Play at least 60 minutes a day. For what this place needs you to donate Obama's here good night a way Dot works last place it's just great things happen when we live you know. Has to do it every time. Roxanne by United Way and yak out there in his finest city 75 years this is am 76 a.f.n. The San Diego's top to break. A Criminal Mind It's 5 o'clock on a m 760 I'm Jim Sharpe Yes that's one of the stories we're following But 1st a check on traffic 8 o 5 freeway southbound just before the 52 freeway interchange treasure earlier with a car in a motorcycle left side of the freeway still affected been out there a little bit of time in traffic delayed North County 78 westbound passed I 15 an accident in the left lane 125 freeway northbound just before the 94 action in fear of a bunch of us state or Brother state or brothers and hence the current have teamed up to deliver to your door in as little as an hour visit state of brothers dot com available in select locations excludes instant savings digital deals and when you buy offers Stephen Paddick spent hours in casinos but he drew little notice until last Sunday up to then he was known for betting big on video poker and staring down fellow gamblers in Las Vegas gunman carried a cigar so he could aim smoke into the faces of those whose puffing annoyed him c.b.s. Tuesday Fetterman has more Stephen Paddick may have intentionally put ammunition along with an explosive inside his car which he parked at the Mandalay Bay Hotel investigators believe Pethick may have done this to prime the vehicle to explode they believe Pettitte may have had an escape plan using the vehicle by packing the car with these materials it would have been guaranteed to explode if police pursuing him fired bullets at the car Steve Futterman c.b.s. News Los Vegas President Trump declined today to explain what he meant when he described a gathering of military leaders as the. The calm before the storm but the White House said he was not just being mischievous when he made the remark c.b.s. News White House correspondent Steven Portnoy has that story what did the president mean when he said it's the calm before the storm he won't say you'll find out he said that with a wink leaving one reporter to ask the press secretary Sarah Sanders if Mr Trump was just kidding around she said she wouldn't say that I think we have some serious world issues here she pointed to Iran and North Korea calling them bad actors but she insisted the president won't telegraph any impending military moves we've same what a failure it is one of the administration does that and this is a president who's going to do it differently and do it better Steven Portnoy c.b.s. News the White House at least 2 generations of a family are without a home tonight after an early morning fire broke out on Queen backer street just before 430 some of the family pets were also killed Carrie Lane is in Chula Vista with the family and the latest from fire fire a nightmare becomes a reality for a family of 8 when they're forced to flee their homes in the middle of the night just like the. Claims rip through their tool of the house making it tough to escape like a very. Good. One fire crews arrived on scene they were told the baby was still inside one of the firefighters jumped into action entering the home of their own window only later learned that the baby was already safe downside to the intense flames he did suffer some minor burns are. Very minor injuries to. Be. There's no indication of what may have started that fire and arrest has been made in a hit and run case in Anthony to us left a 33 year old woman critically injured 38 year old Justin Parker turned himself in yesterday at the North coastal sheriff's station that's where he was later booked investigators say he hit Ashley lane while she was. And see this boulevard last month Parker posted bail this morning that's News 8 to Dan Cohen and this is Matt Bale 0 with your micro-climate forecast look for another very warm dry day on Saturday look at all lots of sunshine temperature to stay in the low eighty's along the coastline mid ninety's illand then 10 to 15 degrees cooler on Sunday as this offshore flow shuts down a little more humid on Sunday as well for him 760 I'm c.b.s. Ates met below I doubt Sunny and 87 in Rancho Bernardo So who you going to root for on Sunday the Chargers or Eli Manning I'll give you some time to think about that Chargers and Giants this Sunday you can catch it on c.b.s. 8 at 10 in the morning the 5 at 5 with Roger Hedgecock and Brett winner bowls next am 760 talk and breaking news. For you. Rogers 5 and 5 with red cross your mind it was replayed it's reverse is it wrong go down is on Am 760 k s m b Well good afternoon and good evening Roger Hedgecock How are you my friend Well hello Brett I will not be rooting for you lie Manning or for the truth. For 2 separate reasons. You know you what you've got to hold old grudges out of the grudge against Eli Manning is ongoing that must and must endure and it must go on Roger I mean for sure that fact. You know you sent me an email and darn it if you aren't exactly spot on here Raj that didn't take long did it just hours like less than 24 hours less than 18 hours maybe less than 12 hours after California voted to become a sanctuary state that law was signed into effect by Jerry Brown Well I said I says they're going to be turn and there are a tension to the Golden State right. Well yeah and the ice director has a point here the acting director is Thomas Homan and he said. If you in California you know there's new laws b. 54 Jerry Brown's touting it he signed it he said. Rick with law enforcement on a criminals who are who are you know not detained now for us then we're going to have to go after those criminals in the neighborhoods in the workplaces because we're still going to go after him so now you're going to have the chaos of the federal law enforcement invading neighborhoods and workplaces to try to get dangerous criminals out of this country rather than working together with local law enforcement in California to get this threat out of here it's a it's a it's an obvious next step to remind California you know there was a purpose to working together so it's kind of interesting it's sort of like that issue that came up up in l.a. With Jimmy Delshad when he was when he was assassinated by a gang member who was here illegally and we heard all about the