Things in their impeachment inquiry although g.o.p. Lawmakers have attended the closed door sessions on C.B.S.'s Face the Nation House majority leader steady Hoyer told host Margaret Brennan those sessions will soon be opened up now we passed a resolution says we're going to move to a public hearing where all the transcripts all the depositions are going to be made known to the president and to the members of Congress public hearings begin I think relatively soon no Republicans voted to formalize the inquiry White House counselor Kellyanne Conway told Fox News Sunday why they voted no. Because they had not. So much that they couldn't even go to have a forum because of the way. In California all evacuation orders have been lifted as firefighters made progress on the Maria fire in Ventura County that it sent thousands fleeing their homes and farms firefighters have contained 50 percent of a blaze tragedy at the 6 $1000000.00 Breeders' Cup at Southern California same Santa Anita Park racetrack for Correspondent Jim Roope reports an injured horse had to be euthanized Santa Anita has been under a microscope for the previous 3 dozen horses that died either during a race or training he says the day after Christmas last this time with the nation watching Mongolian groom pulled up during the final race a fractured back lay the animal had to be put down it was the $37.00 3rd bred to die at the track since last December on Evan Haining. The choice of a lawyer is an important decision it should not be based solely on advertising sponsored by case the media attention this is an important message for anyone that has been diagnosed with cancer after being exposed to round up or other weight killers the internal Agency for Research on Cancer Ward that over exposure to round up and other weak killers may increase the risk of developing a non hunch concealing Foma month said Joe The manufacturer of Bay have know that Roundup and other weak killers were likely linked to organ damage and cancer this information was hidden from the public as proprietary trade secret since 1901 and Monsanto may have failed to warn of the potential risk of cancer if you are a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer after being exposed to round up or other weight killers you may be entitled to significant compensation call this now at 87160457 our network of attorneys are ready to fight for you you'll pay nothing unless there's a recovery in your favor call now for a free consultation at 807160457 you must protect your legal rights call 807160457 again 871-6045 x. What about weather center I was. Like I'm always expect much to clear skies. As we start that week on a Monday I'm always sunny sky day by my bed I clear with the with the. Forecast for g.b. a Deal from the. Weather Center currently in downtown Phoenix it's $78.00 degrees. Across pizza patio wine bar is the Phoenix hot spot where you can sing a fun casual dinner at the whole family for an intimate even Yeah with you and your significant other located on the southeast corner of Cave Creek in a one on one upper crust offers great specials for you today $11.00 large one topping pizzas Wednesday have off bottles of wine and happy hour 47 every day check out for yourself upper crust pizza and you why mark on the southeast corner of Cape Creek and what a one. Did you know. Com was named the website every year as I mentioned for more than 30 here is a. Media has. Telling business and lifestyle news. Publications such as business and. Stand for your business real estate travel and lifestyle news big. Game Media dot com one of the top websites in. Com Today ask yourself what you will miss more your children are cigarettes as long as I can remember my mother she died from lung cancer when I was 16 I could not take the chance of continuing smoking. Here For. I know how much I need to feel and I didn't realize it until I had lost or. You're not just quitting for yourself for free help call 1800 quit now a message from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention if you miss the Lars war. Should we delay the census until we can answer the solutions your question the president was asking as lawyers like yours were no but I don't see any good reason not to wait for the Supreme Court making decisions that we can ask the question because the administration has the reason we all know the reason for asking the question. 1100 k. Of. Whether traffic. 1100 k. F. And the information and opinions you hear on this radio show or those of the host and callers and who don't necessarily reflect the opinions of k.f. And x. Its affiliates management or advertisers Here's one of my family is talking about their savings with me. 1st of all she was very accurate near numbers and when she told us how much our monthly bill would be Whew through my accurate that's a pretty. Good cried and cried and then. Traded that a lot you know when you grow I act and use your air conditioner when you board. And yet that's where you really can buy when. I have a bill $173.00 a month but before I had over 'd $400.00. Quite as. I was just really impressed with her accuracy and being right on the money on every thing and telling us exactly what would happen and when and we just had a real good experience like you so we can be here I'm a mom grandma and a retired nurse that created a formula that helped my daughter save money on her power bills that same formula has helped hundreds of families here in Arizona achieve the maximum savings and benefits of going solar don't become one of those bad solar stories as my daughter almost did let me create a custom formula for your home save thousands off your power bill my killer worksheet solar Stanny dot com a 30 percent federal tax credit and soon go to Sandy dot com is what. We're live on this postcard everybody out there and you know what it's summertime and we've got all our air conditioned dish new hires hot shot out there and we've got solar Sandy here it is going to show you how to lower a bill that you're already paying way to use money on it is so hot out there Carol my goodness everything that the inside right now everybody should be inside staying cool and comfortable and here's what it's. Everybody this is an absolute essential Bill we all have to pay it and what if you could find out what exactly what you're paying for your kilowatts that's the the unit of power that you're buying from