The emergency declaration frees up another 3 and a half 1000000000 from the Department of Defense's military construction budget we have a chance of getting close to $8000000000.00 whether it's $8000000000.00 or $2000000000.00 or one and a half 1000000000 it's going to build a lot of wall Natalie brand c.b.s. News the White House the Trumps have dropped plans to develop 2 new hotel lines c.b.s. News Jim Taylor has the details and the real departure from the high end the Trump Organization had a plan to open to new hotel chains catering to budget and mid price travelers but President son Eric Trump blaming the media and the Democrats for attacking constantly says the company has decided to slow down for the time being announcement comes as the Trump Organization posting losses of some of its golf properties and brand experts say it has lost some of its appeal Jim Taylor c.b.s. News a terrify awakening for in Escondido couple a huge tree came crashing through their roof narrowly missing a pregnant woman and her husband who were sleeping Miraculously no one was hurt you say to Lisa Somers talked to the homeowner and as can veto couple expecting a baby in April is lucky to be alive after a huge oak tree fell on their roof it stabbed into the wall on the other side there that you know it would have taken much of a mental change for that to be a really devastating situation for the wall where the shelves were came down where I am I'm Ok she's Ok they didn't it could have been oh what works back in January 2 people were killed when a $75.00 foot tall tree fell onto a 2 story house in the Point Loma Heights area now here's news a tether Myers with your micro-climate forecasts we get a couple of hours to dry out before another round of rain moves into our county later this evening into tonight not a heavy star system with this one scattered showers across the county the occasional more moderate shower out there things taper off very early tomorrow morning. On am 760 I'm is a tether Myers right now it's cloudy and 59 in Ensign a vis the ass Tex men's basketball team is back home tomorrow afternoon when they battle Boise State at v.a. Haas arena tip off is it for intervals next am $760.00 talking breaking news. From the ceiling of the studio is the right. This is a very literal show of 760 talk of breaking news tax refund fiasco is political payback for Republicans so writes or 3rd delay any over the Huff Post where apparently these people Huff rather than actually doing any any research Republicans boasted all last year that their new tax law boosted paychecks and showered bonuses on several 1000000 workers but now that tax season is upon us several 1000000 Americans are getting a nasty surprise a bill from the i.r.s. That they never expected oh boy really so the i.r.s. Just started sending out bills to people for no reason benefit calorie ove Long Island New York said she was thrilled to receive $90.00 more in each paycheck last year thanks to the new lower federal income tax rate calories employer of financial services firm was withholding less from her paycheck for federal tax purposes yes oh wow Trump is great I love him but last week calorie heard from our tax preparer that shows the federal government more than $5000.00 almost 5 times as much as she had to pay in previous years I almost fell out of my chair I couldn't believe it I voted for Trump I thought he was going to be good for the country but when I got the phone call that's it I'm done. Really . Calories bill went up for 2 reasons one the law directly disadvantage her by limiting deductions for state and local taxes which increase the amount of calories income subject to tax and added an extra grand to her bill because she lives on Long Island in New York where Andrew Cuomo and the Democrats are stealing from their people look if your property taxes are $15000.00 a year in Long Island or $20000.00 a year or $30000.00 a year and the federal law says you can only write off $10000.00 Why are you angry at the federal government and not at the state government charging you an extra $20000.00 you have a we have to pay for the schools or we have to pay for the and it has to. If the federal government government is capping your deduction at $10000.00 what that means is if you want to keep it at $30000.00 you're expecting states with lower taxes to subsidize you you're expecting Louisiana to carry you in Texas to carry you in Nevada carry you in California to carry you so number one the law disadvantaged by limiting deductions for state and local taxes so we should carry her because she pays higher local taxes the bigger reason is that her employer withheld too little from her paycheck the extra $90.00 she received should have been added to the amount that gets automatically socked away to cover the federal income tax like most people however calorie did not fill out a worksheet and submit a new form w. 4 to her employer at the beginning of last year but she does it this year. After all the bragging that the Republicans did about the bigger paychecks that they had given the American people I thought because I was getting that I am entitled to it sucks when your government taxes you too much the vast majority of Americans got lower taxes from the new law only 5 percent of tax paying Americans should have seen a tax increase most people should have seen the changes in their paychecks last February but the way the trumpet ministration implemented the law has caused a separate problem when the administration knew would result in something like $5000000.00 fewer households receiving tax refunds this year the average refund is down 8.7 percent so far the Treasury Department suggested tax refunds are bad anyway because they result from people overpaying smaller refunds mean people are withholding appropriately based on their tax liability which is positive news for taxpayers the spokesman person said in an email the problem is it's not just smaller refunds it's that paycheck withholding for this tax season is less accurate in general treasury Senate expected the percentage of people withholding too much in their tax paychecks to decline from 76 to 73 percent but the 1st Senate withholding accurately is not increasing it all sounds to me like after they get these tax bills they're going to be withholding appropriately once bitten twice shy the households most at risk are the ones with higher incomes 2 earners and slightly more complicated taxes especially households that used to itemize their deductions instead of taking the standard deduction which reduces taxable income by a set value. So this is the fault of the company that didn't take out enough this is the