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No Gravano windows when you buy 5 or more new my windows down come can't think about any other offer and August 31st less than 5 of them is there for 7 to every Saturday on your money your wealth Jillian decency s.p.v. And Big Yellow Pine c.p.a. Bring your financial strategies to help you retire successfully answer your money questions in interviews with the. Well who are way smarter than the hosts like was in Saunders from Schwab and economists Dr Chris Thornberg tune into Your Money Your wealth this Saturday at 10 am right here on Am 760 kids on the subscribe to the y m y w podcast and listen on demand at your money go wealth dot com. Goes talk. To you this is am 760 court date set for lunch to synagogue shooter I'm Cindy perky that's one of the stories we're following on Am 760 the power a synagogue shooting suspect is due in court for a preliminary hearing set for September 19th 20 year old John t. Ernest was also in court for a readiness conference Wednesday he's accused in the April shooting that killed one worshipper and injured 3 others including the congregation's Rabbi video of Wednesday's hearing at c.b.s. a. San Diego City Council yesterday gave a tentative green light to developers on plans to build more than 9000 housing units near transit stations in Pacific Beach Clermont Mesa and Linda Vista new sponsored by 0 red carpet service in upholstery cleaners right now skies are cloudy at 66 degrees at Lindbergh Field am 760 k. F. And the talk in breaking news now Armstrong and Getty get 3 rooms of carpet cleaner for 135 dollars and 20 percent off more services during the summer sale ending Sunday at 0 red carpet surface in upholstery cleaners look at 0 San Diego dot com. Immigrates myself my father immigrated here as a graduate student and generated over 65 u.s. Patents for g.e. And i.b.m. I think that's a pretty good deal for the United States that's the immigration story we need to be telling we can't always be focusing on some of the. Distressed stories and if you go to our factories here in Michigan. And you will not find fault while immigrants you'll find wall to wall robots and machines immigrants are being scapegoated for years they have nothing to do with our economy he's an interesting guy that Yang and that's why he was the most Twitter search on or whatever metric they use I think he was the most tweeted about I think Gabbert was the most Google search it was. Right she wore that white outfit and put some sort of glistening moisturizer on her skin it's a good point go for the ladies that your cleavage is the 1st thing to go when it comes to sun damage what you're rising is so important I'm sure yes it's a tip being taken so seriously here to help presidential candidate I'm here to help and there was a moment there where Cory Booker was beaten up by an moments before he said why are we beating each. Other Larry and. You know one Ph D.'s to be easily led into this country oh so you're going to pick immigrants against each other and eliminate or or discriminate against people who aren't educated yet again that's what most of America thinks is a good idea so I mean it's not even close to the polls on that whole merit based thing so go with that if you want go ahead we don't have Ph D.'s We want unskilled labor that are almost certainly went up on some sort of service sounds fantastic finally fairness Oh I got this list from Forbes What more debate analysis later actually with some smart people we've got coming in not just a rambling nonsense again to me the headline is The Washington Post declared trump the winner of last night's debate that's that's it that's a pretty major thing from Washington but he wasn't even in the debate that's the point tell bad it was now you get it. So Forbes puts out these lists of the highest paid this or the 10 billionaires or whatever right they put out want to week yeah and then best places to blank and they started slice them pretty thin highest paid musician highest paid actor female actor yes so they can have more or less this is just the world's highest paid celebrities. And I find it kind of interesting as to you know what pays other looked quickly going to go through the top 20 I'll go pretty fast but then you said Number 9 will make us Number 9 ounce our religion number 9 makes me want to come up with a new concept of religion that makes this possible because. I can't wait number 2020 highest paid celebrity in the world j.c. 81000000 dollars last year is 49 years old and realize it then Elton John he's got his autobiography coming out about that's good if he's going to get it if it's if he's honest it'll be great to read way too much about musicians but already the number 18 Rush Limbaugh made 87000000 not only have me a bag of cash I would have gotten it wrong that Rush Limbaugh made more money than Jay z. Last $87.00 a 1000000 for Rush Limbaugh granted $89000000.00 Aaron Rodgers $89.00 other musician doing The Rock Johnson $90000000.00 Russell Wilson a quarterback $90000000.00 j.k. Rowling is that number 13 Yeah still sell and books made $92000000.00 It's funny she tried to write those adult novels and I haven't found anybody who likes them. But then that's Ok you don't have to be good at everything Howard Stern a number $1293000000.00 Yikes and he's not on. Some box for I don't know Alvarez 94000000 racist number 9 I'll get back to it as he is the names you know care what he is or who is I'm skipping going to sign at about 100000000 because it's too depressing I'll get back to in a moment oh boy number 8 the Eagles fair the football team the singing group but why would you pull against the show. When you put it all together that makes no sense nobody else in the list is a group of people aren't whatever Forbes Well there are few of them left Number 7 a soccer player named Neymar number 6 a soccer