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The disruption I felt like I needed to have it and I think a lot of people don't know but they probably should have wanted to because if we're not taking care of ourselves who will that's what we're going to explore so welcome to think about this the more you listen the less you know listen and subscribe to think about this free wherever you get progress from the Westwood One podcast network or the conversation start from the k. At the next weather Pod Weather Center as we head into Sunday look for mostly sunny skies a high of 64 mostly clear Sunday night 42 for the low on Monday mostly sunny and 62 mostly sunny 64 on Tuesday John Waters from the k. Up to next weather bug Weather Center currently in downtown Phoenix it's 50 degrees independent talk a level 100 k. F. An x. 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Contains or both. Psychological. Discussion is a. Most exciting radio talk show. I mean for the doctor on the Savage Nation he will be that Monday and he may be back in just a couple seconds you can of course go on Twitter and a savage nation check out Michael Savage dot com the latest headlines don't forget to download the savage pod cast and you can pick up a copy of any of Dr Sami just books for the holidays including the latest the savage life right now it's a building Amazon the bookstore significant to go to Michael Savage dot com Let's bring in Mike on right now Michael it's so great to have you on your own show you know 1st of all I want to say thank you for filling in the doing such a great job I want to say hello to all of my faithful followers who write for you to the Savage Nation without them there is no. Nothing and I want to say thank you I'll be back. On Monday I just cannot say things are Ok got a little that fact all right well that's what I want to go I think without. Right now it's always the right before the party last night. A long time ago I was that I got to make it because something happened with that I want to talk about but. Right now this is scary because when you begin a. Great one for the sake of fans liberals in America 18 months America and the u.k. And the world would like to party dancing like actually began to crack the liberals and I'm going to run the media. Are in shock because they believe that the lid briars movie with telling the truth but failed but Johnson was not going to win I will tell you right now this thank Big Rock is occurring here in America. It's coming to America there's going to be a landslide for trump all of the psychopathic socialists and take careful attention and well see gotta go back to making I mean false because that's where she has always for long she's out of practice I mean for us to go back where she's going to think she's going to be making before that because she has taken the Democrats All right quick with this question Should President Trump and I don't want to go into what you've done black and everyone else. I did sort of charges that were brought against them but really every president in the past in American history could have been impeached she only sank so. I could have been impeached on these skimpy little charges but they got a bite at Iowa corn beef from the rock Jerry Nadler set up for its use for human beings I don't waste the v.n.a. And I tell you what you liberals you think you're on the ass end you're on ice that sinking is going to win by a landslide How do I know it because the media is right you not only for the last 18 months but the last 8 years and that's all I want to say with God you'll be back on Monday I'll try to sack over to Greg unless there's something else Greg thinks I want to say what I'm here what is it Greg anything yeah and Michael I'd love that you because I think you hit on some so big right here on how the media has been you know just planned out lying to us for so long not just when Trump was in office before but now you're seeing because of shows like yours because of the Internet because of different places to find information the press can't make people think things anymore in the u.k. Or here you're seeing that Greg that's right Dianne Feinstein one of the most precious wires in American history what she did the cabin off she could have put in jail for what she did back I suspect the one thing that she did in that committee hearing what crime. You know if I so I try to Your figure out 15 years ago I was trying to pass the so-called fairness doctrine and radio she was one of the biggest moral person that you see in the house and now you know why they wanted radio gone they wanted my voice silent for forcible action are very strict if you hurry to get into country they want to say that we get style. And that's been out for other charges and getting back to the biggest win since the 1980 it takes shots not across the valley but right through the house as a socialist movement. A crushing defeat already is the new corruption and party is going to go down in flames I pray to God He's the one if they rush to the top I'll be all Celts a man comes up for one last you know the 2 America I should mention before I go I have a very good voice on the radio up front. Just before I left. That place that I've been the great rose reckon everyone in the Savage Nation that we have a new radio station beginning January 1 and it's a powerhouse in Los Angeles. Like Us This is a monster victory for the satisfaction. One of the biggest stations and the heart of the monster I can just imagine what's going to be going on behind the scenes that's funny. True full of Hollywood if he gets away and yesterday so I'm looking