Results released today determine that 85 year old Noel color shot his 86 year old wife Laura and then turned the gun on himself officials have disclosed no suspected motive for the shooting while frustrations are running high in power a starting with the mayor as the boil water advisory is into its 3rd day we'll have an update next you know California now mandates that you initial 4 pages and sign a 50 page of a 23 page document stating that you've done your research before choosing a solar contractor the state does this because there are so many bad actors out there and that's why I love telling you about power more solar and roof these are one of the good guys so there's a whole process here when you're doing your research or you go to the California state license board website and you can look up any contractor for having a come to your house and when it comes to solar You got to make sure they have a c. 10 a logical license and a c. 39 roofing license because that's going to prevent any blame game down the road to Palomar solar and roofing is one of the few that has both so it's one of the reasons why I chose Palomar solar and roofing I why I'm so honored to tell you about them is guys do it the right way 76 year 50403 a day of course with the per pound monitoring on top of that professional No pressure no gimmick consultation for free 760-504-0388 power solar dot com pop quiz if you sell a home for $500000.00 How much would a traditional real estate agent charging commission if you guessed $25.00 to $30000.00 you're right but if you think that's the only way you're wrong this is why thousands of homeowners are making the switch to Rex with Rex you get a dedicated agent and a full service experience at a fraction of the cost Rex uses game changing technology to cut out the middleman and save homeowners tens of thousands of dollars in fees remember this is your home why give an insane amount of equity away to an agent the lowest fee in the industry without skimping on service you'll work with an experienced real estate. 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After an extensive investigation the city of Powell way believes it has found what's behind that brownish tap water a storm drain that may have been backed up during last week's storm is to blame you say to man to shocks He joins us from Powell way with an update on Good Morning Yeah this is been going on for several days right now we are at City Hall this is one of the water distribution centers cars coming in and lining up getting their crates of water and again Mayor Steve boss has been out here this morning loading crates of water into the cars he said the residents have been very appreciative even bringing donuts to those who have been all here for days but the mayor says he is frustrated because local testing is showing that the water is safe but they're now waiting for results from the state I'm real frustrated with the state this is our way of taking care of our water supply and we're just waiting for them to give it their stamp of approval but as frustrated as I am We're going to be out here and give them water until it's not needed anymore bottled water is available for those who needed at city hall in Lake Powell way until 6 tonight now here's new sage Carlene Chavis with your micro-climate forecast light rain has begun and more wet weather is on the way so quick moving storm system will sweep through San Diego County tonight through tomorrow expect moderate to heavy rainfall by tomorrow morning all the way through the early afternoon hours so before about 4 pm am 760 in chief meteorologist Carling Chavis right now it's cloudy and 65 in Powell way bread winner bulls next am 760 talk and breaking news. Now. From the ceiling hotel studio this is still bright little. I don't know if the 2 t. Just one of those records over but I have a feeling people are probably going to rethink their service that they're going to be dealing with as a result of those records that went from. The phone companies over to Adam Schiff so he could spy on a fellow member of Congress we will let that lay there for a little bit and see what happens but. I imagine you probably could subpoena or you could I mean I guess you just ask for the phone records they give them to your congressperson So what I would think is maybe you get somebody in the Senate like Lindsey Graham to ask for Adam Schiff 800 phone records we find out how often he has built up with that buck on his way to go handle business as he calls it but stop in the book is that he calls it in the white outfits it's a silly white outfit that they wear and the you know the whole thing welcome it is the bridge will show our number 2 is under way we are throwing as much shade as humanly possible especially because we now know that Eric Carr said he wants to spread the shade to as many people as he can write to me he wants to bring in the shade and put trees everywhere because of of all the drama and the trauma that is out there here is something I want to pivot to though this is I think even more important in this impeachment charade and make no mistake it's a charade this morning the birth of the press was breathless with the comments from the manual necro he is the president of France and he he came out and he gave an interview what he