player named Ronaldo number 5 ed sheeran at a soccer team a fast moving to use people's last name. Ed Sheeran comes in at number 5 now another another soccer player for Kanye West Trump's close friend never heard of him number 350000000 dollars last year we haven't played a Kanye clip for a long time I'd love to hear the relative of Kanye West Kylie Jenner number 2 on the list Oyo with $100.00 or so 970000000 dollars last year for Kylie Jenner mostly her brilliant work is doing the makeup and cosmetics thing the cosmetics Yeah and number one as is often the case on this list shall we Kylie Jenner 2121. Wow What are you trying to do to us get to number one and number 9 so we can all stick our heads in the oven number one is $29.00 Taylor Swift with 185000000 dollars last year. She is something. It's got if she's investing in the way that the stock market has been in the last year or 2 she's she's going to be an insanely rich human being Yeah she already is but I mean like she might get up there is like oh so one of the richest people in the planet by the time she's 62 think Jeffrey Epstein has an island what a punk going to buy me a continent here she might buy Australia isn't for sale is number 9 made almost 100000000 dollars last year at the age of $68.00 a complete phony and fraud Dr Phil. Had their fill makes more money than Rush or Howard Stern or Le Bron James or Aaron Rodgers or the rock or Elton John or Jay's Omar name our home our. Freakin why in phony exploiting mentally ill people for his gain Dr Phil making that kind of money what is wrong with society that confirms religion Jack that the evil has a state evil will prosper on earth but don't fall for it siren song. Beals the bill she's I know it's well when it how is Kylie Oh So Kylie's way more rich than Kim Kardashian well for last year now because of the magic Yeah you know I tell you this and I have nothing good to say about the Kardashians I believe they are a corrosive force on our society and will bring us down and we will soon be back in trees saying. To the Kurdish and thing on the other hand she's a hot chick who says here's some products are making a hot chick like me there is the site on her stand I don't I don't get it because there are good zillions of hot chicks there's a good zillions of hot chicks in this town let alone the planet right there's only one Le Bron James every 100 years I mean I understand why he makes so much money there's so many hot chicks I don't I don't understand how one ever say of the stands out with here's the lipstick I use Ok there's the lipstick that I want to be hot like here so I don't buy that I don't get that the irrational Howard Stern very unique things lots of people would like to be able to do that they can't Taylor Swift Taylor Swift she crafts irresistible pop music there are 10 hot chicks in this building right now yes I just I don't get it and then see by the offices even the other hot chicks that you're referring to that just kind of exist in a planet big necessarily didn't have a mother who marketed it your older sisters sextape around Hollywood in order to raise your profile when you were just a sensually you were what was she 1st Paris Hilton's curvy friend writes how Kim Kardashian 1st got on to see so again blame your mother blame your parents or their lack of business Accu men did a sex tape and sell it yes and then be the hotter cuter younger sister of the person fornicating on that tape for the more I think about it from my mocking a Dr Phil she's the most confusing one on the list how does she stand out I don't know if you've ever noticed how ugly a logical and disgusting humanity is Jack but I think a lot of that list is a manifestation of the worst sorts of characteristics of homo sapiens which is why homo sapiens are my least favorite species. They just barely get edged out by mosquitoes but I figure mosquitoes feed frogs and I like frogs I can't blame young hot women who try to do the Instagram influencer thing because you look at a Kylie Jenner and think. She's no hotter than I am I mean we're all roughly the same when you get up to this level Well there's no reason I can't be are all right and as I've said many times I'll do it for half that you know they're thinking if I make 1100 so that all my dreams have come true for one year yeah you know how about that 6 year old Korean a little girl who bought an 8 $1000000.00 property smiles pretty and points of toys oh boy did that make you just want to do something unpleasant something great happened in health care we're going to tell you about that next hour if you get it . I get him 760 k. F. And b. To put in any accidents or stealth cars so the roadways are moving fairly well I see several Caltrans projects where they are picking up the cones so make sure that you do a be alert slow through those set areas having a sponsored by 0 red carpet surface a poster thing or Step 3 rooms of coffee clean for 135 dollars and 20 percent off more services during the summer sale ending Sunday at 0 red carpet surface in a full 3 cleaners 380 San Diego dot com Follow my parson today at 10 am 760 if you believe it since the Fed announced they're not raising rates until 2020 we're now back in the threes for a home mortgage you heard it right back in the thirty's I am Ken Tyler president of right choice mortgage and it's the right time to update your mortgage let's get you into the threes on a 30 year fix or take a look at our specialty products that might be able to help or a privately owned direct letter which allows us to create products that no one else has checked these out one day out of bankruptcy short seller foreclosure starting in the 3 s. 