forward to seeing everybody next week and getting back to business in the many. I want to thank you Greg for thank you about this great one that's right back to you right here on a Saturday Well thank you Michael I appreciate that it's my pleasure really an honor to do the show and really glad to have you back Monday excited about what's going on the k b c n l a that's going to be enormous market with its market to an America where they're going to be able to hear a little different angle in opinion maybe than they've probably getting in l.a. Or. Possum Thank you Michael for being on today and we'll talk to you Monday 855400 savage get you on board the program 8 by 507 I just want to follow up with what Mike was talking about with threats and looking over here you know Joe Biden and his people more young then really trying to say what Savage did because it didn't help Biden that hey look if you look at what happened here. The press in Great Britain has been trying ever since Boris Johnson got involved in this thing to another and Abo force Johnson nobody don't nobody supports Bush on No brakes at all with your brush that we now have are part of the European Union got rid of the water off. Of Bush and said Oh yeah let's have an early election because we're not get anything done so we need to really ask the people where do you want to go on this give me enough people to get this done and you know their system is a little bit different than ours give me you know just whoever has the most seats becomes the prime minister the head of that party right and the like because Nancy Pelosi is party had the most seats all of sudden she'd be president and then if the next time we had you know the Republicans get the most votes then whoever was the head of the house for the Republicans would all of a sudden be president they could switch every 2 years so. Do it early conservative party got 365 seats 365 seats that's the most I've had since that or. Yes pretty big deal the big deal so all of a sudden Biden comes out and he says hey look what happens when the Labor Party moves so so far to the left it comes up with ideas that are not to be contained in a rational basis quickly and that's a shot he's taking a shot at it Bernie and Elizabeth Warren impede footage of egg and Alexander Cortez she's not running for president no but she's pushing really hard to the left and the party is going that way with her. And so by and say it's not going to work you're not going to be trouble that just not going to happen. I think he's right I know he's right but I also think you're not going to be Trump with Biden. I mean I'm really excited about to see what's going to happen in the next year I really am if I 47 get you on board the program in 547 just we're going to start with impeachment we've got other stuff to talk about a horrible stabbing in New York that just makes you say what is going on with the youth in America and in how many illegal aliens are are having children here in America is like an anchor babies but it goes beyond illegal aliens and we'll hear the latest on that story we'll get to that and yes President Trump has gone through phase one of a deal with China. And all the people that have been criticizing this are not well well and so not not not enough not enough you know you can do anything you know he said he was going to do this this is this is called Things one and we'll get to that 2 lots to get into today on the Savage Nation let me start with a little bit of audio for you because Did you see. Last night it's like 11 something at night but every her really has been cleared it's time you could actually vote on some of these articles you know. No no no it's just a little too late we can't wait just a little bit longer. Well you have now and were up there cut 16 saying going to wait till tomorrow morning what cut 16 place we will now stand in recess until tomorrow morning at 10 am which point I will move to divide the question so that each of us may have the opportunity to get up or down votes on each of the articles of impeachment and so this c.b.i. Judge the committees in recess. Mr. There is no consulting for that might minority right the member on your schedule for tomorrow what you just will almost schedule for everyone this is the kangaroo court that we're talking about. Calling on the race even when a soldier Stalin ask let's have a dictator is good to hear about. And believe. You could hear people a background he started they were gasping they're like What would this come from some believe will Stalin ask Yeah because now they just didn't on his own that's not supposed to work now and Republicans have done this to be the front page story every media be talking about the abuse of power and there are Democrats who well yeah they had they had to prayerfully consider it yeah no never declared the committee needed to quote prayerfully consider their choice they talked about alleged prayerfully gets a man when you use God this way and you don't really mean it you really want to do that or you know they don't mean it because I have eyes and ears prayer for Lee consider you know why they did this they did this because of this thing called the television they wanted to make sure that this got on t.v. And it was 1115 in the night and people were either asleep or they were watching late night t.v. And they didn't want it to not be on law on t.v. With actual people watching and so that's what they did. Democrat Representative do even admit it let's hear cut for listen to this we went into the day thinking we were going to vote yesterday also but the republican my Republican colleagues offered