said. NATO leadership is brain dead it's brain dead because of what Trump has said in the past about about NATO and and really in the early ninety's when the Soviet Union collapsed so the mission of NATO really just changes really even not even any kind of a point to have NATO anymore and it's brain dead and it's terrible and it's not really working I remember manual Macross is really fascinating guy because he at night I have it on good authority likes to dim the shades pull the shades dim the lights and he gets into. A Napoleon Bonaparte outfit and he has his wife put on this Marie Antoinette wig and they stand there and they reenact the great time of the former French Republic when it was so important and so he he wears the Napoleon thing he wears it now he's not confident wearing the hat sideways he wears it straight on so he wears it straight on so he looks kind of like General Santa Anna back in the fight against the Texans but he fancies himself he walks around practicing keeping his hand over his pancreas as he stands or makes pronouncements and every answer to everything to Marie Antoinette his wife is let them eat cake let them eat cake let's go and take a walk through a very sad I am going to be the next Emperor of France and he's got these visions these visions that France is so broke they don't have 2 nickels to rub together because they've promised so much socialism to the people who live there it's why you saw the yellow vest protest they still haven't rebuilt Notre Dame Notre Dame they still have a rebuilt it they don't have the money to rebuild it they're being overrun I mean you want to you think you've got homelessness in San Fran free go and in Los Angeles you look at the refugee homeless camps in Paris and they are you can see the images just just Google that stuff you'll see what it is that's going on but I think it's very interesting that there's there's a manual McCrone and he's running around he's talking about how you know. We don't need NATO we could have a European fighting force I love that it's so cute and so quaint from the guy whose country gave you the Maginot Line Now many people in this audience have no idea what the Maginot line is you think it's Menasha twilight and that's not what it is you think it's the monument your line of that was over in Italy this is the magic no like the geniuses in France decided after World War One they were never going to let the Huns from Germany invade them again and they said here's what we're going to do we're going to put an gun emplacements along the frontier with France along that border by Germany and we are so confident we're going to defend France that what we're going to do is we're going to cement the cannon emplacements in place along the Maginot Line and the Germans will never come at us this way because we're going to have permanently in place guns big guns that'll blow holes in the germans lines and when they come and they bring out their guns and they start shooting at us we're going to have much bigger guns and you know what Hitler did he laughed at them he launched the blitzkrieg and he launched diluted and he brought all the advanced technology they had and France surrendered facts but these guys I love when we look to the French for the great historic victories right. To count down to pretend that's not nice at all didn't go well to go was great as long as he was kind of kicking it over in London kind of pretending to be the commander of the French forces while half the country was commanded by the Vichy forces who are actually collaborators with the Germans but I don't want to split hairs here but the French the great French record of genius military stuff. Pretty paltry once you get north of I mean I don't know when once you get north 18 for. Teen if there is to get a little spotty and they get their rear ends handed to them and it takes the United States come in and they actually wanted to actually be in command of our troops and blackjack version said I'm going to have been doing Sorry man we're going to command our own guys because without a fight you guys are really going to surrender it's just I got to watch as far as I can that's where you got the rock of the Marne and that's where you got you got America getting the 1st big win on the European soil which was payback of course I don't because the French helped us against the Brits I understand I appreciate that but let's just be honest he kind of like the Dallas Cowboys from the ninety's and I say this is a Cowboys fan you're running around talking about glory days that hat is fading so so there's Emanuel McCrone today they got the big NATO meeting in London because they don't do it and they're not going to do it in Paris because the dumb so they're over in London and he's talking tough NATO is brain dead we need a European military force that's great run your mouth with Angela Merkel's cash that's wonderful and I cannot wait to see what the European fighting force looks like it's not going to look like much to look like NATO because we're NATO NATO we fund this thing and Donald Trump's great sin against NATO was what what is this great sin against NATO downs don't try to create sin against NATO is telling the member states pay up what you commit to paying you have to pay a certain percentage of your