This horribly I feel about this Bobby Kennedy thing and it's the times to me every day I think about it Robert Kennedy the brother of the assassinated President John Kennedy was himself assassinated just after winning the California Democratic presidential primary back in 1968 convicted of that sort Hansard and was 1st sentenced to death then a life in prison he is now reported in stable condition suggestion to i Phone users check it out some bad actors perhaps overseas infected somewhat spyware c.b.s. News technology consultant Laurie market any i Phone user who visited one of the malware Laden websites could have had their phones infected with spyware which means that the attackers could have access to attention the anything that transpires on their phone including their location their contact information their photos and their private messages authorities have broken up or drug ring operating in 3 states Virginia North Carolina and Texas officials report seizing enough fentanyl in Virginia to kill 14000000 people this is c.b.s. News lets start this weekend at the White House from Washington to the world of Correspondent Steve is in New Zealand catch the c.b.s. News weekend round up on the radio and on mine. 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Be a part of the conversation this morning we want to hear from you. Say some music this morning gone for a long time I met a that's one of the stories we're following and I am 760 Sergio shot as the man who murdered a fellow transients at a grant Villa homeless gammoned was sentenced today to life in prison without the possibility of parole a proposal to tax guns and bullets and California has bogged down in the legislature and is not expected to advance this year the assembly bill would impose a statewide excise tax of $25.00 on the sale of handguns and semi-automatic rifles plus tax the sale of ammunition the state Senate adjourned in memory today for former state legislator. Who represented San Diego County for more than 25 years and died Tuesday at the age of 98 this report is sponsored by San Diego Bay fair San Diego Bay fair is back to temper 13 through 15th on Mission Bay presented by home Street bank reserve your r.v. Space online right now for Best Value go to San Diego Bay Fair dot org clear and warmer highs in the low eighty's am 760 talk and breaking news. It's redeye radio very much and Eric are really talking about everything from politics to social issues and news of the day whether your employees or just starting your day. From ball pilot flying j. Studio. Theirs is right I read all across America and the world 86690 right I He is there clearly and I'm very McNamara thank you for being here with us this morning as always we're so grateful. In the news well the president holding press conferences yesterday at the g. 7 I do think they want to make a deal very badly and I think that was elevated last night very late in the night I see an alert or you would call it breaking news and it was that the vice chairman when I was talking about somebody from China at a low level the vice chairman of China came out that he wants to see a deal may so everything calm right now everything's calm yeah right calm on the trade run. Yeah how long will it along a little as well China knows that they they really do have. I mean they can call back to the u.s. To the table I don't know 100 different times it's been going on for what a year and a half. It's been a year and a half and when I read an article yesterday that was just laying out how long that it's been and saying that look we're back we're back to worry ben many times the past year and a half the the president puts on you know threatens to put on a tear or puts on a tear or. Backs off on some of them then the Chinese come in respond to the tears that are still left and then the rhetoric heats up again and then everything quiets down and then we back off the terror and then another month or 2 goes by and next thing you know we're at a year and a half and it's just we're repeating the same cycle over and over again but really no compromises have been made on either side right and what's the breakthrough when you when I yesterday and thanks because we got. Quite a bit of nice response on on. It was it started about this time we just got on the discussion saying let's forget about the politics you know what is the you know what is the actual deal what kind of deal can be made and we're sort of we're sort of thinking that if the United States could get just the intellectual property you know just you protect intellectual property you protect battens copyrights everything else we have an enforcement mechanism which they claim they're already had last time so if they did and that's all worked out all you have to do is get that and everything else when it comes to slowly reducing the tariffs. Getting less government involvement everything else on that starts in 5 years. That to me and I'm not saying that I'm not saying that that's what I want I'm simply stating that probably from what I can see would be what the minimum the both sides might accept and I could be completely wrong. But I know on this side if you get intellectual property with that guarantee. You're not