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Every 2nd your mind he's gathering information but how do you know what's going on and wants not to refind finding the truth in politics our president Thomas Porter concerns your headlines apples there Pine says there will be again somewhere and rumor posts claim a tiger is on the loose in the east county your questions our research since newsy one lung cancer e-mail terrifying that can offend the dot com other one. Called in beer he gives you a couple options when it comes to selling your house so when you meet with a team they'll give you the option of a cash offer so you can sell as it's moved out of your own convenience no commissions no closing cost easy right to full market blitz is the $1.00 we normally talk about the 5 day blitz all that this can get you more money takes longer with us and traffic on their house I mean I want that so it's optional to number 3 the home team can buy the capital to rehab your property and sell it at a greater value I don't know what's best for you different variables right but meet with the home team and you guys can talk it out and you decide there's a reason why The Wall Street Journal name to your home team one of the top 150 real estate teams in the country and he's right here in town 106672003 called Dan beer and the beer home team 106672003 any question you have about selling your house sold by Danby or dot com The Wall Street Journal headline California wants to teach your kids that capitalism is a race like slavery capitalism is a form of power alongside a picture of racism white supremacy this is a new curriculum called Ethnic Studies teacher 12 whatever side to 12. This isn't a one day this will happen no you have to all these 14 and then it goes into fact all the nonsense the most extreme ridiculous nonsense. 760. Feet I'm getting. Look I think the good news for Joe Biden is this was maybe the best he could do and the bad news is this may be the best he could do that's David Axelrod and. David Axelrod ran Obama's campaign Joe Scarborough on Morning Joe had this to say. Be afraid of you people. And you're talking about defending Obama Care as Gallatin talking points is if I see you. Wow a lot of beating up on no Obama era policies on the debate stage last night well they're going after that 3 percent of Democrats that didn't like Barack Obama exactly finally they get the pummeling they deserve a lot he change or just one He is a David and Diane Stephanie research fellow at the Hoover Institution director of Domestic Policy Studies and lecturer in public policy at Stanford University on he how are you sir oh I'm doing fine nothing like tonight the debates to get you going to Morehouse and tell you what I feel reenergized than just more in love with life than ever so what stood out most to you what's the what's on the tip of your tongue this morning debate wise Well I think it's interesting you know the candidates have tonight to present you know what I would say is a vision for how they plan to govern how they plan to maybe even defeat Donald Trump and instead especially last night they really spent their time attacking one another that last night was really interesting because everyone's coming after Joe Biden and camel Harris gets attacked and they kind of inexplicably Joe Biden attacks Cory Booker and it was just a very bizarre confluence of events when what I thought it was going to be a much more stuff of conversation I really thought it was a lot more of a scrum and I don't know that a 3rd of the Democrats well in the long run thought it was a little puzzling from that perspective Well do you believe the candidates are a lot of people are blaming c.n.n. They're taking a beating up from m s n b c in The Washington Post as a whole column about that what's what this pitting them against each other every question instead of she said something bad about you you said something about her now you argue I mean what does that. Well I think the 1st rule in politics is you don't answer the question so you don't have to take the bait I mean these guys take the bait as I go Well Joe Biden that is about you a great I'm going to tax Joe Biden the reality is that the person who I thought of the most to lose last night was Joe Biden and I know the conventional wisdom is well Ok look he didn't do that badly let's be honest he didn't do all that great either I mean if you watch that debate and you see Joe Biden punching again punching down a cord before the 1st rule that we always use the candidates in debate preparation when I've been in dozens of these meetings if you don't punch down if you're the front runner Why do you punch down and so in my mind for Joe Biden last night it may have been a better performance in the 1st time he went out there for gosh that's the best he can do I think is campaigns in trouble well what do you want to hire some of the few people saying that idea I didn't think he was very impressive but he did avoid disaster you know you mention substance and policy and I've advocated for more land my whole life and I finally got it last couple of nights and I found myself just mystified and bored by the endless recitation of the minor differences between various peoples health care policies I like substance but how did that strike you. Yeah I thought the health care discussion dived into the weeds quite quickly I mean look the reality is that there are very stark differences between what someone like Joe Biden and what someone like Kamelot Harris want to do with health care and they could have made those things abundantly clear while the same time by the way pointing out the differences between what they want to do and what they allege Republicans want to do but instead they were talking about this percentage of people in that percentage of people on this element of the plan and that all of the plan so I just think they get lost in the we've really quickly and very I do blame the moderators a little bit and the moderators could have jumped in and tried to pull them out of the weeds but you're right I think the