A pack 7 am 7 pm 10 pm every day on the c.w. San Diego and Sunday nights at 10 which will meet your summers in Steve Price after Jong. Un before people get all this food to the back demanded transparency in our food release chemicals into your body covered in the beautiful ways to boost your health to get a true crime cases to make sense of. Change is happening here our jury is just beginning there when you're sure that good things. Are pretty good about like. The case is on the c.w. San Diego look out for lead gamble that's one of the stories we're following on am 7060 a local elementary school is reporting elevated levels of lead in some of its water phones parents of Juarez elementary school in the Cerro Mesa area were notified in a letter this week that 4 phones and one faucet tested above the district's mandated lead action level of 5 parts per 1000000000 the fountains have been taken out of service flu cases in San Diego County are on the rise health officials report lab confirmed influenza cases increased by about 25 percent last week however there were no flu related deaths reported this report is sponsored by you know Out Burger in and out burger fresh fact in and out makes hamburger patties daily with fresh premium beef that is specially selected because fresh is what it's all about right now clear skies 51 degrees at Lynn bird field the dolls are on the road against Ontario John gabble am 760 k. I found the talk and breaking news. It's where the radio very much to me and every girlie talk about everything book called it takes to social issues and music. Whether you're a lawyer or you're just starting your day. This is what I radioed. All across America 86690 right I hears her coming I'm very McNamara. So what do you think about the new Green Deal or the Green New Deal the g.n.d. . What with the g.n.d. To the g.d.p. . Now we've already settled from our Democrat friends who wanted to know whether we were qualified to examine her proposal and we have explained that yes we are qualified what they haven't been able to answer is whether she is qualified to put forth such a proposal but before we get back to that and we'd love to hear your calls and comments on it because we've covered it in a number of of of ways c.n.n. Story from last night there is growing up them ism in the White House that a budget agreement to avoid another partial government shutdown can be reached a senior White House official said Thursday the shift from earlier in the week when some White House officials expressed concern about the prospects of a deal comes as key lawmakers finally begin to discuss how the budget deal would would look we're in good shape negotiators are doing a good job the senior White House official said on the White House is involved in these negotiations this is what's going on in Congress and I was wondering because I woke up last night I went I've heard nothing I've heard nothing right when I got into work I saw the store and I went Oh a little bit of movement here apparently it at least that's what we're being told to hold at the White House now is that the deal will be reached by Sunday. Originally the hope was that the talks could be wrapped up by Friday or Saturday at the latest that's still a week out though as we know yeah if issue added that while the White House is prepared for President Donald Trump to declare a national emergency over border wall funding there is growing confidence it won't come to that what the president will sign is still an open question but the official said it is possible Trump would be willing to sign a bill that provides less than 5700000000 for fencing or a wall at this point aides acknowledge they may not even get half that number in a final deal a senior g.o.p. Aide said that the White House is not interested in a Stop spending bill even in the event that conferees are very close to a deal by Friday or emits they talking about a deal today or a deal next Friday. Because next Friday would be the end right you know next Friday is the deadline is it doesn't Ok Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell who already has told lawmakers he does not think that it is a good idea for a stopgap spending bill senior officials have kept the president in the loop on negotiations according to the official as members trade deals back and forth in conference the official said Senator Richard Shelby Republican of Alabama came to the White House to discuss a possible deal with the president and Shelby expressed optimism about that meeting upon returning to Capitol Hill. In the meeting with Trump Shelby told c.n.n. That he and the president did not talk about an overall figure for an emerging agreement but rather the substance of what they were discussing with the focus on barriers technology and personnel indicated Trump was aware the 3 pronged approach is what was being formulated by the Conference Committee and that he thought Trump was ready to sign an agreement like that and keep the government open. So. Would it be let's say we give we give Congress will approve. That Remember this is the conference that does it they come up with the agreement the conference comes up with the agreement remember it's a conference and from what I know Nancy Pelosi isn't part of that conference so they get the deal it's done and it's $2000000000.00 for fencing and barriers but not a wall Ok an additional fence you know barriers that's not a wall or the term Wall isn't used but it's only a 1000000000 or 2000000000. And the president signs it wow now it's it's not going to be a victory for. And Coulter shall be livid over it is it a victory for the president when the president lose support of his base if he signed a bill