fault of the government for doing a standard deduction this is the fault of everybody but the person who's actually in charge of actually filling out a w. 4 and saying Take out. For 2 kids and an extra $400.00 a month police it's the fault of everybody but the people who are supposed to manage their own affairs are we supposed to have a government minder for our taxes that's going to tell us all what some people have accountants you can call your accountant ask I'm. Busy I don't have time for that I watching game of I'm banking Game of Thrones I don't have time for that I'm very busy Kerry in Temecula starting off on line one Jerry welcome to the program what's on your mind my friend. Brother been listening for a long time thank you I just came out of my point man about 20 minutes ago and it was going to a lot different than last year but. I may be a little bit different we don't have our own act and I'm not on our mortgage so we always make sure we. Deduct enough out of our checks so we can pare back. I'm stuck in that. I don't know what they're for. I was afraid of the same thing because me and my wife been there and everybody complains how you know they haven't paid back they never did before but I didn't experience I didn't change my deductions at all. Yeah see it's interesting what we're getting from Nancy Pelosi and the rest of these folks is that the Trump administration was goose ing the paychecks by artificial e. Making people think that they were getting more money well you are getting more money but when you get more money you get taxed more I mean that's the way it works All right Gerri great I'm glad to hear it worked out well it worked out well for you Jim is in lawyer Jim welcome to the program which one you might. You know how I you know I got you know a response from the d.m.v. This year because what I do is they send. The distribution and then I wait for them to back something back to tell me how much I owe Well I think when I got busy I just said Ok but I go take care of it I waiting I have to time it was already going to. Go to the counter and they said oh you have to pay the full amount but I paid in summary but the computer said you know that Ok so I wish I hadn't paid it now months later this check comes from the d.m.v. It's a refund is why I think the government is so screwed up they're charging you more than days then you also write you don't write. Out months later years later and then give it back to you what you owe right but that's all that's happened yeah yeah but but the people are upset they're upset because they were expecting to get the same refund as last year and more money in their taxes the only way I can figure that you would do that is getting a massive raise from your employer. Right that's the whole want to be that somehow the government is the solution to the problem but yet when the problem happens because of the government that's why they're flabbergasted they're good they're gobsmacked that's what happened John in power way hello John what's happening. Hey Brad I remember a year ago everybody celebrating the fact that they were all getting 20 or 30 bucks a week more in their paycheck yes that's a 1000 or 1500 more that they got over the year yes and now they're now their refund is $180.00 less they're still $800.00 to $13.00 under it it knowing you figure it out know that money's gone that that money is gone though John that money is already gone that's already been spent. There a problem I have a feeling that you can professor from Boston University have been moonlighting. I and an occasional Grona I like that I like that I write very good good from John he's right you get extra money and it does stink I mean I get it so the answer is would you like to give all this back go back to how it was go back to the rates 2 years ago and go back to the economy under Obama in his last 2 years Tony is pretty good in the last 2 years prior to the moon we had one percent growth rate and who was to me it was pretty good people feel very optimistic and Hillary was going to come in it was going to fix everything it could be really good well. You're free to give it back you could give it all back you are absolutely free to do that. 80760 k. For me I well take a few more calls if you want to talk about the tax issue otherwise I am going moment on down the road a couple other very important and interesting topics as well we are jam packed on a Friday it is the Bret whatever will show on Twitter at Winterval show at Facebook pages to Bret what I will show am $760.00 talking breaking news Jim Sherman's got headlined a riot erupted at Richard j. Donovan correctional facility today leaving 10 inmates injured one seriously before guards could restore order nearly 50 convicts began fighting in an exercise yard at the time Mesa State prison shortly after 9 this morning no guards were seriously injured it's unclear what sparked the riot an ex-con who allegedly riddled a Hillcrest restaurant with bullets from an assault rifle was charged today with 11 counts of attempted murder 29 year olds to follow Parker was arrested without incident Tuesday night about 90 minutes after the shooting at the Asian b. Stroke prosecutors said today they do not have a motive for Parker's attack an inmate was stricken by an apparent medical crisis at San Diego central jail and died of unknown causes a fellow inmate notified guards that 32 year old Michael Wilson had collapsed inside his housing cell he died an hour later you're never more than 15 minutes away from the top stories of the day on the breadwinner will show em 760 talk and breaking news we tell you about them we talk about it a.t.m. 760 talk and breaking news. From 760 traveling on the 67 northbound of Mt Woodson road a crash right wing blogs were timed to list the 5 freeway Northmen a j street a stall reported rights of the freeway into 5 something at the age of still reported there in the outside lengths this report sponsored by the action temporal scanner thermometer for people with heart disease asthma or cancer the flu hits hard if you're not feeling well take your temperature or the action temporal scanner is easy to use in the most accurate thermometer available to get a Monday morning from fountain cinema and 760. Now that I'm aware of this I see articles and stories about this everywhere so the new study was published with new evidence suggesting a connection between a key bacteria linked to chronic gum disease and alls Hammer's patients poor fire Roman is Ginge of Alice that's the key bacteria The point is bad guy get rid of it the research shows that the bacteria quote invades and inflames brain regions affected by all hires and