I direct we make the being lending process easier our dedicated team of v.a. Specialist as the most accurate information on the v.a. Home loan program if you're an active service member veteran it's important you work with a lender that knows of benefits of a v.a. Loan call 8448 v.a. Loan for instance are you stuck in a high interest rate loan because of no equity in your home with a v.a. Loan it is possible to refinance up to 100 percent of your property value at a lower rate with no monthly mortgage insurance Jews I direct home loans we understand the benefits of the v.a. Loan and make your v.a. Lending process easier I direct is a proud supporter of San Diego's Warrior Foundation freedom station 8448 v.a. Loan or I direct home loans dot com I direct Tom loan the lending made easier not all applicants may qualify lessons by the Department of Business and was that of the California residential market sunny and listener to one with one who has an opportunity to from the studios of c.b.s. See this is am several 60 feet tall and breaking news defeating I think it's 11 o'clock and 760 on t.v. Crews have one of the stories we're following But 1st a watch for a hazard on the 56 that will be on the West on 56 just before you get to be no doubt what debris reported across all the lanes and maybe the responsible party pulled over to the right shoulder now to pull westbound for the 15th so work on a solo car crash with a car that ran off the roadway traffic spotted by a grasshopper grasshopper the entrepreneurs phone systems on your mobile phone into a business phone system a grasshopper get a local or a toll free number or bring your own see how it works the grasshopper dot com celebrate winnable today from 2 till 6 On am 760 k. F. And b. President Donald Trump's plan to defeat ISIS is expected says u.s. Defense Secretary James Mattis is working on options to accelerate the fight against ISIS for President Trump to review by the end of the month with the key goals of getting Mosul and rockets Syria out of ISIS hands we owe some degree of confidentiality on exactly how we're going to do that and the. Into that fight so that we don't exposed to the enemy what it is we have in mind in terms of the timing of the operation the Pentagon is exploring a number of ideas including arming Kurdish rebels and even putting conventional u.s. Troops on the ground inside Syria for am 760 News I'm Carl why President Donald Trump today denounced recent threats against Jewish community centers including here in La Jolla he made the remarks after touring the newly opened National Museum of African-American History and Culture he and k. Said medic threats targeting our Jewish community and community centers are horrible and are painful. And a very sad reminder of the work that still must be done to root out hate and prejudice and evil as comments mark the 1st time he had to regularly addressed a wave of anti-Semitism followed and followed a more general White House denounce that of hatred and hate motivated violence concerns over health care a group of small business owners will hold a town hall meeting tonight they say repealing Obamacare will threaten the region's economy that meeting takes place at 6 pm it will be held at the gym Porter rec center in this step that's a $1200.00 Vale terrace drive the group says is disappointed Republican Congressman Darrell I so will not be attending a spokesperson for the congressman says he's scheduled to tour a homeless shelter at that time for I am 760 c.b.s. News ates Michelle Medina San Diego's roads take another beating from recent winter storms new pothole sightings were posted to the city's get it done app every minute or so normally the city has a 7 day response rate but with back to back storms it's going to take longer City officials say crews are patching as fast as they can they ask everyone to be patient and keep dodging the holes until they're fixed 4 am 760 I'm c.b.s. News 8 stand Cohen a cool week in store for you Heather Myers has your micro-climate forecast and makes of sun and clouds out there on this Tuesday temperatures comfortable though just $1.00 to $2.00 degrees above average for this time of year mid to upper sixty's at the beaches upper sixty's low seventy's for inland communities you'll notice the temperature drop off tomorrow should be 10 degrees cooler in many locations for Wednesday even cooler on Thursday then we're tracking more rain moving into our county Sunday Monday and Tuesday on Am 760 I'm c.b.s. News it's head there Myers craft now has your sports in the n.h.l. The parent club of our San Diego goals the Anaheim Ducks lost in Arizona 3 to it and she double a basketball number 12 West Virginia Beach Texas by 15 during the game Mouneer head coach Bob Huggins draw. Always knees and grabbed his chest he said later his internal deferred for later went off against was examined and allowed to continue coaching the Padres continue full squad workouts today in Peoria their 1st spring game is Saturday a get Seattle for am 760 I'm Kyle Cresta c.b.s. News 8 Mike Slater is next am 768 and breaking is. The Lakers. Yes. Yes. To the take. From Sweden the terror attack story there are literally riots in immigrant neighborhoods we did. So people mock for the whole last night in Sweden thing and literally a day later last night in Sweden there were riots how one of the chances that Mazen already said Xander is magazine has got it about San Diego's America's finest city All right let's chat officially about Maya and I got some things I want to share and I think this is that good of a time as any. Now no matter what nuance or excuse you on he won he wants to make for what he said. Doesn't matter this conversation is really not about him it's inspired by because these principles in this conversation could be applied to anyone with a similar trajectory and their life or career. I