To get 2 free tickets to fans for shop text Radio 282000 seating is extremely limited text in the next 10 minutes and you'll also receive a free copy of fans money for deals guide text Radio 282000 that's radio to 82000. Final. Years am 7. San Diego's talk. The following is a special simulcast presentation of 60 Minutes from c.b.s. 8 at am $760.00 k. F. And b. . This is the most destructive fire season on record in California Governor Jerry Brown declared a state of emergency this past week as raging wildfires with 5 fierce Santa Ana winds enveloped Los Angeles in ways people have never seen before and as you'll hear California's governor criticizes President from with right his passion for rejecting the science of climate change that he says is the cause. I don't think President Trump has a fear of the Lord the fear of the wrath of God. Is not 0 Alexina Vali has chosen one of the most dangerous occupations in the world running against random air pollution you know to be the next president of Russia yet. He's been arrested and attacked but he says Dilla tracting crowds of Russians are all over the country why are you still alive is the favorite Quick question of my wife is it in your mind worth your life I think I am raids it to psych or Feist everything. Is the 75th year. Of The Hunger Games dolls Sutherland has been described as one of the greatest actors never to have been nominated for an Oscar award one pocketbook why he's been in more than 150 movies and t.v. Shows but still agonizes over each character he plays and is still plagued by self-consciousness about how he looks. It's not easy Anderson easy to know that you're an ugly man in the business like I'm him. I'm Steve Croft I'm Lesley Stahl I'm Scott Pelley I'm interested in Cooper I would have for those stories tonight on 60 Minutes. You're listening to am 760 k. F. And b. We will rejoin our 60 minute simulcast shortly but 1st this am 760 breaking news update man killed an officer involved shooting our bricklayers at one of the stories we're following on Am 768 a police shooting in Point Loma today left a man dead after neighbors called say he was trying to break into some homes on Trias drive have assessed where he was in a front yard when police arrived they say he threw bricks after him and then broke into that home they confronted him inside he was reportedly armed with a knife when the shooting happened why the lights on the base at night it's a beautiful out there it's a 46th annual parade a light red 80 both are decked out in holiday lights and tram some of the best viewing of course on Shelter Island and I like fire Paula Mesa holding tonight it's 60 percent containment 4100 acres but this evening all evacuation orders were lifted for residents news right by all housing game rooms and outdoor shop the holidays and old house until Santa you want something fun for the game room like pool table shuffleboard tables foosball tables air hockey and more visible housing today at 562030 Mesa road right now it's mostly cloudy 71 degrees at Lindbergh Field I'm Rick Williams am 760 k. F.n.b. Talk and breaking news if you've been diagnosed with sleep apnea and you're using a c pap machine and you got some good news for you because you can get rid of that cumbersome c. Pap machine and instead wear a custom made oral appliance it's the size of a mouth guard fits in the palm of your hand so imagine sleeping snore free and not being chained up they all seem bad anymore called my team at West Coast sleep solutions today Dr Nizo Dr Henninger and they'll find the right solution for you so you can get rid of that c pap Jim says You brought me out of the depths of sleep deprivation this is and one night with the avenue guard made me realize how tired I was Cole said the haze has lifted to be a whole new life for you 760-298-5019 extension 8 life where you're not exhausted all the time because you finally get a good deep sleep 760-298-5019. Coast sleep solutions the website sleep dream drive dot com sleep dream of Thrive dot com a brighter side is a boutique specializing in mastectomy products wigs head coverings and skin care for women and visit us at our new location in the Morgan Run neighborhood of Rancho Santa Fe at 5535 Concha de Gaulle You can also visit us on line at my brighter side dot com And remember don't just survive thrive during the holidays we will be offering buy one wig and get the 2nd Whig 50 percent off our phone number is 8587596325 this year like so many families in San Diego the Markel design and remodelling family groove with the addition of Carrie Mara cals new partner Tom to p.c. With Holiday Wishes here are Gary and Tom at the holidays are nothing more special than enjoying all the comforts of home and the true blessings of family and good friends I'd like to introduce my new partner Tom could be easy Thanks Gary it's such an honor to be working with you and everyone of Mark this is going to be a great partnership for both of us Happy holidays from Mara Kaldis zine and remodelling trust your home to us you're listening to am 760 k. F.m.b. Now back to 60 minutes our country is divided between red states and blue states a division that has intensified since the election of President Donald Trump and some of the blue states are intensifying their resistance to the president most prominently California the country's bluest and most populous state led by Gov Jerry Brown Brown has been governor of California twice the 1st time 40 years ago he criticizes the president on taxes California is suing the Trump administration over health care immigration and air quality but nothing