conversation got way more specific than most Americans care to hear about even those who like policy I know we talked about this before the 1st debate started how much do these debates matter there's not a lot of data to show that they move the needle much that the polls move much maybe for a day or 2 but the kind of settle back there are a couple of examples of people when Rick Perry couldn't name a you know the main department so I think that really damaged him but there's very few examples and then I saw an article today laundry listing all of the times Hillary Clinton has won a debate like practically every debate she's ever been in she won she had like one gap in our entire career yet she lost repeatedly running for president so what do they matter. Well I I think you raise a very good point which is what generally happens with these debates is they create temporary changes and temporary shifts in how voters view various candidates but they don't have a lasting change is necessary late in the scope and the nature of the race now what they can do is in this situation they can create a sort of a buzz around a candidate who maybe nobody was paying attention to so who Leon Castro got his 5 minutes of fame out of the 1st debate in the 2nd debate you know you could argue that there are others potentially like Cory Booker who may have benefited but in the long run I'm not really convinced the debates matter a whole ton in terms of the atmosphere it's of the race and where things are headed Biden still going to be the front runner just I have Attack of 3 or 4 that are in that next group that are nipping at his heels and I don't think that changes very much when it could change potentially when we get down to 2 or 3 people in the debates then if someone has a very good performance or a very bad performance that could affect things but for now at least I do think it's steady as she goes Lonnie chin is with the Hoover Institution and Stanford University listen I'm going to make a number of very wobbly assumptions and leap right to Biden versus Donald Trump on stage debating Trump's going to mean my news is going to try to be the op shocks every man and how do you see that playing out any idea. Well you know here's the thing I mean tump is very very skilled in these debate contexts and I and I just don't think that people realize that he is able to use elements of his rhetoric elements of his now his record as president I think to use that very effectively I think Biden if anything in the last couple debases shown that he's just a step slower then he was you know the last time I really remember him of the base they'd obviously was in 2012 when he was in that v.p. Debate against Paul Ryan I think that's the last time that they did before that I 7 years you know. 7 years ago and what you realize if you go to encourage people go back and watch some of that tape that Joe Biden from 7 years ago very different than the Joe Biden that we've seen in the last 2 debates and I do think he's got a staff lower and I wonder what it's going to look like when he's debating trumpeting Trump is going to be relatively nimble relatively agile and Biden may be able to counter punch but is he going to be able to do it effectively I'm just not sure I'm convinced based on what I've seen the last 2 nights or the last 2 debates that he's going to be a great counterpuncher And I think that you've got to be a great counter puncher and you've got to be able to think about ways to put Trump on the defensive if you're going to go up against and I'm just not sure Biden can do that if you were advising Kamel Iris pressing her what would you say about last night's debate performance or are her performances in general. You know I think I think she's been fine I think that that her problem is that at some point her rejoinder was always well those are Republican talking points and it's like you know they're Republican talking points but there's some truth to the matter in other words a Republican say your plan is going to take hundreds of millions of people off their health insurance you know you don't have an answer for that right you got to tell us why it is that your plan is not going to decimate private health insurance that will by the way you've got to be able to tell us why your criminal justice record as d.a. Doesn't square now with what you're saying you want to do as president you've got to be able to answer these kinds of tough questions without going to well they're for public and talking points and I think for now it's an interesting line people in the crowd like it but it's going to get old but she's going to have to really have a substantive set of responses to some of these challenges and I think she's got a better articulate what her theory of the case is why is it that you think she can be done all Trump why is it that you think she's got a better vision for America and that hasn't really come through in the last 2 debates. Pretty low in a likability pull the other day she needs to come up with a 2nd tone she has one tone and if she grieved and angry self-righteous Sometimes I see stuff where she's like in a coffee shop or something talking to people and she's got kind of this giggly schoolgirl thing going that's very appealing but on the stage it's just always the same tone. Or listen the jabs and X.'s and you want to and no I'm a schoolgirl outfit or what I just I'm shocked by this sorry want to go I'm. Going to say I think I think it is a little bit of a problem for her in that in that she doesn't seem to have multiple deers as it were and defective in a campaign you're willing to have that nuance and be able to shift into different at different times they want to see if she develops that as a campaign goes on she want to be. Among the like 3rd tier people the one to 2 percenters has impressed you lately. Ok so I'll say that I thought