don't know how much background people need on Milo what you think of you if you ask the average listener average person maybe maybe not I think it's interesting and then younger people probably know him a little better because he's kind of in that world yeah so will do quite so so he's a gay British conservative. I've been very fascinated by his act by his schtick so of course he's been touring college campuses last couple years and he says mostly true things that 100 of the many things I disagree with politically that he talks about but but the way he gets away with it is the left you know they just they call people names right so they'll say oh you're a homophobe and he says I'm gay. When the college don't say you're a racist he says I have a black boyfriend Oh you're an anti-Semite I'm Jewish Oh you're this I'm Catholic he's like all the things so it's all these shields I guess every progressive attack that normally shuts down the debate and I'm fat like that that's interesting and like how did you get so famous How do you get a $250000.00 book deal how did you get thrown off Twitter he is the provocative or does your write that down it was good is the provocative or does or so miles and I were at the Republican convention and we're on Radio Row and they were sitting there doing the show and the governor of Florida walks by and it's like him and a handler and maybe one person look the gun like a camera following sort of maybe but like no one no one's And no doubt and then Milo walks by and I'm not kidding 50 people around him but amongst the circus that was the convention he was the circus everything oh my gosh my love there is he said I love you know my I don't like a smile on the bottom of the unbelievable the attention that he was able to get at the Republican National Convention How did he do that so miles an hour watching this what is he doing what's the point I was happening. Now something else he would do and Eric was the 1st to pick up on one aspect of the 1st time we had on the show what it is there goes something like he's just a drag queen. You're going to use just yeah I worked with a bunch of these guys at the diner bunch of just over the top people that are just performers right. Eric totally understood the stick was not was not I don't it's a phase but wasn't really that attracted it just didn't you saw it totally what it was the whole time it never swept you up for a moment. I think it's better to put a karaoke bar. Surrogate you know. So yes it's like drag queen ask kind of thing that he does sometimes literally dressing in drag when he would give a speech on campus well and you remember at the convention he was really good at this I would say you could we could do this today if we went to like a park you know where there's a lot of people he just had like 5 guys handlers trailing him you know one with like a phone with a Hey Michael were doing that and just like talking fast I mean they're doing nothing yet totally just create you know what this reminds me of a little thought but remind me about Comic-Con later we got a lot to do but yes remember that Comic-Con adult story about. How you would do the drag queen thing and then his speech would get shut down. Bryant's in Berkeley or whatever and then he would get invited on Fox News and before he would go on Fox News he would die his hair back to Brown get in a suit time play straight which proves that it's all just an attention act right but then when he gets on t.v. He throws himself together. Right and then any smart too he's very smart he is either smart or he uses big words with a British accent and a little bit of a gay affectation So it's kind of interesting to listen to him and that sounds good . So there's Mylan I said he's got this huge online cult following so the controversy now and me your crowd and the controversy now is he did an Internet video podcast this week I guess it was last week recently. And he said some things that basically and basically one kind of definitely do support pedophilia you know. Kind of a roundabout way but you're like whoa. And then he can come back and say why didn't you know that I should send it. That's way way closer than anyone so he went into this thing about consent and that relationships between older men and younger boys can provide security and safety and love to help a young boy navigate it it left a very little room for misunderstanding a quote in the gay world some of the most important enriching and incredibly life affirming shaping relationships between younger boys and older men they can be hugely positive experiences for these young boys. So I was there that. He lost his book deal $250000.00 dance or $30000.00 about him partly fire him who's employed I'm struck by a missile time see package disinvited him and who knows this might be the end of mile because this isn't a. Partisanship Yes this is this is and I got the gender pay gap doesn't exist I would come to his defense there's no there's no $1.00 defending this so he has this meteoric rise and then this hubris stick epic fall and it's a story as old as time happens with celebrities all the time but we see it because the famous but happen to people every day. So what we have is someone who has incredible loon's tragedies in his life his real name is Milo Hanrahan and then Milo mayhem ran you know tell us right and he said 2 years ago he said quote I don't like me very much he didn't interview with Fusion magazine I don't like me very much and so I created this comedy character I don't have feelings to hurt so he said I don't have feelings hurt so he goes and says things that hurt feelings so he has as he has all these wounds he created this character and he admits it's a mask that he puts on and then projects it on other people if that's that's his story so there's the rise and you can have the fall so that's the back and I want to