raises more righteous passion in Jerry Brown then the issue of climate change he castigates the president for denying the science and aggravating a problem Governor Brown says is causing California to burn. This is the most destructive fire season on record in California Governor Jerry Brown declared a state of emergency this week as raging wildfires whipped by fears Santa Ana winds and fueled by dry brush lead police to tens of thousands of acres in Southern California the smoke plume that shrouded the Los Angeles area could be seen from space the fires that ravaged California's famed fine country in October but the deadliest state ever seen whole neighborhoods were incinerate dozens of people were killed the fire season used to be a few months in the summer now it's almost year long fires are unprecedented we never see anything like it scientists are telling us this is the kind of stuff that's going to happen and we've got to deal with it it's going to happen he said based on science that predicts extreme swings in weather patterns this year southern California experienced record heat in October and November creating the perfect conditions for. Nature is not a political game nature is the is the ground on which we stand is the air we breathe and the truth of the case is that there's too much carbon being admitted that he trapping gases are building up the planet is warming and all hell breaking loose President Trump has famously called Climate Change a hoax when he called out of the Paris climate accord he said this wasn't a good deal for the United States that's a posthumous idea not even a shred of truth in that statement so I'd say to Mr Trump take a deeper look now is not the time to undo what every country in the world is committed to are you fearful You should anyone who is and does not. Look at the facts I don't think President Trump. Has the fear of the Lord the fear of the wrath of God which leads one to more humility and this is such a reckless disregard for the truth and for the existential coins consequences they can be unleashed like oh you're going to talk if he sounds like a Jesuit seminarian it's because he was one years ago now he's a climate missionary traveling the world preaching the gospel of renewable energy at the Vatican in China where President Xi Jinping discussed collaborating with California on cutting greenhouse gases but Brown went to the global climate summit in Bonn Germany last month. And former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg led a delegation of Mayors and legislators representing 40 percent of the u.s. Economy while the official u.s. Delegation sent by the White House showed up to promote cold Brown went to tell the world President Trump doesn't speak for all Americans California is not waiting for Trump we're not getting through to dinner. He's already winning California off fossil fuels to give us a glimpse of the future Brown took us to this $62.00 acre solar farm near Sacramento on the site of a decommissioned nuclear power plant and you have said that you want to have 50 percent of California's electricity generated by renewable sources by. Now that you think you're going to beat that yes no question about it with the federal government standing down on climate action California is blazing its own trail what can you the governor of one state in the United States do to fill in the void as governor of California we have a cafe and trade system which is a very efficient way to reducing greenhouse gases we have a 0 emission vehicle mandate we have efficiency stand. As for our buildings for appliances so California showing that dealing with climate is good for the economy not bad California is booming underground is down from the 9th largest economy in the world to the 6 It's now bigger than France with a budget surplus of more than $7000000000.00. When you 1st. Came into office this time California faced more than $15000000000.00 in debt and deficits there were headlines that California was going to be the 1st failed state the fact is we cut the budget we raised taxes and the economy roared back you cut the budget you raise taxes. These days that sounds like a prescription for political suicide you've got to pay some taxes you have to invest we need to invest in the technology of tomorrow or somebody else will and that somebody is China India and other countries in not going to poor mouth yourself to the future and roads cost what it is called taxes rather than the cost money colleges cost money school child care all of that we're a rich country and we can handle it but California's economic success has come at a cost housing prices are through the roof so are the ranks of the home quarter of the country's homeless live in California it's not paradise we have lots of problems but California is the engine of American electoral money and my fellow citizens when you look askance at this state you're looking at one of the not the only one but a major contributor to the well being of the whole country California is vital to the national economy that's why Brown is so angered by the new tax overhaul legislation being pushed by House and Senate Republicans they call it a tax cut but Brown says by eliminating deductions for state and local taxes it would actually increase the tax burden on high tax blue states like California he and other blue state governors say the bill is retaliation against Trump's opponents around called it evil and divisive he thinks the Republicans are intentionally trying to punish. The blue states didn't vote for President Trump I know this the Republicans have this cult