Is it smart investing 2000 com that smart investing 2000 dot com. America's finest city 75 years this is the I'm 7 am in the San Diego's talk breaking. News. C.b.s. News I'm Jeff Rodriguez President Trump tax overhaul plan has just gotten a major boost in the Senate lawmakers passed a budget blueprint last night paving the way for a vote on tax cuts correspondent Nancy Cordes on Capitol Hill over tax reform bill is still being crafted but it could not have gone anywhere without this crucial vote last night so Senate Republicans needed to try to find the kind of unity that has been eluding them lately and they did the budget they passed makes room for a tax reform plan that would add about one and a half trillion dollars to the federal deficit over 10 years that is not something Maryland Democrat Chris Van Hollen endorses greenlights tax breaks for the super wealthy in this country at the expense of everybody else it will increase taxes on millions of middle class Americans such a resolution now goes to the house Florida Congresswoman Frederica Wilson not backing down in her criticism of President Trump after Chief of Staff John Kelly takes on her claims over a condolence call from the president to the widow of a fallen u.s. Soldier retired Marine General Kelly It stuns me that a member of Congress who to listen to him in a conversation. Absolutely stuns me. And I thought at least that was sacred congresswoman tells c.n.n. The call came in over speaker phone while she was in the car with with David Johnson's wife and Wilson says Paul had bought her name my you should Johnson call him by his name. Sergeant. David Johnson. He is not God He is her husband officials. I'm betting they are putting a price tag on the wildfires that have killed at least $42.00 people their state insurance commissioner Dave Jones estimates the damage is more than $1000000000.00 Suffice to say that this is one of the worst certainly one of the worst in my experiences commissioner both in terms of the acreage of the fires but also the insured losses new research shows pollution is a major killer each year 9000000 people worldwide die of causes linked to pollution pollution has been neglected problem that hasn't received anywhere near the attention that it needs are deserves study co-author Philip Landrigan says most of the deaths are caused by chronic diseases such as lung cancer and heart disease pollution is a winnable battle pollution can be solved in our lifetime for that to happen Landrigan says pollution must become a high priority more money allocated to fighting it going on c.b.s. News. Spans extatic after last night's win over the Cubs home. Game heard. Of until Warner that's Charlie Steiner on the Dodgers radio network as l.a. Moves on to the World Series Game 6 for the Yanks at Astro's tonight as in p. Futures up 6 this is c.b.s. News. You know from the studios of the state. Cynthia goes talk Breaking News this is a m 760 the convention center is making some good money I believe that's one of the stories we're following on Am 768 a report says the convention center did very well by bringing in $41000000.00 during a fiscal year that ended in June over $24000000000.00 of that was in hotel I know sales tax revenue alone is mio Her name is Junior to man who pled guilty to repeatedly raping a woman during a 2 and a half hour ordeal in Ball Park in May of 2016 and that attempting to kidnap another woman at a meeting is expected to be censored to 55 years in prison this morning and California leads the nation in making and receiving the most robo calls telecommunications software maker you mail and corporate reports we're going to. Robocall state last month more than $266000000.00 received more than $185000000.00 calls made by the accident temporal scanner thermometer when buying at the monitor trust over 50 published already supporting the accuracy of the accidentes scanner thermometer pick one up at your local club warehouse or other fine retailers today right now mostly cloudy 67 at Lindbergh Field I recall you say I'm 760 k. F. And b. Talk and breaking news. As a single lead. Came out and I told her to go back inside it wasn't safe. Shortly after that so still is approaching and I told him to stay back and get over and that's one more rounds were dispersed he says Campos sees the security guard was a 1st person of the door with the scumbag who killed all those people in Las Vegas and I was on Las Vegas for sorry I thought you said he was on Ellen you know he was on Ellen Ellen De generous his show that's his 1st media appearance you know not the Ellen show not 60 Minutes not daytime chat for hausfrau so not an interview with The Washington Post not an interview on Capitol Hill right now Alan I didn't. And so I didn't watch it I didn't see it but I didn't hear any news made out of it well I mean I don't know yes I must I got football tickets Yeah it was really just kind of his his personal timeline of it then partly because of the form that he went on I wasn't really pushing back against well the established time lines according to Vegas police artist what time did you do so it was he just kind of got the monologue his own way through his experiences made his by memory of the experience he was fine did we determine how soon after he was shot. The shooter started murdering people or the hotel started call 911 or yeah did we get any closer those answers are No no no sort of hotel and I don't want to point it at all the. Why he asks what am I thinking yeah and I gave him football tickets she was trying to be nice she she flew one guy out to meet his favorite team to meet and greet the other guys whose campaign season tickets to the Raiders and that's where it gets weird I love it Vegas rate is it's nice and I know I don't. Want him getting some football because they refused money to do it they wouldn't accept money so she was trying