the power company and I could show you how to peel i.o.p. Produce your own power and pay far less for then my a.p.s. Families Carol I don't have my book but I brought the bills in before you couldn't anymore because we don't have a wheelbarrow so heavy. Every one of my family is under the new rate plans that came out in May of 2018 are living more comfortably and you've seen the bills Carol the proof is in the bills they're paying 0 to A.P.'s and most of them have credits that they will get some form of a credit check from A.P.'s at the end of the year so if you're key if you're keeping your house at 82 to 80 to 82 and you'd like to be a little bit more comfortable and not have your bill go up because you wanted to live more comfortably theories of things I say this to people this is the only product goods or service that dictates to us how affordably and or an affordably or how comfortable or uncomfortably we live in our own homes think about this when we leave our houses when we go to the grocery store we decide whether we're going to Fry's or Whole Foods or Safeway or wherever we're going to buy our groceries. Or where we're going to buy our gas you know that's a few cents cheaper over here we're going to go there but when we have our home is in a designated area there's a does it mated power company you're either A.P.'s or you're a circuit now you don't have a choice in the matter you chose where you live you chose your home but now you have a choice on how much you pay for your electricity you're going to what I do is you know this started because I couldn't help my own daughter before you go there Ok I want to tell you what somebody asked me just before and most people ask me this Ok when I say Ensler stand he's going to be here today and they'll say to me Well what exactly does solar Sandie do oh Ok What a great place for me to say that to you please tell everybody explain to them what you actually really do so let's start by you know I'm just a mom and a grandmother a retired registered nurse that over 6 years ago my daughter called me with a very high electric bill and I myself was on a fixed income and I couldn't help her pay her electric bill because I was on a fixed income I knew nothing about solar like many people out there and that probably there are some people out there that knew more than I did when I was looking at this helping my daughter through this process and I didn't even know solar was a solution for her I was just looking for a way to lower her cost of her power bill you know so I sat down on my i Pad and Google it how do you lower electric bill so all these energy efficiency measures and super cooling and l.e.d.s. Lights and all that kind of thing pulled up. And those are good ideas but they only it's going to save you a little bit it's not going to significantly impact your power bill or how comfortably you're living in your house so I called a few people and they came out and they couldn't answer my questions this is going to be the power source on my daughter's home producing her electricity and if they couldn't answer my questions to my satisfaction it didn't matter if it sound as good as sliced bread it wasn't happening so I said to my daughter give me a little bit time to figure the song because when I was a nurse I had to do and you know draw the medication I had to double check the dosages that I was administering because there is no I'm giving my age away there's no Google phones at that time so I did a lot of math the old fashioned way on a piece of paper and a pen double checked you know dosages so I looked at this then said this is just a math formula how much electricity was my daughter Chelsea using over the last 12 months is a pretty good indicator of how much electricity she would use going forward. Then I said well oh her power company has all these different rate plans because at night time when the sun goes down those panels aren't going to produce any electricity soon enough to buy some from the power company so to figure out which rate plan was the best to house her with solar So I think that oil and then I kept on reading and I saw most people who put solar panels on their house want to keep their house a little bit more comfortable on have a little bit of wiggle room and so I said oh this is important because some people think oh you put panels up on the roof and it magically produces all the electricity as long as the sun's up it's going to produce as much electricity as you want not true the panels have a capacity and once a comparison is reached you're buying that electricity from the power company so I think factored that into my formula. And you know the 3rd fellow came out and I said this is how we're going to do it how many times she needs and this is there a plan she's going on he says my mind I've never done it like this and I says probably not because you're not a moment a gram of that can't afford to pay your daughter's parable let alone another bill if this doesn't work so they did it to my specifications for panels one on her house and I followed her bills and I followed the month after month and she also says Mom do you see what I'm seeing I said Yeah you're saving even more than I anticipated she goes yeah mom and so you know it's one thing to be told something is going to happen when you go solar it's another thing to be shown and that's why I carry my book around because if somebody can show you how this is going to work and how it's going to save you money and it's going to 0 your A.P.'s bill and potentially give you a check back from A.P.'s at the end of the year then they need to stop talking and that is why I carry the book around because I followed my daughter's bills for over a year every month after month she was saving money and then I helped her neighbor and I helped her neighbors neighbor and I helped the neighbors neighbor after that so it's all started with me sitting down at the kitchen table and I created my very 1st skill or cheat on yellow pad of paper and pencil and that's how people start with me tell me how much power you're using over the last 12 months. Tell me which power company you're with and tell me which rate plan you're on then when I come out to see you I know how much power you're using how much power we need to replace and I can show you how you're going to produce your own power pay significantly less for it and have A.P.'s pay you at the