uses toxic enzymes to feed on human tissue and 96 percent of the 54 brain samples that were looked at now the good news is that this provides a little bit of hope for treatment of a false hammers and other good news is now again more confirmation that your oral health health of your mouth and your gums in your teeth is a window to your overall health direct connections between oral health and heart attack stroke diabetes many other diseases call my doctor Dr Jeff grain Dr Tata take care of your all have 619-337-7700 or Jeff Gray with an edge of gray d.d.s. Dot com Ok Jim to be a good screen $2100.00 your electric bill goes ballistic Kopel 30 percent solar tax credit goes away so go solar with local veteran old sèvres Solaris now and get all the incentives $500.00 That's not a great day for the 1st $200.00 customers extended military in 1st responder a little bit but when you cause your resume combined they clean your carpets you see how bright your carpets are actually her and can be but you got to cause your arrest mentioned chaos m.b.a.m. And you get 3 rooms a carpet cleaned for $99.00 that's they're still going on right now usually it's $189.00 so give a call tell me this is a case of being take advantage of this these safe carpet surface as opposed to clear they clean without using harmful toxic chemicals they had 2 little ones wrong around the car but I don't want dirty carpets and I don't want chemical filled carpets That's why I call Zaurus 0 Sandiego dot com You can book online today takes 2 seconds 3 rooms 0 Reza 5 for only $99.00 restrictions apply commercial customers get free quotes and $14.00 water should be applied to Tommy Lasorda calf and b. And take advantage of this sale 0 San Diego dot com. Join me every morning on the half hour for insightful Wall Street news here on 760 . 6 that can drop in what. You will likely spend the rest of his life in American 1st we need to know to $76.00 to $10.00 groups suggested using his money and that's what $14000000000.00 Alan I think it's a good idea I mean when you say you say Mexico I will build a great great wall and I will have Mexico I that am 760. 3 Can you. It is a bright water bill showing 760 talking breaking news continuing the conversation on taxes taxes taxes Tom in San Diego hello Tom what's on your mind paper I don't I'm well thanks thanks for taking my call Thank you I do my own taxes on a software I want to mention. And. I did this year and I found out I quickly got $2000.00 can I work because I don't know or. And I want to. Then I took the same thing and I went back to last year software and put the same numbers on and I actually found out this year on a clean $100.00 less than I would have fluster with saying I think I'm Wow That's interesting because of all the articles say that people are getting you know are getting pummeled by by the new tax code by the new tax cuts I mean having a post says that people are are losing out big time that it's just it's a big bust that's interesting well that would work yeah I think you know or maybe propaganda go on out there because one actually crunch numbers are probably most people like to say the percent of the fair listen I think good to know Tom and I'm happy to hear that you made it through Ok with with the with the deductions you know it strikes me that the easiest way to put a raise in people's pockets what would you what you pay for gas last time your buck asked ballpark it oh yeah I'd say about $392320.00 Yeah Ok if that gas was to 20. Then on every gallon of gas you buy you'd have an extra dollar in your pocket and yet have 10 extra bucks actually a 10 x. 10 gallon tank you going to go so 10 extra bucks probably fill up a couple times a week or $2.00 to $3.00 times a week so it's 12 extra bucks it's $25.01 week there's 4 weeks in a month that you want to dollars 100 dollars across 52 weeks is $52.00 that you would be able to actually spend on stuff but nobody nobody is trying to audit why it is California deals an extra dollar off of what we expect because if I go to if we go to Arizona all we have do is go down the 8 to Yuma Arizona and gas in Yuma Arizona is like $265.00 then you go a little further in Arizona down the 8 gas suddenly to $47.00 you know what is that gas is that is our gas like Tiffany gas here in California or we pay an extra dollar because the quality of life with the heroin needles the feces the homeless people the derelicts the whack jobs you know why we pay the extra dollar for a gallon I was sure as hell love to see offering to post do a story about why in California are we paying an extra nugget because we're much more patriotic than most other state nonsense we are not we are putting money into any to serve and I mean any to some you think any twosome you can conjure up in your mind on a sweaty Saturday night any to some nuisance pocket that's what we're doing here man we are subsidizing for 3 key government programs in our state. But nobody talks about that like I would like would you like a $5000.00 a year raise or $10000.00 your race especially if you win your spouse or your loved ones or you and your spouse and your kids and you talk about maybe a $15000.00 a year raise in your household income who doesn't want that's a swimming pool that's almost a car with what Sacramento siphons from you I mean the gas man over on the other channel he tried to repeal it and the Any it's in this state and there already it's because God do drive around look around there are idiots that live in this state they didn't know how to vote I got to make sure the roads are nice I supported what the gas man yeah he was just was working hard and didn't take it on couldn't even repeal that which you you people put the taxes into effect you can't have them go it girl I want my room we want true and Zoot who will. Post route nearby very nice condo that I only pay $680.00 a month for. That's going to be phenomenal how is it in pretend land that's patriotism maybe it's disgusting why are you in San Diego hello Larry what's going on. I just. Present the facts I have my taxes go up by h. And r block every year last year they told me that since you're actually has to pay 0 you get a 500 or refund same and Jackson. Wow So what so what's the takeaway. You know I love off of a union pension and Social Security no sense so my income isn't exactly the same all year. But it's interesting. You go to the h.r. Buckeye's man they're going to have they're going to know they're going to get the computers they got the codes they got the software but if you're on a fixed income I don't you know I don't your income is not varying from year to year. You know I don't know. I don't know how that works