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Fornia 92108 restaurant shooting leaves one dead I'm Cindy Burkey that's one of the stories we're following on Am 760 a woman was killed and 2 other people were injured Wednesday evening during a shooting at a church is taken at no time Mesa according to San Diego police a man opened fire at about 5 30 pm after a Church's Chicken employee refused to accept the counterfeit $100.00 bill the man was trying to use as payment California voter registration figures released Wednesday show the fastest growing group of voters are independents and California the figures from Secretary of State Alex p.b.s. Show independents make up nearly 27 percent of voters Democrats account for 44 percent Republicans about 24 percent several homes in a small area of Rancho Bernardo were recently burglarized during the day on the same day police say they're investigating 6 burglaries right now at Lindbergh Field it's clear and 56 degrees am 760 k. S. Heavy talk and breaking news. Red Eye radio Gary Mike and I regularly talk about everything from politics to social issues and news of the day whether you're up late or just starting your day job the show. Pilot flying j. Studio. This is Red Eye radio all across America and 6690 right I hear is there Colleen I'm very McNamara thanks so much for being here this morning. So the point I was trying to make. Before the hour so inconveniently ended the. Last hour. Was one of the Republican stand. I think Americans know Trump supporters know where the president stands generally on the issues generally on the specifics maybe not so much. And I say specifics for example the trade deals. From said he was going to do in the trade deals is not what he did yet all of his supporters supported and he just doesn't mention any more the fact that the debt the trade deficit is going through the roof when they trade deals won't do anything to stop that whether their past or not not to do when they stop that we've already talked about that before the new trade deals well he's not going to put tariffs on to equalise he ran on that remember the biggest thing that he ran on was a trade deficit. But the trade deals won't solve that. Supporters don't care the economy's good so if the economy's good that really gets you through almost everything right. But we know in general on on borders very consistent right now very consistent right. On Foreign Relations we've been. Critical on Syria that he backed off on. And he's backed off a couple of times on on Syria but for the most part nothing's really going on in the world is a right United States seems to be for the most part were suspected without getting into new wars right now. Something that even Democrats would would like. So the the and then on the economy I guess at the the the economy's doing Ok we have to to we can keep 2 to 2.5 percent growth in American public probably quite pleased with that when you see the unemployment rate and everything else that exist out there that's good news for the president the point I was bringing is what does the Republican Party stand now we know where they basically stand on the issues but are they out there promoting it every day are they out there promoting it every single day so those that don't pay a as much attention to us that may not listen to Red Eye or others out there who understand what the Republicans are doing you've got a market all the time 247365 now but do you even have a cohesive coherent consistent message coming from the Republican Party all the time now if you look at the leadership right now if you look at leadership the Republican Party where they tied up in always responding to the Democrats on something the Trump has done correct. Or alleged that Trump has done but if the Bradley pledge that Trump has done I've believe that's also something that the Democrats wish you know wish to do because they know their candidates for president are extremely weak we can keep everybody in the Republican Party busy because of this the Republican Party needs we've said this for the longer this is not anything new and it didn't start with Trump of the Republican Party has been horrible on messaging war before Trump. Yeah yeah yeah but I can't for ages right but I can't I can't deal with that we can only deal with the present and this is where you do need a president that does have a big bullhorn. And this is where you do need and I don't know how long it's going to take and I don't think they probably can do it maybe Brad per scale because of the messaging will be able to save you know 2020 for them with the with the the the presidency and hopefully keep in the Senate because that's critical especially to Supreme Court nominees I don't know how long it will take them to do it they haven't done it yet to my satisfaction but you need to be out there on a consistent basis Erick not just you know not just criticizing the Democrats but you need to be promoting why your plan is better why free markets is better and you need to be explaining political parties look it's very easy for the Democrats to explain what they want to do a everything's free nobody has to pay for it except the rich right that's their message and they get laughed on and even by the left the left knows it's not possible but that's how they've decided to put their message out there but we all know what the message is it takes a little bit longer for Republicans