amendment after amendment and it was clear that this was going to go well into the night and this is the most consequential vote that most members of Congress will ever cast the American people deserve to see it ought to take place in the light of day the American people deserve to see it it should take place in the light of day but then you want to say that on the House floor so instead we need to prayerfully consider check our our conscience as we had all day to check your card so as soon as they they go in this morning Ok done so they could've done it last night just I mean they went to every person procedural motion they done everything they had to do was ready for a final vote on articles of impeachment. Oh no we got to get the t.v. Cameras on. Articles passed on a party line vote shocker right no one shocking at all was in shocking at all and then Nancy Pelosi. Wait to hear this and just take it because Nancy Pelosi has been asked about the speed of impeachment. And I don't think she understood exactly what her answer was going to prove because it's not what she probably wanted to prove and it's that in just a 2nd a 5500 savage if you want to join in my name's Greg now I'm in for the doctor on the Savage Nation join those savage nation call No 85400 savage 85407282 savage savage nation is sponsored by Swiss America the only company I trust with my financial future call 802892646 or Swiss America dot com break ins spike every single year during the holidays why because families are traveling and Barry was know people are expensive gifts laying around their house and that's why this time of year especially I recommend simply say you get comprehensive professional home security at a very fair price right now is the best time to get it for the holidays they giving you a huge discount on your security system and a free security camera h.d. 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My name is Greg I'm in for the Dr on the Savage Nation. 500 savage Michael will be back Monday going to Michael Savage dot com for all the latest the podcast all the headlines don't forget you can get any of his books for the holidays all available now Amazon in bookstores and we'll talk a little bit about the impeachment sure because it's such a. Leaven something. You know we could vote right now because everything to take care of it would only take a few minutes but no no no no we've got to make sure the T.V.'s are on so we can all have our moment in the sun and so we're going to wait till tomorrow course to day is tomorrow so today a lot of people on both sides of the aisle were going to be out of town they were going to do things in their own district they were going to be their families there is no no no we got to do it now so that we can come out and be on t.v. And we don't want to rush this but we're rushing we're not rushing away fast we're going slow in fact Nancy Pelosi was asked about the speed of impeachment and let's know how she answers this cut 31 of them I think it's pretty similar to the process as this thing at which the house cleaning. Thing I think I offered 22 months I. Have been to have you here is that actually other stuff that I hold on a 2nd well. It's been going on for 2 and a half years where there are articles of impeachment about Russia I mean were there articles of impeachment from 2 and a half years ago no I mean she's letting the cat out of the van and she doesn't even realize it and everybody in the in the audience is laughing as if what she's saying makes perfect sense but if it does then what they're doing is they're admitting they've been trying to impeach President Trump since the day he was in office and that's not supposed to work you know the president is actually supposed to do something wrong impeaching before you start impeaching it's only been a few months from the Zelinsky call and that's what this impeachment supposed to be about it's not supposed to be all the things that happened 22 months ago right but she's a she's she's on the kind of the bank that they've been trying to do this for 2 and a half years. All right let's see the rest of it one of the biggest criticisms of the process. At which the House and. If this. Thing going on for 22 months. For health morning has. Been some criticism though I will say about why they were for the 14 year old wait for the courts why do you think is the time we're not moving the speed. That they initiated. But it's not about the Moeller investigation the mother. She let the cat out of the bag and she doesn't even realize that. Maybe that's why President Trump right now has higher polling approval ratings than Obama did at the same time in his presidency. The doctor on the Savage Nation joy. When my cardiologist told me I needed to take a staten drug to lower my cholesterol He also told me that it can lower my natural levels of Kochi. He told me to take. It has the number one cardiologist recommended form of Kochi a very important nutrient for a healthy heart and healthy blood pressure levels. With 3 times better absorption as the number one cardiologist recommended form of. The better Kochi. Shortage of a life overwhelming your life Shelly Palmer was Martin and you're listening to think about this but Shelley and Ross help you survive the disruption I felt like I needed to have it my think a lot of people don't know probably should have one or 2 because if we're not taking care of ourselves who will that's what we're going to explore are welcome to think about this the more you listen the less you know listen and subscribe to think about this free. From the Westwood One podcast network or the conversation