end of the year with a near year potentially have a 0 A.P.'s bill so that's what I do and not so hard to it so tell them how to get started well how you get started if you go up on her website which is ask solar Sandie dot com and fill out that kilowatt worksheet you can also call or she loves to talk to you she loves to get calls and even if you've talked to her before and this is our new program let's talk about what is it pay so you've got your father because that can go so let me give out her phone number at 623-850-8229 she it's a free no obligation free consultation so if you looked at this so 4 years ago this option that a.p.s. In the 08 his bills was not available so let's see if you qualify for a 0 A.P.'s bill and qualify for getting some money back from a.p.s. It's really simple. Fill out the kill worksheet show me how much electricity you're using I come out and I do a solar saving proposal so then we can see how much you need and give you that little more Carol that's with a little much more so you can live more comfortably drop the thermostat down from 82 to 82 or 80 down to well let's get wild and say 7677. You know I was in a house today and they say lovely home very lovely people but it was a tad warm in there and. I just love to be able to keep my house at 7677 and I said well you're going to be able to do that and you're the wave by far most work is based on what I've done you'll have a bill and at the end of the year potentially getting a check back from I see them all I mean I see them where they're negative and each month as you go along that that that credit sort of set goes to the next month the next month and by the end of the year you have money that's coming right back to you into your pocket and so there's $2.00 reasons to do this is number one you're paying a lower per kilowatt cost for your electricity than atheists. And you're living more comfortably in your own home now you can call her it's hot out there and you don't need to be paying these high bills and she's going to show you how she can lower that bill for you that number to call is 623-850-8229 The Web site is ask solar Sanny dot com and fill out that. High so it's handy here I'm a mom grandma and a retired nurse that created a formula that helped my daughter save money on her power bills that same formula has helped hundreds of families here in Arizona achieve the maximum savings and benefits of going solar become one of those bad source. As my daughter almost did let me create a custom formula for your home save thousands. To love Michael or she asked color Sandy dot com The 30 percent federal tax credit and soon go to Sandy dot com There's much. Like to welcome back everyone and we are talking with solar Sandy and she's here to help you understand what this is all about producing your own power and there's no money to get started here a lot of people think you know she's I can't afford to go solar I can't afford the cost there's no money out of pocket to get started. You're going to pay for power one way or the other you're going to either buy it retail from the power company or you're going to produce it wholesale on your own roof and talking about roofs maybe there's somebody out there this listening that they really have been wanting to go solar for a long time but somebody told them that their roof needs to be redone I can help them with that and so don't let something stop you from looking into it because I can usually help with many of the circumstances some people might think she's well we can't have it because again our our roof needs to be redone I can help get that accomplished a lot of people also think that the way will probably not let them have better have rules that's true and so there's no way to a in the state of Arizona that can say no it's against the law for them to say you know so the bottom line is you're going to buy electricity for the rest of your life in your home the average home in Arizona will spend $80.00 to $100000.00 over the next 20 to 25 years on their power costs and that's just an average house an average his house some houses that are bigger living a little bit more on the edge maybe 7980 degrees and versus $82.00 will spend more over that period of time on their like to city so by. Producing your own power . You're paying a lower cost per kilowatt and you are putting in that money that you are just being giving something to the a.p.s. Or us or p. In your pocket versus the power companies but you can also help people like for instance if we know that you can help people they've helped a friend of mine who that isn't even living in their home they'd maybe there purchase a home and they're ready to move in but there had haven't yet absolutely Carol if you don't have 12 months worth of your electrical usage. If you're just moving in I didn't I need to know how big the hole says how many seniors you have what your desired temperature setting that you'd like to have it be yet in your house if you have a pool pool how many e.c. Units so go fill up a kilo worksheet and just put 000 into the coal worksheet and go to the bottom and say My house is x. You know size and the Howard 1000000 square foot it is how many AC units if you have a pool in a pool put in that specific information and I will create a formula for your home and then we can go from the because I did that for your friend Debbie Yeah you have to let She was moving in I just met you and I said Have you ever heard of solar Sandy you know she was on my show today and you helped as you've been there now for I think almost a year or so with with the with it yes and so also but even renters people that you're renting if you know your landlord she can help them she wants to help everyone she wants to help. People here in Arizona put money in your pocket instead of giving it to the electric exactly an excerpt can help people in a surplus Well it's a little different program you know and A.P.'s they're buying the power the extra power back for $11.00 And that's how I mean able to 0 out potentially 0 everybody's bill and that's her p. They don't buy the par back for the for that rate so there is a formula that I have developed and used and that's given me a proven track record and that's. Well again everybody he. May have looked at solar 345 years ago and it just didn't make sense and you didn't have you like my daughter and my daughter myself when we looked at who