to do it when you start talking about free markets and how free markets work you've got to be able to do it it's going to take a little bit longer to explain that but you could also look at them and say they're lying there they're lying there you're going to pay the taxes you're going to pay the taxes with the money that the Republican Party is able to raise I do think that still a lot of it isn't effectively spent on advertising but you need to get your surrogates out there. In Whether it's a midterm election whether I don't care when it is whether it's the during the middle of the summer you've always got to be promoting a coherent message one of the geniuses of Newt Gingrich was he put together the contract here's or we're about this this this this this this and this. Where is that with the Republican Party that's how you do it because then that becomes that sit this is our this is our contract this is what we wish to do this this this this and this and here's why this is better and here's why and you've got to come out and you've got to do things like that it worked for Gingrich there's a reason it worked it was simple to understand here's what we're of this not this this not this this not this this not it's not that hard you can come on you don't even do you don't even have to do 10 things you can do 5 things and you can explain it in 2 minutes in a simple way and people are more interested well then they can find out more about it. But they don't do that now. And they've failed at it. Time and time again When's the last time they did it you know Gingrich right here's why here's why our plan is better for you if you're a mom here's why it's better you want to find out why this is better you know the website right here this this will explain it to you but you can take 5 different things everything from health care jobs economy taxes Yeah right and you can you can even bring up you can even bring up the budget in future generation because we care about your children and your grandchildren you can still sell the deficit you can still sell being out and you can sell it in the right way because what do you do you talk about the children and the grandchildren you bring in the thing you bring in family we care I'm telling you it drives me crazy because I understand how the Republicans feel that they're always on the defensive sorry. This is the cards you've been handed that these are the cards you've been handed We'll see why it could blow up in the Democrats' face but but sight you have to always assume in a political party you're going to be attacked this isn't new now the attack might be on trial unprecedented hey they were going after Bush every single day they were going after Bush Bush Bush was Hitler Bush was a Nazi It happens all the time it's part of what you signed up for it doesn't mean that you don't promote and come up with a marketing campaign so all of America understands what your party is about and they have failed they're not trying to help but I actually think that Brad Parr Scott will probably take care of Trump alone Yeah actually I think they're I think you could probably look for a couple of things that might happen I think they'll go a bit of a different direction than the you know the deficit stuff they some Republicans might do that but I think the president if if the internals were showing you know this concern over what happened on Tuesday in states he's probably going to pull some items from the avant playbook things he's talked about before paid family leave. Tax credits for daycare things like that that come right from his daughter's desk. Those items that might that might be your reaction I'm talking more about what the right public at a party should still be market should do short term and long term Sure but you're right the president may do that the he may sit there go Ok if the give me everything free is working for them let's try it too well because I look at it and you you think about Marco Rubio and Mike Lee and what they did in the tax cuts in getting the. They fully refundable. Tax Credit for child tax credits lifted raised a great deal and you see I mean everybody all the conservatives were scratching their heads. Wait what are you guys doing because because at the time it worked and you know Marco Rubio Rubio's not running for president at right now didn't help the Republicans it didn't help the Republicans but it went along I think with part of the victory of getting lower tax cuts or getting the tax cuts and lower tax rates I think when when you look at what the president has talked about in terms of again stuff of aka has promoted that's going straight for the female vote. Paid family leave. The they really got the child tax credits thanks to Mike Lee and Marco Rubio that was already done that was lifted and then add on tax credits for daycare and you're going to get the ears of female voters now that the difference is of course he has to get that legislation has to get through it has to you know he has to eventually sign it which means it has to get through both the House and the Senate and that's right huge huge uphill battle but just promoting it that you would like to do it and talking about it and making it something that is not impeachment that is not Russian collusion that is not reactionary or reactive. In nature because. He reacts to everything well it's time to be proactive in in some kind of way at the rallies