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Former San Diego County Sheriff's Captain Marco Garman 4 others were arrested today for allegedly running a longstanding illegal arms trafficking operation of which they bought and resold guns available only to law enforcement County Environmental Health officials expanded their ongoing closure of coastal waters today to include the Silver Strand shoreline due to sewage contaminated water also closed other 2 on a slow National Wildlife Refuge and Border Field State Park the County Health and Human Services Agency announced today that it received over one and a half $1000000.00 from the u.s. Department of Housing and Urban Development to issue housing vouchers to people with disabilities as it were sponsored by in and out burger in and out every burger is freshly grilled the water made with juicy 100 percent beef patties freshly baked buns and crisp produce this is fresh as it gets fresh as you can taste mostly sunny with lows in the fifty's highs in the seventy's am 760 talk and breaking news. Here's a. Rather think I'm going to go underground. In the bowels of the evening somewhere under the bridge comes to your will but this building we once again made contact with that. Everybody living here are numbered 87738138118773813811 Mr Producer. Before we let me move on to audio I want to find that piece on Media 8 involving me I'm such a nice guy why they subsets with many Media Media Matters Hollywood Reporter What are the other reprobates and Karen member them are. Just very upset I mean they treat Chadron a polyp tato like he's Joseph Story and he just about sick or Markopolos remarkable stuff. Little old Mark is just a right wing radio host by the way you are going to love hello and you're going to love Sunday nights Life Liberty and Love in member the new time 8 pm Eastern 5 pm Pacific and all times in between around I really want you to watch the show Mark you always say that actually I don't know he said it but I really want you to watch the show. But you promise me. I mean on the ratings are irrelevant ladies and gentlemen I have a 3 year deal with Fox Now what Intel are body that we extended and. I really want you to check this out Ok it'll make you feel better this I can assure you over media. Which is a left wing ites they post. Website it's really quite appalling. The lingo over there for fun and who treat them as the file that they actually are they consider themselves a news site and in modern days it really is left wing kooks and mobsters and goons all over the place. But we're going to have a little bit more fun with this site as we do from time to time this guy named Tommy Christopher Tommy's one of a phalanx of low i.q. Poorly informed kneejerk leftists hired over at the Dan Abrams new site. And so I was on Hannity I guess it was last night the days are all coming together for me. And Sean insists that I come on the show every Thursday that's fine 5 something to say if I don't something to say I won't but look he gives me time and I really appreciate it because there's a lot going on in this country need to fight for liberty and that's what we're doing. So Tommy Christopher and by the way these aggregating sites they don't provide you with anything that's actually new or substantive and they just go around and pick off and cherry pick what other people have done and then link to it and then they have sort of provocative headlines in which they give you spin and that's what media ultra left wing spin is starting to see a lot of that on our buddy drugs site he's my buddy and other places so they're not really even news aggregators anymore they're kind of video blogs in many respects by what they post their headlines and what they omit taking Noonan judgment Politan know it you know they're very very popular over. But the hate and the vile you really have to go to media for that. Because they wet themselves over Trump they're so fierce so I just want to show you how stupid these people are Mboya they stupid Here's the headline Mark Levin wants to retroactively impeach Barack Obama which isn't a thing you can do. Fox News host Mark Levin vented his spleen about the impeachment of President Trump and said we need to quote retroactively impeach unquote President Barack Obama in order to impeach Trump as well on Thursday night's edition of Hannity Levin launched into a rant about the current impeachment inquiry which just wrapped up a week of public hearings that featured extensive testimony on Trump's plot to extort political favors from Ukraine by withholding military aid this is a Russian bought something now he's a punk but let's go on along the way live in managed to rope in President Obama please Obama is our God don't. In. Our last popularly elected commander in chief you see you see the punk doesn't even get the constitution and said If you want to impeach you need to retroactively impeach Obama unfortunately for Levin the United States Constitution provides no mechanism for impeaching a president actually. Bear with me it's almost too stupid I think the most relevant section the most relevant section of Levin's item of the Article 2 Section 4 which states the president vice president all civil officers of the United States shall be removed from office on impeachment for and