for additional fencing where the Border Patrol wants said we're either and specifically the legislation says but not a wall or it just doesn't mention anything it simply says fencing cannot be solid in nature which would be what what what was it that they went back and forth on a cement wall this is sort of this is so dumb so yeah you know it is so darn stupid but but I'm this is this is a game that we're playing but you get fencing in additional areas now they're going to outlaw also the word wall well. The word wall will be except for the Pink Floyd song well it will be outlawed and Bob Dylan's will be on the band the flowers. For those under the age of 50 is referring to the wall flowers That's right. But but it would be it well it would be fencing which means deals last would be fine because that right technically found that Spencer and so he has so it's really really isn't really all that kind of term of the fencing and not the wall and then as I said you know we said this earlier about a week and a half ago so the conference committee comes to the agreement they agree to weigh it the president agrees to it Nancy Pelosi has to agree with it even if it's called fencing and not a wall and even if it's only $2000000000.00 or even let's say for that matter it's only $1000000000.00 in additional fencing which can be a wall or it can be slapped wall which is considered a fence not a wall. Does Trump win now see in my mind because we had said what if it's only. What if it's only. You know. 2.5000000000 Trump gets 110th of what you originally wanted Well here's my question now is that 2.5 total or is that 2.5 strictly for the barrier on top of the 1.3 or 1.6 for the Border Patrol budget altogether Well I guess. That would be another point right but the fact is if he gets any money for additional fencing does he win I think so because you know hey I believe so now you're going to have a number of people that will you know will be in that Ann Coulter group but I think it's going to be very small and the reason is is because I think that the president well 1st of all you get the victory over Nancy because she has been saying all along not one dime no funding at all no funding for a wall and technically it's funding for offense but if it's as if if it steals last sorry Nancy that's a wall and he gets that and then the question would be Ok he did because this is where it came from Remember he's the great negotiator he starts with the 2002000 mile wall he didn't get that big gets a huge chunk of money small relatively speaking if he gets 2.5 strictly for the wall on top of the 1.3 or 1.6 he's got 10 percent he's 10 percent there inside of to yours. How much of the Republicans been able to get in the last 40 years well what if it's $2500000000.00 on top of the $1.00 So we just roughly a $1000000000.00 that he gets for additional spending spending for including the one point right including $1.00 which means he only gets $1100000000.00 for an additional wall hypothetically this is all right look we don't know where it's cold there's not a great and probably not agree Ruben thing except the 5.7 but then again she came down from the 25000000000 so did. Yes it did did she betrayed her supporters by agreeing to a 5700000000 instead of the 25000000000 original Look if you're going to the right direction and you're building the barriers and you still have used a wall bearers whatever you want to call it and you're getting more you're getting . More boots on the ground more more let's put it this way more Border Patrol more ice more judges you're moving in the in the correct direction then you keep the fight going it doesn't bother me at all I'd be very happy with with getting anything for it because then the momentum you have the momentum and you still have the issue on your side and that's what that's what you want and I would personally I many of you might not I would view it as a as a victory because it's going in the right direction and that's we've said this many times we have a very slow moving government people believe that if somebody is elected Oh they'll be a 2000 mile wall tomorrow because he said there will be when you don't know how the government runs right you start big but then you compromise you compromise now many people believe and I told reporters he compromised way way way way way way too much he should have at least got the 5700000000 I don't think the majority of people will view it that way I think they'll view and say look there is no better person to fight for border security than him a can't do it alone look he was able to get them to agree to at least. A 1000000000 at least a 1000000000 a new fencing that's that's that's needed and that's a good positive step in the right direction he got more border patrol he got more money for judges if that's what they get and I think people would say Ok it's moving in the right direction and he can't do it alone I believe that that's what the mind set that you will hear. That's how I would spin it but I think the spin has legitimacy to it because I don't expect everything what we said from the very very beginning when you understand how this government works and realize it moves very slowly you don't jump on the bandwagon going we're going to change your government because this person's in office over the next 2 years just like a cast of Cortez is not going to change the way that the industry works in this country and she's not going to get her super super Dave new Green Deal in memory of super day. That super day I don't know why that's not a good Friday to do it and go ahead. Rest in Peace Super Dave. You know but but they're all worth having great discussions on they're all worth