should the rallies be the majority impeachment rage exact or sure there or should when when you're out there doing the rally should the rally be about especially when you're out supporting somebody else when what exact when you're when you're all right some of them right but that's again that's the the president I'm talking at the Republican Party in the losses that they saw because remember States I don't I don't look you we can look you talking and say look some of the Republicans did really really good there was only the governor the didn't that didn't win so there was a specific message and or Pacific dislike for you know that that particular governor in Kentucky governor Bev and so. So you could see that there were differences there but I'm talking about the Republican Party as a whole that there's 5 things that we believe in and you pound that all the time all the time because the Democrat message is simple free everything nobody has to pay except the rich they get mocked for that take that mocking that even comes from Democrats and use it against them right you know and as part of it look here's what we're about we're about this this this this and this is make it just 5 things and this is what we wish to do and here is our plan and you go out and you promote it and you release it and you talk about it and you run ads on it and the ad and the by the way if you're targeting female voters especially or the suburban voter they're going to have to be the. Very clearly demonstrated family friendly type ads you want to connect in the way that the family the people that are you know that are doing their budgets the kids here we go again kitchen table. That's going to that's going to have to relate to them and I think it's very simple you know we we promote We want lower taxes we want less government in your life so you have more choices for your children and their education even even on gun gun control because when you see so. You know what's happened over the last couple of years more women are going out and getting guns we believe that women have a right to protect themselves women have a right to protect themselves in their homes. The recent one with the woman using the the the 15 they should be making a big deal about we believe in when are they making a big deal on it we believe this you know our belief in guns is about keeping women and children safe you need to get involved in all this and do this because it's something that women the security of the family if you're worried about women then go right at it and don't be shy and something that normally you might say well you know we can't bring up guns because suburban women might not like it no they actually do relate to and they relate to it and you've got to you've got to frame everything in a way that relates to a person and goes to their own personal self interest that's what gets them. And so you can do it on a variety of different things outside of just you know outside of childcare look there is no free lunch. You know the there are not the billionaires can't do it you're going to be taxed you're going to have to pay for it and look in California in Colorado in Vermont some of the most socialist women in Vermont. Very purple state of Colorado when it came to health care no women voted against it why because they had to pay for it they had to pay for it now. So that type of self interest I don't care whether it's male or female it's coming out of my pocket I don't like it it's not free I'm not getting something the security for my family I've got to pay for all that it's a different ball game. And again we're just throwing out different ideas this isn't a group of people deciding with ad campaigns are what are we going to you know what are we about we're going to do this just 2 idiots overnight just throwing out a few things over 10 minutes. Well and you also have to consider the change in sensibilities of voters I mean. It's moving so fast right now I don't know I don't know what the internal show I don't know what the call out stuff shows for them right now what is their concern what is what is their what is their biggest concern one thing never changes people don't want to pay for it no they definitely that's what you that's not going to change so you sell that over and over again they're lying to you your pain for oh yeah pointing to the left and pointing out what they're trying to do I think is is not going to be a problem that's not going to be an issue I don't know that the party itself will do that as a whole but they should be you and I could sit here for the next 3 hours and say Ok we're talking about women who Theall this way and think that I don't care what demographic it is I can I believe you and I can come up with the ideas to sell anybody I'm conservative and free market ideas Oh sure yeah but they're very basic doesn't take long at all. Well don't even try 8669 coming up with Gary much tomorrow and every quarter it's what i Radio. Your listening live from the pilot flying j. Studios doorstop on life's journey download the pilot flying j. App for real time parking availability mobile fueling and more progressive commercial we know truckers are always on a tight schedule and can't afford downtime like Bobby who likes to keep things moving out take a coffee black ice cream is just a big old time so it's more whole we don't waste time either just share your data with us and you could save an average of $1384.00 without ever slowing down I like to think of myself as my own personal pick I say 7 seconds of my stock time just by going to and put a quick a.c.c. 