to get there you don't need money in their names to have your field Ok I'll refuse money and you give me season tickets what the f. Does that mean Shawn doesn't come. In a chance not if you're shunted into a chair and Christian man you. Are the 1st man but it just it's just weird the whole you were the 1st contact with the worst. Most Deadly shooter in u.s. History here's some football tickets runs from Tony Stewart on his estate time chat show for now seems weird 60 Minutes never gives anybody concert tickets for story and I don't know but I don't know if it makes perfect sense to me right like if I'm that guy I don't want to go be interviewed by who's ever carrying the torch for Mike Wallace I would much rather go on a show that doesn't push back I'm not as I feel like it was too soon for him to do these these things anyway so you know I am very much still much all shattered by what was the point of any of it hell yes I feel bad for anybody who doesn't understand what you're getting into nobody including Ellen nobody she might but her producers don't nobody has your best interests at heart if you end up part of a giant news story nobody and I can hear interested in ratings only they're not concerned about your psyche or whether you're ready for this or this makes things better or worse and from his perspective I'm getting overwhelmed in a sense that I have never been before with requests for my my story my my things and I think he wanted to do one thing it's like Ok I'm going to do one so everybody can stop contacting me I'm going to go do it on the least pushback interview place that I could finally she seems pleasant Yeah. Yeah yeah I don't know maybe he coulda just been a contestant on The Price is Right blah blah blah 1st public accounts he described I was called to check on an open door I was struck by gunfire moments before the shooter unleashed a few slaughters use a lot of bullets on a crowd of concert goers below so he was shot then the guy you mediately started shooting him was courting to him so that's useful information if that's the way it went down and that was like the original story I guess and then then he did hurry up the dude's plan and of May have you know made it less worse than it was all right in front and it's certainly possible can post remarks did not deviate from what police and hotel officials have said publicly about the attack although there was that the discrepancy in the police timeline in the hotel timeline between the beginning of the shooting when Mr compost was shot and when the cops were called. The scum bag wait for was he going to shoot people as they came out of the concert who knows what he was up to contradictory statements from police the hotel officials about when he arrived at the gunman's room raised questions about the speed of the response from law enforcement and still conspiracy theories about the attack police had said last week compost was shot 6 minutes before the firing on the concert goers. M.g.m. Pushed back saying there was no 6 minute lag. Instead police agreed with them g.m. And said the compost was fired in close proximity to 10 o 5 which is when the coward began firing at the innocent people I'm so that timeline appears to be they've got it back to fitting I guess nobody's disagreeing any more police said the 1st law enforcement officers arrived on the 32nd floor at 1017 which So that's 12 minutes later. That's not completely crazy because you can't just. Run up you've got to have some strategic caution and from the 60 Minutes piece one of the or a couple of the guys had to abandon their cars a couple blocks away because they couldn't get to know so they have over the last several hours far was done on foot you're talking to us yes. Somebody mentioned there's a tie in between Ellen's show and m.g.m. There are there are slot machines in. The m.g.m. Grand or in the m.g.m. Properties with her face on wow so maybe that's how he ended up on our you know I understand because there there's nothing like a hilarious lesbian to make you know you. But that's just me this isn't a conspiracy really but is there someone reason that the hotel is an m.g.m. Property Elin's tied in with with the thought machines he would end up on I don't can't post through more media scrutiny last week when without explanation he backed out of schedule t.v. Appearances with Fox News and 4 other outlets also fell out of contact with the Security Police and Fire Professionals of America's America Union his union which was helping coordinate his appearances he had posted signs outside his home reading no trespassing and no media on property good idea because he was not seen publicly various news reports referred to him as missing in vanished which created an air including you Jack you whipper up of the public thanks to which created an air of mystery around the crucial witness blah blah blah in the interview broadcast Wednesday composted not explain why he chose the Ellen show to tell his long awaited story as opposed to all the other shows I'll tell you why he had the no trespassing no media blah blah blah sign was because producers convinced him to so they would get the scoop on the business works one out why he complied with it I can't imagine unless it was the promise of football tickets. But there had to be other people that got to him with promises of bigger money though so seem to be so not looking at it from somebody who's looking to get answers and kind of fill in blanks of the of the timeline if you're Jesse Campos and you have the choice to go on to a Fox News place or c.n.n. Thing or a Ellen degenerate show that will do nothing but softballs your way but you would choose the one with the cross the hard cross interrogation which show would I go on well you wouldn't be hard cross interrogate interrogator whatever that means as a victim I don't think you would give me