having you know incredible great discussions on and it was the green the green deal or the green dream as Nancy Pelosi even calls it is we're talking about not just because a Castro Cortez promoted it and because we dislike her somebody's private guy just like her it's because so far every single person who has indicated they want to run for president on the Democrat side has endorsed it right that's why that shows that the movement in the party is to endorse a communist state somebody tell me I'm wrong on that please anybody tell me I'm wrong in that analysis or I'm over selling that point because I'm not it's what in reality it would be government would have to take over and tell companies what to do investors would do what they would stockholders would gather they've begun read the stock the stock in g.m. Think about those Now we've talked about this one the stock of the automobile companies as of 6 months from now you will only be able to produce Aleck brick vehicles. Not cafe standards where your fleet. Average on mpg has to be something so you're forced to throw in some electric vehicles we're talking about only electric vehicles right all your lines must go they're gone in 6 months what would happen would stockholder stay now no there's no way they'd all be gone which means what the government would have to take over that is communism and so that's what would happen if all is got oil could you imagine the edict from Congress today that they said all loyal and natural gas production must cease as of this day now will we not off 10 percent cut off the could you imagine the stock market there for the oil companies and 10 percent as of 6 months from now another 10 percent every 6 months and till we are completely off of oil and natural gas could you imagine the stock market would crash yes people would be this would be this it would make the 19 thirty's depression seem like a cakewalk. Yeah I just but but again you're it is the introduction of the idea Well let's compare it to a 2000 mile wall which may at 25 or 30000000000 which may end up being a barrier in some places and you get $2000000000.00 the idea would be you promised the world with a green new deal but really what you deliver is reintroducing cafe standards at a much greater rate we're introducing things that are damaging that have real effects on the economies and people's lives. That's the whole thing is that from these big grand ideas then you get Joe walking again going Oh Ok look you know I can beat Trump and it shows that in the polls consistently and yeah it goes a little far this green new deal but what I'd like to do is you know take some of those ideas and really implement them as standards and then you get a number of Democrats on board and then the Republicans go Ok And then next thing you know we're paying a hell of a lot more for cars again. Exit which is which is going to hurt either way it's going to hurt the economy yes either way because that's that's that's the whole thing is that right there if you start with this big fantasy. Don't parrot down to something and say Ok but we can at least do this it's going to hurt the economy 86690 right I be like fuck with more radio with a record yeah dairy Macnamara. Misses you know listen anywhere any time on demand to catch up on air again Gary's done fix of the day there's a red eye radio show Duck gum and click on demand a drivers Eric Harley with a quick question how do you stay entertained during downtime How about live h.d.t.v. Right in your cab with disposable satellite antenna it's easier than ever check it out at this room my truck dot com and get all the t.v. You love to watch at home right in the comfort of your cap with coast to coast service dish is perfect for fleets to go to destroy my truck dot com or call 833 truck t.v. That's 833-878-2588 restrictions apply. 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It's A Trent radio these are coming I'm going to Charlotte in Knoxville Tennessee Charlotte welcome you're on but I really I welcome to the show I. What Thank you so much I really appreciate your have in this discussion because it's so very important and I as I mentioned to your caller before you actually alluded to a little bit my topic but I was going to bring up the subject of plastics and they handle everything I made out of plastic is made with some form of the trolling products everything from your household items to your cell phones your computers taken you can still fit track your parts of your car or like like the dash of my car is made out of play I think the plastics around the rearview mirror and the 5 years and the tires are made with some form of petroleum products you just can't get away from these and petroleum there's just no way no there isn't and if you're using petroleum you're going to need the equipment required to mine it to get it out of the ground and process it and this is this is how we get you and thank you for the call Charlotte so we get to this you know the very insanity of it if you pick any of the items in the green new deal just one just pick any of them walked through the entire scenario as a society we're not talking about the bait Leigh's of the world you know converting his house to solar or writing just his bicycle to work. For those under the age of 80 Ed Begley Jr. Is a. Google anyway it's not it is we're talking about an entire society what it would require just one item and apply it to everyone in this country and tell me how that gets done think it through be thorough and fucking don't wish and tell us how you do it right. Here's your forecast much of the active weather that has plagued areas of the country this past week taking a break as we enter into