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But I just pulled out lint the size of a pencil eraser out of my i Phone I was going to buy a new phone today because I couldn't charge my phone anymore to save me a $1000.00 I was going to spend a day on the phone the paper clip into your phone may not be right for everyone and could possibly make things a lot worse to with your morning show to see if this process is right for you Armstrong Good morning spike to Ted On am 760. Radio way he is or Carly and I'm Gary McNamara age 6690. Right I was just a just a reading about Bill Gates. And he's been a critic of Trump but doesn't like Warren's wealth tax at all saying well that's 20000000000 that's Ok but if it's 100000000000 then we're going to need to talk and when asked the specific question of whether he would vote for war and over over and over Trump has been a you know pretty big drum critic is like well it depends which other ones you know more professional he left it open that he would vote for trial. Well we've talked about I mean she increased her wealth tax what from 3 percent to 6 percent Oh yeah . Remember that means over 10 years you lose look you would have to liquidate your your company's Yeah it would it would have to you would have to sell assets Yeah here's your forecast a mixture of rain and snow on Thursday in the Great Lakes region snowfall accumulations will be light across the rest of the Midwest a shot of cold air will follow the clipper system dropping temperatures well below average but air mass sweeping in from the Arctic will sweep across the eastern 2 thirds of the country over the next few days a storm system is beginning to take shape in the southwest and southern plains heavy rain and thunderstorms will spread across the south central u.s. And heading eastward dry unsettled over much of the east coast except colder air moving into New York and New England will bring moderate to heavy snow over interior New England Thursday into Friday and some showers and thunderstorms in parts of Florida while the major cities of New England are expected to miss out on the snow some parts of the region could experience their 1st widespread snow fall of the season a ridge of high pressure will keep conditions on the west coast dry unsettled there's your national forecast from Red Eye radio I'm Christopher Cruz. Could be I'm so if you want like a f.n.b. The Fed just announced they lowered rates for the 1st time in over a decade and now we're back in that series now is the right time to get you into the threes on a 30 year fixed mortgage possibly even the twos on a 10 or 15 year I this is Can Tyler president of right choice mortgage a direct lender we stand out in the mortgage business we created products that nobody else has like are self-employed mortgages starting in the threes filed for b. Case. 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F. And d. Talk and breaking news c.b.s. News update the d.o.j. Says Saudi Arabia's government recruited to Twitter employee to get personal account information on some other critics correspondent Jeff the gays according to The Washington Post one of the accounts accessed belong to a dissident who later became close to Jamal Khashoggi the Post columnist and Saudi dissident who was killed by Saudi agents last year the lead are accused of working with a Saudi official who leads a charitable organization that is. Oh and by the country's leader Mohamed bin Solomon who u.s. Intelligence believes approved the operation to kill because shogi it also alleges that the employees were rewarded with a designer watch and tens of thousands of dollars funneled into secret bank accounts seen it's ensure it's not surprising to hear that as happens with these places where you think about the amount of data and the information that Facebook and Twitter and all these companies have access to c.b.s. News update piper. Am 716 k. F. And b. That check out all the latest in news events trucking information and podcast at Red Eye radios website at Red Eye radio show dot com that's right i Radio Show dot com attention all active military and veterans hope everyone in your family or unskilled restaurants in Cyprus coffee centers 100 veterans day by inviting military of better things to dine for free from a very special menu pretty easy just review just show your proof of service hope every 11 ever dissipating it's going to press front and back this bunch for dinner is on us consider it our way of thanking you for your service and to make up for the lows in March in news dining only December 11th participating in skillet restaurants in Cyprus helping centers you don't have to be a big fleet to get big fleet savings on tires retreads and tire services as a member of the Michelin Advantage program fleets and owner operators can enjoy a competitive program for icing on Michelin tires and retrains not to mention access to online business tools and training opportunities plus Michelin will waive the dispatch fee for every Michelin on call emergency roadside service call and the best part membership is free sign up today at Michelin truck dot com slash advantage there's a lot to like in the November December issue of Road King Magazine the Holiday Gift Guide provide some