l.a.p.d. And their Special Order 40 Rotch where they would you know they're not going to bother the the community they're going to work at the community home and he's basically saying there ain't no Special Order 40 for the feds we just go where we got to go. No no exactly right and you know we can either do this the easy way cooperative way so that when criminals are detained then you know you you call us you detain them until we get there and then we get them into the deportation process and we get them out of here or we'll just keep to keep track of the names and where they're going and go after him wherever the else they are in those neighborhoods which you think you're you know protecting and keeping safe with your with your local order it's simply going to be worse and you know it points out the fallacy of liberal thinking I think the idea of the well we're going to protect these people are going to. Who are you protecting you're protecting a bunch of criminals we're not talking now about average in the know we're talking about the detainer of people who have been put in jail for a whole variety of criminal offenses and here's here California is now setting up a lot of protect those people amazing Well but but Roger Kevin Deli on will tell you it has been quoted in a number of articles he has said things like we are going to protect our vulnerable families and not destroy our economy. Yeah well the economy the underground economy of the illegal worker is depressing the wages of every citizen and legal immigrant in my state and Mr De Leo knows that the the the fact that ice is trying you know that he continues to to try to lump together all of the you know law abiding Yes legal immigrants with those that ice is trying to target which is of course the people who have not obeyed the law and are in jail and are and now cannot be detained for deportation by ice under this law that's the specific we're really old he could throw as much sand in our face as he wants to it's not going to abate those 2 facts I made the argument earlier I said I know the depressed wages aren't which is hugely important argument but I would argue there's even even something more fundamental than that because if you've got people who are working for $0.90 an hour picking stuff up in the ag zones of the state or are working for substantially lower wages in sweatshops or doing construction trades for substantially lower wage you know there was a heck of an argument made for slavery by the South Raj you know if we don't pay these people either picking cotton our profit our profit margins really high and if we just can pay people $0.90 to pick strawberries then which which means that essentially the illegal immigrants that are working to quote keep the economy going according to Kevin Deli on really are are subjected essentially to wage slavery. Well that's that's that is true it's not 100 percent as the old classic slavery would be but to the extent that illegals are exploited by you know and scrupulous employers of various trades to to be paid less the margin of less than they would otherwise be paid if they were legal or citizens is of course the margin of their slavery we brought this up yesterday the whole thing about North Korean workers in the fish exactly processing plants in China where they have to send back 70 percent of their wages to the North Korean government well that's a form I'm sorry that's a form of slavery you know I have people who have approached me saying Well Roger that's all well and good you have that opinion because what about the high end earner in the United States who 40 or 45 or 50 percent of their w. 2 income is going into into the federal government is that slavery. But there are shades of gray here but be Ok sure you could argue that that may that's a little that's a those are softer velvet handcuffs Roger versus the changing to a bad you know one of Sammy that's a little different. I have got a question for you here I'm a little mad about this some read this story in the you today and I don't I'm mad at Kevin Faulkner about it and I'm mad at the City Council about it because they knew for years that happy was going to be an issue they knew that this was a health concern and now this is about to strike that's breaking the camel's back in my book when when the trolley the m.t.s. Workers have to go to their union bosses and say we've got a problem the people you're naming a deafening on the trolleys and on the trains and on the buses they put down newspaper and they go to the bathroom in the middle of the trolleys in the trains in the buses many These people have passes who do this at this point I think this is a profound failure of city governance Raj and I feel like with 500 people infected 17 people dead you've got body count here and if we're going to be down to allowing people to do this on public transport and there's no consequences we have lost the war. Well that's right you know were bending over backwards not to admit that we have a very serious health outbreak here it's made national news and l.a. Is now frightened to death because the obvious thing is going to happen here is this is not a happy outbreak involving food handlers right food this is transmitted person to person this is a quite different and much more serious if you know what you said as an series have been as happy as series to start with but habitat is a transmitted this way is much more likely to be a more widespread problem so you know they're going into these camps and trying to spray down you know use disinfectants and get rid of the garbage and do all that kind of stuff that they're doing but and they're getting blowback from street activists on even doing that yeah. Oh you know something is there a constitutional right to deaf Acadia I probably I just don't think so I mean let's get some backbone Yeah you know another words deficit problem you know. But if an ordinary person yes went out of deficit on the trial they'd be arrested in a heartbeat but we bend over backwards for the so-called homeless right and I'm tired frankly I'm tired of doing it. All kinds of compassion I've raised millions of dollars for Father Joseph religion or I can stand at the forefront of people who are trying to do something about this problem but I will not you know bend the rules so that somehow the the homeless have a right to deaf Akkad on the trolley No you got to draw lines here