yeah that's a huge accomplishment right there where it would not with the guarantee I mean with the with the enforcement mechanism guarantee right that would be huge for the United States that in itself is a victory how much you actually going to trade agreement going to be able to change and move the internal infrastructure of a communist government Yeah. I just don't see them changing their laws to a great extent. Where where do they build I guess that that's something I've called the fire wall where does China build that fire wall if it's going to move you start moving that fire wall during greater danger of diminishing the power of their central government their citizens further empowered by moving that fire fire wall because what you're talking about ultimately is the expansion of wealth the expansion of wealth gives more power and empowers. Citizens well all over the world but in their case would start to diminish immediately would have an effect and diminishing the power of the government I don't know what kind of we talked also you know part of the effect could be or maybe part of the Asked by the u.s. In changing their laws would be some kind of. Legal action or a or laws created new laws created in China. To help govern themselves or or govern that activity within their own borders well. It's it's hard to do when they don't have the same they have some but very few property rights they certainly don't have the type of property rights we have in the United States and other parts of the free world that can be run as we mentioned yesterday through our own judicial system for example and we just gave and this is just this is completely hypothetical Hanta USA You know there this is the u.s. Arm of Hondo which is a Japanese company they have a patent something they filed with the u.s. Patent office right if General Motors or the government General Motors tries to steal it from them we already have a court mechanism to take care of that that slam dunk in his trusted sorry they've got the you can't use. China doesn't have that that's the problem so you would need to have an enforcement mechanism which in essence would be some type of arbitrator the both would agree you know to do it a part of changing their government would be changing their government to have a legal system like we have that's not going to happen no. It's not going to happen now it might happen in 50 years it's not going to happen now how do you you know how do you excel or write that as 2 and I'm not really sure when it comes to how they wish to move the government out of the corporations on the nationalization or the influence or the subsidies I don't know how far the Trump administration wants to go on that so I really can't tell you where we should go in that but you could sit there and you could drop because the Chinese already do want to drop a couple of tariffs a they actually want to drop some of the tariffs on their side so you drop a couple of the tariffs you make you get the intellectual property deal done you drop a couple of the tariffs and you say anything else is 5 It is 5 years down the road and we'll renegotiate in 5 years right and you basically take it out of the Trump administration you get the intellectual property that's all gone the economy's booming again and you get reelected and then it's somebody else's problem after you're out of all it's right all right sure now it's somebody else's problem because you've made I don't want to put it that way I don't mean I don't want to because you wouldn't be you would be you'd be moving you'd be moving forward in the correct in the in the correct way but you're moving forward for at least 5 years where it could be renegotiated and it would be the next administration that would have to deal with it so you're not leaving the next administration something bad you've created something good and just hoping that the next administration can move forward I'm sure sure. Can you get that with an enforcement mechanism that doesn't require trying to change their lives I don't know. Because the only enforcement mechanism you could have is some kind of trade or by the World Trade Organization or something where that comes in and with oversight but they would have to have essentially unfettered access while you would have to China well that are on the market that arbitration would have to through Chinese law yes be enforceable that's where you'd have to change the law well because yes that would give because the law would have to give them essentially changing the law would give them access Well America Thorton well because American law protects Chinese assets in the United States right you don't need an independent arbitrator right so Chinese so the Chinese have investments here their property rights their intellectual rights they're there all the United States you know law protects them already and everybody knows the Chinese know it. So is the greater threat for the Chinese government not just opening the door again to. The expansion of wealth and the ultimate empowerment of the the citizens of China over the government I think it gives them more power over the government eventually but is it also again assigning property rights because you would have