Additive. I'm Steve Kate's host of the popular radio show Colt right here for the last 10 years off into 1100 kcal so much jointly for a radio show at 11 am on 1100 each Sunday as we explore ways to remain free and cherished freedom important issues from the Constitution the Bill of Rights. For a cold to rights. Always refused to be a victim and never be a spectator in the fight for freedom. My soul is handy here apparently you're buying expensive power from your birth company fees taxes and all kinds of charges B. Electricity I want you to save money on a bill you're already spending too much and it's going to keep going up to get 80. And then I come to your house to show you how many and how much P. While producing a powerless maybe more high electric bill it's really quite simple Now you produce your own power and hey let's go to my Web site cast solicit me dot com counseling family doctor we all owe them but very few of us know them they are the men and women who protect us at home and abroad turn into American warrior radio Sundays at 2 pm right here on K S N X to hear the stories of our military and 1st responder communities over 160 broadcasts on demand at American warrior Radio dot com. Mornings at 6 am. 1106 the home of America. The following program is an encore presentation. Live from the Fox News Radio studios in New York City fresh off the set of Fox and Friends seeds of America's receptive. Brian Kilmeade. It's my time to talk I've been through this before Chris Wallace is standing by. Michael loft This is the bottom of the hour a get this conservative comedian is one of the finest stand ups you'll see in America. For. King of Queens and Kevin can wait with Kevin James one of his best friends does a lot of work with his stand up actually has a conservative bunch of current conservative standup comedians who have their own tournament selling out across the country Michael Loftus actually did the 5 last night so he'll be with us at the bottom of the hour and he still dressed as he was on Fox and Friends this morning we are following the storm which it's no longer something in the Caribbean which really grind it up and we have some video of that which is really disturbing and we are putting U.S. Aid in place to help out but we're seeing the effects right now in Charleston South Carolina hurricane Dorian We'll get to that and so much more and also let me remind you that you want to get the podcast I know you do good I do. Dot com So let's get to the big 3 now with the stories you need to know Brian's big 3 members this is the hardest thing we will have certainly in my lifetime as a country par with winning World War 2 Perhaps even more challenging that any play such a big role in the when you. Understand it that as Mayor Pete last night 10 of the top Democratic candidates fleshed out their positions on climate change for just 7 hours how did they squeeze it in I'll bring you the highlights you know is it fair or unfair to. Get after you because your gaffes Look I think it's fair to go after a political figure for. OK Joe Biden because a lot of people going after you now even fellow Democrats pressure that's what front runner Joe Biden seems to be feeling as he bumbled his way to a climate change marathon brushes off gas with Kobe or as his I literally fills with blood on stage. And we think by the end of next year which will be sometime right after the election actually but we said we're going to have close to 500 miles which will be. Conflate the present stage in the Oval Office yesterday and to bring us through the hurricane zone is own special way he talked about the wall Mexico and the great decrease in illegals at our border we'll look at the factors that are helping calm things down at our border and how to make them even better but 1st. Time on the Brian Kilmeade show. By Chris Wallace that said just like a little horn I thought my body just as a whole new Come on play the real production hope All right well we didn't think this was going to happen. Suze what you have here is the last week's intro. I love the fact that you know me so well I knew I was like well we do know you pretty well Mr Wallis who's the king who is the godfather of the introduction needs a little updating. That's what we're doing right now you know. I would have let this go in the end as usual you made it all about yourself. The Emmy nominated host of Fox News Sunday still more than any other honor I could get I would like to be officially designated an oligarch. Garko funks News Sunday. Careers Oh. God that's the that's it that's all that's all. That's all I put some effort into that that was bad assed it wasn't it it was pretty graphic Yeah it was it was pretty great I want to just I just I have to say when I talked about the Godfather the Kang I was talking about Rush Limbaugh I was not talking about myself that's take news he took it out of context you are an enemy of the American people were heard that before. So Chris we have a lot to discuss 1st though was it wrong for Marianne Williamson to say that God played a role in keeping the hurricane off our shores. I didn't know she said I have to say so that it was at 7 hours the the climate change debate. Town hall I can honestly and probably say I did not watch not one minute. Not one second of it I did not frankly kind of forgot it was on the air so. Anyway did you say that yesterday or did you say that before you tweet it out I mean I don't know I mean. People think that God plays a role in a lot of things. Are you are you going to deny that God played a role in keeping the hurricane if you took the tweet out you got so much negativity for it what do you think do you are you saying God didn't play a role doesn't play a role in our lives Well my problem with that theory is this is that means God hates the