but off to jail off to work camp whatever it is yeah you can't do that you're not going to do that because you're exposing people on the trolley and believe me we need all the people we can get on that trolley given the $275.00 budget that they never turned out of the farebox Ok so you know we're subsidizing up thing all over the place anyway and yet can you imagine every day you get on this trolley and that's the smell sights and. Sounds that greet you I just I think it's intolerable I'm with you send the cops on those things arrest people make an example out of somebody make this a high profile thing that's just not going to be tolerated or else hey guess what you're going to get a lot more I would just say the m.t.s. Workers ought to just go on strike I mean look take direct action strike and refuse to refuse to want to cause they're getting exposed to this illness and you know job on skin those guys are your bond and those guys are all saying well just make sure you got your vaccine so you don't have to pay no no that's yeah sorry if somebody was doing it in your office Mr union goon squad head you would you would take corrective action. You know it's all that's right and you know I think I think the homes ought to be given out free passes to C.E.O.'s of the n.c.a.a. College of Law to his office so that they can go there use a bathroom be you know would soon be. Yes it's a bit so. You know Absolutely right now the public transit employees I think have Association have actually taken the 1st step toward a strike by doing the very public complaint they did I think that what they're doing is setting up a situation in which if something isn't done they're going to take the next steps and I think they're pretty determined to do it I would certainly be in their circle in their in their shoes I'm with you on that one Ok Finally let's end on a kind of a happy note here edge what heck what the heck was the president talking about what he said you were watching the calm before the storm and when pressed on it he looked at the reporters and said he'll find out. Now I don't know what that means either I mean and I could tell you that if I was president know that he knows what it means but assuming he does know what it means does it relate to a very serious issue of you know the build up toward war in North Korea we got these Russians saying hey we were in Pyongyang and those guys are determined to go to war you better be careful you know careful we have squashing like a bug but you know the point is what is what is trumpery for it I mean you know we can't help himself he's determined to try to get out in front where he is the leader in chief that's why he's so mad about these other leaks so that he and his tweet I'm going to trickle I'm going to be watching the 3 o'clock in the morning tweets because maybe he's going to come up with an explanation. Of what what he means by you'll find out we wonder we're going to find out. Because the serious part of this if he's talking about North Korea is the Russians have also made it at least you know asserted now whether it's clear. Whether it's real weather I don't know but sort of a lot of medical stuff that they have submitted to the world to see that this next missile launch by North Korea will involve a missile that could indeed reach the West Coast of the United States now every president for the last what 15 you're just not going to be able to do that you're can't threaten the United States of America and for the North Koreans I say Well yeah because you're threatening us you've got 34000 soldiers in South Korea and that's a couple of miles from where we are so we're feeling threatened and it isn't us that's being in the aggressor It's you were being defensive by it lobbing a missile into l.a. . You know. There's no good outcomes here but as long as we're in this kind of a box where this little the hermit kingdom feels like it can take on the Dragon or the Eagle it's going to be interesting to see how that plays out or what he's talking about but he was standing in front of a lot of brass when he said it these generals and so forth we have actor up there and and obviously he's been having some pretty real meetings about what can and should and must be done in light of this upcoming missile test because this missile test is crossing all the red lines unless he's going to be an impotent president as broke Obama proved himself to be in Syria with his red line. He better have something up his sleeve Trump better have something up his sleeve now because the North Koreans are gleefully going to have going to cross that red line and it's going to be very interesting I guess we'll have to we'll monitor the Twitter feed early tomorrow morning usually likes to launch those those salvos bright and early on Saturday mornings when everybody is kind of doing other things and we'll see if he you know if he elaborates on his intent can I can I give you a very small homework assignment for Monday. Oh yes of course Ok I want you to break this down for us because it is getting very dramatic in Catalonia Ruch this this breakaway effort of and I want to I want to get I want to get your thoughts on that especially I know you travel extensively through Spain and kind of get a sense of what's really driving this is this more Breck's it or is this more crazy whacked out Blessed is lunacy and if you can break that down for us on Monday it would be cool. There's an interesting background and we'll get into it all right buddy have a great weekend Raj and enjoy the football or not. No football Ok Thank you Brett Have a great week. At the 5 and 580760 k. F.m. Day 80765362 Brett wonderful show we have 760 talking breaking news Tim shot at what's the top story moving right now the bodies of a San Diego couple who have been missing since June and believed trapped in their car after crashed into the Kings river in the Sierra Nevada have been recovered 31 year old white man weighing in his 30 year old wife g. Song disappeared in June 2 brothers who beat a homeless man to death near his makeshift encampment in a Santee River bed pled guilty today to murder 22 year old Austin ma strong and his brother Preston will be sentenced in January and a man is dead after he jumped off the oceanside pier to impress his girlfriend and was swept out to sea his body was retrieved from the water about a half mile off the coast following an extensive 3 