just like they believe there's no climate problem they believe that cutting corporate taxes without any money to pay for it they think it's magic it will make everything wonderful and very irresponsible very dangerous but California Republicans say Brown's tax hikes are irresponsible in Trump's America Jerry Brown's California seems far out on the frontier California it doesn't look like the rest of the country minorities now are the majority of the population it doesn't act like the rest of the country this state voted to legalize recreational marijuana starting in January will soon offer a 3rd gender choice on driver's licenses Hillary Clinton found President Trump here by more than 4000000 votes it seems that California is way out of step with the rest of the country but I'd say we're more in tune with the future. Because if you think the country's going to look more like California in the future I think it will because this was why did Democrats in Ohio and Wisconsin and Michigan Pennsylvania why they vote for Trump though a lot of did but enough to give him the state's electoral votes and your answer there's more confidence here there's less fear people are looking to the future they're not scared and that going in word and not scapegoating blaming. Mexican immigrants enough blaming the stranger just the opposite it's a place that's alive and staying in it it's a culture that's on the move not pulling up the drawbridge out of fear and economic insecurity Jerry Brown is California's 39th and oldest governor when he 1st held the office in 1975 he had a full head of hair is Father Pat Brown. Had been governor 8 years before when you look at all the staged portraits of his predecessors in the Capitol Rotunda it's obvious Jerry Brown is not like the others not many politicians spent 4 years in the seminary as Brown did in the 1950 s. Or dated a rock star he went out with Linda Ronstadt in the seventy's I've seen a lot of different things I work of whether Teresa I spend 6 months doing Zen meditation and come accords Japan when I run for president 3 times a done very incompatible things people who like you will say that that's evidence of intellectual flexibility people who don't like you. Say that that's evidence of your being flighty Well I know that's that psychobabble whatever you call it his far out politics his 1st time in office earned him the moniker Governor Moonbeam we found him to be down to earth he's California casual at the office his dog collusive has the run of the place are you better at being governor this time yeah it's a different experience 79 is not 36 different ballgame in every way so I would say I know more I understand more what have you learned about yourself in those intervening years this something you lose with age your physical prowess but mental acuity and his life experience is very important so I enjoy the job a lot more come on you know that you California it's hard to see why his liberal policies make him a punching bag for conservatives and he's not universally loved by liberals he's a political maverick he's rolling back state union pensions he refuses to curb oil production until there's a viable alternative I'm. Jordi of Californians like what he's doing but he's been doing this for almost 50 years and he says it's time to hang up his political spurts when he leaves office in January 2019 he swears he's going to leave elective politics behind to keep going to miss this. I don't think so they should all be 80 and what will it do with my life that's that's my question what do you want to do all of us spend time with my wife a go it alone bachelor nearly all of his adult life Jerry Brown now has a partner to share his life and gusto Brad a former executives at the Gap They married in 2005 their plan is to retire here to this ranch in a Golden Valley north of Sacramento they're building their dream ranch house with solar panels of course it's off the grid and way off the beaten path. To live said Gov and Colusa showed us around she's ready to ready. If a. Pretty steep hill give the city of. Atlanta told us he's going out at his peak stepping away from the freight on lend his great grandfather settled in the 18 sixty's he said he intends to be a modest rancher he's going to unplug and unwind do you think fizz man sitting next to you is going to be content puttering around the way pleasure and you know. It sure doesn't matter now and as he said running a lot of stretch we both wonder about it because we've been running a 100 miles an hour and now we're going to be in a place that's almost the opposite of that and we'll see you know we're out on the frontiers at work and you're going to like that well I like being on the frontier that's for sure. This special simulcast of 60 Minutes on Am 760 k. F. And b. 