Bahamas because he kept a hurricane there for 36 hours and it just 20 people lost their lives and the whole the whole island being grinded to rubble so I find it hard to believe God hates the Bahamas and loves Florida you do you really good God does not like Florida No I'm saying that I don't think God's make choices between islands in state OK I will tell you a story I used to go to a lunch after long after it retire with Red Auerbach who was you know the legendary I think the greatest coach in the history of pro basketball at the Boston Celtics that one out of No 10 championships something like that in any case he's up in Boston this is in the fifty's and sixty's and one day he goes to Cardinal Cushing and who was the arch the cardinal and the archbishop of Boston and he says Cardinal you know when one basketball players got to the foul line and they crossed themselves before they took a free throw get that makes any difference and Cardinal Cushing says if there are good 3 thrower it is so that's my kind of feeling about it but I don't see those who help themselves that is if you put in the practice gives you the extra boost I get that that's how I really feel I think that's a great way to say it but wait a 2nd somebody has a better way to say when it comes to hurricanes and climate change they are P. Thinks he knows exactly what God. 21 language that is understood across the heartland about face you know if you believe that God is watching as poison is being belched into the air of creation and people are being harmed by a country's are at risk of vanishing in low lying areas we're supposed to I think so that. So what have we learned. Well you and I are going to disagree we're going to have to agree to disagree on this subject because I read the clip that you played earlier and actually as you know I do other. Talk shows not not as much fun as you but other other heads radio heads and somebody else played the clip of him saying you know this is as tough as World War 2 1st of all and I know some people are going to agree with us I think climate change is a serious problem and and I think that human activity and all of the poison that we've dealt and I'm not you know I look I understand I'm a realist about it I would so much bigger problem because of what goes on in places like China and India than what goes on in the U.S. We can solve it ourselves but we can do what we can do and I take it seriously and for instance when he says well you know it's going to be tougher than World War 2. I don't think he's saying you know he's not literally comparing I don't know but in saying it's going to talk about World War 2 we know how to fight wars we don't know how to stop this huge problem of climate change I don't know you know I know a lot of your listeners are probably just gone what a joke Chris Wallace says but when you look at these pictures of the snow melting in Greenland when you look I know one of the people on my staff went up to to Alaska from the summer and one of the reasons she said you want is I wanted to see if while it was still there and they show them the glaciers and how they're melting . I you know I will I believe that climate change is a problem and that human beings could do something about it and secondly and this is my default position what have to climb people who don't think that are wrong you know we've only got one point the worst thing that could happen is we waste some money and. It turns out we didn't need to but if the climate change people are right if. Al Gore is right and we destroyed the only planet that it that we have to live on that's a pretty bad mistake a couple of things Number one the climate is always you know the climate has always been tackle it is changing congratulations it's always been changing if human activity is part of it we're leading the decrease in human activity in terms of negativity towards climate change and it's doing that you have to do it in a market based approach you can't say I am destroying the oil industry tomorrow I going to. Rule cows and episode of Friends what WAIT WAIT most will. Says how you know How crazy does it make you that if you really believe Bernie Sanders really believe what he's been screaming at people about he gets on a private jet right after this conversation and then he says when asked why you get on a private jet if you believe climate change is really goes it's a big country I have to get around well that's what everybody thinks there's a whole oil industry now that if you vote for a Democrat and they do what they say Well everyone's out of work doesn't matter we're getting baby bonds and a $1000.00 a month I know that will solve all our problems but I want you to hear would want to answer Royce Spencer said yesterday he's a meteorologist climatologist OK even if Dorian were to hit Florida as a Category 4 which it looks like now it's not going to happen there still would be no long term trend now yes we do expect theoretically that warmer waters should lead to stronger hurricanes and the waters out around the Bahamas where that where Dorian really intensified. Are unusually warm but if you go back again through the last 100 or more years and look at the sea surface temperatures in that area and the hurricanes that hit Florida it turns out that the 7 hurricanes since 871 the 7 hurricanes that went over the most unusually warm water for that time ear and. Then hit Florida all of them occurred before 950 so there is a counterargument even though people call you a murderer if you don't agree with them like the president is worse than Stalin We already heard that. Because he has people have questions about the climate changing and we could play a role to do it there's got to be a rational approach to doing it Marc Morano said this on our show today CA 26 he's executive editor