to do that well you do have some kind of a of a deal because you have American assets already over in China yes there are limits I mentioned earlier there are limited rocketing rights but you would have to expand property rights in China. You would have yeah yeah yeah is that the problem with the bigger problem rather than just empowering the people through the expansion of wealth Well the only thing is you could set China you can set the law you could set the law and the courts wouldn't think the courts the government would interpret that the law only applies to the Trade Agreement and nobody else does not apply to the citizens are only 2 items that are within the trade agreement comes within the trade agreement right while that language I wouldn't want to write that language as to what's covered that's that's that's going to take up some paper because you'd have to get very specific That's the difference when you talk about property rights whether intellectual property or whatever property right we already have a system that protects any investment in the world that's it's common it's it's existed for decades for centuries you can invest over here and your investment is protected yet you don't because you're a foreign investor here you don't lose property rights if you have a patent in your a a Chinese company here and you file that patent that your pac an American company can steal that from you and our courts protect that that doesn't exist in China so that's as we've said that's what you have to somehow write into their you that you've got to write that into the law and I don't know how you do that right but that would be the great thing anything else can be moved back you get the intellectual property and the that and the enforcement on that otherwise there's no deal. There is no deal nothing gets done any notice everybody's talking about the last 24 hours even the president looks like they really want to get it nobody talks about what the deal is or what the minimum requirements are on both sides because nobody wants to talk about the specifics because as soon as you do everything falls apart right so are we in that are we in that troops now again which could last a day a week. I don't see I don't see that the president can remain I think you and I think we agree on this from yesterday's show I don't see how he can remain in the troops because of at least he's fighting the farmers say well maybe we'll get a deal if it's just Ok We're going to sit here for the next year this means the farmers a ton of farmers are going to be in financial straits because they're going to look at this and say there is no hope we can't get out of this right and the president is looking I guess we guarantee you the president's looking to bring back the rural areas and farmers and to ensure that by the time November comes of next year that they're happy and if he's fighting we've asked that question if he's fighting even if you're putting on more terrorists do they view that at least as hope if he says Ok We're going to drop these terrorist keep the other terrorists and we're going to do now unless they just said look let's have a cooling off period for the next year all terrorists are drop. But then the president is huge as a loser is he not already well because you're not you're not getting them to the table so what do you do to get them to the table. Drop all tariffs until November 3rd of next year. And then November 4th impose tariffs. Whether you have one percent Everything way whether you win or lose. Well yeah right I view yeah the outgoing president though 50 percent Paris and I'm from China. To destroy the incoming to minister exactly under present their 100 percent tax on everything from China. And if I stay in office 30 percent tariff Yes Exactly yeah I mean I don't you could you could you could back away from the terrorist China No I mean they knew going into g 7 they knew going into the 4th quarter. You know as as we get closer to that it's going to be an impact they know they know why that the administration why the president decided to . Kick the can down the road on those additional terrorist the 10 percent tariff on most consumer products because it's the 4th quarter you don't want to do that when people are our Christmas shopping. The Chinese don't celebrate Christmas they don't care that's they they know the impact on the political or the political impact on the president they know that very clearly and they also know. I think how to how to play the administration Well I was in a lot of things while great success for the president yesterday and I'm thinking nothing's him no no you've got to get a deal right there's a deal done with Keith on intellectual property rights Yes Yeah it's a I would like I said to be huge you get that deal done then we can then we can all plot right signed sealed and delivered but 1st we have to get it done $86690.00 right I take a Terry Sonny Perdue applauded the new trade agreement between the United States and Japan which is a significant market for us agricultural exports frankly it's good for agriculture and we didn't get everything we want in this way trying to go she a she was speaking during a visit to Virginia Secretary produce indicated