conviction of treason bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors Now Tommy Christopher's a really quite astute scholar and reader says the clause clearly states that removal from office shall occur following impeachment conviction President Obama won reelection in 2012 earning more votes than his opponent in the process was constitutionally ineligible to run for a 3rd term once a Bama completed his 2nd term in office ladies and gentlemen writes In January 27th teen was one of the few who attended Trump's inauguration he was no longer in office hence Obama would not be removed from office at any point subsequent to that . So you can see the sleazy cheap shots against Trump and that guy is a complete ignoramus and he's one of their senior writers. Tommy Christopher. Because they get dumber than this guy I fear that they do I fear that they do get dumber than this guy and so I suggested that Tommy Christopher may want to write under a false name effect issues name Mr Producer so he stops embarrassing and humiliating his family with his low i.q. Stupidity but he just one of many. Oh Tommy Christopher. Now since Tommy. And my new Israeli friend Iraq. Are so interested in what Mark has to say. Let's play a little bit of it since there was another stellar parents on Hannity last night ratings were massive it's my understanding that Sean is one another month on cable is the highest rated show both 12 plus and 2554 said even public at I don't know I think it is but what I want to know how one Mr Producer go I'm still getting through them all a record here actually. Years and years on them all reported $40000000.00 in congressional hearings and Mahler and they connected the dots and they found all kind of I'm still on page $397.00 of them all are important and they they throw Ukraine at us it's hard to keep up Shawn anyway. After we were attacked at Pearl Harbor Yamamoto of Japan he said I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve. You know Adam Schiff you are in some ways Admiral Yamamoto you just awakened a sleeping giant you threw everything you had. At the president at the Republicans and 63000000 voters who voted for this president and this is the best you have this is the best you have you have nothing. And the you controlled everything you control the witnesses you control the information you interrupted the Republicans you had control over the hearing room control over the rules and the timing and the precedents and you will have control over the charging document. You are the Democrat Party's Yamamoto. And even now with all the control that you've had and all the positive press and all the clownish legal analysts and the rest and the propaganda that they're pushing and they're celebrating the polls are Donald Trump are going up now once the Senate has control over their us there's no more Adam Schiff control there's no more Nancy Pelosi control there's no more of the the mobster types that we saw in the Democrat Party preening and beating their chests. And the American people they revere their constitution they cherish their franchise and they demand fairness from their representatives let me tell you something Democrats you screwed up big time this was the weakest congo line of hand-picked witnesses I've ever seen in any hearing at any time there's no smoking gun. Overwhelmingly hearsay basically what did we have here a small Kemal of State Department and then see bureaucrats who didn't like Trump or his policies yet every single one of them when pressed by the Republicans had to admit no bribery no extortion no quid pro quo no impeachable offense in the media for wow with headlines that in comprehensible. Not a single not a single witness could or did accuse the president of criminality only a single witness had directly SPRO spoken with or met with the president about any of these issues and he said oh no the president didn't do anything he didn't do anything. We look at Ukraine we getting these lectures from the witnesses and the Democrats Ukraine needed the aid they needed offensive military aid we needed for geo political reasons there witness today Fiona Hill she was just I can't believe the president did this look what he's doing is empowering the Russians the Russians the rest and she wrote a few years earlier a long Op-Ed saying don't give the Ukrainians the military aid they're asking for. To go as a matter of fact the Democrats and their great leader Barack Obama he refused to give Ukraine the offensive military weapons they were looking for so despite all these bureaucrats testifying they couldn't get the weapons that Ukraine wanted under Obama there were no hearings there were no headlines. It was Trump who got the Ukrainians the weapons that they needed it was Trump who stopped the Russians it was Trump who put the most severe sanctions in modern history on the Russians it was Obama who appease the Russians it was Obama under who's president say the Russians invaded Ukraine and annexed Crimea if you want to impeach then we need to wreck to actively impeach Obama stop there this is what confused media right. They're all sitting around their mother's dinner table in their boxer shorts and tank tops with their Frosted Flakes spilling out of their mouth 3 days old growth on their face the extent that they can