hour search He's been identified as an exploration and Oceanside resident You're never more than 15 minutes away from the top stories of the day on the Bret Winterval show and 760 talk and breaking news a.t.m. 760 talking and breaking news in a recent blind challenge 96 percent of homeowners chose a reverse mortgage line of credit over a traditional hold equity line of credit why well because unlike the regular he lock the amount you can access grows monthly It's government insured and cannot be canceled reduced or frozen putting you in a stronger position with more flexibility all this with no mortgage payments look a reverse mortgage line of credit is not too good to be true maintain and protect your home ownership and allow your children to inherit that home while you access your home equity on demand simply continue paying your property taxes insurance and maintain your home if you're 62 or older learn about Iran close reverse mortgage loan and join Miron are on Thursday November 2nd 6 pm at the Doubletree Hotel in Del Mar r.s.v.p. 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From the. Am $760.00 traffic by freeway northbound at Oceanside Boulevard the hazard reported said to be some carpeting in the left lane I was told the way thoughts of traffic like there are also on the 5 north end of the available via a crash $94.00 freeway west end of the $125.00 a stall. Dot com Are you hiring to join the over 3000000 businesses that are using the downtown for hiring close knit gavel thing in the world number one John played in the down town hall Armstrong you get a Monday morning from 5 till 10 and am 760. Richard is right you know new M.T.'s truly truly. Ok me let Richard know we did go to him but I think he's busy can in the east county what's going on buddy and they fake my call Thank you so I called a couple months ago and didn't talk to you but that left this with your screener. Here in Tampa Oh Campbell there's. An army fort army camp. Called Camp lock it. And give your history on a war to a prisoner of war camp and part of that it was. Calvary. And the eighty's and ninety's and 2000 was a juvenile detention facility and the ninety's they they did a complete upgrade of all the barracks they have. No medical. Manned currently but now all that and it probably would have I don't know how many to 300 people right and you know if you google camp block at you'll see old buildings but if you do have a map you'll see almost brand new completely rehab buildings but I don't know why the county hasn't proposed that but it's empty now it's no longer detention center right but that air conditioning brand new roof you know Ok so so here's the problem right. And I I agree with you I think it's a great way to to fix this the problem is you have to wonder are you going to be able to commit people there against their will if you do that you're gonna have to you have to get a judge to sign off on an order and you know the a.c.l.u. Is going to sue because in the A.C.L.U.'s mind you have a right to not only be homeless but to desiccate and use the bathroom out in public in front of everybody and you have a right to be a public nuisance as far as the a.c.l.u. Is concerned. I agree so you're assuming that people would voluntarily go there well there's not going to be a lot of actions no where to get heroin or speed there's no way to get mass there's no way to get we need there's no way to get both because all that's going to be controlled right so this could be a really boring place. Brand of thinking oh me I'm here. And I work all right north island on the bridge traffic is rough I take the shortcut or down a parallel Avenue Yeah there's a whole families I understand that I go around me so you can kind of you know. The drug people are going to direct people but right the process. Families and going to back on their feet and I have no problem with that I have no problem with that I've no problem working with father just villages to get families back on their feet do that kind of stuff but but those families are probably Ok let's be honest those families are probably not the people doing what they're doing on the buses in the trolleys these are people who are antisocial and reprobates Ok to to do that in a public place like that that's a message you're sending a message that you're antisocial I'm not talking about somebody has to go under a tree or a bush somewhere because they're not they're going to die if they don't go to the bathroom. So I would I'm fine I'm good with putting families over there I'm good with doing it is transitional housing but I think it would have to be clean meaning no drugs no booze and I are not going to talk intolerant couldn't they I don't I got no problem with that these these 10 that are talking about building all that you know money of course and here you have and there's another facility that's available to folks in the county and they're not talking about it but that's in. Descanso and it's completely empty and Abigail but my point is that we're talking must spend all this money we have you know infrastructure to support those people that you're saying are deserving to be supported you know those people that are on drugs are going to be on drugs right but carve out the good people people don't get back on their feet you know say Father Joe Ok or the rest of the churches Yeah about you know you know you know I don't I don't see any of the other churches stepping up you know trying to support families that are and if they do right now well I think there are groups that are can I think we just don't hear about a lot of them I think I know there are a number of charities working with people but the problem is in terms of dealing with this happen a outbreak Ok and the people going to the bathroom in the streets and doing what's going on I'm talking about the stuff that's making people. Sick. That has we have got to get a handle on that and I'm just saying the mayor and the City Council are am I a they are not taking this is they they can issue proclamations and declarations all they want but they're not taking action and it's going to have an impact people in the rest of the country know what's going on they're going to avoid the city they're going to avoid coming downtown they would've I know people out but there's people in this audience I know people in my personal life who are moving out of downtown to other parts of the county because they can't take it anymore they don't feel that it's even safe to walk your dog your dogs are getting sick walking the streets and I have 2 folks that I'm thinking of that have told me that specifically . 