couldn't get our questions answered quite to our satisfaction it was like you know just not quite making sense take a look at it again because the pissed program has only been available since 2018 so things have changed a for the number one thing that's change your power bill in 2017 went up in 2018 and went up again and it's going up again in August Well I'll tell you something there's always new programs and that's what's really important is the people to understand that even if you've thought about it if you know on the fence about it you should talk to her no matter what she does a minute can color as many times you want she's going to try and help you to understand what this is and at some point it might make sense to do it absolutely and when I show people the proof is in the bills the bills that I had cumulated with my Siemens that I've worked with it really makes a difference to be able to see it not just here it right so allow me to show you how I achieve that 0 A.P.'s bill and then I've got some bills from a circus well that I can show families this one you can read it for me not and his wife their bills prior to solar in 2018 or 20817 I'm sorry you have to have to eat a lot of it yeah I'm reading outside and now I don't got the sense and now in May of 2019 or 3 dollars and 47 cents so it's a little bit different so I can't completely 0 at the bill but I can get your bills down significantly I'd be so thrilled Yes right and then and they're living much more comfortably then they were paying a lower per kilowatt rate by producing their own power on their own roof than they would be paying to assert So again that's a matter for a.p.s. Or yes or. There is a formula a proven formula that I can show you the bills to show you how I'm achieving and how and how you're saving and achieving these savings and you can see it with your own eyes you're not just hearing it you're seeing with your own eyes and I mean I really I look at it did this for my own daughters so when I was I was talking to people today I said I didn't learn this because I didn't wake up one day and say I wanted to go sell solar panels or go do anything with solar I was a mom who could I couldn't help my own daughter pay her electric bill and I didn't know anything about solar so I had to figure this out on what was she paying per kilowatt and what was it going to save or to have panels producing her kilowatts and once I understood that I could explain it to my own daughter that's the way that I learn this so there's no fancy solar rhetoric or solar technical terms I explain it very simply one she wonders stand what you're paying for something and now being shown how you can save money on the same thing that you're kilowatts then it starts coming together and making sense for people and it's really that simple Carole the Quitman is warrantied for 25 years people don't have to worry about their roofs their roofs are warrantied everything is taken care for them so once their main understanding of what what they're what they're paying for their 3rd electricity how they'll be paying less for the electricity and how it all comes together that's when it's a powerful moment. I'll tell you something no a lot of people are getting their bills right now oh my gosh they're astronomical and so you know you're sitting here thinking well carried it through this summer I'm not going to do it well you know what you shouldn't wait that's really important for people to understand by getting into working with you and going as I want to say it this way by producing their own power now. By the end of the year or however long it takes and there's there's times that it does take time because this is not a very simple thing it's takes a lot of steps to do it and then it before that then they also have another one for things which is the tax credit yes this is the year folks if you miss this window and you miss this time frame you're leaving a lot of money on your roof because you're getting a 30 percent federal tax credit for most people that's well over $10000.00 in $1000.00 back from the state so A.P.'s Nassar p.r. Never going to give you a dime as a rebate or refund anything for buying their retail power now by producing your own power you're you're entitled to if you're paying federal you're working in paying federal income tax you are entitled to it a 30 percent federal tax credit and a 1000 hours back from the state so again this is a very significant significant to the homeowners because now their power costs 30 percent of it's being paid by the federal government $1000.00 for the state well you know you're going to want to be on this now because to you yes all these wonderful things but then next year we've got you know see how fast the year goes by you can be having high bills it doesn't matter it costs a lot of money to live on our homes and most of the money is going to your your your electric bill the same electricity that you are buying if you're an atheist same electricity you're buying in 2016 went up in 2017 this is a pissed change the names of the rate plans but actually in there was disguised a rate increase so it went up in 2017 the same electricity that you're buying in 2017 changed and is more expensive today some people we saw bills going up as as much as 25 to 50 percent depending on which rate plan you were on people saw the significance or been a change in their bills so again it's about living more comfortably and more affordably in your own home because when the when the when the power rates go up again and they will. And there's supposed to be possibly another one in August. What are people do you have no choice you have to live with it but you do have a choice to listen to the show and get this information and write it down and call or it's a free no obligation free consultation it's just for you to be able to come in and least for the 1st thing at least understand your bill is that r.t. And off with that and then you can learn about all of what it takes to produce your own power and save and save and find out if it's right and you know what it is most of the time is right sometimes it's wrong you say Ok but this is the only waiting people it's all about educating and finding out whether it's right and she comes to she loves to go to everybody you can also call or direct she still talk I don't care how many times you call or call or again she wants to talk to