the weekend we will see showers extend from Northern California along the Washington and Oregon coast and that rain of course become snow in the upper elevations of the Cascades and sierras that will work its way over through northern Idaho and portions of North Western Montana a good portion of the interior part of the country is high and dry sunshine for the 4 corners the nation's midsection from the northern plains down to most of Texas southern Texas along the Gulf Coast and then over to Florida looking at some light showers today along I 10 as you move up into the mid Atlantic that frontal boundary producing that rain will provide some showers light albeit from the lower Tennessee Valley up through West Virginia potential icing this morning for central p.a.a. And upstate New York your national forecast a red eye radio a meteorologist John trout thanks so much John 80690. If Kansas City is it your big message ever taken a close look at your windows in your house lately how much heat they're lighting out right now and how much cool they're going to be letting out in the summertime Yannis a way to update the look and efficiency of your home with Neumann replacement windows this month you can save $200.00. 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Look out for less I'm gonna gamble that one of the stories we're following on Am 760 a local elementary school is reporting elevated levels of lead in some of its water fountains parents said Juarez elementary school in the sterile Mesa area were notified in a letter this week that for phones and one faucet tested above the district's mandated lead action level of 5 parts per 1000000000 the fountains have been taken out of service flu cases in San Diego County are on the rise health officials report last confirmed influenza cases increased by about 25 percent last week however there were no flu related deaths reported this report is sponsored by you know Out Burger in and out burger fresh fact in and out makes hamburger patties daily with fresh premium be thought is specially selected because fresh is what it's all about right now clear skies $51.00 degrees at Lindbergh Field the balls are on the road against Ontario John gabble am 760 k. F.l.b. Talk of breaking news c.b.s. News special report for. More u.s. Congressman John Dingell a Democrat from Michigan has died the longest serving member of Congress was elected in 1955 and served for nearly 6 decades in 1964 he voted for the Civil Rights Act and took some heat from his constituency civil rights activist Jesse Jackson but you know and you know his relationship the big margin was in Detroit. In such a 3 piece suit the muscle Washington 63 Regal is a part of all those great moments in our history at c.b.s. Is Ed O'Keefe famously throughout his career while he was a die hard Democrat he had been a long time member of the National Rifle Association which at times put him at odds with party leadership and most members of his party but he had believed since a young age that owning a firearm and being able to go hunting and whatnot was important to him and it was a right that he defended all the way through his congressional service c.b.s. News to report him 716 k. F. And b. 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For 15 or 40 we actively put our share of tele products to the test against the competition and while some may feel that all oils are the same the fact is sometimes or not in a recent test a sample of mobile Dell vax 1300 Super 15 to be a 40 failed to meet the standards for viscosity control and oxidation control required to meet the a.p.i. C k 4 and some major engine manufacturers standards we spent countless hours not just in the laboratory but also in the real world to help make sure that shower tele products meet or exceed all the specifications and standards listed on the bottle to deliver the performance if going to expect your truck is more than just a truck and that's why deserves more than just show Rotella the engine oil that works as hard as you. Testing completed February 2018. If you don't like what there's a big you can't handle the truth read a radio. In the process America 86690 right I He is Eric Hurley and I'm Gary McNamara You just go through and and you think about you know anything that you do in the real world and any time any company says Ok We're going to do this I've got to bring the engineers in they've got to bring the science people in they've got to figure out you know how to do something you know Earth gold to get rid of all fossil fuels and just some of the products that are made from fossil fuels as our last caller brought up solvent supposed free bicycle tires dresses. Helmets curtains vitamin capsules dashboards body coffee makers tool racks mops umbrellas roofing Densher it he said of speakers tennis rackets nylon rope water pipe shampoo guitars rings and a freeze closed Combs vaporizers heart valves and mammals anesthetics cold cream fan belt refrigerators golf balls Well that's it. I don't go any further. Golf balls Yeah slacks yarn toilets leads linoleum plastic wood rubbers to man candles hand lotion wheels luggage toothbrushes C.D.'s and D.V.D.'s Ok not any more. Balloons crayons which I believe she wrote that 6 page thing with. A model cars ice chest paint brushes sunglasses parachutes dishes artificial limbs airplanes holding doors soft contact lenses shaving cream toothpaste aspirin on means paint rollers roller skates trash bags fishing boats electric blankets ice cube trays got to have that in there fishing rods fertilizers insect repellent poxy shag rugs right shag rugs rubbing alcohol pantyhose deodorant purses basketballs soap shoes footballs refrigerants lining