80760 k. F.n.b. It's the Brett water bowl showing of 760 talk and breaking news. From the studios of music. San Diego's talk Breaking News this is a m 760 San Diego's fire danger it's 530 on a m 760 I'm Jim Sharp that's that's one of the stories we're following But 1st a check on traffic north county 5 freeway north funded Oceanside early was debris in the road on the left side looks like speech he may still be tending to this possible traffic break their 78 Freeway he spent in Rancho Santa Fe an accident non-injury crashed by freeway something a lawyer villager earlier accident there Update brought to you by Indeed dot com Are you hiring join the over 3000000 businesses that use indeed dot com for hiring post your next job opening on the world's number one job site that's indeed done come indeed dot com From the beaches to the mountains San Diego authorities are on high alert this weekend news 8 Shannon handy has more on how emergency officials are preparing San Diego firefighters are on high alert this weekend due to conditions that pose a threat for a wildfire that county will experience high temperatures low humidity and Santa Ana winds as a result officials have 5 extra engines working as well as for firefighters her engine also lifeguards are on high alert because of high surf and strong rip currents frame 760 on using its own and Handy Man City just man faces hit and run charges today for allegedly flaying the same after hit and badly injured a mother of 3 last month or moonlight Beach 38 year old Justin Parker turned himself in last night he's since been released on bail the stars are here for the San Diego International Film Festival am 7 sixty's Dan Newman has details they hit the red carpet in the Gaslamp Thursday night Sir Patrick Stewart known for his roles in Star Trek and X.-Men receive the Gregory Peck Award for his excellence in cinema it's the festival's top award Stuart says he's no stranger to. San Diego I always love going down here you see where she was a little bit nearer to Los Angeles but I've read so I'm going to go yes I do see more than 120 films are being screened during the festival from big box office releases to foreign films and independent productions it runs through Sunday for am 760 I'm Dan noon Up next the latest from Wall Street sports in your Am 760 forecast make sure you have dual pain windows at your house especially this time of year the weather is crazy or it's hot cold hot cold would do a pane windows your house going to stand nice even comfortable temperature and your electric bill is not going to go crazy trying to even the temperature out who do you do that how do you get to install new dual pain windows Numan replacement windows 100 percent lifetime warranty on labor and 100 percent lifetime warranty on all no God products including the essence of Sirius is also going to be a lot quieter and these new car windows they're beautiful from the inside and the outside of course but they say huge difference and you get the best prices in town don't all know your prize and this month you get a $25.00 instant rebate off the m.s.r. P. On each millibar Tuscon or styling window when you purchase 5 or more 6192766506192766500 or they have a no go Sharman runnable bar you can see the s. And series there Neumann windows dot com less than 570472 am 760 News is the service of AAA one of the insurance with great savings at a peace of mind the choice is clear I do insurance through the auto club get your frequent today at aaa dot com slash insurance to relieve muscle cramps in your legs and feet reach for Thera works relief this fast acting phone can even prevent muscle cramps get their works relief today at Thera works relief dot com Now here's Bill Holland with the latest from Wall Street stocks drift all day digesting the best bull run in 20 years closing virtually unchanged with a new high for mass attack on a planet down 2 tenths of 4.2 percent we lost $33000.00 jobs to the hurricanes. Citi Corp says g.m. Is going to go up 200 percent from 45 Go Pro up 2 percent after being Google down 13 percent this week and the spirit tabled merger that nobody seems to like looks very close to holiday m. 767 b. Now here's news 8 map below with your weekend microclimate forecasts look for another very warm dry day on Saturday most are lots of sunshine temperatures stay in the low eighty's along the coastline mid ninety's illand then 10 to 15 degrees cooler on Sunday as this offshore flow shuts down a little more humid on Sunday as well for I am 760 I'm c.s.h. Met below right now it's sunny and 83 in Chula Vista Francisco Lindora has launched a Grand Slam and the unions in Yankees are tied it 8 going into the 9th inning of their divisional playoff series for Brett wearable coming up am 760 talking breaking news from 760 percent Taco Tuesday town hall the tacos you can eat little by at all the talk you can take it tacos and talk with Mark Larson Mike Slater great winter bill and featuring Roger Hedgecock pleasure Tobar 24th at the old Tel theater taco with your favorite talk show host at 6 am listen to them talk to 7 pm to get some feel the Alec 760 can be done a copy of 7 sixty's very 1st go Tuesday town hall presented by West on the morning then he goes to breaking news am 760 attention this is an investor notice are you interested in making some extra cash buying real estate tax liens then listen to this the government tax lien network is offering a free tax filing kit which contains 2 D.V.D.'s and a step by step report that will show you how to earn guaranteed returns between 15 and 35 percent yearly which is completely secured by the government they'll even show you how to do this inside your own retirement accounts so if you're looking to become a real estate investor without risk call 180-409-4971 now to get your free text. In kit and get ready to buy tax liens for pennies on the dollar and buy houses for as little as $500.00 all from your home with little or no money working only 5 to 10 hours per week call 804094971 right now to get your free tax lien kit plus 2 free tickets to a live training event and a free $20.00 gift card just for attending call 804094971 that's 804-094-9714 your free tax lien kit