the 1st night Steve Bullock The governor of Montana was actually quite effective but his case on the only Democrat up here who's won in a state that trump one that's pretty darn compare and I mean if I'm a Democrat I want to likability why not go for a guy who's been a governor who's got some good plans that seem relatively reasonable who has got some progressive streaks why not go for a guy like that so I Bullock has been good and by the same token Bennett the senator from Colorado last night I thought it a great job of going up against the more liberal policies to take that met I thought he was pretty effect right but he's got a voice I could hard to Marilyn he so that's going to hurt him we're going to probably we'd love to talk to you all day we're out of time but the line he Chan of the Hoover Institution Stanford University it's always great to talk to you and we'll talk again soon. Thanks to everyone our pleasure do your do your governor Bennett voice oh ha I think we should just get together and have a nice picnic. This is great everybody. The real lesson is the friends we made along the way. Now let's have a delicious picnic. You know but this is you know how I shall not get to get this analysis on c.n.n. If you're not part. Of a young 760 k. You have family life with Dr Sanjay Gupta So what's the deal with food expiration labels anyway Dr Sanjay Gupta c.n.n. Chief medical correspondent cell by Best Buy or use by dates where they really mean well not much with the exception of infant formula no product is actually required to be labeled with a date so why do manufacturers do it mostly to get you to throw the food away and 5 more food in fact according to the nonprofit organization beating America 40 percent of food in the United States is wasted to help start to solve this problem the f.d.a. 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And options from stocks bonds index funds annuities maybe is giving you a headache and you are paralyzed or just sitting in a bank with low returns I'm broke will sleep president of Wilsey Asset Management and host a smart person show here on Am 760 odd to mention clients' money for 40 years now and have helped many obtain enjoy a good happy retirement through Common Sense Investing and understand the true principles investing my firm has been voted the top 20 investment firms out of 313 in San Diego by expertise 2 years in a row launching stand more about successful investing and how I've been investing my money right along side my clients' money our free workshop will be held in Scripps Ranch Thursday evening August 22nd at 630 to rush or go to smart investing 2000 dot com or call the office 858546 or 306 am 760 k. S m b. C b s News special report The July jobs report is just in c.b.s. News business analyst just less injured joins us live Jill are these numbers what analysts were expecting almost spot 116-4000 jobs created during the month of July we are expecting about $160.00 the unemployment rate remained at 3.7 percent So still very close to that 50 year low wages up by 3.2 percent in July good not great on that one to look at these numbers be impacted somewhere down the road by the president's China tariff threat Well I think that those new tariffs certainly do add to uncertainty among businesses that both large and small and unfortunately economists say that that uncertainty may cause them to read. Consider their hiring or expansion plans and of course that would be bad for u.s. Workers but we'll have to wait to see how that for future reports incorporate that information c.b.s. News Special Report I'm Deborah Bradley get. From the studios of. Those top breaking news this is a m 765 hearing for the Powell way shooter delayed I'm 7 sixty's Alan Lee And that's one of the stories we're following up to a pretty good start this morning of the 5 of the 15 no accidents were sponsored by evergreen there's free love fresh oranges right off the tree learn how to plant and care for citrus and avocado trees at Evergreen nurseries free seminar this Saturday morning at all 3 locations visit evergreen nursery dot com or preliminary hearing for the suspected power way synagogue shooter is getting delayed a lawyer for 19 year old John Ernest want to slight delay in his court proceedings several people are heard from a collision involving 2 youth group buses and a moving truck in Escondido happened around noon yesterday on State Road 76 Deer Valley Center Road cloudy and 67 a landmark feelin In sports the Padres lost to the Dodgers $8.00 to $2.00 sponsored by 0 rez carpet service at a poultry cleaners get 3 rooms of carpet cleaned for 135 dollars and 20 percent off more services during the summer sale ending Sunday at 0 red carpet surface and upholstery cleaners book at 0 San Diego dot com am 760 talking breaking news more Armstrong in getting next a Bill O'Reilly here please join me every weekday at 6 45 pm for the O'Reilly update we'll talk news stories and cover the controversies of the day right here on am 760 talk and breaking news. This is it this has nothing to do with Republican Republican talking points or the pharmaceutical industry it has to do with the friends we make along. The power of friendship there's nothing we can accomplish here right Bennett bear thinks So that was the governor Governor Bennett to Sean Senator Bennett of Colorado which Sean says he sounds like a. Because he does kind of has that that look of a cartoon about how do you get acquainted with beautiful slow talker but we got quite a few texts that wondered if if candidate Bennett could have a discussion with Elizabeth Holmes there is a lot of the plans in that where she was very much kind of down here. Of Leo Piers he's got the similar total resonance but he's more of an on talking. Like a cartoon character you know how would you have regulated 3rd most Well I think it's important way and