starts. President Trump plans to announce the drawdown of about 4000 u.s. Troops from Afghanistan possibly as early as next week word comes as talks between u.s. Peace negotiators and the Taliban resume last week after breaking down in September a full House vote on impeachment is expected Wednesday and correspondent Lauren Fox says preparations are ongoing for a Senate trial that would follow next month plans are still developing in the Senate where Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has made no secret of the fact that he would prefer a sorter trial with no witnesses Meanwhile President Donald Trump has been telling his allies privately that he would prefer a longer trial more of a show to defend himself several 1000 people shouting words of thanks to the police turned out in Hong Kong today it was a rather unusual display of support for a force that is broadly criticized as abusive by the territory's protest movement. Stack. From the k f annex whether bug Weather Center as we head into Sunday look for mostly sunny skies a high of 64 mostly clear Sunday night 42 for the low on Monday mostly sunny and 62 mostly sunny 64 on Tuesday John Waters from the k. Up next weather bug Weather Center currently in downtown Phoenix it's 50 degrees fair and balanced independent talk a leaven 100 k. Of an x. Arizona's only independent voice independent. 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For the Dr on the. 575500 we're going to talk a just a tiny bit more about impeachment this hour because I got a lot of the stories I want to get to. And I know that you don't want to talk about impeachment the entire time 247. Because they are trying to get rid of. Me at the point where the Democrats realize that it's not going to happen I think. But they still want this black mark on his resume and they want to. The 6 Surely you're not going to reelect impeach President Tommy mistress of power because they don't trust you. Several Democrats have said we can't leave this we can't leave this to the American people. In so many words just like they haven't really admitted that they were trying to impeach him from day one they want you know that it's because of all these things he's done but. We played him for it we would try to impeach him for 22 and a half years we've been trying to impeach him. But I thought as Alinsky called me happened in the summer that wasn't 2 and a half years ago but when you talk about well well I mean you've only got to the report but the moment of porn found you didn't do anything there was no clues you want Russia that's what supposedly it was all about well well we all know there was other things on there and he lied about he said it was spot on oh oh oh Byron York has a great piece in Washington and if you haven't had a chance to look at that I highly recommend it where he says if you actually read the report from the inspector general they outline a couple the spies in the term campaign from the f.b.i. They just don't call them spies you know the f.b.i. Doesn't write down we have a spy in this given you know we hear the names they call them I'll get you that too but. It's incredible to watch well we've been trying to impeach them for 2 and a half years they've been telling us for the last several months that they haven't been doing that. Well listen to this one from Representative Debbie Lesko But Wendy going right to that point I mean come on this is a pre-determined you guys have been whining tempi to this president since he got elected fact after fact after fact I know that you some of you really think the president did something wrong but the fact is there is no none of your witnesses none of your fact witnesses were able to establish any evidence of bribery treason high crimes and misdemeanors not one single one and that's what it says has to be done in the Constitution so again I believe the president of the United States is right this is a sham impeachment you know we'll get to that in a 2nd but what about the bribery Well Nancy Pelosi was asked about that cut one please why did you decide not to make bribery one of the articles of impeachment I myself I'm not a lawyer and sometimes I act like one but is it often is that actors in contrast have to see medicine on the side. To this is the solution that was recommended by the Russians together and what that committee chairs are attorneys and so we are told that they translate there was no bribery but we said because we had poll tested it and then bribery works better than quid pro quo but then they couldn't really show that there was any bribery so we left that out but you know we said it enough that our people think it was bribery So listen this is all about feeding our base and trying to win an election by just to tell the truth and to get Ned in Las Vegas Ned You were on the Savage Nation My name is Greg now I'm feeling go right ahead yeah Oh not on precisely but I. Think by doctors who. Were when you all. Watch that the foreman was catching my. Johnson that sort of thing and I want 1st Ronson Now if you want to call up and support or they said Johnson to wear your head in the polls you probably say well it's nonsense going to win anyway you want to show up but if they think well. It's. And this is going to meet in us and then he said I've got to get out there Chris Cuomo has a few minutes so look at all the rigging up a lot of. Bad waiting in the. Situation with me or you could do it the other way that they were saying you know. The well you're right that it could it could it could really make somebody stay home or could make somebody go depending on the way they were looking at it if