g.d.p. As part of the common defense commitment we pay a ton of money a ton and in fact yesterday had the clip he says look we're up 130000000000 in commitment to NATO from member states who we've been shaming to pay their fair share the deadbeat States who don't want to pay. You even had gone pale yesterday in advance of the trip say listen we're going to be like up north $300000000000.00 in commitment money coming in over the next number of years we're getting money rolling in so we can actually help defend the European continent against Putin and the Chinese and the Iranians and Isis and all the security threats that are out there fact the Trump goes and works for free gets impeached by this weasel sheriff who spies on members of Congress who's involved in all kinds of weirdo activities he goes over us to talk to these yo yos with bad breath from Europe members of NATO with with breach she's in Limburger cheese important wine breath breathing on him and he's got to get a lesson from these people on things now I don't think so I don't think so because you know what we've got a lot of men and boys who are buried over there in French soil we've got a lot of men and boys in the different cemeteries around Europe because they didn't have the courage to stand up to Hitler in the early days they want to just come running through the bill to manage a twilight imagine o. Line all that Oh it was going to be so successful it's going to be one of you know what just the dumb old Americans that have to come on in and help you all out. And what you did was you went and seduced show just showed a little thigh to the Brits and you seduce them into stupidly joining the e.u. That's why John Major is a substandard person he goes and takes them right into the e.u. It must tricked back in 1900 and what you do is you get the Brits thinking oh yeah you know he does NATO thing is good we don't need to build up our defense they've got like a half an aircraft carrier in a destroyer now Winston Churchill the sound of Winston Churchill spinning in his grave sounds like one of those last few Spitfires that are still out there once upon a time one of the greatest aircraft ever made came out of the u.k. The Spitfire fought back the German threat with the Battle of Britain and now and now Donald Trump has to be what he's the mean guy telling us to pay our fair share Yeah he is in fact he sat down he sat down little little boy today you know he had the little boy take a seat you know who you know who I'm talking about Mr Mr Mr wears black face and gets reelected Justin Trudeau and he says just in a look at the paperwork here and you guys are supposed to like commit 2 percent of g.d.p. Man and you're like it you like it 1.3 percent now it's Ok everybody there's short point 7 percent he's going to make you going to do better right right Justin going to do better and now get out there and go get him go talk to the guy from the Czech Republic that's great you know you're going to say you can pay your fair share right because you're still short over there remember how you ran your mouth about me over in Canada when I went remember I was going over North Korea and you said that I was a bad guy and you didn't think I had a t.v. In Air Force One I called you out when I landed over there at the edge member of the g. 20 wiseguy still short you Debbie as you go into hock some of your tights and silly shoes your festive outfits to try to make up what you owe but but trumps the bad guy right. Is going to come a time Mark my words. All these idiots are going to going to fall from the history books are going to disappear to the dustbin of history and maybe just maybe somehow we will survive the election of one of these weirdos that's running at some point down the road and will come back and will rediscover the fact that we got to keep being the leaders in the world nobody likes the collection agency but every company needs the collection agency to collect from the deadbeats and these Europeans these NATO people are deadbeats Now when we come back I'm going to let you hear a piece of sound that is President Trump and McCrone and McCrone tries to outsmart Trump and he walks right into a pole. No not a post guy but a black an actual. Because Napoleon at Red office had 80760 k. F. And b. M. 760 talking breaking news just on it's got the uptick another u.s. Marines behind bars today for allegedly smuggling undocumented immigrants into the u.s. Through the Santa Seadrill port of entry the suspect was arrested by federal officers Monday and is being held in civilian custody a pedestrian was struck and killed by a car in National City last night happened around 915 near the intersection of chi a a bottle in valley road just north of the 54 freeway details of the crash are unknown the driver remained at the scene and cooperated with investigators there fer the Fairbanks Ranch Country Club in Rancho Santa Fe a settle a sexual harassment lawsuit for $125000.70 from allegations that a restaurant manager at the club sexually harassed several young female servers the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission accuse the unnamed manager of routinely requiring female servers to acquiesce to his sexual advances for job benefits you're never more than 15 minutes away from the top stories of the