tell you where I am so I was doing a Bible study. That year and a half ago with a couple friends and it was untitled excavation so it was for men in their twenty's and mostly Terry's because being in your thirty's today and we have any 30 ish year old listening now you can attest especially in our social media world it looks like everyone is building skyscrapers around you their careers their families everyone's making a ton of money everyone's loving life travelling all over the place everything's awesome an amazing and it's happening all around you let's focus on careers this is easy to understand so you're in your thirty's people start doing some pretty impressive things right this isn't your 1st job out of college out now people your rise in the ranks and you're doing some great things and I anyone can start to feel inadequate when you start comparing yourself to what you think other people are building. Feels like you're falling behind you got to keep up with the Joneses when it comes to your career so the point of this Bible study is to focus instead of building to excavate excavate in your life. Dig deeper into your life so that you can build a rock solid foundation and then in your forty's build that skyscraper because the other people skyscrapers that you think they're building they don't have a solid foundation they're going to collapse it will. Still hang on for a long time but it will collapse so I look at Milo and I want to say this with as much humility as possible I don't know I mean I understand the plank in my eye but it looks like he's building a skyscraper he built it on an unstable foundation. Either you've lived there but we've got some people right now who have gone through this or you see it around you people they work they work work build build build neglect their family they can neglect their own issues neglect important things and then it all just collapses Oh they still may have their career but you lost your family right it happens all the time so the guys I did this Bible study with their super accomplished very very impressive resumes and you would be so proud of these resumes if they were your kids and we've just been encouraging each other over the last year or so to slow down. Don't rush prepare. Excavate dig heal some wounds figure out what you really are about who you really are what your true calling is don't rush wait wait everyone's go go go go go and then brag about it brag about a bag of well down play the long game I want to tell a story coming up the next segment about William Tecumseh Sherman and how he lived his life and he gave some advice to it's an amazing story I will do that coming up next but there are many here let me share a look 14 so love the story Jesus gives advice to take the lowest seat at the table he says if you're invited to a wedding feast. Just do not take the place of honor do not sit at the best seat at the table because if you take the best seat then the host of the wedding is going to come in to be like hey man. Do you mind like moving down a little bit like. We have someone here that I really want to sit here and you're sitting here so you think you can maybe like take a move down all right and you're going to be humiliated but if you walk in and you take the lowest seat at the table then the wedding host is going to say hey man you do it what are you doing down there Come on move up here to this better place here come over and that brings you wander and the question is for those who exalt themselves for those who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exalted so that So the challenge has been for me humble yourself. Excavate prepare there's no shortcuts no shortcuts in life. They were seeing someone and having all the time you know people may have it may have been you by me you people at work Milo all of that build up build up built but the foundation wasn't there and it will collapse and the rise or the collapse will happen as quickly as they arise. There are no shortcuts they don't exist I want to share the story of William Tecumseh Sherman coming up next Actually it goes back it goes back to Socrates and 300 b.c. And then it goes to Shakespeare and then it goes to William to Tecumseh Sherman it's all one they're not 3 separate stories it's all one story. So the next $1760.00 k. F.m.b. And he gave some advice to come to Sherman gave some advice to General Grant That's just. Perfect you're going want to show it to your kids as well 10760 k. If I be as I am 76 to talk and breaking news every crew says that buzzer got them on nearly a dozen people pass through a security checkpoint that wasn't fully supervised yesterday at j.f.k. International Airport today President Trump will receive a national security briefing from his new national security adviser General h.r. McMaster The search is on for a hit and run driver that slammed into a 3 year old girl in Fallbrook never more than 15 minutes away from the top stories of the day on the mike Slater Show am 760 Tok and breaking is me tell you about it then we talk about it a.t.m. 760 talk and breaking news into 5 northbound right at the 5 bridge in the river versus Gore point there is a pretty big pot hole so a conference is to go and fill that for you 5 north on Ed Manchester reports traffic cones in the 3 right length stuff expected. As not have been as an entrepreneur you're always on the downturn your mobile phone into it this is phone system across party and such a response is something that a local or a toll free number or bring your own see how it works a grasshopper to celebrate winnable say from 2 till 6 Get this there are 567 different ways to claim your Social Security benefits that means there are 566 different ways you could mess this up and if you do you could leave tens of thousands of dollars on the table Hi it's Glenn Beck and you might be eligible for additional social