Searchers say it's all about using the right body language and also the moves proven to make the best impression at work Saturday nights at 10 independent talk a level 100 K. I next. Week and in the end. This is a cinch on the wars Larson Show which is used in service told Radio Host What was it you were saying about Michael how did strong and it's good and I appreciate disappear honestly provocative this is absolutely the deal with the lawyers said don't sit yet you know like this the theme is Larsen. Welcome back to Lars Larson Show pleasure to be with you tomorrow night we'll be talking about the big Democratic Party debate that's going on down in Texas we'll get to some sound bites I guarantee the lunatic left wing candidates who are going to be on that stage including folks and crazy old Joe Biden he's sure to say something nutty that we're probably going to see some pretty crazy things said So we'll talk about that tomorrow night after they've had this little this little I think it will be interesting which one they're going to choose who knows I would put my my if I had to put a bet down today I'd probably put a bet down on Joe Biden I think he's going to be the N.C. The D.N.C. Nominee and have a feeling that Donald Trump is going to mop the floor with them even if he doesn't turn into more of a gaffe machine than he is already you know if the left gets what it wants a ban on your 2nd amendment rights will Americans actually hand over their guns you know they have had things like magazine bans where they ban the possession of certain kinds of magazines more than 10 round magazines and in some of the states where they have the the bans nobody turns their magazines in which makes you believe they either took them out of state and sold them not that likely they're hiding them and they don't intend to give them up I think the most likely alternative or they've done something else I don't know but at this point it. Doesn't seem likely that most American citizens are going to easily give up their rights charging stations for electric powered cars are popping up just about everywhere so should electric car owners pay more taxes to pay for them I think they should and coming up I'm going to talk to the famous appellate attorney Alan Dershowitz Yes I know he's a Democrat he is a darn good interview every time he's on the program you going to want to hear what he has to say tonight and talking about his latest book about his toughest client ever the state of Israel and I want you to cast a vote in my Twitter poll we put up a brand new question every night you can find it at Lars Larson Show on Twitter Lars Larssen dot com our website should college athletes be allowed to sign endorsement deals for money I'd say no you want to be an amateur athlete and get all the free tuition and free schooling then that's your compensation you want to be a professional athlete and take money for it then join the pros but I don't think we split the difference there but in California lawmakers have now sent the governor a bill that would allow athletes at California colleges to hire agents and sign endorsement deals it sets up a confrontation with the N.C. Double A The governing body for college athletics that could jeopardize the athletic futures of powerhouse programs like U.S.C. U.C.L.A. And Stanford and here's as I understand the essential objection. If California schools are able to sign people to top programs like that and the athletes who are in the state of California can sign indorsement deals for money then that is going to give California a recruiting advantage over every other college in America and if some of the other colleges or most of the other colleges say we're not going to allow our athletes to do that then they are at a disadvantage and I imagine the N.C. Doubly is going to have something to say about that the bill would allow athletes and California schools to hire agents and be paid for the use of their name their image or their likeness it would stop universities and the N.C. Doubly from banning athletes that take that money tonight's Twitter poll at Lars Larssen show and brought to you by a mac a great group I'm a member been a member for a long time Boy A A R P They're the folks who help sell you a bomb I care I wouldn't join them on a bet but a MAC is great is great for you better for you and better for America if you want to join its A.M.A. See us or call them up at 88 sorry 888-262-2006 that's the phone number I've only been saying it for about a 1000000 years glad to have you with me and if you want to jump into the best conversation and talk journalism it's 866 Hey Lars that's 866-439-5277 emails go to talk at Lars Larssen dot com It turns out that electric vehicle owners in some states are paying higher annual fees for driving 0 emissions cars than their gas powered car friends according to a new analysis by Consumer Reports of the 26 states that impose fees on electric vehicles $11.00 charge more for an easy then for the owner of a traditional gas powered car that ends up paying gasoline taxes every year 3 of those 11 states charge more than twice the amount the trend for those fees generally is paid through annual registration renewals and they don't look promise . And either another 12 states are considering their own E.