anything on the timeline you say I think so or I don't remember you showing you're picturing him as like the defendant time and suggesting that people are nudes you definitely get more uncomfortable questions possibly on well then Alan. There is no f. Ing explanation why the guy went on eligibility this is the interview what show would you go on so far but surely Steve Harvey's a good. Prices right. Just to inexplicably say I'd like to be a contest on the I tell you who can answer that question Joe Buck knows what show I should go on. To get it. Right moving to the. Right campus now only on the best next great champ This is 21 years of job promo when Fox shows during baseball games can ride a executive producer. Face to face. Friday night Eastern and Central right here on. Those aren't even crimes who ever took the time to do that I love you I love you it's 7 and a half minutes well some plus minutes at your book Buck promo secure shows during playoff game. I know what I'm going to do Hey Jimi you want to go out tonight oh I can't I'm compiling all the times Joe Buck from. Order to Mr Jones on Fox during playoff baseball a movie of the 1997 I know has to go what is going to tell us today of course 10 more famous women came forward Reese Witherspoon talking about being sexually assaulted as I think a 14 year old or 16 or ohm you can keep it in the wound year mile. For a durned she was 14 or 16 she's also under age when she was sick with all this. Is there any big star with that hasn't been sexually assaulted in Hollywood as part of the rise to fame or a for rape Ewood unbelievable You're listening to the Armstrong and getting show a.t.m. 760 k. Had them be free and 760 traffic away a little trouble and still of this. 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Tells on line of cars that dot com or stop and visit Twitter Carlsbad Archon service center west I thought I'd never read and seen as Karl. But as you know animals have been harmed making this commercial offerings October 31st Roger 5 and 5 with bread winner every day at 5 pm. Purchase refinance reverse visit our. M.b.a. Goes talk at breaking news 760. In Denmark which he brought up for hip replacement was 55 days 59 days for knee replacement there is a reason why burning I didn't or up to help during your last album Oh good how you know but you can't you know as some might say Curb Your Enthusiasm I. Got. My point there's a. Joke about himself yesterday the truth is that this beautiful the internet practically melted down when he thought yeah they got to been a back and forth because that that sas from Nebraska who's a fun guy that the senator Ben Sasse Yeah he accidentally knocked his Dr Pepper over on Ted Cruz during a hearing. And then he apologized about something and then it got back and forth got wackier and eventually put on some sort of Zodiac Killer blast. Pretty funny. There as he's reading Keysar on top of Ted that he's not going to have a bleed of actual Simpsons audio coming through you know these are odd times and for Reals and nobody knows exactly why so you're talking the other day about we had a whole generation of people out there killing themselves or depressed or anxious or all that and there were later taken literally adolescence here relating to screen time smartphones that sort of stuff this article doesn't relate it to anything in particular but it just points out the problem with college kids the percentage of undergraduates at universities across the country who report overwhelming anxiety in the previous year overwhelming anxiety. I'm not sure I would ever say I've had overwhelming anxiety I don't know if that's just my personality I don't want to say it or what but I don't know if there's ever a point my wife or I would say I've overwhelming a diety right now well yeah I just I'm trying to think what emotion I might have felt in college oh my god I'm going to f. Ing fail is test I'm going to f. Ing fail this test is that overwhelming anxiety I wouldn't count it is overwhelming exactly what test big freakin deal I don't think she likes me I like her she doesn't like me I don't know about you but I can tell you that in 1905 about 18 percent of undergraduates said they experienced overwhelming anxiety in the previous year that seems pretty high to me I would thought geez really one out or whatever. People around me have had overwhelming society unless you're calm down yeah I think it what you need is more bad things to happen to you and then you realize oh if you get beyond them it will be Ok we would long for those days it was 18 percent in 1905 it has climbed a little by little over the years by 2010 it was up to 29. 29 percent then a couple years ago was 41 percent is now ad ladies and germs. For 201662 percent of undergraduates reported overwhelming diety in the previous year that is clearly a cultural change from strength and self-reliance being most respected to people wanting the attention of the victim central government to this very long article does not address that possibility at all it is clearly just they have this what are we doing to them to give this now good how do you get admiration how do you get attention it's changed in society completely now Hell my kids in school right now I get reports all the time it's this you know there are some things that have changed but essentially it's on changed I was talking about that was talking culture was a talk and I won't say who it was because they were they didn't tell me the stories that would go on the radio but I talking to some of them Dave's kids off in college and he said he said this is my least he said this is my least favorite phase so far of parenting because my kid thinks I have no idea what I'm talking about and he said they just don't they just can't believe that my college experience was similar to theirs they think it's all complete and I know I