grow in turn pay prepare play or airplanes and each other shooting paperclips. A.t.g. Hear what Mark said you can retroactively impeach Let's check the Constitution you must be wrong about that you way it's it can't retroactively impeach a president he's not president anymore it's a point it's under scoring the fact that Obama did worse and so we've been to drag him back and impeach him I can't believe he said that he's supposed to be a constitutional scholar so we're dealing with truly stupid relatively young idiot logs a most of these sites go ahead Senate let's hope the Republicans for once in their life grow spine I want to remind the Republicans including the half dozen or so who want to reveal the whistleblower preacher damn law you wrote it. Return law are the so-called whistleblowers not a whistleblower under your law are those so-called was a florist complaint right here is not covered by the statue that you around the phone call between President Trump and presidents Alinsky is not covered by the statute you around President Trump is not covered by the statute you wrote and the so-called whistleblower is not anonymous under the statute is he so the president's lawyers will finally get a shot at the whistleblower. Who never wrote this complaint and they will get to ask him. It will get to say I know his name I'm not allowed to say I know all about I'm not allowed to say but it's time that sham comes to an end a president gets to confront a president gets to confront the person who's challenging him out here's some of the questions for Mr whistleblower who was involved in writing that complaint who advised him to use the wessel blower statute to create this false protection did he speak to Adam Schiff or named him closely or any Democrat members of Congress directly or through surrogates What did he discuss with shift staffers who were formerly were at the end of c. Did he speak to we want to know yes or no lieutenant colonel or Mr May I say then men or not we want to know all about this what's up Laura because the whistleblower wants to bring down the present a united states Moreover we want to honor. We want to honor by not because of anything in our imagination or right wing conspiracy theories because you folks of Politico and The New York Times and other places you have told us about a 100 bucks you have told us about the Bidens don't we have a right as the American people to know if that individual who may be nominated as the Democratic nominee for president United States is a crock is that the only family in American history who's not to be investigated I don't think so and one other thing this is the so-called whistle blowers complaint . This has been Adam Schiff playbook from day one Adam did you write this all right . What about picking Noonan thinks about this Mr Producer. The president's supporters don't have any defense anymore. With the legal analysts on t.v. I can assure you at least. 3 out of 4. 3 out of 4 areas where you could charge the president on an impeachable. The idiocy that surrounds us is just. Infinite I'll be right back. 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More about global. Has become the Joe Scarborough of n.b.c. Is he not Mr Producer made the depressed Ladies and Gentlemen unless you want to be depressed and suffer from some kind of a psycho trip I would recommend you not watch Chuck Todd and his haircut this Sunday do anything but carry is on m.s.l. Us day yesterday cut for a go I did a quick flashback to the o.j. Trial frankly where the facts were damning but it didn't matter. And yet he was innocent but I'd also bet everybody who was guilty it was the one. About to head into a situation like that where he's going to get acquitted and everybody's going to know he's guilty. Of rambling idiot. The o.j. The flashback. The flashbacks. I don't know when I watched which is as little as often I have flashbacks to of these horrific nightmares when I was a little kid. These movies used to say you know I was kind of sick with the training outside this to be sitting there some guy on the corner with a rank Oh. That's what Chuck Todd reminds me of. Talking fast spinning. Thank things he think you want to hear. You know he opens the way. That I'm not talking about that you know he's trying to sell you a razor you know Hershey bar or whatever I'll be right back. In the. Computer systems in cars of the new normal from electronically controlled transmissions to touch screen displays to dozens of sensors but all this advanced tech is expensive to fix if and when it breaks that's why you need car shield car Shield has affordable protection plans that can save you thousands for a covered repair including computers g.p.s. 