you remember Ned back in the Gore versus George w. Bush election the mainstream media severally outlets called Florida polls closed when the Panhandle was still open the panhandle of Florida is in Central time the Central Time Zone and so they said it was closed and they declared Dole the winner I'm sorry Gore won that there will they declare Gore the winner there was still an hour to vote in the panhandle of Florida law how many people we don't know thought Oh well I guess they've already called the state for Gore doesn't matter if I go vote for w. How many votes do we know we're left from that. There's all sorts of opportunities for every state holes manipulate the election and no one really seems to be working went through it it is interesting when you look at the polling right before President Trump won it showed Hillary dominating right nobody supposedly had Trump winning. I think James in California James you were on the Savage Nation go right ahead. I just wanted to say that I'm a 5 language that's coming out every 10 Democrats but I thought that really funny guy from Florida you know that fight is. Really nothing to do with what we're trying to work on and solve in our country. That he was himself. Oh no we're in arrested for DUI just not. Hurt you know but I think that from oh I know it. And. I think people in this. Camp. To try and help but for that to feel it oh yes it's the talk show hosts that are the problem. So it's not Nancy Pelosi it's it's not it's not Alexander Cortez it's not her she to lead it's not the people that are you know saying we should impeach and for it's people like me and Dr Savage that are the problem I think that's the inflammatory language that you want inflammatory language I used today. Not yours you were what. You. Described it. Well here's the problem though James and I appreciate the call but here's the problem we've been told for generations on the conservative side that you know we just need to be civil we need to be polite we need to just politely and calmly explain our positions because that's the right thing to do and the left has been going nuts and they've been calling us every name in the book and t.v. It's not just calling names they're far left they're out there beating people up and claiming it's self defense when the people they're beating up haven't touched them. When you have people on the left and the Democratic Party showing an image of Paul Ryan probably one of the nicest guys in politics pushing a grandmother out of a wheelchair over a cliff you want me to respond to that politely and calmly and civilly. When people are saying the President Trump was a Russian agent the people the Democratic Party said that people in the media said that when you got some people saying he was a Russian agent he's really committing treason which means you should be killed and the response should be let's talk politely and calmly and similarly please here because we just were above we no one sometimes you have to fight fire with fire and that's why you have people pushing back like this. In Colorado Dave you're on the Savage Nation My name is right now I'm feeling go right ahead. Mark 1st I'm a Democrat and I'm not proud of the. Democrats. And they are. Oh see. That even after President from 22 months. Already been out front they got everything and as you can see. On. Russell. Ridiculous right now bringing up all this stuff that's that really they haven't look the only reason you should be able to bring that stuff up is if you're going to impeach him for it if not then what are you doing and they're not impeaching him for that stuff because they know they can't and I had somebody up here thank you for the call they have somebody on the on the call screen that said hey I'm conservative and now there is a reason for impeachment of President Trump and then put up the well what's the reason you can't say because I don't like his tweets I don't like the way he talks I don't like the fact that he said x.y.z. What did he do well you know he said Do me a favor and dig up dirt on one fine no that's not what he said he said he will you do us a favor and look into this corruption. We're supposed to be looking into corruption worse and it we're supposed to actually be helping each other Ukraine supposed to be helping us we're supposed to be helping your green Well yeah but the real reason you did it was to get dirt on buying So what you're saying is there could be 2 reasons he did it one is to actually root out corruption that might have happened and the other one is you think he could dig up dirt on his opponent Yeah well guess what you don't get the redesign you don't get to say we're impeaching him because he might have done it for this reason when there's a legitimate good reason to do it because remember now everybody on the in the media saying well yes Joe Biden did do a quid pro quo with the president of Ukraine back when he was vice president and he said he's kind of got a month take I'll give you 6 hours to get rid of this corrupt prosecutor you're not getting the aid from America $1000000000.00 but the meaning of yeah yeah but that was totally different because what Vice President Biden was doing was doing good stuff for America it's Ok to do a quid pro quo if it was for America but Trump was doing it for himself how do you know well because it's obvious because it was about Joe Biden and Joe Biden's running against them now the latest. That's the vice president and his son were involved with corruption in Ukraine when the vice president was the vice president isn't that important for us to know where you know well well then there's a reason