-V. Fever proposals and 7 of them are going to double over time if he's are used to fund highway projects and I think the folks who want to drive the cute little lecture cars good for you but you should pay your fair share to pay for the roads that you drive on right now for the most part it's gasoline driven cars that are paying the tab for you and about the idea of Americans giving up their guns if the Democrats could ever get to banning guns or banning magazines Here's a great example when New Jersey's ban on large capacity gun magazines went into effect last December it forced gun owners in the garden state to make a decision they had to do this from New Jersey news there are about 1000000 gun owners in the state of New Jersey that translates into a gigantic number of the ammunition magazines I mean I've got maybe a half a dozen A R fifteen's I probably have 30 or 40 Mag I have done half a dozen of the guns I probably have 30 or 40 of the magazines personally so if you have a 1000000 gun owners you might have as many as 5 to 10 times as many magazines possession of a large capacity magazine can result in New Jersey just possession of it up to 18 months in prison and a $10000.00 fine the state's largest gun group is actually challenging the constitutionality of the law gun owners have had to get creative with how they abide by the law some gun owners have buried their large capacity magazines in their backyard or behind sheet rock in their garages That's according to a local gun rights activist and the owner of gun sitters a secure firearm storage company others are opting to store them away from their houses a New Jersey state police spokesman says not one single large capacity magazine has been turned in since the law went into effect nearly 9. Months ago I kind of get a kick out of this. It's a legal case involving trademark law and the term Taco Tuesday and involves Le Bron James the very well known Los Angeles Lakers star you know I met that guy on one occasion I have to be sitting in a restaurant I like not a big fancy place either but one of the waiters walked over he said hey Lebron James here do you want to meet him and the young man came by and he seemed like a pretty decent young man well he wanted to trademark the term Taco Tuesday but now he has been denied by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office said no Taco Tuesday is too commonplace a term even crazier case involved I think the Ohio University which wanted to trademark of and they were also told no hey one actually makes a better tooth brush ever thought about that industrial strength power like a grinder now claims of miracle trendy ingredients not at all multiple modes if you ask your dentist they're going to tell you it's less about the brush and more about how you use it quip is the remarkably simple electric toothbrush created by dentists and product designers to focus on what actually matters for your oral health and that is healthier habits quick has sensitive sonic vibrations and a built in timer gentle brushing for the dentist recommended 2 minutes with 32nd pulses that ensure an even clean quick automatically delivers brush heads to you every 3 months the sleek intuitive design is simple to use and it comes with a travel cap that doubles as a mirror mount quick makes brushing something you actually do twice a day like I do your oral care matters so ditch the gimmicks and grab a quick quick start to 25 bucks and you get your 1st refill pack free at get quit dot com slash Lars go to get quit Q-U. Ip dot com slash L A R S Right now your 1st refill pack free get quit dot com slash Lars coming up I get the chance to spend. A little bit of time talking to Alan Dershowitz about his 1st client the state of Israel you're listening to wars Larson Show. Drowning in I.R.S. Debt if you can't afford to pay your I.R.S. Debt due to economic hardship you can now be free of virus collection efforts by taking advantage of a special I.R.S. Tax hardship program this program allows Americans who own the I.R.S. To resolve their delinquent tax debt once and for all in some cases maybe even reducing what you owe significantly an open phone line has been established by community tax for consumers to call and see if they qualify simply dial 802494514 if you all back taxes to the I.R.S. And cannot afford to pay them back or have years of on file tax returns help is standing by just call the community tax helpline today at 802-494-5144 the help that you need don't take on the I.R.S. 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To be with you and I'll get back to your phone calls shortly at age 66 a Lars that's 8664395277 emails go to talk at Lars Larssen dot com I always look forward to conversations that I have with Professor Alan Dershowitz he has an amazing legal career Harvard Law starting when I was about 8 years old back in 1967 at the age of 28 the youngest full professor of law in the history of Harvard University retired in 2013 but he has taken on well a series of very controversial clients including Jim Baker Patty Hearst Mike Tyson . Oh it's it's an amazing career that you have but Professor welcome to the show and why do you describe Israel a country that I love as well as your most challenging client. Well Israel is a great client you know it's not technically my client though I have represented Israel on both legal matters and giving them advice on legal matters but it's so challenging today to defend Israel in the court of public opinion particularly on college campuses in universities and at the U.N. And other places where Israel is regarded as a pariah it's regarded as the come to the worst human rights record as I write my book defending Israel I challenge anybody to name any country in the world faced with threats comparable to those faced by Israel that has a better record of human rights higher compliance with law and more concerned with the lives of many civilians you can come up with another