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But I like what I do and Merry Christmas from simpers old Eris You're listening to am 760 k. F. And b. Now back to 60 minutes a lot's been said about Russian meddling and our 2016 presidential campaign but the Russians are already buzzing about their presidential election next March because unexpectedly Vladimir Putin has a genuine challenger has some 41 year old lawyer Alexina Vallone who has chosen one of the most dangerous occupations in the world running against the man who controls the Kremlin the election process in Russia is tightly managed by the government but no violence has been drawing big crowds to his protests and rallies all over the country where he laces into Putin with no holds barred. That's one of the Putin is a thief and the head of the entire Cox system this is one brave man not only because he has taken on the powerful Vladimir Putin head on but because he's been holding rallies many of them without official permits which has had its consequences one arrest after another. During my campaign I spend every day indeed jail so and I am kind of you know your story it's nothing new for me it's became what you know my life you got out of prison just a couple of days ago all right you held a rally right away and you're goading them begging them to arrest you again these people Haut trying to steal my country and I'm strongly disagree with it I'm not going to be you know a kind of speechless Thorson Right now I'm known going to keep silent you're not allowed to run not allowed to run and they put enormous pressure on. Our headquarters and on the volunteers my chief of campaign get out of jail just yesterday so all these. Facts show us that he's in it for it's not over me by the. People Hoskyns and behind me you have now 170000 fallen tears Mr Putin remains highly popular it's all but a foregone conclusion that he'll be reelected and yet the Kremlin is doing everything it can to make it difficult for an Avanti to gain traction for instance the government says he can't be on the ballot because he was found guilty of embezzlement and what nirvana he insists was a trumped up charge and he's barred from national television but he's managed to get around that by reaching an ever widening audience on social media channels and You Tube. Where he has millions of followers and says he's raised almost $4000000.00 from ordinary Russians what do you think the biggest issue is for most people here and Marsha poverty and inequality. In Russia even compared to the United States the European countries no opportunities a toll no future for the people who tend to link their future and Mr Porson puts his relatives its closest friends his colleagues from the kids would be the chiefs of these campaign and that's why they controlling the whole economy Novelli began his public life 10 years ago in a shrewd way he bought small shares of state owned companies as a shareholder he was able to get his hands on internal financial documents investigated evidence of misconduct and posted it all on a block did these documents that you've got prove corruption Absolutely. And I'm not afraid to announce the names he says he found that the Kremlin's inner circle was accumulating vast amounts of wealth and publish pictures of multiple homes and yachts he moved on to airing documentaries on You Tube with video of the officials lavish lifestyle how did you get the footage we have our Air Force just using drones. Drones and yes we do a lot of work with the drones because from for us it's the best way to show this way of life. Published this footage of the. Of these palaces of this real estate and you can show documents or this guy have a relatively modest salary but look at this house. His most watched documentary with over 25000000 views focused on Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev and his a state's no volley says all 5 of them. To video inflame so much outrage that in March tens of thousands of Russians took to the streets. In a volley called for a 2nd round of protests 3 months later he was arrested before he even left his apartment building but his supporters came out in droves all across the country and like Nirvana close to 1700 were arrested. These were the 1st protest of this magnitude in Russia in 16 years back then in 2011 roughly 60000 went to the streets in a burst of anti Clinton dissent that's when a volley debuted in Moscow as an opposition leader as we were watching in the United States I think there was the impression that public opinion was going to force change here it looks that way on television but that is not what happened Mr Fulton realized that. It's not affordable for his system to give people more democracy that's why in the 2012th she completely changed his threat and shit and started to arrest people start stop to fabricate criminal cases look at the. Start of that to n.c. 11 I was a respectful lawyer at the end of the 2012th I was several convict but yeah but now he's seen as the last man standing since most of the other opposition leaders either fled the country or were found dead under mysterious circumstances why are you still alive this is a favorite Quick question of my wife I don't know maybe then. The timing for it when I was less famous do you feel that your visibility with so many people knowing who you are. That that's protecting you well actually I'm trying not to thinking about it. A lot because if you're stuck to feeling what kind of freaks I have you cannot do anything but. Live on these platform includes more spending on education and health restoring a free press and taxing the only good in the goodness in the West is assumed to be a Russian liberal but there was a time when he marched with nationalists some of them fascist something he's tried to downplay lately to you have attended nationalist what we would call right wing rallies I believe in support of ethnic purity Russian ethnic purity have you supported that of course not I was part of these royalist because I support the freedom of rallies because I support freedom for meetings of their supporters of yours Parlato you are a lot of them supports me and they recognized me as a leader when he was growing up he came from a committed communist family in a small town south of Moscow What was your childhood like. I'm 41 years old it means that actually I'm a guy from the Soviet Union I was a young pioneer I had