of Climate Depot dot com So what they're doing is basically saying we're going to regulate the economy we're going to make all these increases and one of my favorites was they're going to regulate and prosecute energy companies who are providing our energy and then the same time admitting they're going to raise energy costs well then we're going to give guaranteed incomes we're going to redistribute wealth to the people out of it so you're going to have the Democrats basically on one hand regulating our economy on the other giving the money back to who they deem necessary in a massive redistribution scheme that's the ultimate plan for them because they get to be the masterminds of our economy by regulating every aspect of it. Can I talk now yes OK. There certainly are parts of some of the Democratic ideas that go way too far or. I'll offer my opinion that I that I think go way too far and that I would I'm concerned about in terms of disruption and you know when I see the Green New Deal. I agree with those people who say it's aspirational there are some things you can do that make that would make sense to us and there's a lot of stuff in there that wouldn't make any sense here is my only point. You know when I look at it was the warmest July in history when you look at the warmest years in recorded time and I guess they've only been recorded since 880 which is not a normal slice but it is a slice that's over 130 years of human existence and the vast majority of the warmest years since then have been in the last 5 or 10 years. I just find it hard to believe to go back to people to judge that we can belch all of that stuff into the environment you know there is there are scientific measurements of the depletion of the ozone layer and say it's having no impact at all and again what if we're wrong I'm not saying that we therefore it want to crater the economy I'm not saying we want to distribute income I just think it's a problem we need to address and it needs to be addressed and not only on a national level it needs to be addressed on an international level right you know something like maybe. I don't know the Paris Peace Accord which did nothing but of course right and I try to get at China was reconfiguring their entire economy to go along with it they had an extra 15 years to do the minimal thing possible and we're supposed to sign off on it and finance all these so-called developing nations spending so much I mean I hated actually have a serious discussion here but China has actually leading us and beating us so far in the development of alternative renewable energy solar power plants if you know what but the biggest growth industries in the United States are now solar panel installer and wind turbine technician I mean there there is a new economy and the idea that we're going to you know I know folks in West Virginia are going to like us the idea that we were going to bring back coal I was just reading a story online today that the coal industry isn't coming back in the demand for coal is getting so much I'm not saying you know like Hillary Clinton Well the you know a lot of Me Kate they obviously we have to find transitions for them but that for instance train transport of coal is plummeting because people don't particularly want coal they want different forms of energy so so I just think the idea that we are going to embrace change doesn't mean crazy trains but embrace the idea of change that we're going to stick our heads in the sand I think as a big mistake to think it's not happening anyway organically is also a big mistake I think we still lead the world in clean energy and the biggest polluter is still China. I agree with both of those but you know gauge China don't don't. Don't ignore it and right and China has actually you know look they've got a lot of problems that we don't have I mean they obviously have not nearly as developed an economy they have a vastly greater population and they actually have done a lot have they done enough know it they still a big part of our Yes but but they actually are doing more on a it's a communist economy than we are on a national level to try to reform things because I mean all you have to do is go into Beijing or look at I mean the air pollution in those places yeah you'll have to wear those masks right for the Olympics he just prevents anyone from driving any cars in order for I will to survive then if I apologize for being so no it's good to have gas lined up we have one gas there's an awful lot of stuff going on I mean I'm looking at the markets right now and they're up by $400.00 points which shows you just how terrified because there's talk about the Chinese trade talks resuming in October a full scale talks and shows you how terrified the investors are at the national and international level about that we'll be talking about that Congress coming back anything can happen on gun control. Right if it is but the one guest we know we have is Mark Sanford former governor and congressman from South Carolina who was talking finking about running for president against. Donald Trump in the Republican primaries and I guess my 1st question for him why what does Well I mean I could have been opposing Trump and he is going to be the nominee of the Republican Party where Trump is still enormously popular So I'm curious to find out why he's even considering this thanks so much for coming on Chris was I will be watching on Sunday get ready the Summer is officially over put away the suntan lotion back to work you got it thanks Chris. Both sides all of T.V. And it's frightening KILMEADE fair and balanced independent talk to love $100.00 K. Of an X. Arizona's only independent voice independent try to live an 100. 