country that has a better record and that Israel is regarded by bigots as having the worst human rights record and that's why it's so challenging today to defend Israel in the court of public opinion. Professor I've been there 5 times myself and I would have the kind of comprehensive you did I have but every time I've gone I've learned something new and I will talk to my friends there and they'll say gosh do people United States understand that we do hew to the rule of law that when one of our citizens commits a crime against somebody who's a Palestinian or who's who's Muslim that we put them on trial that we convict them and that and that we take very cases involving things like say the destruction of homes of terrorists which I think is a terrific policy have actually gone up and been tested by our highest courts that we welcome Muslim Arabs to serve in the Knesset I just seems as though the fact factual side of this is overridden by the activist side on American political campuses like Harvard University I agree Take for example there are 2 prime ministers one a prime minister and a president who went to prison which is a terrible terrible thing I wish it didn't happen but it did and the president went to prison for sexual harassment case. The judge who presided over the trial was an Israeli Arab a Muslim and the Prime Minister Olmert who went to prison his prison guard I just tell the story is a visiting him in prison this prison guard was an Israeli Arab like a 25 year old Israeli Arab telling the prime minister of Israel when he should have his team when he can do is exercise and when he can talk to his lawyer so the idea that Israel's apartheid country when. Muslims Christians atheists have equal rights at least under the law was there some discrimination is there some discrimination in America as nation that. Every country has problems of discrimination but single out Israel which has 2. Non Jews in their population of 8000000 including mostly Muslim Arabs they struggle with this issue but I think they do a pretty good job well tell me this why is it then that. In the United States when you see college campuses that have a lot of activists on them that when the media covers the stories of people advocating for the Palestinians and of course under the 1st Amendment you can advocate for just to just about any goofy thing you want to advocate for but you would think that responsible reporters would would put up the contacts to say they're accusing Israel of being the bad guy all day long and twice on Sunday and yet And yet the other side uses terrorism they blow up old people they blog babies they blow up people indiscriminately they choose nonmilitary targets for the most part and you would think that there'd be that kind of balance from our major media here. You don't find it you know certainly find in the New York Times today which has had a long history of bias you know the New York Times was against Israel being established as an independent nation they were durian only against their country and Israel they also didn't report on the Holocaust you know the irony is the New York Times has always been owned and controlled by a German Jewish family that were anti Zionist and that didn't think that Jews in America had any responsibility to try to save the lives of Jews in Europe so the Times has been a leader in the anti israel porting But it's it's it's pervasive particularly on college campuses I spoke at tell the story I spoke at Berkeley and there were protests and they put a Hitler moustache on a swastika on my picture and people were protesting and then I gave the speech and it was in favor of a 2 state solution and a very moderate speech and I got a standing ovation but the next day there was a cartoon in the Berkeley newspaper which portrayed me as if it was a distributor tune in Germany in the 1930 S. As a multi legged spider stepping on Palestinian children and finally the provost of the university censor. But complained bitterly about the anti-Semitism ready of the cartoon and you see that today on so many college campuses and that's why I published a book liberally in the beginning of September so that parents can send copies hopefully to their children and grandchildren and colleges and universities to give them ammunition to fight against anti-Semitism luser my book just yesterday in the newspaper that talked about my book being an incredibly important piece of ammunition for people who are trying to defend Israel and makes you know there is strong center is middle of the road case for Israel that college students need to have available to them if they're going to fight back against their professors of the students. I'm speaking to a professor Alan Dershowitz who has a long and storied legal career especially on a pal a law his book is called defending Israel the story of my relationship with my most challenging client and how is it that you know what would happen to an American conservative who put a Hitler mustache on a picture. Of a Jewish individual of a of any stature in this country they'd be they'd be they'd be written out of town on a rail and yet there are American college campuses and get away with doing this with you. And it's remarkable because. They're not even criticised for doing it in some instances Israel is regarded as such a pariah that anything goes I've experienced people who say obey the law when it comes to criticizing Israel it's such a terrible country that we can do anything without regard to take for example B.D.S. And all chapter in my book on the boycott movement against Israel which I think is illegal you can