we're going to tax people . But I mean probably broadly we can talk about the tax cut but in terms of if you're on a fixed income it's like your only income is Social Security if it's this then then those are going to be complicating features but the. Tax professional you talk to a tax professional is exactly right but when you look at these stories because the stories have been for a week people are getting. People are not making any money you know who's making money Shepard Smith makes $25000000.00 a year Rachel Maddow makes $25000000.00 a year much younger Robin Roberts makes makes like 2025 1000000 bucks a year to sit there with just the small let and advance a like I want I put this on Twitter and I stand by this by the way if we find out that this guy faked this 2 things need to immediately happen one bill bar the new attorney general needs to open a special counsel I want to special counsel appointed for these fake racial hoaxes like Nathan Phillips and the kids from coming to Kentucky and now it's just this just the small Let thing if he's involved in some kind of behavior with these 2 Nigerians I got arrested we need to get to the bottom of that I want to see a special counsel and I want to take depositions from people like Don Lemon and Cooper and Shep and the rest of the people who push this stuff number one number 2 number 2 I hold a.b.c. News the Disney Corporation and the brand that is Good Morning America sues the guy . For about $20000000.00 because he damaged their reputation he d. Fraud them if he if this is a hoax I'm not saying it is if this is a hoax of some kind he may have potentially defrauded the Disney Corporation and a.b.c. News and I think that should not stand if he was booked to go do that interview and he didn't tell him how to present the truth. And he gets charged and convicted if I maybe see him dizzy I'm taking this guy to the cleaners surprise that's exactly right Bret what I will show him $760.00 talking breaking news Jim shot it's got headlines a large riot broke out of the Donovan state prison on Otago Mesa today an estimated 50 inmates when at it in a play yard We'll have the latest next am 760 talk and breaking news the drug war e-mail Chapo Guzman picked it up all county will likely spend the rest of his life in American prisons we need to go through today over 765 to 10 through suggested using a child goes money to finance the war that's what $14000000000.00 a gallon I think it's a good idea I mean we can certainly say Mexico this bill I will build a great great wall and I will have Mexico pay for that I am 760 talk Breaking you are you hiring with indeed you can post a job in minutes set up screener questions then 0 in on qualified candidates in an online dashboard get started at Indy dot com slash higher. 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From the studios of a. Local San Diego's talk Breaking News this is a have a 760 prison riot it's 430 on a m 760 I'm Jim Sharbat that's one of the stories we're following 1st to check on your traffic to 5 freeway southbound of the a freeway interchange breakdown a little bit earlier at last check right lane blocked traffic is extra slow for Marie Ridge Road Kate freeway expanded 2nd street accident there on the right side with traffic slowing the Mollison 5 freeway not better Jaish 3 to stall right lane blocked last chance this report sponsored by Credit Karma gets your truly free credit scores and free credit monitoring from Credit Karma today download the Credit Karma apps right now credit card. A riot involving up to 50 inmates reportedly broke out of Donovan state prison this morning 10 inmates were transported to hospitals one with a serious head injury correction officers immediately responded to the various areas and gave multiple orders to stop fighting when they makes it not comply officers used pepper spray to quell the incidents. Only non lethal force was used multiple inmate manufactured weapons were recovered at the scene Prison officials say no guards were injured another piece of bluff collapsed in Del Mar today it happened near Seagrove park temporarily halting train service a roughly $55.00 foot wide chunk of Earth sheared off a cliff near the foot of 14th Street no injuries were reported a number of people including a surveyor happened to be in the area and witnessed the collapse the a final event for race legal has been postponed the last race was moved to March 1st because of the wet weather we're having the race legal program began 21 years ago with funding from the California Office of traffic safety with the goal of giving drivers an alternative to illegal street racing your organization is losing money so it's being shut down the final race on March 1st will be held in the s.t.c. C.u. Stadium parking lot now here's Bill Holland with the latest from Wall Street stocks in sharply higher today up 2 and a half percent this week and it's the 8th weekly gain in a row ahead of a 3 day weekend the government will not shut down the wall still with play and most important try to talks resume at the highest level next week in Washington consumer confidence up this month well pledges up a $1.30 to $56.00 has Saudi Arabia primes the pump and Master Card and Visa prepared to boost the processing fees Bill holiday and 760 can have a big Here's newsies Heather Myers with your weekend microclimate for cat and other round of rain moves in to argue later this evening scattered showers across the county and things taper off very early tomorrow morning more rain in the forecast though for Sunday Sunday storm system looks colder dropping our snow level down to about the $3000.00 foot mark and I am $760.00 I'm is a tether Myers and now it's partly cloudy and $59.00 in Oceanside Collin capper Nick and Eric Reed of settle collusion cases against the end of. Bell No details were made available Caprona can read file collusion grievances against the league saying they were blacklisted because a protest during the national anthem a Games has not played in the league since 2016 there's more breadwinner bill coming up and 760 talk and breaking news a Mark Larsen here join me on Monday live local tend to do it all the stuff that matters at your house will also unveil the Dirty Dozen What is it well to be in the name 762 talk of breaking news now back to back. Those are the people who dated Gavin as some. Of those Kimberly Guilfoyle. Would I know she is with John Jr now with Fox News and then they are no longer on the that's how you know is that I wouldn't trust that with a 10 foot pole. Ok. I don't know what's 10 football but Gavin Newsome is going to sue Donald Trump over the national emergency declared. Him