which industries can expect to benefit rice which is not too big here in Virginia is probably not going to be fair very well that's unfortunate nor can sell a museum in those areas but obviously the wheat and other crops are just going to mention will do very well at the same time he gave no specifics so I think I'm working with other countries we don't want to get ahead of them and in spring some news they're not prepared to release yet so Morning information detailed information be coming out President Trump announced the deal on the sidelines of the g. 7 summit in France this is Stephanie how for the u.s. Department of Agriculture in Washington d.c. The u.s.d.a. Report is brought to you by Senex Roadmaster Xcel premium highway diesel fuel hatchery and be right back with more red eye radio with Evercore Gary Macnamara. When you're on the road want to save on food drinks and more get the all new pilot flying j.m. You want it we get in terms and conditions of flying. Dombo dad just doing a little meditating to relax here drive with me here. 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Talk and breaking news. It's when I'm ready oh these are coming I'm going back to my age 669 when I you know you stated the president seemed a little bit tired yesterday and when he walked off he looked like he was a little bit sluggish overdid his posture different he was he was tired but he did say this and I thought this one of the best things that he has said while being present United States maybe not in the forceful way but what he said was extremely important to understand his mindset on this and this was on the whole climate change I'm not going to lose that waltz I'm not going to lose it on own dreams windmills which frankly are working to. You know we talked earlier about Bernie Sanders new green or Green New Deal which is just bizarre and you know the whole concept of well you know we've build all these so windmills coal is gone nuclear is gone everything is wind and solar it's an impossibility you can't do it physics says you know we read the one Fox News article earlier the talked about physics and science it's not possible to to do so in fact you can't build a windmill unless you have coal in order to make steel and you know very well in order make steel you need what you get from call. No reason I know that is because my father worked in the Coke is the same your dad was in the coke business there was in the coke business Yeah and so they change you know they go from coal they made the coke which they used in the blast furnace and get a lot of ton of stuff and from that including natural gas and a whole bunch of other you know side things that they use so. You know he's what he's saying is look this is ridiculous your ideas are ridiculous he would destroy the wealth of a society that doesn't benefit the people no it does not right and we're not talking about the rich now we're talking about wealth on all levels you're talking about devastation of the middle class and those in poverty Here's your forecast. Hurricane force winds heavy rain and damaging surf will threaten a large portion of the East Coast Dorian will be greeting weekend holiday travelers to the region and you're advised if you're headed there to check on your local destination to determine if you might be headed into an evacuation zone get plenty of gas in the vehicle and have an emergency kit ready to go if you're headed anywhere down the Eastern Seaboard from the Carolinas to Florida expect store shelves to be scarce with necessities like water batteries and the bare essentials for the rest of the nation this weekend cooler air out of Canada into the northern and central plains as well as the Great Lakes and portions of the northeast now the dividing line between the cooler and the warmer air is right around the Ohio Valley extending over towards Nebraska and Colorado with the potential for heavy downpour there today your national forecast from Red Eye radio I'm meteorologist John trout . 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And he wants to help you take the pain out of your monthly energy bill check out tips on how to save s t g e dot com slash when matters clear and water with highs in the low eighty's am 760 dog and breaking news. So u.s. News update winds of 140 miles an hour heading for the Bahamas and Florida late Friday update on Hurricane Dorians of definitely going to take out for strength and also start to slow down a bit more the movement is only about 10 miles an hour forward speed right now Joel Klein with the weather service Dorian's path still has it heading for the Florida Atlantic coast though there is a chance of a last minute turn out to sea they normally say that and then they ended up going down to Cat 2 Cat one sat. Canister you know and it's rain makes nice things but not evacuated Orlando Fire Chief Richard Wales does have to make after storm preparations following the storm we will be assisting with recovery and rescue efforts will be conducting well being checks for those with special needs will be checking damage assessments and looking for damage that looks just from floods and electrically charged water c.b.s. News update on Top 40. Am 716 k. F.n.b. 