day on the breadwinner will show am 760 talking breaking news a m 760 talk and breaking news. I 15 northbound your ranch in California road accident cars right shoulder traffic starting to slow as you make your way into that area 56 freeway East on a Carmel Valley Road a crash earlier cleared the remains stop and go from the phone to this report sponsored by Prestone and freeze this winter keep your car running with a stone and a freezer only Prestone superior formula works immediately protecting your engine from the elements to keep your engine running better so choose Prestone sitting down getting tomorrow morning from 5 to 10 am 760 if you have an accident probably somebody else's fault but if you do remember Mark Motors body shop that's m e r c k Mark Motors body shop and they're going to fix you up right make you happy it's why. 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We sacrificed themselves to protect our freedoms our families our nation your cash donation will help to send our heroes home for the holidays the Warrior Foundation radiophone sponsored by real estate it's doing more info would 760 k. F.m.b. Dot com. Is a great wonderful showing 760 talk of breaking news so was the president United States goes over there and to sit down with a McCrone and McCrone says to him Listen listen here's the deal these foreign fighters if you give us a hard time about this they're not that big of a problem I says the bigger problem Mr President I says is difficult now I want to warn you McCrone is a very heavy accent they have to listen very carefully to how this goes a little bit longer bite but it's an important bite and I want you to hear it because it didn't get played a lot on t.v. And the little that I saw it played on m s n b c They tried to say Trump got schooled I completely disagree cut 28 McCrone and Trump on the foreign fighters go. For. The. Old old the rich. You know the one for. It's a good way to find the still of course this is only the ones. That don't. Think he is rich in Syria. The old this is the regime. To fix. This is. Going to be. For the. Good. For. The rebels in the. Police for the rich the poor. I. Don't know maybe say you know the one of the 5 This is one of the really. Fun of the season to be. There in the. Front of the. Sun. But this is the 1st to say you're going to listen to the I'm sorry. We have some of. The situations that the. Groups want something to do because the boats Oh it will. Be. The. It will be for the situations. Ok so why would he want to push for beating ISIS before taking foreign fighters back because he knows being ISIS is going to take years and it has to be a more fist are going to be moving around a lot it's going to take forever how many how many French foreign fighters are there fighting for ISIS right now. 2000 France is the primary country of origin for the people who left to fight for ISIS in the Middle East. It was believed that more than $900.00 of its citizens traveled to Syria and Iraq to join the written sort of join the extremists that was according to the International Center for counterterrorism The report also says that the overall number of radicalized French nationals or residents involved in jihad is networks but maybe people who didn't travel there but are still threats to France and the region is estimated to be closer to 2000 so this guy wants to dicker over 2000. ISIS fighters who carry French citizenship and instead says oh we have to deal with that let's deal with beating ISIS 1st 4300 foreign fighters from the European Union joined ISIS 30 percent of them are already back in Europe that should scare the hell out of all of us because here's the thing France doesn't have the death penalty not even for terrorists. They think it's inhumane he should put his Bonaparte outfit back on and bring out the guillotine and start chopping heads that's how you send a message 80760 k. F. And b. Have 760 talking breaking news Jim Chavez got the uptick for months now Congressman Duncan Hunter is called the federal case against him a witch hunt today he pled guilty the latest next am 760 k. F.m.b. Help make the holidays happy for our injured military men and women the 2019 Warrior Foundation radiophone Friday December 6th an opportunity for Sandy against to give back in honor of those who bravely sacrificed themselves to protect our freedoms our families our nation your cash donation will help to send our heroes home for the holidays the worrier foundation radiophone sponsored by Palomar solar and movie for info at 760 k. F.m.b. 