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Get informed in the morning with a positive spin. The people in the middle of the Border Patrol they're not there to be day care workers came for those who want to comment on the conditions these are the cells are not supposed to be the Mary of the Hyatt or the Waldorf this most home next month 379000 and you want to comment on the conditions we're not giving any money to changes. Killing mornings at 7 am in the planet 1100. The following program is an encore presentation. Truck 1100 K. . Is the ballot for your years is for. The year in Florida the year on the Brian Kilmeade show. 5 am right near Orlando here and my mom. My dad and sandbags are on the outside of it you're OK Bob you want to talk about the tell that you don't like this deal either right I think the 5 guys that I was sharing with should never have done that they should have been allowed to get terrorists they had never been allowed to. Negotiate for my feeling and I think people should. Tell you that and if you're called I was sure that. I told the president I said Can you believe the Taliban 5 there and he went off on Bowe Bergdahl but I think it was Point taken and the secretary of state's not signing off on this deal I hope he stands his ground to tell Ben just kill one of our guys today thanks so much Bobbie I'm glad you're OK. Visit us online at $1100.00 K. . Arizona's only independent voice. Coil prices are expected to spike on Monday following drone strikes on 2 Saudi Arabia oil processing facilities markets editor John Defterios says a large part of the daily supply of oil for the world got cut off there will consist about a 100000000 barrels a day Saudi Arabia normally supplies about 10 percent of that overnight and the guidance I had from inside the company was that there was production hit of about 5000000 barrels that went up to $5700000.00 barrels were looking at nearly 6 percent of supplies into the energy market Iran's Foreign Ministry dismissed the U.S. Accusation that Tehran was behind the Saudi oil attacks Tunisians are casting ballots in their North African country 2nd democratic presidential election they're choosing among 26 candidates for a leader who can safeguard the young democracy as economic ills dominate the agenda at least 22 people injured last night after a deck collapsed at a home in Wildwood New Jersey I'm from the K F N X weather bug Weather Center as we head into Sunday mostly sunny high of 98 Sunday night partly cloudy a low of 81 partly sunny on Monday with a high of 97 showers and thunderstorms are possible Monday night I'm John Waters from the K F N X weather bug Weather Center currently in downtown Phoenix it's 82 degrees where the truth lives independent talk $1100.00 K. 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Right now trying to sell the country on socialism and he's trying to say democratic socialism which is Have the. Same Congress and walk and. We're all fighting for the survival of the planet our only planet how is this not even a priority it must be a major priority there's so much news there Earth remains or only planet like we can take ownership of the other planets and we also have a moon we could move to the moon if it really starts sucking here thank you. The best thing although I did do I love the way I was going to Bernie Sanders for advice on the future of Earth who has never done anything productive in his life except complain yell and scream. See who's going to find News Talk 971 and say Lo as Hey Steve. Brusk How are you good you heard on a debate. Yeah well I mean it's this thing of climate change and stuff like that and we've got to stop and we're fact on the planet blah blah blah blah blah it's much. Like I go message for all of them. But. Our grasp of time that the world has been in existence man has been on our planet Earth our only planet is in Mars were just less than a grain of sand an hourglass for us to say that we can affect the planet and the time and this and that but what we do or what we don't do means we are more powerful than God which is and sign another thing for Chris Wallace I hope he's listening to these when turbines or whatever the when Mills are not powered by wind there are 6 powered by diesel motor. So you should probably do some research on that and try to make. Your thoughts were on the very crew this way it's very complicated situation I'm all for being responsible if you have a gas to burns less give you have a car that burns less gas go ahead and do it if you have an electric car that costs more is more of station people buy it if there's a responsible things we can do will do it but to think we're going to grind the whole fossil fuel industry down to 0 if we're going to stop getting on planes or murdering cows it's not for people to run on that not be called out on that I find is standing before people say I really I think the new Green New Deal is aspirational the Green New Deal is farcical put together by a 28 year old that was part and making screwdrivers the day before and next thing you know she's on the on the on the Capitol building steps telling all of us how wrong we are and how we have to change and there was no laugh track anything she was saying thanks so much for your call Jerry goes on W.