my red tide my father was a military and I was very proud that my father is God Mother Russia from Americans through their bombs and missiles actually my biggest memory of the time as a child standing in line standing in line maybe sometimes for hours just by the milk he was close to his brother on legs 7 years younger so it was painful for him when 3 years ago the government to get him to stop his activism he believes convicted him and only govern betterment the ruling the European Court of Human Rights are called arbitrary and unfair. To make matters worse he got a suspended sentence but Oleg is still behind bars and he's still in prison and he spent 2 years in this solitary confinement which is actually in the Russian condition is torturing and you're going to he's in jail to get you to get you to stop Yes absolutely but he hasn't stopped even though he's been physically attacked while campaigning in Siberia he was splashed in the face with green dye it was painful but I could hurt. But he handled it with humor saying he wished Shrek. His followers dyed their own faces green and posted photos to Instagram and Twitter in solidarity then they were splashed again. Second time was much more painful there was acid as I understand it my doctor and the hospital said Well Alexei you should be a fair bet that you will be blind for one night and so I even start with a. About kind of you know it will be such kind of Pirates of the Pageant of the batch the Kremlin did allow him to travel to Spain for specialized surgery but immediately after the treatment he returned to Moscow and went right out campaigning against the current Yes Lately he's been concentrating on rural areas holding rallies far from the big cities in places like Siberia and the Europe's I'm traveling 2 every week and spends Fridays Saturday and Sunday in the review of the code before our lives on our last day there we went with him to the mid-sized industrial city of bonobo 4 hours outside Moscow starting with a train ride Mr Posey we were never ever mentioned here name may criticize you but never your name what do you make if you have no idea what you're doing to maybe stick into something. Superstitious like you know you can know it's a name that animal doing because if you name it in the night it will come and get you to you or something like this and they have had a lot of weak names in euphemism for me like that these gentleman these guys just convict him these are on this con that. They're thinking about me and believe me if they have a fraid of me if they don't last so it's that's just much more important for them to mention my name it was snowing and dark out when we got to a wooded lot on the edge of town where a big cry out of mostly young Russians was waving over our gloom no one thinks he is much of a chance of beating Putin in the election but still fears whomever he says because of his ability to draw crowds at rallies and into the street is real the real story he persevered knowing what he's doing is dangerous and. His supporters have been roughed up by police and pro Kremlin activists who Nevaeh he calls. Is it in your mind worth your life. Because there is a big target on you no question. I'm trying not to think about it because look I think I am married to sacrifice everything the for my job or for the people who are surrounding me i'm not let them down and I'm trying to not throw their flexed about it all the time. You're listening to am 760 k. F. And b. We will rejoin our 60 minute Simon cast shortly but 1st this am 760 breaking news update update on the lilacs by Rick leaves that one of the stories we're following on Am 760 well I like Byron holidays and it is 60 percent contained tonight and it's holding it about 4100 acres now fires in the last 4 days is destroyed over 180 structure that includes around $100.00 residential homes a lot of sailors and Marines returned home today for the holidays the u.s.s. Lake Erie docked early as did the u.s. As Pickney the area was on an independent deployment in the western Pacific Pickney was part of a strike group led by the u.s. As Nimitz and animal activists were at Sea World San Diego today protesting the anniversary of the capture of the killer whale that she world no go or no with Corky and this weekend marks 48 years that the killer whale has been in captivity news right by all housing game rooms an outdoor shop the holidays at all house and tell Santa you want something fun for the game room like pool table shuffleboard tables foosball tables air hockey and more visible housing today at 5620 Kearney Mesa road I recall you am 760 k. F. And b. Talk and breaking news how would you like to start the new year with a new mortgage which gives you the option of choosing your monthly payments or making no payments at all no it's not too good to be true as long as one spouse or borrower is 62 years or older and if you have a free and clear home better yet as you can access a substantial amount of cash and a large line of credit and still have the option of no mortgage payments all this with no origination fee no title fee they'll even pay for your appraisal join Merano Raman the team and learn more about the new reverse mortgage loan and Aramco is free educational workshop Thursday January 11th 6 pm of the Green Dragon in Carlsbad r.s.v.p. Today and reserve your seat bring stability to your retirement call around Co 8777601138777601130 or visit our rom co dot com Co purchase. 