felt that way yeah like my dad to tell me things I think yeah back when t.v. Was black and white that was true maybe Sure man but then you get older and you realize 2030 years it's the same I'm looking around it's the same thing and it afforded some of the forms you got to fill out of changed in the you got a dean of this that and the other but actually if you wait the right length of time the clothes are even the same hairstyles or even the same so things haven't changed much from that standpoint but that is an amazing. Increase in numbers hit you with the beginning case you missed it in 19058000 percent of undergraduates of they had experienced overwhelming anxiety in the previous year it's now 62 percent now I will grant you the whole student loans financial ruin thing has changed that's funny nobody mentions that in this article either when they're when they're in there are you looking at a blank page witchcraft in the alignment of the planets what do they talk about it was all about I'm going to be a fake be a failure on never find a good job I don't have enough friends to check check and check that central 2nd in my experience you know that's that's part of becoming a grown up or the human experience friendless and lacking any usable skills is the title of the of coming forth volume of my autobiography it all fits into some version of I'm going to be a failure according to this article right and that's changed why because the job market so tough blah blah blah I just. Is it the pressure parents put on I don't know I don't actually know I don't have the slightest idea I don't know if I know really have a guess I find the whole. Silly Well I tell you what you can go Ok you want to make it serious for you this is funny. You know Michael you have are being completely unfair music we should actually get some we really should have been wary when we're being really really unfair trying it out yesterday a couple of days ago this this is serious and being unfair to a certain extent we're having a lighthearted conversation about this but the reason this is not you know just kids today is they're killing themselves like crazy right yeah I mean the numbers are just exploding I would say so it's really it's real it's not just their perception for God's sake re read. Greg look often Jonathan ites article about. About the whole trigger warnings campus cultures of everybody supposed to be outraged all the time one of the main facets of it they talk about how these colleges are actually teaching mental illness things that that what the hell is the school of psychology called but it's the one that helps you better approach your life and think more positively and in a healthy way you can't cut tasks for a 5 and they're teaching kids to catastrophizing every tiny insult should become devastating in the world should stop will you deal with it every small setback should you should think into a room of puppies and coloring books as opposed to saying I f. It will be fine I'll get through this we're teaching kids to catastrophizing Yeah apparently I don't know how parent most parents react to this if my kid came to me and said I feel overwhelmingly anxious. At college and there's no like you know stand out issue going on right just regular life I wouldn't say this out loud but my thought would be when we got to find a way to toughen you up my thought wouldn't be there's something terrible with college right you need to work on coping skills yeah yeah the problem is you're coping with these the situation it's not the situation needs to be changed somehow right injection of the need to find a way to lower the great pressure or or convince you that you'll get a good job some day and you know that it's not the wind it's how you're doing it just in your sails as they say yeah I'd like to make the thread to the everyone gets a trophy generation that we are removing difficulty from young kids lives disappointment if not difficulty right and so then when they get to college and they experience adversity for the 1st time I believe that they feel overwhelmed by it because they've never experienced that before that is like it is baby the point aid point b. On your argument there is not that of a difficult jump I've got a trophy for everything I've ever done now I'm not what what is going on. I don't know what to do get you are pointing out that some people are better made than that this thing and we're all supposed to be cool with this cognitive behavioral therapy used widely to treat depression anxiety disorders eating disorders addiction even helpful to schizo Frederick's the goal is to minimize distorted thinking and see the world more accurately avoiding emotional reasoning that your negative emotions necessarily reflect the way things really are I feel therefore it must be true don't teach kids that. We are raising a nation of simpering piss Willy's this text or says I'm for ing piss Well I will not heard that expression fortune telling in trigger warnings anticipating that things will turn out badly convinced that your prediction is an already established fact. Those are the words the one that I really really like our kids convinced are more kids convinced now that they're going to step out of college and life is going to be easy because I was convinced I was going to step on a college it was going to be pretty hard yeah and pretty and that was that was what I was expecting maybe if you're not expecting that I don't know I don't know where you go teaching students that catastrophizing have 0 tolerance as noted authority on this sort of thing to finds catastrophizing is a kind of magnification that turns commonplace negative events into nightmarish monsters. Defining it as believing that what what that what has happened or will happen is so awful and bearable that you won't be able to stand it I'm telling you. Positive feedback not