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From the studios of. San Diego's talk and breaking news this is a m 760 hunter plead guilty hits 430 to 1 am 760 I'm Jim Sharbat that's one of the stories we're following we're also keeping an eye on your ride home 56 freeway East mana Carmel Valley Road a major record we're blocking a couple lanes for quite a time to clear down of the way but traffic still remains slow in Spawn's from the 5 I 15 northbound past Winchester road stall earlier they're just not clear enough to traffic remains anything this report is sponsored by Credit Karma get your truly free credit scores and free credit monitoring from Credit Karma today download the Credit Karma right now Credit Karma. It's local Congressman Duncan Hunter showed no emotion in a downtown San Diego courtroom today when he pled guilty to misusing campaign money outside court he declined to say when he would leave office you say to Chris Growe was at the federal courthouse with more that one count that he pleaded guilty to while originally charged with 60 is the biggest count and again he faces up to a maximum 5 year prison sentence his sensing is not till March 17th while quite heading into the courtroom about to change his plea to guilty he did have this to say when he walked out I failed to monitor and account for my campaigns but I made mistakes and that's what today was all about so that being said I'll have more statements in the future about the future prosecutor Phil Halperin valve to seek a prison term for Hunter of at least a year although it's plea deal calls for up to 5 years authorities have identified a parolee at large suspected of fatally stabbing another man in the neck in the Midway area on Thanksgiving Day 38 year old force Brantley is wanted for attacking the 55 year old Robert Irby during an argument outside a business on sports arena Boulevard. Wallet Hub just released its list of the safest cities in America and 3 in San Diego County made the cut Chula Vista ranked 42nd San Diego came in at number 58 in Oceanside was 71st Each one was ranked based on 3 criteria home and community safety financial safety and natural disaster risk Columbia Maryland was named 1st overall Now here's news 8 Carlene Chavis with your micro-climate forecast light rain has begun and more wet weather is on the way so quickly moving storm system will sweep through San Diego County tonight through tomorrow expect moderate to heavy rainfall by tomorrow morning all the way through the early afternoon hours before about 4 pm am 76 am chief meteorologist Chivas. Right now it is cloudy and $62.00 in Carlsbad as expected the top 4 teams in the college football playoff rankings remain unchanged they all are Ohio State Ellis you Clemson and Georgia followed by Utah and Oklahoma which move into the 5 and 6 spots respectively in the void left by Alabama now here's Bill Holland with the latest from Wall Street stocks had loaded a declines ahead advance of 2 to one even after recovering some of the steep early Crable or promised to climb a complex whip on China and Wall Street as usual prices are the worst even if it's not likely all of the season spent because sales at record levels especially on vine can't store sales up 7.9 percent last week Amazon says that Black Friday and Monday with the best ever his history Toyota The Remember u.s. Sales up 9.2 percent of sales force a double beat after the bell the holiday of some 60 can't be there's more bread winner bill coming up am 760 talk and breaking news please join me Bill O'Reilly this evening at 645 for the O'Reilly update right here on Am 760 talk and breaking news. It is a break what it will show him $760.00 talking about it. While a lot of stuff going on out there. So you know I'm so excited to hear that camel Harris is qualified for this next debate she's going to be in and I think she really could come around and do do well and bring it in here but have she she's she's kind of out of the race now she can quit the camel hairs Quest she has as she doesn't have any money should either she ran out of money she's not a billionaire bro. Wow. I don't she was she was the 1st person to announce she announced like back in 2018 Well you know I know why didn't she get why didn't she get traction what's going on because we're racist thoughtlessly Is that what she's not on the card is she I've heard it from her in the car they throw in there people in the car is that while she said that I'm not a billionaire that's just part of the reason why I spent $25000000.00 and had nothing happened I heard other pundits today on that other channel the m.s.n. B. Whatever they couldn't touch and yet they're so it's very tiresome they're touting the race is Ok Hold on a minute. Kirsten Gillibrand quit the race did she lose because she people were racist sexist right Betto quit people in time x. Again is that why beto quit those white. I don't understand I mean I thought she was out I thought she was down to really struggle through this and get it done Yeah a lot of people said leaves all those people hanging and that we're like totally excited for her yeah all those people out there around the country who are stopped at those rallies like Eric Holder like that came out for her and stuff and so she just bails out leaves Yeah so let me stand this Tom Styer who is a Democrat you know but he's also he is a billionaire Ok Michael Bloomberg who is a billionaire Don Trump who is a billionaire they're all still in the race and they are billionaires white white men but she didn't get any traction Ok do we think for a minute that Donald Trump won because he was a billionaire No one because his messaging connected right is there a reason why Michael Bloomberg is it 6 percent. Well he automatically become the nominee because he's a billionaire because Michael Bloomberg is like the cleanup hitter like like like but that doesn't ever succeed you know yeah he could get you know get you 2020 and then disappear Yeah right I mean that's it so my point is where was this groundswell of support for Campbell