I want to do weird something but I don't know why you did The key is you don't talk like that around the period one of the candidates needs to get the cartoon bear candidate to laugh because I want to hear his left who do you like that right some cartoon would laugh leak the picture. Yes Senator Bennett what is your view on the regulation of honeypots I think there should be honey in every pot. That's going to hold it but we can't have we can't have a prison trying to stand up to President Xi You sound like a cartoon but right he's been president she often compared to Winnie the Pooh right maybe we need to have a cartoon barrel bear on very violence she looks like a cartoon bear but it sounds like a. Right then boy golly when he finally spits out his ideas to the go through woodland creatures Bennett sees a smart guy in Philly Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I think he impressed me many many times all right jack to non top terrorist who are going to last for a long time oh boy I don't know about that. Or you kind of sort of hope do for me it's never mind the Biloxi bullet from Montana he's a moderate he's a governor he's not a he's not a slick talking d.c. Twit I do think though De Laney and Ryan Wow Yes consider yang if you tell them apart and they're young I like being around definitely like him he's looking he's always interesting always. Always points out something that nobody else is going to talk about different Bullock and yang sounds like you guys make it for us generals but. Other than that it's for me it's a bullock and yang don't name your body parts going to. Do is if I sing it you know I know Joe I'm sorry that was Joe Scarborough take on last night's debate where they spent oh no or about an hour beating up on the most popular president in a very very long time Barack Obama but not among Democrats oh sorry 97 percent approval rating among among Democrats in your beat number of why wouldn't you beat the bejesus out of him all night long that was just bizarre look it is Joe Biden is Joe Biden character was the vice president for to me the George Wallace of the 21st century Barack Obama the 1st to analysts last night on the debate after it ended on m.s.n. B.c. So the 1st wireless they got a moderate Democrat former senator and they got Joy read you know as part of the whole will see the vision and they both said they could barely watch the debate almost had to turn it off wow because the beating up on Barack Obama part was just turning a both off and I was really interesting yeah yeah anyway this is some breaking news it's just disappointing and surprising Woodstock 50 has officially been cancelled. The summer's almost over you've been you've been going you know arguing about where you were going to put this and who was going to be there then and then moving it to a different spot with different than anything like that all summer long I guess now that summer is basically over you decided I guess we can have a Woodstock 50 and who can there are plenty of rock festivals Yes but this one is named Woodstock. Boomers have your doctor adjust your medicine or something it's giving you delusions nobody kid is well in you need young people at these sorts of things and I'm just not sure the average I'm going to go to a festival 21 year old like my nieces at in Chicago I wish I was. Sort of but if you're $21.00 when stocks and historical event if you're aware of it at all it certainly has no meaning to you right. Like the hand and birth but with Jimi Hendrix I mean they have a vague idea what it was so it's like is where Hendrix famously played the Star-Spangled Banner and it's no place we're going to get far off on his lawn or a pop stuff is so overrated baby boomers in there. I think is watching all that debates of the last couple of nights of just I become unhinged I just can't take anymore they've got is all these people taking all this crap so seriously and yet they don't make any sense they're phoneys and I just I don't I can't take it anymore and as we just discussed with a guy who knows more about it than than that almost he teaches classes on it at Stanford right advised major candidates he agrees they don't really do anything so aren't they well they can see that's the thing usually they don't but they can well lots of things can and. To me it's some sort of anachronism or I'm not sure it ever mattered it got blown up when t.v. Was the only thing we had to do or something it seems a little anachronistic at this point we have access to everybody's opinions all the time they can they can debate on Twitter or You Tube or all kinds of different things right we don't need them to get on the c.b.s. Evening News with Walter Cronkite and have a debate we don't need that any Well if I were Stauffer acquittal which I do so often it would be that I think there is a role for everybody focusing on it then talking about it kind of it once we're going to completely remake that with the way we've been talking about for years let's have health care not you know sit around the table and present your things and guess what you can have notes and you don't you know you know no so out and only good 30 seconds did you know that I didn't know that to Brian Williams told me last night you're not allowed to walk out there with notes right so you pray because the president doesn't get to have notes in the Oval Office. You do it with no no that's right the president has reams of notes so he was full of advisers That's right it's all about judgment and you know and over overarching philosophy that's what it is a character perhaps. Right you know one of those because I'm not allowed to walk out there with notes I mean I could make up something that ridiculous be unfair to some principle that I can't quite put my finger and not only that but and c.n.n. Quite correctly is getting the kicking they deserve for it in