security benefits that you didn't even know existed discover exactly how and when to squeeze every nickel out of your benefits at an educational social security forum it was a free event it's hosted by Epstein and white there in San Diego they're the host of retire right here on k f m b And David Bradley have done all of the hard work and they've made it really really simple. For you to learn and do your own homework Here's David with the details of the Epstein a white Social Security have banned Thanks Glenn the security events are Wednesday and Thursday February 22nd and 23rd at 630 only a limited number of seats remain reserve yours call 858564803685856480360 Officer thank you for stuff card trouble actually it's my. Time as president so how did. We get stuck in the snow and while help with struggling to push us out he slipped in his time oh yeah well the only one thing to do go to Twitter Karl's Best Buy a new Tacoma or Tundra truck Yeah rugged new to a truck are you enough power that you'll never have to worry about kid stuff right now to Carlsbad is giving away lift ticket and snow valley lift tickets with any new toy to test drive yes skiing or boarding a snow valley in a new toy to make a great combination. Was he said we're going to Toyota Carlsbad for a new Toyota truck Well good for you sir good like you officer. Said it. Because that's 45th anniversary with big savings a new toy that's get your free pair of lift tickets to Snow Valley Mountain Resort with a test drive of a new Twitter Monday through Thursday while supplies last no purchase necessary must be at least 18 years old with. Details of. Offerings March 6th sunny day here director of e.a. Lending I direct home loans San Diego's v.a. Home loan specialist and I direct we make the v.a. Lending process easier our dedicated team of v.a. Specialists has the most accurate information on the v.a. Home loan program if you're an active service member veteran it's important you work with a lender that knows the benefits of a v.a. Loan a 448 v.a. Loan for instance are you holding off from purchasing your dream home due to lack of a downpayment with a v.a. Loan in San Diego it is possible to purchase a home up to $612950.00 with no down payment and no mortgage insurance issues I direct home loans we understand the benefits of the v.a. Loan and make your v.a. Lending process easier I. Direct is a proud supporter of San Diego's Warrior Foundation freedom station a 4 for 8 v.a. Loan or I direct on loans dot com by direct timeline the lending meetings here licensed by the Department of Business oversight of the California residential mortgage lending animalism are to no one for Equal Housing lender great subject to change without notice $24.00 for a few known for details about credit cost and terms. Like yelling in my ear what do ya what if we take it to take a little break man slow Did you hear anything I just said unless I can slow down down for 5 cents there who cares Hertz Erik's like build a skyscraper go go go go go go no no whoa we have to give it for a 2nd are we going to take a nap so all of us gone out with this happen. We'll take our dinner we can have off it Vegas are you coming back. To do this. Hey man 2 days. About 2 days I was only got 4 and that's how long it takes to evolve into this it's an alternative facts sure you know you're going to hear you figure out how many days you're actually gone for and I'll tell you about Dr Jeff Gray but you should've been doing all along Eric was more on the ball. Dr Jeff Gray never a moment late like me. All of your dental needs and then there's what I want to emphasize so just your basic because you want to go at once every 6 months like we should Dr Jeff great place to go all the way to serious. Massive improvement on your teeth and your mouth and your you haven't been to the dentist in decades. That he had that's what he specializes in. They have complimentary sedation dentistry because that's the reason why you have been a forever right scary at the dentist. You go 1st other wonderful people there in the Mesa salt of the earth folks just love talking to people but you go sit this big chair candles lights down soft music playing Take a pill. And you wake up. In a day. So if you have been for ever to the dentist you're going to love Dr Jeff Crane his team. Everyone else. And then everything in between I give you if maybe had braces long time ago but maybe now you need to visit to get things back and back in order again there's that and if you tell me this in the mix later to get 500 bucks off in February for your Invisalign treatment. Under different services call Dr John. 337-7700 call Dr Jeff Christ 613377700 or Jeff Gray with an eye Jeff Gray d.d.s. Dot com. 760 Friday March 31st. Do you sleep with Mike Slater and Armstrong getting on a stage in a brewery in front of a mob of our listeners to talk politics going to be limited coffee to. I could possibly go wrong sir with the mustache. To get to $7.00 or $0.60 and like a beer and. Take a 760 k. Up in. The other day and I had no idea how impressive he was he dropped out of college when I was 19 and he apprenticed under Eric does his name ring about Robert Green. I was a paragon now yeah that incredible pretty good like rock when I think Robert Green I am like oh I he he's like a wise sensei master who lives like in the mountains right like you don't you know in terms of him you're friends with him I've no idea he was 19 years old you got to apprentice an intern with this guy he's the author of 48 rules of power. And a bunch of my friends have run read write holiday books and he's never put it I never put it all together that's right holiday and he's really one of the best young writers today here's a book called ego is the enemy. So in it he tells a story of Isocrates Isocrates not Socrates different people I Socrates. 