-H. Iowa in Dayton Ohio Jeri. Ryan. A couple questions I always bring up the climate change people just like you I believe the climate is changing I question our impact on it here's the question I asked was an ice age what temperature must have the earth's core gotten through to get rid of most of that ice I wanted at last and what was human beings impact on that event when you think about all those things and you talk about you know the 1st time of course after all that money and all the time it would have dropped the core temperature what I would come to be like 2 degrees but that's when you have to start asking those type of questions to say what are we really doing here so let me tell you what the White House put out and no one disputes the facts here is which country is the largest carbon emissions reduction in America who has dumped the most carbon into the Air China 91 1st 91 percent of the world's population are exposed to air pollution above the world's great health organization suggested level none are in the U.S. For the U.S. Now leads the world and. Production number 5 we have the world's cleanest and safest air and water the Democrats' destructive environmental proposal raise your energy bill and prices at the pump date mid that and then lastly the tires the parish climate agreement protect the polluters herds Americans and cost a fortune and the president went on to say not on my watch because it basically takes Russia and China to thank for signing you'll have no regulations for 1015 years fantastic so we pay the price on that as the Paris climate change and they just make the biggest come and they write all the regulations and we're the ones forced to change Brian losing in North Carolina he's the North Dakota Hey Brian Yeah good morning Brian A I gotta agree with you completely across the board on this climate change thing. What I sit down and talk to a leading climatologist from Monterey here about 4 years ago and we spoke about it and the thing of it is what we're dealing with the basic model of moral flaw pressures it could equal potential or times falling in there or sadness for the static on a sunny time increase the temperature increase the pressure which is energy and vice versa so what the left does not want you to know is also global dimming cracka toa. Erupted being mitigating hundreds change the Earth's climate so much because of the part of particulate and here it didn't in the atmosphere and over 3000000 people died of it because of the climate change so when we're looking right now we . Go back and forth between ice ages major ice and then 3 major ice ages where you have minor I think it's been tween minor it's a disk we have cooling and we have Mormon seasons the last minor ice age ended in 1780 and you know picture of Washington crossing the Delaware Personally I saw the way in 776 I was 4 years later we started this minor warming trend going in 17 A We will build to a. The Earth will have to do so by going into another my nice H.R.I. Thanks so much Brian you start to lose me there but I appreciate how. Cool you are on the topic Chris Wilson W R C N N Low Alan Chris. I don't agree with tell you mine. You know that you know they want all climate change little wine country or you know polluting was all that money going to go on the World Bank how is that going to affect climate think it's not take the money good Midwest go to countries that you know the farmers are. Suffering as they listen cry feel plantain trees going to weigh in for us and you know you'll see a significant climate change I guarantee it even look at the last go the great dust bowl How did that happen they call it treason a plan crop. Chris thanks so much Here's Mike Marc Morano he was on Fox and Friends today he talked about the actual effect the most sincere the most the most aggressive program would be an overall the climate on this planet our only planet and my favorite executive editor of Climate Depot dot com CA 25 even former Secretary of State John Kerry said it is the E.P.A. Numbers that whatever the United States does would not even impact climate let alone U.S. Emissions it's a basically a grand gesture in futility in terms of what we do even. Models which are based on the U.N. Science claims would have no impact on the temperature 100 years out guess what it's futile and for anyone in the oil and gas industry their plans on voting for a Democrat they told you last night over the course of 7 hours they will destroy you you are signing your own execution at least your quality of life when we come back a man whose career is at its zenith it may have peaked already this morning we'll see if he has anything left for us he is one of America's finest comedian Michael Loftus he'll be on the 5 tonight but 1st he joins us we're all fighting for the survival of the planet Earth. And your knowledge. For. 1100. Towing it like it is independent of an 100 K. If it acts. 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If you're a small business owner good sound objective advice can be critical to your success but where to find it and at what cost Hi I'm Alan tar speaking for Greater Phoenix Corps the nonprofit volunteer driven organization dedicated to helping small businesses thrive there are 3 ways to benefit from score each year we hold over $100.00 expert workshops at convenience sites around the valley on topics ranging from marketing to finance to operations next you can browse our online resource library at Greater Phoenix not score dot org And finally scores popular free 121 mentorship program last year over 2000 smart business people began score mentor relationships because they know that investing time in their business can pay big dividends now and down the road to find out more please visit us at Greater Phoenix not score dot org Greater Phoenix not score dot org You'll be glad you did the full . Going program is an encore presentation independent truck $1100.00 K. . Our radio show like no other. Is down to raise an army so he reaches out to some freed black slaves some black news he's like a black dude you want to help in this country and the black dudes are like do we get to kill white people. Here's you. Know you got away you got away. And who is that I don't know but he was talented I want to buy that special Michael Loftus has a great nag knowledge of history been on the History Channel he's got his own series he is outstanding standup comedian writer and most importantly