long ago came from being strong self-reliant and resilient you would get love and encouragement for exhibiting Vose qualities now you can't get attention unless you're falling apart that's rewarded over a positive feedback for being a victim for being devastated etc That's how you get love now we've changed as a society it was a tipping point is it isn't part of the problem in the new school grading system does it say about bringing up what was that stat we had about 30 a kids or a student or something like that yeah yeah is it was insane whatever it was the number of days they give out versus years ago that alone if all the sudden you're not getting straight A's might just blow your mind right I thought it was the smartest kid in America right I got straight A's me and 50 percent of my class which is really weird look at Anton just handed me a year old coping Ada try one repeat that appears to be peer. To Larry it's Ok to write and write. Oh. Yeah that great thing could certainly factor in there that similar to everybody gets a trophy right everybody's an a student is the same as everybody gets a trophy for moving difficulty so you're you don't have to study harder you're already an a student so you're an average to above average student your whole life then you get to college in you find out your average at best which is fine average is what we mostly are puts right most of us are average it's just it's in the math blink and God must love common people because he made so many of us right but we've somehow convinced everybody that they're above average height exactly everybody is about average which mathematically is difficult to what he said number on the A's didn't go from 20 percent 18 or 20 percent rates were eighty's and now it's 63 percent I'll take that up during the commercial break if there is a tweak standard but that's got to factor into this thing we are a nation of real care very very sympathetic This Thank you Mr President we're. We lack resilience it's just terrible I'm a bigger fan of his I like I love the stupid people is that when he says the I love the un had you can you answer honestly going to them on what's come of your news Marjoe news year trumps Benghazi we have an update and forget it coined a new alternate currency and one western state is now spam Yes and mystery meat spam minutes from now Armstrong and get some of that a statistic that was made that was amazing and it'll be just as amazing that you're listening to the Armstrong and getting. Help from the studios of. San Diego's top breaking news this is a m 760 a new airport inspection station I'm 70 keep Galilean that's one of the stories we're following no accidents 5 of the 15 are looking good were blocked by the actions and temporal scanner thermometer taking your child's temperature shouldn't be a stressful as fighting through traffic with the experts in temporal scanner what General forehead scan is all it takes pick one up at your local club warehouse or other find retailers construction work is underway for a new federal inspection station at San Diego International Airport the new station will house u.s. Customs and Border Protection agents a Carmel Valley mothers accused of selling drugs to teens Kimberly watch has been slapped of felony child abuse and other charges following her arrest she's accused of providing exam x. And other drugs to teens cloudy and 67 at Lindbergh Field there works relief to relieve muscle cramps in your legs and feet use thorough works relief this fast acting foam is clinically proven to relieve leg and foot cramps get their works relief today if they were actually taught com am $760.00 talking breaking news more Armstrong and getting next. C.b.s. News update Republicans on track to approve on Bassett tax overhaul the Senate approves that budget blueprint by a vote of $51.00 to $49.00 that would protect the president's plan when it comes up for a vote Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell I've been completed a 1st step toward replacing our broken taxed. Passing a comprehensive fiscally responsible budget will help put the federal government. About one in Jersey Democrat Robert Menendez Republican budget would cut more than 5 trillion over the next decade from education health care affordable housing c.b.s. Is Ann-Marie green on what happens from here the budget plan has to be reconciled with the House plan but there is growing pressure on the House to simply adopt the Senate plan once the budget passes Republicans will be able to use a procedural maneuver to pass tax legislation through the Senate without support from Democrats c.b.s. News update I'm Deborah am 760 News is a service of woman Linda University Health at Loma Linda University Health we live to discover we understand the treatments of tomorrow can be discovered through research we performed today visit l l u h Vision 2020 dot org learn how Markel design and remodeling can transform and beautiful your entire home at their freehold house renovation seminar Saturday November 4th explore the possibilities for your home and meet them our account team this is a great starting point to talk to the people that are going to be designing and working with you there's professionals here to answer questions and answer a lot of questions could design contests are as for the free whole house renovation seminar at the Markel Design Center Road Saturday Nov 4th with complimentary lunch to follow discuss how you can add functionality beauty and value to your home with Maracle design consultants the demonstrations were great they were very informative I like the way they make it concise as far as the very steps you have to go through you're going to come away with useful information to design your space r.s.v.p. 