7300 b.c. So he's friends with with another guy who passes away the other guy dies and I Socrates wrote a note to that man's son now this son this kid who's very ambitious and I Socrates knew that ambition can be very dangerous so he wrote some advice to the young man just among it he said no adornment so becomes you as modesty justice and self-control for these other virtues by which the character of the young man is held in her strength and he goes on about how to practice self-control I love this line the whole 4 flatterers all the horror of them other who are flatterers as you would deceive or. Be slow in the liberation but be prompted to carry out your resolves and goes on all that advice basically just slow it down so it's $370.00 b.c. Fast forward 2000 years or so Shakespeare Hamlet and Shakespeare did this purposely he knew exactly what this letter was Hamlet. The dad Polonius wrote a letter to his son and you've heard this line before this above all be be to the line own self be true and it must follow as the night the day can not then be false to any man Farewell my blessing season this and the so basically Shakespeare in Hamlet is that dad is telling his son to be a man of integrity and character Fast forward 250 years William Tecumseh Sherman his favorite play was Hamlet he quoted it all the time and he lived out that advice check out this humility this character this integrity that Sherman had so his dad died when he was a young man just like the boy that I Socrates wrote to write his parents named him to come. But his mom and I think 7 kids had to give him away so she gave to come to the neighbors now the neighbors were Catholic so they gave him the name William that's why as William Tecumseh Sherman. You look at some people in history who burst into the scene out of nowhere and then they disappear just as quickly Sherman's ascent was. Steady purposeful no rush he wasn't in a rush he went to West Point and the army traveled across the United States on horseback learning from each and every post that he went to and during the Civil War He was promoted at one point he met with President Lincoln and he was given a promotion and he told the president that he would accept this promotion under one condition that he won't accept any other promotion. So every other general during the war and this is especially during the Civil War it was all about getting higher rank more power more control but Sherman literally said I will accept this promotion but no more. Because he had an honest appreciation for his abilities and the role that was best for him in this war for the greater cause. Seizure for Donaldson he was rank higher than Ulysses Grant but he waived it and he gave Grant commanding control and this was an out of fear this is out of true humility and understanding he wasn't fighting understanding his abilities he wasn't fighting for control with other generals like all the other generals were he kept learning kept growing ultimately by the end of the war he became one of the most famous men in America he was asked to run for president and all the rest and he said no to everything I say all this to Bill to this point he wrote to his best friend Grant their best buds and he always admired Rand and this is what he said he said Be natural and yourself and this glittering flattery will be as the passing breeze of the sea on a warm summer day be natural in yourself in this glittering flattery will be as the passing breeze on the sea on a warm summer day so what does this all mean let me quote Mr Halliday says if your belief in yourself is not dependent on actual achievement then what is it dependent on the answer is nothing ego and this is why we so often see Persepolis arises followed by calamitous falls So which type of person will you be an astrologer ask right to come to Sherman knew that his promotions are only based on achievement slow steady rise based on something real a lot of the times when you have the meteoric rise it's not based on anything real . Based on actual achievement so therefore it's based on nothing and the fall is coming we have a culture that tells us to be entitled. To be ruled by emotion that you need to be constantly validated by etc It's all self-esteem movement right clearly that's wrong that's so wrong the opposite is true we're so attracted by the big glamorous powerful cults of personality. When really it's the meek humble generous and gracious people who we need to be looking for not to mention the attention they shall inherit the earth that the Bible but those the people we need to look up were never attracted to those type of people how fascinating. 10760 k. F.n.b. 10765362 Newman replacement windows they did have a meteoric rise to number one the 10. 1000 years 1000 years. 1000 years slow steady purposeful growing when they needed to grow saying where they needed to stay when they needed you know I mean just doing what they need to do and making sure that everything is taken care of that accounted for and there excel in everything they do before they continue to grow and grow and grow now here they are number one that's how it works and that's why they can provide 100 percent lifetime warranty on labor and it means something that's why they can provide a lifetime warranty on almost our products including the Aston series and it means of the back it up because their reputation and their company is built on achievement. 