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Donald Sutherland has been called one of the greatest actors never to be nominated for an Oscar he's appeared in more than 150 films and t.v. Shows mash Klute ordinary people the hunger games just to name a few you may recognize his name you've definitely seen his face but you probably don't know much about Donald Sutherland the man and 82 he's still one of the hardest working actors around he's still agonizing over each character he plays and still plagued by self-consciousness about how he looks he's never forgotten what happened after his very 1st film audition more than 50 years ago when the writer director and producer of the movie he tried out for called him on the phone the radio saying you did such a terrific job and the producers we thought you were really wonderful and we all wanted to call you together to explain to you why we were casting your. And these are going No no I mean we have to the reason why we're not casting you is because we've always thought of this fella as a kind of a guy next door sort of guy and to be absolutely truthful we don't think you look like you ever live next door to anybody that have a history of my life you know that's the stuff you're like. Oh is it Donald Sutherland may not look like the guy next door and investigator I'd like to ask you some question but that hasn't stopped him from carving out one of the longest lasting and most unconventional careers in the film business. He's played a leading man because the whole life's nothing but an accident is what happens to you. In all manner of misfits. He's turned up in Army field hospitals across my nose. For a little harder for English country states not particular to my duty. To anyone as well and that Tony's corners of the upper Manhattan. This is the 75th year. Of The Hunger Games. He's had a particular soft spot for bad guys but your mother he's in over the years he's played a lot of them don't buy. A lot of the roles you take on they were not always sympathetic and they're not sympathetic to you but they're sympathetic to me they are well you know sometimes they don't feel very good about what they're going to pyromaniac and backdraft. But I think. Your eyes light up like a pirate maniac right now but I mean do you was so excited you know the whole place like my hair was on fire of life and everything I just did to prepare for these roles he spends months immersing himself in the script or in the over the parts as he conjures the characters to life you try to find something in the role bed. I don't find it it finds me I mean I will read it then suddenly it starts churning around inside me and then it gets violent and then it gets blubbering and it's a thin extraordinary thing it gets more and more and more exciting it's no Lucius it is it is when we 1st met Sutherland he was shooting a scene in Italy for an upcoming f.x. Series called trust about oil magnate j. Paul Getty. When he's filming Sagal and says he needs more than anything else in to meet creative relationship with his director he describes his experience working with the legendary Italian director Federico Fellini as a love affair why do you see it in romantic terms because it needs intimacy Yeah and sometimes there's rejected and sometimes it's accepted into braced and when the film is done the affair is over it's going to give a cigarette after. You know but you have regret if there's a slight sadness about Sutherland It may be because his childhood in Canada was uneasy he survived polio as a toddler and spent all of 4th grade at home with rheumatic fever he was an awkward kid tall with big ears at school they called him Dumbo when he was 16 he had a question for his mother and I went to her and I said mother am I good looking and my mother looked at me a minute. Your face has character daughter. And I went and hid in my room for at least a day did what she said a statement you. Not really just just for. 6566 years. It's not easy Anderson it's done easy. To know that you're. An ugly man and a business like I'm him do you think of yourself as an ugly man unattractive offenses a gentler way of putting up. His insecurities didn't stop him from acting in plays in college in the early 1960 s. He started picking up work in television and b. Movies. Like castle of the Living Dead can be forgiven if you've never heard of him that Sutherland playing the part of a soldier and a witch in the same scene you're all right the early years were struggle Sutherland had twins including his son Kiefer then 3 more children with his wife of 45 years the actress Francine Racette. His big break came in the Dirty Dozen and it happened in clearly by chance several and only had a bit part until one of the lead actors told the film's director Bob Dole Ridge he didn't want to appear in this scene and Bob over each looked at him like. Then he were you with the big years you do it. I don't think he knew my name but. You know it changed my life free from. Madison City Missouri. Ever heard of it Hollywood producers saw store power in that brief role. He was offered a lead in mash. And played a hippie tank commander in Kelly's hero. Earning a place in Hollywood as an oddball icon to keep early seventy's counterculture There you go more negative words at home I don't buy maybe as his career took off something happy. And that Sutherland still doesn't quite believe the guy who grew up thinking he was ugly became a sex symbol I tell you about Franklin Graham in 1971 he played the enigmatic private detective in the hit Klute and if you pick up alongside his then girlfriend Jane Fonda But you know I'm not doing that. Pundit won an Oscar for her performance so though and wasn't nominated we were surprised to learn Sutherland's never