advocate. Boycotting Israelis but you can't practice it's discrimination the same where you can advocate discriminating against blacks or gays or women you can advocate personally and have anything but you can't practice discrimination against African-Americans or gays or women and you shouldn't be able to practice discrimination against Jews or Zionists are supporters of Israel the Oxford Union invited me to debate the founder of B.D.S. a Guy named our duty he refused to debate me saying I'm subject to the boycott because I'm an American who supports Israel so he wouldn't even debate me they have boycotted singers Americans angers who support Israel or who are Jewish and so you know the bigotry implicit in B.D.S. Should be so evident to everybody I have a chapter in the book about that and the way in which an sez I an ism has morphed into anti-Semitism in many parts of the world today is very very frightening I'm speaking to Professor Alan Dershowitz his book is called defending Israel the story of my relationship with my most challenging client we will of course after we broadcast his interview we're going to put it up on our Web site so you can access it you can send Sound Cloud links to anyone you like I feel free to post it on Twitter and on Facebook we're going to be back to speak more with Professor Dershowitz in just a moment I'm glad to take your calls after that at 866-439-5277 you can send e-mails to talk and. Larssen dot com podcast And this program best place to find a link for that is Lars Larssen dot com our Web site you can follow us on Twitter Lars Larssen You're listening to the Lars Larson Show. 1100. The 3rd Democratic presidential debate ended overnight after more than 2 hours of policy discussion and occasional tension they were great Bernie Sanders made a case for the living wage I believe that the United States should not be the only major country on earth not to provide paid family and medical leave I believe that every worker in this country deserves a living wage and that we expand the trade union movement the bait sponsored by A.B.C. News and Euna vision New Jersey's governor says he's creating a task force to examine how the state can respond to the growing concern over of aping Murphy says right now they think it's unsafe many people have no idea what chemicals their fate then is putting into their bodies yet here he hasn't had the ability to fully test the safety of these products as of this moment there is no safe just ahead of this morning's opening bell on Wall Street right now Dow futures up 42 nouns that is up a lot. 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Larson Show Welcome back to Lars Larson my great pleasure to have back with us Professor Alan Dershowitz who took on more occasions than I can count has been willing to come on the show and talk about various appellate issues because of his background in appellate law is his time at Harvard University and now his newest book called defending Israel the story of my relationship with my most challenging client Professor if you wouldn't mind doing this for me I talk about B.D.S. Quite a bit on my show and about the current support by it from the likes of Rashida to Laban no one Omar and others in the United States Congress which I find kind of stunning but I think sometimes they skim past and don't understand I bring it up with friends who are not in politics or media and they'll say I don't know what this B.D.S. Is what what is boycott disinvestment in sanction what does that actually mean and why are they doing it would you mind giving my audience a primer on that. Sure why they do it is they don't believe Israel has the right to do and the founder said that the Palestinian state should extend from the river to the sea which means the Jordan River to the Mediterranean which is all of Israel so it's not a protest against Israeli policy and Israel's very existence and the tactic uses the tactic not investing in Israeli companies Israeli companies started companies have to help the world so much medically and fighting diabetes and fighting Alzheimer's so many other things are going to boycott those products you're going to boycott your own cell phone many of these components are made in Israel and the goal is to try to get universities and pension funds to no longer invest in Israeli companies or Israeli products and to boycott Israeli speakers to declassify arm them to prevent me from speaking to students to prevent Israelis from speaking to students when for example Israeli soldiers come on campus to talk about have a try very hard not to kill Palestinian civilians their boycott and their band and that happens all over the world I have been protested in New Zealand in England. All over many parts of the United States and so Congress has voted against B.D.S. And they should many state legislatures have voted against B.D.S. Not against advocating it against practicing discrimination just like can't say I'm not going to rent my apartment to an African-American or woman or a gay person you can't say I'm not going to do business with somebody who is a Zionist or a Jewish supporter of Israel and that's what they do by the way B.D.S. Exam Israelis who are Arabs it only applies to Israelis who are Jews so it's pure pure discrimination and in my book I come out against it but you know bipartisan Islam means I'm bipartisan I voted for Hillary Clinton. I don't support the party but I support President Trump when he recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel on the Golan Heights as part of Israel and I condemn President Obama for what he did is last days in office calling