for doing it which means it's Ok to do it. I mean really. Let me get Reed in Sacramento read you on the Savage Nation My name's Gregg Now go right ahead I want to serve afternoon good afternoon to you I just wanted to touch base on what I think the real reason the Democrats are trying to impeach him for right now is. That they're actually trying to get him out of office because they know that's impossible right I think trying to have the fabric and the foundation the loyalty of the prime supporters the people I think their whole plan and their whole idea for a future right now is just to get a few senators in the Senate on the Republican side to somewhat try to switch lanes if they can create. Even a few of them to switch positions they want so what will they have one if they do that well one come 1st started running is talking a lot about the swap and some cross predominant Republican that fact from him right Yup it's really really that fun about seeing if the Republican Party is going to stand behind him if some can actually unite the party and I think push from the shock of fact what's going to happen when all of this unfolds Yeah I think I gree with most what you said read where I would probably part ways with you as I think with the Democrats are hoping is if the they were hoping could we get just a couple Republicans in the House to come with us the Kazemi could say bi partisan they could can we get just one or 2 or 3 in the Senate to come with us then we can say bipartisan you just get one right. And then what welled up that shows that even some Republicans agree with us and therefore there's no way you should reelect this president I think that's what they're really hoping to do is dirty him up as much as they can so they have a chance to win they look they're not they're not stupid they may be ignorant but they're not stupid and they can see that President Trump is on his way to reelection and probably in a bigger bigger win than last time they don't have anybody look who's running who is going to be them Biden No Have you seen him in a debate because it will come and not even debate I don't believe that he will debate and if it's Biden Biden is going to look so old he's only a couple years older than Trump I know have you seen Biden in the debates he looks old he looks like an old man now he mumbles He forgets things he rambles he says things that you would say oh I'm sorry that was offensive it's my grandpa he's old that's what he looks like now it's not good if I 570 get you on board the program a 570 I also want to get you the story. About what happened with this shooting at the kosher deli because it's again some really weird stuff coming out about this now about the motives. 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She went after the whites premises. But the 2 suspects that were shot and killed were black Yeah well. Yeah she blew it and she deleted the tweet had something about it but the killers were black Hebrew Israel lights the black Hebrew Israel lights are labeled as a hate group they believe the black people are the true descendants of Jews that none of the 12 tribes of Israel are white they're black supremacy s. . They had tweeted out anti-Semitic tweets right before this a manifesto was found in the Cold War Now here's where it gets really weird that's nowhere Well I mean weirder 3rd we now have. Federal law enforcement saying this didn't appear to be an act of terrorism 6 people dead including the 2 shooters. And the investigators now do you an anti-Semitic message posted online as a secondary factor and maybe his mental illness and drug use. Wait what. A minute my name's going to have been for the Dr on the Saturday she joined us Savage Nation. 472. 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Troop drawdown round cations party switch back a trump administration announcement of a drawdown of u.s. Troops in Afghanistan is expected possibly as early as next week correspondent Sam Kiley lends perspective the assumption is certainly on the Afghan government's side the reduction in u.s. Troops could make them vulnerable but that would only be really in the center eastern parts of the Southwest south of the country because of course in the north of the country the Taliban are extremely unpopular both because of their ideology but also because of various ethnic frictions between the north and the South a powerful earthquake rocked the southern Philippines today killing a child as the wall of her house tumble down a search is also under way for people feared to be trapped inside a 3 story building that collapsed the u.s. Special envoy for North Korea arrived in South Korea today as Pyongyang stepped up pressure on Washington to make concessions to revive stalled denuclearization talks and of the year end deadline Meanwhile the North said it carried out a 2nd test of a satellite Iraq at engine facility a full House vote on impeachment is expected Wednesday and correspondent Jamie Dimon reports New Jersey Democrat Congressman Jeff then drew met with President Trump and talked about switching parties as he's long been opposed to the House impeachment effort several Democrats have been urging van drew not to switch parties and in fact urging him to stay a Democrat remain in the party but the congressman is nonetheless already taking flak including from New Jersey's Democratic governor Phil Murphy Ella's who quarterback Joe burrow as won the Heisman Trophy as top college player in a record landslide vote all my teammates of have supported me and welcomed me with with open arms kid from while. 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