of the engineers involved in the formation of some of the earliest Internet protocols applauded I can's newfound freedom this transition was envisioned 18 years ago yet it was the tireless work of the global Internet community which drafted the final proposal that made this a reality he said in a statement this community validated the multi-stakeholder model of Internet governance that has shown that a governance model defined by the inclusion of all voices including business academics technical experts civil society governments and many others is the best way to assure that the Internet of tomorrow remains as free open and accessible as the Internet of today and as this article concludes the formation of questions begins for President Bill Clinton appeared to take a shot at President Obama's signature health care legislation during a campaign stop in Michigan on Monday calling Obamacare a crazy system that doesn't make any sense what excuse me I don't know if I heard that right Bill who said that Clinton was in Flint Michigan for a campaign event for his wife and it was on the topic of government run marketplaces under Obama Care when he made the remarks the Daily Caller reported it doesn't make any sense the insurance model doesn't work here he said he added that Obamacare works fine with people with modest incomes eligible for government subsidies but that the people that are getting killed in this deal are small business people and individuals who make just a little bit too much to get any of these subsidies The Daily Caller reported. You've got this crazy system where all of a sudden 25000000 people have health care and then the people are out there busting it sometimes 60 hours a week wind up with their premiums doubled and their coverage cut half said it's the craziest thing in the world well where was he at the beginning of Obama's term with this stuff Clinton's comments on Obamacare were immediately seized upon by the Republican National Committee who put out a video who put out video clips of his speech. Well we got time for one more Soundbite of Rob Roy the highland road. But don't go away because after the close of the show we're going to play another one the 1st one Rob Roy must face the German George King of England we can hear what's actually said between Rob Roy and the king and then at the end of the show which is just a few minutes later you're going to hear what the MacGregor clan repeats what was. It was a little bit more colorful That was what was actually said is kind of funny and then after that you get 3 more hours of the time traveler the spooky comet hollowing special So without further ado here's the former secretary of state the Duke of Argyll coming to deflate Rob Roy is feeling a victory after he just takes a fort and lets him know that he has to submit himself to trial before the king. But it would have got to take and you really don't have me. I went to the king to plead your cause he had me out and bade me bring you all to London to make your peace and now you've committed all of the act of water which may well be above the info to give Do you think we might get a little by little the needed gentleman Jordi know we took this far and we'll hold it against all your. If you were to come back without me and take it from there myself. Let them go we need have no fear they are going to rob I tell my last night. I feel brave men and when the English has come and safe the whole of the Highlands are flame bravely you have died to the last man and then nothing will be left of the clan MacGregor and nothing but the women and the burnt houses and the fatherless families to tell of your glorious deeds do you think out sing your praises then Robert McGregor You know I say that once you would a man who wanted to save your people you even denied yourself a wife that none might suffer because of you I wanted you then and I do not own that you now. Of the last remains weird but you know how women are that have you dead and buried before you've done any fighting at all the way some fighting but I'm with gal of the class will get on like land Rob I Robertson's or someone will join the Germans a person. Under the good man of the bar will surely make it all quite Act and the stewards of that command and the McKenzies of can Calle and the commons of money under the heel and the claims of. Smoking related to my guess I'll find a whole swarm of bluebonnets a person about 30 years. Always trapped Roy. Macgregor has refused to come West and that he has taken your father didn't personally and is determined to hold it if the other clans join him. Yeah I mean these gentlemen invented Japan you will be most needed in such a bastion Majesty the only reputation that could make is Hamlet too often I saw the gates that ever. Find out that there is. If. This is a. Book of. The but. Thanks. Thanks thanks Mr Which. Thank us. I have come to your majesty because you sent the Duke about a guy. I trusted and I ask is that from your Majesty I ask no favor about what. I give you. Grant amnesty to my time as for me me do what you will however I'm not going to be. Hired. I hear them anything. I hear you can't draw my sort of dress and take my form you'll bring disgrace upon my kind and take my name away from me I prey on Majesty let me remove this instance . Does not feel them to me the King feels only sure of seeking Him I give you pick your sword and your mate rope boy I could make. You well or good. You wish I. Could eat. And yeah well. Nothing like the wife to grand un reality and grounded in reality he was. Dunne's we need a little guidance from our spouse. When pride gets in the way or very near the end of Rob Roy MacGregor the Highland rogue I want to thank forget me not stop again for sponsoring this hour the time traveler and for supporting this voice we have on the Divide remember they provide so floral arrangements herbal teas essential oil soaps leather goods and other gifts and you can reach Tina for questions about the shop 530-303-3717 You're listening to kip Ok LP f.m. Georgetown license to the American River folks as he thanks for listening to the time traveler I'm Robert Plant a hen. History. The wonderful sight Hugh and what happened then right into the palace we went and there in the Great Hall huge you know all alone with these actors was king majority. Would Have a great week although I wish I could have seen him and potentially like he was like her ladyship's gallery nag when he's just going to take a bite out of you. And you should have seen the Lord trying to cope with a click preachers and we bought controlling a book that we used to trip them up that our marriage or Democrat and right through all the courtroom has been doing and blowing like Carly in the wind marches Rob produce straight as an evergreen. And he says to the king he says Jordy I've come to get my name back and I'll take my pardon. That came later to look up. And the king said Gregory said how would you like to be my secretary of state for Scotland and Rob said I do with Jordi but I've got to go home now and look after my Greek heritage of cattle. Give the post back toward guy do you hear that Helen marry. When you think you'll be back Oh you needn't be looking for him you're classy the way they were waving and gaming I mean won't be back for a week or 2 for the fine ladies like and well covered with 2 will turn over. Stones on the fingers and diamonds icebreakers ducks eggs hanging from their ears who have a levy. Where they kill the many beautiful where. They had their crooked Normie Rowe for a been praised up to near here age and who'll turn cool. And they were charged we looked at us with here sure I don't know who to carry them and for fear they would fall over them just to be in a lovely sight the painted houses they better not make sheep's eyes at how Robbie it's only natural when a man marches into a town after a battle between along to the kettle in the pipes the ladies will look down from the balcony shouldn't Windows is especially if you can find to get in and we're going to go I mean you need it because. You're listening to careful k l p f m in Georgetown where 95.