watched Klute all the way through and he says he rarely sees any of the movies he stars in his main interest he says is his performance how the film ends up being put together is out of his hands were the nice things about the job I'm doing is a fair amount of control over the finished product Yeah and that's not something as an actor you have much control over excuse me is the wrong word there used the word much the operative word is any you have no control over the news symptom performance that may be a polite way of saying if the film is a clunker don't blame so though and one critic about a television show you are in said the question is not just what a class actor like Sutherland is doing in trash like this but whether Sutherland is actually in a different show entirely but positional Dirty Sexy Money all excuse me that's not trash that was a really really good show oh I'm offended. That some of you ended up watching. Did you watching. I know. But but you didn't you didn't see it so how do you know it was good because I was in it I don't mean it was good because I was doing it right I mean I could because doing it and knew it was good and you knew from the response of people on the street. We were speaking with Sutherland at his Lakeside estate in southern Quebec where he steals time between film shoots and an old pump house by the water I have vertigo and I'm climbing that goddamn thing he set up a makeshift screening room to watch some of his most iconic performances soldier. It quickly became clear to us that decades after he's finished the film the character he's created stays with him. In this scene from the 1973 thriller Don't Look Now his character discovers his daughter's body in upon the pillow. This is going to be a hard day for me. So even now in the character comes back to you the character is still there. You know it's interesting I never thought of that they still have their little news she's somewhere in my in my person or in my soul or something you know you know so there when insists he's never given much thought to the trajectory of his own career or viewed it as a climb to Stuart of a lot of actors they want to take on roles where they're just cut their vertically organized What does it mean to say Ok I've done this as a critic couch of play to do this to do this kind of have a career ladder you I've done a dramatic role now I'm going to do a comedic. Romantically and mine is like a great big wooden platter. Fruit and pass the. Chicken Salad and the soup and a banana you know a whole bunch of different things you might not like everything on the thing but you can go and grab something and people didn't like it let me explain in Port why Sutherland has never gotten an Oscar nomination that and his style of acting which is subtle and restrained never showing in 1900 films ordinary people won best picture best director and an Oscar for the screenplay because I don't know if I love you anymore. And I don't know what I'm going to do with that cannot communicate and given the can I want to read a good picture of the 2 of you Ok Mary Tyler Moore was nominated for an Oscar for her role in ordinary people until I get a picture of Timothy Hutton 11 factor like I did camera Sutherland was ignored. Now at a stage in life when peers half his age are slowing down so the land seems to be speeding up after shooting one week in Italy we met him again on a sound stage in Los Angeles where he was filming scenes for an upcoming science fiction movie. Next month he has a new film coming out the leisure seeker I'm a cure for which he plays an aging Professor alongside Helen Mirren who embarks on a road trip as he grapples with old age and dementia. Plus happening. There are. People maybe the nicest man I've ever played over was losing his mind and totally utterly in love with his wife is very bittersweet about things being away about love and aging that a resident What do you think Anderson. Take a look at me. Sure. You know all of it ever going to get. There. We won't know until January if Donald Sutherland will get an Oscar nomination for the leisure seeker. But last month he finally got that little golden statue which has alluded him so long a Lifetime Achievement Award presented to him by his hunger games costar Jennifer Lawrence in a special ceremony in Hollywood his family almost all of whom are in the film business was there to cheer him on I finally found peace. In the words of the great. Benjamin cool bells. Who is also known as Jack Benny. When he said as I say to you now. I don't deserve this. But I have arthritis and I don't deserve that either. Donald Sutherland says he left this interview with the other sense of. This is. Your go to 60 Minutes Overtime sponsored by Fred north 13 this special simulcast of 60 Minutes on Am $760.00 k. F. And b. 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Now back to 60 minutes. 50 seasons of 60 Minutes this week a look back at the 2nd Sunday of December 1986 that's when Mike Wallace 1st interviewed Oprah Winfrey her local Chicago talk show was about to expand into a national syndication Mike was skeptical but Oprah was confident it's going to do it will do well and if it doesn't and if it doesn't I will still do well I will do well because I'm not defined by a show you know I think we are defined by the way we treat ourselves in the way we treat other people and I would be wonderful to be you know a claim you know to talk show host who's made it that would be wonderful but if that doesn't happen there are other important things in my life 31 years and many successes later she joined us on.