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There is a science very much and there are a Carly. Readily radio. And he's our curly I'm Gary Mack there. Yes Don't try this at home we are trained professionals yeah don't try talking at home yeah they can be dangerous. No no no don't talk in public. Oh yeah yeah yeah all of that review talk to the public that can be very dangerous these days right yeah yes don't do that. I want to play this this audio cut Not that it means anything to us but you know c.n.n. Made a big deal of it even Fox made a big deal of it and this is the president yesterday addressing climate change at the news conference and here's the audio cut and then we'll tell you if you didn't hear last hour we'll tell you what's controversial what supposedly is controversy all about right here we go clean water thank you very much everybody I appreciate it thank you. So that was apparently controversial because the person in the background asking the question that the president didn't answer as he kept saying you know answer you just you know walked away and then just waved and it walked very slowly though not the normal pace that he walks out but he writes in a legal way maybe you know just you just said you know he said maybe just he seemed to be tired but it was Jim Acosta asking the question so then Acosta tweeted. At the end of the news conference I asked Trump whether he believes in climate change he walked away from the stage and didn't answer the question. As his video shows Trump walks away from perfectly capable of airing the questions on whether he believes in climate change he clearly heard and didn't want to answer it saying you want clean air and clean water isn't the same as recognizing the climate change threat of summer God's right this. Well the whole idea here of of him. And Acosta and others were on social media trying to make it seem like the president claimed he couldn't hear the question every president walks away from a press conference with questions being shouted at them every press conference Yes Now here's the interesting thing because even. Fox got this wrong C.N.N.'s reporter Jim Acosta had another clash no president there was no clash no clash clashes and one sided clashes when there's 5 walkways on the clock and we even got down to the cinema of an incident right and what is the magic Yeah I mean if if if. If one person walks away from another person was that a fight now was that a clash No Was it even an incident. Now so they seem maybe there's just maybe it's just sort of saying hey there's no news because Congress is out and we need to come up with something and let's revive a cost well cost is definitely trying to revive him self but that was as we have said because as our colleague Ben Shapiro has has clarified to us Chris Cuomo is not frayed Acosta is frayed Oh yes and that was basically. A cost as we said last hour. And in the house unlike taco screaming at Michael that he wants respect. That's what it was right pay attention to me he's smart not like everybody says yes. So just I had just had to bring that up again because it's just it's so it's really to the point of being pitiful from a cost is it not it's pitiful in an extremely childish way yeah it really is it's bizarre frankly if it did to me he could hear the question you want to wait for me and he's going to continue walk you know wave yes . Yeah it is not a it's not a clash c.n.n. Needs it to be a clash Jim Acosta definitely needs to be a I wonder if his ratings are down a way that c.n.n. They are. They were mine I answer my own question. I don't need to wonder anymore. I don't need to wonder. There's a headline 2020 Democrats fume at d.n.c. Over debate criteria crackdown as Tulsi Gabbard doesn't have enough in the polls I guess that she's on and wherever she was though she got a lot of press and right she did yeah right like actually in the last couple of actually I mean I guess it was the 1st only 2 debates she got some decent press yes she did remember so I few headlines were she was the one that stood out right and as we said in the weeks following now the polls don't show that or they know they really don't I mean. They can you really be president of the United States if you are ex-military can you really be president of the United States if you're a former attorney general and in law enforcement if you're a Democrat right right you have to ask those questions you know well you see I mean right now the top 3 Biden Bernie and warm. All the only other thing we want to make clear is because it was a big story yesterday about how Bernie is falling or not Bernie how Biden is eyeballing it and that you know especially over his comment over the weekend that he's not nuts. And the Monmouth poll that came out. We think it's important because polls can be accurate and polls cannot be accurate and it's very important to let I think the public know was busy doing things every day then in a day like yesterday when and even last week when they talk about all these this one poll came out and Biden's way down and now Biden is in he's behind both Sanders and and more and they both have 20 percent they both have 19 nobody paid attention it seems though to the political poll