electricians tape paint oil filters we could go down to 0 dice got to keep Vegas of business. Oh not that dice never mind. And surfboards. Said no charge strings and that's that's where I checked out oh well and with ice trays thing that won't be a problem because you won't have electricity to run your freezer so forget about I well I mean it just again it's for if you're just waking up we talked about you know the new Green Deal and how embarrassing it is because it really is like. You know you're there elementary your junior high school you know had your kids do a thing what is the wish list of the way you wish the country would be and they put it together and they come home and you chuckle at it you say well you really can you know do all of this but she can't get angry at them because they're just children they have the mindset of the children of a child and that's what we have right now we have a cast of protests putting this together. Senator Markey putting it together all from what we could see of the in a list of who endorses all of the Democrat candidates for president of the United States those that have said they're running or have indicated that they've put together and what as of the organizational group to see whether they will run all of them support this plan which the only way you would get to this would be pure communism. Right forget about socialism you know they said. Bad science that let's go straight to communism let's go for government ownership of everything think about this how her plan would entail that the government would run and produce everything. Government control of industry and it would be it would really be required in order to carry out this plan and she's Ok with that. Government or the private sector that chances is her point. The private sector in fact is responsible for the reduction and greenhouse gases natural gas that's all you got to know but but but see this is this isn't now and never has been about saving the planet. It's about you don't get your freedom you don't get your liberty you don't get this we're going to put it under the guise of saving the world. You know they've gone from it's for the worker to we're saving the world. Communism has of all. Its progress are by nature events not I don't know that's a great point let because well let's go from it's for the worker to work saving the world so the workers and that's not big enough well because can you imagine right back in the day. This they had a good idea and we propose to we sell it and the people are going to be they think what one idea just to. It's for the wouldn't you know oh this is a better idea this is not going to so what else we're going to see of the would. You most or you should know because. That back then that was the most noble idea it's for the workers right right right but but think of what what is that what is that exchange right the workers someone who puts in the effort you get this in return. It is a quid pro quo of nature well for this it's almost like voter die it's going to be you're know that whole stupid campaign thing you know it's going to be let's get this passed or die the world is going to end it has to be that grand promise. It has to be much better than for the work well you're right in order to get people to give up all of their freedoms because that's the other thing your government would be in charge of making you know we talk about socialism you know controlling the means of production which is controlling the capital in a society and as you move to communism which is full government ownership of of all private property rights. That in essences is what it all that's what it gets to that's what it all leads you to because you would have gone or government ownership of all industry then of all private property because there are there is there is nothing that you can own because the whole point of it is the government runs everything right we see in China where the government ran everything it didn't work and so they had to open it up where people could start running their own companies and producing their own products and owning their own property and what part of China is a part of China that's cooking it's the capitalist part of the right it's just the reality of the way that the world works and the the whole thing of incentive people . In capitalism incentive works people will do things because there's an incentive to do so and people do things because it's in their own self-interest they believe if government controls everything and controls everything that you eat everything what you what you eat you know the limits you on your movement because it would limit you on your movement you'd be limited on the movement of where where you could go how much money you could earn it would be basically subtle because there would be no private industry left anymore right under what she wants private industry would be gone she said it we've let the private industry do it for 40 years I don't know what she's talking about with that she picked that figure was 40 years. Yeah I think it was was I 40 yes whatever whatever the time period was made way made no sense to me which means the government and she's admitted the government would have to take control of a ton of things will soon as you do that investors are gone just government comes in and says Ok we need it we need to take over the oil industry we need to take over what are you going to be paying the shareholders off right what do you weigh and who and who's paying the shareholders off if you need any I guess recent examples even though it's over a decade old or about a decade old you look at the g.m. Government orchestrated bankruptcy when you had private