and. Said oh yeah Gavin Newsom Eddie 5 some for some 3 some 2 some new some California plans to sue President Donald Trump's decision to declare a national emergency at the Mexico border according to Governor Gavin Newsome doesn't fit our California who by the way is married you know related by marriage to the Palosi family. You know that and was made all his money by being hooked in with the get he. Don't know that he wants you to think he's down for the struggle and he's known. As a child is a child of privilege. If filed the lawsuit would mark the state's $46.00 legal challenge to the Trump administration policies this time to some said he the state intends to contest Trump's use of executive power for the governor calls a manufactured crisis at the border our message back to the White House is simple and clear California will see you in court dig my Gordon Gekko hairstyle Newsome said in a speech in the White House Rose Garden Donald Trump announced the emergency declaration of build a wall along the border he described illegal immigration over the border as a quote invasion of our country Gavin Newsome and heavier Basara do not think that is the case an emergency declaration lets the White House pay for the Wall by repurchasing money Congress allocated for military construction and counter drug operations aides said in a briefing with reporters on Friday morning Gavin Newsom does not think we need to run counter drug operations or use any kind of military construction to secure the border Trump has been unable to get the money from Congress Democrats have refused to provide 5700000000 he requested in December in the spending negotiations the disagreement led to a $35.00 day partial government shutdown which ended in late January administration officials told reporters they have identified as much as $8000000000.00 They believe they can redirect to wall construction under the emergency declaration Gavin Newsome does not want that money going there instead he wants it to go to California for health care for all I'm sure that includes 3600000000 allocated for military construction 2 and a half 1000000 from a counter-narcotics account that funds the National Guard efforts to stop drugs from flowing across the border among other activities the administration wants to add 200 miles of barriers along the border augmenting the 650 miles of border that already have some kind of wall. A senior White House official told reporters the administration does not plan to redirect any money from flood control projects in the Sacramento region reports last month that the White House could tap those civil works funds prompted the Democratic Rep John Garamendi and fellow California Democrats in the house to introduce legislation to block such a move Meanwhile Sandy from the block is looking to also write a bill to stop this did you know that Sandy from the block a o.c. And occasional Corona is saying she's going to get involved she's thinking about maybe writing a law or 2 fresh after destroying the Amazon efforts to come into the city of New York occasional Cortez and Joaquin Castro they are both planning a bill that they're going to try to put through the house that will block the president she writes on Twitter in a sternly worded tweet Joaquin Castro Texas and I aren't going to let the president declare a fake national emergency without a fight President Trump declares a national emergency to fund his border wall I'm prepared to introduce legislation to terminate the president's emergency declaration Castro of Texas said in a statement the National Emergencies Act gives Congress the authority to do so by enacting a joint resolution Oh oh here we go this is going to be great is going to be a lot of fun now you can see in the socialism factory over there see in see socialism very very good yes I've got I'm not no it's not I've got the power it was a big Yeah I think it was good now I've got the power that was snap snap since the Music Factory where what we talked about earlier the food that was the dancer rhythm is there we're going to get your little c.n.c. Music Factory we have to fight them here gotta find some there and that's really going to like that I like that. You know look. The babysitter took out Amazon the babysitter is going to try to take out wall security the baby sitter's got a very ambitious agenda a gender and here's the thing that people don't realize because they probably have no idea why I call her the babysitter because this is the original contention I had with her socialist nonsense you hired her to be the babysitter she's babysitting a district she's babysitting New York 14 in convenes and the Bronx so she's the babysitter of that district in the same way that Nancy Pelosi is the baby sitter of San Francisco and working Castro's the babysitter of his district in Texas and it's that or sort of these these these representatives John Garamendi he's the baby sitter of a district so you have a high you're an occasional Cortez to. Come in and be the babysitter of the district and while you're out having dinner and working you find out that the babysitter went into your laptop and liquidated all your financial positions your stocks your bonds your currencies liquidated them all because she thought she thought you needed a better direction and she had a better plan and even though you hired to be the babysitter and not be the manager of your financial future she still wants to do it. That's it so here we got c.n.c. We got Cortez in Castro Valley Center and both will. Get a heck of a spectacular singing voice. I think you've done a good catalog Cadillac Iris Listen to this back in the seventy's when she was smoking blunts with this new guy. So this is so she is so she says no no no I'm not going to let you do border enforcement no no no I'm going to liquidate your position is no no no I'm going to pay you not to work Ok. It's called batting above your weight is what this really is it's called batting above your weight if this is your you're taking on a responsibility why does New York 14 care about whether or not there's a border issue when you are 2000 miles from the border where any congress person has standing in the country bred it does not know but I'm asking specifically why are you the expert that's got to handle this if your district is is is thousands of miles from the border I get it right like Gavin Newsom could have standing. Castro could have standing Castro's in Texas Gavin Newsome any 5 some for some 3 some 2 some new some he is in California you know I saw this morning on you will heard from Texas he's another 0 I was going to say he was very soft very soft He's a 0 easy was his his