Harris. I know it was well you know who came out yesterday and said he was going to Iowa to campaign for you know who was an Obama Well it was Gavin Newsome and he was going to go to Iowa to campaign for now is that now if anybody could have gotten her run out of the race it's gathered news . Oh my God Marie is in New Jersey Marie welcome to the show what's going on thank you I just want to say that once upon a time when I was a young girl. I remember pretty putting like personality aside I didn't go by people's personality because nothing not even today nothing nothing. Impresses me except a good deed and what President Trump has done has impressed me because he doesn't talk he does yeah action and what he's done for the country is unbelievable in such a short time and I'm a Jew I'm a true supporter for justice for everyone yes and everyone deserves fairness and that standing family and so this is the that the biggest scam that's going on right now is just impeachment but the American people have to accept cells is like who is really backing up this was the blower is if this old man George Soros has all these billions of dollars and and it's not about fairness it's about it in agenda and this is going on not only in the United States but globally and the American people are aware of you know the Russia story was a hoax and what really really bothered me was when I found out that 2 weeks before the. Whistleblower came out the war on the regulation Oh the process is changing Yes it was and nobody knows who did it and that is you know. Not personally hearing the conversation right but by hearsay so these people are actually you know they want to bring down 63000000 people and the sitting president and we have to be careful and not go by personality and you have to go by the hype but the thing is that people can see the heart now and. It's an important point you make I mean they don't but they also here's the thing though Ok I mean think about the sin of being willfully blind on purpose and saying oh the economy is not doing well the country's not doing well the economy is in a shambles this economy is terrific I mean any objective measure says the economy's doing well and they they will even give credit on that where it's due which is free market policies and building people's confidence back up and getting people back to work it's crazy it's crazy Thanks for the call Maria appreciate you know so we go back to this big story we opened the hour with last hour and that is so apparently Adam Schiff got his hands on Devon newness phone records the spying on Devon Una's House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff investigated the ranking member Devon Nunez as part of his impeachment inquiry into President Trump the revelation that Schiff had obtained telephone records related to Nunez was the only new revelation in the report which otherwise had rehashed the Democrats' arguments in favor of impeaching Trump in a press conference this afternoon shift declined to say when the committee had obtained the records but given the Democrats repeated questions during the inquiry about administration officials who worked with Nunez. Like cash Patel It's likely the Democrats had sought those records before or during the hearings meaning maybe they subpoenaed them they wiretapped them and we don't know where they got the records from the report cites media reports that led Parness an associate of Rudy Giuliani who'd been indicted on campaign finance charges claimed that Nunez tried to meet with Ukrainians to quote dig up dirt on Vice President Biden Nunez has threatened to sue those media outlets and did so on Tuesday he's suing c.n.n. For defamation for $435000000.00 He also was not giving the ability to respond to the allegations in the report he found it out when shift dropped the report that is as dirty as it comes and shift deserves. All the all the wreckage that he's going to rot as a result of this he deserves every bit of the incoming that's going to go in there it is it is described you got Eric Swalwell we're talking about this very thing is that what this is is he talking about the wiretaps of Nunez. Blitzer about them in . The news should recuse himself here. Do you believe Doug Nunez should recuse himself. You know I'm going to leave that to Devon Newt as well if this isn't about Devon Nunez this is about the president of the United States it's disappointing though that he used a serious impeachment inquiry to falsely attack out of the ship every single day suggesting that chairmanship was a fact witness when all along it now seems that definition is in fact was the fact witness and he was just projecting his own guilt his own involvement in this shakedown scheme on Mr shift but this isn't about Devon knew as much as he may want it to be it is it's odd and about about definiteness So on April 10th 2019 Rudy Giuliani called Devon as an apparently they spoke for 35 seconds on April 10th. A little while after that noone has called Rudy Giuliani back they did not connect that on the 10th later on noon as called Rudy Giuliani for 31 seconds then somebody texted Rudy Giuliani then. On the 10th for 2 minutes and 50 seconds Rudy called and spoke with Devon Nunez and then just after that hang up on that call he dialed again but didn't get through