sector investors looking to at the table looking to negotiate to buy g.m. Or parts of g.m. And g.m. Lines until the government stepped in and said no because you're going to the huge risk of you getting kicked to the curb Well you know it's you're extrapolate that out into a scenario like this and you have the government that has all of the control there's absolutely 0 investment there which would be part of the point if you think about communism and selling it as it's for the worker what is that also based on that's based on the principles of free market because it's the it's the government in this case saying look if you go to work every day you'll have everything you need. And if you look at capitalism if you go and you show up and you work hard you'll have everything you need that was that was almost a natural thing now of course when you think it through it fails dramatically because it is extremely limited and keeps people at the day and takes liberty completely off the table what you find out and in a modern society like we have now people don't want everything they need now they want everything that they want exactly as a difference yes yeah you got what you needed in the Soviet Union and it was you know about well you not not all the time you didn't invent it so Wally you see that they don't know that there's a guard right there to get what they need their start but but if you talk about the fact that you get basic sustenance you get a very writerly small apartment and you have public transportation and you can do anything you're assigned a job to work you get a little bit of food there's bread lines that are extremely long you have to wait for everything Well Kate you can have you can have the minimal sustenance to survive but freedom and opportunity are gone right human being liberty is gone by the way I don't exist just to eat. And this gets down to the basics for get about all the other stuff we talk about the basis of why we exist do we exist just to eat and have a roof over our heads yet it is. You do. That in the entire side of that last raise their hands yes but but is that why is that why we live just to eat. Do we live just to eat and have a roof over our house as as they're trying to portray this is what you would this is what you would get no. I live to be free. We've talked about this many times it has to be out of choose what would you would you live under a communist society would you live under where of course I would and I fight it you mean you rather die than live yeah. I don't I want to live I would rather die fighting for my liberty yes and I live under communism but I've I've I've lived under liberty I don't I don't plan on living any other way if somebody comes in and says sorry you're going to live under a communist state tomorrow and be told what to do to help with that No I'm not and most Americans would agree with me on that no they wouldn't so it's not just about food it's not just about basic sustenance It's about well what is my life about what is the substance of my life and that's and that's the best good and the empty promise of communism back in the day it's for the worker if see if you do this you won't need anything else that and then and that's those are the words still being used today when nobody needs that kind of wealth when you talk about Elizabeth Warren's wealth tax no one needs that kind of wealth no one and then they talk about what the rich have they never use the word earned. That was a false for the whole worker thing that you did something in order to get this and you lose everything in reality and it's a basic and it's the basic miscalculation that what people want that if we provide them with a job and a place to live. That then everything in a society is going to be fine right well no that's completely and totally in correct I don't live to eat and work and have a roof under my house or government over my should be a roof over my head. I live to experience freedom. To have liberty to do the things that I wish to do without anybody telling me what to do I understand that I have to have food. And I have to have a place to live and a parent and we have to do it as racialization in order you know in order in order to in order to get there those are requirements but the ultimate goal is not the food the ultimate goal is not the shelter the ultimate goal is liberty and freedom it's to be able to direct my own life and do the things that I wish to do that's the basic miscalculation of communism and socialism and if my goal is. To live to eat it is my goal it is my choice but I'm one of the rich as I said before I want a roof over my I want to what I said rule for my house roof roof under your house I want to I want a refund or buy a house to yes a roof under my house and a roof over my head I think you may be on to something are you an engineer. Or I totally lack of. Understanding I don't either I just blew that 86690 right I coming up with a remark tomorrow and a record Detroit radio. Join the conversation using the shell Rotella 669073339. What matters is inside. The Eric Harley here to tell you about our new podcast red eyes extra mile your one stop shop for all things trucking will talk about everything from taking care of your rig and taking care of your health to new products and technology regulations and new ways to stay focused on the road ahead you can listen while you're driving you can listen while you're not driving right eyes extra mile available on Apple podcasts Google podcasts stitcher tune in Spotify and our Web site run by radio show dot com. Mark Larson here to personally invite you to the San Diego Gold show join me Saturday February 9th 2 to 4 pm in Carlsbad