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No closing costs no nonsense money while it's out there call 8555 owning or go to owning dot com to not miss these monthly savings 8555 owning Danby or of the beer home team any expat realty really believes the seller should have options like cash offer or you can sell as it is and move out at your convenience with no commissions and closing costs or a full market blitz that can enhance the net profit for you they'll provide the capital to rehab your property and sell it at a greater value called Dan beer in the beer home team today 18066720031806672003 or visit sold by Dan beer dot com. Sold by Dan beer dot com am 760 k. Of m b. C b s news update President Trump presided over a White House meeting where he suggested raising the age to buy the thing products to 21 solutions the concept of letting states make their own decisions to talk about the. One about a state we want a $21.00 winner and loser you wouldn't want to work at Utah senator Mitt Romney and White House counselor Kellyanne Conway were among those attending the Round Table which included stakeholders and experts putting out a cotton candy flavor and what is it you to play around like this is this is a good product we have to put the kids 1st at the end President drumstick line to say what he might do about the crisis in September he announced that his administration would work to ban all non to back o. Flavored taping products from the market but there has not yet been significant movement on that front c.b.s. News update Matt piper. Drug bust time at Mackay that's one of the stories we're following in the 70s a grand jury returned indictments against more than 3 dozen street level drug dealers operating a blatant open drug market out of San Diego's East Village neighborhood many of whom were arrested following a 4 month undercover operation governors from announced the appointment today of 2 of us to caregiver Myron of Gori to a subcommittee of the newly formed early childhood policy council police today were investigating a shooting that left a car with multiple bullet holes in its windshield in the Mountain View area investigators believe the car may have been involved in a car to car shoot out this war sponsored by Him Out burger since 1908 in and out has been making their burgers fresh the water from the highest quality ingredients it's a family tradition and it's what a hamburger is all about mostly sunny with lows in the fifty's highs in the seventy's am 760 talk and breaking news to tell you about we talk about it a.t.m. 760 talk Breaking news. America is here and the hunter call 887-738-4381 extension 1. Getting ready to be. It's Friday ladies and gentlemen you know what that means. 2 days from now Sunday right Mr Minister. And what is Sunday everybody 8 pm Eastern Time. I am telling you what you have the biggest kick ass life liberty and live in it 8 pm Eastern Time on Sunday I really strongly encourage you to watch it you should be contacting your e-mail list. Family members friends go door to door with your neighbors I'm kidding but it is I think it's the fine a show ever done and it's just me by the way. Just me. Peggy Noonan you may want to watch. And see what roaming around out there. I. Can write. Family important to me. My summertime friends in the Hamptons. All my friends at c.b.s. News where I used to work. And let me write it so I can distance myself. Uncouth president. I never liked anyway. And now that the left is trying to destroy our country let me throw in with them and show them how much bigger I am and maybe I'll get invited on Meet the depressed like Chuck Todd who has fantasies about. All this reminds him of o.j. Simpson and other words you the American people we all know that o.j. Simpson was guilty yet the jury found him not guilty in this reminds me the. Period here. I'm proud of myself. As a dyed in the war liberal Democrat his wife is a dyed in the wall liberal Democrat and he's a disgrace he can't sit in one of 10 Russert shoes his whole damn body and I've nothing against hair cut or e but rather you need to step it up with that hair I'm not kidding trying to cover that bald spot Mr Producer you know all those beautiful Sean Connery Mark Levin so so they call me from the back front to the front and then they cut it across like nobody notices. Everybody staring at his head while he's talking Hey dummy We know you're going Paul why are you doing this yes the great. He fought every step of the way to become not just the host of Meet the Press but he is the senior. Political reporting for n.b.c. News did you ever believe they would have to sink this low and then they got Stephanopoulos there over at a.b.c. You know what I think's going on Mr Producer I think the short people are taking over. I think they really are these little not running. It's like this guy Stephanopoulos he's a clown. Before he goes into the journalism and I mean he was in journalism before he's attacking women viciously. Attacking him defending Clinton attacking women one after another after another an a.b.c. Has an idea hey let's make him a host of Good Morning America a that's a good idea and all of a sudden he's just another liberal we forget about his past. Tapper Jake Tapper is probably the best. That Jeff mother's Ocker has over there at c.n.n. . Tapper is Jeff mothers or he has sold out whatever journalistic credentials he had at one point he was trying very hard and people kind of liked Clooney but you know his bread is buttered and spotted by Jeff Miller's. So he's back to form having been the spokes idiot for Marjorie Margolis Mezvinsky. One term left wing kook congressman from Montgomery County Pennsylvania. My old area my old home area and he was the spokesman for hang gun control. But now he's a journalist. And a fantastic journalist and. Then you have Wolf Blitzer. Or Wolf Blitzer. Nobody knows where