that the Western Wall the holiest place in Judaism illegally occupied territory and so as a nonpartisan independent writer for me the definition of bipartisan is to condemn the people you voted for when they're wrong and to praise the people when they're right and I do that in the book and President Obama from wrong but way back when we talked about the fact that and I believe this is the Sachar so feel free to correct ME professor but he actually advocated for return to the 1967 boundaries which would have effectively taken most of the Old City of Jerusalem and put it out of the reach basically off limits to people like you who are Jewish and people like me were Protestant Christians he advocated for cutting the country apart. And that is such an absurd view that even President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority doesn't agree with that I sat with him over dinner the night before he was going to meet President Trump who had just been recently been elected and he said to me obviously you can't go back to the 67 borders all he's demanding now or Lance were up so that if Israel is allowed as it will be to keep the suburbs of Jerusalem which are now Israeli cities Israel will give back to the Palestinians will give to the Palestinians land that is now currently in Israel and that's in the peace plan I know the peace plan is I worked on it with various members of the administration I can't disclose its content but it's very positive plan for the Palestinians and I hope people will have an open mind when the police peace plan rolls out after the Israeli elections and it will be a plan that will be good for America good for Israel good for the Palestinians and good for world peace I'm talking to Professor Alan Dershowitz his new book is called defending Israel the story of my relationship with my most challenging client let's talk about that Middle East peace process to some extent you cover in the book but. There are people in America I think who say well I don't understand what the problem is and and I I tell them Well look when you tell a country the rule of law international law has been if you have a war with someone at the end of the war when hostilities cease you have you may have a line that divides you know the part you've taken on the part that the other side say can until there is some kind of deal for a lasting peace that's where the line says I mean for example North and South Korea are split by a line that is not the result of a final deal but just of an armistice of hostility seen so literally the war is still going on that's where Israel is having been attacked on a number of occasions and as of the last time still unease that's where the line sad and then till someone creates a deal that is acceptable to both sides Israel said we will. I have a deal but the Palestinians have never agreed to a deal the real point of that is goes back to your your previous point in that is the deal they want is to use to wipe out Israel and the Jews all together and that they are not willing to say we'll take this piece of land you take that piece of land and animals will be good do I have that right you have it exactly right and one of the villains of the piece and I portray him as a villain in my book is a man who I regard as a friend Jimmy Carter Jimmy Carter was the guy who told Yasser Arafat not to accept . That was offered by President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister. They offered him they offered Abbas and at that time a 97 percent of the West Bank the entire Gaza Strip. Capital in Jerusalem a symbolic right of return and the town saying people wanted it but yes I turned it down because Jimmy Carter. SASSON it he accepted it. The way the way said that was assassinated. But to be a great leader is to risk assassination in the interest of peace but the Palestinians turned down that offer the Palestinians turned out. Omits even more generous offer in 2008 as even one said the Palestinian leadership never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity so many opportunities to make peace and the current peace plan isn't going to be on the table so it is going to be their last chance if they don't make peace now remember the Sunni have given up on the Palestinians so they don't support the Palestinians much anymore they do in UN vote but they're not putting their money or their fortunes or their blood in behalf of the Palestinians any more because they know that they turned out every opportunity they could have had a state where he a bit of head of state 967 they could have had a state in 200-200-1200 extension 8 they can have a state now if they accept the peace plan but if they don't people have just given up on the Palestinians because they never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity professor I know you voted for Hillary I supported President Trump but we can reasonably agree to disagree on that did it surprise you that while every American president up to Trump had promised to put the United States embassy in the capital city of Israel would use Jerusalem that it was Donald Trump that finally actually did it it didn't surprise me because I think Trump is somebody who. Makes promises and tries to keep them yes my advice on that I gave him my advice I told him that even if there was a case that you should delay recognizing Jerusalem as part of an alternate peace plan that the way was now no longer operative because of what Obama did in the last days of administration and that is declaring virtually all of Jerusalem to be illegally occupied territory so it was essential to return to the status quo be for Obama made his. Decision to engineer that Security Council resolution and then the United States stand they were behind it and I thought that was a very important reason why you should recognize Jerusalem as the capital and I was there his latest book is called the finding is. My guess is Professor Alan Dershowitz will be back in just a moment you're listening. Now . Stores and. Get a $20.00 gift card when you buy oil filters because let's be honest you probably don't remember the last time you changed them so by. 