you again over and over and over and there's new programs you don't know whether it's going to be right or wrong unless you ask so 623508229 it's Ask dot com go out and fill it fill out the. Color 623-850-8229. Here I'm a mom grandma and a retired nurse that created a formula that helped my daughter save money on her power bills that same formula has helped hundreds of families here in Arizona achieve the maximum savings and benefits of going solar become one of those bad solar stories as my daughter almost did let me create a custom formula for your home save thousands off your. Solar stand you dot com a 30 percent federal tax credit and soon go to ask dot com. One of my customers. Are. Straight across the lobby information and opinions you hear on this radio show or those of the host guests and callers and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of k f n x its affiliates management or visit us online at 1100 k. F. N. X. Dot com Arizona is only independent voice independent aka leaven hundreds. Whistleblower who helped touch off the impeachment inquiry against President Trump is willing to answer written questions from House Republicans His lawyer says but Representative Jim Jordan a top Republican on the Judiciary Committee says written answers wouldn't be sufficient to probe and cross-examine the witness it's been a week since ISIS leader Abu Bakar al Baghdadi killed himself after being cornered by u.s. Special forces still ISIS survives this week it claimed responsibility for 3 attacks that killed at least 56 people but correspondent Sam Hill says ISIS offered absolutely no proof they actually did it that greatest rivals and greatest threat to them physically is less the international community trying strikes driven out of the United States and that kind of thing but rather Al Qaida because al Qaeda wants to remain the premier jihadi organization well why I'm Evan handing. The next what about weather center I was. Clear skies. As we started out we got you Monday. By my did I clear that I'm. On the. Weather Center currently in downtown Phoenix it's $74.00 degrees. Good times good friends and cold drinks and that's what it's all about arena Sports Grill 64th Street Bell has been friendly sports bar since 1908 Websites and visit. The Dell ones we show young people are so satisfied with what they hear so desirous of what they don't hear so unsure of what they will end up with that they're on the dole Wamsley show weekdays at 2 pm get the about cancer and cancer treatment from the experts the brief every Saturday between one and 2 on independent talk 1100 k. F. And next morning cancer advancing medical science together. Under 4. 100. And opinions you hear on this radio show or those of the host guests and callers and you don't necessarily reflect the opinions of the next its affiliates management or advertisers. This is a bible answers program in which we present a frank and earnest discussion of Bible truths our subject for this program the birth of a nation. There may be a bible study group near you and you may wish to attend if you would like to know all right to bible answers post office box 6 day General Post Office New York City. It has been given to our generation to witness the downfall of many kingdoms and governments throughout the Old World decay and disintegration of nations has been the order of the day but out of this whirlpool of conflict and increasing disorder there has come the birth of new nations important among these is the nation of Israel What relationship does this important event bear toward the fulfillment of biblical prophecies pertaining to the time in which we are living Frank and I will discuss this and related questions in our usual spirit of good will. But 1st these transcriptions of good news from the Word of God are brought to you by the dawn Bible Students Association publishers of the Dawn magazine and co-operation with local Bible study groups and by the many friends of Franken darnedest everywhere Russell the events occurring in Israel are very closely related to the prophecies of the Bible as a matter of fact Israel lights are mentioned more frequently in these prophecies and any other people besides the Holy Land the headquarters of the new state of Israel is the land of the Bible and is truly a land of destiny so far as the prophecies of the Bible are concerned yes it is certainly remarkable that a new nation should arise in Palestine during a time of such a cute world distress and fear and in spite of so much opposition from the Arabs and others it will surely be something for the historians to write about to say that it is an outstanding and historical event is not enough it is also a prophetic event as are all the unprecedented because and says in the world today I believe that out according to the Bible God did miraculously care for the Israelites in ancient times we are certain of that and it was because of this that you hold a refers to them as his witnesses it has been well said that the greatest living testimony to the inspiration of the Bible which there is in the world today is the Jewish people and to me Frank it is a marvelous thing that there is a real land of promise that the historical records and prophecies of the Bible have a genuine geographical background they are not myths as many would like us to think. But they are realities and Russell I pray she added that fact more than ever when visiting Palestine for in that land almost every time one turned around he is reminded of something that is recorded in the Bible when for instance I stood on Mount Zion in Jerusalem I was reminded of that wonderful prophecy of Micah chapter 4 versions one to 4 which describing the functional arrangements of the kingdom of Christ declares that the law shall go forth from Zion and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem and I know what you mean for I too have visited Israel Frank isn't that prophecy you mention the one which also states that then the nation shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks that nations shall not lift up sort against nation and neither shall they learn water any more that's right on the same prophecy ads that then every man shall dwell under his vine and think 3 and none shall know the last nor make afraid in other words it will be a time of economic security when the world will at long last have freedom from fear and Frank you said