at the Holiday Inn Express while you're there turning around you're on you is the gold jewelry into against the cash you'll also have a chance to win lunch with me so come and join us at the San Diego Gold show Saturday February 9th 2 to 4 pm at the Holiday Inn Express in Carlsbad more information just log on online to San Diego gold Show dot com You know like you think you do the secret is out to Tang in areas with Mexico is the series critics say is about to become your new favorite is a live t.v. My entire life I think more dangerous than telling the truth makes you do see take . Falls in love Roswell New Mexico the flash new Tuesday on the c.w. New series 2 kidnapping up to the flash to see gatherings and like there is nothing worse than choosing the wrong real estate agent and losing precious equity in cash Hi This is Kyle crash if you're planning to sell your home during the next 12 months you must call San Diego's real estate authority John Reeves with Reef point real estate the current market is the slowest it's been in 8 years so now more than ever you need to work with an agent who has a proven track record team and systems that can weather a slow market and agent who actually guarantees your success every time in writing for a long time now I've been telling you how John Reeves will guarantee the sale of your home or he'll buy it guaranteed in writing and now John has an exclusive database of over 5000 pre-approved buyers looking to buy right now as the market continues to shift John is just killing it right now selling 65 homes in the last 60 days while most agents. You to struggle don't just call any agent when you can have the best working hard for you call San Diego's real estate authority John reefs and 858800 home and start packing a game 716 k f m d. A try to radio away he is our county and I'm here a McNamara 86690 right I will continue with the discussion on the Green New Deal and what you think about it will be interesting to see I will I will notices a couple of things I noticed on social media yesterday Democrats not really supporting you don't see on social media people are jumping behind this and saying what a great plan from a cause you're Cortez We're so glad that they're supporting it you know if you can't be a commonsense person of any way and had any critical thinking skills whatsoever and not look at this plan and say she's nuts right. And you think about the the the presidential hopefuls on the left that are on board we've talked about the activist left the activist candidates versus some of the old school as doubtless many candidates in the Democratic Party which side's going to win for the nomination plus no Russian collusion coming up. This series road I radioed on was a good one. Tune in every Tuesday and Thursday morning at 1 am central for the Freightliner runs more on our own or at I radioed today the help you run more efficiently brought to you by Frank Loesser trucks with 40 years of experience in the heavy duty engine all category the makers of shell Rotella engine oil believe that what matters most is often unseen is found inside and that includes the technology behind share a tele t. For 15 w. 40 we actively put our share of tele products to the test against the competition and while some may feel that all oils are the same the fact is sometimes or not in a recent test a sample of Mobil Dell vax $1300.00 Super 15 to be a 40 failed to meet the standards for viscosity control and oxidation control required to meet the a.p.i. C k 4 and some major engine manufacturer standards we spend countless hours not just in laboratory but also in the real world to help make sure that shower tele products meet or exceed all the specifications and standards listed on the bottle to deliver the performance if come to expect your truck is more than just a truck and that's why deserves more than just. A tele the engine oil that works as hard as you. Testing completed February 2018 What's the secret to a great night's sleep on the road increased comfort and profitability and that's what she did with the new Freightliner Cascadia built for both comfort and functionality fully equipped with a room in customizable interior including a revolutionary driver loft added storage capacity and a spacious drivers' lounge life on the road it's never been a better experience the interior and exterior of the new guest media by taking a virtual tour at Freightliner dot com. Eric Harley here you know read i Radio is trucking is best source of news and information and now we're going the extra mile to bring you extra special content information and news in our new podcast dedicated to you the driver It's called Red Eyes extra mile and it's for you the owner operators are one stop shop for. All things trucking from taking care of your rig to taking care of your health the new products and technology new regulations and new ways to stay focused on the road ahead will tell stories bring in experts talk about current industry issues and discuss the things that matter to you you can listen while you're driving you can listen while you're not driving tune in on demand to read eyes extra mile a new trucking podcast from run i radio available on Apple podcasts Google podcasts stitcher Spotify and of course our website right i Radio Show dot com Tune in on demand to read eyes extra mile from run i radio professional drivers your favorite magazines are now on stands and ready for you to read cover to cover truckers connection offers great jobs entertainment and industry news each month jump opportunities for owner operators is easy to spot with a hot right on the cover and the best career options for truck owners inside find truckers connection