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Crews that's one of the stories we're following the 1st robin has more on that hazard on the 8 o 5 you know it's a truck that lost a trailer at a 5 northbound ad Telegraph Canyon the truck in the center divider but the trailer is in the carpool lanes northbound side of the 5 just before via the love I am I watch for traffic hazard in lanes also hearing that somebody might have run across the freeway at that location as well so watch your step coverage but you buy a.t.t. A.t.t. For taking what matters most for over 140 years a.t.t. Is more than a sign in your yard is your line in the sand is it abt dot com fall apart when I will today from 2 till 6 On am 760 k. F. M.b. An Obama administration policy involving transgender school rights could reportedly be undone by the Trump administration today according to an International Business Times dot com report president Donald Trump's White House will undo an Obama administration policy allowing transgender students in u.s. Public schools to be called by their preferred names and pronouns and use rest rooms locker rooms and other single sex facilities matching their gender identity you know spent from the Trump administration is expected to come sometime today for a m 760 News I'm Carl white the t.s.a. Is investigating a security breach at one of the nation's busiest airports nearly a dozen people passed through a security checkpoint that wasn't fully supervised yesterday at j.f.k. International Airport airport. Police say they were notified by t.s.a. Until 2 hours after the breach the incident is the latest in a recent string of embarrassments for the t.s.a. Including crippling long lines and failed security tests now e.p.a. Administrator Scott Pruitt introduced himself to employees with his 1st remarks to them today this is a beginning new e.p.a. Administrator Scott Pruitt signaled a transformational change in store for the agency charged with enforcing the country's environmental regulations regulations on the things regular 'd. Regulators exist to give certainty to those that they regularly as Oklahoma Attorney General Pruitt repeatedly sued the e.p.a. Over its efforts to regulate pollution Steve Dorsey c.b.s. News Washington for American tourists in a pilot are killed when a small plane crashed in Australia the u.s. Embassy confirms the 4 were headed from Melbourne taking island on a golf trip Investigators say the plane's engine failed and crashed into a nearby shopping mall though shops were an hour away from opening no one on the ground was hurt Up next year I am 760 forecast and sport. John McDade here director of v.a. Lending and I direct home loans San Diego's v.a. Home loan specialist and I direct we make the v.a. Lending process easier our dedicated team a v.a. Specialist as the most accurate information on the v.a. Home loan program if you're an active service member or veteran it's important you work with a lender that knows of benefits of a v.a. Loan call 8448 v.a. Loan for instance if you feel like you can't qualify for a low interest rate due to imperfect credit with a v.a. Loan guarantee it is possible to qualify for a competitive rate despite more credit scores or high debt obligations Jews I direct home loans we understand the benefits of the v.a. Loan and make your v.a. Lending process easier I direct is a proud supporter of San Diego's Warrior Foundation freedom Station 4 for 8 v.a. Loan or I direct home loans dot com I direct Tama. Midis year license by the Department of business interest I don't. The California residents of Mars landing in the us Britain for Equal Housing wonder. If you want to cut your taxes in half the important date is not April 15th it's today hi it's Roger listen there's a new pro-business federal government and new tax laws on the way and that means new opportunities to save money for business owners real estate investors and individuals but the key is planning with lawyers and C.P.A.'s coordinating your finances under $1.00 roof no firm can provide better tax and financial designed than Jennings financial they've saved me and my family tens of thousands over the years and that's because we sit down at the start of each year and design an effective strategy so when you visit with the Jennings he can show you how to cut your taxes in half protect your assets from creditors pass on your estate tax free and update that living trust if you're complimentary consultation on the calendar today because the sooner you put a strategy in place the more money you will save Callie 584571224 again 858-457-1224 Call now 858-457-1224 Jennings Financial Group because it's not what you make it's what you keep microclimate forecast and makes of sun and clouds out there on this Tuesday temperatures comfortable though just $1.00 to $2.00 degrees above average for this time of year mid to upper sixty's at the beaches upper sixty's low seventy's far inland communities you will notice the temperature drop off tomorrow should be 10 degrees cooler in many locations for Wednesday even cooler on Thursday then we're tracking more rain moving into our county Sunday Monday and Tuesday on Am $768.00 I'm c.b.s. News ates Heather Myers carried away very made his 1st appearance in a ponderous uniform yesterday went after signing a one year 3000000 dollar offer to play in San Diego there's more Mike Slater coming up and 768 Sorry I'm late for it but Lunch is on me really Later I will have a lobster What's the patient who visited Lexus Carlsbad and Lexus can do you know Bono certified pre-owned Lexus l sort of high prio you know we come with an unbelievable warranty program and 2 years of maintenance is good. It. Was. Just talking about the warranty on my sort of like a Lexus the warranty is up to 6 years. The doctor can help all I said was I just sort of like free a Lexus Yeah cept visited Lexus Carlsberg Lexus can do you know and that made him feel you know if it was the end of it by a warranty thing and. I'm a lawyer what have you been saying made it for 2 years unlimited mileage excuse me when you buy an el sort of wait 3 a Lexus. Grab the smelling salts and head to Lexus Carlsbad and Lexus asking for 1.9 percent a.p.r. Financing on twice the selection of l. Certified Lexus's choose from over 100 l. Sort of Lexus is today offer valid on the premium for that only buy over in February 20. 