whole thing is I was in the CIA I'm super tough guy but then when you talk about like border security stopping terrorists drug trafficking all of these like we need to kind of understand where people are coming from I just left because I didn't even know about I mean I thought he was a Democrat to be honest and the bottom is those aren't you know that's why he's on The View Don't let me get on the spews because he's soft He's soft if I can power a phrase Jay z. 99 problems he couldn't bust a grape in a fruit fight oh I. Guess that simple Thomas is empowered Let's talk about Trump Hello Thomas what's on your mind. What's going on Brad thanks for taking my call Thank you. Yeah I wasn't sure if you guys already talked about his tweet today but I am telling you for everybody who loves Trump you want to love him even more goal treat yourself to what he tweeted today what he told the Democrats and Mitt Romney with today on his Twitter feed he put a a video and I don't know who made it for him but it is classic romped and I'm telling you I'm not going to explain it but just got those I will talk a little bit I wish I got out we'll check it out again and I'm going to tell you every time I get so frustrated driving or wherever I am and I'm ready to risk my steering wheel off he comes through and he releases the pressure that I have and Romney I was so furious with the way he's conducted himself and solved today just through serious shades and stuff right and Romney's and I'd love to go look at Twitter going to look over you know when the boys go pull it up I appreciate that my friends are being out there means if 80760 can find it we will have the 5 and 5 with Roger Hedgecock coming up next one of the things I want to get Roger to weigh in on because we didn't get to him as they were doing emergency declarations and Amazon blowing up in New York and all that sort of stuff I want to get his thoughts on this and he make a coup d'etat ploy and play that that any McCain trying to put out there are you going to are You're gonna watch the 60 Minutes interview coming up here this weekend many of you will I'm sure there's a large number the audience who will we will certainly monitor and watch it because of you know our important role that we play in finding idiotic soundbites and playing them for people later on in the show in the 530 slot. Have you seen what Facebook is doing to the anti vacs are those people who are upset about vaccines No no I want to be clear about this vaccines like vaccinations I don't want people to think I'm saying about Maxine you know the Rexus you mean no but I don't think I talk about Maxine Waters people who are upset they're anti vaccine that they don't know many of the anti vaccines are also in Maxine. But not all anti Maxine people are anti vaccines so what you have is Facebook cracking down on people posting stuff because they're saying you're putting out fake news and you're going to get people killed that will be after the 5 at 5 in the next hour. 80760 k. F.n.b. It's the Bret what I will show him 760 talking breaking news Jim Chavez got big headlines what a big story over there Jen or 5 people were killed 5 police officers were wounded in a shooting at a manufacturing plant in suburban Chicago today the officers were fired on a soon as they entered the Henry Pratt company building in a rural Illinois the gunman was also killed the a.c.l.u. Says it will file a lawsuit challenging President Trump's emergency declaration to fund a wall on the u.s. Mexican border you know Ousmane came hours after Trump signed the Declaration the civil rights group will argue that Trump's use of emergency powers is unprecedented and can't be used to build a border wall the investigation into actor Jesse spall that's account of being beaten in a racist anti-gay attack took a sharp turn today when police announced the arrest of 2 black men they believe assaulted the Empire cast member police say at least one of the men worked on the t.v. Show you're never more than 15 minutes away from the top stories of the day on the breadwinner bull show am 760 talk and breaking news a.t.m. 760 car and breaking news game 760 traffic on the 5 freeway north and a j. Street into this is those are a little bit earlier right lane has been blocked 3 times 8 Freeway thunder 2nd Street in Elko home the crash there on the right shoulder state a from south of the a freeway stop this report sponsored by the actions in temporal scanner thermometer for people with heart disease asthma or cancers the flu hits hard if you're not feeling well take your temperature with the action temporal scanner it's easy to use in the most accurate thermometer available follow Armstrong to get a Monday morning from 5 till 10 a name since. The 2nd drug being one female picked it out of all cows you will likely spend the rest of his life in American 1st we need to go to the 760 Senator Ted Cruz suggests using chomp those monkeys to finance the wall there's $114000000000.00 out I think it's a good idea. I mean we can certainly say Mexico they built a wall I will build a great great wall and I will have Mexico pay for that you have 760 talk. Markel design and remodelling has created stunning outdoor living areas with homes throughout San Diego now learn how Marco can transform your space into an incredible patio outdoor living room or kitchen at their next free seminar secrets of the ideal outdoor living space Saturday morning March 9th to meet Mara calles design consultants and get all your questions answered This is a great starting point to the people who are going to be designing and working with you definitely learn some new design trends you're going to come away with useful information to design your space for the next free Maracle design and remodeling seminars secrets of the ideal outdoor living space Saturday morning March 9th at the Markel design center of Miramar road with complimentary lunch to follow the answer a lot of questions a lot of could design contests or as v.p. For the free seminar knelt by calling Mark Hallett 619-441-9306 extension 1 1000000 441-9300 or register a trust your home to us dot com I'm Gary Marshall Cal you can trust your home to us as the recent stock market volatility have you concerned that your plan to retire has now been pushed back twice as many people say they are financially comfortable and they have a financial plan this is Chase we'll see from the smart investing show right here on Am 760 every Saturday and Sunday I will say Asset Management we offer a professional financial plan is completely unbiased It is not a process used to sell products or investments rather a tool for making your life more comfortable