or it would just as 0 minutes 0 seconds in terms of duration of the call Adam Schiff wiretapped Devin Nunes who is the ranking member on the committee this is insane and this is fundamentally an un-American thing he's not up for impeachment he's not being investigated as part of impeachment I'm telling you the White House ought to deploy everything they've got Schiff and put it out everything they've got background checks information operate search it all needs to come out now because people need to understand who it is that Adam Schiff is and what it is that he's trying to do. Last I checked Rudy Giuliani is not in the jurisdiction of Adam Schiff to be prosecuted last I checked Devon Nunez is a fellow member of Congress and I'm going to say this right now if I were if I were Nunez I'd be I'd be meeting with Schiff in his office for a few hours tonight and we would get something straight this is a disgrace $8760.00 k. If we were not surprised look they tried to steal the election in 2016 they attempted to reverse the election with Muller and that fakery these are the same people who supported Lisa Page and Peter struck in their computer just relationship at motels all over the place as they were as they were deleting 19000 text messages so you would never know what the story was disgraceful this system has got a profound problem with it and it is clearly as far as I can tell of the making of the Obama administration and his inheritors there in 80760 k. F. And they hate the economy right pay attention the economy look at how things are doing look at your bottom line it's important 21000 rapidly coming to a close when you look at your investment portfolio you find it's probably not performing or close to what you had hoped and you're thinking well what should I do for $2020000.00 a time to start about this it's a good start to time it's a good start time to do this now come to the next Martin vesting workshop with Britain Chase will see to find out why fundamental analysis has worked so well for so many years they've been investing their clients' money since 1903 they've experienced it all what's proven itself time and time again is to put away the emotions. 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You could win a pair of tickets to the 30 at the annual Carols by Candlelight taking place December 13th and 14th at the California Center for the arts as can details call and rate Craig Campbell and others will sing their hits and favorite holiday songs free year while proceeds benefit radio Children's Hospital For tickets and show information visit 760 k. F.n.b. Dot com 6760 k s m b dot com for your chance to win. It is a great wonderful showing of 760 talk of breaking news Caleb in Lakeside what's going on Caleb would have been. Hey thanks for taking my call Bret. The. Kamahl implosion yes or. I don't know how anybody didn't see that coming I mean she . She sees she's Hillary I mean with just it's horrible like everything her lying her pandering her dad calling her out saying Dude I don't know who this girl is but that's not the daughter I raised. Like she was she was on a fast track to do herself in a long time ago she wanted to be seen she was trying so hard to be liked by everyone yes. She just didn't care she would say yes to everything yes to everything and I don't get that it's like. She's not genuine and I think I think I think saying Democrats are looking for someone genuine like Joe Biden has gaffes but he's genuine he's not he's just Joe Komal is not just kimono Kemal or he will turn and pivot and turn and pivot and turn and pivot and she will try to garner as much support as she can from all these people that's what did Hillary. If you remember that I mean Hillary had the hot sauce in the person like come and try and as you as you have to carry with me abroad I know I know what I mean. I mean it's sad it's sad because come all is probably very qualified but she had a very bad campaign manager like she knew who gave her really bad advice on how to handle questions instead of saying yes all the time sometimes you have to say No Well she went out I mean short of American women that way she went out we should she don't say no she went out of the box and tried to guide Joe Biden on busing which was a really bad plan I think put a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths but you're out of the magic word and I want you to listen to this for a quick 2nd because even if you can appreciate this your friend is now back in the mix go Joe I'm going to get off the stage because I want another great footballer up here I want somebody else who is you know going to beat my record and I love that because that is what we should be doing to tell the next generation and where were you are you saying forget me is that your mountain not yet I know is trying to you could step back into the ring that I I here that I specially have been deluged in the last few weeks she's been deluged by people asking to get back in the race there are you ready well until they find a place to hang that I suspect the picture of Bill Clinton on enough the place in the White House you're going to make it there's no way she's not going to make it there's no way she's going to make it. You know. This is the thing for anybody who is a moderate Democrat that