6 San Diego School Superintendent promises a balanced budget. One of the latest today is to don't forget crosstalk but Mike Slater at 150 reputable Show am 760 talking breaking it. So Ryan Holiday wrote this book ego is the enemy and I didn't realize that he wrote this book I quoted him a couple weeks ago on something I actually know it was about the Berkeley protests with Milo but it wasn't from this book and I was afraid this right holiday article about the Berkeley protests and I was full of wisdom because he and I would all make sense but he gets the historical context of it all. Get wrapped up in. The act he didn't get swept away by because he's a student of history and he knows that there's nothing new under the sun and he's seen in a 1000000 times before and I think that was similar there to Eric never got swept up by the model you novelists think because Milo worked with Eric worked with punch of what Eric. Artistically liberal people who are very comfortable being themselves who. Claim flamboyant flamboyantly So yes to the extreme flamboyantly artistic gentleman. Yeah that's Ok I guess so Eric never didn't bat an eye the whole drag queen show amazing karaoke skills. So Ryan in this article. Gave advice to progressives on how to combat Milo because it's not burn down the building he's speaking at that's not the way to do it. He says the solution is to talk to him talk with him this is what he wrote he said to me the most effective retorts against the art right or when Trevor Noah had Tommy layering on her show his show and when Elle receive profiled Richard Spencer for advice both came off looking mostly like jokes Tommy show her age Richard Spencer revealed his movement to be mostly a collection of a few 1000 sad dorks I think Richard Spencer is like. A neo nazi s kind of guy I don't know. So I should have because I feel like a lot of people who get a lot of attention real fast like that they're not ready for it they're ready for and they've taken shortcuts either on their own they've been looking for a shortcut or and this may be more likely they were given a short cut and they didn't have the awareness to not take it. So they're going to be looking for a shortcut and grab it and go or they can just be doing their thing and then they get a shortcut so to hey do this this will be great for you and then they don't have the understanding and awareness to slow down and the like perfect taken to go in there off and then they're there somewhere that they don't they shouldn't be their head of their time if you will William Tecumseh Sherman did not take the short cut so short cuts were 42 and he was in the Civil War general he was great the guys about it weren't there were a lot of opportunities and he's like our president Mr President Lincoln I will take this promotion but no more I'm not ready for busy I'm not ready for this yet I just want to be where I need to be where I can do best this is it now ultimately he did go to the highest As you know basically high as you know but it was all in due time I want to talk about a short cut here another example the short cut that's. That's bad to take because it doesn't develop your character I think that's what willing to come to Sherman wanted he wanted to go through the process of refining and developing his character so Yvon Chouinard who we've quoted now twice in the last 2 weeks for some reason he is the founder of Patagonia a clothing company and he's a baller mountain climber and adventurer and he was talking in relatively recently about climbing Mount Everest and how that has changed over the decades since he did it for the 1st time I ask you look up one. First climb Mount Everest why Vio and evolve. So he did it it was. New and difficult. And now well I'll quote him I'm going to change it there's a word at the end of this is a quote here I'm going to change it to jerk. He didn't say there were jerk. 2 steps more profane. I probably could say it on the radio but is it a dump or yeah not appropriate for the show so I'm going to say the word jerk There's no he didn't say. So he said taking a trip for 6 months. To get in the rhythm it feels like you could go on forever doing that and climbing Everest is the ultimate and the opposite of that. Because you get these high powered plastic surgeons and C.E.O.'s and they pay $80000.00 and have Sherpas put the ladders in place and a 1000 feet of fixed rope and you can get to the camp and you don't even have to lay out your sleeping bag it's already laid out with a chocolate mint on the top the whole purpose of planning something like climbing Mount Everest is to effect some sort of spiritual and physical gain and if you compromise the process you're a jerk when you start out and you're a jerk when you get back. To the ideas like climbing Mount Everest back in the day it was a spiritual process and the whole thing was so difficult so challenging so against the odds that you're a different person at the end of Ideally a better person but now you pay a grand to go Sherpas do all the hard work to climb to the top you jerk when you start your jerk when you go back because there is no evangelism journey there's no nothing there's no Crucible there's no you know it's just you shortcut it and that's what you've got to sayings and if you take shortcuts point and you know the Sherpas do everything for you you can take an escalator to the top but that defeats the whole purpose of climbing Mount Everest point of climbing climbing Mount Everest not to get to the top of Mount Everest is that helicopter take you there if you want it's the process and if you shortcut that that is to your own detriment and I think the lesson of Milo's story here and so many others in history I'm just sharing him just because it happened today or yesterday. I think people I think they attempt to shortcut the process because when to shortcut