I'm saying that because he's here yes in front of you and then you took a few blazer and you put on your cool Jack I had had to relax and I had to realize this is me relax I know how to do the suit right I mean this I need an intervention right I got I have problems I could dress really down or really I have to I do I have trouble like that you are in between I do I have a mid level I have a mid-level T. Shirt and jeans dress it up we're on the tracks nation app you see in Michael Loftus and this is his warmup for the 5 coming up in 6 hours I know you were on the yesterday and everything you've done in the special you've had you would nervous yes I was Why are you nervous a new thing it's a new thing right because I didn't now like normally like you guys have me on on Fox and Friends I'm kind of a guest I just do a little jokes in then. And I kind of duck back but when you're sitting there and you get the producer in your ear and they're like 3 minutes 2 minutes and you got to throw it around. Me and i'm so you know I'm into it and the way it stand basically you just wait for that light you don't have a warning like you just said you have a 2 minute like I go 5 minute I got a 5 minute light before I hit the dismount and it is usually go beyond that and then they take people off though were you so so so well respected you can go over most places I can go over like if you're doing a show in a club and you've got multiple shows that night you don't want to go over a lot of comics they do it like oh I went long like 35 minutes Well what do you do one man and then all the servers have to stay late What do you prove it right what do you prove it OK be funny stick to your time your time be funny why you know I do sounds like you yelling at me. But Michael if you have a why if you have a chance to see may have you ever see Michael on a bill wherever you are whether it's Florida or Texas or Los Angeles or New York you will never be disappointed if you do what I like is you take news in history and I just pull it out the normal you're going to be able to pay me as my wife is which by the way is a set up for anybody. You like pulling history out do you weary do you give the foundation of what your premises before do you feel as though you've got to get put bring people to school little bit sometimes I do it's weird how like how do you set the table for what you're getting into because like. Right now I'm on this I'm going back on this tour of the freedom to laugh tour and so it's going to be a lot of politics yada yada and that they can go to the office party dot com Get get all the info and tickets for that but like the other night I was at comedy in magic or most of beaches just comic after comic after comic African like an all star show you know and. When the guy goes up and funny and he's just doing my crazy wife my crazy wife you do kind of have to set the table like OK it's going to be able. Different we've got a weird country no one realizes what a weird country this is like how incredibly bizarre the experiment that is America like the more I look into it it's really nuts how we got started yet you came state came together stayed together right and like you got John Adams writing letters back and forth was with his body during the winters you know they were farmers and they were bored and they're like where do you think the Romans messed up I'll tell you where the Romans messed up how do you think the Greeks messed up there in Atlanta Well what would you do if you had a country and then John Adams was like well I'd have checks and balances you have to have a Congress and a Senate and like an executive branch and it and then like a body where the letter is like let's do it and that but he was Thomas Jefferson. Right I mean they used to write back and seriously but they were like let's do it and John I was like I was just kind of kitten man and I thought. You know joking and they're like literally like the sons of liberties they jumped in and they're like Adams you're in buddy you invented it right and it's the roof and the thing is the British played a great role because they were so obstinate and so arrogant and so dismissive the perfect villain the perfect getting a really you really push me to this you know you wraps and. Well that's a little like Hamilton I felt like I was back in Hamilton and I haven't seen it I don't I don't want to see it after that what they did to Mike Pence I'm still I'm still take off in my mind everyone will pencil his wife and a couple they go to see the Hamilton show and then like after the show during the Ovation the cast comes out like listen Hawkins please listen. Yeah OK shut up shut up you've got a great show don't try to govern from the stage and you need to have the job yet I don't I do and he was vice president last yes it was horrible horrible I care it's weird the grudges I have very bizarre you have good with people that you don't know and they don't know me right just like a perfect grad you realize the crowd has never paid off. Because you're always more you're angry then people you know what I think some grudges do in what way are you going to have a president in the White House because. He said all right and seriously I think I think if you look back at interviews that he's done he's gone back and forth and back and forth about like if it got bad enough I'll step in if it gets bad enough I'll step in and then somebody took one little dig at him at that White House correspondents' dinner or whatever and I think that's when he made up his mind he's like all right I'll do it I think you're 100 percent right he does not want to embrace that storyline I don't know why because he sat there in that table and took it from your or your idol Seth Meyers and then took it from President Obama yeah and stared and