that. Came out late last night that shows Biden up at 33 percent which a hit with a huge sample of registered voters of $5000.00 registered voters the Monmouth poll only polled less than $300.00 actually used less than $300.00 people that they contacted as registered voters which is an extremely small sample I mean that's extremely small and. You know and show that you know that Biden was only had 1000 points Politico which 5000 registered voters showed him way up there and in the polls of likely voters Biden is still over 30 percent but you have the poll that then they came out last week that was very critical and said Biden's losing big time he's dropping like crazy and that was all citizens it wasn't even registered voters which again is not an accurate portrayal of how you're doing in the polls of voters and if you are doing the polls to find out who would win a primary or general election you poll the people that actually vote. And so we just want to point out to people you know that it's skewed now I believe that Biden is hurting and I believe that there are Democrats looking for. Another direction to to go and buy has dropped when he was in the high thirty's member even the low forty's from so he has come down in general but it's very important to look at and say in all likelihood probably the more realistic polling shows Sanders still around 30 right I've yeah but i think i would you be Biden around 30 of us I Sanderson by buying around 30 Yes So I would I would say that's that's likely where he is I think the concern inside the campaign is likely is not the poll numbers but the donation numbers yes. If you start seeing if you're having to reassure your base and potential donors who the the former vice president I'm sure and his campaign are courting heavily then you're if you're seeing those numbers drop internally or or the calls. The pledges as it were for that money coming in if those are dropping then you've got a problem to the extent that he has to say something you know I'm not crazy. You know that that's by the way the worst optics ever no you never said you don't say that what you do is you. You get your stuff in order. And you go out and you make some solid speeches tell me where the Biden speeches are. Let me let me as I agree with you were the but weren't abiding by the great writing speeches where you could sit there and while that's a great quote there that's a great quote there right while that's really powerful there they really don't exist let me ask you this though because we saw with we saw it that the establishment of the Democrats wanted Hillary to win they didn't want her need to win and I ask this question just because of the response to the Monmouth poll when a poll comes out like that but the political poll that came out today that shows birth but that shows a Biden 33 is having a say oh no he's actually doing really great here and the sample of this poll was 5000 registered voters it's a much more accurate poll than the Monmouth or will they focus look at the stories right here and this n.b.c. Analyst floor pretty much falling out for Biden and as n.b.c. Analyst Steve Kornacki said The floor is pretty much falling out for presidential hopeful Joe Biden after the new poll was released Monday morning which was the Monmouth poll so they're taking the polls that are really bad that are not the most accurate polling not the greatest samples for this poll here in the poll last week that they also started attacking him on which was of all citizens not even registered voters which is not giving you an accurate portrayal of actually how he's doing with likely Democratic voters is there are there are people in the media and are there are people inside the Democratic Party that don't want by and has the word gone out that let's really hype and I won't say make up bad polls because they are legit polls that are being done by the university or whatever but let's highlight polls that may not be the most accurate as what Bernie is doing hopefully to give momentum to other candidates I have to throw that out there after what we saw in 2016 with Hillary and knowing as. You know and an idiot overnight that when you and I both saw those holes in the disparities in the polls last week we said Why what's going on and we investigated them and said well wait a minute the poll last week that show Biden that there was only 3 points away that everybody was jumping on that's that's a skewed poll right and it's not it's not close to being legit because it's focusing on all Americans not people that vote and then the poll that came out Monday extremely small sample with a plus or minus of almost 6 percent now you know and so you look at it and you say well wait a minute why does it why isn't the analysis from the Democrats and the Democrat Media more honest about what those polls are really showing why are they jumping on it that this as if this is the end of Biden when clearly if you go to the likely voters or even a huge sample of the registered voters were Biden is doing a lot better is it because the media looks at him and says he is not radical enough right. Or combination of that and the gaffe plugs not are just yes well if he's not in tune he's not into he's not in tune with the 20192020. Liberal movement you have to be an activist and if you're not an activist and what are they say about Elizabeth Warren she's the type of activist politician that we need right now you know they made the the the the story about her drawing 15000 people in Seattle. Sort of mushroom festivals so let's be clear in Seattle. Let's all calm down and have some fruit all right but there's energy there because they know she's an activist and that's the difference. 