include tax state so Security long term care and investment planning to bring all areas of your financial life together so you can have the retirement you desire understand the big picture your situation we can offer more efficient solutions to better reach your goals for financial peace of mind joining will see asset management our next smart investing workshop Wednesday 27. At 6 30 pm visit our website smart investing 2000 dot com at smart investing 2000 dot com John reads with Reef point real estate is killing it right now he sold 65 homes in the last 60 days while most other agents continue to struggle in this slow market high as Kyle crest is sharing 5 star reviews from real people who called San Diego's real estate authority to help sell their home let me read you a few quoting John sold our condo in Rancho Bernardo and got his more money than we ever expected and gave him 5 stars but I would have given him 6 Thanks John and here's another we recently sold our home and it's going to do one after interviewing 3 agents we met with John Reeves We're so glad we did John Reeves marketing presentation and plans were extremely thorough and we felt like we had an instant connection we highly recommend that you always call John Reeves for an interview and a 2nd opinion and quote It's all about John Rees 5 star reviews his guaranteed so program he's ready buyers and a solid track record for selling faster and for more money call John today at 858800 home and start packing that's 858800 home why Lexus Coral's bad you know it's really so much more than just a car buying experience and actually it's what happens after you buy that matters most it's a great car wash whenever I want it's free omelets on Saturdays when I take my Lexus in for service now you don't get that anywhere else while Lexus Carlsbad it's a free round trip suitable to the beach outlet mall or Carlsbad downtown village while my car's in service it's freshly baked cookies in the lobby for my grandkids it's a Lexus technology expert patiently explaining all the bells and whistles of my new Lexus to me why Lexus Coral's batter's no other Lexus experience like it in San Diego it just feels like it's my place that one might not like this Carlsbad experience amazing experience Lexus Carlsbad today Lexus Coral's bad dot com right now at Lexus Carlsbad get low 1.9 percent a.p.r. Financing unapproved. Unselect l. Sort of odd pre-owned models these models come with a 6 year old limited by warranty details at Lexus girlband dot com offerings to 21000. Primary Connor time had their Meyers Monday on New Day this morning awaiting for more rain the what you can expect for your morning commute also local 8 Markel design and remodelling invite you to their free outdoor living space seminar Saturday March 9th called 619-441-9300 or visit trust your home to us dot com You'll never get bored with it we never get bored am 760 feet. This Valentine's Day treat your valentine to Zumanity by Cirque du Soleil performing exclusively in Las Vegas at New York New York Hotel and Casino visit Zumanity dot com to save up to $30.00 on a sexy throw right of acrobatics that makes the provocative playful and the Forbidden electrifying Zumanity was created for adults 18 and over 6760 k. Have to be dot com for your chance to win. I don't know anybody who's opposed to a sexy girl right. Here take a baby and I don't know why you know you're playing now you're playing Donald Trump saying and he's not really a singer he's more of a rapper How come nobody ever takes turns him into like raps it's metal true babies make you know America metal again if I would add that is what it is and yeah $8760.00 k. F. And d. It is the Bright Water ball show it's going to be here it's going to be spending time with each and every one of you. Lot of stuff going on out there in San Diego bringing some stuff what's going on Rick welcome to the show yeah I was. Talking about the waiters and dishwashers and all the people that work behind the scenes in the restaurant industry in New York if they weren't there. Restaurants would go away right and. You know most of them under the table that's like to concerned about. You know having their workers there interesting to see you so they're not union they're not unionized they're not they're not joining the union of being paid $29.00 an hour like union workers are that doesn't seem very fair to me I would I would expect that they would be doing the that they would be doing something a little bit more legit you know we have walked out a couple years ago and I'm almost you know down Yeah see I don't I don't like this and this at all I appreciate your call Rick. If you're going to be in New York City you can't be paying restaurant people you know dishwashers waiters Well waiters going to get tips but you can't pay the rent you cannot pay the dishwashers and the people that work behind the scenes. $8.00 an hour in New York City that's not going to work they got to be unionized we need to make sure that everybody in New York City is unionized $8.00 There's a says it's a blue blue blue place and if there's any place that screams unions as New York Yeah $8.00 an hour in New York it's not even a hotdog it doesn't get you anything Ok it gets you know Joy you know many hours you got to work to get some joy. Well you know to know that I'm just talking I don't mean a thing freaky Joy I'm talking about all the joy like you go over to the. Supermarket to buy a bottle enjoys like for 99 like a half hour worked on by dish soap Yes for your dishwashing they make you B.Y.'s bring your own soaped of the job yet were used by soap and you. Wouldn't do much so Roger Hedgecock is going to come. Forward So I I am a member of a bunch of these different like neighborhood groups in and around here in San Diego kind of like to just monitor like different neighborhoods neighborhood watch not really neighborhood watch but it's like that and when it got next. Next store next door is the app like I'm a member of the neighborhood where John lives just so I kind of keep tabs on what John and his friends are up to. But I don't notice. In a couple of different places around the county north county. North County coastal and North County like in the biased indeed on stuff like that people are posting comments on these these different threads that are saying they're seeing an increased number of people who are lurking at their front doors in the middle of the night. Why well you know like how we talked a couple weeks about the ring video doorbell and all that people get video the next day and. This guy was so apparently there's been this epidemic now some of it is of course like over in the