this guy came from what did he do before I don't know he just showed up one day he showed up one day delivering coffee donuts. You know he's wearing a white uniform and one of those hats so they don't get the hair in the food and you know c.n.n. We were just starting out we basically weren't in any households we we had. 3 airports. And this guy comes running in innocent enough I said don't want your name he says. Oh yeah. Finally we met early Grabovski we got to change your name if you're going to be on c.n.n. What you we changed to. How about Walt Blitzer Hey that is a. Let's give him the prime time slot so he went from delivering coffee and donuts. To being the main anchor on scene his name was earning and now it's. Then we move to The View The View Barbara Walters decides she wants an opinion. All women that's not sexist but all women. Have a woman there well one of them is kind of a woman but all women there and that's what they do and what do they do they scream at each other it's the kind of stereotype you really don't want to they're yelling at each other the scream in there that's run pens and pencils are pulling each other's hair isn't that kind of stereotypical in a negative way and then if you dare question them that's the problem that's how you view women that's how you treat women let me tell you something it's the dumbest show on the air that dumbest show on the air they don't do things intelligently it's not an intelligent show. But it's a woman's perspective there isn't a woman's perspective where individuals and how can you say that anyway when people are transitioning and they're adding genitalia they're subtracting genitalia they have no genitalia they're defined by what they do with their genitalia don't do with their genitalia so how can you say it's a woman's perspective what does that even mean anymore Mr Producer what is a woman's perspective if genitalia it's up for grabs if you get my drift and what about people who are transitioning should they have a show with 5 people who are transitioning from a transitioning person's perspective what do you think of that Mr but I think that's a damn good idea I watch that when you watch that call at the view to something fact they should change the name of the view to the yentas and then have the transitioning show called The View where we have 5 trains what we call transition transition whatever 5 sitting there one person female becoming a male a male becoming a female. Maybe just guess whatever doesn't matter that can be very entertaining. Fact. They har. Which panel what should be what I don't. Joy you have to admit you're a disgrace. Joy is much like Joe Scarborough stay with me but fail that radio filler radio now that you mention of Mark they both kind of look alike don't think . I think Scarborough is what Joy Behar would look like if she were a male What do you think of that Mr Peters. And I think Joy they are is Scarborough . What he would look like if he were female what do you think of that think about that folks I think I'm pretty close cut 5 go why is it that support patron is going down for America and I don't know. Why I cannot possibly be I mean I support their Sydney American people don't have. The ratings I can. On going on. Tour you always look nauseous and you always make the rest of us feel nauseous may I say that with all due respect I say that with respect. I said What is it that say like about him is it the fact that there are still much 4000 kids still in the border in custody or that he presses a veteran so they made skills with the Russians and I don't know that's not. It said he's an anti-Semite towards Jews in Israel that could be it made me know that wouldn't be it that would be Obama I think. Or maybe could be that he rounded up Japanese Americans and Americans and put them in a techno That would be f.d.r. Your other hero that's not. Something do that. Or maybe could be that he rounded up 1000000 illegal aliens and forced him out of the country and sick not I will be Eisenhower. Maybe could be that he. Is political not that would be Kennedy and Johnson maybe it could be that they treated the Oval Office like a flock. Kennedy and Johnson again trying a little bit f.d.r. There. Maybe they threw their political opponents and their media opponents in prison. That will be Woodrow Wilson and a little bit of f.d.r. . Youngest game with him saying the a joy joy day when you when you've been in thing you understand why you feel the radio you understand why you've been negative I hear you Janish stand Never mind I'll be right back. Attorney c.p.a. 