excellent ideas and 4 pages of travel store specials feature something for you and every family member you'll also find other great reading about furry travel buddies avoiding air compressor problems a driver's football game the Delo traveling Technology Lab and a Christmas parody poem written especially for you hey if you're an ultra one loyalty program member want your email inbox for a Road King readership survey please take a few minutes to complete the survey and share your confidential responses with the Road King editorial staff your feedback will make your preferences known and guide the editorial content Thanks for reading road. Stories intended to keep you informed and entertain echoing the sentiments of travels that is of America's c.e.o. And he reposts best wishes to you and your family for a safe joyous holiday season and a happy healthy prosperous New Year. 3rd month of really good social with Eric early get remarked America read our review. And he is our Hurley and I'm Gary McNamara 80690 right I Ok we might have breaking news here. And I'm not going to go with the breaking news we were here we might have breaking news here this from Bloomberg China and the United States have agreed to roll back tariffs on each other's goods in phases as they work towards a deal between the 2 sides the Ministry of Commerce says and this is I just happened to see this big news just in the last few minutes because I was looking at the c. And b. C. And they also have it and that the the stock markets see the futures jumped as as doll futures jumped 100 points effort China the u.s. Reportedly agree to removing existing tariffs but then you go to the 1st line here and it says he u.s. Stock futures turned sharply higher Thursday morning after China reportedly said the world's 2 largest economies have agreed to cancel additional tariffs imposed in their months long trade war well as said. Additional tariffs or the existing tariffs as their headline says not China said Thursday the both sides must simultaneously cancel some existing tariffs on one others goods in order to reach a phase one trade agreement but the United States has not they said they must do what they didn't say they've done it right right we'd hear that I mean there would be an announcement and I've this is the 3rd article just in the commercial break where I'm trying to make sense of this and it's like Ok Do we really know what's going on here at all is it just China saying something futures now have risen 133 points All right well I don't know where the confidence comes that the market has I don't know where the confidence is because. Either the these stories are written very badly and there seems to be a consistent. I guess tone in them and words that are being used because all of the the stories that have come out this morning point to something that might happen not something that has happened right. Because we have to keep in mind it's China but the fact that how this this trade thing has gone. It's right out of their playbook to put it in the end the in the president's court Ok The ball's in your court now we're ready to do this look what it did for the market we're going to announce we're ready to do this and now. You've got to respond what I didn't see here is if you have if you had China saying look in in phase one we've are you know we already announced a couple of weeks ago that we have changed our laws on intellectual property and therefore phase one can move along and since we've changed that law there's no reason to drop the additional tariffs now and to get to phase one start as we move through that we start lowering the existing tariffs that exist also if you use the intellectual property as the premise then I can see them going further but they used no promise as to what part of the deal would deescalate existing tariffs on both sides that's what I see lacking if that made any sense well I mean the whole point is to get rid of the tariffs and reestablish trade routes right so the it's the announcement or story if it is the store even. Forget about breaking news I don't even know if it's a story because. Yeah that's what has to happen you have to roll back the tariffs for most we've heard from all we heard this guy in China talk to another guy in China that talked to another guy. On the shift wrote that story. For Market Watch or any of the Bloomberg Yeah. Probably Mayor Bloomberg and self writing it I heard it from a friend who Yeah from a friend exactly who heard a friend that you maybe Laurie Mayer says what could happen. I mean it really is it's I'm telling you I don't know what to trust and you really don't I don't trust anything and I asked my mom for photo i.d. The other day. I'm I'm not going to trust anything well it look at the look at the headline though because I when I got saw the headline I got excited I saw the bottom of the hour and I'm like This is great Dow futures jumped 100 points after China new was reportedly agree to removing existing tariffs Well that's not but that's not what the story actually feel. Nothing in a headline Can you believe anymore she's now I don't know it may be true but the story doesn't relate to what the headline says. Even Reuters has a version of it China says some tariffs must be cancelled on both sides or trade deal with us well that's not that's not a get it by the way agreement that it's in and that's also a given. Point. Fox Business. Just a