coastal part it is there are people who go on a party at night and they might not be walking home like with their senses about them right and they may be going to the wrong address they may be a smile No it doesn't I hope this is more like people kind of hanging out on the stoop or on the doorstep and then trying the door and then looking around and then trying the door and looking around and I just that to me that is freaky because I've read a couple of posts and I'm sure this is just I'm going to think is interesting where they said that the people have found that they have like a screen door you know with a locking screen door then they have a front door and a couple people have found found that their screen door had been sort of jammed like almost picked up a locked door had almost been picked no way so a friend of mine who does not live here in California but lives in America. I was talking to him about it and he said he has a rigged up at his house. And a crazy flash. Like a light flat like a like a camera flash make it or so the winds and when you if you're touching the door and you try to jostle it you just get like you know 200000 lumens in your face. And he's got a ring normalities like it looks like a detonation of a bomb because it's so bright and then these people who are trying to rob his house like they stagger backwards in Iraq this is a total. What is a crazy people get creative you can't both be trapped your house you're not a lot of moving truck a flashy trap I think it's kind of interesting Hedgecock said next with a private fiber orderable show of 760 talk everything. Am 760 k. Of m b Hey guys do you hate fi agrah what if you could get on flag run for good Ark Men's Health has a new treatment to get you off of my Agra acoustic wave therapy is the new way to treat a reptile dysfunction without any medication called 61943484 that's 61943484 can offer via agro today is that us online at a r c Men's Health dot com or call us at 61943484 snoring is usually a symptom of something that could be a lot more seriously Pappano It's when you stop breathing when you're sleeping and you starve your brain of vital oxygen and it puts you at a much higher risk for heart attack and diabetes and high blood pressure stroke my dad had a stroke because of his sleep apnea and that's why I want to go get checked out and I have sleep apnea too which is why I wear those mouthguard every night taking no chances and my sleep apnea is gone to my stories Gods my wife happy to doctor a nice Oh Dr Henninger they're wonderful Here's another patient I'm sharp again alert and my energy is excellent it's just a night and day difference I couldn't be happier recommending west coast sleep solutions to people to treat their snoring. So if you snore if the person next to you still has a lot could be a sign of something worse so go to West Coast sleep solutions 1st consultation free aged 8 go sleep and they'll help out with all your insurance and Medicare and all that answer all your questions 888 go sleep 88 go sleep Ok engines I'll be a good speed 2100 your electric bill goes ballistic double 30 percent of solar tax credit goes away so go solar with local veteran old sever So let us know and get all the incentives $500.00 That's not a rebate for the 1st $200.00 customers extended military and 1st responders to scale us up for the dollar downloadable go bottom up I called it a day by $3856034.00 visits ever so they were stuck up based on size of supporters like that they could pull the trigger a little because others are better suited to go to one of those over supply cars to tell you that he's upset I do what. You need to know a.t.m. 768. San Diego. Workplace shooting it's 5 o'clock on Am 760 I'm Jim Sharp yet that's one of the stories we're following 1st to check on your traffic getting renowned in power way only into closed on Highway 67 northbound at Mt Woodson road because of downed power lines a look for slow going either side of the highway in that area find freeway northbound and Hawthorne street an exit in clearing also a stalled car a freeway eastbound before Greenfield drive now clearing to the right shoulder this reports once about Walgreens looking to save on Medicare part d. Switching the wanderings may help you save on your Medicare part d. Prescription Walgreens trusted since Thank you no one talk to the pharmacist to learn more 5 people were killed 5 police officers were wounded in a workplace shooting in suburban Chicago today Aurora Police Chief Kristin Zeman said officers were fired upon as soon as they entered the Henry Pratt company building several teams of officers went inside to locate and engage the offender the building is 29000 square feet and when they located the event. If under engaged in gunfire with them alternately killing him the shooter is identified as Gary Martin he is a 45 year old man and we believe he was simply an employee of the company at this time we are sure of the motive of this act of violence the victims of the shooting have not been identified President Trump has signed a national emergency declaration to move forward with his plans to build a wall along the Us Mexico border c.b.s. News White House correspondent Steven Portnoy reports the president may have caused himself some legal difficulty when at his news conference describing the need for a national emergency declaration to build the wall he said this I could go to the wall over a longer period of time I didn't need to do this Mr Trump's detractors seized on the line I didn't need to do this as an example of the president manufacturing a crisis they intend to take the president to court Mr Trump said he expected that we will possibly get a bad ruling and then we'll get another bad ruling and that will end up in the Supreme Court and hopefully we'll get a fair shake Steven Portnoy c.b.s. News the White House all across California people were cleaning up today from the staggering levels of rainfall on Palomar Mountain 10 inches of rain fell in just 2 days c.b.s. News Mark liveryman toward the state surveyed the damage relentless rain heavy winds and massive mudslides officials are calling the weather system the pineapple express a wave of moisture from Hawaii lingering over California sound like a tornado kind of but then I thought it was an earthquake what Lisa Moberg turned was a mudslide right near her California home in Sausalito it sent houses straight down this hill I heard a noise which I thought maybe might have been up because a big loud rumble I don't those going on I was earthquake or tree fell or something the rushing water caused this concrete wall.

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