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One and 2334 w w w dot and molest consumer access not or All right Cindy San Francisco California the great k s f o go home Mark you are in quite the holiday mood today thank you and I don't even drink Well I didn't think you did but anyway look whatever you gotta do stay strong because we all depend on you so much juice which you can watch my Sunday show the sun the year I wouldn't miss it I tune in every time well actually I record it but this is of big watch her record this is a big one I'm quite serious but when it's done everyone's going to send glad you push this Ok And I've got my husband on it too so thank that's good thank you no look what I wanted to tell you is this journalist in Israel he is really a fool I am not Jewish I don't need to be Jewish I don't need to live in Israel and I don't need to pay taxes in Israel to know that democracy is being undermined and Netanyahu civil liberties are being violated what what kind of a fool is he I can look at Hong Kong I can look in my own neighborhood Thank you very much and realize that we are undermining our democratic system beautifully put . Beautifully put I was kind of an idiot journalist do this even understand that these charges brought by the attorney general's office are an attack on freedom of the press isn't the press ma'am it's just it's in comprehensible I can't even you just can't even comment on it I can just say except what you said well thank you you know you need to feel complimented that you are literally in the global i now and you just have to take more like the global target but you know what I don't care I do my thing and I leave to live my life yeah look and I also have to say love your bumper music and I love Ray Charles every Friday night tune in get turned on my eyes so you hang tough and have a great holiday thank you but let me ask you question do you walk on the streets in San Francisco where they having a fecal matter problem you know I try my best not to do that and I actually this was the most beautiful city in America I must say it was I I grew up there I understand I've seen it just to be trashed they literally spend money now on people that literally go round and monitor the poop This is where they spend their money Mark I'm not kidding Neal and they need to goto a Nancy Pelosi his office. God bless you my friend beautiful call I really appreciate it Lady any Annapolis Indiana the great w. F.d.m. Don't. Then Ali Good evening good evening sir I was going back to your opening on the show and I've got to believe that within the ministry of bureaucracy both in Israel were atheist and here in the United States that there got a natural patriot some conservative some as you call them Paul and Paul it would be but they're surrounded by people you know they're limited in number there is exactly and there's probably a few in newsrooms but they can't speak up. Exactly and this kind of gets right to my 2 questions that I have for you now it's come almost my count on as his multiple choice are true or false yes no it will not be multiple choice or open them to preform or spot. Ok but I would imagine that the conservatives probably get the view of Ok well transparent now you've got maybe another year even if you went for reelection he's got another 5 years but eventually he's going to be out and if you stand up and support him if you out our game if you out the swap that's Ok We're going to be here that's that's a good point because they're there forever exact what your next point. Well the question that number one what would you tell the people who are positioned with luck better for a quick preview and number 2 what if an explosion are available for a cup I don't have an answer to a systemic solution other than slashing the size of the federal government and slashing spending on the bureaucracy that's the only way can do it and as for the people in the bureaucracy that want to speak out you have civil service and union protection to play you're not fat fighting in Afghanistan so to speak out 3. am 760 talk and breaking news everyone this is just an Isaac It's a lawyer in blue jean show be sure to catch our show every Sunday at 9 am on Am 760 k. F. And b. Where we talk about law life and everything in between the Markel design and remodelling family believes there is no place quite like home for the holidays we've been helping Sandy you can celebrate the season for more than 35 years here are Gary Moore and Carolyn Thomas co-owners of Markel design in remodeler I am Gary Marshall Cal at the holidays are nothing more special than enjoying all the comforts of home and the true blessings of family and good friends through the years we've had the privilege of getting to know families throughout San Diego I'd like to take this opportunity to wish each of you the very best for the holidays health and happiness in the New Year I'm Tom on behalf of Gary and. I'd also like to wish you all a great holiday celebration and the best for the coming year we consider it an honor that we've helped make so many homes a place where families gather and create memorable moments with one another year after year thank you so much for continuing to trust your home to us Markel designing remodeling making the most of your home for the holidays and every day of the year you can trust your home to us as we watch the suburban garden gnome carefully Cassady without stepping it you notice that it moves like. 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News on the hour Real News Radio reporting on that Piper don't need this lead is the Centers for Disease Control and Food and Drug Administration out with a warning less than a week before Thanksgiving the f.d.a. Is telling people to avoid romaine lettuce grown in Salinas California as they investigate a food poisoning outbreak that has sickened more than 40 people across a dozen states the agency also says not to eat the leafy green if the late.

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