few minutes ago China us agreed to lift existing tariffs in phases. So now I'm will have to click on this one you've got to read there you go. All right it says and let's see if this is. You can Martin at Fox Business Ok All right so the u.s. And trying to have taken another step forward finalizing a part of a long term trade deal the 2 countries have agreed to roll back some tariffs on each other's goods in phases according to a ministry of commerce spokesman. The amount of tariff relief will depend on how the content of a phase one. The amount of tariff relief will depend on how the content of the Phase one agreement that's the sentence that's poorly written they left out a word or 2. I'm telling you everybody is on edibles right now higher world is on it's pot with only a few lies Diot is a centerpiece I haven't read it again and the amount of care for relief will depend on how the content of the Phase one agreement. But. Because it could be the word they left out could be the difference between whether this is an actual deal an actual agreement or not or just or the demands of the Chinese is that I can't tell from because that's not the 5th article you you brought up 2 more that it seems and its source seem the Ministry of Commerce spokesman but Mr Dahmer spokesman was saying what they wish and not what is sure that what has to happen for the agreement right well we we know that we know that part we've been there it's not like he stepped out and gave us the time of day you know that's what we're we're going to we're going to end up quitting the show and become paid interpreters All right. This is the newspaper gear Eric and Gary are here to tell you what it really says and what it really means. Both sides are still working on timing and the location for a signing ceremony. The one you think you have to come to an agreement 1st it's why I hope the headlines are true but the headlines don't seem to fit the body of the story that the 2 sides had constructive talks in the past 2 weeks. Well Ok but that's still not a deal are they close if you said they're close to a deal that would be fine had they agreed to it and because in the other articles I read it was like well the we'll find out the United States were spawn later on today to this but I didn't see the Ministry of Commerce I didn't see the quote where he said we have a deal did you this is how they phrase that Fox Business the 2 countries have agreed to roll back some terrorists on each other's goods in phases according to a ministry of commerce spokesman they don't use a quote Ok because the quote I saw did not the quote that I believe was in one of the conference from an article. In the. The c.b.c. Article. China said Thursday that both sides must simultaneously cancel some existing tariffs on one another's goods in order to reach phase one trade agreement I just said there's a deal right and says that's what we must do if we wish to get a deal this is how people get in peached. I say we move to impeach everybody right now. Let the games begin this it's just because it is important to well I mean especially when you're quoting someone only and not even quoting really but if you're sourcing someone from China's side so what and even then and now here's Now here's Bloomberg they changed they just changes Updated at $128.00 they might have changed since I last read it China us agreed to phase tariff rollback If deal reached. You know that. That's the whole point of it well here's the Ministry of Commerce God has it or hears it if China and the us if the quote are over the Bloomberg has quote in the past 2 weeks top negotiators had serious constructive discussions and agreed to remove the additional tariffs in phases as progress is made in the agreement if China and the us reach a phase one deal both sides should roll back existing additional tariffs in the same proportions simultaneously based on the content of the agreement which is an important condition for reaching the agreement God said so the Ministry of Commerce did not say they've reached a deal no they were saying hopefully we can reach a deal if you reach a deal here's what should be included in that deal not according to Fox Business. It's so painful it really is I need a vacation just after this trying to dissect this story I was all excited I went wow we've reached a deal. Well I mean I don't hope we have but what I'm as every everybody's been watching this story I mean because of the talks going on yeah waiting for somebody to say something right to say Ok we got a deal and you know we came up with a theory that they would likely have. Already have a signing ceremony I mean already have things you know done with the signing ceremony you know. Happening pretty quickly you know within a week or 2 of any announcement or they they put together a you know a photo op right in order to announce the deal which would boost the market you give it the visual effect and and the whole thing. I'm telling you this is how people get and peached we're we're sorry to all of our great listeners for not having a consistent coherent message in the last 12 minutes 13 minutes but it's not our fault. C or it's like everybody who's reporting this story is all over the place. All right 86 and maybe. 90 right I. Will put all your goals 866 like the radar here on road i Radio. 