you were reminded of this prophecy while standing on Mount Zion in Jerusalem do you mean that the prophecy is to have a literal fulfillment that the governmental authority of the long promised kingdom of Christ will be located on literal Mount Zion and Jerusalem where the Bible indicates that the visible phase of the kingdom of Christ will have its headquarters in the holy land however I think the expression concerning the Law of God going forth from Mount Zion and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem is figurative think in Israel you know as a nation ruled by God through his various casings they did was outstanding among these and the center of his government was on. Zion to the Israelites therefore Mount Zion was looked upon as the seat of Divine government in the affairs of the nation and because of this Zion is used in many of the prophecies as a symbol of the Kingdom of the Lord Christ is there something in the Book of Revelation as I recall about there being 144000 with Christ on Mount Zion Yes the text is Revelation Chapter 14 verse one this is another instance in which Mount Zion is you symbolically this is obvious for literally Mount Zion would hardly accommodate $144000.00 francs and other prophecy comes to mind in this connection it in the Old Testament I believe and Emmett Jova says something about something his chain on Mount Zion Do you recall last yes that prophecy is recorded in the 2nd Psalm this entire prophecy is very interesting in view of the present world conditions in the opening verses it describes the assembling of the nations in an effort to stave off the inevitable which they see coming but the prophecy declares that they are imagining a dame thing that they cannot save themselves then follows the statement you referred to that the Lord has set his kingdom on Mount Zion This is the same symbolic Zion and Jesus is the king supreme in the kingdom which it symbolizes and as a prophecy shows all other rulers will eventually have to bow down to him and recognize and obey his governmental authority in the earth in Isaiah Chapter 35 version Levon we are told they will come to Zion. Frank you have said that Christ and His followers will constitute the spiritual rulers of the millennial kingdom symbolized by Mount Zion will learn or also be human representatives of this kingdom Oh yes in Psalm $45.00 Verse 16 these are spoken of as princes in all the earth and I understand that they are references to all who serve God faithfully prior to the 1st advent of Christ and Abel was the 1st of these and John the Baptist was the last that is very interesting then that means that they will have to be raised from the dead before the kingdom of Christ can actually begin to function for the blessing of all my family of man that is right those who participate in the 1st resurrection will reign for a 1000 years as kings with Christ while those worthies of past ages will be reached or to life as humans and will serve under Christ in the church as princes in all the earth these will be the one through whom the word of the Lord will go forth to the people from symbolic Jerusalem does not mean the literal Jerusalem and the Holy Land around will have no special place in the kingdom of Christ the Scriptures indicate as I have mentioned that the Holy Land will be the geographical headquarters of the earthly part of Christ's kingdom the regathering of the Israel lights to the promised land as we see today is in order that they might be furnished to participate in the blessings of the Kingdom and in its ever expanding sphere of influence Gentiles that is all nations will also share in the blessings of the new kingdom. It occurs to me Frank a long time has been involved in testing and training those who will participate in the heaven may and earthly governmental phases of Christ's kingdom that is true rational as a matter of fact all who get peace and help in life through the kingdoms agencies will likewise have to obey its laws accepting the gift of life as provided for them by Jehovah through his beloved Son Christ Jesus all these points and many other aspects of the subject of God's Kingdom are clearly set forth in the little book The Future of Israel and the world Russia will you tell our listeners about and how they may obtain a copy free yes Frank I will be glad to friends the little book The Future of Israel and the world is filled with hope and spiraling facts concerning the wonderful manner in which the prophecies of the Bible are not being fulfilled and you are invited to send for it do you know that 1914 a.d. Is foretold in the Bible as the year when the present distress of nations would have its beginning do you know that the prophecies of the Bible foretold the regality ring of the Jewish people to the Holy Land during these chaotic times do you know what the Apostle Paul meant when he wrote that all Israel shall be saved do you know where you will be in the resurrection do you know that according to the Bible mercy is to be extended to unbelievers when they are raised from the dead these are but a few of the vitally interesting points of truth discussed in the little book The Future of Israel and the world so send for your copy you will enjoy every one of its pages the addresses Frank and Ernest Voc 60 General Post Office New York survey write down the. Address please it is Frank Ginger Nast Mach 6 all General Post Office New York City ask for the little book The Future of Israel and the world just a one word Israel will do and it will be mailed to you without cost or obligation. Then for your free booklet today mail your request to Frank and Ernest Post Office Box 60 New York New York 10116 to repeat mail your request to Frank an earnest p.r. Box 60 New York New York 10116 or call the toll free number 180-2341 that's 180234 the a w. But the quote will be sent to you free and without obligation this program is brought to you each week by the dawn Bible Students Association in collaboration with local Bible study groups and by the many friends of Franken Ernest everywhere to repeat called for free the following number 180234 down on that is 180234 da w n to receive without obligation the free booklet offered Please include the call letters of this station with your request. Ask your friends to listen to our program won't you please and now. And may God bless you. And opinions you here on this radio show or those