now individual results may vary good news to sandbag knows how to finish the projects that they promised in 2004 to new tax increases talk about this Monday at noon the mikes letters are going to. Talk about how bad. Is in Temecula some thoughts Hello only what's on your mind. Yeah you mentioned you had a couple friends who were afraid their dogs you get sick yes but. Now I see people put their dogs in grocery carts and I'm afraid of us getting sick from that from you know we put our food in there we put our babies in there and they've got their dogs and it's grocery carts and everyone you and I don't get me started because I am 100 percent anti pets in stores unless they're for legitimate service dog reasons Ok but the vast majority of people bringing dogs into stores it is just because you just want to take Fifi or fufu into the store with you so I am not I am not at all on board with putting a dog in a shopping cart I don't want to dog in a grocery store I don't want the dog in the meat section in the cereal section in the Starbucks section and he did the dogs need to stay and either at home or in the car or outside with the other owner I'm glad to hear you say that you've got the power of the microphone so I'm really glad to hear you say that I did my dad used to say that people dogs generally don't care about their neighbors and I wouldn't go that far I don't know I wouldn't go that far but I will say this Ok And this is something I have experienced almost exclusively here in the San Diego Metro Ok and I appreciate the call so here's a quick story about 2 months ago I had to go to one of those big box. Home improvement places I'm not going to say who it was but you can guess it's got a 5050 shot so it's about 830 on a Saturday morning and I know exactly what I'm going in there to get I'm going there to get some nails so I'm walking towards where I know the nails are so I can get them and go to check and get get my project underway and as I'm walking here comes Mr and Mrs awesome with their dog which was a pretty sizable size dog. Think it's a say retriever size Ok I don't remember exact what the breed was but it was like a retriever dog they've got the dog on the super long retractable leash so that dog is probably 1516 feet in front of them so here they are walking through the home improvement store one of them's wearing house slippers the other one is wearing running sneakers and they're sipping Starbucks as they're walking through the big box store the dog is one of these it's not under control he's pulling forward. A year in the clackety clack clack is the floor is slick and this is a dog that's probably freaked out because it's in a big box store and the dog is like a literally 15 feet in front of him probably an aisle and a half away in front of them and here comes a guy with one of those carts with dry wall on it he's buying slabs of dry wall that he's taken out to go to a project and he comes down he narrowly misses the dog and the couple who don't have any control over the dog and as he passes Here's somebody else coming the opposite direction now now visible and the 2 dogs are having like a dog off. The barking in their day and going What the heck is this. This is a home improvement store and you got to break really you've got to bring Cletus in Fifi into the home improvement store and 8 o'clock on a Saturday morning while you while you walk around to look at the light fixtures and slurp your Starbucks there's people trying to get real projects done who can leave them at home where you can what if you could stay in the car what do you can stay in the car with the air conditioner running and like regular normal people who don't bring their dogs in a home improvement stores and don't bring their dogs into supermarkets just because they can and don't bring their dogs into the mall just because they can I'm buying some pants of course I'm bringing my dog why again I'm not talking about service dogs you know what I'm talking about I got nothing but respect for service dogs I'm talking about weirdos weirdos with the dogs that take the dogs everywhere no good you can't you cannot do this because I mean if you question if somebody brings their kid in that store and that dog bites that kid who's sponsible who gets to win in that situation does the parent who's got their kid there holding the hand the dog mauls the kid is the big box store liable is the owner of the dog liable who does that parents to because the kid got mauled walking in a store. There's a reason why you have dog parks there's a reason why you have places to play with you have backyards you have open spaces I guarantee you dogs do not want to be in the home improvement store no interest it's allowed a cutting boards people are dropping stuff people are trying to move with heavy stuff and by the way if you think I'm anti dog I'm not I grew up a German Shepherds my entire life I am extraordinarily pro dog I am pro dog and I am pro cat I like all pets but I'm sure as hell never going to bring a cat into a hardware store. There's no reason is no point on a leash in a in a in a baby basket one might want to be doing it's your baby it's not it's not it's a cat it's a cat it's a dog it's not a baby it's not a human being Ok I can't leave a baby in the car I'm bringing the baby with me that's a human being with human being right where the dogs for the dogs got all the rights in the world to everything outside that store as far as I'm concerned and for God's sakes what are you going around town with bedroom slippers on your feet yeah were some real shoes people it's like going to the supermarket you see the people why pajamas shopping that was me this morning sorry oh my gosh get a grip man I love this one but it's like it's Friday Brett's being judged mental what's going on here. I am being judgmental it was me this morning that I thought about a 1st 2nd where would you go and where are you going like flannel pants pajamas Yeah my pajamas were you walking in a supermarket in pajamas I got yes I got up I said I went to the kitchen I said Oh man I am out of cereal and out of milk so I need to go grocery shopping I want to put some pants. Because it was kind of cool cold this morning and I was a little cold Ok these are warm I just put no hoodie on top and I got my shoes on and I'm ready to grow and I'll be back in an hour and I'll shower and I'll get ready for work and all that