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Chinese put out the conditions of what phase one must have in it and it's being reported because that's what the quote is You and I have actually looked at couple of and it's being reported that China's saying that there's a deal we have no idea where Fox Business has got that from we have no idea where Bloomberg got their well Bloomberg actually straighten out their headline we have no idea where c.n. B.c. Came up with that had line we just we have no idea we just because there is no. They don't share the China isn't saying there's a deal there's no they're saying. We've agreed that if if there is a deal that this is how it would go. Ok Do we have to do drugs to understand what's going on inside the problem I have no idea is it even became you know a story it's writes a given it's a footnote I mean I didn't expect the rollbacks on the terrorist through to happen like day one I of course it was going to happen and and and face it. That's what I expect. And they have to be proportional on both sides Well Ok I would expect that too. But it's not an agreement. Sears wrote I radioed on Westwood One. Red Eye radio is available on demand through your Amazon echo device such as Live or listen to the rebroadcast and just say Alexa open read i radio to keep you trucking g.c.r. Tires and services dedicated to providing high speed service cutting its thousands of devoted service to mobile equipment week service trucks ready to roll I downloaded today terms and conditions apply. There's a lot to like in the November December issue of Road King Magazine the Holiday Gift Guide provide some excellent ideas and 4 pages of travel store specials feature something for you and every family member you'll also find other great reading about furry travel buddies avoiding air compressor problems a driver's football game the Delo traveling Technology Lab and a Christmas parody poem written especially for you if you're an ultra one loyalty program member want your email inbox for a Road King readership survey please take a few minutes to complete the survey and share your confidential responses with the Road King editorial staff your feedback will make your preferences known and guide the editorial content Thanks for reading Road King stories intended to keep you informed and entertain echoing the sentiments of. Travels that it's of America's c.e.o. 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Here's a reminder when you need to know. You know you say you have 768 if the San Diego. These new c.b.s. News on The Hour real news real reporting on mass Piper funerals set to be held today and Friday of the Mexican drug cartels shootings of American women and children some of the victims will be taken for burial a neighbor in jail while was stayed home of the bulk of Mexico's Mormon community it comes as family members went to the site of the killings in Sonora state as Correspondent Matt well as reports. Shocked family members were scored to the site of Monday's ambush accompanied by the Mexican army next Lebaron believes his family members were targeted they're just trying to turn. The community of the people who were here then you're trying to just run is out of our farms. Mexican officials dispute it that in a news conference they believe the family drove into an area where there had been a shootout between rival cartel gangs earlier that day and were mistakenly attacked by one of the cartels Mexico's president has set up a special commission to find the killers were that the Saudi royal family paid employees of Twitter to was centrally be their moles keep Emily Turner Prosecutors accuse the former employees of spying on at least $6000.00 different Twitter accounts some of whom were known to Saudi critics and they were paid they say in cash and at least one luxury watch one of the former employees is under arrest another fled the country a warrant out for his arrest House Democrats announcing will hold the 1st public hearings next week and they are in peace an inquiry of President drop c.b.s. Dancey court has says 3 people including former u.s. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie you have a no bitch will testify that Democrats believe that these are the individuals who can best at the outset sort of out the broad strokes of this story for the American public they all have decades of public service under their belts they are nonpartisan their career foreign service officers. They have all already given depositions beyond closed doors a Chinese court has sentenced 9 fentanyl traffickers in a case that was a culmination of a rare collaboration between Chinese and u.s. Law enforcement it was the crackdown on global networks that make and distribute lethal synthetic opioids Allston more with the China arm of the Department of Homeland Security as a success of the joint best against the demonstrators Chinese and American investigators have asked city to collaborate cross international borders train those who would harm our respective communities to justice one defendant was sentenced to death more than 2000000 pounds of chicken products have been recalled by Simmons prepared foods did a possible metal contamination this is c.b.s. News conversations with some of the world's leading national security officials and experts intelligence matters with Michael Morel weekends on the c.b.s. Radio network if you ever notice that real estate agents push their own agenda they assume they know what you want even though they didn't.