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Spend their money on Dr Sanjay Gupta C.N.N.'s chief medical correspondent we all have different ways we like to spend our discretionary income for me it's on meaningful experiences with my family as opposed to things or materials still I was into the see this new study at University College London that found someone's personality can drive their purchasing of luxury goods such as from the people who didn't make a lot of money and were extroverts spend more cash on quote status symbol purchases than their peers who are introverts researchers concluded they were compensating for the experience of low financial status as researchers goal is to better understand which people may be likely to engage in behavior that then perpetuates the conditions of financial hardship look remember this no pair of shoes or purse to look better on you than having no debt and Dr Sanjay Gupta helping you live a better life what if hiring could be easier less time consuming with more qualified candidates and faster results what if hiring could be smarter thanks to zip recruiter it can be with one click post your job to over $100.00 of the Web's leading job boards so you don't spend time wondering where the right candidates are searching then super cruder uses it smart matching technology to scan millions of active resumes and notify the most qualified candidates to apply for your job and the zipper critter dashboard makes it easy to review rate and contacts candidates all in one place no wonder 80 percent of employers who post on super cruder get a quality candidate through the site in just one day super cruder makes it simple for growing businesses of all sizes to hire the right people no matter the industry super creator the smartest way to hire we're so confident zip recruiter will get you the results you need to let you try and free That's right free just go to separate router dot com slash build recruiter dot com slash recruit or dot com slash build Are you concerned with the expensive stock market and not getting the investment returns you would like join we'll see asset management for upcoming smart investing workshop learn about our proven strategy go to smart investing 2000 dot com. 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That is usually something I thought he was going to say the players got to center standards nuffin or something numbskull Well they are only half way through their meetings Jack a couple of days' worth of get together as we understand it Erin Kotecki of a.b.c. News joins us to talk about the meetings going on between the commissioner and the players Representatives I guess. Good morning and those meetings wrapped up yesterday were going no new rules or announcements from the n.f.l. Regarding discipline of players who do not stand for the national anthem and I felt commissioner Roger Goodell in fact said it never really came up and what friends has been it never came up. Well he said they discussed social issues with the players but did not discuss any formal discipline and that the owners actually did not. Really consider disciplining players who who do not stand the commissioner said at this point it's probably not necessary because there are only 6 or 7 players still kneeling He also said he wants to move this out of politics and try and amplify the voices of players to express their social justice concerns so that they don't need to make a spectacle of the national anthem right in to that end I understand that they've at least floated a couple of ideas for programs in the future can you talk about any of that that may come in the form of a public service announcement type campaign or other marketing initiatives kind of like what the n.f.l. Does with ever since Ray Rice domestic violence or before that breast cancer awareness and so it may take that kind of form and in fact the n.f.l. Says it was working on that. Even over the summer before the president tweeted about the the n.f.l. And called Call in cap and get other players who do not stand S.O.B.'s who should be fired right that's right sons of bitches and forgotten the whole thing so are the players just kind of opens in the wind down of the players kind of hoping it will go away I think so I think that's the hope but the the players were encouraged they said that the owners were willing to at least meet with them and listen to what's on their mind because the issue of you know the police treatment of black men has. Sometimes felt lost in the debate over a flag and the anthem and Roger Goodell was fairly firm in saying he thinks everybody should stand for the national anthem but they were not going to take the step the president wanted to require it well and my understanding is that the that everybody agreed that look if we want to talk about these issues and some of these issues are pretty important you know kneeling for the national anthem if it ever was a good way to bring attention to him isn't anymore so it will be interesting to see what the n.f.l. Does going forward if not I'm president right am I correct that. The n.b.a. They have a rule you have to stand they do and it's sort of in their their policy and it's just been sort of that way look n.f.l. Players weren't even on the field for the national anthem until 2009 before that they were in the locker room and nobody seemed to have a problem with it it will not know that after Yeah in 2009 I don't know if you remember but that's when the Defense Department started advertising with the n.f.l. And you know spending all this money to have military men with the flag on the field in the flyovers and as a way to encourage military recruiting and so that's when the players were told they must be on the field and the language that the the the the rule book uses is you must be on the field and you should stand and it outlines how you should stand you know with your helmet in whatever hand and all day and the n.f.l. Took the language from the House of