did you burn those pants when you got home because you were out in the world there's no hippies Marcos. Don't people where you are Ok start triangulate my location and have something to say about it you're right I'm telling you when I make when I make my 6 am runs to Wally World I am fully close to Wally World because if I hear if I find myself having to have an interaction with law enforcement I want to get a responsible citizen. I want to be do it in pajamas in the parking lot of Wally World I thought about that before man if I could be happy that I would if you took your break down here not to call AAA you're on the side of the road and you're Mr Magoo pajama pants and your half shirt that's no good not Mr Magoo I have flannel and they're kind of manly you know these are not like Donald Duck pajama pants or something like that you know and you have bedroom slippers on I know I didn't you have a Daffy Duck bedroom's No I had a real shoes on I got to drive the car man. I'm going to have standards Thank you I really am 80760 k. Offender 88076536 but what it will show am 760 talking pricking news Jim Sharp It's like these guys and they got they got opinions on everything we do we at 100 percent we do to share that with select It's the I'm just trying to imagine John and Daffy Duck slippers the top Democrat in the House says the trumpet ministrations decision allowing more employers to opt out of providing no cost of birth control to women is despicable Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said this administration's contempt for women reaches a new low with this appalling decision Investigators believe the Las Vegas shooter may have hired a prostitute in the days before the shooting other findings released today a note containing a series of numbers was found on a night stand in Stephen paddocks room at the Mandalay Bay and paddock had taken at least a dozen cruises out of the u.s. In the last few years hurricane hunter planes have found tropical storm Nate growing stronger off Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula and it's expected to strengthen as it crosses the Gulf toward the u.s. The National Hurricane Center says Nate has top sustained winds of 65 miles an hour it's situated about 90 miles northeast of Cozumel You're never more than 15 minutes away from the top stories of the day on the breadwinner will show am 760 talk and breaking news to tell you about them we talk about it a.t.m. 760 talk and breaking news. Here on 760 Travelgate a 5 freeway south and a Nobel just getting word of the sold car right side of the freeway just in as well 5 southbound drive upright also 8 o 5 something to Miramar road to report is still up there right behind the downtown rehiring over 3000000 businesses that use indeed downtown for hiring both your next job opening in the world's number one job site indeed dot com Follow one thronging get a Monday morning from 5 till 10 on Am 7. 60 Monday morning harms the killer talk about a piece that's getting a lot of attention I moved from a blue state to a red state and it changed my life it's very funny. I am intrigued Plus we'll have all the news the day the issues the controversies and women getting surgery to look better in yoga pants Oh boy join us won't you for the Armstrong and get a show Armstrong and get a 5 am to 10 am on Am 760 talk and breaking news. That you experienced it yet what are we talking about we're talking about be the astronaut It's only at the San Diego Air and Space Museum in Bel ballpark take a virtual trip to the moon asteroids Mars Jupiter and imagine going beyond its total family fun and it's only available in one place on earth the San Diego Air and Space Museum in Bel ballpark but experience it soon because be the astronaut is now in its final weeks there's a lot more fun for you at the museum the newest simulator rides of the 1st and best 40 theater in the park plus a world class collection of airplanes and space treasures like the real Apollo 9 it's all about fun with a purpose getting kids excited about science technology engineering and math building on America's history and creating an exciting future make the San Diego Air and Space Museum your number one stop and Bell ball park because you can get your bell ballpark Explorer pass right there use it right away for the museum and 15 other great attractions in the park the San Diego Air and Space Museum bellboy park this is Brant Wilsey president of will see asset management and most of the smart investing show on Saturday mornings are you concerned with the height of the market maybe you're not getting the investment returns you would like at will see asset management we use a proven strategy for investing that delivers good returns and lower risk don't worry about any high pressure sales tactics all the office 85854643068585464306 you're free consultation or visit the website smart investing 2000. Yes And dot com. Traffic and I'm in many times when it's anytime it's going to bad well who needs to keep up with current events anyway. Using your cover the same music you love is now on the new c.w. San Diego at 7 pm can't use a good 7 tonight in the morning and be. Good at rush hour traffic here. In the new c.w. 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For said federal tax a good rebirth of the traditional culture got some of the pleasure but obviously when I got the job messaging data rates my plan oh my gosh that's from Thomas. That he claims he's me and I am Frank Thomas Yes I am I bet you get recognized a lot I was pretty good ballplayer you were some people thought so sorry we recognize you from those new Janick commercials Oh yeah that's great so did the Chantix really work oh yeah I really can feel the difference but workouts are better and I feel a lot more there was my has been with these new gen x. It's so easy has started all you have to do is send one simple text text the word youth 242424 for a complimentary bottle of award winning New Genesis the number one selling for a testosterone booster at GNC it's unique man boosting formula is powered by testifying a patented key ingredient clinically research to help a man feel stronger leaner more energetic and more passionate and you're going to like the difference to text youth to 4 to 4 to 4 for a complimentary bottle of new genic samples are not available in stores text y o u t h d 42424 wake up to carry cation Alex Michel Sunday