and job opportunities free at Petros Travel Centers of America Wilco's and other truck stops nationwide truckers connection and job opportunities for owner operators where searching for greener grass just got easier. To. 716. San Diego. C.b.s. News on the hour sponsored by Liberty Mutual Insurance mass Piper it'll be a doozy on Capitol Hill later this morning Acting Attorney General Matthew what it will testify before the House Judiciary Committee but there was uncertainty over whether he'd be even be there reports c.b.s. Rebecca Kaplan Whittaker was seeking an assurance from Committee chairman Jerry Natalie that he would not use the subpoena as long as Whitaker appeared voluntarily and after a couple hours where everyone is on tenterhooks now they're finally responded and he sort of left the door open a little bit but he said if you appear before the committee and if you are prepared to respond to questions from our members then I assure you there will be no need. For the committee to issue a subpoena on or before February 8th he said however that if he is unable to fully respond to any specific questions they will handle those concerns on a case by case basis what occurs are expected to answer questions and it has oversight of Special Counsel Robert Muller's Russia investigation which is said to be nearing an end the world's richest man Jeff Bezos founder of Amazon releasing a stunning letter that accuses the publisher of The National Enquirer of extortion and blackmail it comes after the tabloid published revealing photos and text messages from Bezos with the woman he was having an affair with and the threat that he publicly back off criticisms of the Enquirer Here's c.b.s. Is Elaine Quijano Faisal's wrote any personal embarrassment am i could cause me takes a back seat because there's a much more important matter involved here if in my position I can't stand up to this kind of extortion how many people can. The founder of Amazon is the world's richest man he also owns the Washington Post and has frequently been criticized by the president as being part of fake news he spent 59 years as a congressman a record former Michigan Congressman John Dingell has died he broke color barriers by helping lead the fight for the Civil Rights Act Reverend Jesse Jackson believes in the rights of common people we've lost their jobs or for the common people of all civility the 92 year old was dubbed the dean of Twitter thanks to his what he tweets to his hundreds of thousands of followers the biggest myth bust in history has been seized in California it was heading for Australia hit in boxes label as loud speakers Australian Federal Police Assistant Commissioner Bruce Hill this is a large use Asia. Down for Australia 6 people have been arrested in Australia 2 of them American the Supreme Court is stopping Louisiana from enforcing new regulations on abortion clinics the justices say by a 5 to 4 vote that they will not allow the states of. To effect a law that requires abortion providers to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals this is c.b.s. News you have enough things to worry about every day insurance shouldn't be one of them you can leave behind when Liberty stands with you Liberty Mutual Insurance. Get more of your pigmies team on the c.w. San Diego look up week a week had the intent on using the morning extra to get you up and out the door from 7 am to 9 am and catch up on the day's business headlines quarterly at work a Missy cover you San Diego you may have noticed houses in your neighborhood that are for sale in that instant never for a long time a lot longer than even just a couple months ago the u.t. Just said the San Diego is the number one market in the country for price reduced listings I don't want that to be you it's time you turn to a professional if you're selling your house Dainian Tomlinson his home was on the market for 3 years of the different agent he turned down beer and the beer home team had his home sold in 16 days of full price for $200000.00 more than he was willing to take they guarantee the sale of your house even the guarantee in writing that they'll sell it at 100 percent of the asking price and your asking price or they will pay you the difference small terms of class ask the program details give Danby or call they know they guarantee you'll be happy the literally watch out your contract any time for any reason call Dan beer let him and the beer home team take the risks with their minute to minute listing agreement then beer 106672003 or so by day and beer. Knockout look down for left on the elbow that's one of the stories we're following on Am 760 a local elementary school is reporting elevated levels of lead in some of its water fountains parents said Juarez elementary school in the Cerro Mesa area were notified in a letter this week that 4 phones and one faucet tested above the district's mandated lead action level of 5 parts per 1000000000 the fountains have been taken out of service flu cases in San Diego County are on the rise health officials report last confirmed influenza cases increased by about 25 percent last week however there were no flu related deaths reported this report is sponsored by in and out burger in and out burger fresh fact in and out makes hamburger patties daily with fresh premium be thought especially selected because fresh is what it's all of that right now clear skies $51.00 degrees at Lindbergh Field the dolls are on the road against Ontario John gabble am 760 k. I found the talk that breaking news. Kids were by radio very much and they were girly talk about everything from politics to social issues and is a bit.

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