Representatives which also says that when the anthem is played on the floor of the house you should stand. Interesting Erin Kotecki a.b.c. News correspondent with some really good perspective there and great to talk to you thanks very much I guess I'm guessing whoever wrote that originally should stand was acknowledging that you can't make somebody stand for something as it's a political speech thing right yeah yeah a gesture of respect made mandatory becomes a act of submission as the philosophers of told us how about that that some good perspective hasn't been it's only been since 2009 it coincided with the expenditures for military recruiting its citizens which is an interesting thing because we taxpayers are spending money to advertise to get more people to sign up for the military which might be a good idea but it is our money and it is a it is a it is a it's an advertising campaign right it's Princeton only as patriotism but it's an advertising during true meanwhile of the roars of the crowd the applause the enjoyment of flyovers the respect for the military vets who come out of the field is absolutely sincere Nobody's questioning that among the people the fans. But it's worth pointing out so what I understand are going to do going forward I have no idea what shape this is going to take is they're going to try to draw attention to these various issues in a way similar to the breast cancer awareness stuff and well the breast cancer awareness stuff is the most obvious with the pink cleats and towels and whatever else which was partly just to try to get more women to watch the n.f.l. To grow the brand partly certainly nobody is in favor of breast cancer I'm not I'm not saying they're entirely insincere but it was partly also because the league had a growing refutation as the employer and glorify are of women of men rather who committed acts of violence against women and so they were desperate to try to find something woman friendly to help balance out their image but how you execute a you shouldn't show shoot down black people unless they have a common campaign is to be seen how are you going to do that you're not going to do that with pink. Towels this is not for the kids turn off the radio if the kids are listening but Joe brought up James Woods I mentioned the rumor that exists that James Wood is a well endowed gentleman that's a Hollywood legend right when you mean he has or had large trust fund Chung came up with 9 famous people you didn't know had very large units I'm not listening to this I want to know I will not be a party to this more than say 4 or 5 of them number 3 will shock you but I'll bet it will be Louis' hip to be granted a apparently. Thanks to not or was ashamed his was so large Wow Rasputin's if you want to go way back historically better I do get that Michael stuff that Jay Z's cannot be contained by beyond say apparently l.b.j. The 1st presidential wing to make the list and only had to have the special pants made he gave his a nickname. Do we get to hear my Suppose I have to read the article I'm going to do right now I really don't know be called a Jim let's move on he once said to someone Have you ever seen anything as big as this book you gave me about it and I found it from one of the separate. Round under my back about oh oh he referred to it as jumbo that's the president a United States and from the historical record those you who think we're just being course you don't like history Yeah yeah he referred read a book l.b.j. Referred to it as jumbo boy and was told it was infamous for waving it around in public and hooting things like you've never seen anything like this. Dignified It's amazing that he and the Kennedys didn't get along. William Defoe's is confusingly Larch. Who simply John Hammond as some at the top of the list Liam Neeson Wow looks like a water bottle somebody said so there you go. Again this is the worst thing you've ever done it is I'm not happy to be associated with that and I did Speaking of James Woods what does he have in common with Nicky Menasha. It's actually kind of interesting slash music and the transmission Gazi thing we ought to hit on that it's not calling your big speech into the Armstrong giddy show them 760 k. You have to. Have a 760 traffic it's an accident free ride that we are looking at some stop and go now as you head south on the 15th when the to 15 and to make the hard way to 5 in the end of 5 looking good no problems for Roger by the exigent temporal scan a thermometer changes in weather can lead to tolls and other elements to rely on the most accurate easiest to use the bomb the actors in temporal scanner available at your local club warehouse and other by retailers Mark Larsen Today I am 768 Mark Larsen here going to ice land that's right for a 9 day adventure beginning May. 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Players and the owners and the commissioner talking about standing for the anthem blah blah blah and Aaron mentioned that players haven't have only stood on the sidelines for the anthem since 2009 when the paid. Recruiting for the military at n.f.l. Games began turns out that is not entirely true thanks to Mark for pointing this out. There there's some truth to it but it's very mixed and it's very difficult to draw a conclusion for the longest time n.f.l. Players didn't stand on the sidelines during prime time games until 2009 because they didn't televise the anthems during prime time games and they wanted to show the players running out onto the field so it was a programming thing so they were there for them on Sunday afternoon games they're already out on the field milling about so they generally speaking would stand there for the national anthem with their hands on arts because they're American citizens so various people have in the. Fashion of the Internet try to take what's true in jazz it up a little bit