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Need If you're looking for a great. Seafood Restaurant in the. Basin 602-277-3474 the really real deal with brother Craig. A champion. Microphone the really real deal with brother Craig. Brother Craig. Welcome back to. Pleasure to be with you to take your phone calls and your e-mails the book is called defending Israel the story of my relationship with my most challenging client Its author is Professor Alan Dershowitz now retired from ARD but still very involved in the lawn in public policy I want to ask you about something else because I think many times public policies are held up because folks say if you do that the reaction will be violent it will be destructive and so there are people in public office who are cowards who say Well wouldn't that we can't do that that prediction was made about both feet the embassy move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem moving the embassy is president from dead and richer and saying I'm going to recognize the Golan Heights which you just. Well I've been there it does if you just have to be there to see you know the incredible I guess physical advantage that any neighboring country would have to be able to drop bombs on the people down below simply because of the geography the prediction was made both times if you do this there will be this overwhelming violent reaction people will die and none of that happened and I guess I'm wondering was there something different done in this case that made it possible or is this just another example where we actually should public policy public figures should takes steps even when others will say no don't do that if you do that there will be terrorist attacks there will be deaths still it will be death and destruction because I hear that all the time we can't do it that way because if we do people will die it didn't happen and I addressed that issue in my book and I advised presidents from Planet and I wrote columns about it and I said never ever should the United States make a policy decision based on threats of terrorism Otherwise you just incentivize terrorism any time people terrorists don't agree with an American policy they're going to threaten terrorism and a great country can't make decisions and be held hostage by terrorists what you have to do is prepare to fight against terrorism mostly the threats will never come to fruition as was evident by a lot of the just the message but even if they were to come you cannot be held hostage to terror that's not what a great country does it takes decisions because it's the right decision to make or fails to make decisions because the wrong decision to make but you don't fail to make a decision that's the right decision it's just a fear that somebody will attack you that's just not the way countries like the United States should make decisions well and one of the things one of the standards I had learned as a journalist you know because you wrote in practically every story that words seem to fit and that was the United States does not negotiate with terrorists and yet there was a certain amount of that that occurred during the Obama administration involving Bowe Bergdahl and some deals. Some Taliban leaders and that sort of thing do you think that I mean we we were no longer virgins in that way anymore that our country actually has negotiated with terrorists and so can we get back to that standard where American political figures from both parties say we don't negotiate with terrorists including we do not we don't bow down or stop a policy simply because somebody says if you do this terrorists will react by killing people can we get back to that standard we have been in it forever given that well he was a have a band and then I wrote a book about that it's called light terrorism works and my answer was terrorism works because every country in the world gives in to terrorists it's difficult I remember visiting with the prime minister of Israel I tell the story in my book and there were protests outside because he wasn't giving in to terrorists and he wasn't getting back the bodies of Israeli soldiers who had been killed in front of the protests with the mothers of these Israelis who had been killed and they're crying and it's so hard not to give in to terrorists when you have these emotional demands but a strong leader whether it be Winston Churchill or Benjamin Netanyahu or Donald Trump should not be giving in to the demands of terrorists we have to get back to a situation where we don't do that look the German government gave freedom to the terrorists who had massacred the Israeli Olympic team the Italian government gave terrorists who terrorize the shift all the European governments have given in to terrorism and have and have created a situation where terrorism benefits those who practice it and I think the United States and Israel have been among the 2 countries that have not done that but there have been exceptions in those countries as well and I think we should get back to a situation 0 negotiation with never give in. Never let them succeed never