mornings at 7 as they bring you up to minute information and advice on mortgage rates and programs on the get mortgage debt radio show you'll never get bored with when we never get bored am 760 feet you are a winner you can win tickets to see a circus a late show experience Cirque du Soleil in Vegas this fall with unbeatable deal starting at just 49 bucks purchased in advance and safe seats humanity the Beatles Love Mystere 0 Michael Jackson one cot and mind freak wife all the prices you have to see to believe that $760.00 k. a Few. For your chance to we. Were both away I'm 70 talking breaking news Hello Charles in Lakeside what's going on Charles Good afternoon and I have a question about the sanctuary they Thank you yes still how long does that individual have to claim that before if there are required to do identification which is all the law in California that want to get someone they're looking for a family or they're just arrived and they say that for 5 years here I mean do they get it there's no there's no there's no there's no sunset provision on the sanctuary state status right it's just if you are here an undocumented fashion the police are not going to cooperate with the federal authorities when it comes to deporting you so it's not even a matter of not having i.d. You could still continue to live your life the way you can to live your life here it's at the state level that you don't have cooperation with the feds so they're not going to give up the law says that the law says they are going to give up Fallon's to the feds but they're going to they're not I think this is this has all lips or a lot of business that doesn't. Have employees who don't have also security number . Going to claim they're still an immigrant and they just have I mean they can't just move on to the products that we don't know the fraud is still going to be there man I mean it's there if you're on documented right you're undocumented you can get a driver's license and all law you get pretty much I mean really pretty and let's you let's you I mean God forbid unless the guy goes out and murders somebody right then the cops are going to arrest him and he's going to be prosecuted I don't think Americans should have this thing passed I think that's why the 35 you should have the ability to have your own record I know it's the way I know you seem to think because they sometimes think this you know what these people did in their country but they can come here and be completely immune Well I want the same option I want everything I do you know what I was 35 wiped out you know and I'm going to you know I see that you're not going to and that's what's so sad Charles we're not going to get that we're not going to get that option you know I saw in culture make this point I've made this repeatedly on the show and she was making it talking to Stuart Varney on Fox Business and she was saying how about a state come out and say we're not going to comply with the federal income tax how about a state come out and say we're not going to comply with federal gun laws we're not going to comply with Obamacare laws we're going to be a sanctuary state and we're going to allow on the people who live in this state to choose the health insurance they want to buy and we're not going to help we're not going to cooperate with the i.r.s. . Well I'm so glad we all got to this. Unbelievable and that Charles. Boney be careful man I'll talk to you thank you thanks buddy Charles in Lakeside Hey don't forget we have the Taco Tuesday town hall coming up on October 24th join Roger Hedgecock Mark Larson Mike Slater and me also get tacos you're going to get tacos you're going to get politics so think about this you're going to get Mark Larson Mike Slater me and Roger Hedgecock you also will get Roger Hedgecock Mark Larson Mike Slater and me and tacos and tacos and tacos when we talk about the town hall and not Jack in the box tacos these are legit truck Taco Bell you said it you just said legit I never said I was the I never said I was eating a legit taco I said I was eating. But I had you for thinking I recognized those as legit they're just not in my desire pile Oh I'm sorry you know them say I do so go to 760 can't be dot com to get the tickets you gotta buy em they're going quick and I know this audience always turns out strong for our live events in this next hour we'll talk about 2 things one can you be jailed for using the wrong gender pronoun in California apparently you can number 2 valedictorians right valedictorians think about that when you were in high school right the smart guy the smart gal that was a valedictorian they were going off to the high powered college they're going to end up having some great career Well turns out valedictorians are not fair it's not fair and there is a move afoot to ban and to do away with valedictorians on one hand and a Move On the other hand to make everybody of valedictorian. I'm not kidding you have to hear this to believe it especially you guys who have kids or grandkids in high school this age. But it's the logical extension of everybody gets a trophy I want to hear from you straight ahead 80760 k. Offended it's a brutal show of 760 talk of making. Everyone has their reasons for needing to see the dentist Well that's where Dr Hellweg in San Diego is different really different and all of his patients agree it's the people sold another reason that I wanted to get the smallest repaired because also on a plumbing company it does plumbing heating and air conditioning it's called Rockstar plumbing you can enter in obviously the physical rocks are coming here you know you got a great smile and I went to dental work as I walked then I felt different atmosphere and I seemed like run as guys was able to talk to him more like a friend actually because got a really good bedside manner he took some old things and came back with a plan and I really believed in him and I when I walk into a room like a smile anytime I want and it's the best investment I've ever made in my whole life the difference is that I would get a compliment and now you know I'm the one with the biggest smile and I love it when results I would recommend go to Dr Hellweg he's simply the best bargain and the commercials are true and he's simply the best Dr Peter how Wyck go to smile again San Diego dot com That's smile again San Diego dot com. 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