6 mushroom festivals signs are going to Colorado 86690 right eye Freightliner team run smart pro Henry Albert has achieved some very impressive fuel mileage numbers Henry shares the specs on this truck and his trailer starting with what's under the hood in a 2018 Cascadia aero Act It's powered by the integrated drive train Detroit series 681-5400 force power $750.00 foot pounds of torque at 975 r.p.m. And that's that into the Detroit d.t. 12 direct drive transmission with a final axle ratio of 2.16 with the active loop management riding on Mitchell and x one tires owing a fully or dynamic trailer the trailer is equipped with a nose cone it's also equipped with full length skirts from Fleet engineers to go completely over the landing gear completely over the trailer tandem all the way the rear bumper rain gutters been plated or over and that running a stem coat Trailer Tail my main run which is from Charlotte to the radio and I'm usually 626-5000 pounds I was averaging over 10 models again and it was up to 10 point one to learn more about Henry's fuel mileage achievements go to team run Smart dot com This report is the service of shell Rotella get in touch with what I radioed toll free at 8 $160.00. 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A partner at the brand bed for Cox in the in an op ed piece in The Wall Street Journal he said exactly what you said 1st Mr Biden has diminished his appeal as a challenger to Mr Trump with sub par live performances yeah that's the problem is worth a great speech for the speeches that show leadership because with the activists out there they all whether it's Warren or it's it's Bernie or any of them they they sound like they're angry or about to lose Well the appeal for Biden is that he was calm cool collected now he just doesn't sound like he's got together where the great speech. This series read I radioed on Westwood One night a retiring more truck drivers and 2019 with recent pay increases equipment upgrades it sign on bonus a certain appliance Schneider jobs dug up that Schneider Jobs dot com I dad. Is just doing a nice stretch and warm up for today's radio Sachin is a great way to start no no I think I pulled a hammy ours out of Wadi. 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Everyone eventually sees what trucks carry inside grocery If you depend on a truck to make a living then American trucker magazine is for you each month the magazine is back to the information you need to keep your truck running and making you money from new products to the latest in regulations American trucker has what you need to San Diego. Please use c.b.s. News on The Hour real news real reporting on Tom Foley I'm Floridians have been warned I've already got all my plywood my shutters fuel food water everything in case Hurricane Dorian comes ashore with anything like 140 mile an hour winds it is now packing as it churns east of the Bahamas a Category 4 storm with a less than clear travel plans tourists and residents eager to get away from the coast and a possible direct hit another telling sign there's a run on gas especially in south Florida this is the 1st wave car pulls of door and evacuees before the stampede over the weekend c.b.s. News correspondent Mark Strassmann he is in St Augustine Florida on his way to Camp David to keep an eye on the hurricane President Trump talked with reporters about a number of things China and those Hong Kong protests among other things I think if it weren't for the trade. Punk on would be a much bigger trouble I think it would have been much blood Violet I really believe China wants to make a deal to Trump also defended his tweet of a high resolution photo I want to rainy and one side explosion that look like an intelligence picture a lot of we don't know yet but at least 10 people were hit by gunfire late Friday night at a Mobile Alabama stadium a high school football game just ended there police chief Lawrence bitties says we're not tolerate human albums in academia is not acceptable our community were among tolerate the injured in that Mobile Alabama shooting ranged in age from 15 to 18 auto racing starting to learn heart discuss Not plane crash earlier this month that he and his family and dog and pilots all survived in pretty good shape very scary experience and. You know we're just we're just happy to be healthy and have our you know have had a weekend like this so this is c.b.s. News. Somehow badly or are there. C.b.s. News Radio is your home for breaking news with our team of reporters around the country and the world we give you the coverage you can trust would you do your little social. Weekday mornings that said these are you putting a lot of people on social media getting a lot of reaction not a fan or a fan.