encourage terrorism as a tactic in a world in which to. It has caused so much so much pain I'm talking to Professor Alan Dershowitz his book is called defending Israel the story of my relationship with my most challenging client Professor I'll be honest you know I'm a Protestant Christian I'm an American voter has always confounded me did since my 1st trip there almost 20 years ago I came back and talked to the Jewish group that actually sponsored the group sponsored my trip and a week of broadcasts there and I said they learn what you learn I told them then I said I want to ask you a question why do and I looked at the numbers the other day Why do American Jewish voters predominantly vote for Democrats when Democrats to me seem like the enemies of the state of Israel and they don't vote for Republicans who have been the greatest friends of Israel including the current President can you have an explanation for that and why now. Even as asked me that question. Well I tell him that Jewish voters like other Americans vote on a variety of issues many Jews care about it women's right to care about rights and care about the environment you care about reasonable gun control and I think it's some of the social policies of the Republican Party particularly the right wing elements of the Republican Party that make it difficult for Jews to support Republicans even though many Jews support the Republican Party on the issue of Israel but remember American Jews are Americans 1st and we vote what we think is best for America we are not influenced by the benjamins to quote that despicable members of Congress who engage in that kind of anti-Semitic rhetoric just like every other loyal patriotic American fighting America's wars we defend America we've had taxes. And I think more of that who are Jewish may very well vote Republican if the Democrats continue to move away from support for Israel but the reason I remain a Democrat is I want to see bipartisan is and remain part of the American tradition . I want to try to marginalize the left part of the Democratic Party that that they Israel and lose the Democratic Party more to the senator and that 2 by 4 seats. Then they come a time when I can't do that anymore but that time has yet come well which brings me to this question why is it that the Democrat Party seems so unwilling to call out the outrageous behavior of people like members of Congress on Omar and Rashid had to leave especially those 2 who have been they just run crazy with these these statements and the anti-Semitism they've done in the party and its members including the speaker Pelosi seem unwilling to call them out on it I completely agree with you and I have condemned those Democratic leaders who have refused to call anti-Semitism what it is I think the party has done a much better job in making sure that it's anti-Semitic elements on each train which team right have been marginalized but that the Democrats haven't got a job and I'd like to see that happen I'm part of that effort to try to get them those members of Congress who couldn't win statewide elections His latest book is called defending Israel the story of my relationship with my most challenging client he is professor Alan Dershowitz and Professor It is always a pleasure to have you on my program thank you very much it's my pleasure thank you so much thank you very much we'll be back in just a moment you're listening to the Lars Larson Show. 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Phoenix a division of Premier Radio stations the home of The Savage Nation and the next news time it's 1 o'clock Bay highlights another storm I'm only a princess the 3rd Democratic presidential debate sponsored by A.B.C. And Univision is in the books click neverless in Houston highlights of the night included a heated exchange between former HUD secretary who Leon Castro and former Vice President Joe Biden over health care Castro asking Biden if he remembered what he said 2 minutes ago and a controversy All moment when former congressman better or work was asked if he'd take Americans assault rifles if elected he answered with an emphatic Hell yes saying the weapons are meant for the battlefield perhaps no clear winner but no outright losers either after the 3 hour debate Clayton evill Houston a California scuba dive boat was and was operating in violation of a Coast Guard regulation during a pre-dawn fire that killed 34 people and T.S.B. Investigators say all 6 crew members were asleep aboard the Concepcion on September 2nd when that deadly blaze broke out a finding that could aid a criminal investigation. Well another storm system is posing a threat to the northern of the Bahamas hit hard by hurricane Dorian you're on just Derek van Dam we're monitoring 3 different disturbances across the Atlantic Basin one newly formed wave just off the west coast of the African continent but the more immediate threat we're focusing on is across the Bahamas we have a 90 percent chance of development over the next 5 days according to the National Hurricane Center in fact they have some of the storm warnings in places that have felt the impacts of hurricane during the 2 weeks ago Freeport into the Marsh Harbor region and now we also have tropical storm watches along the U.S. Mainland from the Space Coast southward into Jupiter Inlet which are in your your Virginia lieutenant governor just in Fairfax has found a $400000000.00 lawsuit against C.B.S. Alleging the company defamed him with a broadcast interviews with 2 women he says falsely accused him of sexual assault I mean we had Francis. 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