their desperate desperate to attempt to get any ratings for anything making it all about you said something mean about her what he is saying now hey old did you hear what he just said what do you have to say about I am it's childish and stupid Now granted a lot of the electorate is childish and stupid so I kind of get it but why not have everybody you look you've got 2 minutes why should you be president or go around the horn all right in reverse order now given what you've just heard what else would you like to say right and then maybe say all right you know one of the key aspects of most people's concerns about the future is health care give us a brief idea of what you would do on health care and maybe what do you think of the incumbent guy just had like 5 rounds take an hour maybe and then just send everybody home right and be perfectly fine and you get more out of it I don't know any Booker said that you are a racist what do you say to that I disagree. I think Cory Booker is a bug eyed phony jobs too many asked by putting a saying in my community you're defending the Kool-Aid you don't even know the flavor Yeah I know. It's a zinger to say that in the community it's a zinger of this bomb I am we played that why are you covering up for him Shaun White Privilege sure something so yeah I heard the vice president say that if you've got a p.h.d. You can come right into this country well that's playing into what Republicans wants to pick some immigrants I guess other immigrants some are from whole country and some of them are. You know that is so stupid and unfair. You're hitting immigrants against each other by having a policy that says those who are most likely to contribute to the country get in those most likely to end up on welfare and just suck the taxpayer dry they don't get in is that's pitting them against each other out of arguments so the minority opinion of the whole country. Can say oh getting back to the why do we do it this way I just I don't I don't get it it's being president's got nothing to do with being how quick you can get a one liner off and at the end memorize various things it be like if you chose your husband or wife on spelling bees Here's a here's a skill that's got nothing to do with being a good husband or wife but whoever wins the spelling bee right that's going to marry it's as if it's that stupid so I should stop asking my 1st dates if they know how to spell chrysanthemum. So listen you know if you want to be a smart person and who doesn't. Here's one of those Here's a smart person thing don't assume that what is has to be or there's a good reason for it being the way it is necessarily I mean the penal code there are some pretty good reasons if you get if you break the law you get punished that sort of things perfectly fine but why a debate is formatted the way it is there's no good reason for that it's just some t.v. Producer in 1960 thought Ha How are we going to do this Kennedy and Nixon I mean what do you what do we want to do and they came up with a format that everybody so cowardly and lemming like that followed it through the years put us in charge of it for one election cycle yes trying to find that there's a there's a Washington Post article today about how c.n.n. Got it all wrong and just a dumb way to do it when it is done I would and it doesn't have much effect this may be more wishing than actual analysis but I would be very surprised if the networks in the next presidential debate have anything to do with these debates or residential run yeah I think I think the parties aren't seeing the d.n.c. Are going to just have their own You Tube channels and they're just going to host their own thing why wouldn't you do that so the idea of everybody has 5 minutes to present their case for being president Ok. I like that idea better than what the debates are but that doesn't need to happen on one night on one stage and you don't have to like practice it and get it right to yourself very like I said I think there's usefulness to it but it's not necessary I think it's all being looked through the through the lens of because it's been this way we have to have a night where they all get on the stage we don't write there's just no necessary need for it may lead to the American Ninja Warrior course. What do you like. Yang seems you don't. Know Yet she clearly when the military go Pete as well military aircraft are listed be your leaders may repeat plus sees the light the later you are the less arm strength you need it's the unspoken truth of the New Your companies are not. Just going to stay there most of you. Like to take flies that is all that said. Mayor de Blasio had any control over that one arm just waved around in the air. You know what he has to go away he would consider that victory he's the mayor of New York so he gets to be a big deal right what are fans enough of the New York scrambling Congrats to Blasio . Sky high marks. For text line is 415295 k. F.t.c. 415295 k. F.t.c. Got a couple things are probably important like how to protect yourself after the Capital One data breach the number one thing that we all need to do including making them part of a mensch Woodstock's dead who cares so a sheriff and an immigration rights activist debating at a council meeting see which point of view you prefer Ok on the way on the Armstrong you get if you. Are. 