before the movie before everybody was done he left and it was plain silly OK yeah yeah I'm not going to you know and Obama kept taking shots and when Obama does they just one big difference is I'm going to be president you'll never be president yeah and then he became president and then guess who had to turn around the White House President Obama I mean he does not want to say the beginning of that story that he told about every he'll talk about election night all day long Yeah but he doesn't want to say what it said you know because I think it makes it look a little petty you know he's like I thought about I thought about that he made that one little joke I'm like now I'm in. It's a bigger deal so Michael though the one line I go back to all the time in my head was a movie they'd still pays off today it's a military movie OK that really describes our country and I think you'll recognize it with the fairy 1st word. Or the capital. You know what that means. That means that our forefathers were kicked out of every decent country in the world. Where we are much just a great just that back up what your premise is that we are we or the country never should have come. Together we never should have stayed together no worry about what and everything it's the best it's like I love it when when people like in the news like on M.S.N. B.C. Like they were the other world the rest of the world is laughing at us the rest of the world they have been since the beginning right and we do all some stuff they left Lincoln when he's like I want to do a transcontinental railroad we're going to go from coast to coast and all that you can I do just. Like we did it because we're cool we're the coolest people on the planet let em laugh let em laugh we got our flag on the moon I always say that's true and I'm curious what is it still there IS IT STILL THERE ALWAYS body that flag always. There when I was going to say some so perfect and it just flew out of my own I got an idea OK this is my premise is that we do everything in public we do everything we're told not to do we fight in public we agree in public we marinate in public we do we fight in front of a stranger swimmer if you know if I don't do not yell at me in front of people so we fight people think we're coming apart they will go down that's what they do right always fight right there are no secrets it's it's it's really the best country like this is the I can't believe when other countries like they have a revolution they just don't press they don't click print on our Constitution and seriously if you're another country if you're some other like the Magna Carta Right yeah we take the best from everybody and make it better seriously like Venezuela come on your state 51 year and just drop to socialism come on board you know we're basically paying them to leave. The loft is going to be on the 5 tonight Blue Collar Comedy Tour and you going to be you've been on your own it's a guy from the Blue Collar Comedy Tour because it's a great there's 4 of us it's grits great just go to Loftus party dot com It has the tickets and dates September 24th you can be in Des Moines Iowa funnybone Brasco we have a great station in Omaha and on the 25th and all the. Kansas City station there and used to station a beautiful on the 15th San Antonio Texas or stations on the 16th or 17th in Texas have not been there on the 20th. 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Iran's denial strike looming I'm Barbara who said Iran's Foreign Ministry dismissed the Trump administration accusation that Tehran was behind an attack on Saudi Arabia's oil facilities calling it part of Washington's policy of next month's lives Yemen's who the rebels claim responsibility for the attacks in correspondent Nick Payton Walsh reports Democratic Senator Chris Murphy who's been critical of U.S. Policy in Yemen once the administration to provide evidence as to why it's pointing the finger at Iran paraphrasing a water run is a bad actor it doesn't suddenly mean that everything that he feels to Iran will start it and points out basis of how we get into quote dumb wars of choice so a lot of here pointing at some of the mistakes perhaps made in the one up towards the Iraq war certainly with this volume of body of accusations is being pointed towards Iran without evidence to me Judy back it up talks continue between the U.A.W. And General Motors that are new contract with outstanding issues including wages and health care the union will decide at a meeting this morning whether to call a strike a new wrinkle comes as some 850 U.A.W. Represented janitors who work for Aramark at a G.M. Facilities went on strike today factory workers can't cross their picket lines the House Judiciary Committee is set to hear Tuesday from President Trump's former campaign manager Corey Lewandowsky who had been interviewed as part of the special counsel's investigation the chairman Jerrold Nadler is promising an aggressive series of hearings. Investigating allegations of corruption obstruction and abuse of power against the president the committee's focus will be broader than the special counsel's plans to look at numerous actions that could lead to articles of impeachment jury both under Washington Breck's administer STEPHEN DE Barkley told Sky News today that Britain is making progress toward a Brics a deal but significant work remains American South. 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At the next weather bug Weather Center as we head into Sunday mostly sunny high of 98 Sunday night partly cloudy a low of 81 partly sunny on Monday with a high of 97 showers and thunderstorms are possible Monday night I'm John Waters from the K F N X weather bug Weather Center currently in downtown Phoenix it's $81.00 degrees but true voice of Arizona independent talk to love $100.00 K. .