of the host guests and callers and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of k. Of an act its affiliates management or advertisers the information and opinions you hear on this radio show or those of the host guests and callers and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of k. Of an x. Its affiliates management or advertisers this is venom Grimsley with the spiritual renaissance broadcast Do you remember Alice Frazier Alice Frazier was the 68 year old Afro-American woman from Washington d.c. Who when she met the Queen of England broke the rules of protocol and British propriety by reaching out and giving the queen a big hug one newspaper declared it was the 1st time in recorded history that a commoner had hugged the Queen of England. When interviewed later Alice Fraser said that in the midst of all the pomp and ceremony of the royal retinue she had simply followed her own friendly feelings in embracing the queen friendliness honest affection and love can cut through the formidable formality of life and engender warmth and goodwill and that 2000 years ago was the message of this Jesus of Nazareth a message of love you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart soul mind and strength and you shall love your neighbor as yourself there was a religious social worker early in the 20th century on the East Coast who visited a poor woman who was very ill the woman said there's nothing you can do for me but if you'll do something for that poor child who lives next door in the next apartment you will be helping me the child was heard screaming with pain and blow after blow could be heard and it was a daily occurrence the sick woman said so this Christian social worker went to the courts but was told at the courts that at that time no one could interfere between parent and child she went to the charitable institutions only to learn that they could do nothing without a prior order from the courts at last in despair she appealed to the s.b.c. a The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and said to them if that little girl cannot receive humane treatment as a human being as a human child she shall at least have it as a member of the animal kingdom the s.p.c. a Sent an officer to investigate he beat down the door and he found that little girl lying bruised and bleeding he wrapped her in a blanket and he brought her before the court and then it was based on that case there was organized the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Now the courts can protect children from inhumane parents the greatest need upon this planet is the need for a law of Dr John Coleridge Patterson the 1st physician to come to the Melanesian islands was slain by the natives of the island of new copy in 1971 but later the children of those very man who slew him. Erected a cross on his grave and it bore this inscription his life was taken by a man for whom he would gladly have given it that is law of but to what noble cause or purpose have you given your life to what have you dedicated your time and your energies God the Living God of this universe has a plan for this planet and a purpose for your life and the Kingdom of God is within you a fragment of infinity of God's very Spirit indwells your mind this very moment if you will give your life to God historians report the During World War 2 The Japanese troops invading Malaya crossed rivers and swamps on bridges supported not by pilings driven into the ground. But on bridges held on the human shoulders of fellow combat troops Such is the nature of all progress you stand on the shoulders of others you benefit from the past lives and works of many others for all of humankind our brothers and sisters in God's family with thousands who have lived before and upon whose labors you now build used and dependent upon the lives of countless others who have built the bridges you now walk today and to recognize this truth and to begin to live in gratitude thankfulness and love is to begin to live a joyous life one time in Europe Dr f.h. Sales visit to the shop of an old Potter was shaping the clay into the desired shape with his hands but he was asked by one of the visitors in the shop why don't you have machinery to do all that the old potter replied We've tried all kinds of machinery but none of it has worked it's always failed somehow clay needs the human touch. God too has work to do on this earth which cannot be done by computers and machines and gadgetry it needs the human touch God has uses for your human life for your human touch if you will give your life to God in faith and hope and love and say you're willing to go anywhere do anything and be anything the living God calls you to go and do it it will be a new mighty mission in your life there's an old Scottish prayer oh god help me to hold a high enough opinion of myself. That what is meant is not egotism or shallow vanity but those who pervert spiritual self respect of a faith born son or daughter of God that is who you are that is what you are that is what you were formed from the beginning to be God conceived you to be a son or daughter of his to live in Valiant faith fearless of life and fearless of death and filled to the brim with. But that is not an exaggerated egotism or a self-important pride one time there was a business executive who decided to seek diversion by fishing in the famous streams of Scotland so he went from the city with a new poll a complete fishing outfit of the most expensive sort he could afford after hours of standing out there without getting one single bite from a fish he came across a Scottish Country boy who had only a long branch for a pole a bent pin for a hook and a long string of fish that had caught him and said Why is it I can't catch any fish when you've got so many as it's obvious to see the boy said it's simple because you don't keep yourself out of sight. Conquer your egotism humility is at the heart of a truly great life said Jesus let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and give glory or glorify your Father who is in heaven not less. Your light so shine that men may see it and say oh what a wonderful marvelous magnificent light it is that you have or what a brilliant person you are but rather that people give glory praise laud and author and worship to God it is written You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only Shall you serve on again Jesus