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Think you know how movies politics are in Cali you know cornea is a beautiful example of how it plays out this Contra Costa County it's in the northern part of the state for those not familiar it's in the Bay Area of California you get the sheriff testifying before something called well I'll get to the name because it's part of the story but they're talking about deputies unkosher cost Contra Costa County complying with requests for information about inmates from ice these removable aliens who are believed to be eligible for deportation. Immigration officials file about $508.00 of these deputies respond to about a quarter of them and some of some of them are repeats for. Particularly bad guys or whatever so that's what they were talking about. And in cases where the form was completed those inmates allegedly had prior convictions for serious crimes there were also 3 convicted child molesters to rapists and this Angela Chan with the legal advocacy group Asian Americans advancing justice Haitian law caucus or. So going to acronym pointed out that roughly well anyway so she was there arguing the point so this forum is known as the truth forum. Designed by the legislature of Cal unicorn the other way to walk in any of the truth form and I expect to hear a lot of crap make very short freakin or well I'm selves Oh my God Jack that's the transparent review of unjust transfers and holds Act passed by Cal unicorn and where any department that has any contact with ice has to notify the public on an annual basis so this activist Chen gal points out that not every county in California has to hold these forums truth forums because some of stop working with ice and Contra Costa County would should do the same. Supervisor Karen Mitchell off stood up for virtually everyone with any sense and said Are you saying that you think these type of individuals should just not be turned over to ice chances when that individual happens to be an immigrant we subject them to double punishment and it doesn't address the public safety concern Mitchell said I'd argue it does and the activists in the crowd booed as Mitch off tried to argue or case and. Mitch off said My constituents are not concerned about these individuals someone who's a convicted child molester should be let go and not turned over to ice that's your position yes said Chand these individuals have all served their time Wow So if somebody sneaks into the country illegally and rapes children the activist community says you should let them go back into the community understand who you're dealing with. Mitch off was saying that's crazy one woman at the hearing you cues her of supporting white supremacists. The sheriff said it's difficult to sit here and hear advocates with a straight face say some of these people have been convicted of serious and violent felonies should not be reported to ice my job to protect the families of Contra Costa County I'll do that in whichever way I feel is appropriate under the law that's because you're a racist shouted another activist in the crowd ladies and gentleman you think you know how crazy progressive politics have become you don't have any idea what's coming up your news Marcia Phillips to prime targets of last night's Democratic debate Joe Biden and Barack Obama and Americans opinions on high tech and social media take a dramatic turn now here's a reminder when you need to know. To have 760 if. He's c.b.s. News on the hours sponsored by zoom video conferencing I'm Deborah Rodriguez it's just about what analysts expected hiring slowdown but employers still added $164000.00 jobs last month c.b.s. News business analyst tells Lesage or on the just released numbers notable gains in July occurred in places where we've seen consistent growth per fashionable and technical services 31000 jobs healthcare 30000 jobs social assistance 20000 jobs unemployment held steady at 3.7 percent wages up 3.2 percent from a year ago Atala say future jobs numbers could be impacted by President Trump's new threat to impose tariffs on all Chinese goods that haven't been taxed yet correspondent Ben Tracy president says these new tariffs will go into effect on September 1st if that happens it basically means there is a tax on everything that China sends to the u.s. That's everything from t. Shirts and tennis shoes to i Pads and i Pods and there are no new trade talks scheduled until after September 1st China is responding this morning promising unspecified countermeasures the u.s. Has pulled out of a 30 year old nuclear weapons treaty with Russia and announced plans for a new missile test Thomas countryman with the Arms Control Association the i.n.f. Treaty was a deterrent and without the restraints of all you know 2 presidents who like to boast about the size of their nuclear arsenals have more options to exercise the researchers say they're working on a new blood test for Alzheimer's and the results so far are promising live to c.b.s. Is Gary Nunn the test is said to be 94 percent accurate letting doctors diagnose changes of the brain linked to dementia Washington University researchers study results published in the journal Neurology the blood test could help speed up creation of new treatments for Alzheimer's disease which affects more than 5. Of Americans it could be available in doctor's offices in a few years perhaps revealing signs decades before symptoms surface Apple is suspending its practice of analyzing user conversations with voice assistants like Siri after contractors revealed they've been overhearing private chats about everything from Saks to money and sure this is something Google and Amazon to as well but the struggle lot of people head was they didn't tell people they were doing this that they were using contractors they weren't telling us the ways that they were making sure this was anonymous they were courting are aimed at improving voice assist responses President Trump calls it really bad news he's tweeted this morning after word of logic coming home in Baltimore was robbed last weekend it happened several hours before the president called the congressman's district a rat infested mess this is c.b.s. News zoom video conferencing featuring video and audio clarity with Screen Sharing free accounts are available at Zoom dot us that zoomed us zoom video conferencing. 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