and then a little more and then a little more until it becomes more or less an act of fiction so that there's some truth to it but it's absolutely not as clear cut as may have been portrayed so there you go newly I don't know did eventually. Biography by Walter Isaacson who's written a several highly acclaimed he wrote the Steve Jobs and the Einstein and Ben Franklin I think you get a Pulitzer Prize for anyway given she's game on of things but it has been. Already has movie rights and guess who's going to star in it and put the movie James Woods as Leo Devinsky. Leonardo Dicaprio who is named after Leonardo da Vinci is going to play Leonardo da Vinci in a movie that he's going to put up he's a fine young actor and you know Leo Dicaprio maybe he'll be 6 not the 2 younger men who eventually split Leonardo's does state that he lived with. Really I don't they don't make a top 3 I grew up with a portrait self-portrait of Leonardo da Vinci in my home so at the end of our hallway looked at it every single day and what was the message there and we value learning and telling artists and scientists like Italian food no no no it wasn't that we value learning in my home so you know not ignoramuses running around on all fours. Not a picture of Chef Boyardee for instance Yes So Jeff Sessions was testifying before the Senate yesterday about various things and of course created various controversies Here's an exchange with the estimable woman from Minnesota Democrat Amy Klobuchar. Here to put this which there and we're going to commit to not putting reporters in jail for doing their jobs well I don't know that I can make a blanket commitment to that fact. But I would say this we've not taken any. Action. I guess maybe at this point but we have matters that involve the most serious national security issues that put our country at risk and we will utilize the authorities that we am legally and constitutionally if we have to gather we always try to find an alternative way you probably know Senator right folks are directly confronting. Media person but that's not total blanket protection understand and we're just really concerned because of the president's recent. Communications about f.c.c. Licensing with some of the media content and we're working with the f.c.c. On that positive answer from Chairman time the f.c.c. Is worthless and toothless and don't worry about them I found that an interesting exchange partly because I flipped on morning Jose this morning on the m s n b c And they were in full pants wetting a hand flapping apoplectic fear that the 1st Amendment was about to be shredded by Jeff Sessions. Joe Scarborough himself jumped in at one point is saying now wait a minute. The Obama administration was notorious for going after journalists they went after journalists in a way that was unprecedented and terrible in the various peoples that well look it started under Bush it was Bush Bush's fault so let's put aside the partisanship for a moment the thing that session said that there's also more leaking in passing along of information that should be passed along right than we've ever had before I'd say that's been growing growing growing. What he said was we have matters that involve the most serious national security issues that put our country at risk and we will utilize the authorities that we have legally and constitutionally if we have to I don't find that terrifying. I mean number one he made it clear that we will follow the law in the Constitution and number 2 he's got to anyway whether he said that or not so again does they're just trying to scare you to get ratings over on m s n b c I thought it was admirable of The Washington Post specifically Callen Birchers writing the species gentleman we've talked to a number of times said there's a lot of missing context here that shit sessions would have been wise to include if you were interested in avoiding panic such as I have been here this morning. He appeared to reiterate a warning in August when he said that as part of the Justice Department self effort to prosecute leakers and make illegal disclosures classified information one of the things we're doing is reviewing policies affecting media subpoenas we're not talking about prosecuting government workers not reporters there but you can't subpoena a reporter for information if they don't comply you can put them in jail there is no federal shield law that protects journalists from demands to reveal confidential sources and that's what happened in 05 to Judith Miller of The New York Times etc etc. So that's an interesting aspect of constitutional law if how who can who can subpoena can any committee say Joe get you have to reveal your source and not say if you any committee like the Committee for fish and wildlife or Committee on National blueberry day or whatever I'd like to know more about that but it's nothing new it's nothing new so do you guys are really good but . Do you have a picture of Leonardo da Vinci in your house. Well on the internet I hear I have dogs playing poker to signify to my children that even animals enjoy wagering the message I'm trying to get across so that's how they're growing up and that's good that's beautiful but I you didn't continue the tradition as a reason for that. It didn't occur Ok I hadn't thought of that picture for a very long time I will put one up immediately ratify it now that your kids are gone before somebody bring in my picture of Leonardo da Vinci tomorrow maybe put up a picture Leonardo Dicaprio I'll text all my kids pictures of Leonardo da Vinci today there you go for a throw in the Michelangelo and no extra choice I read that cost wrote when I read the book questioning individual that Oh sure a scientist and an artist what do you know. Left handed wrote backwards Don't you know and forward the phrase and. The way. 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