the process you skip over character development and characters everything you can have all the wisdom in the world you can be as good of a talker in the world you can have a great speech a great presentation a great stick a great act you can look good in everything but if you have no character then it. Will flame out and this is why we quoted earlier Abraham Lincoln he said nearly all men can stand adversity and I love this is so fast and nearly all men can stand adversity because that's what we focus on right we focus on our culture and like we used to focus on powering through adversity right you can do overcome adversity that's what it's about and everything like it's like I don't know nearly everyone can overcome adversity but if you want to test a man's character give him power and I would add to that fame if you want to know someone's character give them fame because of power and fame your character or lack thereof is exposed very quickly also we're just getting Milo resigned from that's it I mean it's incredible yeah wow I mean that's that was his baby that's his thing that was his safety net totally his legitimacy and if you were to talk I mean like he was on well I mean this weekend Bill Maher and it's like man that's literally this week you're out here Bill Maher the Berkeley thing yeah books coming out of number one on the Amazon a tweet about them or some mention don't remember that I just yeah this is like the pinnacle of it and then it's all gone Doggone. Great philosopher I don't know the time but he said character is fate character is fate because you write your own story based on your own character whether it be a success or a device. 10760 k. a Family I know thrown a lot out there let me just I'll end with this sentiment from the from the from the great Brett Butler who is the wisest of all the people that I've quoted in the segment who do we want to be. So it's who you want to be in your life who you want to be as a husband father. Cetera et cetera but it's what do we want the conservative movement to be known for what do we want what do we want to look like well I want to be centered on truth and I want to be confident like my love projected right a strength a confidence I'm going rate at the ballot of these that Berkeley but there's got to be somethin deeper than just that and I know it's counterintuitive as a culture but it's. Because it seems weak but the fruits of the Spirit are love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-control but those are the fruits of the Spirit not power strength fame etc It's not it's not these things that we normally consider to be manly but that's real strength this for to the spirit it's about principles not personalities such as know if there's no other takeaway let's go with that principles not personalities 10760 k. F. And b. 10765362 actually you put in a business perspective it makes a lot of that's going to wrap a transmission because because Jim's an awesome guy because Dave's the coolest dude you've ever. 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Trump are clashing today with anti Trump protesters Congressman Darrell I suppose local office the president is living up to his campaign promise to get tough along the Mexico border and a bomb threat prompted an evacuation at the Jewish Community Center in La Jolla this morning a search came up empty you never more than 15 minutes away from the top stories of the day on the mike Slater Show am 760 tunk And breaking news San Diego's top breaking news you have 760. 5 before Carlsbad village drive somebody broke down let's think you were able to pull into the center divider expected traffic break on south 15 right at the 805 think France needs to get across the roadway watch out for a sizable pothole on the you know 5 North had north and half expected my father just delicious the best part of donating furniture to father just villages and seeing the difference you make in San Diego is that neighbor dot org to schedule a free pick out tolerant level today from 2 till 6 On am 760 k. 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Barnum like super successful at it but because there was no foundation as we've been talking about last hour his skyscraper collapsed and this is an internal collapses Why would you talk about character development and the importance of that in points of excavating as opposed to building right away taking our time being patient William Tecumseh Sherman the advice from Isocrates to his friends son who is super ambitious 300 b.c. So. I don't pay attention to those who flatter him to run from flatterers is as fast if not faster than you do from deceivers you have plenty of time to be patient. Shakespeare in Hamlet same thing the son writes to his father the father writes to his son be true to. William Tecumseh Sherman slow steady writes to Ulysses s. Grant at the end of the war there's a lot of people who are going to flatter you but just don't get caught up in it slow down Be patient make sure your achievement is to make sure your fame and the accolades and the promotions are based on of achievement because of the chin and space of nothing that will collapse so I think that's what we're seeing right here so he's lost everything Miles has lost it all lost his book deal I mean all the other things right I lost his book deal he lost all of his mainstream speaking gigs the Packers weekend he just lost his private parts job now he's got a press conference coming up next I think it'll be interesting. If we just take a 30000 foot view of this whole thing like we're watching something on the Truman Show I think it'll be interesting to see how this character in this play of life plays his next hand will he come out and fight the man who's trying to take them down. With the take off the mask and be super humble. 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