said God is Spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth praise God magnify God's name give thanks for everything you happen everything you are and all the joy which lies before you in your future living in a faith as a son or daughter of God If you took a poll of people on a street corner and you ask them which contributes the most to the benefit of humankind to the benefit of the world science or religion probably science would win the poll a scientist who's deeply involved in his or her work may spend 10121618 hours a day on it I know some at universities or go back to their labs at all hours of the night and morning to check on their ongoing experiments and yet so many professed followers of religion do very little with their lives God's frozen people they have been called No wonder young people are often bored with spiritual teachings because so many adults are bored with that they go through their creeds and rituals in such a perfunctory fashion legen hard to keep from dozing off themselves and wonder why other people are dozing off most religion has become plain old bleak and bland tasteless Jesus of Nazareth said you are to be the salt of the earth the salt of the earth the flavor not the tofu and oatmeal mush the salt of the earth your religion should have Tang and savor not be tasteless is restless a Morpheus creedal blog that said Jesus I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly he said I have come that my joy might be in you and that your joy might be. Complete That is the real source of joy you can begin to discover where ever upon this planet you're listening to this broadcast or if you're an astronaut in orbit someplace and you've tuned in this very moment something new can begin for you and your life and your soul and your heart your mind your spirit it's a new love of God a new excitement with life knowing that you're here for a purpose a reason life is not some great caption last cartoon or plotless play there's a purpose for your life and you can find it in finding God Once there was a man who left his religious group and went over and joined a men's Fraternal Association and somebody was asking his wife why he'd made the change she thought for a moment said well you know now at the religious group they never gave my husband anything to do we went week after week but there was nothing for him to do but as soon as he joined that lodge as soon as he joined that men's fraternal association do you know what they did she said they put a helmet on his head and a sword in his hand and they made him the keeper of the Royal and Ancient arch and you know he hasn't missed a night over there ever since you need something to do you need a sense of purpose of mission of meaning to your life. And God has for you precisely that living by faith in God is not an idle lethargy it is a dynamic adventure a star trek from here to eternity it can begin this very moment as you listen to this worldwide broadcast if you'll have the faith to claim it begin to live and love for God and others and live as the son or daughter of go you were born and created to be. If you're interested in these topics right to us we want to hear from you at the spiritual renaissance Institute box 30 a.t.o. Cursed California 93644 that's the spiritual renaissance Institute or review. Sri for those of you listening in other countries around the world over our international satellite and shortwave network let me spell of meaning address s r I box 308000 cursed awake h u r s t California c a l i f o r n i a 9364 for United States of America I've written finding God getting to know God 7 Principles of prayer life after death what does happen when you die if you're interested in these topics no cost no charge no obligation nobody's going to come to your door with an attache case and try to sell you something simply went to the spiritual renaissance Institute box $38.00 yo cursed California 93644 USA is a nonsectarian nonprofit program for claiming the dawning spiritual renaissance the fatherhood of God in the brotherhood of man the worldwide family of God And so for now this is Vern venom Grimsley May God's will be done by you. Good day the information and opinions you hear on this radio show or those of the host guests and callers and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of k. Of an act its affiliates management or advertising your listening to independent truck 1100 k. F. X. Great Phoenix division a premier radio stations the home of The Savage Nation have an x. News time it's a whistleblower offer you ISIS leader and Evan Heyman president probably wants to know the name of the whistleblower who revealed Trump's request that Ukraine investigate Joe Biden correspondent Jeremy Dimond reports while still remaining anonymous The whistleblower is making a new offer to g.o.p. Lawmakers the whistleblower had previously offered to answer questions under oath and in writing from the House Intelligence Committee as a whole but now under fire from Republicans who have been complaining about the process of this impeachment inquiry this whistleblower is offering to answer questions in writing directly to House Republicans on that committee Somalia's. Islamic state affiliate one of ISIS most important outposts has sworn allegiance to a new leader named karate and correspondent Sam Hill reports ISIS says it's behind 3 recent attacks that killed at least 56 people the so-called Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the murder of Mali and soldiers on Friday and then the subsequent killing the following day of a French soldier in that same country this ship the same really as part of their attempt to claim responsibility whether or not they actually participated in any of these terrorist acts because they Leda Abu Bakar al Baghdadi is dead and the territory that they once controlled that made them so magnetic is Di wrong under their control over 50000 runners competed in the New York City Marathon correspondent Steve Castro bomb reports on the winners Geoffrey com World War of Kenya won the race for a 2nd time with a time of 2 hours 8 minutes of 13 seconds jostling just cause guy of Kenya got her 1st win in 2 hours 22 minutes and 38 seconds so you could see how good the most of the 52000 runners finish the race in between 3 and a half and 5 hours today's event was the 49th n.y.c. 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