listens to your show that's listening right now right people that are peddling the insane idea that camel hairs. Who somehow didn't not progress further yes because of her color correction as a woman rights and she's a bill and she's not a 1000000000 or she's not talking to Republicans or conservatives anybody who is peddling that if you want to take that message and have that be your thing. You're going to go on tell your friend who is a Democrat Campbell only got 2 percent and it's your fault because you're a Democrat like me this is a Democrat you see this is not a Republican issue I went where I heard Zerlina Maxwell or saw it that she put out there right and she said oh you're it's because we're racist workers in this we're . Going to like That's why I said I had a good ways I mean. We were never bred we were never going to vote for her no of course and. So this is That's why are you why are you clubbing the baby seal that just wants to nominate a decent Democrat like the Democrat playbook is saying right now I don't understand a lot you know you're right we're going to percent because all of you are horrible . Look at the people who have quit the race look at the people who have quit the race look at them right look at people could raise Campbell Arris kooky leftist. Agila brained kooky leftist look at look at bedo kooky leftist It's the crazy leftist I mean with the exception of like Bernie and Warren because they've got big national followings kookiest leftists have all been driven from the race they're legit moderates have been driven from the race because there's nobody moderates in the primary voting group in this party to vote for somebody who's moderate look anybody anybody on the Judiciary Committee who is running who had anything to do with Kavanagh is going to lose this fight it Jill a brand was front and center on cabinet she gets dispatched Kamelot was front and center she started the fight the 1st day the confirmation hearings she got dispatched Cory Booker's doesn't realize that he's finished and he called the charge is going to be finished. Gatineau is kryptonite man I'm telling you it's the Bret wonderful show of 760 talking breaking news. Here's a reminder when you need to know. When to say of $768.00 if can be said Diego. Hunter's plea deal it's 5 o'clock am 760 I'm Jim Scharf that's that's one of the stories we're following we're also keeping an eye on traffic I 15 sound down before via Rancho Parkway a stall reported left side of the freeway affected traffic starting to get extra crowded there 56 freeway eastbound perma Valley Road earlier accident clearing the traffic stop and go from the find this report is funded by Prestone and freeze this winter keep your car running with Prestone and a priest only Prestone superior formula works immediately protecting your engine from the elements to keep your engine running better so choose Prestone today it's . Congressman Duncan Hunter has played guilty to charges of campaign finance violations c.b.s. News the fundament has more on the Republican's federal court hearing here in San Diego the 6 term congressman enter a guilty plea to one count of misuse of campaign funds it's all part of a plea deal hunter and his wife for accused last year of spending around $250000.00 of campaign funds on such things as family vacations to Europe in Hawaii other money went to pay for a family dentist cosmetics dinners even an airline ticket for the family's Pants Rabbit Duncan Hunter says he is prepared to go to jail Steve Futterman c.b.s. News at the federal courthouse in San Diego the House Intelligence Committee has released its official report on the trumping Pietschmann inquiry more from c.b.s. News' Bill rake off on Capitol Hill the Intelligence Committee report says that the president up use the power of his office for personal and political gain at the expense of national security when he held back from Ukraine millions in security aid and. The much coveted White House visit by that country's leader Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff says the president violated his oath of office Americans should care deeply about what the president and states is betraying their trust in him betraying that all said he took to the Constitution to protect our country Chip says it will now be up to Congress to decide whether the president's acts rise to the level of impeachable offenses the House Judiciary Committee takes up the inquiry Wednesday they'll write off c.b.s. News Capitol Hill the Fairbanks Ranch Country Club in Rancho Santa Fe has settled a sexual harassment lawsuit for $125000.00 stemming from allegations that a restaurant manager at the club sexually harassed several young female servers the lawsuit filed by the u.s. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission accuse the young name manager of quote routinely abusing his position by requiring female servers to acquiesce to his sexual advances for job benefits leading some of the servers to resign the agency said the manager's behavior encouraged other male employees to engage in sexual harassment to well some shocking findings about retaliation against military families who have asked for desperately needed maintenance to their military homes the story next.

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